
greg-gpleia2: :)03:14
pleia2hooray greg-g!03:14
greg-gwe got home a bit ago03:14
pleia2quick, that's great :)03:14
greg-gnow I'm getting photos off the camera while carrie and rowan nurse03:14
pleia2yay, pictures!03:15
greg-gyeah, about 24 hours in the hospital03:15
greg-gafter having the boy in the bathtub at home, unplanned03:15
greg-ghe was just so dang quick coming out03:15
pleia2wow :)03:15
greg-gyeah, it was scary, we called 911, but the emts showed up about 30 seconds after I caught rowan :)03:17
pleia2now you can put "deliver babies" on your resume!03:17
greg-gso we went to the hospital to get checked out and all that03:17
* pleia2 nods03:17
greg-ghaha, carrie did all of the delivering, I just caught03:17
greg-gman, so crazy03:18
greg-gso beautiful03:18
greg-gso baby!03:18
greg-gso tiny03:18
greg-gpleia2: http://www.flickr.com/photos/grggrssmr/sets/72157628397247095/04:10
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
philipballewHey everyone!20:38
DarkwingYay for having internet back at home :)21:18
pleia2Darkwing: welcome back :)21:22
DarkwingHopfully it'll last. :/21:23
jtatumgreat :)21:23
DarkwingFor me it's becoming... Internet or food :(21:24
Faqtotumi thought you got hired somewhere21:28
DarkwingGot passed up with Canonical again.21:36
Darkwingand everything else I have applied for. :/21:37
DarkwingAlthough, I am in talks with a startup KDE/Kubuntu based distro right now.. Who knows.21:37
Darkwing5,000 positions have told me no. :) That has to be a record.21:37
bkerensaDarkwing: What kind of work you looking for?22:15
nhainesI like Sauerkraut.23:10
nhainesBut, if I had stuffed a bunch of cabbage in a barrel to preserve it, and I opened it over the winter and it smelled like Sauerkraut?23:10
nhainesI'd assume I had failed.23:10

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