
=== ^-o|o-^ is now known as PianoPlayinGoat
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funkyHatwooo. dependency nonsense03:13
OerHekshi, just tested 12.04 on usb, boot hangs @ waiting for network configuration ( wired )05:01
OerHeksnot a good start, for a LTS05:13
OerHeksyes i did md5sum, anyone with a solution ?05:14
urlin2uOerHeks, its a alpha and your complaining, lol.05:35
OerHeksyes, wouldn't you, if it does not boot ?05:36
OerHeksnot even with a time out without network.05:36
OerHeksi can make a bugreport, so the 'lol' is all yours.05:38
OerHeksi stop testing, bye urlin2u05:39
edgyHi, is the flash plugin for 64-bit available in repos?05:54
wxlanyone having problems with unity-greeter segfaults? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/89974205:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 899742 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "unity-greeter segfault in libgio-2.0.so.0.3000.1 on Lubuntu 12.04 Alpha 1" [Undecided,New]05:58
nanobolicdoes anyone know if ubuntu-bug is working in 12.04 as it is not for me08:13
nanobolicI'm trying to run it from Alt+f208:13
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BluesKajhey all13:34
RaviorHow can you update Adobe Flash Player without going through the Software Center?13:37
RaviorIt has that Grey install button bug13:37
Raviorfound a way13:46
FernandoMiguelboa tarde14:15
alex_mayorgaFernandoMiguel: buen día14:46
bjsnideryofel_, what is the default media player for movie files in kde?14:51
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edgyHi, what package I need to install flash for amd64 in pp?14:59
edgyany hint?15:02
bjsniderit's called adobe-flashplugin15:02
yofelbjsnider: should be dragonplayer15:04
bjsniderdoesn't say here what the backend is15:09
_melvin_join #python.de15:12
BluesKajprobly gstreamer15:12
BluesKajI like dragonplayer , too bad it doesn't do DD/DTS passthru15:15
edgybjsnider: apt-cache search adobe-flashplugin returns nothing15:16
bjsniderthen it's not good enough to be the default15:16
edgybjsnider: what do you mean?15:17
bjsniderwasn't talking to you15:18
bjsnideredgy, is the partner repo enabled?15:20
bjsniderif the package hasn't been copied over to precise you can grab the oneiric version on launchpad15:20
bjsniderlast i heard kde was using libxine as the backend15:20
bjsniderlaughed about that for days15:20
BluesKajnope, bjsnider it's gstreamer in kde15:21
BluesKajwell. it passes DD/DTS with VLC ...tried the VLC backend but it's too selective and unpredictable15:25
edgybjsnider: no, let me enable it and try ...15:26
BluesKajedgy, download from adobe, install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz ,then just copy the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins15:32
bjsniderno, that's not better than the adobe-flashplugin package15:35
bjsniderfor a number of important reasons15:35
BluesKajworks here15:35
BluesKajwith multiarch support and klash15:35
bjsnideryep, it works if you use firefox only, and you want to contstantly update the plugin yourself, and you don't care about all of the extra files adobe is now shipping with the plugin15:35
BluesKajnope , using , chromium ...it; looks in the mozilla file15:36
bjsniderthere's now included icons and a flash settings control panel15:36
BluesKajdoes it still use the wrapper , because I'm trying to avoid that'15:37
bjsniderabsolutely not15:37
bjsnidernspluginwrapper is out of the loop because flash-64 is on par feature-wise with flash-3215:38
BluesKajthen why did the wrapper plugin try to install itself when I tried to install adobe-flashplugin from the repos15:39
edgybjsnider: the package is not in the partner repo15:39
bjsniderso it just hasn't been copied over yet15:39
BluesKaja while back , mind you15:39
bjsnidergrab the oneiric package from launchpad15:39
edgyBluesKaj: I think you installed the 32 bit one15:40
BluesKajedgy, ,nope15:40
edgybjsnider: do you have  link?15:40
BluesKajwhy would I try to install the 32 bit one15:41
Raviorlook here: http://gamblis.com/2011/12/03/how-to-install-flash-player-on-ubuntu-12-04-alpha-1/15:41
Raviorworked for me15:41
edgyBluesKaj: because there is no 64bit in the repos now15:41
BluesKajedgy, that's exactly why I downloaded the tar.gz file from adoabe , to avoid the auto32bit install15:42
bjsniderugh, what a bunch of crap15:43
bjsniderthat's such complete and utter garbage15:43
bjsnideri hope he got lots of google ad revenue for that brilliant post15:43
bjsniderthe user is supposed to pay attention to new flash updates and do the same thing, which they probably forgot , the next time?15:44
BluesKajbjsnider, critizise if you want but that method is similar to mine and it works , now why isn't the launchpad version the repos if it works so well15:48
alex_mayorgaedgy: So http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/flashplugin-nonfree doesn't work for you16:27
edgyalex_mayorga: that one was 32-bits16:28
bjsniderthe partner repo is often empty in a +1 release until the final release happens, or at least closer to it16:28
BluesKajwhat's the best path for the flashplayer ?16:30
edgyBluesKaj: I agree with bjsnider that installing for a .deb is much better especially for non-experts people16:32
BluesKajlibflashplayer.so works fine in the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin16:32
edgyBluesKaj: no one said it doesn't work.16:33
BluesKajwhat';s the best location for the .so file so it works globally, is what i meant to say16:34
edgyBluesKaj: I just installed the oneiric version and it works globally16:36
funkyHatfeh. update-manager keeps popping up and trying to suggest a partial upgrade when there are no partial upgrades that make any sense16:38
BluesKajedgy, all I did was extract the launchpad oneiric file in ~/ , but is that sufficient ?...I also copied the libflashplayer.so to the mozilla plugin file16:39
edgyBluesKaj: if you copied the file manually and firefox and chromium are working, what's your problem exaclty?16:41
BluesKajedgy, well, flv files seem to take a while to launch , so the flv file looks for the player where, by default? I guess that's what I'm asking16:43
BluesKajanyway , gotta go ...bbiab , gonna change connections16:45
edgyI was disconnected16:47
edgykvm would crash my host when I make the guest full-screen and back (ctrl-alt-f) twice16:48
alex_mayorgaedgy: perhaps you should file a bug to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bugs16:50
edgyalex_mayorga: I said kvm not flash16:51
* alex_mayorga wonders what are the benefits of flash 64 bit16:51
alex_mayorgaedgy: still talking about the flash issue you mentioned earlier16:52
edgyalex_mayorga: no16:53
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edgyany one here use kvm and kubuntu to test this bug?17:08
bjsniderBluesKaj, the file you got from launchpad is a deb. it should be installed by an app designed to handle debs, like software center, or at the cli, using dpkg -i17:16
paulo_gomeshi all17:23
paulo_gomeswhat happened to the flash 64 bits ppa?17:23
bjsniderit isn't necessary anymore17:24
bjsniderthe 64-bit plugin is incorporated into the adobe-flashplugin package now17:25
bjsniderwhy is there so much flash talk today?17:25
paulo_gomesbjsnider: thnks17:25
paulo_gomesbjsnider: http://pastebin.com/4KtGfX1m17:32
paulo_gomesbjsnider: why so many i386 depedencies?17:33
bjsniderbecause you are installing the wrong package17:33
paulo_gomesi tried flashplugin-installer17:33
bjsniderthe package that has superseded the old ones is called adobe-flashplugin. it's not in the partner repo yet because that's policy with +1 distros17:34
paulo_gomesbjsnider: so i have to wait until release, or is there other way to install?17:35
bjsnideryou can grab the oneiric version from launchpad17:36
bjsniderwhat is this, international install flash day?17:36
paulo_gomesbjsnider: lol, just installed 12.04 and in firefox when trying to install flash plugin only appears gnash17:37
bjsnideri'd need to control his bot17:39
bjsnideroops, wrong chanel17:39
iceroothttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/903663 noone facing this after latest dist-upgrade? (lubuntu)18:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 903663 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "[12.04] libgtk2.0-0 Cannot load module /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/*.so" [Undecided,New]18:05
trijntjeI'm trying to install precies (amd64) in virtualbox with oneiri 32-bit as host. When I try to boot the live cd I get an error that the kernel requires a X86-64 CPU.18:11
trijntjeIs there something I can do to fix this or is it impossible to run a 64bit guest on a 32bit host?18:11
iceroottrijntje: enable vt-x in vbox, also see #vbox18:12
wxlam i the only one with a precise that won't boot due to segfaults in unity-greeter? (technically this is with lubuntu so that may be why..)18:13
trijntjeiceroot: thanks. it looks like vt-x is enabled, maybe its disabled in the BIOS or something18:14
trismwxl: do you have gnome-settings-daemon installed?18:25
wxlgiven lubuntu, unlikely, trism18:25
trismwxl: unity-greeter requires gnome-settings-daemon but doesn't dep on it, so that may be why you're segfaulting18:26
wxlhmmm will check and see18:26
wxlof course, like i said, lubuntu doesn't use gnome18:27
trismwxl: yes but unity-greeter uses it (which is probably why lubuntu uses lightdm-gtk-greeter instead)...although it shouldn't segfault without it installed either, so may be another issue18:29
wxltrism.. right, but i didn't install unity-greeter. the installer did.18:29
trismwxl: which version did you install? (lubuntu, ubuntu, ...) if it was ubuntu and then you just installed lubuntu on top then I don't know, gsd should already be installed, and you have another issue18:31
wxltrism: i installed lubuntu and only lubuntu (wipe and install for that matter) from the latest daily iso18:32
trismwxl: weird, it shouldn't be installing unity-greeter then18:34
wxltrism: i'm surprised if that's so obvious that the bug i created didn't garner more attention18:35
wxltrism https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/89974218:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 899742 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "unity-greeter segfault in libgio-2.0.so.0.3000.1 on Lubuntu 12.04 Alpha 1" [Undecided,New]18:37
wxltrism i have since tried fresh installs every day since of the dailies to no avail18:37
trismwxl: I'm downloading the lubuntu iso now so I'll take a look, as a workaround make sure lightdm-gtk-greeter is installed and change greeter-session in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to lightdm-gtk-greeter18:45
wxltrism: thx for the help. i'll let you know what i come up with (bear with me) if you let me know what you come up with ;)18:55
sindileif you install 12.04 alpha1 can you downgrade to 11.10, are there any references on this19:27
sindileas i could not find any19:27
icerootsindile: no19:28
trismwxl: wow, not only is unity-greeter installed on the cd but so is unity19:36
wxltrism: that seems problematic :D19:36
wxlthx iceroot19:58
FernandoMigueljpds: ping20:27
FernandoMiguelW: Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [Mirror: http://mosel.estg.ipleiria.pt/mirror/distros/ubuntu/archive/]20:27
FernandoMiguelmirrors down?20:27
FernandoMiguelguys anyone on the lastest kernel?20:32
FernandoMiguelI have no eth on it20:32
FernandoMiguelbut Linux Bostro 3.2.0-3-generic #9-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 7 21:06:41 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:32
Ian_CorneI'm on -420:40
FernandoMiguelyeah, I had to boot on -320:41
ubottuA schedule of Precise Pangolin (12.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PreciseReleaseSchedule21:13
DaekdroomThis time we have less Alpha releases...21:15
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:31
FernandoMiguelBluesKaj: TheMuso is here now, but seems to be kinda busy. you still have those HDMI bugs on hand? cc alex_mayorga22:03
BluesKajFernandoMiguel, no , the guy I was helping hasn't come back..I was inquiring on his behalf22:04
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FernandoMiguelTheMuso: basicly, I have a Dell Vostro V131, with gpu intel hd3000. when I plug hdmi to my TV, I only have ONE output system, that TV *OR* the laptop speaker22:09
TheMusoFernandoMiguel: Could you elaborate, only one output system?22:09
FernandoMiguelon win7, I can place any app on either at any time22:09
FernandoMiguelis this a limitation on Pulse?22:09
FernandoMigueloutput= where sound comes out22:09
BluesKajpersonally I prefer the older digital connections like coax and toslink22:10
FernandoMigueleither laptop (speakers or headphone) or TV speakers22:10
FernandoMiguelTheMuso: using the sound-indicator, it changes everything globaly22:10
TheMusoFernandoMiguel: Right, I think I know what you are talking about, but I need some output from some commands to confirm it. Please pastebin the output of "cat /proc/asound/cards"22:10
FernandoMiguellet me plug the tv22:10
TheMusoSee the command I posted above that I want the output from.22:11
TheMusoThen I also want the output of "aplay -l"22:11
FernandoMiguelunity/compiz crashed when I plugged the tv :\22:14
FernandoMiguel$ cat /proc/asound/cards | pastebinit22:15
FernandoMiguel$ aplay -l | pastebinit22:15
FernandoMiguelTheMuso: ^^^^^22:15
TheMusoYep, its as I thought.22:16
FernandoMiguelsame card?22:16
TheMusoIts actually to do with the way the ALSA devs decided to implement accessing certain HDMI connections.22:16
TheMusoTHe HDMI audio is connected to the same chip as your analog inputs/outpus.22:17
TheMusoSo if anything, its probably a limitation of PulseAudio, however I am not sure whether its possible to open audio via the analog outputs and the HDMI port as well.22:17
TheMusoI have a machine that has a similar configuration, so I need to test that some time, and see if a solution can be developed for PulseAudio.22:17
TheMusoSo for now, unfortunately there is nothing that can be done, since Pulse treats the different connections as different profiles.22:18
FernandoMiguelI know it works on windows, so the HW is capable22:18
FernandoMiguelit's like the headphones22:18
FernandoMiguelsome laptops allow sound to be diverted to BOTH speakers and phones indepenetly22:18
TheMusoYeah the hardware is capable, but the Linux Audio stack is currently limiting the usefulness of it.22:18
FernandoMiguelTheMuso: shame, considering Pulse was created to allow that and much more22:19
TheMusoFernandoMiguel: Yep, but pulse is just working within the limitations of ALSA. :p22:19
FernandoMiguellets take ALSA off than :D22:19
TheMusoSo if anything, its ALSA that probably needs fixing.22:19
FernandoMiguellets all go back to JACK22:20
TheMusoJack still uses alsa...22:20
FernandoMigueldoes it?22:21
FernandoMiguelI though it was a low level stack22:21
FernandoMiguelreplacing ALSA22:21
TheMusoJack and pulse still use alsa to work at their best.22:23
FernandoMiguelanyone still using Parcelite? or am I the last one?22:23
BluesKajTheMuso, I have a m-audio 192 soundcard that requires pulseaudio to play webaudio content , alsworks fine on the audio from the hardrive including flv files , but youtube etc plays the video but no audio without pulse ..I'd like to dump pulse if possible ..my audio is strictly digital out via coax to an audio receiver DAC22:25
BluesKajno speaker connected to the pc22:26
TheMusoBluesKaj: What do you mean by no audio without pulse?22:28
BluesKajweb audio content needs pulseaudio , no sound on youtube etc without pulseaudio22:29
TheMusoIs there a really good reason why you don't want pulse?22:30
BluesKajit's just a layer of sounderving that I don't think is required22:31
BluesKajhowever , my onboard nvidia soundcard doesn't require pulseaudio , to play web audio ...but the sound thru the onboard is crappy22:31
TheMusoBluesKaj: What version of Ubuntu are you running?22:32
BluesKaj12.04 kubuntu22:32
TheMusoOk so you are running precise.22:33
TheMusoHrm, do you have libasound2:i386 and libasound2-plugins:i386 installed?22:33
TheMusoIf you are on 64-bit that is...22:33
BluesKajI can live with pulseaudio if I have to , but the m-audio soundcard is so clean without it22:34
yofelwhy would he need 32bit libs for sound on a 64 bit system o.O22:35
yofelesp. since we don't know what version of flash he's running (if at all)22:36
BluesKajTheMuso, neither of those 32bit apps is installed ...I'm trying to stay 64bit pure here22:36
BluesKajyofel, TheMuso , I'm running the latest 64bit adobe flashplayer , no wrappers or plugins22:37
FernandoMiguelyofel: right now, 1/4 of my system is i39622:38
yofelheh, I've got 32bit stuff for skype22:38
FernandoMigueldarn migration22:38
yofelwine isn't installable..22:38
FernandoMiguelmany apps are22:38
FernandoMiguelI still can't get Google Talk plugin installed for video conf and hangouts22:39
BluesKajflash_player_11_linux.x86_64 from launchpad , I installed this today22:39
BluesKajyeah , my static skype won't run anymore either ...missing depends22:40
FernandoMiguelit's missing ia32-libs22:42
BluesKajwife runs windows and we're both here in the tv room so she handles the skype calls on her pc22:42
FernandoMiguelalmost all others work now22:42
BluesKajanyway, BBL22:44
TheMusoBluesKaj: Well if you want to use flash, you will need those packages for audio.22:55
TheMusothe 32-bit ones.22:55
TheMuso..unless you are using 64-bit flash....22:55
TheMusoBluesKaj: You could also trh http://www.youtube.com/html522:56
FernandoMiguelI finally got google-talkplugin_current_i386.deb installed on 12.04 64bits23:21
FernandoMiguelbut chrome doesn't recognize it :\23:21
TheMusoFernandoMiguel: Check where the plugin was installed, due to multi-arch, things have likely changed.23:22
FernandoMiguelTheMuso: I'm trying.... but I don't see it in the plugins list23:23
FernandoMiguelmaybe I need to symlink to some weird dir23:23
FernandoMigueldpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of google-chrome-unstable:i386:23:35
FernandoMiguel google-chrome-unstable:i386 depends on libgconf2-4 (>= 2.27.0).23:35
FernandoMiguel google-chrome-unstable:i386 depends on lsb-base (>= 3.2).23:35
FernandoMiguel google-chrome-unstable:i386 depends on xdg-utils (>= 1.0.2).23:35
FernandoMiguelDAMN YOU multiarch23:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 904013 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "dpkg: error processing google-chrome-unstable:i386 (--install):" [Undecided,New]23:42
DaekdroomWine isn't installing either.23:57
DaekdroomBut I expected it.23:57
FernandoMiguelDaekdroom: many many apps23:57
FernandoMiguelif you find some with depencies that haven't been reported yet, please fill them23:58
FernandoMiguelia32-libs is known23:58
FernandoMiguelmight even be a few extra bugs after ia-libs returns23:58
FernandoMigueljust found out chrome is one of them23:58
FernandoMigueland he is gone23:58
FernandoMigueland he is back23:58
FernandoMiguel(13-12-2011 23:58:36) Daekdroom left the room (quit: Quit: Saindo).23:59
FernandoMiguel(13-12-2011 23:58:39) freenode: might even be a few extra bugs after ia-libs returns23:59
FernandoMiguel(13-12-2011 23:58:48) freenode: just found out chrome is one of them23:59
FernandoMiguel(13-12-2011 23:58:50) freenode: and he is gone23:59
DaekdroomXChat was a bit weird, had to restart it.23:59

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