
ScottKtumbleweed: No idea.  That was always a jdong_ tool.01:29
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LaneyI don't think prevu is needed any more14:04
Laneymake sure no documentation mentions it14:04
* Laney has just über synced haskell from sid14:05
psusidear god, I had forgotten just how terrible cvs actually was... where's the real-life remove --purge command for cvs?14:35
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* tumbleweed watches his inbox fill up with Laney-uploads *again*15:20
Laneybad me?15:22
tumbleweedI guess you just got everything de-NEWed15:22
Laney21 new emails: maybe15:30
Laneyuniversity is being DoSed apparently16:04
nigelbBy your emails?16:10
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pmjdebruijnhi all17:31
pmjdebruijnI am involved in a project (darktable), for which I maintained Ubuntu PPAs, we do packaging together with Debian (David Bremner), currently our last stable release 0.9.3 made it into Precise17:44
pmjdebruijnOur 0.9.3 release is fairly solid... and our future release schedule is unsure...17:45
pmjdebruijnhowever, is there a way to prevent 0.10 to be imported into Precise, if it has released and packaged by Debian17:45
geseryou could try to get an archive admin to add a blacklist entry for this package (but it will also apply to new revisions of the current version)17:47
pmjdebruijnthat's not entirely what I'd like17:47
pmjdebruijnsince I'm "upstream" as well, I guess I should just monitor the situation17:48
pmjdebruijnwhen is the last automatic import from debian testing?17:48
geserJan 12th (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule)17:49
micahggeser: pmjdebruijn: last Debian auto import is actually Jan 9, see parenthesis18:06
psusihow can you find out the process group that is currently controlling a tty?18:28
blairdebian updated the package (rbtools in unstable) i was trying to get into ubuntu 12.04, now i just need to wait to see that the automatic sync happen?19:41
broderblair: it should get autosynced shortly after it hits testing19:42
blairbroder, when does that happen?  i can always request a sync from unstable?20:02
broderblair: packages take 10 days to get migrated to testing - you can watch it at http://packages.qa.debian.org/r/rbtools.html20:02
broderyou can request a sync from unstable if you think the fix is urgent - use requestsync from ubuntu-dev-tools20:03
blairno, it's not urgent, i just would like it in 12.04 since i'm trying to get our 500+ desktops on the OS20:03
ScottKblair: It should be fine.  Plenty of time before the deadline.20:04
ScottKblair: You wouldn't happen to know if that version of the package has the changes for bzr integration do you?20:04
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blairScottK, yes, it should.  The bzr branch I created has the effectively the same changes in it, but I may have redone the work inside of a Debian context instead of an Ubuntu one.  Also, the Debian maintainer put some additional changes into what's in Debian now, so it's a superset of my work23:01
ScottKblair: Thanks.23:02
blairScottK, should I delete my branch23:03
ScottKI think so.23:03
ScottKJust double check the Debian package covers everything you were trying to do.23:03
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