
Rar9as said tomcat7 is already running fine.00:00
Rar9just need to add the solr 3.5...00:00
Rar9but the instruction on google have not gotten me any further....:-(00:01
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stgraberhallyn: Cced you on the mail I sent to James Hunt with the proposed mountall change. Test here shows that it does what I want, at least in my test environment.01:35
stgraber(as in, container boots, mountall is triggered, goes through its list of mountpoints, detects that it should mount /dev but /dev contains some mountpoints and so skips it)01:36
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nonotzahow can I tunnel server requests through a proxy?02:22
hallynstgraber: cool, thanks02:30
hallynnonotza: depends what you mean, but perhaps ssh tunnels (ssh -L localport:remotehost:remoteport otherhost) will work for you02:31
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ntr0pyIs it possible to run x11vnc from xinetd?02:41
twbntr0py: uh, that would be silly02:44
twbntr0py: unless x11vnc is a server?02:44
ntr0pytwb: why?02:44
twbYou probably want x0rfbserver02:44
ntr0pytwb: i dont quite get it why?02:45
twbOK, how about this: WHY do you want to run x11vnc from xinetd?02:45
ntr0pytwb: because it always polls my xserver on :0 and wastes CPU, also GDM freezes my whole box if i log out of Gnome (i added x11vnc at the end of gmd/init/default)02:47
twbDo you need VNC to share the same session as the local user?02:48
ntr0pytwb: i want it to connect to :0 via XDMCP only if i really use it and exit directly after i close connection02:48
twbHum.  Maybe you really do want to run it via xinetd.02:49
twbI can't think of a better solution02:49
ntr0pyI tried but i always get "rfbNewClient: write: Broken pipe  "02:50
twbYou probably need extra magic that I'm not familiar with02:52
twbDoign stuff via inetd is usually bad juju so I don't.02:52
ntr0pyfor fulltime services i agree but i only need it rarely for some admin stuff02:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #903521 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "open-vm-dkms 2011.07.19-450511-0ubuntu2: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90352103:02
twbIf you need a GUI to do administrative tasks, you are not a sysadmin and shouldn't be allowed to have a computer.03:05
twbFurther, you would do better to ssh -X <stupid GUI tool> than to use VNC03:05
ntr0pyWhen trying to run x11vnc via xinetd i ALWAYS get "rfbNewClient: write: Broken pipe" error message (i tried a zillion configs). Any ideas, what am i doing wrong ?03:10
ntr0pytwb: yes i know those, and i do use them too but i really want a GDM login via x11vnc/xinetd03:11
qman__sorry, those are both technologies I avoid like the plague03:12
qman__old, configuration and security nightmare03:12
ntr0pyyes if i could i would use NoMachine NX but its not an option i need vnc03:13
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Martynntr0py : VNC Viewer’s default setting is auto-encoding selection, which means first use ZRLE and then switch to hextile if possible—that creates a problem03:49
Martynntr0py : Just pick one, and your rfb error might go away03:49
ntr0pyMartyn: thanks i will try that03:50
Martyni.e. vncviewer localhost:0 PreferredEncoding=Hextile03:50
Martyntwb : Your attitude is strange.   I'm an old, bearded, grizzled unix sysadmin and I /know/ there are packages out there that still resort to a UI for configuration.03:52
Martyntwb : Whether or not you use a UI doesn't make you a better or worse sysadmin.   Being knowledgable, patient, understanding when to use process and when to put it aside, and knowing the system you _are_ administrating does.03:53
twbMartyn: if the package requires a UI to configure it, the package is broken.  If it has plain text files, and you're using a GUI to configure it ANYWAY because you're too stupid not to, then you're broken.  End of story.03:55
* Martyn raises eyebrows03:56
Martyntwb, please never, ever, ever come near any systems at CERN03:57
twbHeh, I bet they're all still hairy motif stuff03:58
Martynnot quite that bad, but you're not that far off.03:58
MartynSome of those systems are still using software packages with a heritage from IRIX03:59
Martynand of course, plenty of Microsoft to go around.03:59
twbAnd all the specialist equipment talks to a custom ISA to serial card which hasn't been made for ten years03:59
Martyn*snort*  heh, no03:59
twbThat's what the astronomy stuff is like in .au04:00
MartynThats a pity04:00
MartynThe setup at CERN is actually very impressive...04:00
Martynand it has to be, given what the accelerator does, and the massive amount of information they throw around04:01
Martynthey can't even keep all the data they generate.04:01
ntr0pysometimes i need to configure GUI software clients are using, ans sure they store their config in files/databases but i need to use the GUI for that04:03
ntr0pyBTW:      server_args = -inetd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -display :0 -env FD_GDM=1 -auth guess -rfbauth /root/.vncpasswd -shared -nomodtweak -noxrecord         with           wait = no        seems to work with xinetd ...04:03
twbntr0py: oh, x11vnc has an -inetd argument?04:04
twbntr0py: I was assuming he'd have to roll that stuff by hand which was way below my care threshold04:04
kaushalAny step by step guide to install rsyslog server on ubuntu Linux server 10.04 LTS ?04:18
qman__it's installed by default04:19
twbkaushal: rsyslog is the default04:26
kaushaltwb: any wiki to setup linux clients to use rsyslog server ?04:30
kaushalany GUI web interface ?04:30
twbkaushal: uh, so you have two hosts, both running rsyslog, and you want one to speak syslog protocol to the other?04:30
kaushalbasically a centralized rsyslog server and 100 linux clients connecting to this rsyslog server04:31
kaushaland a web interface to access it04:31
twbWell, to make them speak to one another you need...04:32
kaushaltwb: ok04:36
twbI also highly recommend commenting out this: $ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat04:40
MTecknologyI decided my hardware sucks.05:01
MTecknologytwb: apparently the cpu ond that atx board is embedded, and i apparently paid no attention when buying it05:01
MTecknologythe chipset on the board is aweful too. I decided to buy some nice fast stuff including an LSI SAS Controller. :)05:02
twbMTecknology: I don't care05:03
MTecknologytwb: of course you do05:04
hallynstgraber: no attachment on the emails05:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #903552 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.23-6ubuntu6.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90355205:31
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tazmaniaWhy can't I run apache2 and n2n-supernode at system bootup?  What happen is that during system boots up, apache2 will fail to initialize.  If I remove n2n-supernode from the init.d scrip, then apache2 works.06:52
SpamapStazmania: what is n2n-supernode ?07:19
tazmaniaSpamapS: n2n is a vpn and the server side is called "supernode". The client is called "edge"07:20
SpamapStazmania: is it possible that n2n-supernode listens on the same port?07:22
tazmaniaI tried 2 ports, 8888 and 82 and apache2 failed to come up07:24
tazmaniaI use start-stop-daemon command to bring up the supernode and I used "update-rc.d supernode defaults" to create the autostart script07:25
SpamapStazmania: surely one of them prints the problem they're having into log files.07:26
SpamapStazmania: for apache2, I'd expect logs in /var/log/apache2/error.log07:26
tazmaniait doesn't have any error07:26
tazmaniaI have checked07:27
SpamapSso it just exits for no reason?07:27
SpamapStazmania: service apache2 start should at least give you a reason why it failed07:27
tazmaniaif I do it manually, /etc/init.d/apache2 start or restart, then it works07:28
tazmaniaIf I remove the supernode from the auto start init script, apache2 works07:28
SpamapStazmania: ok so perhaps apache2 needs n2n-supernode to already be started?07:29
tazmaniaLet me check the logs to see if I can find anything07:30
tazmaniaIf I change the supernode script from "start-stop-daemon" to a plain "supernode -l 120 &", then apache2 works07:30
SpamapStazmania: is it possible they're using thes ame pid file maybe?07:34
tazmaniahmm.... there are two different application.  It should be very unlikely07:35
tazmaniain the init.d script, apache2 should be called before supernode07:36
mjau^I'm wondering about hte runlevels in ubuntu 10.04; I only know the sysV way..08:06
mjau^like, for instance, how do I check what runlevels a daemon will start on?08:07
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903602 in autofs (main) "CIFS automount with "nounix" option create empty directories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90360208:50
lynxmanmorning o/08:53
jamespagemorning all09:01
* jamespage waves at lynxman09:01
* lynxman waves back at jamespage :)09:03
koolhead11hi all09:07
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ewookmorning. I'm a bit lost. Need to 'extract' the last installed .deb files from apt (ie, from the cache), any pointers how to do that?09:53
koolhead11Daviey: sir09:55
rbasakewook: look in /var/cache/apt/archives/10:01
Davieykoolhead11: hey10:09
koolhead11Daviey: how are things? i find channel very silent these days. :(10:12
Davieykoolhead11: really?10:17
DavieyThings seem to be good!10:17
koolhead11Daviey: cool. Seems like everyone relaxing after sprint :)10:19
Davieykoolhead11: I'd be quite suprised if people are that tired from the sprint..10:21
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mjau^anyone around?11:56
mjau^on ubuntu 10.04, is there a way to list what services that will start with different runlevels?12:37
mjau^or should I simply do ls /etc/rc* | less?12:37
mjau^what I'm looking for is something like chkconfig --list12:37
slakcphilthis thread was marked solved13:32
slakcphili know they are talking about the generic kernel, but what about 10.04's kernel? I am having similar issues with 10.04 server, getting same speeds using 3.0 pcix and a external hdd13:34
slakcphil64bit DELL 2850 with 8 cofrfes13:35
smoseradam_g, from conversation yesterday... just fyi, the ec2-api-tools should be installable, they're just in multiverse, and multiverse is not enabled by default in stock images.13:35
slakcphildoes anyone know if that was fixed or back ported?13:35
patdk-wkslakcphil, that would be a no13:36
patdk-wkI seriously doubt it would be fixed in the stock lucid kernel13:36
slakcphilreally? even the server edition?13:36
patdk-wkhmm, ya, security patchs are backported13:36
slakcphilhow horrible is the idea of installing or compiling new kernel?13:37
patdk-wkjust install a backport kernel13:37
patdk-wkfrom natty, or oneiric13:37
slakcphilhow *safe* is that?13:38
patdk-wkit's a kernel13:38
patdk-wkif you have a issue, reboot with a different one13:38
slakcphilyeah really13:38
slakcphilwhere is the official place to find that? not kernel.org right?13:39
patdk-wkto find what13:39
slakcphilthe natty kernel13:39
susmanHi, trying to configure boot options for automatic network installation of 11.10 with preseed, language=en country=IL locale=en_US.UTF-8 is passed to kernel while booting, but for some reason installation process stops by "Configure locales" and waiting for human input.13:40
susmanAlso we have configured preseeding installation process for 10.10, with same configuration - works like a charm... is it bug in 11.10? is it known? any workaround?13:40
slakcphiloh ok, i will apt-cache search for it13:40
slakcphilthx, patdk-wk13:40
lynxmanslakcphil: this might help https://sites.google.com/site/lightrush/random-1/howtoinstalllinuxkernel2638onubuntu1004lucidfromubuntu1104nattytheeasyway13:40
patdk-wkslakcphil, apt-get install linux-image-server-lts-backport-natty13:41
zuljamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+junk/openstack-tests13:57
stgraberhallyn: doh... sent14:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #903743 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.3.2-3ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90374314:36
susmanHi, trying to configure boot options for automatic network installation of 11.10 with preseed, language=en country=IL locale=en_US.UTF-8 is passed to kernel while booting, but for some reason installation process stops by "Configure locales" and waiting for human input.14:44
susmandoes anybody knows here something about linux? or everything beyond apt-get is forbidden for you?14:45
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-nom
zulsmoser: hey suppose we can swith the emi to ami on the cloud-publish tools15:33
smoseroh in publish-tarball.. that would probably be a bad idea. if someone is actually using it in a programmatic way, it'd break them.15:34
zulimage  : precise-server-cloudimg-i386.img15:34
zulTue Dec 13 10:31:42 EST 2011: ====== bundle/upload kernel ======15:34
zulTue Dec 13 10:31:47 EST 2011: ====== bundle/upload image ======15:34
zulTue Dec 13 10:32:18 EST 2011: ====== done ======15:34
zulemi="ami-00000004"; eri="none"; eki="aki-00000003";15:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #903771 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90377115:35
smoseryeah, dont you think that would break anything parsing that ?15:37
=== Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha
zulsmoser: perhaps15:55
smoserit writes that to stdout. the intent was that you could do : cloud-publish-tarball ... > result && . result && echo "you now registered: $emi"15:56
hggdhRoAkSoAx: ping15:56
ewookrbasak: Yeah thanks :p. a less on the files confused me at first, thus my question - but those are the files I was looking for ^16:24
uvirtbotewook: Error: "^" is not a valid command.16:24
ewookuvirtbot: And you, my botty friend, do not smile enough.16:25
uvirtbotewook: Error: "And" is not a valid command.16:25
hallynsmb: if you think just adding alias for nfs4 to nfs in modprobe.conf ia all that would be needed, I can suggest that in a debian bug and let them take it from there16:25
smbhallyn, Apreciated. Yes, its all that is needed16:26
tyskai have 4 exactly same servers16:26
tyskathere is some tool that just replicate the installation from 1 server to the others 316:27
hallynsmb: cool, thanks, will submit it then - ttyl16:27
smbhallyn, The problem for it is that mount.nfs4 is leading to a modprobe for a kernel module named nfs4 (which does not exist).16:27
smbIf you probed it before or tell modprobe by an alias all is good16:28
hallynheh, simpler than i thought.  thanks16:30
Error404NotFoundNot strictly related to ubuntu server, so feel free to ignore. My ubuntu server hosts abc.domain.com(IP: where domain.com is hosted on another server. I have installed postfix and smtp is working fine. My question is: do i need to set reverse dns? if yes, to what? domain.com or abc.domain.com?16:33
RoAkSoAxhggdh pong16:35
hallyntyska: well 15 years ago we used to just boot a minimal livecd and install with rsync over ssh.  The usual answers now seem to be preseeds and orchestra, but as for copying one config to another machine I'm not sure what's recommended16:35
hallyntyska: (server meeting is going on, so wait 30 minutes and you may get more answers)16:36
tyskahallyn: i just need to install the 4 servers with ubuntu server, without any modifications16:37
hggdhRoAkSoAx: is cloud-init expected to work with Cobbler from a Lucid system>16:40
hggdhRoAkSoAx: meaning: Cobbled is based on an Oneiric, cloud-init is trying to contact it from a Lucid (and failing with timeouts)16:41
hallyntyska: i'd recommend preseeding (http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/394 and http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/03/ubuntu-server-quick-install-no.html)16:45
hallynit's what i do for quick replicated test installs - but note that it's a bit finicky and limited16:45
tyskaok thanks hallyn16:46
drt24hallyn: the uquick link is borken so following Dustin Kirkland's instructions won't work16:48
edgyHi, kvm would crash my host when I make the guest full-screen and back (ctrl-alt-f twice)16:49
edgyhallyn: hi16:49
drt24kirkland: ping re uquick link being broken16:50
hallynedgy: which qemu on what release, with waht window manager?16:51
hallynedgy: (probably best to file a bug, though)16:51
edgyhallyn: yes, I want to file a bug but I am not sure whether it's specific to me or general; host and guest are kubuntu precise16:52
edgyI just want to confirm it first16:52
RoAkSoAxhggdh: huh? cloud-init doe snot contact cobbler... cobbler feeds juju user-data and also meta-data through the preseed file16:53
RoAkSoAxhggdh: err jujuprovides the user-data to cobbler, and cobbler feeds it to the machine throyugh the preseed16:53
hallynedgy: oh, yeah, mightb e specific to you, but still good to record it i think, others may run into it16:53
hallynedgy: using sdl?16:53
edgyhallyn: what files I need to attach to help debug it?16:54
edgyhallyn: yes16:54
hallyn'ubuntu-bug qemu-kvm' should DTRT, if this is in fact kvm16:54
hallynok, lemme try under unity real quick (booting)16:54
hggdhRoAkSoAx: Q came because all our profiles in the Lab use it, not only those juju-related16:57
UrsinhaSpamapS: do you watch The Walking Dead?16:58
hallynedgy: can't reproduce in unity on precise with a server guest image16:58
UrsinhaSpamapS: there's a character that looks a lot like you16:58
SpamapSUrsinha: no, I have too many other television addictions, and I hear its really really good.16:58
SpamapSUrsinha: oh gee thanks for the compliment.16:59
* SpamapS has always wanted to be a zombie16:59
Ursinhahe's the most bad ass in the show haha16:59
UrsinhaSpamapS: http://www.hypergeek.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Daryl_Dixon_promotional.jpg16:59
SpamapSOh ahha I love that actor16:59
RoAkSoAxhggdh: no, only the juju related profiles install the user-data and meta-data into the system. The other profiles only install cloud-init (well all machjines installs orchestra-client-, which also pull cloud-init)17:00
SpamapSUrsinha: thats actually my evil twin. :)17:01
edgyhallyn: do you have a kubuntu desktop guest handy?17:01
UrsinhaSpamapS: that explains :P17:01
SpamapSUrsinha: I was first told I looked a bit like him when people saw Boondock Saints.. another one where he's a badass. :)17:02
UrsinhaSpamapS: you should make use of the fame haha17:02
SpamapSI haven't had anybody actually ask me directly, but walking around Hollywood, a few people have stared really hard17:03
edgyhallyn: I just replied to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-linaro/+bug/90223717:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 902237 in qemu-linaro "kvm-spice is very slow to boot" [Medium,Incomplete]17:03
hallynedgy: no, i don't17:03
hallynok - i'm out for a bit, back in a bit17:03
hallynedgy: hm, I see, thanks for the comment.  biab17:04
adam_gRoAkSoAx: i think hggdh is correct, on lucid systems cloud-init fires off during boot and polls the unreachable metadata service for however many minutes17:05
UrsinhaSpamapS: at least for me you really look like him :) I was watching the series with that feeling "I've seen this guy before.." and one of these G+ hangouts made me realize that the guy was you hahahaha17:05
edgyhallyn: how can I help you more?17:05
SpamapSUrsinha: I'll start bringing a shotgun to the hangouts just to make you feel less confused. :)17:05
Ursinhagood idea17:05
kirklandSpamapS: so I've just finished setting up irc-hybrid + supybot for logging ...  it's an all-in-one system, but what would you honestly think about a juju charm to do this?17:05
hggdhadam_g, RoAkSoAx: it tries for 100*10 seconds, blocking the boot progress17:06
RoAkSoAxadam_g: can you pastebin the preseeds?17:06
kirklandSpamapS: I don't know how repeatable this setup is, I'm afraid17:06
kirklandSpamapS: but I've set it up once, and I don't really want to blow time on recreating this work again;  would much rather tweak a conf and juju-deploy17:06
adam_gRoAkSoAx: one min17:06
RoAkSoAxadam_g: but really, cloud-init cannot pull meta-data from cobbler17:06
RoAkSoAxadam_g: the meta-data stuff was added only for oneiric, and its not pulling based.17:07
adam_gRoAkSoAx: i know, but its trying to reach the ec2 metadata service17:07
RoAkSoAxhggdh: ls /root/ and what do you see there?17:07
adam_gbecause (i assume) the lucid cloud-init hasn't been updated since all of this stuff was added17:07
RoAkSoAxadam_g: is it deploying with juju?17:07
hggdhRoAkSoAx: I will have to reinstall with the original kickstart templates. This will take at least 30 min17:08
hallynedgy: I'm leaving kubuntu-desktop installing so should be able to test this afternoon17:08
RoAkSoAxhggdh: are you testing with juju?17:08
hggdhRoAkSoAx: nope17:08
hggdhjust cobbler17:08
adam_gRoAkSoAx: i dont remember if i was doing a fresh ubuntu server or juju profile. this was on the QA lab, so you're welcome to test those17:08
edgyhallyn: good, I will follow the bug close awaiting for any advice, thanks17:09
RoAkSoAxhggdh: what's int /root of the deployed system17:09
hggdhRoAkSoAx: I will need to reinstall Lucid to check, as I stated above17:09
RoAkSoAxhggdh: ok ;)17:09
edgyhallyn: in kvm-spice how can I make it full screen to test this bug too?17:09
RoAkSoAxadam_g: ok, will probbaly do it later tonight, i'll be on and off this week as i'm already on vacation :D17:10
SpamapSkirkland: sounds like it might be quite useful as a charm. :)17:10
adam_gRoAkSoAx: actually, im 90% sure this was installing from the stock lucid-x86_64 profile17:10
adam_gill fire off an install and check17:10
RoAkSoAxadam_g: ok, let me know your findings17:10
SpamapSkirkland: I have a dream, where one day, users will judge a charm not by the task that it sets out to perform, but by the content of its hook scripts.17:11
adam_ghggdh: were you hitting this on the original UEC cluster? (santol, cempedak, etc)17:11
hallynedgy: you could try http://people.canonical.com/~serge/qemu-kvm-spice_0.15.91-2011.11-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb to see if that's faster for you17:11
hggdhadam_g: no, on the Lab machines (rukbah, tarf, phact)17:11
RoAkSoAxadam_g: if the orchestra.preseed is being in used, then nothing should be placing meta-data into de deployed machine for cloud-init17:11
hallynfor full screen - i dunno offhand, sorry.  maybe spice-gtk will do it?17:11
hallynnow, for real, biab :)17:11
RoAkSoAxadam_g: if that's the case, then its cloud-init itself who's doing the request17:11
hggdhRoAkSoAx: it was orchestra.pressed. It includes a snippet for cloud stuff, this was there17:12
RoAkSoAxhggdh: so someone erroneously modified the preseed then :)17:12
hggdhthe snippet is orchestra_client_package17:13
RoAkSoAxhggdh: orchestra_client_package only installs cloud-init17:13
RoAkSoAxthat snippet only install cloud-init17:13
RoAkSoAxhggdh: but there's not meta-data nor user-data that cloud-init will seed from17:14
hggdhRoAkSoAx: indeed. But cloud-init does not work with lucid, so there we are17:14
edgyhallyn: tried the ubuntu2 version but still same problem17:14
RoAkSoAxhggdh: ok so a quick fix would be for you to do the follow: edit /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/orchestra_client_package and remove cloud-init from there17:15
adam_gRoAkSoAx: yes, its cloud-init ala lucid, polling the metadata service, because it thinkts its in ec217:15
RoAkSoAxadam_g: yeah,  its cloud init itself  then :) not cobbler :)17:15
RoAkSoAxadam_g: though the preseed installs cloud init17:15
hggdhRoAkSoAx: already did :-)17:16
RoAkSoAxhggdh: :)17:16
RoAkSoAxadam_g: hggdh I'll modify that in orchestra's orchestra_client_package snippet17:16
hggdhRoAkSoAx: perfect, thank you. Do you want a bug on that?17:16
RoAkSoAxhggdh: filing it already :)17:17
=== onre is now known as Guest66200
edgyhallyn: wait ...17:18
hggdhRoAkSoAx: another one -- IDK, yet if the profile has been changed or not, installing a fresh cobbler locally meanwhile17:19
hggdhRoAkSoAx: the orchestra.pressed has a late_command to chmod a powernap script17:19
hggdhthere is no such script in Lucid17:20
hggdhso the d-i install halts on an error, needing user attention (press Enter, and install proceeds)17:20
SpamapSI'm still a bit nervous about orchestra pushing powernap onto servers by default.17:24
SpamapSAfter it offlined half the CPU's on our emerald ridge box at the ODS demo, and couldn't bring a bunch of them back online, it definitely makes me nervous.17:25
edgyhallyn: if I used -enable-kvm it boot quickly but when I login it would kick me out17:26
zulSpamapS: ditto17:26
edgyaha! biab = bak in a bit, ok then I will hfab (hang for a bit)17:27
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adam_gSpamapS: to be fair, we didnt really need *all* those CPUs, did we?17:28
SpamapSadam_g: true, of the 40, we only needed 24 ;)17:29
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RoAkSoAxhggdh: can I see that preseed?17:31
hggdhRoAkSoAx: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/769190/17:32
hggdhRoAkSoAx: the script '/etc/pm/power.d/01cpu_online' does not exist for Lucid17:33
RoAkSoAxhggdh: is that default install? cause in the orchestra branch that doesn't exist17:35
RoAkSoAxhggdh: i believe that's manually been added by jamespage17:35
hggdhRoAkSoAx: ah, this is it, then. I did not participate on the build-up. Cool17:36
jamespageRoAkSoAx, yes17:36
RoAkSoAxhggdh: yeah then, but either if that chmod for powernap script fails, the installtion should continue to be successfull17:36
RoAkSoAxjamespage: and yeah in precise that has been fixed already. That script is not executable by default ;)17:37
hggdhRoAkSoAx: it will, eventually. But D-I stops with an error message, and someone must get to the console and press Enter17:37
jamespageRoAkSoAx, going to SRU that to oneiric?17:37
RoAkSoAxjamespage: yes17:37
RoAkSoAxhggdh: try modifying it like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/769198/17:39
hallynedgy: you log into kde on the guest?17:41
hallynwonder if -vga qxl has a problem with that17:42
hggdhRoAkSoAx: roger wildo17:42
edgyhallyn: I couldn't log into kde but I managed to log into unity with very very bad display17:42
edgyhallyn: I am trying to attach the Xorg log file17:42
edgyhallyn: done, please check the Out of surfaces errors there17:45
hallynedgy: thanks17:46
edgyhallyn: btw definitely -vga qxl is the culprit because -vga std works well17:49
smoserzul, https://github.com/boto/boto/pull/432 was merged.18:10
smoserso, upstream boto now has 'ec2_connect_endpoint'18:10
smoseri'm happy that eventually it wont be such a pita to connect to arbitrary ec2endpoint18:11
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mjau^so, which is the preferred way in ubuntu 10.04?18:33
mjau^/etc/init.d/bind9 restart, or service bind9 restart?18:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #903752 in tevent (universe) "[MIR] sssd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90375218:46
smosermjau^, they'll end up being the same.18:48
smoserbut 'service' is probably preferred as that will also work for upstartified jobs.18:48
mjau^smoser: hm, can you elaborate on the last part?18:49
smoserif a service has an upstart job, then it could potentially not work with '/etc/init.d/SERVICE' (although likely there is a wrapper script installed there that would make it work)18:50
smoserbut if you use 'service service-name restart', it will invoke upstart restart if the job is upstart and init.d restart if init.d18:50
adam_gzul: ping19:00
zuladam_g: pong19:00
adam_gzul: ohhhh i see, openstack-dashboard package in the archive comes from the lp:ubuntu/precise/horizon source (not lp:ubuntu/precise/openstack-dashboard)19:04
zuladam_g: yeah because it got renamed19:04
patrickmwjamespage, I've given up trying to shove the square peg in the round hole with the jenkins dashboard.  I think its as good as it's going to get.  Any further extrapolation will require its own reporting mechanism19:07
adam_gzul: in any case, http://paste.ubuntu.com/769287/19:07
zuladam_g: lovely...can you open up a bug in launchpad please19:08
adam_gzul: sure19:09
zuladam_g: thanks19:10
adam_gzul: doh, its just a typo , ill send a fix19:12
smoserbug 90387819:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 903878 in libvirt "libvirt lxc broken on precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90387819:20
smoserweee! hallyn ^19:20
hallynbut I'm sure you know how to fix it19:24
* hallyn lives in optimism19:24
smoseri think it might have regressed with last upload19:25
smoseri'm verifying19:25
smoserbut i think it worked previosly19:25
hallyndoes 'virsh net-list' show default up?19:26
smoserwell, shoot.19:26
smosercan't easily test.19:26
smoseri was thinkig my old cloud-image had libvirt and i could just test there (where i thought it worked before)19:26
smoserbut it did not19:26
smoserdid not have libvirt, and i couldn't easily get it from archive then.19:27
smoseri was trying to verify that it worked ~ a week ago19:28
smoserbut my plan failed as i would have to get the older libvirt from the archive (and, surprise, not there :)19:28
hallynok i'll test on precise in a min19:28
smoserregarding virsh net-list, yes, i think up19:28
smoserhallyn, i'll give you access to a system in a minute19:29
hallynsmoser: WFM19:30
hallynfollowing your instructions to the letter19:30
hallynprecise updated this morning19:30
smoseryou're confused.19:31
smoserits not supposed to say "error: internal error"19:31
smoserhallyn, ubuntu@
smoserrun byobu there so i can see19:32
hallynno errors on my system at all.19:33
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hallynsmoser: kernel19:35
hallynyou don't have veth19:36
smoserthank you, hallyn.19:40
eagles0513875|2hey guys im running ubuntu server. does anyone have experience setting up nagiosql i have it installed but when i come to use it and write changes it complains about permissions19:42
eagles0513875|3hey guys im running ubuntu server. does anyone have experience setting up nagiosql i have it installed but when i come to use it and write changes it complains about permissions19:45
kaushalI am stuck with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167953619:55
kaushalAny clue ?19:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #903901 in openldap (main) "[Lucid] backport fix for ITS#6458" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90390120:00
kaushalchecking in again for the query ?20:14
hallynkaushal: i'm no expert here, but i'd recommend ignoring the raid disks during install and setting them up after the fact.  you say you can install on the spare disk just fine, right?20:22
hallynppetraki: ^ in case you're looking for a diversion, raid install problem :)20:23
ppetrakihallyn, I already found one on the lvm mailing list :-p20:24
ppetrakihallyn, I can take a quick look though20:24
hallynyour cup overfloweth20:25
* ppetraki scrollsback20:25
hallynjust http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167953620:25
hallynmy guess is the asnwer is "don't do that", but...20:25
ppetrakiRAID 5 as root, yeah, MD anyways, but a HW RAID should just work20:27
ppetrakiunless it's fakeraid20:27
ppetrakilooks like he quit20:28
ppetrakiI think he's got the semantics wrong20:28
ppetrakitrying to use iscsi installer to configure his onboard raid20:29
ppetrakiif it's even an onboard raid20:29
ppetrakihallyn, http://ark.intel.com/products/46534/Intel-Server-Board-S3200SHV20:29
ppetrakihallyn, that might be the new Intel SAS controller, Patsburgh or fakeraid20:30
ppetrakihallyn, if it is PB, then 10.10 might not have the driver20:30
ppetrakihallyn, brand new scsi controller20:30
hallyni'm confused - the link says it's EOL20:31
ppetrakihallyn, hmm missed that20:32
ppetrakihallyn, he just posted on ubuntu server20:32
ppetrakihallyn, yeah... need more info, initial impression is he has the semantics wrong. If he was really using iSCSI I would expect IP config details and affirmation like "I'm logging in to the target correctly" or what iSCSI SAN he's using20:33
hallynppetraki: ok - i was wanting to ask him to file a bug, but at the same time didn't want to steal helpful info for others from the forum site20:34
hallynbut, since he's gone, guess i'ts moot20:34
hallynppetraki: thx20:34
ppetrakihallyn, np20:34
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hallynedgy: running kde, maximize/unmaximize is not hurting anything for me20:38
njinHello guys, can someone look at bug 902140 , thanks20:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 902140 in openobject-addons "When updating getting error (dup-of: 901647)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90214020:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 901647 in openobject-addons "column email_template.fetchmail_server_id does not exist" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90164720:57
njinsorry, bug 90314020:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 903140 in ubuntu "Static IP doesn't work with driver tg3 on Broadcom card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90314020:57
njinIn Ubuntu Desktop works, but not in server edition20:58
njincan someone explain why?20:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #903928 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90392821:06
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axisysmount.nfs4 /mnt21:35
axisysmount.nfs4: No such device21:35
axisyswhat is wrong with mount command?21:35
SpamapSaxisys: generally you would want to run 'mount -t nfs4 x.x.x.x:/share /mnt'21:42
SpamapSaxisys: and actually on more recent releases, nfs4 is deprecated, its just 'nfs'21:42
axisysSpamapS: mount -t nfs worked21:43
axisysSpamapS: but how do I make sure it is nfs version 421:43
axisysmount -t nfs4 worked too21:43
SpamapSaxisys: -o nfsvers=421:44
SpamapSaxisys: thats from 'man nfs'21:44
axisysSpamapS: :-) .. should have read it first.. thanks a lot21:45
SpamapSaxisys: any time, thanks for asking good questions. :)21:45
hallynjdstrand: jjohansen: apparmor policy q in bug 903962.  (to be clear, we'd be extending the apparmor policy for libvirt, in main, to support spice, in universe - but not depending on spice)21:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 903962 in libvirt "support spice" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90396221:48
jjohansenhallyn: so the apparmor change looks fine to me, but I have never played directly with the libvirt apparmor driver, so I'll wait for jdstrand to comment21:50
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hallynsmb: d'oh, debian already has 'alias nfs4 nfs' in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases.conf'21:59
hallynjjohansen: thanks21:59
hallynsmoser: zul: any objection to my making qemu-kvm now Depend on kvm-ipxe?22:11
hallynthe one thing is it does slow down boot a bit to wait for ipxe...22:11
hallyn(and 'boot c' doesn't seem to stop it trying, to my chagrin)22:13
zuli dont have an opinon22:14
smosersoren, ^22:15
smoserhallyn, i hdont have any string disapproval of that.22:16
smosercould you/have you opened a bug upstream on "'boot c' still wants to boot from network"22:16
smoseror some such22:16
hallynsmoser: no, it only just occurred to me that's happening.22:22
hallynhm, maybe it's not happening!22:23
hallynmaybe that was a bad hd22:24
hallyn(back in 30 mins)22:24
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LcawteHi, I've just installed Ubuntu server from a different machine (because it didn't like any install disk), then moved it downstairs, everything seems to be going ok, other than the network is broken, is there any way I can force ubuntu to automaticly reconfigure it (eth0 & eth1 are messed up in other words)23:11
ChmEarlLcawte, its a udev *.rules things - check 7*-persistent-network.rules (not exactly sure)23:13
hallynsmoser: yeah all i actually get is 2-3 seconds of 'configure ipxe' - which is still annoying, though23:13
ChmEarlLcawte, in the *.rule file your ethX name is tied to a MAC23:14
LcawteIs there an easy way to force it to reset? Or will it be manual editing?23:14
ChmEarlLcawte, delete the offending lines23:15
ChmEarlmanual edit23:15
LcawteOk, where abouts are those files?23:16
ChmEarlor better /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-*23:17
ChmEarlLcawte, try grep -i eth0 /etc/udev/rules.d/*.rules23:19
gavinchi folks, in a bit of pain. inherited a 6 server setup all running Ubuntu Server trying to make some sense of it's nfs setup, and none of the machines have UID/GIDs in common. Looking for the shortest path out of that :\23:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #903993 in cloud-init (main) "Don't hang waiting for input from commands" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90399323:23
gavincOptions seem to be: setup Kerberos KDC on one of them, setup openldap (with or without kerberos), try and get their passwd files in sync, or have a bunch of world rw nfs mounts around23:25
gavincanyone have any other brilliant ideas :\23:25
hallynsmoser: zul: still around?23:29
hallynsoren: i intend to make qemu-kvm depend on kvm-ipxe in the next few days, any objection?23:30
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hallynahs3: Daviey: I've opened bug 904014 fwiw :)23:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 904014 in netcf "[MIR] netcf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90401423:43
ahs3hallyn: kewl.  you saw that the netcf update hit unstable, yeah?23:45
hallynyup, just saw it a few mins ago, keep wiating for the FTBFS email :)23:49
hallyn(not really)23:49
hallynRoAkSoAx: hm, you about?23:51
kaushalPlease suugest about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2011-December/006016.html ?23:54
zulhallyn: kind of23:57
hallynzul: good enough, would you mind, when you get a chance, just doing 'syncpackage -d unstable spice'?23:58
zulhallyn: sure23:59
hallynzul: tests fine on my precise laptop, and hopefully it'll fix a slowness with -vga qxl for edgy23:59

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