
DoughyAnyone here? I'm having some issues with U1... again.05:15
JamesTaitBuenos días a todos!10:32
ralsinagood morning11:30
gatoxgood morning11:56
ralsinagood mornign gatox12:08
nessitahello everyone!12:09
alecuhello all!12:11
nessitahi alecu!12:11
alecuhola naty!12:11
gatoxralsina, alecu nessita hi12:13
nessitahola gatox12:13
alecugatox, hi there, you cylon!12:13
nessitagatox: did you fly back ok?12:13
gatoxalecu, jejej12:13
gatoxnessita, yes....... really really tired..... but no problems with the flight12:13
gatoxalecu, i should stay and play.......... :(12:14
nessitagatox: I know what you mean, yesterday I couldn't do nothing, I was tired all the time12:16
gatoxnessita, yep..... yesterday i watch Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 :P..... i didn't want to do anything else12:17
nessitaralsina: have handy the mem consumption master bug?12:30
ralsinanessita: not right now. I tagged it 'master'12:31
ralsinanessita: I can find it in like 2 minutes12:31
ralsinanessita: 90216612:32
ralsinanessita: bug #90216612:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 902166 in ubuntuone-client "Excessive memory usage in syncdaemon (affects: 14) (dups: 7) (heat: 315)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90216612:32
nessitaralsina: thanks!12:32
ralsinanessita: do you have an opinion on bug #903180 ?13:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 903180 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "extends python path, slowing down python imports (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90318013:03
nessitaralsina: looking13:03
nessitaralsina: hum, we install in /usr/shared/pyshared since as far as I know this is the standard way of doing it, I'm not sure is our call to move to dist-packages. Besides, I thought that libraries that work with more than one python version should not go into dist-packages... but I'm not sure the exact rationale13:07
nessitaralsina: we should definitely ask dobey13:07
ralsinanessita: agreed13:07
nessitaalecu: are you following all the new comments in the proxy bug? some more people has shared their proxy settings13:09
alecunessita, thanks, looking.13:11
alecunessita, it's interesting to see the exact configurations posted by all these users, and we'll probably work for most of them, but surely not *all* of them.13:19
nessitaalecu: right :-)13:20
gatoxdoes anyone know why this branch might be not landing: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-double-navigation/+merge/83973 ?13:43
=== duanedes1gn is now known as duanedesign
gatoxralsina, do you have time for a ui review? (it has pretty pictures :P) https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/misaligned-icons13:47
gatoxit only nees one more approve13:47
gatoxalecu, can you re-review this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/not-validated-account/+merge/8305513:55
nessitagatox: seems like tarmac is not running, let's ask sidnei14:04
gatoxnessita, ok14:04
nessitaalecu: did dobey mention that this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/timestamp-autofix-1-4/+merge/82738 require a minor fix from you? (a couple of missing super() calls)14:47
alecunessita, yes, he did14:47
nessitaalecu: ok then, I said nothing14:47
alecunessita, thanks for remembering, though :-)14:47
nessitaalecu: I'm trying to catch up with all my pending reviews14:48
nessitaand I saw that in my pending list14:48
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nessitaalecu: also, could you catch up with these 2 reviews when you can? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/77048 and https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/auto-update-looping-call/+merge/8101514:59
nessitaalecu, mandel, ralsina, gatox, dobey: standup time!15:00
alecunessita, both dobey and mandel are out today15:01
alecu*out -> off15:01
nessitaalecu: right, swap days I presume15:01
nessitaany news from ralsina?15:02
nessitaok, let's start15:02
nessitaDONE: sprint, worked on a not-small-branch (still unfinished) to remove markers from syncdaemon hoping that that will release some memory15:02
nessitaTODO: catch up with reviews, start designing sso refactor to fix the registration failure on windows installer15:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes15:02
nessitaNEXT: gatox15:02
gatoxget_home_dir implementation in ubuntuone-client, replace expanduser in Control Panel, fixed some branches, Sprint Week: memory debugging.15:02
gatoxFinish with Bug #851356 (almost done), keep fixing bugs.15:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 851356 in ubuntuone-control-panel "QT UI: Folder list may show garbage for user homes non-ascii (affects: 1) (heat: 9)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85135615:02
gatoxalecu, go15:02
alecunessita, dobey is on a swap, and I saw mandel twitting that he was out today.15:02
* nessita mira twitter15:03
nessitaalecu: go?15:04
* alecu writing notes15:04
alecuDONE: team sprint, a proxy branch needing reviews: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/proxy-web-client15:07
alecuTODO: use new devtools squid tests from the proxy branches15:07
alecuBLOCKED: no15:07
cjohnstonrye: did you get my messge from the weekend15:20
ryeverterok, do you recall the conversation about files uploading and retrying with TRY_AGAIN ^15:26
ryecjohnston, what is the file size now?15:26
verterokrye: no I don't, what's the issue?15:27
cjohnstonrye: ubuntu reports it as 3.9gb15:28
* alecu runs to the bank15:29
cjohnstonalecu: put some money in my account while your there15:29
ryeverterok, constant TRY_AGAIN upon big file uploads, cjohnston i am fetching the logs now15:29
alecucjohnston, sure! send me the number by PM :-)15:30
ryealecu, no phishing in #ubuntuone channel please15:30
cjohnstonty rye15:30
verterokrye: it's a server issue, e.g: content storage connection problems, about to die server15:31
verterokrye: for the moment a possible workaround is to reconnect and hope to end up in a healthier server15:31
ryeverterok, it happened for me recently for 38Mb file - it was uploaded 101 time15:31
ryeverterok, and ended up with AQ_UPLOAD_ERROR, so not uploading now15:32
ryebecause of INTERNAL_ERROR on the server side15:32
verterokrye: do you have trace logs?15:33
ryeverterok, on client - yes15:33
verterokrye: I'm 95% sure the internal error was caused by the server dying15:33
verterokrye: grep for the INTERNAL_ERROR and check the cause, should be in the "comment" of the message15:34
ryeverterok, 2011-12-12 14:07:47,530 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.StorageClient - TRACE - start - processMessage: id: 129 type: ERROR error {   type: INTERNAL_E15:35
ryeRROR   comment: "" }15:35
ryesyncing logs to see cjohnston and my session15:36
nessitathisfred: the notification fix branch works like a charm!15:37
verterokrye: nice :/15:37
verterokrye: ok, your server logs should be in TRACE level ;)15:38
nessitathisfred: ping15:40
* gatox lunch...15:45
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
nessitathisfred: any reason to do "self.uploading_filename = self.files_uploading[0].path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]" instead of "self.uploading_filename = os.path.basename(self.files_uploading[0].path)"?15:48
thisfrednessita: pong (sry, didn't mean to msg you, still getting used to irssi)15:52
thisfrednessita: I'll have a look at that15:52
thisfrednessita: no reason, I'm pretty sure. I'll fix it15:53
nessitathisfred: thanks!15:53
dobeynessita: yes i am on swap today/tomorrow16:15
nessitadobey: ack16:15
dobeynessita: i'll reply to the bug from jelmer though; saying dist-packages was probably confusing, as we do actually install to dist-packages16:16
nessitadobey: do we install against dist-packages? I think no, I think we install /usr/shared/pyshared...16:17
nessitaand linked16:17
dobeywe install to both (in ubuntu anyway, nightlies are special)16:19
nessitadobey: ok, I will follow the conversation in the email16:20
dobeynessita: we install to dist-packages/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/ubuntuone/ for example though; and have a .pth file to deal with this, so we can use namespacing properly16:21
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
igorr02uI've got a question. For Ubuntu One Windows, can I somehow change the installation directory? I'm trying to set it up at my university, where I'm not authorized to install to C:.16:44
igorr02uany idea?16:44
nessitaalecu: ping17:07
alecunessita, pong17:12
nessitaalecu: unping, solved it by myself :-). BTW, protocol stable-1-4 timestamp autofix, IRL tested and +117:19
alecunessita, nice, thanks!17:19
nessitaalecu: going with https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/timestamp-autofix-1-6/+merge/81791 now17:48
alecunessita, I've just re-reviewed this branch you suggested: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/auto-update-looping-call/+merge/8101517:48
nessitaalecu: great, thanks. I will hold my re-review until your comments are fixed17:48
nessitaalecu: any clues why this is failing on tarmac? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/timestamp-autofix-1-4/+merge/8175817:58
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alecunessita, no clues about that branch18:03
alecunessita, probably it has to do with the updated devtools too18:03
alecunessita, because all tests were passing for me when I ran it on maverick18:04
nessitaalecu: I tried to run it in maverick and got that too... weird18:04
alecunessita, I'll try running those on natty and maverick in half an hour18:05
* alecu is swapping a dead case fan in his desktop right now.18:05
alecusee you all in a few minutes!18:07
* ralsina says LUNCH! Or rather TEA! or maybe LOW BLOOD SUGAR! and will brb19:36
alecunessita, I've tried that branch again, under all of maverick, natty and oneiric, and I can't get that error: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/timestamp-autofix-1-4/+merge/8175819:41
alecunessita, pylint throws a few messages but it goes on anyay.19:41
nessitaalecu: :-/ ah, I think I don't have pylint in that VM, I was hoping to get the test ran and lint failure19:41
alecunessita, you said you've gotten the "error: No such file or directory" as tarmac does19:41
alecunessita, well, if you are getting that on trunk too, then it might be missing.19:42
alecunessita, I'm doing "./run-tests", both on my branch and on trunk, pylint throws many errors but it finally succeeds19:43
nessitaalecu: trying in a few minutes19:44
alecugatox, a small needsfixing on https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/7704819:55
gatoxalecu, ok!19:55
gatoxahhh almost u1 completly working on win with weird usernames!!19:55
nessitaalecu: now the branch is landed, dobey fixed it19:56
gatoxdon't die syncdaemon19:56
nessitagatox: but wasn't already working?!?19:56
alecugatox, coooool!19:56
nessitagatox: make_link as well? :D19:56
gatoxnessita, oops.... make link not.... it seems that after the control panel succed to show the proper folders, etc..... something else die...  some things wasn't tested before... because we just put syncdaemon and sso to run..... but we didn't test the complete flow because control panel wasn't working....19:57
nessitagatox: right, and last time we talked we agreed make_link was the next thing to fix, I think?19:58
gatoxyes.... i need to get this working..... and i'll be able to fix make_link..... but make cp work is more important19:59
gatoxalso..... this shows that something is not fully working on syncdaemon.... so i'll need to fix that too19:59
gatoxohhhh unicode....... how you dare??20:00
ralsinahahaha, unicode?20:07
ralsinagatox: may I send you some ansiolitics labeled "in case of unicode, break the blister"?20:08
gatoxralsina, i'm going to do this to people who don't use unicode (instead before eating like the video): http://youtu.be/ILvkEHQPHHg20:10
ralsinaa = "blah" # punched by gatox!20:12
* alecu runs to the kinder, bbl20:13
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
gatoxnessita, ping20:38
nessitagatox: pong20:38
gatoxnessita, sso is failing in keyring/windows.py [delete_credentials]20:39
gatoxnessita, its trying to create a deferToThread that calls self.keyring.delete_password.... but it can't find that method20:39
nessitagatox: do you have the patched python-keyring on windows?20:39
gatoxnessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/768311/20:39
ralsinagatox: wrong keyring20:40
nessitagatox: I bet you don't have it20:40
gatoxprobably not.......20:40
nessitagatox: you know how to get that?20:40
ralsinagatox: https://bitbucket.org/mandel/pykeyring-delete-password/overview20:41
ralsinathat's from memory, but the "right" way should be in the wiki20:41
gatoxahhh i didn't know that.....20:41
gatoxi can't find it in the wiki20:41
ralsinagatox: then this is a good time to add it :-)20:42
gatoxbut i'll download it from the repo20:42
gatoxralsina, roger that20:42
* ralsina is not 100% sure that's the right git branch20:42
ralsinaI will EOD now, but will be back in a few hours for another round. Feel free to email me!20:42
gatoxralsina, it's the saame mentioned in mandel's comment :P20:42
nessitagatox: can you please add that to the ubuntu-sso-client section?20:44
gatoxnessita, yep20:44
nessitagatox: need the link for the keyring sourte?20:44
gatoxnop..... already have it20:44
nessitaah, ok :-)20:45
gatoxnessita, ahhhhhh it's already there, it appears as an item in the sso dependencies: *  our patched version of pykyering (which is a link to that repo)20:46
nessitagatox: ajá!20:46
gatoxnessita, so.... i need to add something else?20:46
gatoxin the wiki20:46
nessitaI think no20:47
nessitaperhpas making that more visible?20:47
gatoxahhhhhh i couldn't find it with ctrl+f because it is misspelled20:47
gatoxfixing that20:47
nessitagatox: awesome, thanks20:49
gatoxnessita, OMG it's working!20:59
nessitagatox: stop playing with my feeling... is the link working?20:59
gatoxnessita, jejeje no.... i mean the control panel!20:59
nessitagatox: we said the link first, no? or I am confused?21:00
gatoxnessita, now i can propose this branch and start working on the link again21:00
gatoxbut the cp works without problems21:00
gatoxwith weird usernames21:00
nessitagatox: using the get_home_dir?21:00
gatoxand it's syncing my files21:00
gatoxnessita, yes21:00
nessitagatox: ok then... but UDF creation is not working, no?21:01
nessitagatox: because we really need the link thing to be fixed before that21:01
nessitaalecu: GREAT NEWS! protocol-1-6 branch approved (IRL tested, of course). what's left in that mega bug?21:08
verteroknessita, ralsina, rye, joshuahoover: in case someone want to test the fix IRL (I already did it in maverick...which probably means nothing :p): https://code.launchpad.net/~verterok/ubuntuone-client/fix-869920/+merge/8539221:08
joshuahooververterok: sure, i'll give it a try21:09
nessitathisfred: FYI, I will nominate the notification fix for oneiric, so we'll need a branch for stable-3-0 to be able to SRU this to O21:10
nessitaalecu: I'm eoding now, I will do lp:~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/proxy-web-client tomorrow21:13
joshuahooververterok: sigh...it's been a while since i built and tested a client change...trying to do it on a vm but can't find the proper steps...do we have those anywhere (steps for building to at least test a syncdaemon branch)?21:24
verterokjoshuahoover: with nightlies installed: bzr branch lp:~verterok/ubuntuone-client/fix-869920; cd fix-869920; u1sdtool -q; PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon21:26
joshuahooververterok: thanks!21:26
* nessita -> eod21:34
=== kocolosk is now known as kocolosk|away
joshuahooververterok: approved, after testing on oneiric - https://code.launchpad.net/~verterok/ubuntuone-client/fix-869920/+merge/8539222:10
joshuahooververterok: thanks for getting that done22:10
verterokjoshuahoover: cool, thanks!22:10
=== kocolosk|away is now known as kocolosk

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