
micahgTheMuso: did you see GTK2 and GTK3 failed on i386?03:12
TheMusomicahg: Yes I did.03:13
TheMusomicahg: I suspect the version of glib that was uploaded before seb reverted it, but the reverted version probably hadn't been published in time...03:13
micahgTheMuso: yep, looks like it03:14
TheMusoYeah pretty sure its glib related, because amd64 for GTK 2 built fine.03:16
TheMusoheh and even powerpc.03:17
TheMusofor GTK3 at least.03:17
micahgwell, it looks like the new glib is published on i386 and powerpc03:17
TheMusoGoing to retry them.03:18
micahgoh, and armhf, the old one 2.31.2 on amd64,armel03:18
TheMusoGrr this stuff gets messy at times. :S03:18
TheMusoGlib is weird in that it occasionally seems to get transient FTBFS issues... Seems it built fine second time around on amd64 after I verified it built locally.03:28
desrtTheMuso: one of the gdbus testcases is known to have an unknown race/deadlock in it05:34
desrtTheMuso: nobody has been able to get a backtrace for us, so we're unable to pin it down05:34
desrtTheMuso: add to this the fact that the failure only seems to happen on the launchpad builders.... possibly due to some weird interaction with the old kernel version05:34
TheMusodesrt: Yeah thought as much, seems if you kick it hard enough, it goes again. :p05:36
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pittigood morning06:33
TheMusopitti: Morning.06:40
pittihey seb12808:25
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:25
seb128pitti, it's meeting reminder day!08:26
pittiseb128: ah, thanks; still catching up with last night's tech board stuff and this morning's breakage :)08:26
ricotzgood morning08:27
seb128pitti, what breakage? please tell me it's not something I did :p08:27
pittihello ricotz, wie gehts?08:27
ricotzseb128, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ricotz/glib/ubuntu/revision/12208:27
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?08:27
pittiseb128: nah, vte3 broke everyone's gnome-terminal, but mterry already fixed that08:27
ricotzpitti, danke, gut, ich hoffe dir auch08:27
seb128pitti, ok08:27
seb128ricotz, thanks08:27
pittiseb128: and there was lots of uninstallability due to some component-mismatches08:27
ricotzseb128, i am fine, hoping you too08:27
pittiricotz: oh ja, danke08:27
seb128ricotz, I'm good thanks08:28
seb128ricotz, no issue with the new glib? I uploaded by error to precise but decided I didn't feel comfortable with the few testing and reverted to the previous version by tweaking the number08:28
ricotzseb128, i had a look at the glib packaging and there was this missing include08:28
seb128ricotz, good catch!08:28
ricotzwhich will result in build failures if this packages isnt pulled08:29
ricotzseb128, i will update my precise package again, but i wont at the include-reversion08:29
seb128ricotz, I should add an hook to my builds to diff the .pc between versions ;-)08:30
seb128bah, between rickspencer3 and jibel we are bugs flooded :-(08:30
chrisccoulsonlol, this is funny - https://twitter.com/#!/dolske/status/14644963430119424008:46
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:46
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:47
chrisccoulsonhi seb12808:47
chrisccoulsoni'm good thanks, just fixing that cursor bug ;)08:47
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:47
seb128I'm good thanks08:48
seb128chrisccoulson, did you manage to get your debug symbols stuff sorted?08:48
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, pretty much, although it got sidelined yesterday when i had to work on something else08:49
chrisccoulsontoday though ;)08:49
seb128does anyone here has a clue or interest for libgee or gegl or babl?08:49
seb128chrisccoulson, good ;-)08:49
chrisccoulsonthen it's on to scrollbars :)08:50
chrisccoulsonor :( , not sure which ;)08:50
pittihey chrisccoulson09:01
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:02
pittichrisccoulson: quite alright, now that the morning dust has settled09:02
pittihow are you?09:02
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, good thanks. just about to make some coffee :)09:02
seb128pitti, there is a new pygobject tarball out but I guess you noticed?09:03
pittiseb128: ah, great09:03
seb128RAOF: hey, we are 1 version behind Debian and 3 versions behind upstream for colord, is there any chance you could do the update?09:03
pittiseb128: the new g-i is already in debian svn, waiting for testing migration09:03
seb128pitti, ok, well I'm looking to version09:03
pittiso, can do pygobject soon09:04
seb128pitti, we are being on polkit-gnome as well compared to Debian (though the new version doesn't seem to have lot) if you want to update that as well when you have free slots09:04
jibelpitti, current blocker for main-all upgrade bug 90347509:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 903475 in openoffice.org "Failed to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise: E:Could not perform immediate configuration on 'openoffice.org-writer'" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90347509:14
pittijibel: right, on my list09:14
pittijibel: but I had to revert the unixodbc fix again :( soprano-daemon needs porting first09:15
pittijibel: fixing bug 902947 ATM, then looking at ^09:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 902947 in openthesaurus "package mythes-de 20110119-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: update-openoffice-dicts: not found" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90294709:15
jibelpitti, ok, thanks09:16
ricotzseb128, speaking of new stuff, you want to keep this one in mind, libwacom -- http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~whot/libwacom/09:31
seb128ricotz, yeah, I noticed, another thing which made me glad we stay on 3.2 :p09:32
ricotzof course packaging and adding it to the repo in this cycle would be nice09:33
tjaaltonricotz: does the driver depend on it?09:33
ricotzg-c-c uses it09:34
Sarvattlibwacom? hmm09:34
ricotzbut the input-driver could probably use it too09:34
ricotztjaalton, it just looks for a wacom device and its capabilities09:35
seb128ricotz, I'm happy to sponsor your package if you work on one ;-)09:36
ricotzi already have one, not sure about the section09:36
tjaaltonricotz: ok09:36
ricotzsounds more like something for the xorg group09:37
ricotzseb128, so far there isnt a release yet09:37
tjaaltonricotz: I could package it09:38
ricotztjaalton, i can send you my packaging if you want09:40
tjaaltonah good09:40
ricotztjaalton, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/wacom/libwacom.tar.gz09:41
tjaaltonricotz: actually, since it's only used by the desktop environment(s), it fits better in the desktop-team category?09:45
ricotztjaalton, yeah, that is what i am not sure about, maybe it will be used by other things too soon09:46
Sarvattricotz: xf86-input-wacom isnt even in pkg-xorg in the first place either :(09:51
tjaaltonyeah, doubt ron will maintaina libwacom09:52
ricotzSarvatt, i see09:55
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Sarvattkind of a grey area, can see it needing to be updated in tandem with xf86-input-wacom when setting names change but its only going to be consumed by a gnome capplet or whatever they are called now09:58
ricotzSarvatt, do you see any indications yet that input-wacom will use it?10:00
Sarvattcant see any reason why it would, it's just wrapping stuff the driver does already in a more consumable form..10:04
RAOFseb128: Sure thing; I'll colord tomorrow.10:05
Sarvatta wacom control panel applet is a very nice thing though :)10:05
seb128RAOF: thanks10:05
ricotzSarvatt, yeah, which made me think they will make use of it instead of duplicating things10:05
seb128RAOF: how are you btw? ;-)10:05
RAOFPretty good.10:06
RAOFRoughly caught up on email, just come back from a very nice dinner of paella for Sam's birthday.10:06
SarvattRAOF: is g-c-m working in precise? :)10:06
Sarvattbring my huey to budapest!! :P10:07
ricotzRAOF, hey10:07
RAOFSarvatt: I certainly will!  Sorry for forgetting it in Orlando :)10:07
RAOFricotz: Whatup, dawg?10:07
SarvattRAOF: totally my fault, was locked up in a room working on OEM crap and didn't see you after I passed it off :)10:08
ricotzRAOF, just wanted to say hello :)10:08
Sarvattexcept for when i left but yeah i forgot too then10:08
RAOFricotz: Hi :)10:09
RAOFerUrgh.  My Intel laptop has suddenly decided that hard-locking every hour or so is a good idea.  Stupid i915.10:19
brycehRAOFer, running stock ubuntu on it or edgers?10:20
RAOFerStock Precise.10:20
brycehRAOFer, ok, can you file a report please?10:21
brycehRAOFer, is it a GPU lockup or just an ordinary kernel OOPS/BUG/etc.?10:21
RAOFerYeah.  Sadly I've got *no* debugging data; this kills the kernel stone dead; nothing makes it to disc10:21
RAOFerI'll file the bug and spend some quality time with the netconsole documentation tomorrow.10:22
RAOFer(File the bug now, debugging info tomorrow)10:22
brycehRAOFer, weird.  I've put 4 -intel systems on precise, updated 2x / wk, no problems like that.  Must be a magic-only bug?10:22
RAOFerMight also be DP-only.10:23
brycehyeah there's been remarkably few gpu lockup bugs reported so far this cycle10:24
brycehhaven't even seen any of the false gpu lockups10:24
brycehRAOFer, there is an Intel call tomorrow morning (which unfortunately I'll miss due to vacation) - might be good to escalate the bug to them prior to that10:25
RAOFerI'd like to have done at least *some* debugging before escalating.  I guess I can give a heads-up, though.10:26
brycehRAOFer, so fwd the bug upstream and then email ickle or one of the other Intel guys10:27
RAOFerGrrrargh!  Apparently, it knows.  And would like to prevent me from filing a bug :)10:31
brycehRAOFer, anti-magic!10:34
RAOFerIt has become aware.  We must destroy it now!10:34
RAOFerOooh boy that laptop could do with a clean install.  I'm not entirely sure what I've done to it, but it takes about a minute to log in.10:36
pittiRAOFer: does it also take a minute for a fresh user or a guest session?10:39
brycehRAOFer, same laptop as the one experiencing the lockups?10:39
pittiRAOFer: first step there is to check if it's a broken system or a broken user account10:39
RAOFerbryceh: Yeah, same system.10:40
RAOFerpitti: Much faster into a guess session.10:40
pittiRAOFer: so I guess a reinstall won't help, you need to check what's wrong in your user account :(10:40
brycehRAOFer, aha, doing an upgrade is a great way of incurring anti-magic.10:41
RAOFerMy x200s has been upgraded from... 10.10, I think.  It's been a champ until now :)10:41
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
JamesTaitGood morning all. :)10:45
JamesTaitIs this the right place to talk about some desktop breakage in Precise? I'd like to file bugs, but I could use some help picking apart what's happening so the bugs go to the right places.10:45
JamesTaitIn fact, it seems like it's just my system themes that are broken. I'm missing icons (Nautilus, Terminal, Gwibber action icons), the widgets look like stock GTK2 widgets, my panel is the wrong colour  and my session indicator is not displayed (due to no icon, I think) although it is reachable via F10.10:49
chrisccoulsonglatzor, the problem i mentioned with aptdaemon yesterday seems to happen with software-center too (it sees timeouts when trying to talk to it too, and won't let me install anything)10:50
pittihm, gnome-settings-daemon crash? but that wouldn't explain all symptomps, only most10:50
pittiJamesTait: ^10:50
chrisccoulsonis there anything i can do to debug that?10:50
pittiJamesTait: does a guest session work?10:50
pittiJamesTait: also, is gnome-settings-daemon running?10:50
JamesTaitpitti: I have /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-printer and gnome-fallback-mount-helper10:51
pittiJamesTait: can you try running "gnome-settings-daemon" from a terminal and see what happens?10:51
glatzorchr1sccoulson, hello, you can run "sudo aptd -td --replace" in a terminal to get some output from software-center10:52
glatzorfrom aptdaemon :)10:52
seb128JamesTait, can you pastebin your .xsession-errors?10:52
JamesTaitpitti: I think I raised a bug about this last night, actually - I didn't make the connection.10:53
glatzorchr1sccoulson, but you have to close fotware-center before10:53
glatzorchr1sccoulson, ah now i also get the same behavior10:54
JamesTaitpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/90348310:55
ubot2JamesTait: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0x9083dec> bug 903483 not found10:55
pittiJamesTait: ah, that would be due to the new development glib10:55
pittiseb128: ^ Settings schema 'org.gnome.nautilus.nautlius.extensions.ubuntuone' is not installed10:55
pittiJamesTait: try installing ubuntuone-client-gnome10:56
seb128pitti, heh, no, that would be due to ubuntuone10:56
pittioh, WTH10:56
seb128pitti, whatever use a key from that schemas should depends on it10:56
pittiand nautilus.nautlius?10:56
seb128that seems a very buggy software ;-)10:57
pittiseb128: weird, why doesn't it crash here then?10:57
seb128JamesTait, dpkg -l | grep ubuntuone10:57
chrisccoulsonglatzor, http://paste.ubuntu.com/768820/10:57
JamesTaitpitti: It is installed.10:57
chrisccoulsonit actually seems to see nothing at all :/10:57
glatzorchr1sccoulson, but there haven't been any changes to aptdaemon for about two weeks10:57
seb128pitti, ^ I bet it's a daily ppa or something10:57
pittiJamesTait: which version do you have?10:57
glatzormvo, ping10:57
JamesTaitseb128, pitti: For reference, I'm on the U1 team, so I run from the U1 nightlies PPA and also have the U1 hackers private PPA.10:58
JamesTaitSo ubuntuone-client-gnome is 3.1+r10-46~precise110:58
seb128pitti, that typo is in the .convert merged in https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client-gnome/gsd-schema/+merge/7677110:58
mvohey glatzor10:59
pittiJamesTait: so that bug might be just for you then :)10:59
* JamesTait goes to get the .xsession-errors10:59
pittiJamesTait: I updated it10:59
JamesTaitpitti: I think the same bug is affecting mandel, but he's also on the team. ;)10:59
JamesTaitMaybe worth backing out ubuntuone-client-gnome to the repo version?11:00
pittiJamesTait: at least it doesn't seem to happen with current precise, yes11:00
glatzorhello mvo, aptdaemon seems to not respond anymore http://paste.ubuntu.com/768820/11:03
JamesTaitpitti: Indeed - I just downgraded ubuntuone-client-gnome and my desktop is beautiful again.11:03
mandelJamesTait, so, is there a public bug for this?11:03
pittiJamesTait: so, happy typo fixing :)11:03
JamesTaitpitti: Oh, and ran gnome-settings-daemon11:04
pittimandel: bug 90348311:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 903483 in ubuntuone-client-gnome "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in g_object_newv()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90348311:04
mandelJamesTait, do I just have to downgrade the package?11:04
seb128JamesTait, to what version did you downgrade?11:04
JamesTaitmandel: Yes, I just did sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client-gnome=2.0.1-0ubuntu3 and then ran gnome-settings-daemon11:05
JamesTaitseb128: ^^11:05
pittiprecise has 2.0.1-0ubuntu311:05
pittiand that's working fine11:05
seb128so NOTUBUNTU11:05
seb128seems lile a bug in your (u1) daily builds11:05
JamesTaitLooks like it, yes.11:06
pittiwe need to package nautlius11:06
seb128pitti, ;-)11:06
JamesTaitA little nautlius (sic) typo.11:06
pittiJamesTait: also, org.gnome.nautilus.nautilus... doesn't look right11:06
pittiorg.gnome.nautilus.extensions.ubuntuone seems better11:06
seb128it's weird11:07
seb128https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client-gnome/trunk has no recent commit11:07
seb128nothing that could explain the bug11:07
JamesTaitI have to wonder if gsd couldn't be more robust against this kind of thing as well though.11:08
pittiit's glib11:08
pittiduring development releases we get those crashes precisely to make these kinds of errors much more obvious11:08
pittiotherwise they would just be hidden, forgotten, and the breakage is more suble11:08
pittisuch as settings not actually working11:09
JamesTaitI'll caveat that heavily with "I know nothing about desktop development".11:09
pittiwell, that's upstream glib's justification11:09
pittiand as long as we disable that assertion for the final release, I must say I fully agree11:09
pittiotherwise we'll never find all those11:09
pittithat error message is just about perfect11:10
JamesTaitWell, yes - as mandel said earlier, this is an alpha, after all.11:10
JamesTaitSo I'm a very happy chap now then.11:11
mandelyeah, I'm not surprised this happened, and the fix is easy enough :)11:11
mandelok, I'm back to work then, JamesTait pitti thx for the help!11:11
pittimandel: YW!11:11
JamesTaitYep, me too.11:11
JamesTaitThanks pitti, seb128. :)11:12
pittide rien11:12
seb128hum, "fix"11:14
seb128pitti, mandel: did you actually find where is the typo?11:14
seb128trunk has no commit for a month, it's a bit weird11:14
pittiseb128: I didn't look11:14
seb128pitti, ok, I will let the u1 guys sort it11:15
mandelseb128, let me try to take a look11:16
mandelseb128, at the end of the day, I'm in the desktop team of u1 :)11:16
pittiseb128: pygobject 3.0.3 updated in pkg-gnome, but can't upload to debian yet12:08
pittiseb128: do you want an upload to Ubuntu now, or is it ok on Thursday, when the whole stack (hopefully) goes to testing?12:08
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seb128pitti, your call, I don't "need" an update for any bug fix or particular reason out of red lines on versions ;-)12:38
chrisccoulsonglatzor, i tried downgrading aptdaemon btw, and the last one to work correctly on my machine is 0.43+bzr703-0ubuntu112:45
chrisccoulson0.43+bzr712-0ubuntu1 doesn't work (including the ability to install anything from software-center)12:45
glatzorchr1sccoulson, quite strange. Running from trunk works for you? bzr branch lp:aptdaemon and then sudo ./aptd -td --replace12:53
chrisccoulsonglatzor, ok, will try the latest trunk too13:05
chrisccoulsonbtw,the last working revision between those 2 versions is r70913:05
chrisccoulsonit seems to be this one which breaks it: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/main/revision/71013:05
chrisccoulsonglatzor, the latest trunk is also still broken13:08
glatzorthanks chr1sccoulson13:12
* rodrigo_ lunch13:13
glatzorchr1sccoulson, I am away but will have a look at it later13:15
chrisccoulsonglatzor, excellent, thanks :)13:15
ryehm, what if I get bold Ubuntu font in QT applications in Oneiric and Precise - bug #744812. ttf-ubuntu-font-family: 0.80-0ubuntu1+console13:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 744812 in ubuntu-font-family-sources "FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bold in Qt apps)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74481213:20
pittiseb128: btw, I have an appointment this afternoon, so if someone wants to do a meeting, could you drive it?13:57
glatzorchr1sccoulson, sorry, but I cannot reproduce the error on trunk. s-c also hangs on your computer?13:59
seb128pitti, sure, I can do that ;-)14:00
pittiseb128: merci14:03
seb128pitti, de rien ;-)14:04
chrisccoulsonhi glatzor14:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, it hangs software-center here14:21
glatzorchr1sccoulson, you can also reproduce the error running from the soure repository? could be an issue with dbus activation14:28
chrisccoulsonglatzor, ah, are you running ubuntu or debian?14:30
chrisccoulsoni've just figured out that if i kill indicator-session-service, then it works ;)14:31
chrisccoulsonindicator-session-service seems to talk to it as soon as it comes on the bus, which seems to be the trigger for it breaking14:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, it works fine now i've killed that14:31
kenvandinechrisccoulson, does that just make it really busy right away then?14:37
seb128chrisccoulson, unity hater! ;-)14:37
kenvandineor do you think something is blocking?14:37
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, no, it just seems to end up being completely unresponsive to anything14:38
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's all DX fault ;)14:38
seb128kenvandine, well I know that glatzor said indicator-session should be updated to use the pk interface14:38
seb128the way they are trying to check if updates are available is a hack because aptd wasn't providing the interfaces required to do it properly but it does in the current version14:39
seb128so somebody needs to fix indicator-session14:39
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm starting to realize that as i'm looking through the indicator-session code ;)14:39
kenvandineseb128, do you know if there is already a bug filed for that? if not I'll file one14:39
seb128glatzor, ^ did you file a bug about that?14:39
seb128kenvandine, no bug that I know about, I asked glatzor to open one when he mentioned it but I didn't see one in my bug emails14:40
chrisccoulsoni'm guessing the fact that indicator-session seems to kill aptdaemon is probably still an aptdaemon bug though :)14:40
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, and the fact that old version don't have the issue suggest that it used to handle it better14:40
kenvandineyeah, but i don't want to let it fall through the cracks14:41
kenvandinei'll make sure there is one14:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, right. it stopped working at this change: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/main/revision/71014:41
seb128kenvandine, seems like glatzor didn't open a bug, you should probably do it14:42
seb128then we should talk to dx about fixing bugs ;-)14:42
kenvandineon my todo list for today... :)14:42
seb128kenvandine, thanks ;-)14:43
seb128chrisccoulson, speaking of bug fixing is my indicator bug fixed yet? ;-)14:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, i will get to it ;)14:43
chrisccoulsoni'm turning in to DX!14:43
desrtseb128: bad upload?14:44
seb128desrt, I hate glib :p14:44
desrtwhat now?14:44
seb128desrt, can't get it to build, it hangs in the testsuit every time14:44
chrisccoulsonhah, running the old glib was the first thing i tried when i realized aptdaemon didn't work14:44
desrtit built on your machine?14:44
chrisccoulsonjust in case ;)14:44
desrtseb128: same gdbus case?14:45
seb128desrt, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=glib14:45
seb128desrt, no, "codegen-peer-to-peer", seems new14:45
seb128on both amd64 and i38614:45
nessitahello everyone! quick question, is there any procedure I can follow to have this package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/qt4reactor available for oneiric and natty?14:46
seb128desrt, well, I built without make check there because I wanted to have it running earlier, I should do a try with make check, I just got busy with other things today14:46
seb128nessita, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports14:46
seb128nessita, hey btw ;-)14:46
desrtseb128: you really need to get a backtrace one of these days :p14:46
chrisccoulsonis it reproducible on one of the porter boxes?14:47
seb128desrt, yeah, I need to talk to lamont or somebody, I've no clue if we can get,how to get a stacktrace from a buildd14:47
desrtevil gdbus.14:47
desrtglad it wasn't my stuff that broke it, at least :)14:47
nessitahola seb128!14:47
nessitaseb128: so backports is the only way? there is no way to have it in the universe repo?14:48
BigWhaleWhen you connect the camera to USB and you open it in nautilus nautilus will start making previews of all the files on the camera... is there a way to turn off this? because it hinders file transfer14:48
seb128nessita, we don't add new stuff to old version usually, people who need it can get it from backport14:48
seb128BigWhale, you can turn off thumbnailing but not in a specific way for cameras or some locations14:49
seb128you can go to the nautilus preferences, turn it off, copy and then on again I guess14:49
nessitaseb128: ack, duly noted. Thanks!14:49
BigWhaleyeah, I know that. I'd love to have this per device or per folder specific14:50
seb128bug #67314014:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 673140 in gvfs "gvfsd-gphoto2 loads previews for all files regardless of settings in Nautilus for previewed file size" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67314014:50
seb128ups, wrong bug14:50
seb128BigWhale, bug #886323 for example14:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 886323 in nautilus "Thumbnail Creation on Digital Camera Slows System and Crashes Nautlilus" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88632314:51
seb128nessita, yw ;-)14:51
seb128but I'm pretty sure it's a duplicate of an older bug14:52
seb128ricotz, btw did you get those "codegen-peer-to-peer" test hangs in your glib ppa builds?14:53
ricotzseb128, yes, both tests i disabled there were leading to hangs (caused by the same reason)15:02
seb128ricotz, did you report that upstream? is that specific to ppas again or does it happen locally?15:06
seb128desrt, ^15:07
ricotzseb128, afaik, this is the same gdbus problem15:07
ricotz(havent seen it locally)15:09
ricotzseb128, i have resynced totem package in gnome3-ppa15:10
seb128ricotz, btw I don't get the g-c-c grid corruption bug with your ppa gtk version so I assume it has been fixed since15:10
seb128ricotz, you have no idea around when it stopped for you?15:11
ricotzseb128, sorry, no15:11
desrtthere was a dbus change that i was concerned would introduce subtle problems like this15:11
seb128ricotz, "resynced"? on debian you mean?15:11
ricotzpitti, could you bump these builds https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3/+packages?field.name_filter=totem&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=15:11
ricotzseb128, synced with ubuntu15:11
ricotzit was base on ubuntu515:11
seb128desrt, ricotz: well the hang was random before, it happened several retries in a row on both i386 and amd64 there15:12
seb128ricotz, ok, thanks15:12
desrtbut never locally15:12
ricotzseb128, and it needed a rebuild anyway after the nautilus changes15:12
desrtseb128: i'm getting really close to thinking the kernel used on the builders has some weird bug15:13
desrtseb128: because this problem never happens anywhere else ever15:13
seb128desrt, hum ok, "fun"15:13
ricotzdesrt, yeah, it is an old kernel too :\15:13
chrisccoulsonwhich kernel is it?15:13
desrt2.6.27 or so15:14
desrtoh.  even older, then15:14
ricotz(at least my xorg.0.log says so ;) )15:14
chrisccoulsonoh, probably explains why i'm wasting my time on a porter box, where it works every time ;)15:15
desrtthat's 4 years old15:15
desrtpeople weren't using threads back then like we are now15:15
desrtcould easily be some subtle issues there15:15
seb128chrisccoulson, did you try to debug that glib issue?15:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, i just tried it on osageorange, just on the off-chance it might hang there. but i didn't realize that the buildd kernels were even older15:16
desrtplus... glib threading already found a confirmed bug in the libc... so why not the kernel? :)15:16
seb128chrisccoulson, ok15:16
seb128so, anyone here again uploading gtk 3.3.4 to precise today?15:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, i have a bunch of firefox test hangs too, and i can recreate those on the porter boxes :)15:17
seb128desrt, chrisccoulson, ricotz, pitti, mterry, cyphermox: ^15:17
seb128kenvandine, ^15:17
pittiricotz: done15:17
desrtseb128: i hear ricotz has a plan to wait until after you start building it locally and then do a PPA upload15:17
seb128i.e anyone knows a good reason to wait for next year rather?15:17
pittiseb128: not me15:17
pittiI need to leave in 10 mins15:18
seb128pitti, don't worry I don't ask you to do the update :p15:18
kenvandineseb128, maybe15:18
mterryseb128, what do you want?  peeps to test the ubuntu-desktop PPA?15:18
seb128mterry, no, just asking if anyone has an object against us going with the new gtk today15:18
kenvandineseb128, were you asking if we could upload it or if we already have plans to?15:19
pittiso, good night everyone!15:19
kenvandineno objection15:19
seb128'night pitti15:19
kenvandinegood night pitti15:19
mterrypitti, bye!15:19
seb128kenvandine, I've it ready for upload, it's in the gnome3-team ppa for a week15:19
seb128well the amd64 built failed there15:19
mterryseb128, I used to work in OEM, you know I'm all for pushing buttons :)15:19
kenvandinemterry, lol15:19
seb128ok, so let's upload that15:19
kenvandinewoot :)15:19
=== mterry is now known as mterry_sprinting
chrisccoulsonright, i need to pop out for a few minutes to find a new bulb for my desk lamp15:20
seb128it breaks at least the gnome-control-center spacing15:20
chrisccoulsonit's way to dark in here15:20
kenvandineit has a higher version number, it must be better!15:20
seb128but that's the only issue I noticed15:20
seb128but that seems to be fixed in git builds from ricotz15:20
seb128so I'm not too woried about it15:20
ricotzpitti, thanks15:27
ricotzdesrt, ;)15:27
ricotzseb128, seems like the archive was in a bad state for the totem precise-amd64 build, do you know who can bump the build again?16:29
seb128ricotz, https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-buildd-admins16:31
seb128the people in this team16:31
ricotzseb128, thanks16:31
seb128ricotz, yw16:31
seb128bryceh, chrisccoulson, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, tkamppeter, pedro_, desrt, agateau, Sweetshark: it's meeting time16:32
ogra_rickspencer3, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Archive_days16:32
seb128does anyone has a topic or something to discuss?16:32
ogra_see the schedule16:32
seb128ogra_, wrong nick16:32
ogra_yeah, sorry rick16:32
kenvandinenothing from me16:32
ogra_ricotz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Archive_days see the schedule16:32
seb128ogra_, and archive admins can't bump builds scores16:33
ogra_oh, crap i always mix these up :(16:33
cyphermoxseb128: well, it's simple; planning to upload NetworkManager soon, but waiting for a transition in Debian, though I just might have it synced from experimental and do the build-deps fixes to the 10 or so packages that need it myself16:34
cyphermox(it == libnl3)16:35
seb128cyphermox, we are in sync with Debian now?16:37
seb128thanks for the notice16:37
cyphermoxseb128: not NM, though it's close enough16:37
seb128on the same line I updated gtk to the unstable serie, I hope it's not going to create any issue for what others are doing16:37
seb128cyphermox, ok16:37
cyphermoxseb128: libnl3: we mostly are, and will be with 3.2.3, since the patch we carry was from upstream16:37
cyphermox(and I did most of the packaging work for 3.2.3, I know it works on Ubuntu)16:38
chrisccoulsonand can't stop sneezing!16:39
seb128chrisccoulson, you got a cold?16:40
seb128cyphermox, thanks for the update?16:40
seb128did anybody else had any topic?16:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, i hope not, but it does feel like it16:40
chrisccoulsoni could do without being ill again :)16:40
seb128chrisccoulson, tonight for you hot tea and early sleep then! ;-)16:41
chrisccoulson"early sleep", what's that? :)16:41
=== ampelbein_ is now known as Ampelbein
=== ayan_ is now known as ayan
seb128desrt, there?20:28
seb128desrt, ok, so somewhat the new glib makes the build hang every single time, I got somebody from #is trying to get a stacktrace20:30
seb128desrt, do you know if attaching gdb to the hanging process will be enough to get the debug symbols?20:30
seb128i.e will it try to use the local library or the system one?20:30
desrtit should be smart enough20:31
seb128let's see, he's trying to get the infos20:31
seb128desrt, but we got it 3 times in a row on amd64 and i386 so at least it's consistent and less racy with the new version ;-)20:32
desrtseb128: i have a patch that you can try to revert :)20:32
desrt(although i think that another test may begin to deadlock if you do so)20:32
seb128desrt, well I can abuse the ppa builders for testing20:32
chrisccoulsonperhaps our porter boxes should be the same environment as the buildd's :)20:33
desrtseb128: this is the one i'm suspicious about: http://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=70dacf83d23ed468ff60972fd166769482d7195f20:34
seb128desrt, thanks20:34
desrtseb128: unfortunately, that was introduced to solve a deadlock elsewhere20:35
desrtseb128: the menumodel exporter, iirc20:35
desrtseb128: so better disable those tests if you revert that patch :)20:35
desrt(and i wouldn't consider the resulting glib to be usable... i'm just saying that you could test a theory this way)20:36
seb128desrt, bt is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/769405/ I've asked a t a a bt20:37
desrtya.  not so helpful, that one :)20:38
desrt"oh look.  it looks like every program ever." :)20:38
seb128desrt, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/769408/ still doesn't seem useful? :-(20:41
seb128desrt, ?20:43
desrtseb128: i see it and i'm inclined to agree20:44
seb128desrt, is there anything else he could get?20:44
chrisccoulsonwould getting the test to set G_DBUS_DEBUG=all in its environment help you get a better idea of where it stops working?20:44
chrisccoulsonit would dump a lot of information to the build log20:44
desrtseb128: a core and a tarball? :)20:44
desrt(of the build directory)20:44
desrtat least we have some kind of vaguely clues now20:45
seb128desrt, lol, what else do you think you would get from it?20:45
desrtseb128: i don't know20:45
desrtseb128: but after i start digging in, i might20:45
seb128desrt, do we? it's stucked in a poll() how is that useful?20:45
desrtseb128: oh.  you're right.20:46
desrtthat second thread is the dbus worker thread20:46
desrti was hoping that it would be some testcase thread stuck in a maincontext iteration that i could look closer at :p20:47
seb128desrt, would chrisccoulson's G_DBUS_DEBUG=all suggestion be of any use?20:47
desrtit certainly wouldn't hurt20:48
desrti'd turn it down to =message though20:48
desrtand try only to do it for that one test20:48
desrtotherwise the log is going to be a monster20:48
seb128would be a good launchpad stress test? :p20:49
chrisccoulsoni did have a test hang that ended up stuck in a tight loop printing the same message to the console20:50
chrisccoulsonfilling the disk up quite quickly :)20:50
seb128desrt, I think I will not ask for a dump and tarball, I wasted enough of your time on it, if that's really a kernel issue I think we should just comment the testcases hitting it20:50
seb128chrisccoulson, you seem to have some experience in stressing out the buildds ;-)20:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, they hate me20:51
desrtseb128: i'm going to take a look at the testcase to see if i can find any obvious races there20:51
chrisccoulsonthey would hate me even more if i maintained libreoffice :)20:51
seb128chrisccoulson, if you made me build firefox daily I would hate you as well :p20:51
desrtanother issue could be that the builders are more heavily loaded20:51
desrtso things get scheduled differently and some race happens20:51
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering whether to set up a hardy install in virtualbox :)20:52
seb128chrisccoulson, stop it, you have enough to do ;-)20:53
seb128like you could fix my indicator bug :p20:53
seb128or the tb spam indicator bug20:53
seb128or g-s-d ;-)20:53
chrisccoulsoni can fix that after feature freeze can't i? ;)20:53
seb128or make the scrollbars20:53
seb128will stop there :p20:53
chrisccoulsonright, i'm moving my laptop downstairs20:54
chrisccoulsoni might get cut off when i undock and my session freezes ;)20:55
chrisccoulsonit worked :)20:57
seb128chrisccoulson, ;-)20:57
seb128desrt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/769429/20:58
seb128desrt, the amd64 hang, seems similar to the previous one which was i38620:58
desrtseb128: thanks for the attempts21:01
seb128desrt, yw, sorry it's not useful21:02
seb128desrt, strace says21:05
seb128" Process 3126 attached with 2 threads - interrupt to quit21:05
seb128 [pid  3126] restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted call ...> <unfinished ...>21:05
seb128 [pid  3150] restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted call ...> <unfinished ...>"21:05
desrtno surprise there.  that's what it says when you connect it in the middle of a poll() call :)21:06
seb128desrt, but I'm out of ideas :p21:06
desrttell lamont to kill the build, then21:07
seb128desrt, well I guess I will just do an upload commenting the other testcase and ask them to stop the builds21:07
desrtseb128: sounds like a good course of action21:07
seb128desrt, thanks and sorry for wasting your time21:07
desrtseb128: i could say the same :)21:07
jasoncwarner_RAOF TheMuso bryceh hey guys...meeting time. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-12-1322:04
jasoncwarner_please be sure to update the wiki and add agenda items, if any22:04
jasoncwarner_robert_ancell just mentioned time for meeting...add your items to wiki and agenda items if you have any22:05
* TheMuso has done so.22:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, i've just set up a precise chroot on a hardy install ;)22:07
seb128chrisccoulson, \o/22:08
chrisccoulsoni wonder what will happen22:08
chrisccoulsonneed to get everything installed in the chroot now22:08
TheMusochrisccoulson: Why would you do that?22:08
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, seeing if i can get glib tests to hang22:08
jasoncwarner_FYI RAOF TheMuso bryceh and robert_ancell , no agenda items so moving on from meeting. :)22:10
TheMusochrisccoulson: aaaaah.22:11
RAOFTo colord, QA testing, and figuring out why all my technology suddenly hates me!22:12
chrisccoulsonhmmm, first thing to install in the chroot - bash-completion!22:15
chrisccoulsonand vim!22:16
chrisccoulsonwow, my laptop is using 42W with virtualbox running22:28
seb128hum, dsl disconnect22:29
RAOFMmm, toasty warm!22:29
seb128robert_ancell, hey22:29
robert_ancellseb128, hello22:29
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, it's starting to burn my leg22:29
seb128robert_ancell, guess you didn't get what I was saying when I disconnected?22:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, got glib building now ;)22:29
seb128robert_ancell, I wanted to point bug #90269822:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 902698 in lightdm "lightdm crashed with SIGSEGV in check_stopped()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90269822:29
seb128robert_ancell, it's collecting some precise dups, it's a bit weird since lightdm didn't change there?22:29
seb128robert_ancell, dunno if that's due to the new glib or something but if you could check today?22:30
seb128chrisccoulson, great ;-)22:30
robert_ancellseb128, ok, will have a look22:30
seb128robert_ancell, thanks22:30
seb128chrisccoulson, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66612922:30
ubot2Gnome bug 666129 in build "the testsuit is hanging in gdbus tests" [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:30
seb128chrisccoulson, it's the upstream bug if you want to add infos22:30
chrisccoulsonfingers crossed it hangs here22:31
chrisccoulsonthere's still no guarantee ;)22:31
seb128bug #870297 is weird22:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 870297 in lightdm "Lightdm logins not being logged in wtmp" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87029722:32
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think i'm going to have to look for my charger22:32
chrisccoulsoni can normally go a whole evening in the lounge without it, but not tonight22:32
seb128go glib go ;-)22:34
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, I have no idea about the wtmp stuff22:36
chrisccoulsonhaving a SSD and 8GB of RAM really helps when running a VM :)22:41
chrisccoulsonthis is the first time i've used virtualbox on my new hardware, and it's much faster than i'm used to22:41
seb128ok, time to call it a day22:42
seb128see you tomorrow ;-)22:42
chrisccoulsondesrt, i got a test hang outside of the buildd!22:44
chrisccoulson(different test though)22:45
desrti start to wonder if it's gdbus itself that's broken22:46
desrtrather than just a test here or there22:46
chrisccoulsondesrt, this is in a precise chroot with the hardy kernel series from the buildd btw22:48
chrisccoulsoni just did a minimal server install to try it out :)22:48
desrtoh.  interesting!22:52
desrtso we can rule out the load of the buildd as a factor22:53
desrtseems quite related to kernel version, then22:53
desrtso here are the items on my list of things we do differently on newer kernels:22:53
desrt - eventfd instead of pipes22:53
desrt - o_cloexec as a parameter to pipe2 and various other fd-creating calls22:54
desrt - futexes (would impact arm, but those have been the same on intel since before 2.6.24)22:54
desrtit's quite possible that gmaincontext is to blame and the gdbus tests are the ones that fail all the time because of how heavily they use threads22:55
desrtit could also be that the kernel has a race between an event being delivered to a pipe just as poll() is starting in a different thread22:56

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