
slashtommygood morning09:49
airurandohowdy slashtommy09:50
slashtommywinter has started!09:51
czajkowskioh noes09:52
czajkowskidoes that mean snow09:52
airurandoflurries here in Athy.09:52
airurandois it constant in Dub09:53
slashtommyit does mean snow! :D09:53
slashtommyit's sunny now, but more is forecast09:53
airurandoany accumulation yet slashtommy?09:53
slashtommyi walked through the kilmainham carnival this morning, it was snowing moderately hard09:54
slashtommynot settling yet though09:54
* airurando sits in living room in fromt of a nice coal fire09:54
slashtommywe're prepared :)09:55
slashtommyice cleats, waterproofs etc09:55
slashtommyairurando: have you heard about the kilmainham carnival?09:57
czajkowskiIt can't be as bad as last year, this time last year it was already very thick snow09:57
airurandoslashtommy no I haven't09:58
slashtommyaye czajkowski, the weather isn't predictable09:58
slashtommyairurando: i think it's called 7up winter wonderland or something like that... fairground rides, circus, ice skating and bratwurst etc09:59
slashtommykids would love it09:59
slashtommyand i'm going to take ebel ice skating10:00
slashtommyi think the Kilmainham Carnival is a better name10:02
ebelyay ice skating10:06
airurandolooks great and I agree with you on the name slashtommy10:09
czajkowskimoonpie: hows you ?11:36
moonpieczajkowski: alive and finally balancing this whole working stuff with everything else, you?13:15
czajkowskimoonpie: yeah not too bad13:15
czajkowskimoonpie: so where are you based these days ?13:15
moonpieEricsson in Athlone13:16
moonpieso back home13:16
czajkowskiahh handy13:16
czajkowskiand how is skynet doing?13:16
moonpiewell we finally got the equipment bought in May isntalled last weekend13:17
moonpiethere are potential admins and the current committee are comitted13:17
czajkowskiahhh nice13:17
moonpieafter that I'm not too sure as I've about a month of emails to catch up on13:17
czajkowskicool well if you want speakers or some sort of mini event13:17
czajkowskiI can help you13:17
moonpiedefinitely want to run something, just a matter of when and making a bit of time to sort it out properly13:18
czajkowskiwell give them my email address if they have ideas and want to know what to do13:19
czajkowskiand idas of talks or speakers they want13:19
mokmeisteranybody about?20:59

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