
Sarvattcnd: is there any way i can help with the input backport? would it make it easier to have an updated ubuntu+1 branch in git thats updated with later 1.11 stuff and actually builds? do you think it's a realistic goal still? I feel like its getting too late atm because peoples worlds could possibly be broken and they expect precise to have no problems but it might be totally unfounded :)04:16
SarvattRAOF: we need a non-virtualized ppa to pocket copy to the archive dont we? how does that happen? it needs to builds on arm/armhtf/powerpc on top of what ppas build for im sure dto do the binary copy04:19
Sarvattto do the abi transition in a ppa so things arent broken04:20
Sarvattdoing the whole transition in a ppa and copying to the archive will break armhf/armel/powerpc because the xserver-xorg-dev requirements wont be bumped to let it depwait then rebuild for most stuff and will be rebuilt against the wrong abi i imagine on those arches04:25
=== chris_ is now known as RAOFer
RAOFerSarvatt: Yeah, I guess we will need a non-virtualised PPA.05:52
SarvattRAOFer: got a ppa in mind?05:52
Sarvattcan see if i can get one non-virtualized so stuff builds on all arches05:53
* Sarvatt will file an rt ticket05:54
RAOFerTa muchly.05:54
Sarvattpoint me at a ppa, dont think ubuntu-x-xswat/x-updates makes much sense because we put other stuff there05:55
RAOFerWe should probably make a new one; x-staging05:57
RAOFerHm.  But I seem to have forgotten how to actually create a new PPA :)05:58
Sarvattdone, cool beams05:58
Sarvattbeans too05:59
Sarvatthttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-staging :)05:59
* RAOFer was imagining a cooling laser.05:59
RAOFerSarvatt: Have you found i915/GM45 unstable on Precise recently?05:59
Sarvatton precise? no05:59
Sarvatton intel 2.17.0/libdrm 2.4.28 which i held off updating because of the bugs yeah :)06:00
Sarvatt3.2 problem?06:00
RAOFerIt seems to like kernel oopsing.06:00
Sarvattgotta admit i havent paid attention to my only machine in those specs with precise userspace so im not sure06:02
Sarvatti've been hitting an oom problem on everything else with git userspace06:04
RAOFerHm.  Did that cause it to oops somewhere in drm_mm_foo?06:04
Sarvattno no oops it always triggered corruption and gigabyte+ /var/log/Xorg.0.logs full of repeating messages of oom errors06:05
RAOFerStupid oopses, making writing to disc silently fail!06:06
RAOFerI'm all like "Hah!  I shall dmesg > the-damn-thing-OOPSed.log and come back to it later".06:07
RAOFerAnd then later it's all like "I don't know what you're talking about officer"06:07
RAOFcnd: Yeah, if you'd like an updated ubuntu+1 branch give a hoy.  It should build as it stands, though :)06:22
Sarvatti dont think it builds, patch 221?06:23
Sarvattor 22006:23
Sarvatt        drop 210_pixman_null_ptr_check.patch fails06:24
Sarvatt        drop 220_xi21_always_deliver_raw_events.diff fails06:24
Sarvatt220 still enabled and doesnt work, 210 fails with later x 1.11 checkouts06:24
SarvattRAOF: sooo, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-staging *should* build all arches now :)06:26
Sarvattthat was surprisingly easy06:26
Sarvatteasy enough where if we upload something and it doesn't trashing it and making another would be trivial06:27
* Sarvatt didn't file any rt tickets06:28
Sarvattboss disabled the "virtual builders" requirement on the ppa, i'm not sure if that does what we want but sounds right06:29
RAOFerIt does, doesn't it.06:29
Sarvattroll around on fire er?06:42
RAOF*Run* around on fire, thank you! :)06:43
Sarvattwait RAOF is on a canonical IP, ya using a canonical server as a bouncer?06:43
Sarvattwhich? :)06:44
RAOFA canonistack instance.06:44
Sarvattohh gotcha06:44
RAOFRunning a shiny new smuxi instance.06:45
RAOFerBye bye, GM45.06:46
RAOFerThis, by the way, is why there's a RAOFer.06:46
RAOFerIt won't even have dropped any useful debugging info to disc.06:47
RAOFerStupid thing!06:47
Sarvattsorry in advance becuase it was the libdrm 2.4.27 upgrade that caused it06:48
* Sarvatt TIL06:48
RAOFerOh, 2.4.27 is to blame?06:48
Sarvattthat was like the only change outside of the kernel between precise and oneiric06:49
RAOFerYeah, but the kernel freezing hard is ultimately a kernel problem :)06:49
Sarvatt3.0 is so darn good for drm at this point, i'm still living on it06:50
Sarvattsent 6 commits to stable in the past 2 weeks, all the good stuff without the pain :)06:51
Sarvattivybridge is great on 3.0 now, 3.2 is all kinds of screwed up06:51
Sarvattintel guys are living in 3.3 and dont send stuff to stable, 3.2 is kinda in limbo until it releases from what i see but thats very opinionated06:56
Sarvattstuff cced to stable now is whats supposed to go into 3.2 even if 3.2 isnt a stable release06:58
tjaaltonhmm, fedora17 will drop dri1 drivers07:21
tjaaltonnot a huge surprise, just an observation07:22
tjaaltonactually, we'll have that for precise too, since upstream has dropped them from 8.0 :)07:24
Sarvatttjaalton: rhel 7 wont though? :P07:27
tjaaltonSarvatt: that's years off :)07:27
tjaaltonso likely will07:27
Sarvatttjaalton: recovered from the concert now? :)07:28
tjaaltonSarvatt: hehe, yeah.. was great :)07:29
tjaaltonwe drove there, so only had one beer there07:29
tjaaltonRAOFer: so is there something packaging wise I could do to help get the new stack in precise?07:31
Sarvattwhich new stack?07:31
RAOFerI presume.07:31
Sarvattmesa 7.11?07:31
Sarvattoh ok07:31
tjaaltonwell mesa too07:31
Sarvattyea i feel the same way07:31
tjaaltonactually I could test mesa master on the sis crap07:31
tjaaltonif llvmpipe is any faster 07:32
Sarvattmesa's gonna need some love with the new source package shipping dri1 drivers from 7.11 crap07:32
RAOFerWon't the answer be "We killed DRI1, suckas!"07:32
tjaaltonSarvatt: no way, drop dri1 i say07:32
Sarvattthey're going out of their way to still support dri1 drivers even though they are dropped from 8.0..07:32
Sarvatteven if fedora wont rhel will later07:33
tjaaltonin practice though, they haven't really been supported for years07:33
RAOFerTo what extent do the existing DRI1 drivers actually run GNOME3 or Unity?07:34
tjaaltonand seems like fedora/rhel7 will put effort in making llvmpipe more capable07:34
tjaaltonRAOFer: they don't, llvmpipe supports opengl 2.x so it's better07:34
Sarvattto what extent do they play openarena or use blender better than swrast? lots..07:35
Sarvattif you're using that old crap llvmpipe doesnt really help07:35
RAOFerThe fact that they don't support GNOME3 or Unity means that, at best, they're not well supported.07:35
RAOFerYeah, llvmpipe doesn't really scream "make old hardware more usable" to me.07:35
tjaaltonwell, if you're using old crap they are still crap no matter which driver you use :)07:35
Sarvattwho sticks a sis in a system that doesnt support sse2 where llvmpipe is faster07:36
tjaaltonSarvatt: who runs openarena on one?07:36
Sarvattvery true :)07:36
tjaaltonthe point is likely just "get a session going"07:36
Sarvattlike mga has been busted on compiz for years07:37
Sarvatti dont think it ever passed the unity check though but thats unrelated, having accelerated 3d regardless of using unity-2d would be helpful in some situations07:39
RAOFYeah, it's kinda helpful.07:41
RAOFIt's a "we won't do anything to deliberately break it" kinda helpful, though.07:42
* RAOF → birthday dinner.07:42
Sarvattso like airlied and ajax were the ones making sure the dri1 interface works still at the time, i really think it'd be work packaging 7.11 dri drivers even if i do it, no worries07:45
Sarvattbirthday?! happy birthday RAOF!07:45
Sarvattor happy birthday to the person you are celebrating for if i misunderstood :)07:46
tjaaltonthat suggests that having dri1 drivers around would need "very convincing arguments"07:49
LetoThe2ndgood morning! is there a known reason why powering off (e.g. unplugging) the screen will cause the xserver to crash?08:11
jcristaupower off != unplugging.  in any case, if X crashes, that's what they call a bug.08:12
LetoThe2ndjcristau: i mean hard power off, not pressing the standby button. the x stays alive when i just do that.08:13
RAOFerBah.  i915!!!!!!10:16
* RAOFer suddenly realises why other people really hate it when the graphics stack is unstable.10:17
garamanRAOFer: I'm here hoping to hear news about the random lag I get with Nvidia drivers in Unity (Quadro NVS 290 in TwinView)10:22
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
sil2100I'm a complete X newbie and I would need some help, since I need this for preparing a specific package12:50
sil2100Is there a way I could get info about the xserver current video ABI on the system?12:50
sil2100In the past, around natty, there was that videoabiver file which is now deprecated12:51
sil2100But in the newer versions?12:51
sil2100I would be grateful for some pointers12:51
jcristauwhat are you trying to do?12:51
sil2100I need my package to install selected binary drivers basing on the ABI version12:54
sil2100Since there's a different driver version for every ABI12:54
sil2100Yep, I was thinking the same thing12:55
inetproanybody willing to look at my nVidia GT215 bug on launchpad? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/89743613:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 897436 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "Screen corrupted without nomodeset on nVidia Corporation GT215 [GeForce GTS 360M] (affects: 1) (heat: 11)" [Undecided,New]13:38
tjaaltoninetpro: try a mainline kernel, for instance this one http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.2-rc4-oneiric/13:46
tjaaltonand get rid of nvidia before booting it13:46
tjaaltonthe driver, that is13:46
inetprotjaalton: you mean that as a temporary solution?13:48
inetproor do you mean I should test that to confirm whether this new kernel fixes it?13:51
inetprosorry, I may be a bit new to your processes of troubleshooting it13:52
tumbleweedthe latter13:52
inetproto be honest I don't have the laptop with me right now but will try that in a few hours time13:53
tjaaltonyes, the driver is in the kernel13:55
inetprocool, I'll let you know how it goes later13:55
inetproand then I guess I should also try precise alpha / daily CD13:56
tjaaltonit has the same kernel13:57
inetproI hope that kernel is in there as well?13:57
inetprosounds great13:57
tjaaltonyou can just try the live image and report back13:57
inetprothanks tjaalton13:57
FernandoMiguelboa tarde 14:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cndRAOF, I'm currently trying to create a patchset for backporting xserver input subsystem master into 1.1115:27
cndjust fyi15:27
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
RAOFcnd: Sweet.  Anything I can do for you?22:10
cndRAOF, let me go through what I'm trying to do22:12
cndmy idea is: backport everything that is input related from master on top of the 1.11 stable branch22:12
cndI started doing that, but found one general API/ABI break: options parsing22:13
cndso I left that out22:13
cndI now have a branch with a backported server22:13
cndI'm going to make sure it compiles and runs22:13
cndand then I'll package it up and push it to ppa:utouch-team/xorg-unstable22:14
cndI'm going to assimilate things in there22:14
RAOFAnd then I'll pull those patches onto ubuntu+1, push it into the staging PPA, and rebuild the world against it.22:15
cndthat's one possibility22:15
cndI don't want to be redoing work twice unnecessarily22:15
cndbut I don't know how I can do everything we need for the input side without being the one who brings up the server for precise22:15
cndRAOF, have you made any changes to the server packaging or added patches in your 1.11 tree?22:16
RAOFNo; just the forward ports of input stuff.22:17
RAOFLocally, because they don't work properly :)22:17
RAOFOh, and I've pulled in a more recent merge from Debian.22:17
cndso I'm going to try to bring up the xserver today and tomorrow22:18
cndmake sure input modules work22:18
cndand try out running with the binary nvidia and fglrx drivers that are already released for 1.1122:19
cndI assume they are already released...22:19
RAOFThey are, yes.22:19
RAOFI'm perfectly happy for you to bring up the server for precise; we'll be staging it in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-staging22:19
cndI'm off from the 15th through the 19th, so hopefully I'll have things in a state where you can work with it22:20
cndRAOF, perhaps I'll bring up the server without XInput multitouch first22:20
cndand push it to the x-staging ppa22:20
cndand keep the multitouch stuff in the utouch-team/xorg-unstable branch for now22:20
cndsound good to you?22:21
ricotzoh :)22:21
RAOFThat seems fine to me; the x-staging server will have the rest of the 1.12 input stack, though?  Just not the multitouch work?22:21
ricotzcnd, hi, are all input patches you are backporting in xserver master already?22:22
cndricotz, everything I have backported so far are, yes22:22
cndit doesn't include any of the XI 2.2 multitouch patches22:22
RAOFcnd: Would you like widespread (ie: pushing to the distro) testing of that, before adding multitouch?  Does Unity work without multitouch yet?22:22
ricotzcnd, ok22:22
cndRAOF, if unity doesn't work without multitouch yet, please ping bregma and/or DBO22:23
cndpushing the server to distro without multitouch would be really helpful, but only after it has soaked in x-staging for a bit and we have covered all the main modules22:24
RAOFWe wouldn't push the server from x-staging to the distro until everything's been built against it.  Then we'll pocket-copy.22:25

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