
SunTsubodoh: I had a sony laptop once, it didn't survive the first day00:01
bodohyeah SunTsu .. I jsut hate it now ..00:02
bodohI remember the old KDE packed by SuSE ... when it was still a German company00:02
bodohthat was during Win 98 time I think00:02
bodohit came with some 6 CDs ;) ..00:03
bodohnow ... who even wants a CD .. ;) ;) ... we just download it00:03
bodohOK .. now I'm staying warm in this Starbucks .. wishing to fix my kubuntu ;)00:04
bodohanybody installs cinelerra?00:04
amasonbodoh: not sure if you know but this is an all ages channel so using potentially offensive words is discouraged00:16
bodohhmm ... linux now has gone pg-13 ;((00:18
bodohI miss the day when it was only for men with balls00:19
DarthFrog!language | bodoh00:31
ubottubodoh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:31
amasonbodoh: only this channel is pg13, you can do whatever you like in other channels00:31
amasonwell the ubuntu* channels are ....00:32
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct00:32
bodohhttp://vipicecast.yacast.net/rmc --> ecoutes comment cette fille est devenue une prostitue00:35
bodohavec mpg32100:35
bodohcest pour RMC paris00:35
bodohstoopid pg13 can only speak english .. dui bu dui?00:36
DarthFrogbodoh: If you're not willing to observe the etiquette of the channel, perhaps this is not where you really want to be?00:37
BarkingFishAha, hello :)01:13
Stronzeheya barker01:13
BarkingFishYou must be psychic, Stronze - I only got on here about 10 minutes ago :D01:13
Stronzelol, i didnt have strong enough connection to continue playing black ops online01:13
Stronzeinteresting, i cant use kubuntu update manager cuz it doesnt have premission to do so01:14
BarkingFishStronze: how are you doing it?01:15
Stronzei been using terminal since i have had a weak connection01:15
BarkingFishno, i mean -  what are you typing?01:16
Stronzethe gui update doesnt have permission to download the updates01:16
Stronzesudo apt-get update and upgrade01:16
BarkingFishsudo apt-get update should work, and sudo apt-get upgrade should be ok too...01:17
BarkingFishwhat error do you get on the terminal when you try to do that?01:17
Stronzeim saying the update app doesnt have premission, im updating now via terminal01:18
BarkingFishah, I was gonna suggest you do it through a TTY or something.01:18
Stronzei suspect the kubuntu gui doesnt have sudo access since its over ubuntu01:18
BarkingFishI normally do all my updates and upgrades through TTY1 now01:18
BarkingFishStronze: that is quite possible01:19
BarkingFishyes, the terminal under CTRL + F101:19
BarkingFishthere's 4 or 5 of them01:19
BarkingFishCTRL + F2, F3, F4 or F5 also01:19
BarkingFishto get back to your GUI, Ctrl + F7 or F801:19
qbitmy muon seems to work OK for me, but I do think I have seen either a bug report of mail list traffic on this particular subject recently01:20
BarkingFishStronze: are you still with us?01:21
Stronzephysical yes bot mentally i went for a stroll :P01:21
BarkingFishI was wondering whether you'd pushed CTRL and F1 without waiting for me to tell you how to get back to your display :)01:22
Stronzeqbit - my moun gets denied when i try to use it01:22
qbitalso, I used to do kdesu to bring up KDE graphical apps but lately it seems it's kdesudo01:22
BarkingFishSince you're using Kubuntu desktop, try using Apper for your upgrades, that shouldn't get denied01:22
Stronzeim using kubuntu gui over ubuntu on a laptop01:22
BarkingFishApper's default package installer for KDE, iirc01:23
Stronzeim still terminal updating atm01:23
Stronzeslow connection tonight. i need a neighbor who has better internet wifi unsecured01:23
BarkingFishor you need to find one who will share his wifi with you in exchange for a small amount toward his billing :)01:24
BarkingFishThat's what I used to do. I'd "rent" my wifi off a neighbor in exchange for £10 a month towards his costs.  He allowed me unlimited access, and never turned his router off.01:25
BarkingFishStronze: You do realise using Wifi belonging to someone else without their knowledge or authority is fraud, don't you??? :)01:26
BarkingFishIf they know, fair enough :)01:26
BarkingFishI'm not joking, one of my old neighbors got hauled for it when I lived in Nevada01:26
Stronzethere has not been any major court case about using unsecure wifi. atm its only illegal under a certion feredal law that i cant seem tor ecall atm but even that is flimsy if someone took up the fight01:27
BarkingFishBasically, it's the same in England, it's called "Obtaining goods or services with intent to defraud"01:27
BarkingFishBut no matter, if your neighbor knows, no problem :)01:28
Stronzeeven that is ina  grey area with unsecuure wifi01:29
Stronzesince your not taking anything01:29
BarkingFishyou are, you're using wifi which someone else is footing the bill for.01:29
BarkingFishthat's the way it's seen here, anyway01:29
Stronzebut that someone is publicly broadcasting it, it could be compaired to radio wave usage01:30
amasonBarkingFish: that is incorrect at least for the UK case. in the UK you are potentially liable for what people download over your wifi if you don't make some attempt to secure it however the person accessing an openwifi point is not breaking any laws that i am aware of01:30
Stronzeits all grey area atm since there has not been any precident in any legal cases01:31
BarkingFishamason: I work in the Prison Service, dude.  I know my way around the law backwards.01:31
amasonBarkingFish: in the UK ?01:31
BarkingFishTrust me, while your wifi is open, it's true that whatever someone downloads over it, you're liable for.01:31
Stronzeno offence bark but i run into to many patrol officers who think they know the law but actually dont know01:31
amasonyes i am not arguing that point, however it's not fraud if you access an open wifi point.01:32
BarkingFishBut, if you're accessing Wifi with no intent to pay for it, and it's not your connection to begin with (unless it's public wifi, like a cafe or a bar) you are committing fraud.01:32
BarkingFishPublic wifi - no. Private (unsecured) wifi, yes.01:32
amasonno you are not, if it's unsecured in the UK at least there is no such law01:32
amasoni have no idea about anywhere else in the world but in the UK you are completely within your rights to do so01:33
amasonyou can't crack it01:33
amasonbut if its open , unsecured there is no law against it01:33
BarkingFishamason: You are wrong. Don't argue this one with me, I know what I'm talking about. Section 11 of the Fraud Act, 200601:34
amasonsection 11 is quite broad, which part /01:35
BarkingFishThe defendant: obtains for himself or another services,   dishonestly;   knowing the services are made available on the basis that payment has been, is being or will be made for or in respect of them or that they might be; and avoids or intends to avoid payment in full or in part.01:35
BarkingFishIn short, by using wifi someone else is paying for - they're intending to avoid paying for it themselves, thus committing fraud under S. 1101:36
Tech-1are you a guard ?01:39
BarkingFishYes, Operational PO with background in legal training and Prison & Social Welfare.01:39
amasonBarkingFish: you are incorrect on a number of counts 1) there is no  assumption that a person has knowledge of the payment of a broadcast service ( there are exceptions see govt taxable broadcast but that doesn't apply here) and 2) accessing a wifi network doesn't necessarily imply an internet service01:39
Tech-1heh, ill bet you see all kinds01:40
amasonagain, there is currently no law in the UK that prohibits you from accessing an unsecured wifi network01:40
BarkingFishfair enough amason - I'll tell you straight, you're totally wrong - I don't know what country you're in, but you're completely and totally wrong to the point of silliness.01:41
amasoni am in the UK and you obviously aren't01:41
BarkingFishI'm not gonna argue with you, I'm here to do tech support, not have a slanging match.01:41
BarkingFishSpeak to a british lawyer, and get the details from them. Or better still, Contact the Crown Prosecution Service. They'll tell you.01:41
amasonwell i'm currently sitting next to an ex barrister which gives me some confidence that i know what i'm talking about :)01:42
BarkingFishWait, you're in the UK - but connected via an Australian ISP?01:42
amasoni'm not connected via proxy, vpn to adelaide01:43
BarkingFishAnd I am in the UK, about 2 minutes walk from the prison where I work01:43
amasoncurrently in tunbridge wells01:43
amasonwhere are you ?01:43
BarkingFishMilton Keynes, bang opposite Woodhill Prison01:43
amasonnice...well i haven't been there but i'm assuming it's nice :)01:44
BarkingFishit's a hole.01:44
Tech-1lol, hows the food in england prisons,01:44
BarkingFishI'd rather go home to Iceland, but it's colder there than it is here.01:44
BarkingFishso I'm staying for a while longer :)01:45
Stronze Since there have only been a few cases to date, mostly in lower judicial instances, there is no guiding case law on this issue01:45
BarkingFishTech-1: words describing it haven't been invented yet :P01:45
Stronzethat the US current stance on unsecure wifi01:45
amasoni'm actually going to iceland in a few weeks01:45
BarkingFishNice - anywhere particular?01:45
amasonwe have a very small office there01:45
Stronzeokay you two love birds done? barking broke my sound and wants (i hope) to fix it01:46
BarkingFishcool :)01:46
amasonhaven't been there before, new office apparently, it's a business trip01:46
Tech-1apt-get installmysound01:46
amasonso i wont' get to see much unfortunately01:46
BarkingFishanyhow, I have to get on amason. Sorry for the hoohah, but I'd rather knock off the discussion now, since I'm actually WAY off topic and don't want to get kicked :)01:47
BarkingFishStronze: you still have no sound?01:47
BarkingFishhave you managed to get in here during the night and spoken to anyone else?01:47
amasonthat's fine i don't particularly care. i trust my boss with his opinion but you obviously feel you have better information which is fine too01:48
Stronzei had to go to bed since i work01:48
BarkingFishah, and it's almost time for me to go to bed :)01:48
BarkingFish1.49am here, Stronze - I'm up at 8am.01:49
Stronzei think tech is itching to try :P01:49
amasoni'm support for Au atm :(01:49
Tech-1hale no...lol01:49
BarkingFishamason: hence the vpn :)01:49
amasonyarp...and the insane ping times01:50
Stronzeoh i need to check on my homemade icecream01:50
Stronzeit called for 1 cup of milk, we had milk when i went to work but when i went to make it, there was no milk and my sister in law just bought milk an hour ago :/01:51
BarkingFishYou won't be too far from my old home, I was born in Reykjavík, but lived in Keflavík,01:51
BarkingFishso enjoy it - go have some freetime and freeze your thingies off, this time of year it's quite possible01:51
amasonheh i tried to get work to put me up in one of those ice hotel thingys01:52
amasonbut i accepted a hotel when they offered me a cot in office01:53
BarkingFishStronze: ok, what time are you likely to be around tonight (UK time for me now is 1.53am)?01:53
Stronzewell its almost 9pm01:53
Stronzeand i get home around 4pm01:53
BarkingFishso you're -5?01:53
Stronzeyeppers est01:54
Tech-1fla ?01:54
Stronzewhere at?01:54
BarkingFishok, right, I'll be on here 10PM sharp, so 5pm/eastern tonight - and if you have time, I'll be waiting for you. I WILL get you fixed.01:54
Tech-1ocala natl forrest01:55
Stronzeill be here01:55
Stronzepolk county01:55
Tech-1i have friends there also, from the ham radio01:55
BarkingFishI have a friend in Florida, he runs a magazine called Out on the Town01:55
Tech-1i had a shop in haines sity once, on 2701:55
Stronzenever been to haines city. i grew up in auburndale and lakeland01:56
BarkingFishRight, at fast approaching 2am UK, I'm off.  I need to get my beauty sleep.  Seriously :)01:56
Stronzenight bark01:56
Tech-1cya BarkingFish01:56
BarkingFishnight guys, take care.01:56
Stronzeapt-get installmysound <-- whats that do tech?01:57
Stronzethought so01:57
* amason yawns01:57
Stronzebut you never know with these linux scoundrels and their evil sence of humour01:57
Tech-1BluesKaj:  can help you better, i seldom use kde after 3.5 version, im mostly on gnome01:58
Stronzei didnt see blues online01:58
Tech-1but the machine im on now uses kde with a gnome 2 shell, pretty cool01:58
Stronzeoh wait there he/she is01:58
Stronzewow im still installing from sudo apt-get upgrade02:00
Tech-1maybe that will fix the sound02:00
Stronzeim not that lucky but i can hope :P02:00
Tech-1ill bet it does02:00
Tech-1but then again, if its an upgrade, itl prolly put pulse right back on..lol02:01
Stronzethat be my luck02:01
Stronzei should do a clean kubuntu install but i really dont wanna jump thru those hoops of downloading and iinstalling everything i have02:02
Tech-1what i normally do is.. terminal > gstreamer-properties   and set them to alsa, NEVER had problems with anything02:02
Stronzeupgrade finished now sudo apt-get update02:06
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* Tech-1 is now known as Tech-102:12
Stronzemoun update manager - This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided02:16
Stronzestill have 6 updates i need to install and terminal didnt do it02:17
Tech-1try again02:17
Stronzei did02:17
Tech-1as root maybe02:17
Stronzehow i run moun via sudo terminal?02:17
d1g1ta1OerHeks: that would have been cool but it doesn't recognize my external CD ROM drive02:17
SnowhogStronze: kdesudo muon02:18
Stronzereboot, system running funny02:21
d1g1ta1Tech-1:  would it be possible to install text-only K/Ubuntu to the notebook ATA 2.5" hard drive in another computer with a bootable CD ROM (e.g., desktop) and then do the GUI installation portion later after the 2.5" drive is back in the laptop?02:23
d1g1ta1or to do the entire install and reconfigure the GUI for the laptop later?02:24
Tech-1not sure, but i dont think so02:25
d1g1ta1wouldn't the text portion of Linux work the same either way?02:25
Tech-1i remember people doing it, i havent, but maybe ask in #ubuntu, some of those cats are on the ball02:26
kindofabuzzright on02:49
Stronzeanyone know how to get apps showing in task bar? some how i did an accidental right left click and they vanished. im stuck doing alt tab02:49
SnowhogStronze: On the Panel, right-click > Panel Options > Add widgets and readd Task Manager02:54
Stronzethanks snowhog02:56
SnowhogStronze: :)02:56
Stronzeits so nice having that back02:58
kindofabuzzI wish I would've have started my Linux experience with KDE. Loving it!03:34
hyper_chhi there, any idea when 4.7.4 will be in the kubuntu team ppa?05:17
amasonhyper_ch: probably when it goes into precise05:31
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hyper_chamason: hmmm, well, it ws released like last week and the kubuntu team usually is very fast with it05:38
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kamilnadeemHi. does anyone has Ktimetracker working on their Kubuntu 11.10?10:56
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: i have to thank you for interviewing with mark11:07
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: About which thing?11:07
kamilnadeemIRC session11:08
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ya11:08
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: The pleasure was mine11:08
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: your questions were clean and straightforward11:08
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: You think so .11:08
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ya , it was very useful, i missed that session11:09
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: Yes it was great fun11:09
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: some of the office apps in kde are not working properly11:10
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: Yeah , I am currently writing a post on Kubuntu 11.10 and its extensive to say the least so checked that and It wasn't working11:11
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: link please11:11
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: about which ?11:12
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: your post11:12
kamilnadeemI am currently writing it and halfway there , you will fin it here http://mknadeem.blogspot.com/11:13
kamilnadeemwhen I have published it11:13
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kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: Which question did you find the most interesting ?11:24
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: i forgot, i have to check it agian, do you want me to check it?11:25
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: No11:25
kamilnadeemWill be taking your leave now11:26
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: if i remember it was about ubuntu in tv and mobile, i guess11:26
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem:  ok, see you11:27
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j0naslarss0nHello. KDE 4.7.4 was released a week ago, any schedule on when it'll be in the kubuntu repos?12:09
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Peace-j0naslarss0n: no12:11
Peace-j0naslarss0n: no time for this release i guess12:11
Peace-it will take more12:12
Marty__Hi all.  I'm about to finally make the switch to kubuntu.  Have both the 32 & 64 ISO's lying about, but don't know which I should go for.  My 4 year old Dell has a 1.73 Ghz Core Solo CPU, 2GB ram & 160Gb HDD.  Which should I install 32 or 64 bit?  Will the 64bit version be more CPU intensive & draw more power from the battery or not? Also, which is faster?  Have no idea what to go for.  I just need some solid advice.  Regards.12:38
Peace-lorenza: hi13:04
BluesKajhey all13:34
Tech-1sup sup13:42
Peace-BluesKaj: 32bit?13:55
Peace-or 64?13:55
Peace-ok so you can't test :P13:56
Peace-BluesKaj: :P http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/12/13/unity-panels/14:00
Tech-1you know, ive never tried 64, are there any bugs in it ?14:00
BluesKajnot doing any unity Peace- , sorry14:01
Tech-1Yeah rly , i dont want a celltop, i want a desktop14:02
Peace-it's only a panel after all14:02
Tech-1one my lappy, i went w/kayta, its still gnome2 and works great14:02
Peace-i use kde :) and this is kubuntu channel no gnome are allowed14:03
BluesKajPeace-, mypanel already looks very similar14:03
Tech-1well, its both, i loaded kde on it14:04
Peace-BluesKaj: :)14:04
new2netWhy does Kate always lag or, inclusively, crash?14:05
Tech-1whats your hardware14:05
Peace-new2net: run kate on konsole14:05
Peace-new2net: without informations you will not get any help14:06
Tech-1o, nvm, i misunderstood14:06
BluesKajPeace-, http://imagebin.org/18838314:09
BluesKajhad to resize the image down to 1.9mb14:10
new2netTech-1, it's not my hardware :), Peace- what kind of information I can give you. It always lags and/or crashes. I suppose I expect it not to is as much information I have.  The KDE for Win  version does the same thing.14:11
Peace-new2net: if you can run kate on konsole you can get informations14:12
Peace-if you can't get that informations = no help14:12
BluesKajnew2net, have you considered turning off akonadi and nepomuk?14:12
new2netBluesKaj, they aren't on14:13
BluesKajnew2net, what's the specs on your pc?14:14
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senyahelHello can anyone tell me how to restore the panel in Kubuntu15:06
senyahel :(  Hello can anyone tell me how to restore the panel in Kubuntu15:08
Lynouresenyahel: restore in which sense?15:08
Lynoureadd a new panel, when you have none?15:09
BluesKajsenyahel, right click on the desktop add panel , empty or default15:09
Lynouresenyahel: right click on the desktop, choose Unlock widgets. Then right click again, add panel15:09
LynoureBluesKaj: :)15:10
BluesKajhi Lynoure15:10
senyahelLynoure: I have lost the active windows in the panel15:42
senyahelI have lost my Active windows part of the Panel can anyone help me!!15:45
senyahelI have lost my Active windows part of the Panel can anyone help me!!15:47
senyahel :(  I have lost my Active windows part of the Panel can anyone help me!!15:51
Tech-1um..not a good nic there15:51
BluesKajif you lost the panel then your windows are probly gone15:52
PiciBluesKaj: I believe senyahel means the window list applet15:52
PiciOr whatever KDE calls it15:52
BluesKajactive windoes show in the panel Pici , that's what I got from his question15:53
senyahelyes like windows the taskbar has the active and inactive windows on the taskbar15:53
BluesKajhe lost his poanel , now his active windows are gone15:53
senyahelsorry for the PM15:53
PiciSo... re-add the panel or applet15:54
senyahelI don't know which panels to re-add15:54
PiciIf I used KDE I'd be looking now and trying to help... but I'm stuck on Windows today.15:55
senyahelI'm using the new Kubuntu 11.1015:56
Tech-1heh, every time a customer comes with windoze, it feels so awkward anymore to use it.15:56
BluesKajsenyahel, you have your panel back , correct? Now you just need the windows that were open previous to the panel disappearing , correct ?15:57
senyahelthe main panel is there but the part of the panel that shows the active and in-active windows are gone15:58
BluesKajuse the default panel senyahel , then you can add your fav widgets etc , it might even detect the open/active windows, but I doubt it. you also need to readd the taskbar15:59
senyahelcan you tell me what that means " read the taskbar:16:00
BluesKajerr sorry it's now called the task manager16:00
senyahelOk thanks I'll try that!!!16:01
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Tech-1heh, i used to live in schenectady16:15
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linforcerHey, guys, I've been out of the linux game for a while, did things change drastically to xorg.conf or something?16:51
linforcerthere's like 4 lines in there16:51
Tech-1amarom1.4 rocks16:51
DarthFroglinforcer: You can change the config in xorg.conf to override the autoconfig.16:52
linforcerDarthFrog: does autoconfig run at boot every time or something like that?16:52
DarthFrogThere's also a lot of stuff in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d16:53
DarthFroglinforcer: I've not bothered to figure out what's up with the new way.  As long as it works, I'm OK. :-)16:53
go8765hello. can I  found anywhere dooble fresh debs?16:54
linforcerDarthFrog: true, but I've just done my first laptop install  and the touchpad is not sensitive to the touch enough16:54
DarthFroglinforcer: the synaptics config is in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d16:54
linforcerDarthFrog: oooh great16:54
linforcerDarthFrog: what's synaptics vs. synapics-quirks?16:55
DarthFroglinforcer: Haven't a clue, sorry.16:56
linforcerDarthFrog: no worries. thanks anyway16:56
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jtheuerhey, in maverick, 'xrandr' showed "LVDS"and"VGA" using oneiric i only see a "default" device (my laptopscreen) -- what is missing to able to use xrandr again? (intel onboard chip)17:33
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ZippaI love KDE19:58
gribouillewhen will kde 4.7.4 be available?19:59
ZippaYes 4.7.420:00
Quintasangribouille, Zippa: it should be ready soon20:00
gribouilleQuintasan, when?20:00
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QuintasanCan't give you ETA since I have not been able to keep up with  the  development due to school20:01
gribouilleQuintasan, this week or not?20:02
ZippaUbuntu + KDE20:02
Quintasangribouille, sounds reasonable20:03
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Guest44350my bluettoth icon disapperaed what should i do20:12
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Guest44350kde bluetooth settin says no bluetooth adaptors found'20:13
copaceticI'm running Kubuntu 11.10, I just installed a set of updates, restarted like it asked me to and now my system wont boot, I did a command line start up and when I try to do startx it says the nvidia kernel module isn't working, can someone tell me how to recover from this?20:17
Guest4435012/13/11 11:32:16 PMme-N53SVmodprobeFATAL: Error inserting bluetooth (/lib/modules/3.0.0-14-generic/updates/cw-3.1/bluetooth.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)20:18
Guest44350my boot error420:18
copaceticAs I remember it the nvidia linux driver will compile from source im gonna try that20:22
szalcopacetic: did you install an Nvidia module anyway?20:24
BluesKajhe'll be back , those proprietaru drivers are real hit and miss, mostly miss20:38
who_meto be honest, I never had them miss on any previous install20:41
copaceticI downloaded the nvidia drivers from nvidia and compiled the kernel module after removing nvidia-current20:42
copaceticthat seemed to work for me20:42
BluesKajthe default nvidia-current recommended driver works 99% of the time in my experience , haven't seen the proprietaries from the nvidia site work well at all20:48
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EvilResistanceokay so knetworkmanager decided to remove itself from autostart...21:48
EvilResistancehow can i get it to automatically start at boot/login?21:48
BluesKajEvilResistance, are you sure it's even installed?21:53
EvilResistanceBluesKaj:  yeah, i installed it myself, overriding whatever came by default21:53
EvilResistancerunning knetworkmanager from alt+f2 loads it21:54
EvilResistanceand its icon shows up at the notifications bar/icons bar at the bottom right21:54
EvilResistancesomehow it stopped automatically running21:54
EvilResistanceand i cant figure out how/where to turn its autostart back on21:54
janisozaurhello. my kwin suddenly crashed and now I don't have desktop effects (transparency, etc). how do I fix this?22:00
BluesKajEvilResistance, do you have a .knetworkmanager dolphin , open dolphin>view>hidden files22:00
EvilResistanceno i dont have one22:01
EvilResistancebut aptitude show knetworkmanager shows it as installed22:01
EvilResistanceso does Synaptic when i'm in GNOME22:01
EvilResistance(don't ask why i have both KDE and GNOME)22:01
BluesKajok look in dolphin .kde22:02
janisozaurok, I found the option22:03
BluesKajnow copy it to autostart in the .kde file22:03
EvilResistanceBluesKaj:  i found a knetworkmanagerrc file in ~/.kde/share/config22:03
EvilResistanceBluesKaj:  would putting a symlink to knetworkmanager's executable in .kde/share/autostart/ make it autoload?22:05
BluesKajEvilResistance, sorry , it should be the knetworkmanager.sh f22:06
EvilResistancethere is no such file on the system :/22:06
EvilResistance*tests a theory*22:06
BluesKajEvilResistance, that's what i did to get dropbox to work22:06
BluesKajok , well, it's worth a try , then add it to the startup  in system settings if needed22:08
EvilResistanceah there we go...22:09
EvilResistanceBluesKaj:  got it to work...22:09
EvilResistanceer Autostart22:10
EvilResistancein that, i did ln -s /usr/bin/knetworkmanager .22:10
EvilResistancewhich created a symlink22:10
EvilResistanceand it loaded on start :P22:10
BluesKajgood trick , I'll have to remember that22:11
EvilResistancewell its not for the non-CLI people :P22:13
EvilResistancesince i work a LOT with symlinks... i just know how to do that in CLI :P22:14
PaulW2Uj #kubuntu-bugs22:14
BluesKajEvilResistance, you created that link in ~/.kde/autostart ?22:15
BluesKajopened a terminal there and did the ln -s /usr/bin/knetworkmanager?22:16
EvilResistancewell you should add the . at the end, but yes22:16
EvilResistanceln -s /usr/bin/knetworkmanager .22:17
EvilResistancethe . denotes PLACE IT HERE22:17
EvilResistance(and is a required argument)22:17
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StronzeBluesKaj, you seen bakerfish?23:12
szaljust as I thought..  printing bug in Okular from KDE 4.7.323:53

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