
=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
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=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
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=== smb` is now known as smb
smbmorning .+08:32
* smb has the "feeling" jjohansen is still awake09:04
jjohansenno not at all09:04
* jjohansen sends emails in his sleep09:04
smbI am not sure this is a feat or curse...09:05
smb :)09:05
jjohansenhehe, definitely a curse09:05
smbEven half-asleep those emails usually get the "what the heck did you try to say with that" reply. :)09:05
jjohansenhehe, yeah I have been told I am blibbering idiot and incoherent all to often09:07
smb:D At least I am not alone there.09:08
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ppisatilp 90334610:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 903346 in linux "On omap, CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR needs to be set to 32768 per kconfig notes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90334610:51
ogra_seems we had serious luck over the last releases ...10:52
* ogra_ would love to know when that was set wrongly 10:52
ppisatii think it has never been modified10:54
ppisatisince we spun off arm from master10:54
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ogra_ppisati, well, it was properly set once 10:58
ogra_in 2009 10:58
ogra_so somehow that didnt get carried over from the original omap config10:58
ogra_our luck was that procps' initscript runs early enough to set it to 32768, else we would have had non working binaries all over the place10:59
ppisatiogra_: and how did we discover it?11:09
ogra_armhf failed 11:09
ogra_well, procps failed on armhf ... which in turn made us look at the kernel defaults when fixing 11:10
ogra_smb, wrt enforcer ... binaries (all of them) get killed if not run as root when mmap_min_addr points to 64k13:25
ogra_so i would think it runs ... since thats the reason we found that this option was dropped from our kernel13:25
smbogra_, By enforcer I meant the thing that runs before you get to the compile stage13:26
ogra_oh, that 13:26
ogra_well, i saw it on my ac100 kernel ... but thats built out of tree anyway13:26
smbYep, not sure if was running for the topic branch. But if its just a safety feature to not drop it accidentally again13:27
ogra_yep, agreed13:27
ogra_though as long as procps gets executed early enough we wouldnt even notice13:28
ogra_(the upstart job that is)13:28
smbWhich is a sort of "even worse"13:28
ogra_we actually only noticed it because procps was screwed13:29
ppisatismb: the problem with the enforce as it is now13:39
ppisatismb: is that it doesn't enforce much13:39
ppisati# Default to 32768 on ARM, 65536 for everything else.13:39
ppisati( ( arch armel | arch armhf ) & value CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR 32768 ) | \ ( value CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR 65536)13:39
smbppisati, hmm. thats already there?13:40
ppisati( ( arch armel | arch armhf ) & value CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR 32768 ) |  ( ( !arch armel & !arch armhf ) value CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR 65536)13:40
ppisatismb: yep13:40
smbThe I wonder whether it is actually called...13:41
ppisatiif i add the ( !arch armel & !arch armhf )... it should be ok13:41
ppisatiyes it is13:41
ppisatithe problem is the OR13:41
ppisatithis one was false: ( ( arch armel | arch armhf ) & value CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR 32768 )13:41
ppisatibecause CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR = 64k13:41
ppisatiwhile the second part was true, but didn't specify it wasn't for arm13:42
ppisati-> ( value CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR 65536)13:42
smbhm, I read it as if armel or armhf then it should be 32k13:42
ppisatibut then it says ".. OR CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR = 64k" without enforcing it to be !arm13:43
ppisatior at least that's how i read it... let me try.. :)13:44
tgardnerppisati, are you gonna respin the config patches to include the enforcer fixes ?13:48
ppisatitgardner: will do13:48
tgardnerppisati, thanks13:49
* tgardner bounces tangerine for kernel update13:52
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=== tgardner-afk is now known as tgardner
* smb loves those admins taking systems down without warning...14:20
tgardnersmb, perhaps we should start scheduling regular maintenance14:21
tgardneryou're right though, I should have checked to see if you were actually doing something.14:22
smbLickily the compile was through before14:22
smbBut a "wall" would be nice :)14:22
tgardnerwell, I did check that there were no jobs running14:22
tgardnerwhats a "wall" ?14:23
smbUsed to be message to all users...14:23
smbHm, not sure its still there14:23
tgardnersure is, huh.14:23
tgardnersmb, I  guess that would work as long as you weren't running some program that refreshed the screen all the time, like less or top14:25
smbtgardner, Right, that would just give a little more warning. Sadly being in the middle of a compile also makes it less usefull... 14:25
tgardnersmb, but since I check for that....14:26
smbTrue. Hm maintenance windows probably would work too. Though I fear, I'll be the one to forget when they are...14:27
smbdoubly so being in a bisect that drives one nuts...14:28
smbtgardner, Are you doing larger maintenance on gomeisa?14:37
* tgardner hates it when you reboot a server and it doesn't come back14:37
* smb crawls back under his rock14:38
tgardnersmb, gimme a bit...14:38
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* ogasawara back in 2015:26
aquariusI've just tried to report a suspend bug with "ubuntu-bug linux", but apport claims I'm not running an Ubuntu package; I'm running precise, installed from yesterday's nightly build and upgraded today. What might I be doing wrong?15:49
aquarius(or, as a different question: how should I report bugs?)15:50
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:02
argesapw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/833300  <-- this is the bug I'm talking about. wondering if its similar. essentially with a patch that is upstreamed with can read files with permission 111, but can't execute them. right now the upstream guy says its most likely a client issue. 17:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 833300 in linux "NFSv4 mount point does not allow binary files to run when permissions are set only to execute" [Medium,In progress]17:24
brendandfor those in the meeting earlier, the document is now editable17:27
brendandit has a comments field17:27
ogasawarabrendand: what's the difference between "Docking station/Docking Station" and "Docking station/Generic Docking Station"17:31
brendandogasawara - you can definitely ignore those, we don't test docking stations or anything that is not part of the system itself. as to why they are categorised differently, jedimike might be able to explain17:37
brendandjedimike - ogasawara is asking where the categories come from?17:38
jedimikethey are the ones that pci and usb devices fit in to, for example, the ones reported by lspci17:39
brendandjedimike - they're taken directly from lspci?17:39
jedimikeso a docking station most likely wouldn't show us in the pci or usb device list and get reported as a device17:40
jedimikebrendand, ogasawara they're taken from pci.ids and usb.ids17:40
brendandit's probably safe to say Generic system peripheral/SD Host controller should be in, right?17:48
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues Dec 20 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
* tgardner -> lunch18:59
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SpamapShey, I'm getting ready to copy the kernel into oneiric-proposed .. please remind me for the 14th time which source packages other than 'linux' and 'linux-meta' I need to copy.19:27
bjfSpamapS: that should be good enough for now19:29
SpamapSOk, they should be copied now19:35
SpamapShrm, doesn't show yet19:36
hertonSpamapS, also linux-backports-modules-3.0.019:52
SpamapSherton: done19:54
bjfherton, thanks for that20:08
cyphermoxapw: I have a small patch that fixes propagating net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr to the undrlying interfaces; just need to clean it up a bit/fix one smaller issue I noticed, and I'll send it for a quick review by the team before I send it to netdev.21:05
apwcyphermox, sounds good to me21:05
cyphermoxit was surprisingly simple to do; I was scared to see lots of black magic in kernel code.21:07
* tgardner -> EOD21:24
sforsheecnd, you have a macbook, don't you?22:39
cndsforshee, yeah22:40
cndmacbook 5,122:40
sforsheedo you know if there's a way under linux to enable the click and drag like under mac os?22:40
sforsheewhere you depress the clickpad with one finger and drag with another22:40
sforsheecnd, ^22:42
cndsforshee, yes and no, we are going to work on it this cycle22:42
sforsheecnd, so currently, is the answer no?22:43
cndsforshee, otp, let me get back to you22:43
sforsheecnd, np22:43
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cndsforshee, sorry, long meeting23:43
cndso the only way to get similar functionality right now is to mask out a portion of the touchpad at the bottom23:43
cndso that any touches there are ignored, and you can click with impunity :)23:43
cndthe size of the area is determined by the Synaptics Area setting23:45
cndyou can see an example config in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/51-synaptics-quirks.conf23:45
cndin the conf file it has a different name "AreaBottomEdge"23:45
vanhoofcnd: been meaning to play w/ that, what's a good starting place for a magic trackpad AreaBottomEdge wise23:56

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