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onkarshindeIs it possible to remove certain binary from archive?13:30
tumbleweedcan we remove the sources that build it too?13:30
onkarshindeMy query is in regard to bug #903382 It will be reat if someone with more knowledge about archive look at it and let me know which is feasible approach.13:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 903382 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[powerpc] Unsatisfiable dependency in oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90338213:34
ampelbein_onkarshinde: micah's suggestion looks sensible, did you try it?13:37
geseronkarshinde: 1) isn't possible (archive constraint that published packages mustn't change)13:38
Laneyyes, just rebuild it13:38
geserso your only option is to do a new SRU13:38
onkarshindeBumping the version means that I will have to work on SRU. Also the 'no change rebuild' SRUs are supposed to be clubbed with other SRUs. So I just wanted to check if '1' was possible. And 'geser' just said no. :-)13:38
onkarshindeBy the way, isn't this a bug if 'precise' binary got copied to 'oneiric-proposed' in case of FTBFS.13:39
geseryes, checking if LP shows what happened13:40
tumbleweedremoving it would mean replacing the binary currently published in precise, where it *is* installable13:41
tumbleweedso yes, rebuild13:42
geserwouldn't precise need an upload too? to guarantee that (version in oneiric(-updates) <= version in precise)?13:43
Laneywoe is buildd backlog14:16
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studentzNew in MOTU & running Oneric. My q? Which dist should replace <release> (Oneric or Precise) in this command pbuilder-dist <release> create. Thanks for your patient.15:49
psusiwhichever one you want15:50
studentzpsusi Thanks.15:51
psusipresumably you want oneiric if you are planning on backporting, precise otherwise15:51
psusior if you are just building to install yourself on oneiric15:51
studentzHi there: I got an error with pbuilder  http://paste.ubuntu.com/769099/       Sorry bother you. What I'm doing wrong?16:17
psusiare you running ubuntu or setting up an ubuntu pbuilder on debian?16:40
psusiit looks like you're missing the ubuntu archive keys... install ubuntu-keyring16:41
studentzpsusi running Ubuntu Oneiric .16:41
studentzpsusi  ubuntu-keyring already installed. Also I have a gpg  exported and ssh key.16:45
psusiI usually just use pbuilder, not pbuilder-dist16:47
studentzpsusi something like pbuilder create or pbuilder oneiric create ?16:51
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psusistudentz: you have to set up a .pbuilderrc and configure it for what release and so on... I didn't know about pbuilder-dist, which looks like it handles most of that for you automatically which seems nice...16:56
hyperairjtaylor: ping18:07
jtaylorhyperair: pong18:07
hyperairjtaylor: regarding the gtk+ backport, do you know which bugs are fixed by 2.24.7?18:07
jtaylorone in easymp3gain and one in geany18:08
jtaylorone moment18:08
jtaylorBug 875878 and Bug 85138318:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875878 in easymp3gain (Ubuntu) "Easymp3gain Hangs when clicking Add File or Add Folder" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87587818:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878933 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "duplicate for #851383 Crash when attempting to open a second file from the recent file list" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87893318:09
jtaylorits possible there there are more in other gtk2 packages18:10
jtaylorits time for my first motu action :)18:16
jtayloris this correct: syncpackage -d unstable pyzmq18:16
jtaylor(from unstable as precise already has zmq 2.10 so we need to upgrade, its not in testing due to a failure on arm)18:17
jtaylorand I'm curious if it builds on armhf18:17
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micahgjtaylor: click ports on the PTS page18:23
jtaylorah it built there18:23
jtaylorI'd still like to sync it, as right now ir ftbs on all arches in precise due to b-d zeromq < 2.1018:26
jtaylorit works fine on i386 + amd64 and I plan to investigate the arm issue when I find the time18:26
micahgjtaylor: sounds good18:30
hyperairjtaylor: both bugs look like they come from gtkfilechooser being broken.18:33
jtayloryes that is the source of the bugs18:34
hyperairjtaylor: the diff between 2.46.6 and 2.46.7 is pretty damn big. is it really not feasible to backport patches?18:34
jtaylorboth fixed in .718:34
jtaylornot really18:34
jtaylorthe patch is not small and something of the 1000 line diff can easily be forgotten18:35
jtaylorpretty much the complete source file was refactored between .5 and .6 leading to the breakage18:35
jtaylor+ another huge diff to fix that again18:35
hyperairi see.18:35
jtaylorI'm running on .8 from precise currently18:36
jtaylorin one of the bugs is a backport attempt for the geany issue, but it does not fix the mp3gain issue18:37
jtaylorfixing that will probably pull the rest of the .7 changes18:37
hyperairi see.18:37
hyperairwith geany, there's actually a workaround upstream that fixes the issue, but the diff for that is nontrivial and involves some refactoring again.18:38
hyperairjtaylor: huh, i see a patch in gtk+ that already fixes the filechooser issue with geany, and i can't seem to reproduce it here.19:22
jtayloryes its incomplete19:22
jtaylorI could still reproduce it with the patch19:22
jtayloras a few others but not all19:22
hyperairi see.19:23
jtaylorgreat pyzmq fails on the archive builders but works fine in my chroot ...19:26
ScottKjtaylor: build log?19:27
broderthere are...a lot of test failures there19:27
broderunfortunately the output from the test suite isn't very useful19:29
* Zhenech_ smells some network-needing tests and your buildd-chroots forbidding it and then disappears19:29
jtaylorit should not need network19:29
jtaylorits the same testsuite as all versions before which worked fine on the builders19:29
broderit is using network - at least one of the failures is from binding to
broderbut that should work19:30
broderi wonder if the buildd's network access is firewalled off in some dumb way that causes problems19:31
tumbleweedI've never seen binding to be a problem before19:32
tumbleweedhrm, SpamapS is talking about similar problems in #ubuntu-devel19:38
ajmitchI've seen binding to localhost fail, and binding to succeed19:38
ajmitchiirc that was because of buggy ipv6 code19:38
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