
snadgeprob a noob question.. but why does alt-tab include applications that are not on the current workspace?05:55
snadgei can't insist enough how much that pisses me off05:56
snadgeis there an option somewhere to make it only alt-tab to windows on the current workspace?05:56
snadgeim one of the few people in the world who actually wants to use unity05:57
snadgeso listen to me and answer my fucking question goddamit :p05:57
roignacsnadge: http://askubuntu.com/questions/75275/switch-between-applications-in-the-current-workspace06:23
snadgei was going ot say thanks roignac but they left :p06:35
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htorquehi all! launcher/dash/panel coloring seems broken for the panel when having maximized windows (trunk)?  http://img.xrmb2.net/images/300458.pnghttp://img.xrmb2.net/images/925416.png19:33
om26erseems that was not reverted in trunk :/19:38
trammhello, could anyone tell me if #7 of https://bugs.launchpad.net/screenlets/+bug/885322 has any credibility... delaying isn't really good solution.19:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 885322 in Screenlets "Screenlets applications moving around after a restart in Ubuntu 11.10" [High,Confirmed]19:41
trammby now x and y are set separately i think, could setting them together resolve the issue?19:41
om26erhtorque, the linked branch here bug 839480 needs reverting.19:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 839480 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash - When the Dash is open and there is a maximised app in the background, the top bar background should not disappear" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83948019:44
htorqueom26er: ah, thanks! :-)19:51

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