
genoobie_hey all00:14
genoobiewxl, you still here?00:22
Su7hi !00:26
jophishThe live cd has a really nice theme for the desktop00:26
jophishbut the default theme after installing looks... less good00:26
Su7i thought it was the same00:26
jophishIt defiantly isn't00:26
Su7you should be able to find it Settings > Themes00:27
jophishaha, my mistake00:28
jophishI loaded the lode environment00:28
jophishinstead of lubuntu00:28
jophishit's all beautiful again00:28
Su7I do have a problem00:29
Su7i can see my HDA ATI SB sound card using alsamixer ina  terminal00:30
Su7but how can i select it ?00:30
Su7(and make it default)00:30
jophishhmm, all my fonts are massive, I'm seeing where I can change the dpi00:36
jophishhmm, it seems like there's no easy way to do this00:54
gypsehok so im running lubuntu (32-bit most current version) and i have an onboard ATI radeon HD 4200 tried the restricted drivers got a black screen and cant safeboot tried the manual FGLRX got the same thing...it is REALLY getting me mad05:13
gypsehcan someone please help me05:14
gypsehit would be absolutely epic... i asked in the #ubuntu chan and they sent me here05:15
wxllubuntu is basically a different face on ubuntu05:16
wxlthe core of what is ubuntu should be there in lubuntu05:16
wxlthat being said, if you can get that working on ubuntu, it should work on lubuntu05:16
wxl#ubuntu's just being poopy apparently05:16
gypsehi know its just chan nazi's being asshats lol05:16
holsteingypseh: why do you want that driver? games?05:17
gypsehthe one guy told me to remove the xorg.conf but then what05:17
wxl(:3> i mean05:17
gypsehi want to get the card working properly so i can use it for my desktop\games\videoplayback\cad (even though i know its not the best for cad....)05:18
wxldid you read all this gypseh https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver ?05:21
gypsehyea but im not really seeing what im spossed to do...05:24
wxlstart at the beginning05:25
holsteinyou probably dont need that driver05:25
wxli'd get rid of fglrx05:25
gypsehnah i do cause the cube stuff doesnt work and i was getting minor graphics glitches05:25
holsteinif you dont want 3d, and you arent having any issues, just use the one that works when you installed05:25
wxlcube stuff?05:26
gypsehthing is I DO want the 3d05:26
wxloh crikey05:26
gypsehyea lol sorry i been goin for the last 14hrs im kinda gettin wiped05:26
holsteini had mixed luck with compiz and LXDE05:26
holsteinor XFCE05:26
wxlwhy don't you just install ubuntu?05:26
holsteini say, install ubuntu 10.0405:26
holsteinthe driver support will be there05:26
holsteinplenty of PPAs05:26
holsteingnome2.. the cube.. the fire05:26
holsteinwhtever else05:26
gypsehi ran mint 10 awhile back and i got it working with FLGRX just fine i tried doing it this time and it just well craps out05:27
holsteinubuntu 10.04 is what you want05:28
holsteinthat would have been what mint 10 was based on i think05:28
holsteinthat'll be literally like you install, click click click and boom05:29
gypsehbut see i tried setting up mint 10 as well and it was glitchy as hell when i ran the updates durring the install (installed ver was still mint 10 )05:29
gypsehim just confused as hell to why it worked then and dont now05:29
wxlmint blows05:29
holsteini never do updates during install05:29
gypsehmint 12 blows.....05:30
holsteingypseh: its a different version05:30
gypsehso why is it that ATI cant make a working driver?05:32
holsteinati makes a driver ?05:32
holsteini thought those were all community reverse engineered?05:33
holsteinthey can of course, but they might not make one05:33
holsteinim not sure05:33
gypsehthey have a linux x86_x64 download...and when i set it up the whole system just doesnt boot05:33
holsteingypseh: id read the fine print05:33
holsteinsometimes its for a certain kernel version05:33
holsteinand typically, its for the LTS05:34
wxlthere is a suggestion on supported cards page that it should work with the "standard opensource driver"05:34
wxlwhatever that is05:34
gypsehthats what i said....05:34
bioterrorgypseh, use card that is supported by opensource drivef05:34
wxlof course that extends as far as natty from what i can tell05:35
gypsehit is i just dont know where the hell to get this opensource driver05:35
holsteingypseh: thats the one you were using05:35
holsteinthats the one that will running after you install05:35
gypsehok so then its not the driver it's a glitch somewhere else?05:36
holsteingypseh: in not sure.. you'll need to remove some variables05:36
wxlof course if you install shitloads of drivers you can run into some problems with conflicts05:36
holsteinLXDE is *not* expecting to do compiz05:36
holsteinthat has its own issues05:36
holsteinim not sure how you set compiz up05:37
bioterrordo we need compiz for something?05:38
holsteinim a fan of the cubes and fire too... but its not trivial getting that to work05:39
gypsehyea to show that my 3d acceleration is working before i go hunting for a CAD program.....05:40
gypsehyea when i set up glx the system shits out lol05:41
gypsehthats the issue05:41
bioterror!language | gypseh05:41
ubot5gypseh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:41
holsteingypseh: you can try different kernels05:42
holsteinyou can try a 12.04 daily image live and see..05:42
wxli wouldn't05:43
wxli can't get the darn thing to install05:43
wxlrather i can't get it to boot05:44
wxlafter install05:44
holsteinim just suggesting it as an easy way to get at a newer kernel05:44
holsteinbut, dude is gone anyways...05:44
wxljust making discussion05:45
holsteini havent gotten around to installing it yet05:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 894768 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "Installation randomly fails with: File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/install_misc.py", line 621, in copy_file targetfh.write(buf) IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument " [High,Fix released]05:46
holsteinyeah... probably have to get the alpha image and update05:50
wxlbeen trying updates on dailies to no avali05:51
wxlthe alpha is borked05:51
holsteinyou in #ubuntu+1 ?05:51
holsteinusually they say in the topic when *not* to upgrade05:51
wxlyeah i should prolly head over there05:51
wxli get tired of the big ubuntu channels tho05:52
wxlthey get overly busy05:52
holsteini havent been in there for a while, but it was pretty laid back05:52
* wxl heads over there with trepidation05:53
=== JackyAlcine is now known as VirgilHawkins
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as C0nfus3d
=== VirgilHawkins is now known as JackyAlcine
Su7hi there07:44
Su7how can I set the #2 sound card to default in alsamixer ?07:45
AnandCan anyone help me with internet connection in lubuntu07:46
Su7I can try07:46
Su7what's the matter ?07:46
AnandThis is the thing . I have password and username07:47
AnandI can dial and access it from windows07:47
AnandHow do I do that in lubuntu07:47
Anandbridge.mode or something.. broadband07:47
Su7is it a wireless connection ? what is the security ?07:49
Anandno it is an adsl07:49
Su7so you're using a cable07:50
Su7isd there any authentication ,07:50
Su7what is the security ?07:51
Su7how is it protected ?07:51
AnandIt works on windows when I just create a broadband connection and give the username and password07:51
Su7you should try to find out what type of security is used first07:53
Su7and just use the same on linux07:53
Anandhmm .. this is what i see in modem page07:55
Anandbridging protocol , ubr llc/snap07:55
Anandbut where do I login to that ..  giving the username and pass?07:55
=== C0nfus3d is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
FirefisheI'm on 11.10.  How do I make a virgin lxde/lubuntu desktop for a particular user?09:02
frankcox679The user can choose any desktop installed on bootup09:10
Firefishefrankcox679: Are you an actual user or a troll?09:10
frankcox679not an expert but used Linus exclusively for 3 years now09:11
frankcox679when you boot you can choose a different desktop everytime if you want09:11
Firefishefrankcox679: Yes, I know that.  However, how is that germaine to my original question?09:12
frankcox679All you have to do is set up the new user09:12
frankcox679I donlt really see a p4roblem09:12
frankcox679have you read the manual?09:13
frankcox679Lubuntu is LXDE =That is what it means Lightweight09:14
frankcox679If you set up a new user he, she will automatically have an LXDE desktop09:15
frankcox679Welcome to the Lubuntu Desktop project09:16
frankcox679    Welcome to the Lubuntu Desktop project09:16
frankcox679    System requirements09:16
frankcox679    Get Lubuntu09:16
frankcox679    Get Involved09:16
frankcox679    See Also09:16
frankcox679    External links09:16
frankcox679The objective of the Lubuntu project is to create a variant of Ubuntu that is lighter, less09:16
frankcox679resource hungry and more energy-efficient by using lightweight applications and LXDE, The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, as its default GUI.09:16
frankcox679I can't figure out what your issue us, seriously09:17
frankcox679At some point you have to read the manual-people are happy to help but you have to do your part as well09:18
faLUCEhi. How can I update my system from command line without invoking the gui based update-manager?09:28
JohnDoe_71RusfaLUCE: sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade09:40
faLUCEJohnDoe_71Rus: thnks. and which is the command for upgrading the distro?09:51
JohnDoe_71Rusdo you ask upgdade distro?09:52
bioterrorso do-release-upgrade09:53
bioterrorif you want to upgrade to a devel release, use -d09:53
faLUCEok thnks again09:55
bioterrorI wonder did I mean with so sudo :D09:56
JohnDoe_71Ruselse apt-get dist-upgrade09:59
bioterrorif you change release from sources, then you might run update and dist-upgrade10:00
bioterrorother wise not a huge difference with upgrade & dist-upgrade10:00
david_j_rI'm looking here https://bugs.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop but cannot see how to report a bug in Lubuntu.12:45
david_j_rCan't find any instructions on this here, either: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation12:46
david_j_rwhat am I missing?12:46
head_victimdavid_j_r: hang on a tick I'll get a link12:48
head_victimdavid_j_r: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReportingBugs12:49
david_j_rThat's what I was missing! Thanks head_vicitim.12:49
head_victimdavid_j_r: glad to help :)12:50
david_j_rIf only they were always so easy, eh? ;)12:50
head_victimHah it was nice to see a problem I could actually help solve ;)12:51
david_j_rJust updated the front page in the wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation#Report_bugs12:53
head_victimI was just about to do that but I saw the email that you'd beaten me to it ;)12:54
head_victim(I'm jarednorris, one of the people who just got an email when you updated that page ;) )12:54
david_j_rI can do _so_ little to help, I'm trying to do what little I can!12:54
david_j_rAh, good to know - thanks.12:55
head_victimdavid_j_r: you'd be surprised how much you can actually do. I'm not a technical person either but there is always plenty of call for help on the documentation and basic user assistance.12:56
david_j_rEvery project needs its "idiot users" -- and that's where I come in. ;)12:56
thorn__is there a way to install or use lubuntu on top of an Ubuntu install?16:23
thorn__To at least benefit from the lightweight desktop?16:23
holsteinthorn__: you can install lxde16:24
holsteinyou can select lubuntu-desktop for install, and see what is being added and/or removed, just to be safe16:25
thorn__so sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ?16:26
holsteinthorn__: or in synaptic or whatever... where ever you manage pacakges16:26
holsteinyou can sudo apt-get install lxde16:27
holsteinyou should check if you do lubuntu-desktop16:27
holsteinsee what is going to be removed, and make sure you are comfortable with that16:27
Newk-laptophi, i changed the way a menu pops up when you right-click on desktop.. how do i get the lubuntu one back again?18:28
iceroothttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xinit/+bug/903895  please have a look here19:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 903895 in xinit (Ubuntu) "[12.04] xinit is trying to install unity on lubuntu" [Undecided,New]19:49
bkmhello all, what would be the cleanest way to start a lubuntu machine at a virtual console, then run a command to start x, lxdm, and whatever else usually happens at boot time?20:25
bioterroradd text to kernel parameters20:28
bioterrorro splash text20:28
bioterroror what ever there reads20:28
bioterrorro quiet splash20:28
bioterrormight be the original context after kernel, add text there and it should be okay20:29
bkmbioterror: is that directed at me? or part of a previous conversation?20:29
bkmbioterror: thanks. looks like _results may vary_ as i peruse the topic.20:48
bkmbioterror: would the answer be the same if i asked, what would be the cleanest way to boot to a virtual terminal command prompt from which i could type startx or another command to get into the standard lubuntu graphical environment21:09
phillwbkm: to start lubuntu it would be startlubuntu, to start a standard x session it would be start x21:20
bkmphillw: thanks. what is the cleanest way to get the machine to boot to a prompt?21:21
phillwbkm: on 11.10 you get a choice of DM when you go to log on (it's the bottom left window of choices)21:21
bkmone of those choices is not a virtual console command prompt21:22
phillwbkm: then follow what bioterror says to add to the grub code.21:22
bkmokay, still reading on that - thanks!21:23
phillwI've not tried alt-F2 on the log in screen.21:23
wxlgrub code to go to vc??21:24
phillwwxl: to prevent start lubuntu running / add it to the options of which environment you want (x , lxde, lubuntu)21:27
wxli'm just saying it seems weird to do it in grub phillw21:27
wxlunless for temporary purposes only21:28
wxli think there should be a vc option to the sessions anyways21:28
phillwwxl: it prevents the GUI kicking in. you could choose rescue mode, but then need to su to yourself and all the dangers of messing up permissions that entails.21:28
bkmwxl: that would close the graphical environment and switch to a vc?21:28
phillwalt F2 should take you to vc21:29
phillwalt f7 will take you back to GUI21:29
wxlunless for some odd reason you don't want to run the gui at all21:30
bkmwxl yes21:30
wxl(which *I* don't necessarily find odd)21:30
bkmi want to just have a console and then run a command to fire up the spaghetti that is the lubuntu environment21:30
phillwwxl: he just needs to tell grub?21:31
wxlphillw: let's see the code21:32
phillwwxl: bioterror posted it earlier, scroll up.21:32
wxlnot seeing it21:33
wxl /lastlog goes back to the 12th and i see nada21:33
phillwwxl: that looks quite cute :)21:37
wxlcute, huh? ;)21:38
phillwIf you guys wish, I can fire up an VM and have a play with it.21:38
* bkm might have to try this on another machine. seems like things could go wrong...21:38
phillw(yeah, I have got them back)!21:38
phillwbkm: that is why I said I can try it on a VM :)21:38
wxlnothing can go "wrong"21:38
wxlmight not work :D21:39
wxlbut nothing will go "wrong"21:39
phillwindeed, you just edit grub back.21:39
wxli say TEMPORARILY edit the boot parameters21:39
wxldon't bother messing with grub21:39
wxljust hold down shift and then hit f6 and edit as needed and call it good21:39
phillw+1 wxl21:41
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
wxlworked phillw ?21:49
phillwI was not asked to try?21:49
wxloh i thought you implied you were21:50
phillwjust kicking in a VM... bbs21:50
phillwwhat version lubuntu do you want me to install?21:51
Newk-laptopright clicking on desktop gives me now openbox menu.. how do i get the one from lubuntu back?21:54
phillwwxl, it takes a few mins to make a new VM21:54
phillwI upgraded all my system yesterday, so am still playing catch up on things like my VM's.21:55
phillwwxl: there is a bug on installing lubuntu (and most likely all of them), even if you say do NOT get the most recent updates, it still does. Which on my slow speed == 45 minutes :(22:02
wxlphillw: no worse than the latest dailies which grab unity.. which subsequently borks the boot22:05
phillwwxl: I also get the bug reports! just because I'm quiet, does not mean I'm not involved :)22:05
wxlsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xinit/+bug/903895 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/89974222:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 903895 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "[12.04] gnome-session is trying to install unity on lubuntu" [Undecided,New]22:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 899742 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "unity-greeter segfault in libgio-2.0.so.0.3000.1 on Lubuntu 12.04 Alpha 1" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:05
phillwWhat a 'pile of dependancies' :P22:05
wxloh ok well i guess you know22:05
phillwyorvik was pretty scathing in his following of the depedancies!22:06
Newk-laptopnobody here knows how fix the desktop menu?22:07
phillwNewk-laptop: exactly what did you do?22:08
Newk-laptopwell there was this option in the menu that said something like "use openbox menu instead" but now i dont know how to change it back22:09
phillwI can send you a 'clean' .config file to put onto your machine which will return your desktop to "factory default"22:10
Newk-laptophmm.. i rather not do it that way.. i could compare them maybe22:10
Newk-laptopwhere is this config file located?22:11
Newk-laptopit has something to do with pcmanfm ?22:14
Newk-laptopah well, will try to fix this some other time.22:20
phillwNewk-laptop: if you will bear with us, I'm currently installing lubuntu onto a Virtual Machine so I can have a good look at your issue. I cannot do that at a click of my fingers, please be patient. you are not being ignored!22:25
Newk-laptopok thank you! :)22:26
Newk-laptopmeanwhile i try to find it too22:26
wxllost your msgs in the fray Newk-laptop22:27
wxli can fix this22:27
wxlfound it22:28
phillwwxl: thanks22:28
wxlhttp://is.gd/OpfMzO is shorter22:28
wxlnp phillw22:28
phillwI knew we had FAQ's for a reason, just not had chance to review them recently :(22:28
wxli wrote that one so i remember it (painfully) ;)22:28
phillwwxl: I know that feeling :)22:29
Newk-laptopthats it!22:29
Newk-laptopthank you!22:29
wxlno problem22:29
wxlnow go find some bugs and report them, newk22:29
Newk-laptopmaybe ad an option in the openbox menu to this menu :D22:30
Newk-laptopi go log-off and on to check if its fixed22:33
wxli seem to remember mine being updated almost immediately22:33
Newk-laptopwell maybe i got something in between when killing pcmanfm22:34
bkmwxl, phillw, bioterror: thanks all. the /etc/default/grub option worked. i had to switch to another virtual console, then i su[doed] # lxdm start22:36
phillwokies bkm thanks for reporting back :)22:37
Newk-laptopyay.. its back :322:37
frankcox679Weird error trying to boot livecd --- EDD Error 8000 reading reading sector 2762522:41
frankcox679gfxboot,C32 n0t a Com32R image22:41
frankcox679any ideas?22:41
holsteinmaybe a bad rom drive22:42
holsteinbad iso download... bad disc22:42
frankcox679I loaded xp with same drive and used same disk on my laptop to install Lubuntu 10.1022:42
frankcox67911.10 I mean22:42
holsteinmaybe test the hard drive?22:43
frankcox679tried another lubuntu disk-same problem22:43
frankcox679Jack Black perhaps?22:44
frankcox679guess I will try testing hd -thanks22:44
holsteinhard drive and memory22:44
frankcox679thanks for reminding me -the guy had a 512 and a 256 chip so I changed to a similar 512-could be the problem22:46
frankcox679apparently it was the memory-everything was the same but the brand22:54
filo1234hi all23:02
filo1234I guys how can I find audio server in use on lubuntu?23:02
wxlpulseaudio just as with the other buntus filo123423:03
filo1234wxl: I don't have pulseaudio installed, I've installed lubuntu-desktop from a minimal ubuntu install23:04
filo1234I suppose I'm using alsa23:04
filo1234but how can I see service from shell?23:04
wxlif you want to get to alsa controls you can do alsamixer filo123423:06
wxli'm surprised minimal doesn't include pulseaudio23:07
wxlREALLY surprised23:07
filo1234wxl: nope Idon't need to control my audio, and yes I use alsamixer normally23:08
wxlfilo1234: what do you want again?23:09
filo1234I'm only curious to know how to see server in use..23:09
filo1234so ps ax | grep alsa23:09
filo1234doesn't say nothing23:09
filo1234for example23:09
Newk-laptoppulseaudio's latency sucks23:11
filo1234uhm maybe esaound23:13
filo1234bof, I don't know :-|23:15
frankcox679there is a page in the Ubuntu docs on how to switch to OSS23:16
frankcox679on secong thought they quit supporting it23:17
filo1234frankcox679: sure but I don't have problem with audio :)23:17
frankcox679it worked for me on Isadora23:18
filo1234I'm only to know wich server, lubuntu are using to23:18
filo1234I suppose alsa...but I'm not 100% sure23:19
filo1234wxl: BTW I've installed from a minimal 10.04 ...maybe on oneiric it uses pulseaudio23:20
frankcox679alsa is in sbin so it must be23:21
frankcox679the Lubuntu alternate seems quicker23:22
filo1234frankcox679: yeah but like each process I suppose that "ps" reveales it..if is in use23:22
wxlfilo1234: yeah i don't know. i'd ask #ubuntu frankly23:24
wxlfilo1234: installing lubuntu metapackages on ubuntu is NOT the same as lubuntu23:24
filo1234ok thanks23:26
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv

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