
khooverjust as a question, if I needed to run IRC in one of ubuntu's console views, how would i?00:59
willwhkhoover: irssi01:25
khooverwell, that's certainly odd looking. But, if X does decide to leave me bent over in prison, it'll work.01:28
willwhirssi is awesome01:29
Sagamoreanybody here from quebec01:30
willwhSagamore: not sure01:34
willwhI am in Victoria :)01:34
Sagamoreare there reserves there?01:37
Sagamorein victoria01:37
willwhyou mean military?01:37
willwhI am not sure - I'm an immgrant from Scotland01:37
Sagamorei mean indian reserves01:37
willwhnot in victoria01:37
willwhbut outside it, yes01:37
SagamoreI see01:37
khooverI have to use the camel language to script? bah.01:38
khoovergimme python any day.01:38
Sagamorewhat reserves willwh?01:38
Sagamorewhat are the names01:38
willwhI don't know I am afraid01:39
BluesKajhey all13:34

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