
vilahi all07:55
jelmerhi vila09:01
mgzmorning all09:02
vilasynchronicity :) hey mgz, jelmer09:03
mgzwho's pilot?09:13
mgz...jelmer, sayeth the wiki09:13
=== mgz changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot:
=== mgz changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: jelmer
jelmerah, hmm09:20
jelmervila, mgz: if either of you could do a second review of https://code.launchpad.net/~nmb/bzr/893470-dedupe-list-branches/+merge/83075, that'd be grand09:20
jelmerhmm, doesn't seem like there is an awful lot to PP on..09:25
vilajelmer, mgz: on it09:26
mgzjelmer: there might be a rush later in the week, you never know :)09:27
mgzjelmer: is bug 55461 fixed now with the splitting of get_transport in two?09:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 55461 in Bazaar "get_transport accepts non-URL's" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5546109:32
jelmermgz: yup09:32
* jelmer assigns to himself09:33
jelmermgz: thanks09:33
vilajelmer: reviewed, BB:tweak09:33
jelmermgz: bug 390486 also seems to be in progress now..09:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 390486 in Bazaar "bzr should automatically retry idempotent network operations" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39048609:34
mgzheh, just looking at that one as well.09:34
mgztrying to find a bug for remote push not creating trees, but we don't seem to have anything saying exactly that09:35
vilabecause we've never supported it except via push-and-update09:35
jelmermgz: bug 325355 ?09:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 325355 in Bazaar "smart server should update remote working trees" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32535509:36
mgz...that'll do09:36
vilaand the current effort from jelmer is blocked by the chroot09:36
mgzif it was a real chroot, could just treat the paths as relative to /09:40
mgzand worry less about accidentally escaping09:40
vilathe issue is that the chroot is a transport and wts want local paths (or be fixed to use the transport API)09:41
viladoes 'safe_decode() called on an already-unicode string' ring a bell ? Recent addition ?09:45
vilaseen in an import log file so a trace.mutter probably09:47
mgzstack? it's not a function we use I think09:47
vilabrz-builddeb ?09:49
vilayup, in util.py09:50
mgzah, b...09:50
mgzyou got there first09:50
vilatesting a local jubany ~clone09:51
mgzchange that to mutter_callsite if you want to see the cause09:51
astraljavaHi guys. Got a small puzzle here which is probably a cakewalk for you guys. Basically, I did a merge on a branch, which wasn't up-to-date, and now as I try to revert, it does nothing.09:51
astraljavaThe branch is lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.precise09:52
mgzastraljava: did you commit the merge?09:58
astraljavamgz: Yes. Now I got it reverted, but the earlier commits are still missing.10:00
mgzreverted as in... `bzr uncommit` or as in `bzr revert -r-2 && bzr commit` or as in `bzr merge -r-1..-2 && bzr commit`?10:02
mgzlikely, all you want is to do `bzr pull`10:02
astraljavamgz: I did `bzr uncommit` && `bzr update`10:02
mgzand get the tip from lp again... unless you already pushed to lp10:02
mgzin which case you want to get the old head from your repo and pull that revid10:03
astraljavamgz: I didn't push after the uncommit, no.10:04
mgzso, does pulling from lp get you back up to the latest rev?10:05
astraljavamgz: No. It is back to the revision that I pushed as the merge.10:06
mgzokay, so you did push to lp.10:07
astraljavamgz: I pushed after the merge, yes, but not after the uncommit.10:07
astraljavaSorry if I was unclear.10:07
astraljavaI was told that bzr doesn't allow this operation (pushing from a non-up-to-date branch) by default, but I don't find --overwrite in my config either.10:09
astraljavaI didn't expect this, cause I use other rcs more, and there this doesn't happen. Is there a config entry I can make so that it won't happen again?10:09
mgzit is a little suprising it was allowed, suggests you didn't do exactly what you thought10:12
mgzwhat changes did you lose from tip? just two?10:12
astraljavamgz: Perhaps so, I claim not to be an expert by any means.10:12
astraljavamgz: Two, yes. There were already commits 1278 and 1279, but seems my branch was only at 1277, thus my merge commit becoming the new 1278.10:13
mgzone from colin and one from steven? in which case, you just reordered the mainline10:13
mgzwhich is easy to fix, and there is a config option to prevent accidentally doing it10:13
astraljavamgz: I believe so, yes. I only noticed 1279 from Colin.10:14
mgzso, in your local branch, do10:14
mgz`bzr pull -r 1277.1.2`10:14
mgzthen you can either merge the current tip, or redo the original merge and overwrite the top revision on lp10:16
astraljavaDid the first, now says on revision 1279, which sounds lovely.10:16
astraljavaSo it's up-to-date now, and I can merge another branch with that?10:17
mgzso, if you now do `bzr merge :parent`10:17
mgzyou'll merge in the merge you did already, but without reordering the mainline, and can commit and push that10:18
mgzwhich should make the branch on lp look sensible again without having to uncommit there as well.10:18
mgzor, at your choice, do uncommit lp:... and if anyone has pulled in the mean time they'll need to drop that revision too10:19
mgzonce done playing, can avoid this in future by doing `bzr config append_revisions_only=True -d lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.precise`10:21
astraljavamgz: Okay, so `bzr status` says there's a pending merge, so I just merge again now? What does `bzr merge :parent` mean?10:24
mgz...this is a little hard to explain without drawing trees10:25
astraljavamgz: Okay, nevermind. :)10:26
mgzbasically, all you did was change the left-hand path10:26
mgzby merging your previous merge again, but onto the latest revision, you change what counts as the mainline back to what it was10:27
mgz(:parent just means "from launchpad" in this case, which has the merge you did before)10:28
astraljavamgz: Gotcha.10:28
mgzso, committing this merge and pushing it reorders the tree again10:28
mgzbut existing revisions stay as they were10:29
mgzthere are some threads on the bazaar list with pretty pictures10:29
astraljavamgz: I must have done something wrong, still, cause now it says the branches have diverged.10:32
mgzdo `bzr log -c-1 -n0` in your local branch and pastebin me the output?10:34
astraljavamgz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/767743/10:35
astraljavaOh btw. can that config be a global one? I didn't find a global config file.10:37
mgzit's a per-branch config10:38
astraljavaOkay, thanks.10:38
mgzideally it'd be set true by default in many circumstances, as this is confusing and annoying for people10:38
mgzright... that's not the right revision merged somehow10:39
mgzbut you could push --overwrite that and it would be fine.10:40
astraljavaOk, so it will be fine for others after the push?10:41
mgzit would tell them their branches have divered if they've already pulled, but it's likely not fatal here10:41
astraljavamgz: Okay. Is there then a way to get rid of that message? I could tell people that then, if they visit our channel complaining about that.10:42
mgzthey basically just need to pull --overwrite10:42
astraljavaOk. Haha! Now it complains about "AppendRevisionsOnlyViolation". :D10:43
mgzright :)10:43
astraljavaOk, let's see now whether it worked alright.10:44
astraljavaAt least it says it pushed up to revision 1280.10:44
astraljavamgz: I could kiss you right now.10:44
=== Merwin_ is now known as Merwin
astraljavamgz: But I think I better let that be.10:45
astraljavaThanks so much!10:45
glenhow do i update current trunk checkout to some named tag?11:26
mgz`bzr update -rtag:your_tag`11:28
glen$ bzr up -r tag:release-2.3.1-final11:31
glenbzr: ERROR: no such option: -r11:31
jelmerglen: what version of bzr are you using? the -r option is fairly recent.11:32
jelmerthat's quite old11:32
jelmermore than two years I think11:32
jelmerglen: you can also use "bzr revert -rtag:your_tag"11:32
glennot as old as bzr-1.18-1.amd64.rpm :)11:32
vilaRiddell: hey ! How are you ? Hopefully better ?11:33
glenand how to go back to trunk?11:33
jelmerglen: "bzr revert"11:33
mgzhe has too many llls now, perhaps he's become welsh?11:33
vilaargh, false alert ?11:34
Riddelllvila: well better is a relative term, my brain is still a bit slow and I've got an eye blocked off else I see squint11:35
glenjelmer: seems i can't upgrade bzr. i'm on py2.4. [ERROR] Not a supported Python version. Need 2.6+11:35
vilaRiddelll: glad to see you here anyway :)11:36
Riddelllvila: I won't be driving on French roads in the near future :)11:37
vilaRiddelll: caribean drivers (and roads) are... different11:37
vilaRiddelll: what happened ?11:38
vilaRiddelll: I remember getting very very scared the first time I saw a car on the right *lane* one night, stopped and without lights...11:39
vilaRiddelll: since then, I drove far slower...11:39
Riddelllvila: I don't remember what happened11:39
vilaRiddelll: you were alone ?11:39
vilaRiddelll: and woke up at the hospital ?11:40
Riddelllwhere the doctors promptly kicked me out and sent me home in a taxi11:42
mgzRiddell: we love you, even if we can't do much from this side of the ocean :)11:42
RiddelllI'm back on the same side of ocean now11:43
Riddelllin presence if not in timezone11:43
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
mgzah, you're returned? in time for the cold and storms?11:44
vilaRiddell: wow, that was rude :-(11:44
vilaRiddell: I hope you still have better souvenirs from Guadeloupe :-}11:45
Riddellmgz: the storms I'm used to but not the cold11:46
schnoodlesHowdy i merged a branch and pushed it but i was told that its not ready to be merged. How do i revert the git history ?11:50
jelmerglyph: bzr < 2.4 should still work12:15
jelmerglyph: bzr 2.3 is a huge improvement over 2.012:15
jelmerschnoodles: wrong channel ? :)12:15
mgzglen: ^12:17
jelmersorry glyph12:18
jelmerglyph: I guess you're higher than glen in my irssi <tab> priority list..12:18
jelmer1490 'open' calls during a simple "bzr ls" without plugins12:25
jelmer(my serializer-avoids-xml branch brings that down to ~1290)12:26
jelmerthere is lots of stuff in there that's unnecessary though12:26
vilajelmer: o_O, open as in python builting open ?12:26
mgzis that including imp...12:26
mgzwhat vila asked12:26
jelmervila: no, libc open12:27
jelmerthere's ~100 opens related to ubuntu one12:27
vilawhat does u1 have to do with 'bzr ls' ???12:27
jelmervila: it installs extra .pth files, which means python probes for modules in more locations12:28
mgzokay, back to what I was asking then, how many of those are python imports?12:28
* jelmer files a bug against u112:28
jelmermgz: all but 2 dozen12:31
jelmermgz: those 2 dozen are system libraries and bzr repository opens12:31
jelmerhmm, more like 3 dozen, actually12:33
jelmermgz: 1206 from python, 20 from the system and 19 for bzr12:34
mgzokay, not quite as bad as it sounds then, we do need to do some more stuff on reducing the total number of modules basic bzr operations want though.12:35
jelmervila: bzr actually opens bazaar.conf 6 times :(12:35
mgzvila's on that! :)12:35
jelmermgz: (that's with my xml branch, otherwise there's 200 more from the xml modules)12:35
mgzreviewing now12:36
vilajelmer: I know, there is currently no central place where we could avoid re-opening bazaar.conf12:36
vilamgz: hehe, yes, library_state will be involved but some sort of possible_config_stores is also needed12:42
jelmerbug 90318012:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 903180 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol (Ubuntu) "extends python path, slowing down python imports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90318012:46
jelmervila, mgz: Hmm, I wonder if it makes sense to use "from __future__ import absolute_import" everywhere12:56
vilajelmer: what does absolute_import ?12:58
mgzvila: breaks plugins :)13:00
vilaoh, you mean, making relative imports illegal ?13:01
vila+1 :)13:01
jelmermgz: I don't think it will, it's limited to the module in which you add it right?13:01
mgzI'm joking a little jelmer, 'everywhere' would take some doing.13:02
mgzbut bzrlib shouldn't break... much13:02
* mgz eyes bzrlib.test_suite13:03
mgzdef test_suite(): import tests return tests.test_suite()13:03
mgzI'd prefer not to add things all over the code base if we could do a lint check instead.13:04
mgzotherwise seems a fine idea.13:05
jelmerhmm, actually13:08
jelmerit's a trivial patch to make lazy_import do absolute imports only by default13:09
mgzthat's worthwhile.13:09
jelmernow that we're on >= 2.513:09
mgzjelmer: do we want mkdir -p to actually not complain if dir exists?13:12
mgzseems that's the shell behaviour so might be least suprising13:13
* mgz writes some tests and adds try/except13:14
jelmermgz: hmm, I guess13:16
jelmermgz: it seems we'll need to check before running os.makedirs(). The code that does the versioning already handles it existing.13:17
mgzwell, what I've just written is catching the OSError13:20
mgzbut... seems that builtins doesn't have the errno module imported which is mildly annoying13:20
mgzokay, lazy import, tests pass13:21
mgzphone answered, branch pushed13:27
jelmermgz: sorry for the noisy comments..13:39
wgzI approve of noise!14:02
vilawgz: meh, I missed that while reviewing but it seems get_environ_unicode in win32utils is not used outside of tests ??14:17
wgzvila: indeed, it's another one of the little pieces branches14:27
vilaha ok14:28
wgznext in the stack is bug 83202814:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 832028 in Bazaar "environment variables are not decoded properly" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83202814:28
vilawgz: ok, what's the plan ?14:30
vilarequires some encoding and force a wrapper around os.environ ?14:30
wgzpretty much14:31
wgz-    base = os.environ.get('BZR_HOME', None)14:31
wgz+    base = osutils.path_from_environ('BZR_HOME')14:31
wgzhm, commited that with the wrong whoami last week14:32
wgzthe tricky bit is not breaking nix too much by decoding paths we used to let through as bytestrings14:33
wgzhence the diversion via bug 79435314:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 794353 in Bazaar "ascii is a bad default filesystem encoding" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79435314:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wgzargh, would have been faster to just delete everything and start from scratch, there's no sense to how things are arranged currently17:38
jelmerwgz: which things?17:40
wgzall of osutils and win32utils more so, and how they interact17:42
wgzI can't use osutils functions from win32utils (without local imports), and the randomness of how things are split between then is crazy17:44
wgzthere's a bug that was reported, and worked around, just because it wasn't clear there was already an implementation of the right thing in the other file17:45
wgzand bzr-explorer et all make things worse by duplicating even more :)17:45
wgzneed to stop trying to make things perfect and just... go for better17:54
glyphwgz: Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien18:00
wgzshould make that my motto really, I get stuck on dumb things like this way too much18:01
glyphIs there an idiom that bzr users use which I haven't discovered yet, which is (without using colocated branches) similar to 'git fetch'?18:09
glyphI find myself doing stuff like "(cd ../upstream; bzr pull); bzr pull" quite a lot.18:09
jelmerglyph: there is "bzr multi-pull"18:10
jelmerpart of bzrtools18:10
glyph"... and the branches of checkouts"?18:10
glyphthis is going to be a learning adventure :)18:10
jelmerglyph: branches of checkouts?18:10
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
SaxyAnybody here ?19:23
SaxyHave a question about bazaar !19:24
SaxyWill try again later !19:25
glyphjelmer: heh, unfortunately my directory structure (there are SVN checkouts here too) looks quite antagonistic towards multi-pull19:26
glyphbut this will be quite useful in some cases19:26
glyphjelmer: what's a "branch of a checkout" though?19:26
glyphMy understanding was that a branch was a thing you have a checkout of, not vice versa.19:27
fullermdPresumably it means "the branch this is a checkout of".19:28
fullermdi.e., foreach(thing in we_found) { pull(open_branch_of(thing)) }19:29
thomiHi - is there a bzr command that lets me know if branch X will cleanly merge into this branch? Currently I do a merge & then a revert, but maybe there's a simpler way?19:30
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
wgzthomi: `bzr merge preview > /dev/null && echo 'Will merge cleanly'` maybe?19:33
thomihmmm, it's be nice to have a --dry-run flag19:35
thomibecause I can't do the above with a bzr alias.19:36
thomiI guess I could set up a bash alias, but that's not as nice.19:36
wgzI'm reading the XDG Base Directory spec, and I have no idea where it thinks .bzr.log should go20:28
jelmerwgz: that's a good question, indeed20:33
spmjelmer: ta wrt the importd cleanup; just getting rid of the .db and tmp files now.20:39
mgzokay, enough banging head against this environment/configs stuff, let's discuss it in the standup tomorrow20:41
jelmerspm: anytime :)20:42
wgzha, bug 257895 is funny, the xml inventories don't cope with files containing C0 control codes20:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 257895 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr: ERROR: not well-formed (invalid token)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25789520:49
wgzthat must be pretty much wontfix by now, it would require layering an escaping scheme on top, or at least rejecting dodgy filenames20:51
jelmerwgz: you have an... interesting sense of humour20:52
wgzI was looking the regexps in your code moving earlier today and thinking "hey, that's not actually correct",20:54
wgzand lo, we have bugs.20:54
jelmerwgz: introduced by me, or prexisting?20:57
Noldorinhi folks21:16
Noldorinlifeless, hey21:17
wgzjelmer: bugs as old as the original code, not your move today21:19
Noldorinhi wgz21:46
wgzI can never tell if you saying hi means you want something Noldorin :)21:48
Noldorinwgz, who doesn't? :-P21:48
Noldorinwould you prefer i say bugger off ;-)21:48
fullermdIf you're offering, I'd like a bacon cheeseburger.21:48
jelmerfullermd: I think you have to say hi first21:50
wgzwe're having a burger off?21:50
wgzI don't think I'm very good at making burgers...21:50
fullermdYou kill a cow, you kill a pig, you put the big on the cow, add fire.  's not that hard   :p21:52
fullermd(note that I didn't say the fire should be _near_ the cow and the pig, of course.  Who wants burnt meat?)21:52
Noldorinwgz, fullermd you could have made a slightly less appetising joke but that isn't what i meant either :-P21:54
Noldorinwgz, bah, you probably aren't even familiar with the English expression :-P22:05
BlindWolf8Hello all. Is there a way that myself or a team member can view the latest changelog without doing an Update/Pull locally?23:35
LeoNerdbzr log URL23:37
fullermdWill probably be as fast (or faster) to pull locally though, unless you're a long way behind.23:37
BlindWolf8I think he just wants to see it to avoid conflicts...I could just get him to update at the start of each day to avoid issues23:39
spiv"bzr missing URL" might be what they want?23:39
BlindWolf8that could be...is there a GUI option or is the only option a command line?23:40
BlindWolf8he can use the comand line no problem, but I figured I'd ask23:40
=== alansaul_ is now known as alansaul
BlindWolf8btw, just saw an option for Shelve/Unshelve changes. I'm assuming this is something new? what does it do?23:42
maxb_It has existed for years :-)23:43
BlindWolf8I found the docs23:44
maxb_It means to temporarily remove uncommitted changes from the working tree and hide them inside the .bzr dir for later recall23:44
BlindWolf8does shelfing a change work on uncommited changes too?23:44
BlindWolf8I'm assuming so since shelfing a commited change is just like reverting23:44
maxb_shelving a committed change doesn't really make any sense to me23:45
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
BlindWolf8right, just making sure23:45
BlindWolf8thanks guys!23:45

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