
kio_httpabout the browser discussion, why not use konqueror with the webkit backend instead of khtml http://digitizor.com/2010/08/11/how-to-switch-to-webkit-in-konqueror-browser-kde-sc-4-5kubuntu/05:04
ScottKkio_http: Why would that be better than rekonq?05:19
kio_httpScottK: I don't know but rekonq keeps crashing for me05:31
ScottKThe biggest problem from a supportability POV is Qt webkit and security support.05:32
ScottK(khtml isn't any better)05:32
kio_httpOr personally I would like having no browser but a browser select screen like Windows Edition N's have05:33
ScottKI think we need some minimal browser, but it doesn't have to be full featured.05:36
kio_httpScottK: This is the windows solution http://cdn2.digitaltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/clip_image002_136F9F12.jpg for europe editions05:36
ScottKYes, but Windows can do that since they don't provide a full solution.  Also we can't put all the browsers on the CD.05:37
kio_httpScottK: Actually that comes with no browser, its a downloader like Kubuntu's firefox installer05:38
ScottKRight, but Windows is a subset of the total OS solution that we try to provide.05:38
kio_httpI see05:39
kio_httpMs does it for legal reasons the rest of the world gets IE. But I figured if you use a web browser you have an Internet connection so a downloader choice wouldn't harm. or maybe give one browser plus a choice screen instead of the firefox installer05:42
ScottKI think it's reasonable.05:49
ScottKWe've discussed switching the FF installer to a FF/Chromium choice, but no one actually did the work.05:50
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=== JackyAlcine is now known as VirgilHawkins
kio_httpAnother idea about the netbook interface ... By default if the screen resolution is less than 1024X768 it defaults to the netbook interface. Most people prefer the standard interface on netbooks... any chance that it could be made into a selectable option on first boot or something? Everytime I install on a netbook I have to remove the netbook settings packages before logon06:37
ScottKNo you donn't.06:39
ScottKAll you have to do is pick plasma-desktop in systemsettings after you log in.06:40
ScottKA lot of people have given positive feedback about the netbook interface, BTW.06:40
kio_httpScottK: I know but the titlebar has only two buttons then and there are some other quirks06:40
kio_httpScottK: No big deal actually .. just out of the users I know many like the normal interface... then some like the netbook one on big screens too06:41
=== VirgilHawkins is now known as JackyAlcine
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hrwcan someone create some kind of kubuntu-minimal package which would be some kind of kubuntu-desktop without pim and most of apps? desktop/plasma+kdm+wm - set just to boot into kde10:06
=== Stecchino_ is now known as Stecchino
jussihrw, that would be nice, along with the low-fat-settings package10:19
hrwI just installed kubuntu-desktop and will go on dropping kdepim parts etc before login10:20
jussihrw: try installing the low fat settings also, might help with making it lihter from th beginning10:21
hrwjussi: I have my kde4 settings from previous use10:22
jussiahh ok10:22
hrwin march I moved to xfce and now going back10:22
jussihrw: if you have a list of packages you think would be a good package set, post it and lets try get somethign together.10:23
* jussi wouldnt mind running a minimal kubuntu on his old machine10:23
hrwhard to tell for as I have other set of default apps then most of kubuntu based setup probably10:24
hrwhm. no sound on speakers10:38
hrwok, enabled10:39
jussibtw, do we have a kde/Qt version of pavucontrol? 10:42
Riddellno, kmix is the kde offering10:45
jussihrm. sad.10:45
jussikmix doesnt seem to cut it. :/10:46
Riddellit controls the volume for every pulse input and output device10:46
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
who_mehey, it seems there are no debug symbols available for the updated amarok packages11:38
Riddellamarok 2.4.3 has amarok-dbg and ddebs11:49
ScottKWho's still on oneiric?14:02
ScottKyofel_: ?14:02
RiddellScottK: I am but I'm also on a non ADSL connection so it's hard for me to test14:02
Riddella couple of hours, I'll leave it running14:03
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Could you take a look at at least the 4.7.3 language updates and mark #901283  verified 14:03
ScottKThe rest of 4.7.3 needs testing too, of course.14:04
ScottKI may actually be able to use kmail now.14:04
aloh, kmail became usable again?14:06
ScottKIt may be up to "sucks less than Thunderbird"14:07
ScottKI'm experimenting with it again.14:07
ali'd have to see it for myself to believe it14:08
ScottKIn any case, if by usable you're thinking something like "a well behaved, mature piece of software", it's not that.14:09
who_meit seems to work fine over imap with gmail14:22
stefan`i agree. using kmail2 since it was released on kubuntu and i'm pretty happy with it.14:23
ScottKI'm using dimap and it mostly works now.14:25
ScottKIt seems very hit or miss for people.14:25
RiddellScottK: are you anting 4.7.3 or 4.7.4 tested?14:48
ScottKRiddell: 4.7.3 for the SRU.14:48
ScottK4.7.4 has one package we're still waiting on.14:48
ScottK9 hour build delays on PPAs make it take a while ...14:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelinstalling 4.7.3 from -proposed14:53
who_meany place I can eyeball the changes in 4.7.3 update  (the one you guys are working on) ?14:54
yofelScottK: the delays are the reason I usually work in ninjas, private ppa builds get quite a bit of priority added14:56
ScottKWhen it's post-release and it's not private, I think it's kind of cheating.14:57
who_meRiddell: I was thinking about changes between kde 4.7.3 release that you are "ccoking" now vs. what was already released in the kubuntu ppa15:00
apolhi! can somebody show me some KDE package sources? I need to create one and I'm looking for a starting point15:00
ScottKwho_me: It shouldn't be anything.  Just a rebuild to get it into the official archive.15:00
Riddellapol: a library or an application?15:02
apolRiddell: a KCM15:02
apolso I guess an app?15:02
Riddellapol: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-config-gtk maybe15:04
apolno.. This page does not exist, or you may not have permission to see it.15:04
apolthis? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kcm-gtk15:05
yofelkde-config-gtk is the binary15:06
* apol looks for the deb sources...15:06
yofelapt-get source kde-config-gtk15:07
yofelthat'll get it if you've got deb-src on15:07
* apol tries15:09
apolnah didn't work, but I'm good with what I found :P15:09
ScottKDo people on 4.7.2 have a "Mail Dispatcher Agent" in their Akonadi config?15:36
ScottKIt's greyed out in my 4.7.3 and so I can't add it and thus can't send mail.15:36
RiddellI don't see anything with that name in 4.7.315:38
RiddellScottK: which just booted successfully, what should I test and where should I report?15:38
ScottKBug #901283 for l10n and Bug #901975  for everything else.15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901283 in kde-l10n-ar (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE l10n updates for 4.7.3" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90128315:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901975 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE application updates for 4.7.3" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90197515:39
ScottKI think the most important thing is to see if kmail is working.15:39
ScottKThat's where the biggest changes were.15:39
ScottKThat and I can't get it to work (but I didn't on 4.7.2 either and others did)15:40
Riddellhmm loads fine but I need to find a test e-mail account to test on15:46
yofelwell, 4.7.3 works as well/bad as the ppa packages for me15:56
ScottKyofel: How about in comparison to 4.7.2?15:59
ScottKThat's the real benchmark for this.15:59
yofelat least for me there was no new breakage compared to 4.7.215:59
ScottKComment in the bug please.16:01
RiddellScottK: yay, kontact successfully downloads all my spam16:05
ScottKRiddell: Now can you send mail with it?16:06
ScottKI can send mail with a new user16:11
RiddellScottK: hmm, SSL negotiation failed16:13
ScottKI recall problems before with it not always asking for certificate validation if the cert was self signed.16:13
Riddellooh yay sent16:14
Riddellwas using the wrong authentication type16:14
RiddellScottK: right where do I report?16:17
* yofel still gets kde bug 259355 on his eeePC which make kmail essentially useless, but that's nothing new16:21
ubottuKDE bug 259355 in general "kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection "" [Critical,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25935516:21
ScottKRiddell: Bug #901283 for l10n and Bug #901975  for everything else.16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901283 in kde-l10n-ar (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE l10n updates for 4.7.3" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90128316:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901975 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Tracking bug for KDE application updates for 4.7.3" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90197516:21
ScottKBang.  Got it.16:41
ScottKHad to manually restart the Mail Dispatcher Agent using akonadiconsole, re-enter my password, and then bang.  Off to the races.16:42
=== Guest73196 is now known as Mamarok
ScottKyofel and Riddell: Are you on amd64 or i386?17:01
* yofel is on i386 right now17:02
Riddelli386 too17:02
ScottKyofel: Can you install 4.7.4 from staging and make sure it starts up OK?17:02
ScottKIf so, I'll copy it to the updates PPA once kdeutils is built on amd64.17:03
ScottKapachelogger_: I'm still waiting for the 4.7.4 l10n upload you promised me.17:08
ScottKyofel: Could you do it?  To staging.17:08
ScottK(Almost forgot that)17:08
yofelah, can do17:08
yofelproblem: libscience4 depends upon libkdeedu-data (>= 4:4.7.4)17:09
ScottKShouldn't you have that?17:09
yofellibkdeedu isn't in staging17:09
yofelat least I don't see it17:09
ScottKRight.  Had no changes.17:10
ScottKLet me upload it anyway then.17:10
yofelthen you need to remove the versioned depends from libscience417:10
ScottKLet's just upload libkdeedu.17:11
ScottK(I just did)17:12
yofelfine with me17:12
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-oneiric] Philip Muškovac * 114 * debian/ (changelog config) New upstream release (svn: 1266985, type: stable) PPA upload17:15
ScottKyofel: Thanks for doing l10n and testing.  I'll ping you again once libkdeedu is in.17:23
ScottKRiddell: My thought for 4.7.X is to silently move 4.7.4 to the updates PPA once we get a successful smoke test and then announce both 4.7.3 in oneiric-updates and 4.7.4 in the updates PPA for testing together.17:25
apachelogger_ScottK: sorry I got hung up on fixing my qtcreator17:31
ScottKapachelogger_: It's OK.  yofel covered for you.17:32
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yofelScottK: l10n up18:35
ScottKyofel: Thanks.18:35
schnelleis 4.7.4 coming soon to oneiric? :)18:43
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanthorgt in #kde-devel wants to rewrite Printer KCM from Python to cpp with PolicyKit integration \o/19:58
ScottKdantti started that a couple of years ago too.20:10
ScottKyofel: libkdeedu is up.  Would you try again please.20:35
DarkwingYay for having internet back at my house full time.21:16
ScottKDarkwing: Do you have a oneiric system?21:18
DarkwingMy laptop is Oneiric21:18
DarkwingMy server is LTS21:19
ScottKIf you could, I'd appreciate if you could install KDE SC 4.7.3 and the updated soprano from oneiric-proposed and test it.21:19
DarkwingWill it fix my KMail? :P21:21
yofelupdate finished, rebooting21:23
yofelScottK: 4.7.4 runs fine (no obvious regressions, no obvious fixes)21:28
who_methat's sad21:29
who_methe "no fixes" part21:30
yofelwell, at least to me, not that I had many issues with 4.7 in the first place21:30
ScottKyofel: Thanks.  I'll copy it to the updates PPA once it's all built on amd64.21:32
ScottKDarkwing: It was better for me.21:32
ScottKThere's quite a number of kdepim changes in
RiddellDarkwing: lucky you, I'm on a 3G dongle!21:34
* yofel wonders if one can delete collections in akonadiconsole21:34
DarkwingYeah... For me it was a pick between food and internet.21:35
DarkwingWith Christmas coming up we are dumping extra money into gifts for kids.21:35
Riddellthat's very generous, I hopw the children look after you when you're in old age21:37
DarkwingAnything to make my little ones happy.21:38
ScottKClearly you don't have teenagers yet.21:46
Riddellright, here I am all concussion and no handy teenagers to do the shopping for me21:49
ScottKThat only lasts about the first month after they get their driving license.21:50
DarkwingNo, not yet.21:58
DarkwingThey are 6, 4 and 321:58
DarkwingBut, Amazon is great for christmas shopping21:58
ScottKThey don't even add up to a driver.21:59
DarkwingYeah, not looking forward to that when it comes.22:03
Darkwingmy two youngest are girls22:03
Darkwingthat should be interesting.22:04
ScottKyofel: Is the kdenlive in the updates PPA supposed to be an SRU eventually?22:14
yofelwell.. not really SRUable as it's essentially a backport - too many changes.22:15
ScottKI see.22:15
ScottKShould it better go in backports then?22:16
yofeltheoretically yes, I put it in updates because archive kdenlive is pretty much broken in oneiric.22:16
ScottKThat could be an argument for an invasive SRU.22:17
yofelmaybe I'll have time to look at it over christmas, no time in the next 1.5 weeks at least22:19
ScottKSounds good.22:50
Riddelllibkactivies uses kactivitymanagerd binary, should I put kactivitymanagerd in the libkactivies package?23:00
ScottKDoes anything else use it?  Does libkactivies have an SO name?23:12
Riddellkdebase-workspace uses it http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.core/7304023:13
RiddellSONAME is libkactivities.so.623:14
ScottKUnless kde-workspace needs libkactivies as well, it should probably be separated.23:14
ScottKThen it'd be problematic to mix it with a non-soname daemon in the same package.23:15
ScottKI'd separate it.23:15
Riddelland have libkactivies depend on kactivitymanagerd 23:15
RiddellI need to work out where to put the plugins too23:17
Riddellalong with the daemon it seems23:20
Riddellok what should I call a package with kactivitymanagerd and activitymanager_plugin_slc.so int it made by kactivities?23:22
rbelemRiddell, i called libkactivities-bin23:24
ScottKRiddell: You might also ask for naming suggestions in #debian-qt-kde on OFTC.  It's easier if they agree to the naming up front so we don't have to deal with renaming later.23:25
Riddellgroovy, thanks rbelem, ScottK 23:26
Riddella job for tomorrow though, good night23:26
ScottKNo problem.23:26
rbelemRiddell, good night :-)23:26
* yofel is off to bed too, good night23:27

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