
bazhang* [D4RK51D3R] (~KIKE@ KIKE   <---- offensive, yes?01:15
elkyyes, it's an anti-Semitic term. you may want to check they know what it means01:18
bazhang<Nineain> ubuntu runs on system32, with a unity on explorer.exe01:28
bazhangelky, yep, he quit right after. I will PM him if he returns (ie KIKE)01:29
vibhavCan one please request AtomicSpark to stop10:11
bazhangvibhav, stop what10:11
vibhavcoming out?10:11
vibhavHe insulted gandhi too10:11
vibhavhe insulted Mahatma Gandhi too10:11
vibhavHe cant just ask anybody to come out10:12
vibhavcan you?10:13
vibhavI find it offensive10:13
vibhavHe sometimes insults us Indians10:13
pangolinno you can't, it was inappropriate.10:13
vibhavWhat I cant10:14
jussiyeah, looks like he went a bit over the line tis time - the cow comment wasnt nice.10:14
vibhavJust ask him to stop10:14
pangolinbut atomicspark has some sort of get out of jail free card10:14
vibhavHe first said that Indians steal their programming jobs10:15
pangolinvibhav: only problem is that you need to learn when to call !language, you often call it at the wrong times10:15
pangolinbut I suspect that is just a misunderstanding of the rule10:16
pangolinin any case, I agree that atomicspark needs a talking to by the channel ops about his comments.10:16
vibhavBut aint asking to me to come out is offensive?10:22
pangolinvibhav: it is inappropriate, for now I would suggest you ignore him.10:23
pangolinseems he has many friends in the channel that like his sort of BS10:23
elkyvibhav, you could make things a lot easier on everyone if you isolated the actual issue with your factoid calls10:23
vibhavBut do you agree it to be inappropriate?10:24
pangolinI do.10:24
vibhavThen please have a talk with him10:25
elkywhat makes you think we're not10:25
elkyIn the future, rather than opting for trying to op the channel yourself with factoid calls, talk to us here10:25
elkyas for your ? I am talking to him10:25
vibhavthanks guys10:26
vibhavso may I /part now?10:26
elkymay I part? can that tiny part of him please be contagious to the others?10:29
ikoniasorry but Vibhav normally brings the Indian issue on himself10:29
ikoniapushes peoples for opinions on it, and when they say something he doesn't like he starts complaining10:30
ikonia(I don't know if that's what happened in this case, but this is the norm)10:30
bazhangoveruse of the !language to sundry and all is not helping him10:30
ikoniahe hits factoids every 5 minutes, it's what pangolin had the bot ignore him10:31
elkyikonia, he does, but i don't think that's not what brought this on10:31
ikoniaI don't doubt it, I wasn't following the channel,10:31
elkyasking him unrelatedly if he's "coming out" was the step too far10:32
pangolinI agree that vinhav is annoying but in this case he had a point even if he used the wrong factoid10:32
ikoniahowever I am tird of him trying to create an issue/conflict over Indian10:32
ikoniaIndia even10:32
elkyi especially liked the bit where he proudly proclaimed that the channel was alive10:32
ikoniapangolin: I'm sure, from what I've read in this last conversation it was valid, however, I'm tired of him trying to create this issue over Indian culture10:32
pangolinikonia: I agree. I still don't think that we should consider the issues we have with him when it comes to the long standing issues with Atomicspark.10:33
ikoniatotally seperate10:34
elkyi think we need to deal with atomicspark more than we need to deal with vibhav10:35
pangolinhell, +900010:35
ikoniano disagreement, I just didn't want it to look like this is an inoccent issue, when this happens a lot with Vibhav and the "I find that offensive to India" stuff10:36
=== gord is now known as Guest35752
=== Guest1218 is now known as Myrtti
Myrttihold on...22:37
MyrttiHFSPLUS just called ops and ubottu did nothing22:38
Myrttiis it still syncing?22:38
HFSPLUSWhy the fuck dosent free speach apply?22:40
pangolinDon't bother, you're not getting unbanned.22:40
FlannelHFSPLUS: Why would it?22:40
HFSPLUSok i guess i will troll other channels then motherfucker22:41
FlannelHFSPLUS: Ubuntu channels are governed by the ubuntu Code of Cond...22:41
FlannelWhat a lovely fellow.22:41
ikoniabanned from #kubuntu22:41
HFSPLUSIts going to be hell22:41
HFSPLUSnow ban me here22:42
ikonianot really22:42
HFSPLUSkline me then22:42
ikoniawe are not freenode22:42
HFSPLUSban me22:42
ikonia /join #freenode and ask to be klined if that's what you want22:42
FlannelHFSPLUS: Ubuntu channels are governed by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.  Part of which is the fact that the Ubuntu channels are family friendly.22:42
FlannelHFSPLUS: This is why you need to mind your language while in them.22:43
Coreyikonia: Please don't do that.22:44
HFSPLUSyes kline me =)22:44
pangolinHFSPLUS: we would much rather you follow our simple guidelines22:45
pangolinor quit22:45
ikoniaCorey: ? what sorry22:45
Myrttihe'll try to reset the ip22:46
Coreyikonia: We don't grant klines on request, so please don't suggest we do. :-)22:46
Myrttibets taken in how long it takes22:46
ikoniaCorey: sorry, I wasn't implying that you actually do, just didn't want to entertain him in here22:46
pangolinMyrtti: usually about 5 minutes22:46
ubottuIn ubottu, savy2020 said: What is ubuntu?23:20

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