
chz|baconwell, anyone here a software raid pro?00:00
genjixinstead of plugging your ears to the community and going lalalalala, drop unity. it is a failed project.00:00
manish_i hav ubuntu 11.10 and nothing is installing from terminator and ubuntu software centre00:00
chz|baconi don't mind unity, though i'm not going to get into the debate.00:01
manish_showing dpkg is not configured00:01
ravenvlc - possible to mix different elementary audio streams during playback?00:01
chz|baconi spend most of my time in a terminal anyway :/00:01
chz|baconget the alternate cd and build it out how you want genjix00:02
progre55oh btw, while I'm here, let me ask.. I have an alfa AWUS036H wireless adapter with an rlt8187 chipset, but the driver on the 3.0.0-13 kernel is bogus, and it keeps disconnecting every 10-15 mins. Anyone had any luck or experience with alfa here?00:02
manish_i.e dpkg is intrupting00:02
genjixderp, distro is broken, fix it yourself00:02
m4vgenjix: move it to offtopic, your rant isn't topic here.00:02
genjix^ goood advice :)00:02
chz|baconsadly no progre55 i do want one though.00:02
genjixm4v: #ubuntu ... off topic? lol00:02
genjixlooking for discussion here00:02
Picigenjix: and this isn't a discussion channel.00:03
genjixit's a channel about #ubuntu00:03
m4vgenjix: exactly, go to offtopic for that.00:03
genjixperfectly on topic00:03
manish_i am new to linux plz help me out00:03
Picigenjix: no. #ubuntu is for support. #ubuntu-offtopic is for discussion.00:03
progre55chz|bacon: it's powerful but useless with the latest kernel.. although luckily bt5 has an older kernel and it works fine =)00:03
genjixbut ok you dont like being challenged00:03
ravenvlc - possible to mix different elementary audio streams during playback?00:03
chz|bacon genjix It contains the facts database and is active in #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #kubuntu-devel, and many others. See Ubottu Usage for details on how to operate the bot. In #ubuntu-desktop, -devel, -bugs, -motu, -offtopic, #kubuntu-devel, #bzr and #launchpad, ubottu also listens for Launchpad/Malone/debbugs URLs and bug numbers and will give information about the requested bugs. In #ubuntu-offtopic a few fun-features are enabled as well.00:04
manish_how to fix dpkg intruption00:04
saltyprogre55, i'm using one now00:04
chz|baconyou want to be in #ubuntu-offtopic00:05
chz|baconget it?00:05
progre55salty: do you have any problems with it? and what kernel?00:05
simon    /quit00:05
chz|baconyeah i'm sure that's one of the things the bt guys made sure worked flawlessly progre5500:05
m4vmanish_: I'm not sure what you mean, did you try with "sudo dpkg --configure -a" for finish any uncompleted install?00:05
manish_i thought this chat room is helpful for me00:06
diverdudehow do i disable touchpad mouse in my laptop - ubuntu 11.10 ?00:06
genjixubuntu will fail, become a pale shadow of itself today, and then you will look back and wonder why. it's because of this attitude of shutting yourself in and ignoring debate and feedback. everyone has declared their hate of unity, and i was supportive of it for the longest time until the evidence is too strong to ignore. it is a slow, ugly and worthless. these is too much memetic inbreeding and groupthink in among upstream ubuntu develo00:06
saltylatest kernel for 10.04.3 .... not now but it'd overheat with regular desktop install... i run openbox minimal install00:06
progre55why so many haters in here? :)00:06
sfinx2013HI ALL I have a question maybe you can help, I need to know what processes are using the swap file Ubuntu00:06
chz|baconlol Pici00:07
progre55salty: can you try "uname -r" and paste the output, please?00:07
manish_sfinx2013 what do you want to know about swapping in ubuntu00:07
ravenvlc - possible to mix different elementary audio streams during playback?00:07
m4vsfinx2013: afaik, that is handled by the kernel, there's no "swap file"00:07
progre55salty: oh okay, thank. mine is 3.0.0-13. it works fine on 2.6 kernels :/00:08
manish_nobody is here to solve my querry00:08
lduroshow can you tell what module is used for my wireless card?00:09
m4vmanish_: ?? I gave you a command for try, did you see it?00:09
lduroslduros: it is running currently, i'm just trying to figure out which one it is to copy it over to another kernel00:09
manish_progress55: please help me out00:09
m4vmanish_: hello00:10
manish_m4v: hi00:10
gh0stI'm having a hard time getting the code folding for gedit to work. Can someone help me out? I put the plugin in what I'm pretty sure is the correct directory but when I try to enable it inside gedit the plugin grays out and the checkbox doesn't activate.00:10
lsvlduros: "lshw -C network" look for your device then look for driver.00:11
m4vmanish_: I told you some lines back, did you try with "sudo dpkg --configure -a" for finish any uncompleted install?00:11
lduroslsv: thanks00:11
manish_m4v: actually during installation of any package the error is showing  dpkg is intruppting00:11
lsvlduros: no problem00:11
usuarioque merda00:11
lduroslsv:iwlagn :-)00:12
m4vmanish_: yeah, I don't understand what you mean by that, so try running that command in a terminal, and tell me if it shows something.00:12
lsvusuario ?00:12
tbruff13can someone help me please00:12
incorrecthow can i turn the 2x2 virtual desktops into a 1x4 desktop?00:13
lsvtbruff13: just ask and if someone can help they probably will.00:13
manish_m4v: i hav already tried it but always my pc is restarted without installation00:14
tbruff13I am making custom ISO edubuntu images and is it legal to use a windows 7 theme in edubuntu 10.0400:14
manish_m4v: i am using amd processor with 1 gb ram00:14
akemtbruff13, as long as you don't use copyrighted materials00:16
genoobiemy wireless is not working00:16
genoobieI am really stuck00:16
genoobieany tips?00:16
tbruff13akem: i was going to use one of the premade themes on edubuntu 10.0400:16
m4vmanish_: the computer restarts itself?00:17
manish_m4v: i am new to this chat room please help me out00:17
manish_m4v: ya i dont why this is happening00:17
m4vmanish_: when it does restart? at random or when you run some command?00:18
dusfhow do i patch a source? i have the source, and the patch in .patch format00:18
m4ver, when does it restart?*00:18
manish_m4v: when i run some command same that you hav given me00:19
genoobieokay, so I tried 3 diff wireless cards00:19
genoobienone of them worked00:19
genoobieat least with the present card it showed up in lspci00:19
genoobiedoes 11 update drivers in the background?00:19
m4vmanish_: that's pretty weird..00:20
manish_m4v: like this i used this sudo apt-get install mplayer for example00:20
manish_m4v: i can;t understand what to do to get othis problemut of00:21
sfinx2013manish_ on the server 8gb of ram but regularly writes something in the swap as a result, he reaches for the week of size about 6гб. peak consumption of ram does not exceed the 4гб. here and want to know all the same what process is placed data in the paging file.00:21
m4vmanish_: Ubuntu was working normally before? or I never did?00:21
m4vit never did*00:21
manish_m4v: ya its working properly this time too but i fail to install any thing00:22
machiolateI'm using Ubuntu 11.10 w/the gnome 3 fallback panel/desktop. Would anyone happen to know how to remove icons from the task bar up top? (Icons adjacent to Applications,Places, etc.) Perhaps gnome 3 fallback leaves this out, i can put them there but cannot figure out how to delete them.00:23
genoobieugh, I don't want to reinstall the OS00:23
genoobiethere must be a way to fix this00:23
m4vmanish_: I mean if it ever used to work, this didn't happen before or Ubuntu always behaved like that for you.00:24
manish_m4v: always shows dpkg is intruppting when i configure it it takes time then pc get restarted with their own00:24
coraxxmachiolate: try holding down the alt-key when editing the panel00:24
manish_m4v: then i hav to reinstall this os00:24
machiolatenice coraxx, you rock!00:25
machiolateThankyou sir.00:25
coraxxyour welcome00:25
m4vmanish_: to be honest, I don't know what could it be, probably something is royalty broken and you can try reinstalling Ubuntu, if that continues I suspect something hardware related.00:26
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dusfhow do i patch a source package with a .patch format patch please?00:27
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.00:27
manish_m4v: thanks but all hardware is working properly in windows00:28
manish_m4v: thanks i will reinstall it00:28
dusfm4v: do you know how to patch sources?00:29
maum___I got an error when reboot PC : checking battery checking COMRESET failed (errno=-32) I couldn't start ubuntu 11.10 system after update00:29
m4vdusf: usually is with the patch command "patch -p0 file.patch" while in the source dir, it might be -p0 or -p1 depending of the patch itself.00:30
ubunIm looking to create a dvd menu and scene selection00:31
ubunhow may i go about doing that?00:31
dusfm4v: both are giving errors, can you look at the pastebin?00:31
coraxxyes I do00:31
saltyubun DeeVeeDee00:31
maum___I got an error when reboot PC : checking battery checking COMRESET failed (errno=-32) I couldn't start ubuntu 11.10 system after update00:31
coraxxinstall the package devede00:31
ubuni cna make scene selection?00:31
ubunand titles for each scene?00:32
coraxxubun: yes00:32
ubuni cant find that00:32
ubuncan i meake it look good?00:32
ubunthis is for a friend so it must look good00:32
coraxxI'm made okay dvds with that software00:33
ubuni dont know how to use it00:33
coraxxit depends on how much effort you put into it though00:33
coraxxthe wizard/menu  is really self explanatory00:34
=== ross is now known as Guest58699
saltyubun http://www.dvdstyler.org/en/00:35
ubunis that better salty?00:35
coraxxgot to go bye bye you all00:36
saltyfollow the link and see .... it does what you want it for00:36
m4vdusf: ah, maybe it was "patch -p0 < file.patch" :P (note the < thing)00:36
manish_m4v: i remove the dpkg error00:38
dusfcan anyone tell me what do do with this outpit from a patch?00:39
manish_m4v thanks for giving me the suggestion for reinstallation00:39
maum___help me I could't boot my PC00:39
maum___I am using ubuntu 11.0100:40
trismdusf: you'll need to apply that patch with -p1 not -p000:40
dusftrism: ty00:40
jjgalvez__in gnome3 is there a way to make the message tray (I think thats what its called in the lower right hand corner) only show icons, not program name+icon?00:41
dusftrism: http://pastebin.com/6QxwKD9t do i press yes?00:41
DaZdusf: you sure this patch is needed? :x00:42
dusfDaZ: yes00:42
dusfto make sure wine uses both cores of my processor when playing a game00:42
greenithi, i have a problem... i want to add an event to my calendar, but... well... in 11.04 it worked with evolution, however, how can i make this in 11.10?00:43
m4vdusf: sorry, fell of the internets, did it work?00:43
slgmaanyone know why i get the error Could not initialize SDL: Unable to open a console terminal. from a couple games?00:43
dusfm4v: nope00:43
dusfm4v: http://pastebin.com/6QxwKD9t00:43
m4vdusf: with "<"?00:43
OerHeksslgma what games exact ?00:44
dusfi've been experimenting trying to make it work so i'm re-extracting the source and will start again00:44
slgmaamnesia the dark descent, and the gfceu emulator00:44
slgmathat was for OerHeks00:44
OerHeksslgma, do you start those games from terminal ?00:44
slgmawell amnesia gives an actual error box saying it00:45
slgmabut gfceu just wont run games, and if i run in terminal to see whats going wrong, it gives that error00:45
ubunwhat if i want to add a title for each new chapter?00:46
trismdusf: where is this patch from?00:46
dusftrism: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2335200:46
slgmakeep forgetting to put OerHeks00:46
dusfscroll down to where it says processor00:46
m4vdusf: that looks like the patch isn't for the sources you're trying to patch00:46
dusfctrl+f it00:46
dusfthat's the file the patch came in00:47
dusfbut i've been using wine-1.2.3.tar.bz2 as the source because it's the latest stable00:47
slgmaOerHeks, i havent seen any other info about it on google00:47
m4vthe patch hints is for 1.300:47
slgmathats why i was hoping someone in here could help00:48
dusfm4v: kk will try with 1.3 ty00:48
_cbAfter moving to 11.10 I un-installed Tbird, installed evolution and recovered from backup but looks as if evolution is missing a bunch of folders (draft, trash, etc,etc.) Any idea on how to fix it?00:49
m4vdusf: try to get 1.3.13, so it isn't newer nor older.00:49
L1nuxRulesimap if it it have you tried a rsync?00:49
L1nuxRulesresync* typos :)00:50
dusfm4v: it's downloading :)00:50
MACscrim trying to do some data recovering using an old ubuntu 10.10 live disc. Any ideas on how to resolve this error concerning mkfs.ntfs? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=din11aCm00:50
=== mdpatrick_ is now known as Neurotiquette
NeurotiquetteI need to get either a USB or PCI wireless card for my ubuntu desktop. What's the best choice that's inexpensive? G or N.00:51
brightsparkNeurotiquette, N is higher performance, g is almost obsolete by now00:51
MACscrRosswille has a N adapter for like $10 that works fine with ubuntu00:52
MACscri dont have the model number handy though00:52
pookyI have a straightforward xinitrc, that after everything has started, applications do not show their menus in the appmenu-indicator. Any suggestions?00:52
OerHeksslgma, i think it is a bug in the SDL package00:54
zaltekkfinally figured out why i3 wasn't starting. when i regex replaced some keysyms i changed the font string on accident00:54
zaltekkall better now.00:54
NeurotiquetteMACscr: That the one?00:54
bfrican anyone help me run spotify on my ubuntu 10.0400:56
dusfm4v: patched thanks :) now to follow the source readme file00:56
MACscrNeurotiquette: got my link?00:57
MACscrer, get00:57
NeurotiquetteMACscr: Yup, got it. Not bad. So this worked with minimum finagling?00:58
MACscryep. Worked out of the box00:59
MACscrhad it on my htpc before i wired it00:59
greenithi, does any1 know how to add calendar-support from thunderbird (lightning installed) to the ubuntu-calendar?00:59
slgmaOerHeks, which file do i downgtrade then01:00
Amon-RaHi guys, i've just removed pulseaudio....because i didn't have sound to skype.now sound fixed...but should i expect any issues with that removal ?01:01
bfrican anyone help me run spotify on my ubuntu 10.0401:01
maum_i cannot boot ubuntu 11.1001:03
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maum_anybody here?01:06
itaylor57bfri, http://www.techvivid.com/2010/07/how-to-install-spotify-in-ubuntu-10-04/01:06
MACscrmaum_: seriously, dont be impatient, sheesh01:06
somsipmaum_: a few more details might get a repsonse from someone. 'Cannot boot' doesn't help uch01:06
L1nuxRulesgiving a stage the boot fails would also help!01:06
MACscrHmm, ubuntu 10.10 live cd error: sudo: unable to execute /usr/sbin/ntfsclone: Input/output error01:07
MACscrim getting a lot of these input/output errors when trying to use ntfsclone or mkntfs01:07
MACscrany ideas on that?01:07
L1nuxRulesfile system errors01:07
maum_i got an error message01:07
MACscrL1nuxRules: which FS though?01:08
maum_comreset failed errno=-3201:08
maum_when i boot pc01:08
L1nuxRulesI ony saw youyr error though so not sure what your attempting01:08
maum_L1nuxRules, are you saying me01:09
L1nuxRulesno maum01:09
MACscrl1nuxman: trying to either create ntfs partition on one drive or create an image file on another partition. They are both ntfs partitions, but two different drives01:10
L1nuxRulesmaum_ yours sounds like it may be due to corruption can you boot single user or run an fsck?01:11
RelondoHey, does the list at the right show everyone that is ever on this channel, or just who is on right now?01:11
somsipmaum_: although it is not good form to just recommend you look at Google, if you do google the error message that you posted you will find a lot of threads that discuss this. It may be worth reading through those to see if you get any answers while you're waiting for a response from the channel01:11
maum_how can i do it01:11
cpgowhen booting up in 10.04, the boot screen doesnt fill up my whole screen - any fix for this?01:11
maum_L1nuxRules, i cannot boot now01:12
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maum_L1nuxRules, but i can go terminal01:12
RelondoWhen booting Ubuntu from a USB drive, can I put all of the Ubuntu files in a single folder?01:12
somsipcpgo: grun screen with a list of what kernels to boot, of purple 'ubuntu is loading' screen?01:12
L1nuxRulesmaum_ select single user mode from the grub menu once booted type /sbin/fsck -y01:13
somsipcpgo: grub screen with a list of what kernels to boot, or purple 'ubuntu is loading' screen?01:13
urlin2uRelondo, what files01:13
RelondoAll of the files that Unetbootin made when burning my ISO.01:13
=== zeppo is now known as Proktos
RelondoBurning may not be the proper term there, since it's not a CD.01:13
kashyap1ERROR: function do_configure failed01:13
kashyap1ERROR: log data follows (/home/m04cde-cw-group_2/gumstix/gumstix-oe/tmp/work/armv5te-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/linux-libc-headers-2.6.20-r7/temp/log.do_configure.4197)01:13
kashyap1| NOTE: make -e MAKEFLAGS= allnoconfig ARCH=arm01:13
kashyap1| Makefile:415: *** mixed implicit and normal rules.  Stop.01:13
kashyap1| FATAL: oe_runmake failed01:13
L1nuxRulesmacscr hmm if it was only one disk Id say the disk was knackered but not sure01:13
FloodBot1kashyap1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:13
urlin2uRelondo, what for? you would normally install or use the usb live.01:14
maum_L1nuxRules, you mean safe mode?01:14
kashyap1PPLease help me01:14
L1nuxRulesmaum_ no thats winshit :)01:14
RelondoYes, but I use this drive for things other than Ubuntu. I'd like to not have it cluttered up with a bunch of files.01:14
Proktosi need a checksum to verify i have burned my cd right against the iso. What is the best to verify it? md5 sha1 sha256 or sha512 or other?01:14
L1nuxRulessingle user mode it says that in the grub menu01:14
urlin2uRelondo, your not making sense you need to be specific.01:14
RelondoI just want to stick all the Ubuntu files in a single folder, probably named Ubuntu.01:14
RelondoLet me start over.01:15
RelondoI have a flash drive.01:15
RelondoI used Unetbootin to create an InLive USB.01:15
urlin2uRelondo, you would put the ubuntu in a partition and have another for your other stuff. If you want the y=usb read from windows you nweed that file folder as sdaq101:15
diverdudehow do i create a group?01:16
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RelondoOk, thanks.01:16
maum_L1nuxRules, there is no single user mode in grub01:16
urlin2uRelondo, hope that helps. :D01:16
RelondoI also have a much larger problem: I believe my graphics card is incompatible with Ubuntu.01:16
DaZwhat card exactly?01:17
L1nuxRulesmaum_ sorry recovery mode01:17
RelondoAt least, that's what various forums and people here have told me.01:17
urlin2uRelondo, is it a nvidia?01:17
RelondoATI. I read that they are notorious.01:17
urlin2uRelondo, depends, how is the thumb running?01:17
RelondoI think mine is a Radeon 6520M01:17
RelondoWhat do you mean, how is the thumb running?01:18
maum_L1nuxRules, i can see comreset failed errno=-3201:18
ircdeariaIf linux mint is now the #1 linux distro (perhaps because of unity controversy?) then how come #mint only has liek 5 users and ##linuxmints only 13?01:18
L1nuxRulesmaum_ booting recovery mode?01:18
somsipircdearia: probably a question to ask mint support about.01:18
RelondoI have Ubuntu installed through Wubi on this computer. However, I also want a bootable USB drive. This second question is unrelated to the first.01:18
ircdeariawhere do I ask?01:18
DaZircdearia: probably because they use different network.01:18
ircdeariaI see01:19
sparrin 11.10 how do I add widgets to my menu bar?01:20
maum_L1nuxRules, i am trying to boot but my keyboard is not working01:20
kashyap1ERROR: log data follows (/home/m04cde-cw-group_2/gumstix/gumstix-oe/tmp/work/armv5te-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/linux-libc-headers-2.6.20-r7/temp/log.do_configure.4197) | NOTE: make -e MAKEFLAGS= allnoconfig ARCH=arm | Makefile:415: *** mixed implicit and normal rules.  Stop.01:20
Relondourlin2u: I can actually get to the Grub in Ubuntu; after that, there is no video whatsoever. I can also hear Ubuntu sounds, so I know it's booting. This, plus forum searching and a long conversation with two other people on here have led me to the conclusion that my card is incompatible.01:21
kashyap1H|ELP ME PLZ SOME !01:21
L1nuxRulesmaum_ usb keyboard?01:21
urlin2uRelondo, you mentioned unetbootin I assume you have a thumb drive>01:21
maum_L1nuxRules, no i restart now01:21
urlin2uRelondo, may be so with the card I don't know.01:22
somsipkashyap1: you're just posting error messages and not saying what the problem is.01:22
Artem_AntonovДоброго времени  суток!01:22
urlin2uRelondo, you could try a nomodeset boot.01:22
Relondourlin2u: Yeah, I do have a thumb drive. But I'm not trying to boot Ubuntu from it. I have Ubuntu installed through Wubi; I just also want a bootable thumb.01:22
bfrican anyone help with installing virtualbox01:22
Relondourlin2u: What is that?01:22
bfrii need a walk through something isnt working01:22
L1nuxRulesmaum_ power off then power up and see if you can select recovery mode01:22
urlin2u!nomodeset | Relondo01:22
ubottuRelondo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:22
somsip!anyone | bfri01:22
ubottubfri: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:22
maum_L1nuxRules, my keyboard is not working01:23
Relondourlin2u: If you haven't yet figured it out, I know little about Linux.01:23
L1nuxRulesmaum_ thats why I said to power off then try01:23
diverdudewhen i do useradd -G webdev bdi it says useradd: user 'bdi' already exists....ofc. bdi exists...thats the user i want to add to the group? why is this program being so stupid?01:23
somsipdiverdude: usermod -a -G webdev bdi, possibly?01:24
maum_L1nuxRules, i did now but its not working01:24
Relondourlin2u: This page says it applies to 10.10. I have 11.10.01:24
somsipdiverdude: useradd tends to add a user. usermod amends an existing one. It's unlikely it's useradd that's being stupid ;)01:24
urlin2uRelondo, you can boot a thumb this way although if loaded with unetbootin you can't get to tye right arae to choose the nomodeset. Don't worry about your knowledge here, I suspect that some open source will run that card probably ubuntu will with the right kicks. Nomodeset is universal.01:25
bonez2046How would I resolve these? >> http://pastebin.com/dWauQ5fa01:25
diverdudesomsip, ok...so will it add webdev to bdi's list of users or will it replace the current?01:25
bfrii cant use my update manager because of this what does it meanE:Type 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/' is not known on line 7 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.01:25
L1nuxRulesyour apt sources file has an incorrect entry on line 701:26
Relondourlin2u, what could I load my drive with in order to get to the right menu? I'd use Wubi, but this offers no information on a Wubi boot.01:26
somsipdiverdude: I did this a couple of days ago and having previously replaced all groups I made very sure it was correct: usermod -a -G {group} {user}, but do check it out yourself to be sure01:26
bfriLlnuxrules i see that how do i fix it01:26
Paul_EI am using ubuntu to build a kiosk and would like to reset the auto login session after a set amount of inactivity. I need a command that I can run to log out the current gdm user. I thought gdm-restart might work, but it returns "Not supported". Ideas?01:26
L1nuxRulespost your source file to pastebin01:26
diverdudesomsip, but how do i see which groups bdi is member of?01:26
somsipdiverdude: cat /etc/groups |grep bdi, or maybe sudo groups bdi01:27
L1nuxRulesIm dont use ubuntu  or apt much though01:27
bfriL1nuxrules where do i find my source file01:27
wallacethegreatRelondo have you set your computer BIOS to boot from usb?01:28
urlin2uRelondo, I'm not familiar with all of the wubi stuff you might consider the ubuntu forums there are a couple of members there who are quite knowledgeable. Your welcome to try here but not many use wubi here.01:28
somsipdiverdude: erm...grep bdi /etc/groups (don't know why I've got into the habit of catting eveything through grep...)01:28
Relondowallacethegreat, Yeah, I can boot from the USB. I just get no video; this also happens when booting from Wubi.01:28
somsipdiverdude: /etc/group (doh)01:29
Relondourlin2u, I would like to install Ubuntu on its own partition, but I'm waiting to make a complete image of my drive first, in case anything goes horribly wrong.01:29
bfriL1nuxrules i need a crash course how do i get here01:29
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urlin2uRelondo, that is a great idea evrybody should image there OS. :D01:29
=== Guest41654 is now known as Dr_Azil
L1nuxRulesbfri open a terminal and typr nano +7 /etc/apt/sources.list ( will open it on line 7)01:30
L1nuxRulesif you can provide whats on line 7 that would be great01:30
Relondourlin2u, Unfortunately, the software I have boots from a floppy (dinosaur tech, I know). Do you happen to know of a replacement for Norton Ghost?01:30
Paul_ERelondo: clonezilla01:31
L1nuxRulesbfri you will probably need to run it as sudo to save any changes01:31
somsipRelondo: clonezilla worth looking at?01:31
RelondoIs clonezilla free?01:31
urlin2uRelondo, clonezilla it is even better you boot a disc and save it the whole thing. clonezilla.org01:31
Paul_ERelondo, yes open source.01:31
Dr_AzilI just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 and I'm not liking it. Any way I can downgrade back to 10.04?01:31
somsipRelondo: I saw it yesterday when looking at backup options and it specifically mentioned being like Norton Ghost. Worth looking at maybe?01:32
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RelondoI am looking now. Thanks :)01:32
Paul_ERelondo: You want clonezilla live--just to save you some time figuring out which to download.01:32
RelondoThanks again01:32
L1nuxRulesdr_azil no you will need to do a fresh install01:32
Guest38134I need to edit a shell script but one I double click on it it only opens in read only mode. How do I edit it ?01:32
diverdudesomsip, ok...i added www-data and bdi to group webdev and i did sudo chown -R bdi:webdev cakephp on /var/www/cakephp. So i go to browser and try to do http://localhost/cakephp/ but i get Forbidden (no access to /cakephp/app/webroot/). Why is that happening?01:33
bfriL1nuxrules http://pastebin.com/N08PBbVd01:33
Dr_AzilL1nuxRules, The only thing I'm not liking is the new desktop environment. Is there any way I could change that?01:33
bonez2046i can't get bitlbee to update. How would I resolve these? >> http://pastebin.com/dWauQ5fa ? this is an apt-get issue01:33
RelondoWait-Does this program only run on Linux?01:33
L1nuxRulesbfri place deb in front of it with a space and try again should work01:34
somsipdiverdude: if you usermod, the user needs to logout and log back in for it to tak eeffect. I'd imagine this would require a reboot to kick group membership for www-data, but I'm not sure.01:34
Paul_ERelondo: It runs as a live cd, linux based, but can be used with any OS.01:34
diverdudesomsip, ohhh ok..damn...that sux01:34
bfriL1nuxrules what do i do to leave now how do i save01:35
somsipdiverdude: personally I mark dirs in www as user:www-data and g+s. Seems to do the trick except for with Wordpress which is annoying01:35
RelondoPaul_E, Good, since my problem is the inability to run Ubuntu.01:35
L1nuxRulesdr_azil yes you can install gnome and log out then on login screen you will have the option to select desktop iirc gnome is already installed so you should get the choice on login01:35
L1nuxRulesbfri ctrl+x01:35
diverdudesomsip, what is user:www-data and g+s ?01:35
bfriL1nuxrules then i hit y and then what?01:35
Guest38134 I need to edit a shell script but one I double click on it it only opens in read only mode. How do I edit it ?01:36
Dr_AzilBe right back then. Thanks L1nuxRules01:36
L1nuxRulesdr_azil np01:36
L1nuxRulesbrfi then it will exit and save then try updating again01:36
bfriL1nuxrules it asks me  to write: /etit c/apt/sources. list and then a list of options01:37
L1nuxRulesbrfi just hit enter01:37
RelondoAlright guys, thanks for all the help.01:37
bfriL1nuxrules ok now how do i leave it01:38
L1nuxRulesis that a typo /etit c/apt/sources. list?01:38
somsipdiverdude: I have src in /usr/local source which is owned by user:developers. On deployment (on every file save in my case) everything gets copied to /var/www owned by user:www-data. Adding chmod g+s to a directory makes sure everything written to it keeps the same group ownershiw (g(roup) + s(sticky)). So in /var/www every dir and subdir remains as user:www-data. This means noone except the owner can mess with /var/www but anyone in developers group can amen01:38
somsip* I have source in /usr/local/src...01:38
diverdudesomsip, aha interesting01:39
diverdudesomsip, what is that ame?01:39
bfriL1nuxrules it doesn't save01:39
somsipdiverdude: not ideal for everyone, but it's my final (currently, it's final but who knows) approach01:39
L1nuxRulesbfri it needs to be opened using sudo then01:39
somsipdiverdude: ame?01:39
diverdudesomsip, you write in the end ....but anyone in developers group can ame01:40
L1nuxRulesbfri say no to save then sudo nano +7 /etc/apt/sources.list01:40
Guest38134 I need to edit a shell script but one I double click on it it only opens in read only mode. How do I edit it ?01:40
somsipdiverdude: amend the source in /usr/local/src. If you want to chat anbout this more lets go private as this is OT01:40
hejari need some program for video editing .. ,  some video editing program like adobe premier01:41
L1nuxRulesguest open it as "root"01:41
hejari need some program for video editing .. ,  some video editing program like adobe premier01:41
diverdudesomsip, yes, lets do that01:41
kashyap1WHAT DOES THIS MEAN NOTE: package linux-libc-headers-2.6.20-r7: task do_configure: started ERROR: function do_configure failed01:41
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:41
zkriessehejar: Adobe Premier ain't gonna be compared to a free program... That's why it's Adobe Premier01:42
hejarHellp I need some program for video editing .. ,  some video editing program like adobe premier01:42
lsvhejar: kdenlive01:42
ViperVenomHello, I am  trying to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7. I tried the Wubi Windows Installer and that would not boot when I selected it from the boot menu. So, I tried downloading the iso file and burning it to a DVD. When I restarted my computer to try and install it no boot menu came up; it just went straight to Windows 7. So I restarted again and pressed F12, chose "boot from disc" option,01:43
ViperVenombut there was no OS selection menu; it just went straight to Windows 7.01:43
L1nuxRulesboot from disk is your HD thats why01:44
=== hacker is now known as Guest79596
bfril1nuxrules it looks like a few lines are messed up can i just replace my source.list file01:44
L1nuxRulesbfri do an ls of /etc/apt/sources.list to see if there are any backups01:45
MahaVishnuViperVenom, sudo grub-install /dev/sdax where sdax is the device that has the partitions on it.01:45
L1nuxRulessorry brainfart /etc/apt/01:45
Guest38134 I need to edit a shell script but one I double click on it it only opens in read only mode. How do I edit it ?01:45
bfril1nuxrules how do move to that directory?01:45
ubuntunoobhi folks01:45
urlin2uViperVenom, you have a usb drive?01:45
L1nuxRulesbfri this wont change to the dir but type ls /etc/apt01:46
ViperVenomwould a usb work better than a disc01:46
L1nuxRulesin your term01:46
ubuntunoobhey folks can you help me out pls?01:46
terran4000Hey guys and gals, I have a semi-serious issue. To use Gnome 3 I need fglrx_updates though it won't work on Oneiric with an older kernel. I get this from DMESG: fglrx: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout. Any ideas?01:46
urlin2uViperVenom, both work, make sure you check the md5sum of the ISO and use unetbootin to load the thumb.01:47
ubuntunoobhave i been infected by a botnet? this is the firewall log>> http://pastebin.com/Ms8aszZu01:47
diverdudesomsip, hey01:47
ubuntunoobanyone pls?01:47
Guest38134can anyone help me ?01:48
Guest38134 I need to edit a shell script but one I double click on it it only opens in read only mode. How do I edit it ?01:48
L1nuxRulesbfri if you want to change to the dir use cd01:48
ViperVenomok I'll try that, thanks01:48
terran4000Does anyone know what this error means? "fglrx: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout"01:49
L1nuxRules< /join # slackware01:49
urlin2uGuest38134, sudo gedit (bash file) in a terminal.01:49
w30Guest38134, Do you own the shell script?01:49
L1nuxRulesguest told you that 5 mins ago :)01:50
Guest38134I am not sure what U mean01:50
L1nuxRulesit needed running as "root"01:50
=== christian_ is now known as Dr_Azil
bfril1nuxrules do you see our private convo?01:51
L1nuxRulesI do now01:51
maum__can someone help me?01:52
Dr_AzilSince my update to 11.04, my audio has been messed up. Sound will play just fine out of my internal laptop speakers, but plug in some head phones or external speakers and the system mutes itself. When I go to unmute it, sound is playing through both my internal and external speakers. Any way around this?01:52
maum__I giot an error message : COMRESET failed (errno=-32) reset failed, giving up01:53
tp43I'm friggin lovin Ubuntu 11, at first I was annoyed cause I thought I was stuck with unity, but you can still run plain gnome, I would use unity, cause it is awesome, i just don't like to keep a bar on the screen, I like to autohide. Anyway, I'm lovin the new media player but I was wonder -ie my question is, how do I adjust the Aspect Ratio for video in Banshee?01:54
maum__I giot an error message after update ubuntu: COMRESET failed (errno=-32) reset failed, giving up so I cannot boot ubuntu 11.10. so I cannot boot my PC01:54
maum__I got an error message after update ubuntu: COMRESET failed (errno=-32) reset failed, giving up so I cannot boot ubuntu 11.10. so I cannot boot my PC01:54
ubuntunoobhi folks01:55
ubuntunoobi need help pls01:55
kupholderwhat do you need help with? i'm not an expert but i might be able to help01:56
maum__I got an error message after update ubuntu: COMRESET failed (errno=-32) reset failed, giving up so I cannot boot ubuntu 11.10. so I cannot boot my PC01:57
crassusSo if I've compiled something from source and want to uninstall it, do I have to have the same source to do the 'sudo make uninstall' ?01:57
tp43maum__, I think you might need to call your harddrive manufacurer01:57
crassusif I've rm'd that original source, will it be a problem if I re-download it, extract, and then do the sudo make uninstall in the new source?01:58
crassusas along as they're the same version and all01:58
maum__tp43 ok01:58
kupholderi agree with tp43, it is a hard disk failure01:58
tp43Thats what I saw on the internet, you manufacturer, might have some diagnostic tools to correct the disk01:58
tp43maum__ https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=10711101:59
lsvcrassus: If you get the same source, then I think it should work.01:59
Dr_AzilSince my update to 11.04, my audio has been messed up. Sound will play just fine out of my internal laptop speakers, but plug in some head phones or external speakers and the system mutes itself. When I go to unmute it, sound is playing through both my internal and external speakers. Any way around this?01:59
tp43kupholder, did you try Banshee, I wanna make adjust Aspect Ratio, is it possible?01:59
tashif I want users to be able to put files in a directory, but I want the files themselves to be read only, what perms should I set on the directory?01:59
ubuntunoobkupholder, i checked my firewall log. it has got some worrying scans from IP that have been reported to be "scan and infect" botnets. see the log >>>http://pastebin.com/uBxcANYB<<<01:59
tp43Dr_Azil, but sounds like it is working01:59
lsvcrassus: maybe you could check the version of your program and then look for that version of the source02:00
tp43Dr_Azil, mute the internal02:00
crassuslsv: yep, that's what I'm doing02:00
crassusproblem is it's hugeass texlive201102:00
Dr_Aziltp43, do I go to sound preferences for that?02:00
crassusso it will be a huge hassle to redownload02:00
lsvcrassus: oohh...02:01
tp43Dr_Azil, 1 sec, let me check where it is02:01
crassusyeah, 4gb download02:01
crassusnot fun02:01
lsvcrassus: 4gb of source?02:01
crassusI wish there was an uninstall binary that was outside of the source that was put in /usr/bin or whatever02:01
crassusyeah, tex is huge man02:02
tp43Dr_Azil, goto control center and then there is one there says sound02:02
lsvis there any man page for that program?02:02
cpgosomsip, really sorry for the afk, got called away from computer. The purple loading screen02:02
Crash_O-Dvirtualbox Windows xp and access to ubuntu drive, how would i do that?02:03
Dr_Aziltp43, going into the output tab I see Internal Audio Analog Stereo. It won't let me do anything with it02:05
edbianCrash_O-D: There is some GUI thing built into virtualbox for that02:05
tp43My computer is ten times louder now that I upgraded to 11 from lucid, and even the fans do seem to rattle anymore like they used to02:06
tp43Dr_Azil, fiddle around there, that is where your solution is02:06
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Crash_O-Debian: 4.1.2 does not seem to work02:06
somsipcpgo: This might help but you'll need to check it applies for your version of ubuntu http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/install-plymouth-manager-and-change.html02:06
Dr_AzilI've fiddled as much as possible in there before I came here for help, tp4302:06
tp43Dr_Azil, hmm, maybe there is a more expert than me here who can help you, cause I can't think of anything else, actually, try alsamixer on the command line02:07
lsvcrassus: does it have a man page?  Maybe the man page has some info?02:07
crassus_hmm, to uninstall it's saying just do an rm -rf of the tex directory02:08
tp43crassus, I never install except through sources02:08
crassus_tp43: I'm comfortable doing source installs as well, but this one with texlive2011 is really badly done02:09
crassus_other tex programs can't find it, etc02:09
tp43crassus, otherwise you have to manually find all the files and delete them, but many programs have an uninstall script, usually the ones with sh scripts for install/uninstall02:09
crassus_so I'm going to switch back to the packaged one which is older :(02:09
crassus_2009 vs 201102:09
crassus_but it works, so who cares02:09
tp43crassus_, too bad, but often, the only difference you notice is some flashy new colours and stuff like that, which we all love, but no big deal02:10
=== crassus_ is now known as crassus
tp43But i love the new colors of ubuntu 11 from 1002:10
crassusi'm on 10.04 tp4302:11
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cpgosamsul, rebooting and tryin02:11
tp43Cradam, dude, you gotta come to 11, I think you can do a direct from 10.04 to 11.04 and then to 11.1002:11
crassusI'm fine with 10.04, it's great. i've been using it only for 2 years and love it02:12
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crassuswill be until it's EOL-ed02:12
linogeHi, i have a problem, of the most interesting nature, with my laptop. Yesterday it worked perfect. I turned it off and then, when i came back to home, turned it on. There's light in some buttons, but, there's nothing more. No HP first screen (as it always did). So, i thought it was dead.02:13
tp43crassus, dude, 3.0 kernel02:13
crassus"flashy colors" :p02:13
crassusbut yeah, I'll get there, probably not on ubuntu though :/02:14
tp43crassus, my system used to rattle, i haven't heard it rattle yet, but its only been a couple hours, also, my sound is ten times louder02:14
linogeSo, i waited in long hours of agony till i tried again. Gave a hug to my laptop and it suddenly worked.02:14
crassusI'm thinking of switching to arch linux02:14
Paul_Elinoge: something loose inside? Hug snapped it back into place?02:14
crassusno problems ever with hardware on 10.04 and my computer tp4302:14
linogeAs of today, it didn't work.02:14
cpgosamsul, my monitors native res is 1920x1080. The closest one in the list was 1920x1200. I put that and it made it worse. So 1920x1080 is impossible?02:14
tp43crassus, Arch is using gnome 3.0, I am thinking of upgrading02:15
linogeAnd then, a few minutes ago, i just turned it on. This time no hugs where involved.02:15
linogePaul_E: I'm not aware of something loose, it's inside the possibilities, and i'll check it tomorrow, with calm. I just felt like asking first what can be causing this extremely weird behaviour.02:16
somsipcpgo: I don't use Plymouth myself, and only found that page from a search so you may need advice from someone else02:16
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cpgosomsip, sorry, I was using the wrong name :S Thanks for looking02:17
linogeAs a sidenote, i may add that yesterday i let it on all night and it didn't turned off. Temperatures are normal. Fans are working.02:18
linogeAnd dmesg doesn't show something too weird.02:18
MahaVishnucpgo, sudo apt-get install cvt && cvt 1920 1080 copy xrandr --newmode "part"02:18
tp43How the heck do you change aspect ratio for Banshee media player?02:18
crassusbanshee does video now?02:19
MahaVishnucpgo, copy the "1920 blah blah" and everything after it, to the end of the xrandr cmd02:19
crassusI thought it was only and audio player tp4302:19
Paul_Elinoge: Have you tried a kiss?02:19
tp43crassus, i never use two, I use one for both02:19
atlanyuHi again.02:19
cpgogotta love ubuntu.. gotta spend a whole day fixing small issues like this02:20
organikshow do i set samba users password02:21
MahaVishnuorganiks, man smbpasswd02:21
ibolmoanyone familiar if UID changes in passwd is common when upgrading between releases?02:21
atlanyuMahaVishnu, I checked my issue with that DVB-T RTL2832U Stick again. Still can't get it running with 2.6.32-21-generic-pae. With 2.6.32-21-generic, no prob. But with PAE... horrible: blah... disagrees about version of symbol dvb_usb_device_init ... blah...02:21
atlanyuOh yes, I did recompile it, of course.02:22
tp43you know how when move a window it goes full screen, how do change that config?02:23
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Supertonymanhello people02:24
cpgoMahaVishnu, no package like that02:24
linogePaul_E: No, though it may work, one of my teachers called it the 'The perversity of inanimate things', joking, of course.02:24
Supertonymancan i install ubuntu on a slave sata hdd using gurb?02:25
Paul_Elinoge: You may also want to avoid showing affection to other appliances in the home--it may be jealous.02:25
=== Apple is now known as Derpy
MahaVishnucpgo, yea the command is cvt sry not sure which package02:26
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cpgook running the command works02:27
linogePaul_E: It might, as that saturday my girlfriend was around, and i spent the whole day with her, insted of programming.02:27
Paul_Elinoge: Well, there's your problem right there.02:27
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cpgoMahaVishnu, mind giving me the command again? Not sure what to do02:27
cpgoI'm on 10.0402:28
MahaVishnuxrandr --newmode "1920_blah blah" rest of crap from cvt command"02:28
linogePaul_E: Yup, you're absolutly right, except for one little detail. It doesn't seem very probable that a laptop can develop the capacity to love, or feel jealous...02:28
tp43how do I make vlc my default video player instead of banshee?02:28
Supertonymani only use ubuntu via Wubi, now i want to trully install it02:29
linogeSo, i might be the owner of the first real AI device in the world. (?)02:29
d1g1ta1I need to install X/K/Ubuntu on an old laptop that does not have a bootable CD ROM.  I tried Smart Boot Manager but it won't see my parallel port CD ROM.  I tried running several versions from DOS, but always get errors and no install.  Is it possible to install text-only K/Ubuntu to the notebook ATA 2.5" hard drive in another computer with a bootable CD ROM (e.g., desktop) and then do the GUI installation portion later after the 2.5" drive is back in the lapt02:29
Supertonymanhow big should i make the swap partition? if i have 8gb ram?02:29
cpgoMahaVishnu, does this look right? xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync02:30
MahaVishnuSupertonyman, they claim 2x ram but you don't need a 16gb partition02:30
MahaVishnucpgo, yes. you might need to prefix it with sudo but maybe not02:30
linoged1g1ta1: you can also try unetbootin and install it through usb02:30
d1g1ta1system won't boot from USB02:30
d1g1ta1boot options are:  Floppy & internal hard drive only02:31
Supertonymanbut if i make it 16 or 32 bould be better?02:31
linoged1g1ta1: does it have a OS?02:31
cpgoMahaVishnu, http://pastebin.com/pCaQaRBe02:31
Nick-hey, wondering if anyone is able to give me some help with nis?02:31
atlanyulinoge: But yes, it can. Mine always crashes when it stands on my desk next to my Desktop-PC ...02:31
Supertonymani have a huge amount of space02:31
dr_willistheres somt tricks to boot things like that from usb d1g1ta1  - some sort of chain loader on the floppy. but i havent used that in ages.02:31
d1g1ta1linoge:  WIndows 9802:31
dr_willisSupertonyman:  i alwyas use 64bit os on my 64bit hardware. for your ram.. go 64bit.02:32
dr_willisd1g1ta1:  is this a 64bit cpu?02:32
Supertonyman64 of course, thanks.02:32
d1g1ta1dr_willis: oh, so you create a bootable linux floppy and copy the ubuntu CD to USB and it chains from the fDD to the USB?02:32
d1g1ta1dr_willis: no, 3202:32
Supertonymancan i boot ubuntu from a slave hdd?02:33
dr_willisSupertonyman:  yes.02:33
atlanyuSupertonyman: yes.02:33
Supertonymanthanks! using gurb right?02:33
atlanyuSupertonyman: yes.02:33
dr_willisd1g1ta1:  yes. i saw some guide on doing it the other day. but cant recal where i saw it at. webupd8, or pendrivelinux, or lifehacker.02:33
dr_willisSupertonyman:  grub. :) yes.02:33
Supertonymanthere is a visual version of gurb right? grub?02:34
linogeatlanyu: Yes, i'm very sure it can, as improbable as it seems. Even between partitions there are fights. When i boot in arch, ubuntu doesn't get sound like a week, and when i boot ubuntu, arch doesn't get sound, leaving me completely without sound many times.02:34
MgamerzWhat is the best way to install ubuntu to a 100GB partition on my external usb drive? I just did it with jaunty (had to have old support... but i guess now i don't it seems) - it installed grub, which i 100000% hate, and it torched my windows02:35
bonhofferi have a bunch of cron jobs that i want to kill -- how do i find them02:35
Mgamerzso i restored windows, but how can i get it to use all 100GB's? I am going to use it for a kernel building enviornment02:35
* Mgamerz is also new to kernel stuff02:35
atlanyulinoge: :-) :-) :-) ... that "sound problems" seem familiar to me ...02:35
d1g1ta1so, is it possible to move an Ubuntu drive to completely different hardware and bring it up?02:36
bonhoffercrontab seems to run /etc/cron.daily, weekly, monthly, etc02:36
Mgamerzjust don't install graphics drivers ;)02:36
* linoge apologizes if he hath wrote some words wrong.02:36
bonhofferbut the  jobs aren't there02:36
MahaVishnucpgo, pastebin xrandr -q ?02:36
atlanyubtw, does anyone here know how I can get my DVB-T RTL2832U Stick to work with 2.6.32-21-generic-pae ? Seems that it doesn't like a PAE enabled kernel... blah disagrees about version of symbol dvb_usb_device_init ...02:37
Mgamerzbut i will most likely keep it on one (or two) machines at the most.02:37
linogeatlanyu: :)02:37
d1g1ta1Mgamerz: difficult?02:37
cpgoMahaVishnu, http://pastebin.com/RWGw5Nke02:37
Nick-got a problem with a nis client, can see ypcat passwd / group but cant login with username from nismaster any idea's what i can try?02:38
linogeWell, maybe arch decided to destroy my laptop after i installed ubuntu to try the new version. We had a long relationship and knew each other to the point we could both read our thoughts.02:38
MahaVishnucpgo, it says ur using 1080 ??02:38
ntr0pyHas anyone got x11vnc to work correctly with xinetd?02:39
cpgoMahaVishnu, it says what it says .. idk what to make of it. Are you referring to "current"?02:39
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MgamerzI know I had it working on an external drive perfectly fine on... like intrepid or something02:39
Mgamerzworked perfectly02:39
MahaVishnucpgo, xrandr -s 1920x108002:39
d1g1ta1Mgamerz: to move Ubuntu drive from 1 PC to completely different hardware (desktop to laptop)?02:40
Mgamerzworks fine for me02:40
Mgamerzidk if im correct but it seems to choose which drivers to load when it needs to02:40
cpgoMahaVishnu, ran it, no output02:40
Mgamerzand hot damn i put too much fire oil in my mongolian bbq food. stuff is so hot!!!02:40
skegeekI'm having a problem with Ubuntu freezing when left alone for even a few minutes. I thought it may be memory, but if it ran out of swap it would just shut down...02:41
d1g1ta1Mgamerz: you mean I don't' have to do anything -- it reconfigures automatically?02:41
organiksCan anyone tell me why i cant access an ubuntu shared drive via mac?02:41
organiksbut i can via ubuntu or windows02:41
MahaVishnucpgo, and no change ? whats ur resolution look like its at ?02:41
Mgamerzit just loads generic drivers02:41
Mgamerzi've done it before between a few computers. if you can deal without hardware accelerations then yeah it works great02:41
maslenCan someone help? I have high CPU on youtube even with hardware acceleration  enabled. I'm using FF w\Adobe flash 11 on Ubuntu 11.04 (x86_64).02:42
Mgamerzyou don't do the 'minimum' install iirc... something in minicd installation versions where you can install abig set of drivers or just ones for this specifc machine02:42
cpgoMahaVishnu, just so we're on the same page, what do you think my problem is/what are you trying to fix?02:42
d1g1ta1Mgamerz: thanx, I'll give it a try!02:42
Mgamerzcan't guarantee it'll be perfect02:42
maslenI'm also using the newest nvidia drivers, as the internal ones didn't work either,02:42
Mgamerzbut i've booted off about 3 or 4 machiens at school + home in the past02:42
Mgamerzi have it formatted as ext3... but installing it installs grub, and i dont' want that02:43
cpgoMahaVishnu, its my boot screen (plymouth) that has low resolution, not my desktop - if thats why you think my problem is02:43
MahaVishnucpgo LOL02:43
MahaVishnusudo apt-get install v86d hwinfo02:44
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zaltekkwhat's the difference in nvidia-current and nvidia-current-updates?02:44
linogeIt was a good thing to chat with you, but i must turn back to some esoteric math problems. Bye and good night.02:45
boldfilter1Guys, something is terribly wrong with my new ubuntu 11.10. It has things messed up interface on it that you can't get rid of or beat with a stick02:45
Paul_EWhen gdm restarts, is it somehow possible to hide all of the text that displays?02:45
MahaVishnucpgo, sudo hwinfo --framebuffer | grep "Mode"02:46
travisHAZENatty (Gnome Classic), in Places tab, how can I change where the Music, Pictures and Videos folders point to?02:46
cpgoMahaVishnu, ^02:46
cpgo1920x1080 isnt on there02:47
Mgamerzpunch the monitor, show it who's boss02:47
mattheasMgamerz: that solves most issues without trouble02:47
MahaVishnucpgo, so gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub find #GRUB_GFXMODE02:48
Mgamerzi love when people try to smack the monitors trying to get the computer to work02:48
boldfilter1id punch unity02:48
cpgoMahaVishnu, k02:48
mattheasMgamerz: if you didn't know the computers brain is in the monitor then you're retarded02:48
MahaVishnucpgo, 1920x1200 or 1280x72002:48
* Mgamerz feelings are deeply hurt. 02:48
MahaVishnuand remove the #02:48
MahaVishnuor 800 just pick the one yo uwant.02:49
skegeekAny ideas for solving what seems to be Gnome freezing after a bit of idling?02:49
MgamerzSo I might just use super grub disk (floppy) to boot onto the hard drive, since it doesn't seem i can have NTFS and ext3 (and swap) on the hard drive and not use grub02:49
L1nuxRulesthe computers brain is in the tower the brain issues are usaully on the chair in front of the monitor02:49
cpgoMahaVishnu, update-grub2 next?02:49
cpgotheres both, whats the diff02:50
MahaVishnucpgo, yea and do an sudo update-initramfs -u (I always do that just to be sure)02:50
MahaVishnuits grub2 now.02:50
L1nuxRulesupdate-grub is the commnd though02:50
MahaVishnuuhh I think 2 works on my machine also..02:50
L1nuxRulesit might never tried02:51
MahaVishnuyes it does.02:51
cpgorebooting, brb02:51
travisHAZENatty (Gnome Classic), in Places tab, how can I change where the Music, Pictures and Videos folders point to?02:52
ekontsevoyHow do I tell ubuntu to start ssh *after* all network interfaces have been initialized? Right now it does the opposite: sshd starts much earlier and then keeps restarting on each interface going up. This makes reboots terribly slow: I have 64 IPs on this machine.02:52
L1nuxRuleseknotsevoy modify your nic startup scripts to start ssh rather than chkconfig02:53
cpgoMahaVishnu, still an 1.5" black border around the boot screen, doesnt stretch all the way even tho we put a higher res than my monitors native one02:54
mattheasmmm skrillex02:55
mattheasmakes me want to finish college02:55
MahaVishnucpgo, I saw this option too... set gfxpayload=keep for grb02:55
MahaVishnucpgo, idk if it will help.02:55
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MahaVishnucpgo, that goes in your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file under the kernel you want to boot like near the insmod lines02:56
slgmaanyone know anything about this error: Could not initialize SDL: Unable to open a console terminal.02:56
RokcStarcan anyone recommend any firewall applications02:57
L1nuxRulesiptables :)02:57
mattheasif you don't understand iptables get webmin. that'll dumb it down for you.02:58
ntr0pyanyone has x11vnc working with xinetd?02:58
RokcStara lot of people on this channel say webmin is insecure02:58
zaltekkand unsupported02:58
RokcStarso why do people still use it?02:58
mattheasRokcStar: depends whether you spend time configuring it. I've never had a problem with it.02:58
zaltekklook at UFW if you want something easier than using iptables directly02:58
L1nuxRulesnever used webmin but surely its just a frontend for Iptaables?02:59
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.02:59
mattheasRokcStar: Keep in mind, someone will always have commentary on your software/hardware regardless of what you're using.02:59
MahaVishnuthere are local GUI apps to configure iptables also. just look around.02:59
MahaVishnufirestarter or something was one idk if its still around.02:59
Tech-1it is03:00
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.03:00
RokcStarnice ubottu03:00
mattheasRokcStar: if you know what you're doing, that's probably a better idea03:00
MahaVishnuubottu is a robot RokcStar ;-)03:00
ubottuMahaVishnu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:00
L1nuxRuleswhy debian cant use the Red Hat way though...03:00
RokcStari dont, but i can learn03:00
mattheasI still use webmin :x03:01
Jay_LevittI added "export RAILS_ENV=production" to /etc/apache2/envvars, but "ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/${RAILS_ENV}-error.log" results in a file literally named "${RAILS_ENV}-error.log".. what am I missing?03:03
L1nuxRulesI still use vi to edit my firewall03:03
Paul_Edoes anyone have an answer to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165533403:04
ntr0pywhen trying to run x11vnc via xinetd i ALWAYS get "rfbNewClient: write: Broken pipe" error message? What am i doing wrong i dont get it03:05
L1nuxRulespaul_e add quiet to your boot entry03:06
Paul_EL1nuxRules: boot entry? Where's that?03:06
L1nuxRulespress e to edit the grub entry your booting from and where you see splash put quiet before it03:07
Paul_EI never see grub.03:08
_cbIn Ubuntu 9 the time applet could be configured to display weather info. Not so in 11, how does one get that applet in 11?03:08
boldfilter1Hey, you guys know how a vacuum works? unity sucks03:09
Paul_EL1nuxRules: In /etc/default/grub, I see GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"03:09
L1nuxRulesyou will need to edit it in /boot/grub/grub.conf then03:09
travisHAZEboldfilter, unity is vomit03:09
Paul_Eand GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" splash quiet"03:10
boldfilter1vomit and poop03:10
Paul_Edoes the order matter? should it be quiet splash?03:10
L1nuxRulesthats the least verbose boot I know so not sure you can disable anything else03:10
L1nuxRulesorder doesent matter03:11
Paul_EL1nuxRules: I still get output from somewhere that you can see right before Plymouth kicks in. Just for a split screen.03:11
Paul_Eer.. split second :)03:11
L1nuxRulesIm slackware/centos Im not that familiar with ubuntu or plymouth03:12
cpgoMahaVishnu, nope03:12
genoobieI am desperate here03:12
genoobieI boot up my windows partition and the wireless works03:12
MahaVishnucpgo, idk then :F03:12
genoobiethe wireless worked in my linux partition until this monring then, bork03:13
genoobieI boot up a live linux CD and the wireless still doesn't work03:13
genoobieI go to a store and try a few mini-pci cards and the wireless is still out03:13
MahaVishnugenoobie, disabled in bios some how? does it have a hardware switch03:13
genoobienot that I am aware of, but that would not explain how it works in windows03:13
genoobieI will double check though03:13
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flippityflipMy flash isn't working. I've installed, reinstalled, uninstalled, and installed. Used the software center and also the terminal to install/uninstall. Any suggestions? Do you need more info to help?03:14
flippityflip(adobe flash player)03:14
Guest40168hello i gota problem i did install slim to use instead of gdm, all fine but aparently an loading animation of ubuntu pre loaded after gdm start it dont die and i see the colors incorrects03:15
flippityflipFlash *does* work in Chrome, but I think that's cause Chrome has a built-in flash player.... would that affect the normal/standalone player?03:15
boldfilter1Dear ubuntu, my desktop pc is not a smartphone, give me a decent interface, thank you03:15
MahaVishnuboldfilter, try xfce or fluxbox03:16
L1nuxRulesboldfilter1 your a Linux user please learn that your in control not the provider03:16
MahaVishnuboldfilter, or go back gnome03:16
boldfilter1new gnome sucks too03:17
L1nuxRulesctrl+alt+f1 :)03:17
cpgoMahaVishnu, k, thanks03:17
totesmuhgoatsboldfilter1: there is a site that lists all the unity packages in ubuntu so you can apt-get remove it and then switch desktops03:18
totesmuhgoatsi installed xfce through the xubuntu-desktop package03:18
totesmuhgoatsits not bad03:18
genoobieMahaVishnu, no switch in BIOS03:19
ldurosI like unity better than gnome 3, at least in 11.1003:19
flippityfliplduros: agreed.03:19
ldurosonly issue is taht ubuntu isn't fully free :-( I wish it were :-P03:20
GrimsCompanyHi I burned the iso to a CD and when it boots a purple screen comes up with a picture of a keyboard, an equal sign, and a stick figure. After awhile, my screen starts flashing red/green/blue/white and the CD drive is going crazy scanning really fast. Is this normal, because after a minute of this going on I decided to force shutdown.03:20
genoobieMahaVishnu, desperate here...03:20
flippityflipMy flash isn't working. I've installed, reinstalled, uninstalled, and installed. Used the software center and also the terminal to install/uninstall. Any suggestions? Do you need more info to help?03:20
boldfilter1that dashboard launcher has to go03:21
genoobiewireless worked, now it doesn't, linux is like that...03:22
MahaVishnugenoobie, and what did you do between it working and not working ?03:22
L1nuxRulesusers re like that03:22
ntr0pyDamnit why oh why is linux just such a nightmare, everyone solves the same problems wasting a lot of time03:22
aeon-ltdntr0py: is windows not the same?03:22
genoobieapparently nothing03:22
aeon-ltdeveryone got problems03:22
genoobienot sure if updates were done in the background...03:22
genoobiecan i roll back updates?03:23
MahaVishnuntr0py, because until you learn to figure out how to solve problems on linux it is a nightmare. but it is very easy to solve most problems cause alot are the same ones heh!03:23
flippityflipaeon-ltd: no, windows is not the same. there is less of a hassle. and for the hassles there are, there is more support than a few websites and channels.03:23
L1nuxRuleswindows is worse at least you can dig under the hood and fix your self In Linux03:23
flippityflipyou can dig under the hood and fix in windows as well.03:23
genoobieyeah, my wireless works in windows, it stopped working in linux03:23
L1nuxRuleshow editing the registry lmao03:23
MahaVishnuactually you have to pay for windows support usually. but I think there is a channel on here.03:24
flippityflipi love linux and ubuntu is my favorite distro, but it would be wrong to say that linux has less or the same amount of hassle as windows03:24
GrimsCompanyHi I burned the iso to a CD and when it boots a purple screen comes up with a picture of a keyboard, an equal sign, and a stick figure. After awhile, my screen starts flashing red/green/blue/white and the CD drive is going crazy scanning really fast. Is this normal, because after a minute of this going on I decided to force shutdown.03:24
genoobieMahaVishnu, in all seriousness, as far as I know, nothing changed.03:24
MahaVishnuflippityflip, but its offtopic03:24
grumpywolfeI was doing a system update and got a buch of messages and now gnome-key is not working03:24
L1nuxRulesno Linux has nowhere near the issues that windows does03:24
aeon-ltdBut the extra support and fewer hassles are because of paid software and hardware, linux is free be grateful and perservere :)03:24
L1nuxRulesIve used it for years the main breakage is the user03:25
aeon-ltdwoah sorry to derail the chan guys.03:25
flippityflipMahaVishnu: understood, but be aware that I didn't bring it up, just continuing a conversation03:25
ntr0pyMahaVishnu: yes but some are not and  and those really feel like a biggest waste of time, always trying to get things working that *should* work out of the box03:25
grumpywolfehow to change gnome-key03:25
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MahaVishnulast thing i'll say. half the reason things don't work out of the box is the manufacturer of the item.03:25
MahaVishnunot linux.03:26
NDPMacBookProThat's a cop out03:26
NDPMacBookProEnd user doesn't care who's fault it is03:26
flippityflipAgreed, it *is* a cop out.03:26
MahaVishnuand I dont care what the end user wants. cause my stuff didn't all work out of the box. but I made it work.03:26
genoobieMahaVishnu, any suggestions outside of switch in bios?03:27
flippityflipagain, I love Linux and Ubuntu. But I definitely cannot recommend it to the everyday consumer because of the lack of compatibility, OR the steps you would need to take in order to ensure compatibility.03:27
ntr0pyMahaVishnu: yes i never found a better os than linux, but sometimes it gets really frustrating...03:27
flippityflipgenoobie- do you know what wireless card you have?03:27
MahaVishnugrr my internet sucks lately03:27
genoobieflippityflip, atheros03:27
genoobie5007 I think03:28
MahaVishnugenoobie, pastebin sudo lshw -C network03:28
MahaVishnuntr0py, agreed I couldn't make my intel integrated chip and my nvidia card work together until yesterday. but like I heard someone say in here linux is for people who like to take stuff apart and put it back together, and obviously it's free.03:29
boldfilter1I like the fact that in linux you may have to build or make something to make something work03:29
genoobieI am trying to output that to a file03:29
genoobiehold a sec03:29
boldfilter1And in linux before unity, I liked the customization freedom03:29
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MahaVishnugenoobie, you can install pastebinit and do like sudo pastebinit command to auto paste it doesn't work for everything though03:30
MahaVishnulets not start a unity discussion ;\03:30
genoobieMahaVishnu, I don't have connectivity on the linux box03:30
MahaVishnuno wire?03:30
L1nuxRuleswhats with Linux before unity though ?03:30
genoobieMahaVishnu, here http://pastebin.com/BLAE49p503:31
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:31
boldfilter1gnome 3/unity no customization03:31
MahaVishnu genoobie lsmod | grep ath03:32
boldfilter1just two shitty interfaces03:32
L1nuxRulesgenoobie you want to redirect the output of thew command to a file?03:32
Mgamerz-UbuIs there anyway to NOT install grub while installing ubuntu? It'd save me a big headache03:32
Detergentizerboldfilter: huh?03:32
L1nuxRulesif so command > 2&>1 output03:33
L1nuxRulesor actually command > outpout 2&>103:35
genoobieMahaVishnu, sorry here is the "clean" output of lshw03:35
urlin2uMgamerz-Ubu, if you choose the something else option=manual and put it in the ubuntu partition you are not installing to the mbr.03:35
genoobieMahaVishnu, here is the output of lsmod | grep ath03:35
Mgamerz-UbuI'm doing 10.04 LTS03:36
Mgamerz-Ubuso i don't have the else03:36
urlin2uMgamerz-Ubu, doesn't matter what release.03:36
Mgamerz-Ubuwould it be under advanced at the end page?03:36
urlin2uMgamerz-Ubu, yes that sounds right03:36
Mgamerz-Ubu'install boot loader'03:36
genoobiei will say that linux's hardware detection has improved *significantly*03:37
urlin2uMgamerz-Ubu, you running windows and want easybcd?03:37
genoobieMahaVishnu, what do you think03:37
MahaVishnugenoobie$ how are you trying to connect network-manager ?03:37
Mgamerz-UbuI normally run windows. Trying to build a kernel but am installing linux to an external hard drive on the secondary partiiton of it (after NTFS)03:37
=== adam__ is now known as shovell
Mgamerz-Ubuwill just use super grub2 disk to boot, cause grub as MBR sucks balls03:37
urlin2uMgamerz-Ubu, how you going to boot it?03:38
L1nuxRulesgrub on mbr is fine03:38
genoobieMahaVishnu, not really sure, just through the network connections manager in lubuntu03:38
Mgamerz-Ubui never find it is03:38
shovellhey guys got a question how can i connect to another computer over the internet i.e. remote desktop03:38
Mgamerz-Ubugrub is horrendous, it's broken my system like 3 times (after distro upgrade). I'm never going to trust it so i'll just do super grub disk. it's reliable03:38
L1nuxRulesvnc or ssh03:39
edbianshovell: by using ssh03:39
edbianshovell: Have you ever done this before?03:39
urlin2uMgamerz-Ubu, easy to put what you want in the mbr so this may be yourvweak link.03:39
MahaVishnugenoobie$ grep -r "ath5k" /etc/modprobe.d/03:39
shovelledbian,  not really03:39
Mgamerz-Ubui'll keep the windows bootloader in mbr03:39
Mgamerz-Ubuand just boot from floppy03:39
edbianshovell: What computer are you trying to connect to?03:39
edbianshovell: I can help03:39
MahaVishnugenoobie$ sudo ifconfig -a03:40
shovelledbian i have a buddy on the other side of town and i need to go through the files i have stored there03:40
edbianshovell: Is his computer running linux?03:41
L1nuxRulesifconfig doesent need privs03:41
L1nuxRulesunless your changing anything03:41
shovelledbian, ..... unfortunatlly i had not made the conversion03:41
MahaVishnugood point03:41
genoobieMahaVishnu, here are the results of the grep of modprobe.d03:41
shovelledbian, windows 703:41
flippityflipowned! My flash works now. I had to uninstall GNASH... what the hell is gnash anyway?03:41
edbianshovell: Well if he's there and logged in just have him email you stuff.  Or use dropbox if it's really big or something03:41
shovelledbian but i am not sure where it is stored03:42
xanguaa gnu flash plugin flippityflip03:42
edbianshovell: so?  So you wanna log in and look around?  Have him look around. What's the different?03:42
flippityflipxangua: i knew that, was just trying to mock the name.... but thanks!03:42
Mgamerz-Ubui have a dream. a dream that someday thunderbird will update their email notification popup to look modern03:42
shovelledbian he is a good friend but a dumb one03:43
ldurosi'd like to have an applet or whatever you call it in unity to monitor my CPU, the heat etc? I have feelings my computer heats up sometimes, what can I use with Unity? Thx03:43
genoobieMahaVishnu, here is the ifconfig -a03:43
MahaVishnugenoobie$ If you can plug a wire in to that machine. try to install "wicd" it is a really good wireless manager I have had much better luck with it than network-manager03:43
DreamA dream huh03:43
genoobieI don't like that modprobe.d output03:43
MahaVishnugenoobie$ its fine actually03:44
edbianshovell: both of you install teamviewer and you can log in remotely. (that's probably the easiest way)03:44
genoobieMahaVishnu, oh okay03:44
DreamI have a dream, a dream where I will never have the nick "Dream" in any IRC network.03:44
shovelledbian open source?03:44
genoobieso I can find wicd in the synaptic?03:44
edbianshovell: Umm, I don't think it's open source but it is free03:44
MahaVishnugenoobie$ it looks like the device is loaded. but the interface eth0 has no IP so network-manager is not connecting?03:44
edbianshovell: There are open source ways of doing it.  It's not as easy though.  Not worth it for one time03:44
urlin2ulduros, you familiar with conky, take a look on the for what it looks like it is in the repos.03:44
genoobieokay there it is I'll brb03:45
ldurosurlin2u: no i'm not, will look it up, thanks03:45
shovelledbian,  aah nice , i am kinda looking for the option to do that from time to time03:45
urlin2ulduros, it can be made to look cool and uses low resources.03:45
genoobieMahaVishnu, although if I stick a wire in it, it will connect03:45
genoobiebut I will try the first wicd link in synaptic03:45
ldurosurlin2u: yeh looks fine to me :-)03:46
edbianshovell: Well than you should look into: http://gerardmcgarry.com/blog/how-remotely-connect-ubuntu-a-windows-machine03:46
edbianshovell: I didn't really look very closely at that.  I googled and linked the first one that was right.03:46
JZApplesWhy does the Update Manager keep trying to download Ubuntu One updates even though I uninstalled it and don't want to use it?03:46
urlin2ulduros, there are scriprs all over the web and a thread where people post theirs at the ubuntu forums.03:46
L1nuxRulessudo aptitude remmina03:46
L1nuxRulesthats a decent windows RDP client for Linux03:47
mattheasis anyone good with fixing ubuntu NIC ports?03:47
mattheasI had driver issues03:47
ldurosurlin2u: hehe03:47
MahaVishnugenoobie$ sudo rmmod ath5k && sudo modprobe ath5k03:47
edbianmattheas: NIC ports are the physical ethernet / network ports on a network interface card (NIC).  Ubuntu does not make them, so your question does not make sense03:47
Mgamerz-Ubuhas Has anyone used rdesktop and got the 'keymap not found: en-us' error? (1.6 or 1.7 / ubuntu jaunty?)03:48
L1nuxRulesIve only ever seen that error on getting disconnected03:48
Mgamerz-Ubui'm using webtop for my atrix phone (based on jaunty) and it always says that, and nobody seems to know... or carfe why03:48
mattheasedbian: thanks for the rhetoric check. I applied drivers to my NIC, and now it's created all the way up to eth10 on my 70-persistent-net.rules and created one eth_rename03:49
mattheasedbian: I have a multiport NIC card03:49
edbianmattheas: I'm afraid I've never set up a multiple port nic card before :(03:49
genoobieMahaVishnu, I just installed wicd03:50
trackerx90Is it possible to make network cards to work as router?03:50
genoobiewe'll see if it works03:50
edbiantrackerx90: yes, it's called a network bridge03:50
shovelledbian,  well that is not looking like it would suit my needs03:50
edbiantrackerx90: Or, ip_forwarding if you're working low level03:50
shovelledbian,  but thank you for the help03:51
edbianshovell: remote login ?  Is that not exactly what you want?03:51
edbianshovell: sure03:51
trackerx90<edbian> thanks03:51
L1nuxRulesyour nics arent used as a router as such as they are just the hardware network connection but you can set a router up using Iptables03:51
shovellsorta have you used the remote desktop util in windows?03:51
shovelledbian sorta have you used the remote desktop util in windows?03:51
genoobieMahaVishnu, doesn't seem to ahve fixed the issue03:51
edbianshovell: no, what's your point?03:52
shovelledbian that is the type of situation i am looking foe03:52
edbianshovell: What does windows remote desktop do that other remote desktop apps cannot do (I'm willing to bet nothing)03:53
genoobieMahaVishnu, when I typed in sudo rmmod ath5k && sudo modprobe ath5k it said "You are now offline"03:53
genoobieso now what?03:53
L1nuxRulesedbian it gets hacked into :)03:53
MahaVishnugenoobie$ I think thats a good sign?03:53
shovelledbian you are probablly correct03:53
shovellill let y9ou know how it goes if you want03:53
genoobiewell at this point am I fooling aroud with wicd?03:53
MahaVishnugenoobie$ yea man it sounds like you should be able to get it working with wicd? lsmod | grep ath5k make sure its loaded.03:54
edbianL1nuxRules: ha03:54
edbianshovell: :)03:54
genoobieyeahm it's loaded alright...but it isn't working03:54
genoobiethis is *really* frustrating03:55
edbiangenoobie: look at the very end of the output of dmesg03:56
edbianusually there are clues there03:56
MahaVishnuwhats it say03:56
edbiangenoobie: also, sudo iwlist scan   (will scan for wifi networks)03:56
edbiangenoobie: iwlist scan is a good way to see low-level if the drive is working03:56
craigbass1976Is there an ubuntu version of joinme and gotomeeting?03:58
edbiancraigbass1976: what do those do?03:58
genoobieedbian, wlan0 failed to read scan data: network is down03:58
miguesomeone speake spanish?03:58
MahaVishnuedbian$ thanks for the info.03:58
edbiangenoobie: sudo ifup wlan0     (what's it say?)03:58
edbianMahaVishnu: sure03:58
ssfdre38migue, i think its english only03:59
L1nuxRulesgenoobie give your router a kick03:59
MahaVishnuedbian$ idk why his card isnt working looks right to me.03:59
craigbass1976edbian, web conferencing/screen sharing; it's for training and meetings essentially03:59
RokcStaryo se espanol03:59
edbiancraigbass1976: I don't think so :(  (probably there is and I just don't know about it)03:59
genoobieignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan003:59
skumaraI need help to play this dvd. The subtitles appear outside the movie and I can read it. anyone know how to repair this problem? http://tinypic.com/r/3305hs8/504:00
genoobieseriously should I reboot the router?04:00
genoobielet me try04:00
edbiancraigbass1976: http://onlinemeeting.lefora.com/2009/12/08/guide-to-using-gotomeeting-on-linux/04:00
edbiangenoobie: ignoring unknown interface...04:00
edbiangenoobie: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:01
miguei have problem to make a file trafer whit pidgin 2.1004:01
edbianrebooting the router is not hte issue04:01
miguesomeone can help me04:01
genoobieedbian, so I should skip this?04:01
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genoobieI mean rebooting router04:01
edbiangenoobie: I recommend running sudo ifconfig wlan0 up  (not rebooting the router)04:02
genoobieSIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill04:02
edbiangenoobie: I knew it!04:03
genoobieme too :)04:03
edbiangenoobie: yeah I know the problem04:03
edbianhang on04:03
edbiangenoobie: sudo rfkill list04:03
edbiangenoobie: what's it say about things being blocked?04:03
genoobierfkill comand not found04:04
edbiangenoobie: really....04:04
edbiangenoobie: Is the target machine online via something besides wifi?04:04
genoobiesudo rfkill list04:04
genoobienot presently04:04
miguei have problem to make a file trafer whit pidgin 2.1004:04
genoobieit can be if I need to04:04
edbiangenoobie: do you have a wifi kill switch on this machine?  (cause I think it's on)04:05
genoobiewell there is a wifi kill switch04:05
genoobiebut it is "blue"04:05
edbiangenoobie: I could tell if we had rfkill installed but we don't apparently.04:05
edbiangenoobie: flip it, then run sudo iwlist scan again04:05
genoobieI can get rfkill04:05
r3zahi guys , i want to know how can i connect to my socks 5 tunnelling in  ubuntu 11.10 ? do u have any program or command suggestion please ... !04:05
edbiangenoobie: what do you mean you can get rfkill ?04:05
genoobiesame output, network is down04:06
genoobieis it possible that the switch is borked04:06
edbiangenoobie: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:06
edbiangenoobie: (you have flipped the switch right?04:06
genoobieis there some way to bypass this so the switch has no effect04:06
MahaVishnuedbian$ can he try sudo ifup wlan0 also ?04:06
genoobiewell ordinarily the switch would go from blue to orange (orange being off)04:06
genoobiebut when I touch the switch there is no change04:06
edbianMahaVishnu: I'm not sure, I think there is a subtle difference between the two04:07
MahaVishnuedbian$ me too but ifup works better for me. always has04:07
edbiangenoobie: yeah yeah, what about sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:07
edbianMahaVishnu: but ifconfig is what told us it was blocked due to rfkill04:07
genoobieoperation not possible due to RF-kill04:07
edbianso I want to use that to check04:07
MahaVishnuedbian$ ah point taken sir.04:07
edbiangenoobie: get online, run this: sudo apt-get install rfkill04:07
edbiangenoobie: Then once it's installed, run sudo rfkill list04:07
genoobieanything else I should install?04:07
edbiangenoobie: no, just that04:08
genoobieokay bbias04:08
edbiangenoobie: are you sure rfkill isn't installed already?04:08
r3zahi guys , i want to know how can i connect to my socks 5 tunnelling in  ubuntu 11.10 ? do u have any program or command suggestion please ... !04:08
edbianI really feel like it is installed on Ubuntu by default04:08
edbianinstall it04:08
Milosshcan anyone help me find gkrellm-i8k plugin for gkrellm please?04:08
edbianr3za: run 'gnome-network-properties' in the terminal without quotes04:08
Milosshmy cpu is constantly at ~92C04:09
edbianMilossh: that's hot04:09
L1nuxRulesclean your fans :)04:09
A|i3Nok.. easy question.. easy question.. here it comes .... wait for iiiiitt................. Best software for doing a screencast video? If firefox has one that'll work too as it's a demo of a website. :)04:09
MilosshI bought it a few months ago, and it's used only on a wooden desk04:09
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:09
r3zaedbian: but i use unity !04:09
Milosshit's not that04:09
edbianr3za: just try the command (unity is built on gnome)04:10
genoobieokay edbian 0:phy0 wireless lan04:10
genoobiesoft blocked yes hard blocked no04:10
Milosshalso, is there anyone who can help me find this plugin for gkrellm?04:10
genoobie1:hp-wifi wireless LAN04:10
genoobiesoft and hard blocked yes04:10
A|i3Nok I'll rephrase that for edbian: simplest without screwing with the command line. :P04:10
r3zaedbian: im sorry can u send me command i use it but terminal said that : gnome-network-properties: command not found04:10
edbiangenoobie: sudo rfkill unblock 004:10
edbianr3za: ahh, nevermind then.  I'm not sure what they use now :(04:11
skumara I need help to play this dvd. The subtitles appear outside the movie and I can read it. anyone know how to repair this problem? http://tinypic.com/r/3305hs8/504:11
genoobie1 as well?04:11
edbiangenoobie: if 1 is blocked, but try 0 first, and look at sudo rfkill list to make sure it changed04:11
r3zaedbian: ok buddy , thanks anyway !04:11
L1nuxRulesedbian what about restarting the network service?04:11
edbianr3za: sure04:11
MahaVishnued1703$ what is rfkill ?04:11
edbianL1nuxRules: we can't do that anymore right? (also I'm quite sure unblocking will fix things)04:11
MahaVishnuedbian ^04:11
genoobieI can ifconfig wlan0 up04:12
edbianMahaVishnu: It's the software interface for the physical kill switch04:12
genoobiebut iwlist scan = network is down04:12
edbiangenoobie: Is everything unblocked now?04:12
genoobieno, I will unblock04:12
edbiangenoobie: what did ifconfig wlan0 up say?04:12
edbiangenoobie: what are you daft?  unblock everything, then try to bring it up, then try to scan04:12
genoobie0 is now switched so that hard-blocked is 004:12
genoobieurhg okay sudo rfkill list =04:12
edbiangenoobie: you have to flip the physical switch to change the hard-block04:12
edbiansudo rfkill unblock <number>04:13
edbianA|i3N: gimmie a second while I google04:13
genoobieokay, at this point04:13
edbiangenoobie: ...04:13
edbianA|i3N: look what google found me: http://www.linuxhaxor.net/5-ways-to-screencast-your-linux-desktop/04:14
genoobiehold a sec...04:14
A|i3NThank you edbian :) I like the bonus too, the truth about six pack abs ;)04:14
genoobieI'm almost there04:14
edbiangenoobie: haha04:15
genoobieflipping the switch only seems to affect hp-wifi (1)04:15
edbiangenoobie: that's fine04:15
genoobiebut (0) phy0 is unaffected by hard switch04:15
edbiangenoobie: Do everything you can to maximize unblocking04:15
edbiangenoobie: you can pastebin it for me to see that would be great: paste.ubuntu.com04:15
edbianthe output of sudo rfkill list  that is04:16
genoobieokay, I rebooted the machine04:16
edbiangenoobie: umm, ok?04:16
L1nuxRulesgenoobie this isnt windows lol04:16
=== michael is now known as Guest88724
kimpHey, anyone here installed a Bamboo Graphics tablet on Ubuntu?04:16
genoobieyeah but it friggin worked04:17
Guest88724hi i need help. when my computer boots it gets stuck for a few minutes on waiting for network configuration, and waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration04:17
edbiangenoobie: so it's solved then?04:17
genoobieoaky, the light is intermittently flashing04:17
L1nuxRulesit will just isnt needed ;)04:17
genoobiebut the connection is up04:17
edbiangenoobie: ignore the stupid light04:17
truefxhow can i install deb.tar file in ubuntu ?04:17
genoobierfkill list has everything unblocked04:17
edbiangenoobie: good04:17
edbiangenoobie: and you're online on wifi?04:17
truefxthere are about 30 deb files in it04:18
genoobieedbian, yes abso*friggin*lutely and thank you very much04:18
edbiansure :)04:18
genoobiehow can I prevent this in the future...04:18
edbiantruefx: unpack the tar and install all the debs?04:18
genoobiewtf happened (because it only went down today)04:18
milambertruefx: why so many packages? did you try the apt-get route?04:18
genoobieso I can dump wicd04:19
MahaVishnugenoobie$ glad you got it sorted out.04:19
truefxmilamber, yep i did04:19
genoobieMahaVishnu, thank you as well!04:19
MahaVishnugenoobie$ yea if you want its still better than network-manager imho.04:19
edbiangenoobie: It should stay up from now on.  I don't know what happened.  I'm guessing somebody hit the kill switch.  Here's the thing, the kill switch needs to be off (that is the card is on) when the machine boots.  That's probably what we did.04:19
truefxmilamber, i try to install lazarus but i cant do it usin apt04:19
edbiangenoobie: Now you can use rfkill to look at the block on the card and make sure everything is unblocked, then reboot and that should always fix it04:19
Guest88724can someone help me fix the waiting for network configuration on boot?04:19
milambertruefx: ok, then did you extract the files? .rar is a compression format04:19
truefxmilamber, The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:20
truefx  lazarus: Depends: lazarus-ide (>=
truefxE: Broken packages04:20
genoobieedbian, yes, that will have to be stored in "my" memory banks somewhere..04:20
MahaVishnugenoobie$ tape your switch maybe too if its one of those sliders.04:20
truefxmilamber, .tar not rar04:20
edbiangenoobie: sure, write it all down in a text file on your desktop04:20
edbianI don't care04:20
rkhshmI have auto complete enabled on libreoffice but what is the hotkey to actually complete the suggested word?04:20
milambertruefx: .tar is also a compression format that requires the files to be extracted04:20
milamberrkhshm: enter04:20
L1nuxRulestruefx tyry installing laazarus-ide first04:20
rkhshmah... thanks04:21
milamberrkhshm: np04:21
truefxL1nuxRules, i cant04:21
truefxL1nuxRules, The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:22
truefx  lazarus-ide: Depends: fpc-abi-2.4.004:22
truefxE: Broken packages04:22
genoobieTHANKYOU everyone04:22
edbiangenoobie: ur welcome04:22
genoobieI *have* to get back to work04:22
L1nuxRulestruefx your using deb packages?04:22
truefxL1nuxRules, Package fpc-abi-2.4.0 is a virtual package provided by:04:22
truefxYou should explicitly select one to install.04:22
truefxE: Package fpc-abi-2.4.0 has no installation candidate04:22
truefxnope i tried apt-get04:23
L1nuxRulesextract them to a directory and try dpkg -i *04:23
truefxbut since i have above errors i try .deb.tar file04:23
milambertruefx: have you tried installing anything else?04:23
truefxmilamber, like what ?04:23
milambertruefx: broken packages worries me04:23
L1nuxRulesor try aptitude install lazarus its better at handling deps04:24
truefxmilamber, i got fpc 2.4.2 in my system only compiler not lazarus ide04:24
truefxmilamber, but probably new lazarus ide depends on fpc 2.4.4 so i trd to install it from deb.tar file04:25
truefxmilamber, it is not available in repos04:25
L1nuxRulestruefx it needs a newer version >= ( gretaer than or equal)04:25
milambertruefx: ok. you need to use: dpkg -i <debname>.deb to install each of the debs04:26
truefxL1nuxRules, what am i supposed to do install lazarus in ubuntu 10.0404:26
milambertruefx: but for the sake of my sanity can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get check04:26
L1nuxRulestruefx you should be able to use apt , no joy any errors?04:26
truefxmilamber, sure04:27
L1nuxRulesI have 0.9.28 lazarus installed from base repos04:27
truefxsudo apt-get check04:27
truefxReading package lists... Done04:27
truefxBuilding dependency tree04:27
truefxReading state information... Done04:27
FloodBot1truefx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:27
milamber!pastebin > truefx04:28
ubottutruefx, please see my private message04:28
truefxhow did u do it  in 10.04 ?04:28
L1nuxRulesaptitude install lazarus Is what I did04:30
sp4zhi, how do i see which user the apache2 service is running as?04:30
L1nuxRuleschange it from running as apache modules to somethibg like fast-cgi04:31
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L1nuxRulesnvm miss read what you asked04:32
sp4zubuntu server 11.10 btw no gui04:32
milambersp4z: ps au | grep httpd04:33
kontagioushey i cant connect to pidgin from 2 locations04:33
kontagiousspecifically msn04:33
genoobieokay, last piece here...04:33
L1nuxRulesps aux | grep apache2 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'04:33
genoobieI was happy enough with network manager...04:34
truefxmilamber, L1nuxRules http://paste.ubuntu.com/768634/04:34
genoobienow that I've installed wicd, I'd like to eliminate it04:34
truefxplz have a look at that04:34
genoobiedo I just uncheck wicd in synaptics and it takes care of the rest?04:34
milambertruefx: sudo apt-get install -f04:35
L1nuxRulestruefx dpkg -P lazurus-ide04:36
=== rayston_ is now known as Rayston
L1nuxRulesthen reinstall lazurus using apt looks like the lazurus-ide is from the deb packages you downloded04:37
L1nuxRulesmy a key is stuck (typos)04:37
L1nuxRulesand Im a little drunk :)04:37
L1nuxRulesalthough forcing cn be dangerous04:39
L1nuxRulesnever force packages unless you know how to fix it going wrong04:42
antipragmatistwhat is good pdf view ? I measure good by, most important first; 1) fast, 2) small memory usage04:42
genoobiewith some PDF's like for the IRS you need the fillable forms functionality that sadly only ADOBE seems to have04:43
antipragmatistis adobe fast>?04:43
milamberantipragmatist: any particular reason evince isn't good enough?04:43
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antipragmatistit is slow on my amd 58604:44
Mgamerz-Webtopit works! ... after erasing one flash drive nad finding one dead floppy!04:45
Mgamerz-Webtopi guess my 5.25" floppies aren't what they used to be04:45
Mgamerz-Webtopgood thing they have a lifetime warranty ;)04:45
milamberantipragmatist: then try xpdf04:46
antipragmatistwish foxit was avail04:47
L1nuxRulesimpotence happens with age :)04:47
DaZantipragmatist: i think it is04:47
MahaVishnuL1nuxRules$ and drinkin04:48
L1nuxRulesit can just stops me from cumming :)04:48
L1nuxRulesshould have been :(04:48
milamberantipragmatist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Foxit04:48
antipragmatisthmmm, ok i will check it out04:48
MahaVishnu /clear lol04:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:48
L1nuxRules< !ot04:49
shareDoes removing unsed fonts affects Ubuntu's boost speed?04:51
atrunoorigin of fault04:51
atrunot 404:51
L1nuxRulesshare no04:52
shareL1nuxRules: that's not what i've heard04:52
L1nuxRulesfonts arent part of any boot process04:52
shareL1nuxRules: yes ok but they are part of desktop04:52
antipragmatist]unity crashed :(04:52
shareso I guess it will load the desktop faster04:52
shareor something?04:52
L1nuxRulesso if there not paart of a boot process they wont slow it down they might slow the gui loading though04:53
sharethat's what I wanted to ask :P04:53
smpn3prabumulihHelp me please04:53
L1nuxRulesso yeah probablly removing them will04:53
smpn3prabumulihhow to install04:53
smpn3prabumulihsmpn3prabumulih@smpn3prabumulih:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA04:53
smpn3prabumulih04:03.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc ES1000 [1002:515e] (rev 02)04:53
MahaVishnudoes ubuntu keep a font cache though.04:53
L1nuxRulesno idea on font cache04:54
shareIf I remove (unused) fonts will Ubuntu load faster?04:54
MahaVishnushare$ likely not04:54
MahaVishnubest thing you can do to make ubuntu load faster is get better hardware honestly. and a nice SSD for /04:55
DaZshare: nope04:55
RokcStarshare..what makes you think that?04:55
milamberMahaVishnu: man fc-cache04:55
shareWhat about this, if I edit /etc/init.d/rc and change CONCURRENCY=none to CONCURRENCY=shell will it use multi core when booting?04:55
smpn3prabumulihhow to intstall smpn3prabumulih@smpn3prabumulih:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA04:55
smpn3prabumulih04:03.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc ES1000 [1002:515e] (rev 02)04:55
share!repeat | smpn3prabumulih04:56
ubottusmpn3prabumulih: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:56
L1nuxRulesuse nvidia :)04:56
shareWhy doesn't Ubuntu (10.10) do that by default??04:56
shareI have a multi core CPU04:56
geoffmccsmpn3prabumulih: does anything show up in additional drivers04:57
orkesterdoes anybody know if running ubuntu 11.10 [64 bit] on a 32 bit system can damage the power supply?  I smell ozone in my friend's computer04:57
L1nuxRulesno it cant04:57
MahaVishnumilamber$ thx thought so04:57
smpn3prabumulihubottu :ok thanks04:57
shareIm gonna try that "shell" option04:57
orkesterthanks L1nuxRules04:57
milambershare: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/62904:58
L1nuxRulesorkester no probs04:58
DaZshare: do you really need that two seconds quicker boot? :x04:58
milambershare: tweaking boot sequence is usually for power users that don't mind breaking their own boxes04:58
RokcStarmaybe its disabled by default incase you setup ubuntu on cpu's that could cause issues04:58
shareI don't think it will boost only 2 seconds04:58
DaZi do.04:58
shareyou are trying to guess04:58
MahaVishnushare$ I bet you end up with a borked system in this attempt at nothing.04:58
DaZmeh, it's easy to restore one option in etc04:59
gypsehhey all im having some issues with ati onboard stuff (that i never had when i last ran ubuntu)04:59
smpn3prabumulihgeoffmmc : additional driver no detection anything04:59
L1nuxRulesbreaking boxes is sometimes the best way to learn!04:59
gypsehcan somebody please help me through this i have tried 4 diff tuts04:59
MahaVishnuDaZ$ not if you dont know what your doing. some people dont especially if they lose x :|04:59
RokcStari think maybe whoever decided not to have the boot load using multicores was to avoid issues on future cpus04:59
shareMahaVishnu: "attempt at nothing"?05:00
sharedo you even know what that option does?05:00
milambershare: did you read the link i sent you?05:00
MahaVishnushare$ I wasn't really paying attention after you asked about fonts05:00
sharenot yet05:00
milamber!details | gypseh05:00
ubottugypseh: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:00
MahaVishnushare$ but I told you the absolute best way to make ubuntu boot faster. better hardware. and an ssd if  you don't have one.05:01
L1nuxRulesshare the first thing you want to look at is startup services not fonts05:01
shareL1nuxRules: I already did that...05:01
sharebut I've read about that fonts tip.05:01
shareat least I know I will gain disk space P:05:02
MahaVishnuvery little05:02
L1nuxRulesshare easiest thing to do would be to boot to RL3 then start x05:02
RokcStarshare are you doing this for a netbook or a desktop pc?05:02
shareL1nuxRules: RL3?05:02
L1nuxRulesrun level 3 (bash)05:03
MahaVishnualso change your WM to something like fluxbox.05:03
RokcStari would be interested in increasing my boot time on my atom netbook that i bought to play around with since it loads in like 20 seconds05:03
organikscan i do a clean install with LION?05:03
organikssorry wrong window05:03
MahaVishnuRokcStar$ ssd ;-)05:03
shareI boot and load desktop in 40 seconds or so05:03
gridbagaudio input thru a mic doesnt work.05:03
MahaVishnu10-15 seconds here ;-p05:03
RokcStaryea maha but its a touch screen netbook. its an Asus MT10105:03
shareSometimes the desktop takes a little longer (maybe a bug)05:04
MahaVishnuRokcStar$ doesnt it use 2.5in sata hd?05:04
MahaVishnuyou can get an ssd in that ;-P05:04
RokcStarits really slow tho05:04
RokcStari know05:04
RokcStari dont have money for it tho, its a company toy05:04
shareMahaVishnu: I don't have a SSD. They are not cheap.05:04
MahaVishnuyou will have noticeably better battery life too and less heat.05:04
RokcStari want them to buy it for me05:04
milambergridbag: that wasn't really a question . . . but the mic is set to mute by default. right click on the sound icon and go into the preferences05:05
MahaVishnuyea. I dont have a "rock star" ssd just an intel x25-M one of the first mainstream ones I think. it wasn't cheap at the time its only 40gb and its only sata2 but its really fast.05:05
shareMahaVishnu: 40 seconds since I press the computer start button until I see desktop fully loaded (shortcuts, icons, panels) with autologin.05:05
sharepower* :)05:05
MahaVishnushare$ using unity gnome thingy ?05:07
MahaVishnuif you try fluxbox or even xfce  you might never go back :|05:07
MahaVishnushare$ do you have a quick boot option in your bios05:07
gridbagmilamber, awesome advise, thanks.05:07
milambergridbag: np05:08
L1nuxRulesshare your bios is probablly taking most of the time05:08
shareMahaVishnu: I dont use unity. Yes I've changed settings in bios.05:08
shareno it's not.05:08
sharethis is not a super computer05:09
L1nuxRulesso how long does post take?05:09
sharemaybe 4 seconds05:09
L1nuxRulesfair enough05:09
shareif I know what "post" means :P05:09
L1nuxRulespower on self test05:09
RokcStaruse virtualbox to play with cpu and memory settings and compare ubuntu boot times05:10
L1nuxRulesbefore your system boots from a boot record05:10
gypsehok so im running lubuntu (32-bit most current version) and i have an onboard ATI radeon HD 4200 tried the restricted drivers got a black screen and cant safeboot tried the manual FGLRX got the same thing...it is REALLY getting me mad05:10
share# Specify method used to enable concurrent init.d scripts.05:11
share# Valid options are 'none', 'startpar' and 'makefile'.05:11
L1nuxRulesgypesh your in the wrong channel05:11
sharehm it means there is no "shell" option?05:11
usr13gypseh: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:11
gypsehthen what?05:11
L1nuxRulesgo to lubuntu chan05:12
L1nuxRulesits like sking centos help in the feora channel05:12
wadkarany netcat guru's around ?05:12
dda9I am using a ubuntu live cd right now05:13
usr13wadkar: You mean netstat?05:13
dda9I want to backup some NTFS files onto a usb but I cannot locate the ntfs drive on the new ubuntu05:13
MahaVishnudda9$ does it show up in sudo fdisk -l05:13
L1nuxRulesdda9 have you mounted it?05:13
milamberdda9: sudo fdisk -l then look for the ntfs drive05:14
wadkarusr13: no, I meant netcat , '' nc -l '' , the Swiss army knife of networking :D05:14
dda9no I am just trying to locate it so I can beck up files05:14
usr13wadkar: oh05:14
dda9not install ubuntu05:14
MahaVishnuwe know05:14
L1nuxRulesit will need to be mounted manually if your using live cd05:14
dda9I never had to do this with older ubuntu's05:14
usr13wadkar: I'm not the one  :)05:15
dda9it read it automatically and I could backup05:15
L1nuxRulesI might be wrong then05:15
MahaVishnudda9$ does sudo mount show it ?05:15
varun06why android emulator doesn't work well in Ubuntu?05:15
RokcStardoes anyone here use irssi?05:15
milamberdda9: can you pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l && df05:16
usr13dda9: You want to back up the entire partition?  Or, just My Docments/   ?  Or..05:16
shareL1nuxRules: I think startpar means start full parallelism05:16
usr13dda9: sudo fdisk -l && df | pastebinit05:16
dda9where the hell is terminal in this new ubuntu layout05:17
milamberdda9: or alt + f2 and type terminal05:18
dda9Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders, total 488397168 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x000ab53a     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1              63   479356925   239678431+   7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT /dev/sda2       47905:18
usr13dda9: It's sda105:18
dda9BUt I cannot see it here05:18
dda9I cant open the drive anywhere05:18
dda9its only showing cdrom05:18
usr13or... sda2?05:18
dda9and my external usb drive05:19
L1nuxRulestype mount /dev/sda1 /mountpoint05:19
wadkarusr13: never mind, can achieve the same via ssh -R05:19
wadkarthanks anyways05:19
usr13Can't tell where one line ends and another begins.  dda9 You need to use pastebin05:19
dda9no no the 250 gb USB is a different UDB drive05:19
L1nuxRulesdda9 ah ok its not detected then05:20
L1nuxRulesas its usb try reconnecting05:20
dda9the usb one is not the one I care about05:20
sparrHow can I go back to the old Gnome interface in Ubuntu 11.10? I've had nothing but problems with the new GUI05:20
dda9even though I do because I will be backing up stuff to it05:20
usr13wadkar: You want to transfer a large block of files?05:20
milamberdda9: can you also pastebin the command: df05:20
eHAPPYAny reasons to use 32bit if Im only going to have 1GB RAM? I have a 64bit CPU btw05:21
usr13sparr: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop05:21
MahaVishnudda9$ /dev/sda1            239678428 149235240  90443188  63% /media/New Volume05:22
MahaVishnudda9$ open a file manager and go to /media/New Volume05:22
usr13dda9: So what do you want to do with it?05:23
phaktoris there any known issue with amd64 not using USB in 11.10?05:23
usr13dda9: ... copy to a thumb drive?05:23
Abhijithi. i am using kubuntu. how do i use dd to make my usb drive bootable? i have iso. and my usb address is /media/Abhijit05:24
sparrusr13: I'd like the "Classic" interface from 11.0405:25
wadkarusr13 : no , I want to tunnel telnet to a remote server which can be only accessed from my machine05:25
usr13Abhijit: dd will make it bootable only if the image you send to it is bootab.e05:25
Abhijitusr13, it is05:26
sparrusr13: xubuntu-desktop is xfce05:26
usr13Abhijit: Go for it then.05:26
Abhijitusr13, 'how'?05:26
usr13Abhijit: dd if=image.iso of=/media/disk/or/where-ever05:27
L1nuxRules!ssh port tunnelling05:27
ubottuL1nuxRules: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:27
Abhijitusr13, ok05:27
usr13Abhijit: dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sd?05:27
L1nuxRules!ssh tunnelling | wadkar05:27
usr13Abhijit: Where sd?  is the partition.  Like   sdb105:27
milamberAbhijit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles05:27
L1nuxRules!ssh tunnelling05:28
wadkarL1nuxRules: yeah, trying '' ssh -L '' and '' ssh -R '' and see which one is right for me05:28
Abhijitmilamber, its not an ubuntu iso i am usbin kubuntu05:28
Abhijitusr13, ok05:28
usr13sparr: yes it is.05:28
usr13sparr: You are correct05:28
milamberAbhijit: the dd command will be the same, dd copies bits so the command will work with pretty much any relatively current deb iso05:29
Abhijitmilamber, okies]05:29
Abhijitno its not deb based iso05:30
Abhijitits rpm milamber05:30
usr13Abhijit: What exactly are you trying to do?05:30
Abhijitusr13, burn iso to usb05:30
usr13Abhijit: What the easy way?05:30
Abhijitusr13, unetbootin05:30
Abhijitbut it hangs atg 23%05:31
Abhijitand now dd is hanged too05:31
sparrusr13: did they remove the classic gnome interface from 11.10?05:31
Jordan_UAbhijit: There is no rpm version of Ubuntu. What iso are you using? Where did you get it? Why do you think it has anything to do with rpm?05:31
Jordan_U!notunity | sparr05:32
ubottusparr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:32
AbhijitJordan_U, i never said i am buring rpm version of ubuntu. i said what the iso i am buring is rpm distro05:33
Abhijitand i am doing all this inside kubuntu05:33
sparrJordan_U: thanks. hopefully the new UI will be ready in another few versions05:33
usr13Abhijit: Yea, that, or  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download  and check "USB stick" and choose platform.05:33
Jordan_UAbhijit: Then you should probably ask in that distribution's support channel. You also still haven't answered the question of what distribution it is.05:33
AbhijitJordan_U, mandriva05:33
AbhijitJordan_U, inside this kubuntu unetbooting hangs and dd hangs too05:34
usr13Abhijit: As fare as I know, there is no rpm version of Ubuntu.05:34
Abhijitusr13, thankyou05:34
usr13Abhijit: What do you mean "rpm version"?05:34
usr13Abhijit: Ok, never mind.05:34
Jordan_UAbhijit: What is the exact dd command you ran? How long has it "hung"?05:35
L1nuxRulesabhijit you do know you can use yum in ubuntu?05:35
AbhijitJordan_U, dd if=myisopath of=/dev/sdc105:35
AbhijitL1nuxRules, i dont want to that is not my issue05:35
usr13L1nuxRules: Really?05:35
AbhijitJordan_U, dd finished burining iso05:35
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?05:35
LinuxnutAnybody out there using snort05:36
L1nuxRulesyou can use any package manager as long as you only use the one otherwise your box will get messed up05:36
usr13L1nuxRules: Well, you can use apt and aptitude and those two won't mess you up.05:36
AbhijitJordan_U, usr13 thank you for your help. L1nuxRules thank you for your willingness to help. the dd has finished the iso writing. let me boot my usb. brb. :-005:37
Jordan_UAbhijit: OK, *if* mandrivia images are designed to be written to a disk using dd then they need to be written to the disk as a whole, not to a partition (the person helping you was incorrect when they told you it should be a partition).05:37
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AbhijitJordan_U, yes i am aware of that05:37
L1nuxRulesusr13 they share the sme DB if you wanted to used yum it would use a seperate DB05:37
Jordan_UAbhijit: Then why did you run "dd if=myisopath of=/dev/sdc1"?05:37
usr13Abhijit: May need syslinux05:37
Abhijitjordan, becaues sdc1 is my whole usb device ist not a single partition insde my usb device05:38
AbhijitJordan_U, ^05:38
usr13Abhijit: Correction, sdb1 is a single partition05:38
Jordan_UAbhijit: Linux names devices sd{letter corrosponding to drive}{number corrosponding to partition}. If there is a number in the device name (at least in this case) it means it's a partition.05:39
L1nuxRulessdc is the device sda* is the partitions05:39
AbhijitJordan_U, may i show you gparted screenshot for my usb drive?05:39
Jordan_UAbhijit: Sure.05:39
usr13L1nuxRules: sdc is the device  sdc1 is the partition05:40
L1nuxRules^^ thats what I sa\id?05:40
usr13L1nuxRules: You are correct. Yes05:40
L1nuxRulesmy keyboard needs cleaning05:40
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usr13Mine needs an operator05:40
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AbhijitJordan_U, http://imagebin.org/18835605:41
Jordan_UAbhijit: That confirms what we have told you (which is always true). See in the top right how it lists the drive as "sdc"?05:42
Jordan_UAbhijit: And how under the "Partition" column you see "/dev/sdc1"?05:43
Abhijityep you are right. but dd has successfully written image to disk. what shall i do not? shall just test it if it boots or what?05:43
usr13Abhijit: You may need syslinux05:43
Jordan_UAbhijit: It almost certainly won't boot.05:44
AbhijitJordan_U, any idea regarding unetbooting hanging at 23%?05:44
Jordan_UAbhijit: How long did you wait for it?05:44
AbhijitJordan_U, 10mins05:44
Jordan_UAbhijit: I would try waiting longer.05:45
AbhijitJordan_U, okies. let me try05:46
usr13Abhijit: You will need a boot image and a command something like dd if=usbboot.img of=/dev/sdc bs=51205:46
tmm1i'm using dpkg-checkbuilddeps to generate a list of unmet dependencies (in the format "a b | c d e"). how can i pass this to apt-get install to try to resolve05:46
L1nuxRulestm1 use xargs05:47
usr13Abhijit:  But before that, you'll need to create the boot image with   syslinux -s05:47
tmm1i'm wondering about the "b | c" style dependencies in particular05:48
Jordan_Utmm1: What is your end goal?05:48
zorlachello,  im having trouble finding graphics drivres for my ubuntu machine,  anyone help?05:49
L1nuxRuleswell you would need to awk or sed to do that but the basic would be  dpkg-checkbuilddeps | xargs aptitude install05:49
zorlacis that for me l1nuxrules05:49
L1nuxRulesno zorlac05:50
AbhijitJordan_U, yep it wont boot!!! let my try waiting longer for unetbootin! ;-)05:50
usr13Abhijit: See:   man syslinux05:51
Abhijitusr13, its about bootloader. its complicated!05:51
usr13Abhijit: You will need create a boot image and write it to the MBR of the device:    dd if=usbboot.img of=/dev/sdc bs=51205:52
polardude1983zorlac, did you check if there were any drivers to install from "Hardware Drivers"?05:52
Abhijitusr13, now wil try dd later. m now giving try for unetbootin first05:52
zorlacyeah it says there are none05:52
polardude1983zorlac, the only thing next would be to go to the website of your graphics card for the driver05:53
polardude1983zorlac, that's all i can think of at least.05:54
zorlacits a crazy onboard one.05:54
zorlaccool cheers05:54
zorlachow do i install a .gz file\05:54
tmm1Jordan_U: i want to generate an `apt-get install ...` line to execute based on a control file. using dpkg-checkbuilddeps gives me the list of unmet dependencies that need installation05:55
DaZyou don't install .gz files05:55
CoolStaranyone know how to debug a firefox plugin i compiled on ubuntu?05:55
polardude1983zorlac, well i guess that all depends on what is in it. a .gz file is like a zip file05:55
Jordan_Uusr13: Unfortunately I don't think any distribution's iso images are meant to be written to a partition rather than to the device as a whole. Writing an MS style chainloading boot sector to the mbr won't change that.05:55
DaZyou can tar -xf to unpack it05:55
somsipDaZ: tar zxf with .gz files05:55
King_Ozzy"write an iso" is quite the miswording05:56
AbhijitCoolStar, #firefox on irc.mozilla.org05:56
Jordan_Utmm1: That's not really an *end* goal. If your end goal is to install any dependencies needed to build a package that can be done with "apt-get build-dep packagename".05:56
L1nuxRulesgunzip for .gz05:57
AbhijitJordan_U, actually when this unetbooting hanged then i thought about dd and on mandriva doc page they have mentioned that we can use dd thats why i tried dd05:57
DaZxf works as well, iirc.05:57
L1nuxRulestar -zxf for tar.gz05:57
omega42I need to do a dist-upgrade on a Jaunty system I have only remote access to.05:57
omega42Is there any way to get the necessary files (apt-get doesn’t work and dist-upgrade isn’t installed)05:57
Jordan_U!eol | omega4205:57
ubottuomega42: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:57
zorlacwhat about an rmp file05:57
pepperi have a problem. I was upgrading my ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 then it hang while installing softwares. i restarted it and now it hang on the ubuntu load page please assist05:58
usr13Jordan_U: Abhijit Ubuntu has a "Startup Disk Creator"  that is pretty easy to use.  usb-creator-gtk05:59
Abhijitusr13, i know05:59
sn00pHow do I edit my mode settings for my external monitor for the correct htimings and vtimings right now they're at 1680:1050 but its not letting me do the resolution but I want it to configure it at 1024x768 I dont know the correct vtimings or htiminngs or hertz its suppose to be on for 1024X768 can anybody help?05:59
Abhijitbut its for ubuntu05:59
usr13Does all that stuff for you.05:59
usr13Abhijit: That's yet another reason it's good to be a Ubuntu user.05:59
polardude1983zorlac, never heard of an rmp file. it must be an extension written for a specific program06:00
usr13sn00p: xrandr06:00
sn00pusr13, yes but I dont know them06:00
usr13sn00p: xrandr06:00
sn00pI see06:01
sn00pCan I create a custom config  so I can use those06:01
L1nuxRuleszorlac dont you mean rpm?06:01
Jordan_Uzorlac: What GPU do you have? Don't try to install anything else yet.06:01
usr13xrandr just tells you what your options are with current display adapter06:01
polardude1983funny thing is rmp is a file extension and so is rpm, but both are completely different :p06:02
L1nuxRulesrpm is  Linux package though06:02
sn00pusr13, would you know why ubuntu would want to use vesa for my external display since intel graphics are onboard and is my chipset06:02
pepperplease help icant work06:02
L1nuxRulesa* my a key is sticking06:03
usr13sn00p: And if right now, you want to switch to 1024x768 just do   xrandr -s 1024x768   (If it's in the list it will do it, if not, forget it_06:03
King_Ozzyrpm is one of the package types used by some Linux distros06:03
polardude1983pepper, all I can say for ubuntu being stuck is at the load page. is you will need probably an ubuntu live cd to fix it06:03
L1nuxRulesmost* more than deb anyway06:04
usr13sn00p: I don't know...06:04
King_Ozzyyou don't realize just how many distros and distro lineages there are out there06:04
pepperi have the cd.so how do i do it06:04
King_Ozzymost, not at all06:04
L1nuxRulesozzy I do just dont pay attention to micro distros06:04
King_Ozzythat's good for you, move along06:04
Ansiktpepper:  You can always press down during the load, and see your boot up screen, to see errors.06:05
usr13L1nuxRules: I don't know about that, there are a lot of debian derivitaves now-days.06:05
sn00pusr13, says index is to large , 1024 the xrandr o utput looks like this VGA1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm06:05
sn00p   1024x768       60.0*06:05
L1nuxRulespft ozzy06:05
L1nuxRuleswhat was your first distro?06:05
pepperAnsikt: what key?06:05
L1nuxRulesyour point06:05
Ansiktpepper:  The down key.06:05
pepperok let  me try that06:06
King_Ozzy5 or 6, I forget06:06
King_OzzyI quickly left it06:06
L1nuxRules5 or 6 of what?06:06
usr13sn00p: See:  man xrandr06:06
AnsiktLinuxRules: 10.04 of what?06:06
L1nuxRulesI was asking his first Linux distro he used06:06
* Ansikt sighs06:07
usr13sn00p:  lspci |grep -i vga  |pastebinit06:07
L1nuxRulesthe 10.04 ws a piss take06:07
AbhijitJordan_U, yay! installation complete!! bye bye buntu* family!!! :-p and thanks for help!06:07
usr13sn00p:  lspci |grep -i vga    #Or just show us.06:07
Abhijitsorry disk writing complete!06:07
sn00pusr13, just a sec plz06:07
Jordan_UAbhijit: You're welcome.06:07
usr13Abhijit: Where are you going?06:07
sn00pusr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/768668/06:08
Abhijitusr13, towareds freedome! as mentioned on kde website! invest into freedome!06:08
L1nuxRulesso ozzy dont tell people who have been using Slackware for years before you used windows things about Linux package management06:08
vsync_freedome sounds like... a dome06:08
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King_OzzyL1nuxRules less fapping to yourself06:08
L1nuxRulesyou started it :)06:08
usr13Abhijit: I use xfce06:09
King_Ozzyno, you corrected me then imposed your definition of what constitutes a distro06:09
L1nuxRulesI just said rpm is the most used06:10
usr13Bug #89404706:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894047 in lm-sensors (Ubuntu) "Fansensor unavailable under Ubuntu 11.10 on Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89404706:10
vsync_i can't understand a peeing contest over who's been using linux... rofl06:11
King_Ozzyand then attacked my knowledge with baseless assumptions of what I've used06:11
usr13sn00p: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lm-sensors/+bug/89404706:11
L1nuxRulesok sorry for that ozzy06:11
JWFoxJrhow can I tell what version of ruby vim was compiled against?06:12
JWFoxJrhaving a problem with Command-T building06:12
usr13sn00p: I think that is something different.06:13
sn00pusr13, problem i'm having every time I try to do my extended in a high resolution it goes blank after a  minute its beeen on, and it looks like its using the vesa driver i the config06:15
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usr13sn00p: Is it Ubuntu 11.10?   Is it fully updated?06:16
sn00pfully updated06:16
sn00pfresh install06:16
usr13pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log   #Let's have a look.06:17
sectorzerounity has a sort of bug or something, whenever i drag mouse icon towards left of screen an orange transparent screen appears06:19
mbrochhHi all. I am trying to use the python bindings for wkhtmltopdf. Their readme says this: you need the directory src/include/wkhtmltox from wkhtmltopdf somewhere on your include path (/usr/local/include)06:19
sharesectorzero: unity has a bug? nothing new06:20
mbrochhCan I also put this somewhere else? I don't want to use sudo, because I need to reproduce these steps later on a server.06:20
sectorzerothan its very hard to get rid of that transparrent orange rectangular screen or captured area06:20
mbrochhor in other hands: Is there an environment variable that defines where include files should be?06:20
sn00pusr13, decode all of that?06:21
usr13sn00p: Is this a laptop"06:22
usr13 touch-screen?06:22
usr13What's the make and model?06:22
sn00ptouch screen06:22
LostyJaihey, is it hard to setup a local ubuntu repository06:22
LostyJaifor internal use?06:22
sn00pgateway LT2006:22
sn00pusr13, Gateway LT2006:24
raptor67682   how to reconfigure the keyboard of my vista mce remote ? xev gives http://pastebin.com/ag20HpUj06:27
TACPILOTis there a way to cross reference rpm packages to find their deb equivelent or their closest proximities ???06:27
Linuxnutidk but that would be the shit06:28
TACPILOTyeah I have about 30 packages to migrate and its proven to be a major pain06:29
usr13sn00p: Looking at lines 120 and forward in the log file,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/768673/   and I just don't know.  Not sure why it's doing that.   Sorry, I'm at a loss.  (And must go now, so... ttyl )06:29
iqbalkhanexcuse me guys,,,06:31
iqbalkhananyone can show me, step by step installing ubuntu server 11.1006:31
LinuxnutAny body out there run openvz06:31
iqbalkhani want to install ubuntu server in my PC, and set as Server06:32
iqbalkhanSo other computer can connect to the server06:32
LinuxnutJust install ssh06:32
Linuxnutand theres your server06:33
TACPILOTsetting a server is like saying u gonna be a doctor ... there are about 1,000,000,000 diff kinds of doctors06:33
LinuxnutWhat type of server do you want06:33
iqbalkhanLinuxnut: so i must install ss06:33
Linuxnutits like telnet06:34
Linuxnutsay your servers ip address is you would type ssh
TACPILOT192.168.1.17 must have the server running on it06:35
TACPILOTu can then connect to it with the ssh client06:35
iqbalkhanLinuxnut: Sorry i'm newbie what do you mean type of server?06:35
TACPILOTclients dont need the server unless u gonna connect to them as well06:36
iqbalkhani don't know abut that06:36
LinuxnutWhat do you want to host on your server06:36
TACPILOTiqbalkhan: if u dont know what kind of server and are just wanting to learn about such things just do a base install of the system and dive right in06:37
TACPILOTiqbalkhan: recommend getting a spare computer to work with so u not worry about dual booting and messing with any windows installs u may be running06:38
TACPILOTwhen u get a little more comfortable then dual booting will be easier to setup06:39
LinuxnutAnybody using openvz06:41
TACPILOTno but what is it ?06:41
TACPILOTnvm googled it06:42
LinuxnutYay its hard to explain06:43
TACPILOTcurrious what the diff from a vm and why not use something virtual box ?06:44
LinuxnutDid you google openvz06:44
TACPILOTyeah but at a glance seems similar to vm's06:44
=== robbmunson is now known as notignored
Linuxnutvirtual box is for emulating hardware not an opperating system06:44
LinuxnutSo im on my openvz box and i want a new server i type in a cuple of commands and bamb new server06:46
TACPILOTI currently have 5 vm's with 5 diff os's on them .. not sure whats the diff ?06:46
TACPILOTdo they all have native hardware support or are they still going through an emulated abstaction layer ?06:48
LinuxnutOpenvz don't emulate a computer06:49
Linuxnutif that tells you anything06:49
TACPILOTjust trying to picture how the isolation occurs .. how the mem boudaries are partitioned and how they share designated hardware ... all still seems like a vm abstraction06:51
TACPILOTwhats the advantage over vm ?06:52
LinuxnutLet me put it to you this way you can run about 10 server on one gig of ram06:53
TACPILOTthats interesting06:53
LinuxnutAnd it takes about five commands06:54
TACPILOTare all the environment requirements for each server auto-dynamically alocated ?06:55
amin`i try to connect to my vpn connection in NM; after i click on my vpn connection an window appears and ask for password and has two check box save just for this session and  save in keyring. anyhow after i put my pass and enter the vpn connection which up to this point trys to connect suddenly stops   WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?06:55
Linuxnutyou can have a whole network of linux computrs running on one box it's grate stuff06:55
AnsiktI'd say that OpenVZ is a lot more similar to a chroot or a Solaris Zone than a virtual machine.  Can't you also get pretty slim virtualization with KVM?  I've heard good things, but never tried.06:55
TACPILOTsounds cool .. I'll need to learn more about it.06:56
=== ratman is now known as ratman3
Linuxnut#$@$#@ openvz is not for virtual machine's06:57
LinuxnutYou can install openvz on virtual box06:58
TACPILOTthe best I can figure is that it isolates dedicated mem areas and time shares cpu/hardware06:58
LinuxnutNo you do all that, thats the fun part06:59
TACPILOTso each os gets X amount of time to utilize the hardware natively06:59
Paul_E(just wanting to say hi)06:59
Paul_E(carry on)06:59
TACPILOThey .. its that paul guy ... every one get him ...07:00
LinuxnutFor example, Setting a disk quota and allocating memory07:00
TACPILOT~~~~ stampedes towards paul07:00
Linuxnutvzctl set Your_VE_ID --diskspace 10G:11G --save07:00
LinuxnutFor allocation memory:(Type on your HN)07:00
TACPILOTslick and lightweight07:00
Linuxnutvzctl set Your_VE_ID --vmguarpages $((256 * 256)) --save07:01
amin`please tell me which program can help me set a PPTP VPN in terminal?07:01
TACPILOTwhy u not like openvpn ?07:01
Linuxnutamin openvz07:01
Linuxnutopenvpn and openvz are two difrent things07:02
TACPILOTLinuxnut: thanks for the info , I definitely gonna be looking into this07:04
LinuxnutOpenvz is fun fun fun07:04
Linuxnutyou must understand networking for it to work07:05
LinuxnutEver heard of splunk07:06
TACPILOTcurrently building a beowolf cluster .. I have a little understanding07:06
TACPILOTyeah I run splunk on my webserver07:06
TACPILOTsplunk rocks !07:06
iqbalkhanGuys i have finish install ubuntu server 11.10, but there is no GUI just console07:07
ikoniaiqbalkhan: correct, the server install does not come with a gui07:07
ikoniaLinuxnut: that won't work, no gui is installed07:08
Linuxnutapt-get install gnome07:08
ikoniaLinuxnut: calm down,07:08
ikoniastop rushing in07:08
ikoniaiqbalkhan: 1.) why did you use the server install 2.) what sort of gui are you looking for07:08
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LinuxnutYou dont need a gui for a server anyway07:09
StarryNighty not?07:09
ikoniaLinuxnut: please stop07:09
MahaVishnuI run a server w/ a fluxbox gui uses like 1% resources.07:09
iqbalkhanikonia: i used the server for the development project,, there is some programmer will subit the code07:09
iqbalkhanto the server07:09
ikoniaiqbalkhan: you know you could use the desktop install just fine07:09
ikoniaiqbalkhan: that comes with a gui and tools installed by default07:09
ikoniaiqbalkhan: is that an option for you ?07:10
TACPILOT<-- recommends the desktop version07:10
ikoniaiqbalkhan: you can also install a gui on the server install, what sort of thing where you looking for07:10
iqbalkhanguys, but i have already install the ubuntu server07:11
ikoniaiqbalkhan: ok, what sort of gui are you looking for ?07:11
TACPILOTlisten to ikonia07:11
LinuxnutTry not to install a gui for a while you will lern a lot, stay in the man pages write useless shell scripts07:11
ikoniaLinuxnut: he can install a gui if he wants one07:11
LinuxnutThis guy is trying to lern what a server is not a work station07:12
ikoniaLinuxnut: no he's not07:12
ikoniaLinuxnut: he's "using" a server install, you can use a gui,07:12
ikoniathere is no law that says "you must use the command line on a server"07:12
ikoniaiqbalkhan: if you give us an idea of what gui you want / need / expected we can help you install it07:13
ikoniaiqbalkhan: or if you tell us the goal you have of using the gui, we can also advise you07:13
iqbalkhanokonia: because the gui is easier than console07:13
ikoniaiqbalkhan: thats fine, is there a specific gui you want / had in mine07:13
TACPILOTuntill he is more comfortable with it I fear command line only will be to frustrating especially since it sounds like he has a colaborative deadline07:13
Linuxnutyou can't program a gui07:13
AnsiktPerhaps a good compromise for our friend iqbalkhan would be a minimal install of openbox + tint2 + nitrogen + lxappearance for a simple gui.07:14
ikoniaLinuxnut: who said he's programming07:14
AnsiktThat way, no bloat, and he only has to start it when he needs it.07:14
ikoniaLinuxnut: stop rushing in,07:14
ikoniabefore pushing stuff on him, find out what HE wants07:14
iqbalkhanmy internet use the ip address not dhcp07:14
ikoniaiqbalkhan: that really doesn't effect anything07:14
iqbalkhanand i need to configure that07:14
iqbalkhanto install gnome07:14
AnsiktLinuxnut:  Because GUI's aren't programs, they're just blocks of carved wood that UNIX greybeards carve with magical symbols.  Right?07:14
ikoniaiqbalkhan: ok, so you want gnome,07:14
ikoniaiqbalkhan: what version of ubuntu is this07:15
Ibyss|UbuntuSheesh, for GUI on an Ubuntu server, you guys are better off installing: lubuntu-desktop07:15
TACPILOT~~* turns and dusts off collection of favorite wooden symbols *~~07:15
iqbalkhanokonia: how to set up manual internet from console in ubuntu servr 11.1007:16
ikoniaiqbalkhan: ok - if you use the command "sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop" that will install gnome with the unity shell (like the ubuntu desktop) there are other options that may be better suited to the server like the "lubuntu-desktop" package07:16
LinuxnutUbuntu server is ubuntu without gnome07:16
Ibyss|Ubuntuiqbalkhan: You're better off with: sudo apt-get lubuntu-desktop                <----------- LUBUNTU desktop (LXDE is faster than gnome).07:16
Paul_Eiqbalkhan: To setup networking, edit /etc/network/interfaces07:17
ikoniaiqbalkhan: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html07:17
TACPILOT~~* puts on war paint and rally's lynch mod to hunt down gnome3 dev's *~~07:17
ikoniaiqbalkhan: that document will guide you07:17
smwwhy are people recommending desktop environments for a server?07:17
Linuxnuti know man wtf07:17
Ibyss|Ubuntusmw: Because the person wants one?07:17
tmm1Jordan_U: thanks, i was able to find pbuilder-satisfydepends which wraps a control file and calls `apt-get build-dep` for me07:17
ikoniaTACPILOT: I've told you 4 times over the last few days 1.) we don't need a running commentory 2.) stop with the pointless commands07:17
TACPILOThe's new and needing to set up07:17
ikoniaLinuxnut: tone down the language please.07:17
MahaVishnubecause people can do whatever they want to do. and who cares.07:18
smwiqbalkhan, you may have most success asking questions on #ubuntu-server and #linux07:18
ikoniaiqbalkhan: he's fine here07:18
smwikonia, oh, he asked for it? sorry, missed that07:18
TACPILOTwill stop but this first I heard07:18
iqbalkhanPaul_E: permission denied when type /etc/network/interfaces07:18
ikoniaiqbalkhan: read the link I gave you07:18
ikoniaiqbalkhan: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html07:18
Ibyss|UbuntuHe's fine here, theres no OMG huge difference between the two, just without GUI really, and some server-ish apps.07:18
Paul_Eiqbalkhan: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html07:19
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ikoniaiqbalkhan: it will walk you through it07:19
nesoithis may be a dumb question, but does anyone know a fix for this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/86840007:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 868400 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu Precise) "Synaptics touchpad stops working" [High,Confirmed]07:19
evildaemonSo, how do you open a second X session from a tty?07:19
LinuxnutLike i toled you before ubuntu-server is ubuntu with out a desktop07:19
Ibyss|UbuntuLinuxnut: Exactly.07:19
Linuxnutikonia is being a troll  and deeds a good ddosing07:20
ikoniaLinuxnut: this is your final warning - stop it07:21
MahaVishnuiqbalkhan$ http://paste.ubuntu.com/768705/ you need something like that in /etc/network/interfaces07:21
LinuxnutIm just trying to help this guy understand what a server is07:21
Jordan_Utmm1: You're welcome. I'm glad you figured it out.07:21
MahaVishnuiqbalkhan$ you also need to edit /etc/resolve.conf07:21
ikoniaLinuxnut: he understand what a server is07:21
driiperHello, im currently having issues with my Oneiric server going off from the net randomly (when its unactive). anyone know ANYTHING that can fix this? any way to find the problem even? THANKS.07:21
ikoniaMahaVishnu: it's resolv.conf07:21
evildaemonWe still talk about DDOSing in the 21st century. Where most people use dynamic IP's?07:21
MahaVishnuya that too I always forget07:21
ikoniaevildaemon: he's trying to be clever and looking silly - ignore it07:22
ikoniaiqbalkhan: just follow the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html07:22
Paul_EI'd really like to figure out how to stop all output to console.07:22
Linuxnutikonia are you matt07:22
evildaemonNo, he's george.07:23
Paul_EI just want ... splash screen... gnome.... splash screen.... no console text ever07:23
ikoniaLinuxnut: please keep the conversation out of the channel, just stick to Ubuntu support discussion07:23
evildaemonAnyway, how do you use a second X session?07:23
driiperHello, im currently having issues with my Oneiric server going off from the net randomly (when its unactive). anyone know ANYTHING that can fix this? any way to find the problem even?  I can not get through port 80 yet alone ping the server.07:23
Paul_EI even tried pointing /dev/console to /dev/null with no luck.07:23
Paul_Edriiper: I wonder if your nic card is set to power off07:24
Paul_E(or .. the machine itself)07:24
driiperPaul_E: the computer itself is not offline, but how would i know if my NIC card would set it self to "power off"?07:25
Paul_Edriiper: No idea, just speculating07:25
ikoniaPaul_E: ethtool on the card07:25
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ikoniadriiper: ethtool on the card07:25
evildaemonI'm assuming no answer means people don't know?07:26
ikoniaevildaemon: no answer to what ?07:26
driiperikonia: pray to god that i actually can access it in the next hour. what will i be looking for with this tool.07:26
ikoniadriiper: wait for the machine to not be accessable, then run ethtool on the card to check it's status07:26
evildaemon"23:19 < evildaemon> So, how do you open a second X session from a tty?"07:26
ikoniaevildaemon: you can only run 1 X session on a TTY07:27
Ibyss|Ubuntuevildaemon: Pretty much, some would google if they don't know and present an answer.07:27
evildaemonA tty.07:27
Paul_Eevildaemon: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=second+x+session+from+tty07:27
evildaemonI'm asking about opening a second tty.07:27
AnsiktOh, evildemon,07:27
ikoniaevildaemon: then startx from a second TTY07:27
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evildaemonIt won't let me.07:28
Ansiktswitch to a different tty, login, then 'startx -- :1'07:28
ikoniaevildaemon: in what way won't let you07:28
evildaemonThe DISPLAY variable isn't set.07:28
ikoniaevildaemon: then you'll need to set it07:28
AnsiktSpecify it with the -- [DISPLAY]07:28
evildaemonAnd startx throws up telling me that I'm already running a first server/07:28
ikoniaevildaemon: probably because you've not set DISPLAY to differentiate07:28
ikoniaevildaemon: there is a doc on this on the web, I'm sure I've seen it, hang on07:29
AnsiktWhy don't you trust meeee, evildaemon?07:29
ikoniafirst hit on google07:29
ikonianot the one I was looking for but seems reasonable07:29
evildaemonAnsikt: Dn't assume i'm not listening.07:29
udHi guys07:30
Guest58748Jordan_U: hellow! :-)07:31
udneed some help to upgrade ubuntu desktop from 10.10 to 11.1007:31
Guest58748!upgrade | ud07:31
ubottuud: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:31
evildaemonAlso, thank you ikonia, i'm going to read that.07:31
evildaemonIt worked. Thanks for the help!07:32
udI tried this info07:33
LinuxnutFree kevin07:33
Guest58748ud: where you have problem?07:33
udtha problem is in update manager it shows 12.04 as an upgrade option07:33
udwhich is still an alfa release07:33
ikoniaud: how are you launching update manager07:34
udalt F2 then upgrade-manager -d07:34
ikoniaud: where in that guide that you said you tried does it say do update-manager -d07:34
ikoniaud: -d is for development releases, which is why you are getting the development release of 12.0407:35
ikoniaud: the guide you said you've read doesn't say do -d07:35
udoops sorry07:35
ikoniaud: in future try really actually READING the guides that are good07:36
udikonia: thanks man07:36
LinuxnutHow do i install debian on a powermac07:38
ikoniaLinuxnut: that is nothing to do with this channel07:38
ikoniaLinuxnut: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only, try #debian07:38
LinuxnutWhy not07:38
Guest58748where should i get help for package not downloading from launchpad?07:38
ikoniaLinuxnut: because this channel is for ubuntu support07:38
Linuxnutlol ubuntu is debian07:39
ikoniaGuest58748: what sort of package, from where ?07:39
AnsiktLinuxnut:  Because this is the Ubuntu channel, not debian.  However, debian has a powerpc port, so yeah...use that.07:39
ikoniaLinuxnut: no, it's not, it's based on debian07:39
ikoniaLinuxnut: use #debian07:39
Linuxnutok then how to i install ubuntu on a Powermac07:39
Guest58748ikonia: package is dejadup. site launchpad  thats why i asked where to get help for launchpad?07:39
ikoniaLinuxnut: the PPC port on ubuntu is dead, it's a community maintained project only07:40
ikonia!PPC | Linuxnut07:40
ubottuLinuxnut: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ07:40
ikoniaGuest58748: ok, I'll re-phrase how are you trying to download it, http, from within the package manager, ftp ? what is the URL you are using07:40
Guest58748ikonia: oh sorry. i mean there is download dejadu.tar.gz option on the web page07:41
Guest58748from there07:41
Guest58748i am in firefox07:41
ikoniaGuest58748: what is the URL07:41
Guest58748ikonia: https://launchpad.net/deja-dup07:41
ikoniaGuest58748: http://launchpad.net/deja-dup/22/21.2/+download/deja-dup-21.2.tar.xz works07:42
Guest58748ikonia: ammm i am from mandriva. and the link you gave me takes me to this link http://launchpadlibrarian.net/85659723/deja-dup-21.2.tar.xz is i am from another distro makes any difference for launchpad?07:42
ikoniaGuest58748: yes, it will make a difference07:43
ikoniaGuest58748: the guys in #mandriva should be able to help you with that07:43
Guest58748ikonia: so i need to use buntu to be able to downlaod from launchpad?07:43
ikoniaGuest58748: no, any os can download it07:43
Linuxnuthttp://www.projecthugo.co.uk/ is down07:43
Guest58748ikonia: oke07:44
ikoniaLinuxnut: correct, and this is the very final time I will warn you about your contribution to this channel07:44
udOne more question. can i upgrade from 10.10 to 11.10 directly?07:44
ikoniaud: what does the link I've given you say ?07:45
udit says from 11.04 to 11.10 only07:45
ikoniaud: ok, so there you go07:46
simulationhello guys i have setup virtual hosts to my ubuntu server, the virtual hosts are working well but when i try to access from ip to server it shows one of the virtual hosts on my browser, how can i solve that issue ? I want to show the default page of server when i access from ip to it ?07:46
ikoniasimulation: once you setup name based virtual hosts, you can only access sites by name, if you use IP it defaults to the first virtual host07:47
kemzaHello, can someone help with PPTP VPN?07:47
kemzaMy VPN connect successfully, but nothing route07:48
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simulationikonia: well so i cant show the server default page by ip when i use name based virtual host ?07:49
Linuxnutkemza use openvz its the best07:49
Linuxnutand it's ez07:49
ikoniasimulation: because the server relies on host headers (you've turned them on) to work out which site to use, when you hit it by IP, there are no host headers, so it defaults to the first virtual site available.07:49
simulationikonia: ok thanks for help07:50
kemzaLinuxnut - openvz for VPN?07:50
LinuxnutYes ser07:51
Linuxnutopenvz is the way to go07:51
ikoniaLinuxnut: please explain how a virtuazation option is the way to go for setting up a VPN07:51
LinuxnutThats what im learning as we speek07:51
LinuxnutOpenvz with snort and splunk07:52
ikoniaLinuxnut: that is not a VPN07:52
ikoniaLinuxnut: that is IDS07:52
Linuxnutopenvz is not a ids07:52
ikoniaLinuxnut: I know it's not, but using a virtual machine, with snort and splunk is an IDS setup, not a VPN07:53
Linuxnutopenvz is not a vm07:53
ikoniaLinuxnut: it's a container system07:53
LinuxnutDo you use it07:53
ikoniaLinuxnut: that is virtualization07:53
ikoniaLinuxnut: and again, nothing to do with VPN as the question was asked07:54
LinuxnutIts not hardware virtualization07:54
ikoniaLinuxnut: I know it's not07:54
ikoniaLinuxnut: however, it is nothing to do with setting up a VPN07:54
dfcnvtHi guys, can you tell me what chmod does? And what is the octal number for chmod? I don't understand (I'm a newbie... :(   )07:54
ikoniadfcnvt: changes the permissions on a file07:55
ikoniadfcnvt: http://www.manpagez.com/man/1/chmod/07:55
Linuxnutchmod = change mod07:55
smwLinuxnut, change mode07:55
dfcnvtOh... Okay.. what about octal?07:55
smwdfcnvt, I wrote up a guide... let me look for it07:56
ikoniadfcnvt: number07:56
ikoniadfcnvt: yes a number07:56
ikoniadfcnvt: read the link I gave you07:56
dfcnvtOkay... What am I suppose to do with a number?07:56
ikoniadfcnvt: it explains it07:56
smwdfcnvt, http://serverfault.com/questions/267983/rhel-file-permissions/267991#26799107:56
dfcnvt...alright, I'll read it.07:56
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:56
prince_jammys''man chmod'' gives an overview, but maybe not in-depth enough.07:57
sparrMy windows don't have menus any more, the menu bar just gains a close/min/max button when i hover it07:58
smwdfcnvt, the serverfault link gives a practical "what you need to know"07:58
Linuxnutinfo chmod is better07:58
dfcnvtWhat's the different between info and man?07:58
Linuxnutinfo pages use emacs to display the info07:59
prince_jammysdfcnvt: 'man' is the traditional unix documentation, 'info' is a GNU-ism. Sometimes info pages have more detail, sometimes they are the same.07:59
prince_jammys... and you navigate the pages differently07:59
dfcnvt...Alright. Thanks anyway.08:00
sparrinfo pages have hyperlinks08:00
dfcnvtI'm done here...08:00
shareWhy do I need "sudo" to run at boot?08:01
prince_jammysto run what?08:01
shareI am disabling some services at boot08:02
prince_jammysshare: that requires superuser privileges, so you need sudo.08:03
davorlozic01Hi all... :)08:03
shareprince_jammys: yes im using sudo08:03
sharebut do I need it at boot? if not, can I run sudo manually after boot?08:04
sparrshare: your questions don't make sense08:04
prince_jammysshare: explain what you mean by "at boot"08:04
shareprince_jammys: when I start Ubuntu, it loads services...08:05
frankcox679is it kosher to ask questions about lubuntu here?08:05
shareacpid, lm-sensors etc08:05
sparrwhere are you getting that list from?08:05
sharewhich is Debian Runlevel configuration tool08:06
prince_jammysshare: afaik the 'sudo' init script just resets the sudo timestamp.08:07
sharewhat sudo timestamp?08:08
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
sardiorIt's been about 1 1/2 month that I haven't been able to use my printer with ubuntu. I upgraded to 11.10 and now there are 'permission' problems. Tried everywhich way to set the printer up. nothing works. any ideas?08:09
Ansiktfrankcox679:  What's your question?08:09
sardiorI am trying to set up a network printer08:09
shareServices I have enabled: acpi-support, acpid, apparmor, binfmt-support, bootchart, cdemu-daemon, dbus, fancontrol, grub-common, lm-sensors, ondemand, pulseaudio, sudo and x11-common08:09
shareacpi is important right, wrong?08:10
frankcox679I am trying to load lubuntu alternate on my laptop and it says it cannot confiqure dhcp08:10
prince_jammysshare: a timestamp that ensures that privileges from your prior boot get reset and that you're not able to sudo without password on reboot.08:10
frankcox679when I hook the cable to another machine no problems08:10
urlin2ufrankcox679, is it a second desktop you have added?08:11
frankcox679I am trying to install Lububtu on my tablet pc -Gateway m275 1.7 gb chip 1 gig ram08:12
sardiorwhen I use the "system settings" -> "printer configuration" tool the printer cannot be found. I type in the ip address in the URI as "ipp://" it then finds it.08:12
frankcox679I plugged the ethernet cable {comcast cable} and it says it cannot automatically find08:13
MeirDHello. I got a new laptop with Ubuntu 11.1. The laptop has a cd-drive but Ubuntu shows no cdrom08:14
MeirDwhat can be the problem?08:14
frankcox679says network probably not using DHCP protocol , may be slow or network hardware not working properly08:15
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sardiorI select the printer "samsung" -> "ml2571n"-> "Samsung ML-2571N Foomatic/Postscript [en] (recommended)08:15
sardiorprinter name, location, and description, and the viola, i have a printer that has a red exclamation point on the icon.08:16
sardiorI cannot print to it because it says something like there are insecure permissions08:17
sardiorI have no idea of how to fix this.08:17
frankcox679I cheched the disk and it said ok but I burnt another anyway-trying it now08:17
evildaemonman ALSA08:19
sardioranyone out there? printer insecure permissions problem?08:20
frankcox679Usb problem ?08:21
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sardiorok, how about when I use the 'other' system settings "The action is not supported by this backend. Please report a bug as this should not have happened. Provides postscript-driver not supported"?08:21
frankcox679I never had a permission problem with a printer08:21
sardiorI never did until I upgraded to 11.1008:22
frankcox679Are you trying to hook up local or network?08:22
sui2normally when you install ubuntu you can setup multiple partitions (one for boot for instance and one for everything else) ... how do you do that if you want to move boot to a different partition though? where do i change these settings08:22
frankcox679sui -the partition manager allows that -gparted-is it installed?08:23
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prince_jammyssardior: see if this is relevant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/43654408:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 436544 in cups (Ubuntu) "Printing fails with 'cups-insecure-filter'" [Undecided,Invalid]08:23
sardiorlooking now prince_jammys08:24
stepnjumpSomething is weird. I created a new profile and when I go to the new profile and try to run let's say thunderbird or opera browser, my system hangs08:24
frankcox679If you are hooking up a network printer it should be done from samba08:24
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frankcox679sui2 -is gparted installed?08:25
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bobothey everyone08:26
sui2frankcox679: i actually need to do it via the command line (automate)08:26
boboti am checking an alternative internet explorer in Linux08:26
frankcox679you can do it from gparted or parted _commandline}08:26
stepnjumpI deleted a file using rm, what is the best way to attempt to recover it? Was under ext408:27
bobotdo you have an idea for me ? please08:27
sardiorprince_jammys, it would apply if it were not for the fact that my wife's computer was a clean install and I couldn't get it working either.08:27
frankcox679best bet with IE is to set up virtual box08:27
sui2frankcox679: awesome. i see it in gparted. will look up /try and figure out how to do it via command line.08:27
wadkarhow do I run a script which requires some commands as root and some as normal user ?08:28
prince_jammyssardior: tell us the exact error message you get08:28
sardiorI then made the mistake of using the proprietary drivers I got from samsung, but that was only after I kept getting the backend error08:28
wadkarif I run the entire script as sudo ./myScript.sh , commands which should be run as normal user are also run as root08:28
frankcox679all you have to do in gparted is hit change -it;s self explanatory from tyher08:28
bobotvirtualbox ,right ? can i emule directly my windows partition on linux ?08:28
prince_jammyssardior: it looks like some people in that URL were able to correct that.08:28
sardiorI will try their solutions... hang on.08:29
frankcox679I guess my problem was the install disk was burnt to quickly-when I remembered to set the speed the problem vanished08:29
conntrackI'm trying to plugin an ubuntu desktop machine to a hub but I only have ethernet cable with only 2wires. Can I use this link?08:35
TACPILOTconntrack: should be usable as long as it is a network cable08:36
sasankhi guys08:37
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conntrackTACPILOT: Not sure I found it by surprise. Never seen it before. I'll check.08:37
sasankwhere can i get linux comiler08:38
somsipsasank: are you gong to do all of the same questions as yesterday then?08:38
TACPILOTsasank: gcc is one of the main linux compilers08:38
sasankwhere can i get gcc08:39
TACPILOTin console type      sudo apt-get install gcc08:39
TACPILOTit will then be installed on your system08:40
sasankwhich is the site to learn game programming08:40
TACPILOTtons of languages u need to decide what type of gaming u want to code and research that08:40
LinuxnutAny body out there know how to set up a honeypot08:41
sasankplese tell me a site to learn game programming08:41
fatumsasank:  I recommend looking into http://sfml-dev.org.  It's extremely easy to use and setup.08:42
sasankis any body a computer programmer08:42
TACPILOTLinuxnut: remember her birthday08:42
LinuxnutIn computer terminology, a honeypot is a trap set to detect, deflect, or in some manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. Generally it consists of a computer, data, or a network site that appears to be part of a network, but is actually isolated and monitored, and which seems to contain information or a resource of value to attackers.08:43
ikoniawe know what a honey pot is08:43
sasankcan somebody teach me linux08:43
trukoshHi, i'm searching for a simple tool, that watches for config changes and archives the file. Kind of automatic version control.08:43
ikoniasasank: sorry no, however https://help.ubuntu.com is a good introduction to ubuntu08:43
fatumOn my ircd-irc2 server, how could I set it up so that my bot could authenticate and become a "global operator?"  My bot will kind of act like "NickServ"08:43
llutz_trukosh: etckeeper08:43
ViperVenomHi I burned the Ubuntu iso to a CD and when it boots a purple screen comes up with a picture of a keyboard, an equal sign, and a stick figure. After awhile, my screen starts flashing red/green/blue/white/black and the CD drive is going crazy scanning really fast. Is this normal, because after a minute of this going on I decided to force shutdown.08:44
frankcox679sure - look for the file called users guide and read it08:44
trukosh llutz_ Thanks!08:44
sasankwhat is a template08:44
frankcox679a template can be many things-what program?08:45
LinuxnutWell im working on a netwok of openvz virtual servers i want to use the whole network as a honeypot the pipe the data to splunk08:45
sasankwhich is the best gamin site08:45
LinuxnutFor lerning game programing look for bucky on youtube.com08:46
ikoniasasank: none are ubuntu support questions, try #defocus for general chatter08:46
almoxarifeViperVenom: no, it does not, I would question the integrity of the cd, it may be bad08:46
frankcox679sasank Linux is not paticularly a gaming platform08:46
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conntrackNo it won't08:46
almoxarifefrankcox679: ps3=linux08:47
ViperVenomit wouldn't be a problem with my computer would it08:47
LinuxnutI wonder how many of us have a windows just for gaming and watching netflicks08:47
sardiorprince_jammys: no, changing permissions, nor deleting the samsung drivers worked. I now get the error: "There was a problem printing document 'Test Page' (job 108): 'Stopping job because the sheduler(sic) could not execute the backend.'.08:48
sasankeventually,i was playing a game where it often happens that while playin , the system shuts down automatically and after when frther on ,it comes with a message saying"start windows naormally"08:48
frankcox679you can play games on linux and run emulators but that is not its main focus08:49
ViperVenomDoes Ubuntu work on a Raid 0 setup, could that be causing the problem08:49
theishiis there any good alternatives to firefox. I am looking for something stable that doesn't require the mouse. Any recommendations?08:49
frankcox679format drive c08:49
almoxarifetheishi: chrome/chromium?08:50
Linuxnutlynx dont use a mouse08:50
somsiptheishi: vimprobable could be...interesting?08:50
sasankhow can i increase my download speed in limux08:51
frankcox679Opera is fast, no more stable though08:51
LinuxnutUse lynx its the best browser08:52
frankcox679download speed is primarily affected by connection08:52
frankcox679if you mean for browsing cut off the images08:53
sasankhow can i get gcc i linux08:53
anli_Why is synaptic giving me a two versions old eclipse?08:53
anli_When I use the software install feature in it, I find software thats uninstallable08:53
frankcox679sasank-you can download and install gcc from synaptic or software manager08:54
FirefisheDoes anyone here, using lubuntu/lxde, know how to completely purge all configuration files so a particular user has a completely virgin lxde/lubuntu desktop environment.  (I know this is #lubuntu or #lxde, they're just quiet.)08:55
FirefisheI'm on 11.1008:55
prashant_123456using nautilus 3.2.1 but cannot view details of files in explorer08:55
sasankdoes it comes in ubuntu system08:55
Firefisheisn't rather08:56
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sasankwhat is a doc file08:58
Linuxnut I wonder if one could run IE in wine08:58
Firefishesasank: That's a microsoft word file08:58
Firefishesasank: filename.doc08:58
frankcox679lubuntu is built on ubuntu so the same method will work08:59
Firefishefrankcox679: is that for me?08:59
Firefishefrankcox679: What is the method?08:59
sasanksimilar to doc how a software(e.g c++) can be represented08:59
frankcox679I have never done that but if you can08:59
Firefishefrankcox679: No, I'm asking how to do it.09:00
frankcox679't find the instructions in Lubuntu the Ubuntu instructions will work09:00
frankcox679do you have the Ununtu manual?09:00
sasankim very weak in software programming/how can i master it?09:01
Firefishefrankcox679: I've completely purged my system of all lubuntu* and lxde* files, then reinstalled lxde only.  I created a new user, and logged into lxde; all is fine.  However, my primary user still has issues, such as gui artifacting and graphics corruption.09:01
ikoniasasank: not something we can help you with here09:01
rainbowwarriorhello , i am using Ubuntu 11.10 on a Compaq Presario CQ60 ( amd 64 bit ) and every now and then my screen seems to flicker anyone got any idea what this is and how i can stop this from happening please ?09:03
frankcox679you are over my head--I keep my data separate and it takes 15 minutes to do a clean install09:03
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DarsVaedawhat is the easiest way to end processes in unity?09:03
sasankwhich books can i chose for learning php09:04
shareright now menu grub is hidden at boot, how can I make it appear??09:04
sharewhats the key combination?09:04
DarsVaedain gnome there was a panel app09:04
llutz_sasank:  Do you have any ubuntu support related question?  if not, please use #defocus for your random stuff09:05
frankcox679sasank why don't you do a search for a channel about programing, this is ubuntu help09:05
LinuxnutCan anybody help me setup a network of openvz servers that act as one larg honeypot that records everyting and pipe's everything to splunk09:05
somsipfrankcox679: because he's trolling09:05
frankcox679I know09:05
ajahwhich script i should disable in /etc/init.d/ so wh3n ubuntu is booting not to start configuration my network connection09:06
frankcox679just did not think being rude in return would help09:06
sasankis ubuntu the best operating system09:06
frankcox679tempting though :}09:06
sardiornope, still cannot get the printer working. It's been 1 1/2 months now. I am just about through with Ubuntu.09:06
somsipfrankcox679: it's up to the mods to kick him if they see fit. Easy to add himj to the ignore list09:06
llutz_ajah: /etc/init/networking09:06
sasankwhere can i download c++ compiler09:07
RaTTuSstop trolling sasank please09:07
DarsVaedajust ignore it and it will go away09:07
frankcox679sasank Ubuntu is actually a demon that went digital09:07
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LinuxnutI cant seem to find help with my honeypot network anywhere has any of you used honeyd09:08
sasankhow can we compare windows with ubuntu09:08
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stimpiethe key combo <ctrl> <alt> <num9> does not result in a window in the upper right corner, but a top window.  I have checked the  settings of the grid plugin in the compiz settings manager and it is mapped correct.09:10
prashant_123456for a new user which should i use kde or gnome ??09:10
llutz_prashant_123456: whatever you want09:10
almoxarifeprashant_123456: both? run a hybrid09:11
airtonixwhy stop at both, run all the shells09:11
TACPILOTprefer gnome09:11
sasankis there any program which is interresting to work on it09:11
airtonixsasank: plank?09:11
rainbowwarriorhello, what is the best bluetooth software to find my samsung galaxy mobile phone device on Ubuntu 11.10 please ?09:11
prashant_123456almoxarife, actually in gnome i cannot change border windows ubuntu 11.1009:11
airtonixprashant_123456: actually in gnome i can change window frame themes in ubuntu 11.1009:12
stimpieprashant_123456, gnome is simpler but kde has more settings to tweak09:12
almoxarifeprashant_123456: border windows?09:12
sasankwhat is plank09:12
prashant_123456almoxarife, border windows i.e themes just like09:12
airtonixsasank: simpler version of docky, and potential successor to docky09:12
airtonixsasank: written in vala, and therefore not written in mono, and therefore ....09:13
LinuxnutStill know help im in 10 difrent irc's sombody help me setup honeyd : |09:14
prashant_123456almoxarife, themes in gnome09:15
sasankwhat i have to learn first while learning php09:15
almoxarifeprashant_123456: I don't have that issue, not sure how to help09:15
prashant_123456almoxarife, ok09:16
leoquantis it possible to remove vinagre without breaking the ubuntu desktop, is it by default installed by the way?09:16
kopytkosiema eniuuu09:17
sasankis php a editor09:17
kopytkona wałbrzych09:17
DaZsasank: it's a language :x09:17
kopytkohi all09:17
theishialmoxarife: I have tried chrome, but firefox handles mousless browsing better09:17
almoxarifeleoquant: breaking desktop is not the end of the world, you lose the binder to a lot of other apps true, as to removing anything in particular, you get to decide how broke you want it to get09:17
almoxarifetheishi: cool09:17
sasankwhere can i get php compiler09:18
ubuntuHi evryone :D09:18
kopytkoi dont have linux lol09:18
ubuntuKurwqa !!09:18
almoxarife!info vinagre09:18
ubottuvinagre (source: vinagre): remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1574 kB, installed size 2580 kB09:18
frankcox679I can sell it to you kopytko09:18
Gentoo64theishi, heard of vimium?09:19
theishisomsip: very cool I am looking into it now09:19
DaZsasank: php doesn't compile09:20
DaZat least not normally09:20
theishiGentoo64: no... looking into it now09:20
kopytkojakis polak here?:d09:20
somsiptheishi: I use vim but this looks a bit extreme for me :) Glad it may be of use to you09:20
wildc4rdout of interest, in 11.10 in 'classic view' how do I remove a shortcut from the launcher bar?09:20
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:20
greenithi, should i install openjdk7 when i want to use java7? in some websites they say that openjdk6 has the latest java-version... i am confused o.O09:20
LinuxnutHow do i setup a High interaction honeypot on ubuntu09:20
frankcox679anyone installed Stalrium? It is way cool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVLNpdmHo-U09:21
llutz_Linuxnut: install honeyd, check sample configs at honeyd.org09:21
kopytkoPAWEŁ RZĄDZI!!!:d09:21
ubuntuCan some one tell me why do you use this fucking Linux  ?;/09:21
almoxarifefrankcox679: !ot09:21
theishiGentoo64: I think i tried that a while back...cant be sure... maybe i will give it another go09:22
Gentoo64!language | ubuntu09:22
ubottuubuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:22
Pinacoladaelo ;D09:22
PinacoladaPaweł wyłącz czat ;D09:22
sasankhow ca i write php programming09:22
frankcox679almoxarife ?09:22
icerootsasank: with an editor09:22
icerootsasank: #php09:22
Gentoo64ubuntu, but. lots of reasons09:22
woogihow do i get the "make startup disk" program recognize the blank dvd so i can create a startup disk?09:22
frankcox679sasank-number 2 pencil\09:22
kopytkolUBIE PLACKI09:23
almoxarifefrankcox679: spam dude09:23
PinacoladaPaweł wyłącz czat :D09:23
DaZsasank: setup apache with php, or just get php interpreter and write it as any other script, with sheband and everything09:23
frankcox679need to slow done on the joy juice almo09:23
sasankwhere can get the php editor09:23
icerootsasank: every editor you like09:24
woogino one can help me?09:24
icerootsasank: vim, emacs, gedit, kate and so on09:24
Gentoo64sasank, things like that you google09:24
woogiwhy the caps, man?09:24
woogiam i bothering you?09:24
santsasank, medit is the best editor )09:25
sasankwhich editor does linux free in os09:25
woogihow do i get the "make startup disk" program recognize the blank dvd so i can create a startup disk?09:25
icerootsasank: what?09:25
Gentoo64sasank, i take it you're not trolling09:25
frankcox679woogi -the disk should be automatically recognized-which burning program are you using?09:25
llutz_iceroot: Gentoo64 it is a troll09:25
icerootllutz_: i am not sure if it is a troll of if he is just "slow"09:26
almoxarifewoogi: does any other app see the cd/dvd drive?09:26
woogiit just says make startup disk09:26
icerootllutz_: but when you think its a troll fell free to kick him09:26
woogiubuntu does09:26
sasankwhich compiler does python has09:26
llutz_iceroot: scroll back 60min, just a poor little troll09:26
somsipiceroot: he was slow with exactly the same style of questions yesterday09:26
icerootsomsip: yes i know him from yesterday09:26
en1gmahow do i check my current kernel .config?09:26
frankcox679did you put in a disk and hit ok/09:26
llutz_!who | frankcox67909:26
ubottufrankcox679: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:26
somsipiceroot: I remember you replying to him then. I wondered why you were doing it again today...09:26
icerootsasank: this is the ubuntu-support-channel, if you have technical ubuntu-questions feel free to ask, if not please go to #ubuntu-offtopic09:27
en1gmai looked in /boot but i dont see a .config09:27
frankcox679ok ubotu09:27
faLUCEhi. How can I update my system from command line without invoking the gui based update-manager?09:27
Gentoo64en1gma, try /usr/src/linuc09:27
woogii'm trying to make a startup disk so i can install ubuntu as my sole os. no more windows!09:27
Gentoo64en1gma, try /usr/src/linux09:27
en1gmaGentoo64 ok thanks lemme check09:27
Gentoo64en1gma, or zcat /proc/config.gz09:27
en1gmawell my headers are athere09:27
Gentoo64if ubuntu uses that09:27
frankcox679you cannot make a startup disk untill you install ubuntu09:27
ubuntuSzmera pedale09:27
ubuntuCan some one tell me why do you use this fucking Linux  ?;/09:28
ubuntuCan some one tell me why do you use this fucking Linux  ?;/09:28
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:28
woogii have it installed, am running it now09:28
almoxarifewoogi: you don't need a start disk, you need the install disk09:28
en1gmaGentoo64 it dont recognize command zcat09:28
sasankwhat is sun system ?is it a system09:28
en1gmalemme browse to that location09:28
Gentoo64en1gma, hmm ok. is it in /usr/src/linux?09:28
icerootsasank: stop being offtopic please, else you will be kicked09:29
Gentoo64ls -a /usr/src/linux09:29
icerootsasank: we told you very often what this channel is about09:29
llutz_en1gma: less /boot/config-$(uname -r)09:29
woogibut the ubuntu site insrtucts that I can burn a startup disk , reboot and have the sd format my hd and install ubuntu as my one and only os09:29
en1gmallutz that worky09:29
frankcox679woogi - you can use the Live Cd if you ever need a startup disk-don;t worry about it -it has nothing to do with your issue09:29
en1gmathanks Gentoo64 and llutz09:29
llutz_en1gma: sure09:29
woogiyes it does.09:29
LinuxnutCan i install linux on my commodore 6409:29
frankcox679LinuxMint-sure- cat linux -basic linux etc09:30
almoxarifefor the love of god, someone clean house!09:30
Steristanyone know how to remove the chromium daily repository?09:30
llutz_almoxarife: +109:30
woogiwindows has crashed and burned. i installed ubuntu using wubi and with windows corrupted i want to wipe my hd clean and install ubuntu only09:31
almoxarifeSterist: using synaptic?09:31
frankcox679wwogi -do you not want windows on your machine-that is what is seemed to me09:31
Gentoo64woogi, wipe it thtne...09:31
RaTTuSwoogi - use the install cd and start again from scrath09:31
Steristalmoxarife any method i guess, i tried unchecking them in the Other Software menu and that apparently doesnt work09:32
frankcox679rattus is correct -start over09:32
woogii cannot make the install cd b/c this startup disk program doesnt recognize it09:32
Gentoo64woogi, do you want cd or usb09:32
almoxarifeSterist: should have worked if you unchecked and then 'updated'09:32
Gentoo64for cd use brasero or whatever cd birner09:32
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RaTTuSwoogi http://www.pendrivelinux.com/09:33
frankcox679woogi-or you can format the windows partition -fix grub and use the partition for another Linux install if you want09:33
woogii have it on usb but when i reboot the usb isnt recogniozed by my computer as being a startup disk09:33
Steristalmoxarife meaning update manager?09:33
Gentoo64woogi, i think unetbooting is the most common one, although they should all work09:33
RaTTuSwoogi make sure that your bios is set to boot from usb drives09:33
frankcox679woogi- a startup disk is to get a broken system to boot-not to install09:33
sasankhow can i increase my download speed in linux09:33
woogii cant access my bios RaTTuS09:34
llutz_!ops | sasank keeps trolling09:34
ubottusasank keeps trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!09:34
Gentoo64sasank, dont you get bored lol09:34
woogithat wld be easiest09:34
Steristsasank get a better internet connection lol09:34
RaTTuSwoogi why not? what hardware are you running09:34
almoxarifeSterist: I thought you were talking about synaptic, not sure where the refrsh is done on 'update-manager' , but a refresh is needed yes09:34
icerootllutz_: ah i thought you are op too09:34
frankcox679woogi how did you install Ubuntu to the USB09:34
Linuxnutsasank you cant09:34
woogii have a sony vaio09:34
llutz_iceroot: unfortunately not :)09:34
Myrttiwell that was easier way to handle it09:34
woogiyes frank. i make a sd on my usb.09:34
Gentoo64no doubt sasank will be back09:35
frankcox679woogi -what program did you use to install the LiveCd to usb09:35
frankcox679you cant just copy it and expect it to boot09:35
woogii didnt =)09:36
frankcox679that is your problem-one of them anyway09:36
almoxarifewoogi: perhaps you can explain what you want to achieve?09:36
frankcox679Do you have a dvd drive?09:36
Gentoo64woogi, if you have a cd drive and a cd / dvd. use that its more reliable09:37
Gentoo64if not try ubetbootin09:37
frankcox679almo -he wants to wipe the drive and install Ubuntu as the onnly os09:37
woogicldnt have said it better myself09:37
frankcox679the easiest way is to burn the iso to the dvd and boot that way09:38
woogibut just burning it, copying it, doesnt make a sd does it?09:38
frankcox679booting fron USB can be a pain09:38
woogiyes it is09:39
Gentoo64woogi, with a cd / dvd it does09:39
Gentoo64just born the iso to it and itll boot09:39
frankcox679if you burn the iso file you will have a livecd woogi09:39
frankcox679Woogi-it will not only boot but you can actually run the os from the dvd09:39
woogiso if i copy the iso file to dvd and reboot...then what?09:40
almoxarifewoogi: I will assume you don't have ubuntu, if you do, use start-up-disk creator to place the iso and bootup on a usb or cd/dvd, if you don't have ubuntu, windows? burn the iso to a cd/dvd, you want to wipe the disk clean??? in the install choose 'all of it' ' the whole thing' I forget what the option is09:40
Gentoo64woogi, burn the iso to dvd, boot the dvd and itll run ubuntu from ram, and you can install it while its running09:40
frankcox679woogi-use Brasero  to burn the iso09:40
shareonly text at boot without splash right? GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""09:41
Gentoo64woogi, on windows when you boot the dvd, it runs the setup. on most linux it runs the actual os straight away09:41
Gentoo64and you install it from there09:41
woogiwindows is dead in the water09:41
woogino mas windows09:42
Gentoo64do you have any way of burning the dvd?09:42
frankcox679woogi-ubuntu still works right?09:42
almoxarifewoogi: guess you will need to wait, run along now09:42
frankcox679use brasero in Ubuntu to burn the iso to disk09:42
Steristalmoxarife i removed the source and key then reloaded and it's still there in the software center09:42
woogiyes. i'm using ubuntu right now, an install from wubi, meaning i'm still in the windows fog somewhere09:42
Steristalmoxarife what kind of black magic is this?09:43
greenitany1 knows hot to set qbittorrent as standard torrent program in 11.10?09:43
Gentoo64woogi, well you know what to do09:43
frankcox679look for a program called brasero woogi09:43
woogii have it09:43
woogithatnks for the help09:43
almoxarifeSterist: I would assume its there, there is a chrome version avail without ppa, but the question is , is it installed?09:43
frankcox679it is simple -just burn the iso and your in business09:43
woogiand almoxarife, you can kiss my ass, you little lamer!09:44
almoxarifewoogi: was that a question?09:44
almoxarifewoogi: no!09:44
greenit!language | woogi09:45
ubottuwoogi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:45
Steristalmoxarife chrome was completely removed prior to removing the source + key, and after the reload the "chromium daily" category is still in the software center and the chromium version is exactly the same09:45
almoxarifeSterist: removing the ppa does nothing to the one avail normally09:45
Gentoo64Sterist, whats wrong with chromium daily?09:46
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P09:46
Steristgentoo64 flash is disabled in it09:46
Gentoo64shouldnt be..09:46
Steristwell it is lol09:46
Gentoo64it dont come with flash btw09:47
almoxarifeSterist: I am not sure what to expect in 'software center', I don't use it, if you have 'synaptic' avail, and want to look for it?09:47
Gentoo64i hope you know lol09:47
Steristgentoo64 chromium has flash integrated lol google partnered with adobe for that09:47
Gentoo64Sterist, chrome does09:47
Gentoo64chromium dont09:47
Steristsame thing ..?09:47
Gentoo64chromium is the raw open source version09:48
Gentoo64that google hasnt modified09:48
Gentoo64you need to install flash09:48
Steristgentoo64 will you be my aide? lol09:48
almoxarifeGentoo64: there is a pckg for flash09:48
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:49
jasonmsphey all.  is it possible to ssh into my machine and launch the GUI frontend from another computer?09:49
Gentoo64isk what the pacjage is called lol09:49
XeiaieXhallo jeden09:49
Steristgentoo64 i did that when i first installed ubuntu 2 years ago09:49
Gentoo64try it again09:49
almoxarifejasonmsp: yes,09:49
jasonmspalmoxarife: link?09:50
almoxarife!info putty | jasonmsp09:50
ubottujasonmsp: putty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.61-1 (oneiric), package size 322 kB, installed size 820 kB09:50
jasonmspputty is windows..  either way.  once I ssh in how do I launch the frontend GUI?09:51
dr_willisjasonmsp:  on the remote or locally?09:51
almoxarifejasonmsp: what is it you want to run?09:51
jasonmspthe frontend GUI09:51
dr_willisthat means nothing to us jason09:52
almoxarifejasonmsp: nautilus will allow you to do pretty much anything09:52
jasonmspdr_willis: sorry..  I want to see my desktop like I am sitting in front of my computer at the house.09:52
almoxarifejasonmsp: what you are wanting is remote-desktop?09:52
jasonmspalmoxarife: yes09:52
dr_willisjasonmsp:  use vnc. or xming on windows09:53
jasonmspthen the more difficult question is, can that be done from a mac?09:53
dr_willisyou want a remote desktop09:53
jasonmspdr_willis: yes09:53
ewookmorning. I'm a bit lost. Need to 'extract' the last installed .deb files from apt (ie, from the cache), any pointers how to do that?09:53
almoxarifejasonmsp: the machine you want into needs to be setup to allow you in first, then its cake09:53
stephenhhello, i've extended a drive in vmware, how can i make linux see the change without a reboot?09:53
dr_willisvnc,freenx,xming, and others...09:53
almoxarifejasonmsp: I assume its also a desktop, not server09:54
jasonmspalmoxarife: i can ssh into my machine and get a command prompt from anywhere.  iptables is setup to let me in and everyone else out.09:54
jasonmspalmoxarife: yes it is a desktop09:54
DaZstephenh: doesn't cfdisk see the change?09:54
stephenhevery page i've read thus far says a reboot is required :/09:54
stephenhi thought partprobe would do the trick, but it hasn't..09:54
stephenhi would rather extend the vmdk and then extend partition09:55
Gentoo64stephenh, why not just reboot?09:55
stephenhotherwise option 2 is to add a new drive into lvm09:55
stephenhcause sometimes you don't want to reboot...09:55
DaZi think you'll have to add another drive :c09:55
stephenhthere must be a way09:55
stephenhif windows can do it09:55
stephenhlinux must be able to09:55
Gentoo64yeah but major changes people just reboot normally09:55
FloodBot1stephenh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
ewooknevermind, belived that they weren't the files in /var/cache/apt/archives/09:55
almoxarifejasonmsp: use ssh to get  a 'gnome-terminal'09:55
stephenhGentoo64: extending a drive is not a major change09:55
DaZbut it doesn't happen often.09:56
Gentoo64stephenh, remount it?09:56
stephenhremount a / partition?09:56
stephenhDaZ: sure09:56
DaZmount -o remount,rw /09:56
DaZbut i don't know how this resizing actually works though :x09:57
stephenhDaZ: that's not going to reread dev/sda..09:57
jasonmspalmoxarife: getting in isn't the problem.  let me explain in more detail.  I don't think I am being clear.  I am in country A and my ubuntu desktop is in country B.  I regularly access my machine by SSH and have never need to do anything outside of that.  Now I want to access evolution/thunderbird, but since that is not a command line program, I would like to get to it from the machine I am siting at presently.09:58
dr_willisyou enlarged the virtual disk. then used gparted to enlarge the filesystem09:58
stephenhgot it :)09:59
stephenhecho 1 > /sys/class/scsi_device/2\:0\:0\:0/device/rescan09:59
llutz_jasonmsp: ssh -X host    then just run "thunderbird". needs x-server at your local machine runnig09:59
jasonmspllutz_: thanks!09:59
dr_willisjasonmsp:  install xming on windows. it lets you ssh to and display remote apps locally09:59
almoxarifejasonmsp: via ssh, can you open a gnome terminal?09:59
llutz_jasonmsp: x-forwarding is what you want09:59
llutz_uppercase X rather10:00
sectorzerowhen will virtualbox version 4.1.6 be available for ubuntu10:00
jasonmspdr_willis: i think that is what I am looking for.10:00
jasonmspall: thanks10:01
iceroot!info virtualbox precise10:01
ubottu'precise' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable10:01
almoxarifesectorzero: is it up on the website?10:01
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sectorzeroalmoxarife: i am not sure but its available on winbox10:04
manish_actually during installation of any software package dpkg is intrupting this error is coming i tried "sudo dpkg --configure -a" but not solved10:04
manish_plz any one help me out10:04
manish_i am using ubuntu 11.1010:04
manish_no one is there to solve my problem please help me out10:05
dusfcould running aticonfig and uninstalling and reinstalling a driver from linux make changes to the hardware so that there would be no sound in linux AND windows xp? i know the card has some sound capabilities, but i use the vga port instead of hdmi10:06
stephenhdusf: no10:06
stephenhthat's just crazy talk10:06
dusfdamn it10:06
axthebmanish_: which problem, precisely?10:07
dusfstephenh: i'm hoping my sound hasn't failed completely on the motherboard10:07
stephenhdusf: doubt it10:08
manish_axtheb: actually during installation of thundirbird and other soft package dpkg is intruppting i tried the following command but not solved plaese help me out10:08
stephenhmanish_: how long has this happened?10:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.10:09
manish_stephenh: from three days10:09
vltHello. How can I (as root) logout a user?10:09
stephenhmanish_: when did you install?10:10
stephenhvlt: kill their session10:10
manish_stephenh: after running that command my pc get restarted automatically10:10
stephenhvlt: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-kill-and-logout-users.html10:10
stephenhta da10:10
zabomberanyone know if ajaxterm is broken in 11.10?10:10
stephenhmanish_: sounds like a lot of effort.. time for a reinstall10:11
zabomberi can't find etc/init.d/ajaxterm after i apt-get install10:11
zabomberand i need it to edit the server port10:11
zabomberand start it etc10:11
Steristgentoo64 do you know how to acquire the Native Client plugin in chromium?10:11
manish_stephenh: reinstally os u r saying that10:11
stephenhmanish_: yes10:11
dusfstephenh: my ati card has sound capabilities10:12
manish_stephenh: sorry reinstalling os10:12
stephenhzabomber: lul10:12
stephenhhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AjaxTerm   it's a website, not an application10:12
dusfstephenh: http://pastebin.com/iHsvEtge10:12
zabomberstephenh: lul @ your noobness10:12
vltstephenh: Thanks. "skill" seems to be outdated but I found "pkill" instead.10:12
manish_stephenh: yesterday , every day10:12
zabomberstephenh its a python application that runs as website10:12
zabomberstephenh: it allows remote SSH via a browser to you ubuntu machine10:13
stephenhzabomber: i know10:13
stephenhi'm reading the documentation10:13
stephenhit runs as a website in apache10:13
manish_stephenh: please any other way to solve it out10:13
Anomie21Does anyone know why my images/price aren't loading here? http://ablemagazine.co.uk/store/ (using cart66)10:14
stephenhmanish_: are you installing from usb?  i had problems with that.. worked fine when i did it from cd  (i still don't know why)10:14
zabomberstephenh: than why lul? you apt-get install it. its supposed to add config and autostartup... it does in 11.04 backwards but not 11.1010:14
stephenhzabomber: it's a website.. when do you 'auto start' a vhost in a webserver?10:14
stephenhand i lul cause within the first 3 links on google for 'ajaxterm' i get the page explaining how it works and how to mod the config10:15
stephenhi didn't even need to google 'ajexterm change port'10:15
manish_stephenh: i already intsalled with ubuntu cd10:15
manish_stephenh: i hav tried in text mode and clear my cache as well as configured dpkg but again dropbox is automatically installing after sometime my pc get restarted10:17
zabomberstephenh: it's a python script NOT A WEBSITE... using Apache is an option and do yourself a favour and install it in 11.10 or stfu10:17
zabomberstephenh: youll see EXACTLY what i mean10:17
stephenhlollies ok10:18
stephenhwell good luck!10:18
zabomberstephenh: do yourself and this channel a favour. the next time someone asks for a hand, instead of luling about "thinking" you know whats going on just stfu and save the environment from your keystrokes10:19
stephenhinstead of luling about thinking?10:20
stephenhif you spent more time reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AjaxTerm instead of ranting at me you could have your app working now :/10:20
stephenhand i'm not going to install it, cause i'd just follow the steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AjaxTerm and then see it work :/10:21
zabomberstephenh: #Ubuntu is my last stop for help10:21
zabomberthe doco is outdated10:21
zabomberfor 11.1010:21
stephenhfair enough10:21
stephenhi'm going to install it10:21
zabomberand i know 11.10 broke it because i just upgraded from 11.0410:21
stephenhif it works i'm getting one more lul :)10:22
stephenhah, i'm running 11.04 on this box10:22
goddardhow do I disable the vesa driver?10:23
stephenhi wouldn't think it would change very much though?10:23
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zabomberit does10:23
zabomberin 11.1010:23
zabomberits like the repo is bust or install script10:23
zabomberbecause it doesnt setup auto start, add it to services etc10:23
zabomberand even if i fix that10:23
stephenhgoddard: vga=normal10:24
zabomberi just get a black line with the top ajaxmenu and a big grey screen10:24
stephenhzabomber: but it looks like a script called when someone opens the site10:24
stephenhnot a continuously running process10:24
zabomberits has to be a continuously running process to service 8022 port...10:24
zabombersomething has to be listening on that port10:24
zabomberand thats the python script which is ajaxterm10:25
zabomberApache2 is irrelevant as is "locks" down the access to Ajaxterm10:25
zabomberinstall it in 11.0410:25
stephenhwhat if you just run the .py?10:26
stephenhit's easy to build a startup script10:26
zabomberand run netstat -an | grep python or netstat -an | grep 802210:26
zabomberi have10:26
zabomberit runs fine10:26
stephenhand it works?10:26
FloodBot1zabomber: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
zabomberit just shows the menu at the top and the rest of ajaxterm is grey10:27
ghasemiGood day all , how to edit menut list in grub 2 ? there was  /boot/grub/menu.lst before but seems it's not anymore ...10:27
simulationguys i have setup a ubuntu server for production development, and i want to use .htaccess for each directory but even i have added allo override direction but it ignores it10:27
simulationwhat is the issue with .htaccess for ubuntu server ? :S10:27
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:28
ManDayIs it possible to boot from LiveUSB and install programs on the LiveUSB persistently?10:29
ManDayMake the LiveUSB completely persistent, that is10:29
somsipsimulation: there isn't one. There is possibly an issue with how you have set it up. Can you give more details. Permissions, and directories of virtual hosts, for example?10:30
goddardhow can i check and see if vesa is disabled?10:30
Slingwant to change system hostname, ive changed /etc/hostname /etc/resolv.conf /etc/hosts, I see ubuntu no longer uses hostname.sh, how do i 're-read' it?10:35
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RaTTuSSling http://www.subvs.co.uk/ubuntu_change_hostname_computer_name10:35
SlingRaTTuS: using oneiric, it doesn't have hostname.sh10:36
SlingRaTTuS: /etc/hostname is symlinked to /lib/init/upstart-job10:37
Slinglet me see10:37
RaTTuSSling actually - editing /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts should be enough -10:37
RaTTuSyou will ahve to reboot though10:37
shareLogin Screen makes Ubuntu load slower.10:38
share*automatic login makes Ubuntu load slower*10:38
shareUbuntu Maverick10:39
SlingRaTTuS: ah, the upstart script just does hostname -b -F /etc/hostname10:39
RaTTuShow are you mesuaring speed ?10:39
Slingthat fixed it in runtime10:39
shareRaTTuS: with bootchart10:39
goddardok i cant get vesa to stop loading and messing with my nvidia driver10:39
Slingsaves me a reboot :)10:39
RaTTuSSling ;-p10:39
sharewith automatic login it takes more 3/4 seconds10:39
RaTTuSshare - looks fine on my systems but ......10:40
shareit always shows a message about recovering sda710:41
sharewhich is home10:41
sharebut only shows that for 2secs10:41
RaTTuS^ how do you shut down? share - cleanly?10:41
shareRaTTuS: using the GUI ^10:41
RaTTuSkk - should be fine ...:(10:42
shareit shutdowns in 2 seconds10:42
shareor less.10:42
RaTTuSshare - try open a terminal and type sudo sync ;; sudo shutdown - r now and see if that does the same recovering message10:43
shareI set wallpaper to default and Im using custom wallpaper in login screen.10:43
RaTTuSeek - back in 20mins10:43
dalek_This java app wants to know the path to my browser so it can launch it when I click on a link in the app. Where do I find the firefox binary so I can make the java app point to it?10:43
share"sync - flush file system buffers" meaning?10:44
ManDayand completely aut10:46
ManDayIs it possible to boot from LiveUSB and install programs on the LiveUSB persistently?10:46
shareno, what you want is persistent usb10:47
dalek_I am looking at  ~/.mozilla/.firefox but all I see is a .ini file and .csv file? Where is firefox's actual binary?10:47
DriiperFinally a wild server appears on the internet!10:47
sharedalek_: /usr/bin/firefox10:47
sharedalek_: type whereis firefox10:48
eniac1Hello fellow Ubuntu users10:48
dalek_share, thank you - I forgot about the whereis command10:48
ManDayshare: why not?10:49
eniac1Ubuntu is good but I like Debian also10:49
shareManDay: because livecd is the same thing as livecd10:49
shareyou'll lose configuration after reboot10:49
ManDayshare: What?10:50
shareliveusb* sry10:50
skilzhow do I change my hostname?10:50
shareif it's "live" is not persistent!10:50
shareskilz: sudo hostname hostname-you-want10:50
ManDayshare: Persuading logic....10:50
eniac1hostname " "10:50
Driiperikonia: if your still here. How would i find out anything with this Ethtool thingy, havent used it before.10:50
shareskilz: then sudo nano /etc/hosts10:50
stepnjumpHi guys, I need to move all my stuff from /home/old_home to my new ~/. Is there a way to move or copy all dirs so I don't have to chown everything one by one?10:50
shareand change it there10:50
skilzthat that stay when I reboot?10:50
ManDayDoes anyone know how to prepare the liveUSB image so that changes can be applied, software installed, from it?10:51
shareskilz: you also might to logout for some programs work correctly with the new hostname10:51
shareManDay: that's not a live usb, it's a persistent usb10:51
ManDayShouldn't be as simple as pre-extracting the squashfs?10:51
ManDayshare: would you stop that please.10:52
TACPILOTDriiper: here is the man page for it http://linux.die.net/man/8/ethtool10:52
shareManDay: I am helping you, you are not listening10:52
ManDayshare: Call it what you want. I'm not concerned with names. I'm trying to get the right technique to MAKE it persistent10:52
ManDayI think once the squashfs is extracted it should be possible to write to it, no?10:53
sharethere is UNetbootin10:53
ManDayHow does it usually work? Is it some type of unionfs?10:53
DriiperTACPILOT: yeh i found that page, What i'm trying to achieve is to find out why i cant connect to my Server after a long break (a night etc).  A guy told me to use ethtool but i cant find any use for it. Do you know anything about this tool?10:54
ManDay(i mean with the regular liveusb - how come I get no errors installing software on the liveimage)10:54
zabomber!rsync stepnjump10:54
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync10:54
zabomberstepnjump use rsync10:54
sharezabomber: !something | username10:54
simulationguys is there any clean way to resolve my windows pc host name on ubuntu ? without adding ip and hostname to hosts file ?10:54
TACPILOTsry I dont remember using that tool before10:54
simulationi have installed winbind but it still cant resolve my pc name :S10:55
TACPILOTDriiper: at command line type   ethtool eth010:55
TACPILOTand see what it returns10:55
DriiperTACPILOT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/768818/10:56
DriiperTACPILOT: ohh sec, gotta sudo that10:57
stepnjumpthanks zabomber10:57
sharestepnjump: what do you want to do?10:57
DriiperTACPILOT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/768821/10:57
tru3fatecan someone help im trying to access windows share files on my home network thru ubuntu 11.10.10:58
stepnjumpshare: Hi guys, I need to move all my stuff from /home/old_home to my new ~/. Is there a way to move or copy all dirs so I don't have to chown everything one by one?10:58
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shareto ~/. (hidden folder) ?10:59
stepnjumpsudo apt-get install rsync11:00
stepnjumpooops sorry11:00
tru3fatesorry forgot to mention i have samba install.11:00
Tzunamiistepnjump: it depends if your user have the same uid on your new home or not (if it's on the same box or not). If it's on the same box the uid will be the same and you can preserve the permissions while copying with 'cp -Rvp', for instance11:01
vithosi'm running xubuntu 11.10 x64 livecd on my laptop. using gddrescue package: sudo ddrescue -v --force /dev/zero /dev/sda ddlog.txt11:01
almoxarifetru3fate: how did you install samba?11:01
vithosi left it running and watched a tv show. when i moved the mouse to cancel the screensaver, i briefly saw that the ddrescue is almost done, but then the screen went black (still backlit) with the mouse cursor visible (but can't be moved)11:01
TACPILOT Driiper: i not use to deciphering that output. I not see any thing obvious beyond statement regarding permissions.  those could simply mean the option is disabled in the driver11:01
tru3fatesudo apt-get11:02
DriiperTACPILOT: i just came up with somthing, may it be the BIOS settings that can do this? cuz i get it online after like 1 hour of pinging11:02
TACPILOTit wouldnt hurt to verify permissions on the server so that what ever service is to have access after waking11:02
sharesudo apt-get beer11:03
TACPILOTyou could have hardware failing11:03
Driiperhmm yeah. i will have to check into that. Thank you for your help!11:03
TACPILOTis this a wireless adapter ?11:03
almoxarifetru3fate: in nautilus, can you see 'sharing' when you right click on a folder within your home folder?11:03
DriiperTACPILOT: no its a regular 100mbits port11:03
tru3fateyes i can see my share window box11:04
TACPILOTk .. has it been woking fine just suddenly going kookie ?11:04
nyuszika7hshare: It's sudo apt-get install beer :P11:04
DriiperTACPILOT: its after i installed 11.10. but im gonna check the BIOS setting IF anything have changed. because there may be a NIC sleep function there.11:05
almoxarifetru3fate: you can see the 'win' machine? or you do see the option for 'sharing' within ubuntu?11:05
TACPILOTgood luck11:05
tru3fatei see the win machine11:05
nyuszika7hstepnjump: You can recursively chown a folder with `chown -R <folder>'.11:06
almoxarifetru3fate: in nautilus, can you see 'sharing' when you right click on a folder within your home folder?11:06
TACPILOT Driiper: here is one thing to try ... log out of normal user .. log in as root .. put to sleep .. then see if it works after awaking ?11:06
tru3fateyes sharing optiong11:06
almoxarifetru3fate: pick one to share, it will auto install all you need to share across the network11:07
TACPILOTif that works then u have a permissions problem .. else its most likely a hardware problem11:07
Tzunamiistepnjump: You can also tar a dir(s) and have it preserve permissions11:07
tru3fateits sharing11:08
almoxarifetru3fate: ok, issue solved then11:09
tru3fatebut i still cant access my win machine share folder from my ubuntu box11:09
shareI've heard reprofiling ureadahead helps to load Ubuntu faster11:10
almoxarifetru3fate: can you access the folders on the ubuntu machine from the win machine?11:10
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tru3fatelet me try be right back11:10
almoxarifetru3fate: and lastly, the win machine must allow access to its files, via the win method of doing that sort of thing11:11
Tzunamiitru3fate: http://www.randyjensenonline.com/blog/connect-ubuntu-810-windows-7-share11:15
tru3fatealmoxarife: thankyou i can manage that way.11:15
almoxarifeubuntu 8.0?11:17
* conntrack plops off11:17
Tzunamiialmoxarife: The process is the same11:17
shareWindows 911:17
Bear10i want to view all files modified on a given date is there a way to do this from CLI11:18
Bear10ls -l | grep ...11:18
Bear10or something of that nature?11:18
almoxarifeTzunamii: that's not the method I see via nautilus11:18
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ManDayIs there any documentation on what effects the "persistent" parameter to the Ubn LiveCD kernel has?11:20
ManDayI assume it's handled somwhere in the custom initrd?11:21
PerolavHey guys. A quick newbie question;  Is USB considered a digital or analogue connection(or neither) ?11:21
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TzunamiiPerolav: USB is a pure digital connection11:22
PerolavTzunamii: Ok, thanks!11:23
shareok "recovering journal" is occuring every boot!11:23
sharewhat's the problem?11:23
Tzunamiishare: The device is not cleanly unmounted and/or intermittent HW failure11:25
shareTzunamii: HDD is not old11:25
share"the partition is misaligned by 1024 bytes" it shows this warning for a long time but that's dude partitioning11:27
TzunamiiCould be a faulty HDD from factory. However, I'd recommend booting a LiveCD/DVD/USB and mount and unmount the device/partition once and then do fsck on it. The mount/umount is to write the journal-entries before doing the fsck11:28
shareCheck interval:           15552000 (6 months)11:29
TzunamiiIf the fsck don't show anything you can just do a S.M.A.R.T. check on it11:30
shareTzunamii: can I benchmark the HDD while using it?11:30
shareI opened Disk Utility11:31
share"Disk is healthy" 26º11:31
TzunamiiTechnically, yes, but it won't show accurate numbers if it's in active use, as you might understand. Also, if it's semi-faulty I don't recommend 'aggrevating' it more than necessary11:31
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shareTzunamii: I have the disk for over a year, I dont notice any problems with it11:32
sharemaybe the problem is Ubuntu? It shutdowns very quickly.11:32
TzunamiiWhen it comes to mechanical things like HDDs your prior experiences doesn't apply as it can go semi-faulty at any time11:32
TzunamiiJust boot a LiveCD and check it out11:33
KNUBBIGHey! I have a folder with a lot of files in it (300k11:33
KNUBBIGwhoops sorry accidentally hit the enter key11:33
shareTzunamii: "recovering journal" appears every boot but only for 2 seconds and then boot proceeds normally. and it's always /dev/sda7 = /home partition misaligned by 1024 bytes11:33
KNUBBIGI have a folder with a lot of files in it (300k+) and want to delete all of them. rm tells me /usr/bin/rm: Too many arguments. What can I do?11:34
Tzunamiishare: Mount it/unmount it several times and see if it produces and error and do a fsck when you're at it for good measure11:34
shareTzunamii: my cd drive is broken hehe11:34
TzunamiiUse a USB stick then11:34
shareI would have to format it11:34
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=== Alex`aw is now known as BaNz
Tzunamiishare: May I suggest you read this thread for more information about your specific error message http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1635018  The last entry on the first page.11:35
sharemine is western digital11:36
shareand yeah it uses advanced format.11:37
sharebut I do not use windows11:37
shareand I read somewhere  Ubuntu supported advanced formatting11:37
share"since Linux partitioning tools have been changing rapidly over the past year on how they handle alignment."11:38
ManDayIs there any documentation on what effects the "persistent" parameter to the Ubn LiveCD kernel has?11:38
shareTzunamii: when I partitioned the drive I didn't use random numbers I calculated them and now shows that warning11:39
RaTTuSKNUBBIG - open a terminal change to the directory you want to waste and type rm .11:41
Tzunamiishare: I always manually set the start of the blocks when it comes to the new Advanced Format HDDs. https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-4kb-sector-disks/index.html?ca=dgr-lnxw074KB-Disksdth-LX  and  http://linuxconfig.org/linux-wd-ears-advanced-format11:41
KNUBBIGRaTTuS: wouldn't that result in the same error message?11:41
RaTTuSKNUBBIG try it and see ... then try - rm a*11:42
KNUBBIGRaTTuS: thanks, I'll try. The thing with the * also sometimes yields the same error message, tried that already :)11:42
RaTTuSalso look at xargs11:42
RaTTuSKNUBBIG narrow it down more then ... ;-p11:43
shareTzunamii: thats advanced11:43
shareYou don't need to worry about it; it is handled automatically.11:43
TzunamiiIt wasn't handled automagically when I bought my first one11:44
sharewhen was that?11:44
KNUBBIGRaTTuS: ;p these are timestamps with milliseconds. Narrowing down will take more time than formatting and recreating everything ;p11:44
shareI bought mine in 201011:44
Tzunamiioh man, I can't remember. I got a WD EARS when it just came out11:44
TzunamiiNow you have to excuse me. Time to throw away cash11:45
shareTzunamii: I have the same disk11:45
RaTTuSKNUBBIG - you may be able to rm -fr direcotry name succesfully11:45
sharedon't you recycle? lol11:45
KNUBBIGRaTTuS: I'll try that11:46
zabomberHi. I have a script that has to start as user "User-Script" i.e. it must be started by that user... how do i get it to start when ubuntu loads?11:47
RaTTuSKNUBBIG also look at http://www.linuxsa.org.au/pipermail/linuxsa/2006-May/083594.html11:48
zabomberthe user is a non admin user with no shell so he cant login.. usually i su to him to start the script11:48
raidgh0stAnyone had any experience with ati radeon hd 6900 and proprit drivers?11:48
dkannanusing vsftpd (not anonymous) is it possible to make sure that the user is on a particular dir ie not his home dir11:48
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aaa_how do i stop apache (ubuntu11:48
raidgh0staaa_: you write /etc/init.d/apache2 stop11:49
KNUBBIGaaa_: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop11:49
RaTTuSaaa_ sudo apache stop11:49
glebihanaaa_, sudo service apache2 stop11:49
KNUBBIGwow 4 different answers :D11:49
raidgh0stKNUBBIG: And the world takes visa;)11:49
RaTTuSsome may or may not workj11:49
shareglebihan's is correct11:49
glebihansudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop is the old sysvinit way11:49
glebihansudo apache stop does not work11:49
RaTTuSyeah glebihan is right11:50
glebihan"sudo stop apache2" works though11:50
raidgh0stglebihan: I like doing things simple.11:50
glebihanraidgh0st, yes but the problem is that for a lot of services, that does not work anymore11:50
raidgh0stThan you updated me aboute that. Didnt know that.11:51
zabomberHow do i run as script as a different user?11:51
zabomberbetter yet11:51
KNUBBIGzabomber: su -c ./script.sh11:51
zabomberhow do i get the script to run as user "user44" at system start?11:51
glebihanzabomber, su user44 -c ./script.sh11:52
zabomberta you genius11:52
kaysonhow do i compile a c program11:52
glebihankayson, use gcc11:52
kaysoni did11:52
KNUBBIGI think that would be gcc file.c11:52
KNUBBIGand then ./a.out to execute it11:53
kaysonwhen i run the program it tells me access denied11:53
geirhakayson: ''gcc -o hello hello.c'' and to run it: ''./hello''11:53
KNUBBIGkayson: chmod +x a.out11:53
glebihankayson, did you specify the output file using the -o option ?11:53
zabomberKNUBBIG uh... so "user44" cannot login because its a security risk... i usually su to root than su to "user44" than run the start script.... can i automate this?11:54
vip_hi. I looking for gentoo theme/skin for irssi. can someone help me please?11:54
kaysonlike gcc -o hello.c hello11:54
glebihankayson, would the file by any chance be on a fat32 partition ?11:54
RaTTuSkayson http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-c-and-c-compilers-in-ubuntu-and-testing-your-first-c-and-c-program.html11:54
geirhakayson: Uh oh, wrong order. You just wiped your source file.11:54
raidgh0stglebihan: Any experience with ati radeon cards?11:55
KNUBBIGzabomber: you could put a script in init.d that executes su web44 -c ./script.sh11:55
KNUBBIGbut I may be wrong there11:55
geirhaI'd use sudo rather than su11:55
kaysonit might be11:55
glebihanraidgh0st, well I have one, but not sure I can say I have experience with those...11:55
kaysonbut i see the file using ls11:55
KNUBBIGraidgh0st: radeon cards under linux suck.11:56
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geirhakayson: The syntax is  gcc -o outfile infile11:56
raidgh0stKNUBBIG: because?11:56
RaTTuSKNUBBIG no they don't11:57
kaysonit still dies work11:57
kaysonaccess denied11:57
glebihankayson, you didn't answer me. Is it on a fat32 partition ?11:57
KNUBBIGraidgh0st: the open source drivers work shitty. The ones under additional drivers work well until you want to use gnome-shell and the catalyst drivers sometimes work and sometimes don't :p11:57
geirhakayson: Oh access denied. It's possible the filesystem doesn't allow executing files.11:57
KNUBBIGand their installation process is complete bull****11:58
ikoniaKNUBBIG: tone it down please, if you have to start it - don't say it11:58
kaysonum not sure if its Fat32 or not11:58
raidgh0stKNUBBIG: I agree on that the open source drivers SUCks bigtime. it gives a screen picture. but when you want to play games like tuxracer and other 3d games it goes PIcture by picture11:58
raidgh0stno acceleration at all.11:58
kaysonGeirha how do i fix dat?11:58
glebihankayson, is it on your main linux drive ??11:58
raidgh0stmaybe he missing gcc11:58
geirhakayson: Try it in your homedir. That should be an ext4 filesystem11:58
kaysonno its not... its another partion11:59
KNUBBIGikonia: sorry, got upset because I had to remake my laptop about five times because of these drivers :)11:59
glebihankayson, then that's probably it, try in your home dir and see if it works11:59
kayson:) lemmi try11:59
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kaysonIt works12:04
kaysonhow can i compile from my other partition12:05
kaysoncompile c from my other partition??12:06
raidgh0stHehe.. use / before the quit:=P12:08
kaysonhehe i forgot 212:08
jackhi evryone.how are you all12:09
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MegaDavorHi jack... Fine, thanks... You? ^^12:10
stepnjumpHi guys, there has to be a way to do this! I am forced to create a new profile on the same computer. However, whenever I cp or even rsync, the new permissions are inherited from the old profile's name. Is there anyway I could do to speed this up?12:15
dw1Is there a way to ask the installation to keep the previous version of the kernel as a boot option when you install new kernel package?12:20
ikoniadw1: it should keep current -112:20
ikoniadw1: it will only remove versions older than -112:20
dw1ikonia: Mine does not seem to offer the last one as a boot option - so I need to edit my grub configuration somehow?12:21
dw1How do I check which kernel versions are still installed?12:23
haoyihuanhow can i do in terminal like [xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = backslash bar"] in gnome ?12:23
horse1bunshut up girlfriend12:28
horse1bunoh no you didn't!12:28
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horse1bunI think that rm -rf / command messed up may laptop?12:30
horse1bun*May have12:30
horse1bunbecuase now it wont' boot12:31
paulsomebodyGreetings. Can anyone help me with the issue with the screen resolution? My monitor LCD has the native resolution of 1440×900, but due to the technical flaw in the monitor it is reported as 1280×1024 to the system. Therefore, I needed to set a custom resolution via the Nvidia X Server Settings, which I did. Now I am having the problem at the startup: there is a message stating that video mode is not supported.12:31
paulsomebodySo, can anyone instruct me how to add the video mode for this resolution?12:32
harsh343Is it possible to install dreamweaver in linux ?12:33
DJonesharsh343: It may be possible using wine which is a windows emulator12:34
DJonesharsh343: This link suggests it can work with 10.04 http://www.noob2geek.com/linux/how-to-install-and-run-dreamweaver-cs4-in-ubuntu/ It might give you a starting point12:35
harsh343 DJones anything else ?12:35
DJones!wine | harsh343 A good place to ask would be in the wine irc channel,12:36
ubottuharsh343 A good place to ask would be in the wine irc channel,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:36
harsh343DJones, ok thanks12:36
paulsomebodyDJones, can you help with my issue?12:37
DJonesharsh343: Beyond that I can't help, I don't use wine12:37
frogzoodoes ubuntu have any other tools for verifying an install other than debsums?12:37
harsh343DJones, without using wine. ?12:38
DJonespaulsomebody: I'm afraid not, I've not had problems with screen resolutions for a long time, it might be worth checking you've got the correct video driver installed first12:39
paulsomebodyDJones: Yes, I think I do.12:39
harsh343DJones, there ?12:39
DJonesharsh343: As far as I know, dreamweaver is windows only software, the only way would be using wine or running a windows install inside a virtual machine12:40
shomonhi, how do I get old fashioned scroll widgets to come back? I've upgraded to ubuntu 11 and now I can't see where to scroll until I mouse over things12:40
simulationhow can i prevent to overwrite resolve.conf by networkmanager ? :S12:41
raidgh0stsimulation: remove the write rights to the file:P12:41
Picishomon: remove the overlay-scrollbar package and then relogin.12:41
shomonthanks Pici - or is there a way to at least make it more usable? like more responsive to mouse movement?12:41
simulationraidgh0st: :)) thats right but is there any legal way for it ? setting etc ?12:42
Picishomon: I'm not aware of any configuration that can be easily tweaked.12:42
windsimulation: I think you either set up the name server correctly in the network manager, or stop using it and resolv.conf is left in peace (or updated by i.e. dhclient)12:42
shomonok thanks :)12:42
simulationif i change permissions it will still try to overwrite .)12:42
raidgh0stsimulation: I gonna stay on ubuntu if i just can get the ati card to work propperly.12:42
harsh343DJones, thanks12:43
raidgh0stThe preinstall of ubuntu did work. Just a problem that it selects the vesa driver. So frame by frame on tuxracer and other games/movies12:43
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paulsomebodyraidgh0st: You can't simply select another driver by manually installing it, or getting it from «Additional drivers»?12:45
raidgh0stpaulsomebody: Ive tried that.12:45
paulsomebodyraidgh0st: Does not work?12:45
raidgh0stand i got this message: http://login.kristshell.net/~raidghost/jockey.txt12:45
inacianohi i am looking for a app to record my mouse and keybord moves... any one knows about this?12:45
raidgh0stSince ubuntu was talking aboute "its some propri drivers ready for your card, So i thought. Yeah. install it. and then the not pretty message did show up12:46
inacianoi was using xmacros but dos not work12:47
inacianoi tried autokey12:47
inacianodidn't work too....12:47
ManDayWhat option to the LiveUSB prevents the Splash screen and shows me the terminal on boot?12:47
paulsomebodyraidgh0st: You may want to google parts of the log to see if anyone have been expereincing similar issues.12:47
haoyihuan_haoyihuan: test12:47
Satorisanjakleine Supportanfrage.12:48
haoyihuan_<haoyihuan> test12:48
SatorisanjaIch hab ne Intel HDA Karte und kriege das Mikrofon bei Skype nicht zum Laufen.12:48
Dj_FlyByso I installed the restricted drivers for my ATI Radeon HD3450 but when I reboot after the install and try to test it with the fglrxinfo it tells me command not found (Even when doing it with sudo).. I'm confused... are the drivers installed or not?12:49
Satorisanjanutze noch maverick12:49
Dj_FlyBySatorisanja: #Ubuntu-de12:49
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: The same her!12:49
illyi've just had a horrendous time trying to get my new and shiny Ubuntu 11.10 to connect on a static ip setup using NetworkManager12:50
illyany advice on making this simple?12:50
Dj_FlyByI had to download my drivers too (the ones that were in the hardware list would lock up my PC on boot12:50
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: Its "frikking" annoying when trying to install the graphical card, and it goes to hell, simply12:50
paulsomebodyilly: What is your connection type?12:50
Dj_FlyByraidgh0st: yes, yes it is12:51
paulsomebodyilly: Is it PPTP, or something else?12:51
htmlinprogressSatorisanja,  well then turn it on  in the sound options  and  get drivers if needed12:51
illypaulsomebody: sorry - you've already gone past my skillset12:52
haoyihuanchenxiao07: how to set [/etc/default/console-setup] ?  CHARMAP="UTF-8"?   CODESET="Lat15"?   XKBMODEL="pc105"?12:52
paulsomebodyilly: Like, do you have a router that dispenses the internet for you, or do you just have a cable that goes to your computer?12:52
illyit was just a cable12:52
paulsomebodyilly: Okay, so what do you want to make simple? Entering parameters?12:53
paulsomebodyilly: Like, user name and password?12:53
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: Could you PM me how you solved the ati radeon hd problem?12:53
Dj_FlyByraidgh0st: I haven't solved it yet :(12:53
illywell, my previous experience was I could just toss everything I'm given into /etc/network/interfaces and do an ifup/ifdown - but it didnt seem to work12:54
paulsomebodyDj_FlyBy and raidgh0st: You might want to post a thread at the ubuntuforums.org requesting help.12:54
Dj_FlyByraidgh0st: by downloading the actual driver from ATI I was able to at least boot, but now I get the error that fglrx doesn't exist but when I look in apt-get it is listed as installed12:54
efius1Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit: Problem with HP Trackpad Multi-Touch su HP dv6-3155sl12:54
efius1Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit: Problem with HP Trackpad Multi-Touch on HP dv6-3155sl12:54
paulsomebodyilly: Sorry, I have never done it via command line.12:55
paulsomebodyilly: But what precisely do you mean under «everything I have«?12:55
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: I guess i am stuck to the vesa ugly driver12:56
efius1Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit: Problem with HP Trackpad Multi-Touch on HP dv6-3155sl12:56
Dj_FlyByraidgh0st: for now... I have had this same card working before but under an older version of driver and an older version of Ubuntu12:56
illypaulsomebody: ip address, subnet, gateway12:56
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: What version then?12:57
Dj_FlyByI don't remember the driver version but the Ubuntu version was 9.x12:58
paulsomebodyilly: Ok.12:58
paulsomebodyilly: It is fairly easy to do via Network Manager.12:58
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: TI/AMD dropped Catalyst support for these cards in Catalyst 9-412:59
Dj_FlyByraidgh0st: if you find a solution please PM me and I will do the same for you12:59
frogzooif I upgrade from 11.04, can I expect breakage?12:59
paulsomebodyilly: Just click on the applet, see the «Wired» tab.12:59
paulsomebodyilly: I meant, click the applet, go for the «Edit Connections» line.12:59
paulsomebodyilly: Then «Wired».12:59
illyAh - this may be the problem. I can edit the connections, but at the top of the tab, it says 'Wired  network - device not managed'13:00
paulsomebodyilly: I have not encountered that issue. Does simply pressing the «Add» button and entering the details under the IPv4 tab work?13:01
jianchenhi guys, any one knows how to move widows to anther workspace in xfce413:01
Picijianchen: typically its ctrl-alt-shift left/right arrow13:02
jianchenhi guys, any one knows how to move windows to anther workspace in xfce413:02
Dj_FlyByraidgh0st: I'm gonna try removing it all today and re-doing it all from the downloaded driver. Something keeps telling me that maybe the fglrx was still installed from when I did it via hardware drivers under the Ubuntu menu, so I am thinking maybe there is some sort of conflict or something13:02
jianchenPici, it's not work in xfce413:02
illypaulsomebody: it stores it as a connection, but when you click on Connection Information it pops up with "Error displaying connection information:13:02
illyNo valid active connections found!@13:02
DreamscapeHello all I'm trying to setup 2 network devices on my box here running ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I've got a wifi adaptor i want to use for getting interenet and a 100mbit nic for network transfers (data etc) and VNC... but when i set them both up with seperate IP's i still cant get internet whats the proper way to do this??13:02
efius1Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit: Problem with HP Trackpad Multi-Touch on HP dv6-3155sl13:04
paulsomebodyilly: That is not nice. I have not encountered that issue personally, but you might want to look for solutions here. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=wired+network+device+not+managed13:04
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: Gonna do that too. But i dont know how many times i gonna try before i wipeout ubuntu for good13:04
htmlinprogressDreamscape,  what ?13:04
paulsomebodyraidgh0st: Have you tried simply asking for support on ubuntuformus.org?13:05
raidgh0stpaulsomebody: gonna try do that. just gonna reinstall ubuntu to have a clean system13:05
paulsomebodyraidgh0st: I am not sure this is necessary, you might simply waste time.13:06
illypaulsomebody: thanks - at least i'm not alone:)13:06
MonkeyDustDreamscape  you mean an internet connection and a local connection?13:06
Dj_FlyByraidgh0st: have you downloaded the driver yourself instead of using the hardware drivers option in the system menu?13:07
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: When trying to download them from the hardware drivers option13:07
Dj_FlyBytry going right to ATI website and get them from there13:07
raidgh0sti got this: http://login.kristshell.net/~raidghost/jockey.txt13:07
paulsomebodyilly: This is a pleasant thing to know. :) Feel free to post there again if you don't find solution in one of the threads.13:08
Dj_FlyByI did that and my pc was able to boot into Ubuntu again13:08
raidgh0stDj_FlyBy: i tried that. i got the correct resolution. but XFdrake still says unknown13:08
ManDayWhat option to the LiveUSB prevents the Splash screen and shows me the terminal on boot?13:08
raidgh0stand the games doesnt play other than frame by frame13:08
efius1Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit: Problem with HP Trackpad Multi-Touch on HP dv6-3155sl13:09
raidgh0stefius1: we heardt you the first time13:10
raidgh0styeah yeah. Its reinsdtall time13:11
spowHi, it used to be possible to browse the windows directories from a wubi'ed ubuntu install. Has this been removed or just deactivated ?13:11
efius1raidgh0st: it's my first time im italian my english is very basic13:11
RaTTuS!it | efius113:12
ubottuefius1: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:12
RaTTuSmay help13:12
paulsomebodyspow: I think you will need to install NTFS-3G.13:12
Dj_FlyByefius1: try #Ubuntu-it13:12
efius1raidgh0st: but i speak a little of english and in italian channel i dont have help13:12
spowpaulsomebody: already installed apparently13:12
RinniHey I'm trying to access an admin share on a windows box. The admin account on the windows box doesn't have a password on it though and my roommate ( who owns it) doesn't want one put on it. Is there anyway to supply login credentials for it without the password (username only)?13:13
RaTTuSRinni possible "" may help13:14
RinniRaTTus, no dice13:15
IngoPanWill Ubuntu run on this tablet?13:15
Dj_FlyByRinni: have you offered the solution of him having a password but setting his windows to auto login so he doesn't have to enter it each time?13:15
paulsomebodyspow: There are a few tools in the Software Center that might help. Just search for «ntfs».13:16
RinniDj_FlyBy, she isn't extremely well versed and is paranoid about making any kind of change to her machine.13:16
spowpaulsomebody: my bad, it I actually found it under /host/, though i think it appeared below root before13:17
Dj_FlyByRinni: well, if she is so parranoid then you may want to advise her of the security risk of not having a password on a windows machine; especially if she uses the internet13:17
Dj_FlyByRinni: but I understand: I went through the same thing with my father...13:18
bolo56hail !! peopl of this channel !13:18
varikonniemihello, i was wondering is it possible to pass a flag with a commnad? when i do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" can i add somethiong to that so it answers automatically yes in the question should i upgrade?13:18
bolo56when i select a windows then i drag it around it get filled with triangles.. how to disable this feature ?13:19
st_prgHi guys, I am having a problem compiling the latest version of PHP.13:19
Dj_FlyByvarikonniemi: see here --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77949013:20
st_prgI need to find apsx so I can compile it. I found this: http://biztos.blogspot.com/2008/02/installing-apxs2-on-ubuntu-server.html which I followed however no success yet.13:20
RinniDj_FlyBy, yeah but I was hoping to avoid having to discuss it with her. I really don't feel like giong through that headache. lol. Is there some kind of front end I could use to set the password remotely and enable the auto login?13:20
RinniI know that theres a linux front end for AD but not sure about lusrmgr13:21
Dj_FlyByRinni: It "should" be able to be done using any remote client but it will require a reboot of the machine iirc13:21
sharemy Ubuntu is not using the GPU. what can be the problem?13:21
stfolloweranyone knows how i can download googleos?13:22
seanrIs there something up with the ubuntu apt repositories right now?  I'm getting a 404 error from apt-get when I try to install php5-gd.  Also getting "Failed to fetch..." for a bunch of stuff when I run apt-get update.13:22
seanrReally need to get gd on this server ASAP. :-(13:22
st_prgseanr: apt-get install php5-gd13:22
seanrst_prg, that's exactly what I ran.  Read my message.13:22
bolo56seanr did you try to change the packages server ?13:23
Dj_FlyByseanr: I can't say for sure but I just ran an apt-get update like 15 min ago and had no issues13:23
simulationhow can i prevent overriding of resolve.conf in ubuntu i cant fint the proper way :S13:24
seanrbolo56, tried that, changed it back, no diference.  Is there a specific one I should add to the list?  I'm using 10.04.13:24
seanrThis just times out for me: http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-gd_5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6_i386.deb13:24
bolo56Dj_FlyBy when i drag windows around it gets filled with trasnparent triangles.. do you know how to disable this feature ?13:24
bolo56seanbright it's not working for me either13:25
bolo56change the server13:25
st_prgseanr: Are you using oneiric?13:25
seanroneiric?  Never heard of it.13:26
ManDayWhat option to the LiveUSB prevents the Splash screen and shows me the terminal on boot?13:26
st_prgubuntu 10.1013:26
seanrbolo56, what should I change it to and how do I do that?13:26
bolo56what is the server for ?13:26
seanrNo, 10.04.13:26
seanrA dev web server on Amazon.13:26
st_prgIt is in 10.10 repos13:26
Dj_FlyBybolo56: not sure about that; it's the first Ive heard of it happening13:26
bolo56it started doing that when i installed server minimum installation13:27
st_prgbolo56: what dwm are you using?13:27
bolo56gnome 2.3213:27
seanrWhat do I need to add to sources.list?  I just need to get this installed asap.  Or is there somewhere I can just grab the deb?13:27
bolo56shell not unity13:27
Dj_FlyByManDay: which version13:28
st_prgbolo56: Haha13:28
st_prgI hate the new ubuntu (sorry guys)13:28
bolo56i hate it too13:28
bolo56put that GUI in the new ubuntu phone if it ever happens13:29
bolo56not on a desktop computer13:29
Myrttidiscussion about it can happen in #ubuntu-offtopic - thank you13:29
ugglaif I create a new user and then I create a file in that users home dir. What chmod command is it to make it owned by the new user I just created?13:29
Dj_FlyByuggla: chown13:29
st_prgyea pretty much :) They got inspiration from GNOME3 which is also shite13:29
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Tech-1bolo56:  its the all new celltop13:30
Picist_prg: Please mind your language and topic here.13:30
Dj_FlyByuggla: chown changes the owner and group13:30
st_prgOk Pici13:31
ugglai did sudo chown <user> file_1.txt13:31
ugglaand then ls -la, it says hos but only in the group13:31
Dj_FlyByuggla: sudo chown user:user file_1.txt13:31
kohvihooruggla: sudo chown <user>:<group> file13:31
Dj_FlyByerrr, user:group13:32
ugglamm thank you!13:32
uggladidnt know about chown command, only chmod13:32
kohvihooruggla: if you just want to change the group, then you can use chgrp13:33
shareMy Ubuntu is not using the GPU. What can be the problem? Driver?13:33
ManDayDj_FlyBy: 10.04 LTS13:33
BluesKajhey all13:34
sharehttp://pastebin.com/Af8RmXd4 shouldn't VDPAU be working??13:36
fuflerHi. What package does provide /etc/grub.d/* files?13:36
susmanHi, trying to configure boot options for automatic network installation of 11.10 with preseed, language=en country=IL locale=en_US.UTF-8 is passed to kernel while booting, but for some reason installation process stops by "Configure locales" and waiting for human input.13:38
susmanAlso we have configured preseeding installation process for 10.10, with same configuration - works like a charm... is it bug in 11.10? is it known? any workaround?13:38
Dj_FlyByManDay: you should just be able to pass the 'nosplash' to bypass it.13:42
ManDayDj_FlyBy: I tried that already13:43
ManDaygot to boot into it now13:43
ManDaybbl ty13:43
llutzfufler: grub-common13:43
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StepnjumpMaybe someone could help me.. I'm trying to look for all files (recursively) that have the owner as root and the group as root.. How could I do that using ls and grep please?13:45
llutzStepnjump: find path/ -uid 0 -gid 013:47
Stepnjumpoh really llutz! thanks I'll give it a shot13:48
sharevdpau-va-driver is buggy in maverick 10.10?13:48
halleypebom dia!!13:49
halleypeGood Morning!13:50
fuflerllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/768972/13:50
halleypealguém manja da parte técnica? tenho problema com um hd no linux.13:50
szal!pt | halleype13:51
ubottuhalleype: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:51
bonyI am looking for a solution similar to google docs, notebook. the closest is zoho but both are online services. What i want is to get them offline and use them in a local lan13:51
bonyhave them setup on a server and run them from there13:51
llutz!find grub.d/10_linux13:51
ubottuFile grub.d/10_linux found in grub-common13:51
llutzfufler: grub-common13:52
halleypebom dia!!13:52
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:52
halleypealguém manja da parte técnica?13:53
RaTTuS!pt | halleype13:54
ubottuhalleype: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:54
phlak_userbony: you could try thinkfree (though its not free) -> http://member.thinkfree.com/member/goLandingPage.action13:54
axthebHello. Can I somehow set the calendar (which is shown in unity after clicking on time in top right corner of screen) to have week starting with monday?13:55
sharedammit libva13:55
RaTTuSaxtheb see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81394513:56
axthebRaTTuS: thanks13:57
fuflerllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/768979/ — I'm a little bit surprised.13:59
GrievreTwo questions: 1) How do I utterly and permanently disable the splash screen on boot 2) How can I make it so when I maximize a window it leaves room for the menubar and launcher?13:59
llutzfufler: lsb_release -sc14:00
fuflerllee, precise14:00
GrievreOh also14:00
fuflerllee, sorry14:00
llutzGrievre: 1. edit /etc/default/grub, remove "splash"  and run "sudo update-grub" then14:00
fuflerllutz, precise14:00
llutz#ubuntu+1 fufler14:00
Grievrehow do I change unity so that alt-tab switches between windows and not apps14:01
fuflerllutz, thnx14:01
Grievrei.e. so it shows the individual chromium windows instead of just one thing fro chromium14:01
Stepnjumpllutz, thanks a lot for your help. It works great!14:01
llutzStepnjump: not as ugly as some ls -lRa|grep "root root" :)14:01
Stepnjumplol yes!14:02
=== bilal is now known as Guest52932
usHello. I am having a extreme screen flicker problem on 11.04. It seems to be predominately when moving the mouse on the desktop but has happened with applications too.14:05
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RaTTuSus - what gpu hardware and resolutions14:06
usnot sure. Kinda new, how do i find out. I am familiar with the terminal14:06
RaTTuSlspci -class display | pastebinit14:07
RaTTuSooh time for coffee and cake14:07
ussays "lspci invalid option14:08
llutzlshw us14:08
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bonyphlak_user, I will check that out14:09
=== apple is now known as Guest88621
Guest55324Hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop; it only has 128MB RAM which is (i think) the reason I keep getting "kernel panic - not syncing: out of memory"...14:10
bonyphlak_user, one the persons in debain channel suggested this link. http://www.fengoffice.com/web/opensource/14:11
Guest55324I've tried the alternative disc both normally and command-line only install to no avail; it should work with only 32MB - what am I doing wrong?14:11
DJonesGuest55324: Guest55324 The minumum specification for ubuntu desktop is for 1Gb of memory https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements14:11
=== jiohdi is now known as jiohdi-working
Guest55324DJones: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems says that I can use the alternative disc sucessfully...14:13
usi ran it sudo after recieving a output may be incomplete or accurate so... http://paste.ubuntu.com/768993/14:13
RokcStarhello i removed  Mozilla off ubuntu and i want to install chrome but i dont have a browser to find the online deb files, so that got me thinking..is there away to locate things on the internet using terminal?14:14
RaTTuSus - are you using the nvidia prop drivers14:14
RaTTuSRokcStar sudo apt-get install chromium-browser14:15
DJonesGuest55324: I think that page may be fairly old, its says it should be reviewed for Ubuntu 10.04, so I'm guessing it relates to Ubuntu 9.10 or earlier, the requirements could have changed since then14:15
RokcStarRattus thanks for that. Have you ever heard of anything like maybe command line internet?14:16
=== andrejpan_ is now known as andrejpan
DJones!lynx | RokcStar This mentions Links2 as a terminal based browser14:17
ubottuRokcStar This mentions Links2 as a terminal based browser: Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Chromium (Webkit), Konqueror (Qt, KHTML), Epiphany (GTK+, Webkit), Arora (Qt, Webkit), Midori (GTK+, Webkit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based)14:17
llutzRokcStar: cli browser? lynx, elinks, links2, w3m14:17
usyes i am14:17
RokcStarwoa fucking cool14:18
ussorry RaTTuS, yes i am14:18
RokcStarill research them. thanks guys14:18
RaTTuSus - sorry I cannot help any more ,.,, exhausted my knowledge on that14:18
geniusdc 14:19
usthank you anyway14:19
usAnyone else?14:19
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=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
user82i manged to forget where all the shortcuts/starters are in gome3. can anyone tell me please?14:20
GrievreOkay so I have this spreadsheet that was created by people filling out a google form14:21
Grievreand one of the entries in the spreadsheet, for each row, is a huge paragraph of text14:21
Grievreand I want to turn this from a spreadsheet into a more readable format14:21
Grievrelike maybe just a document with the data for each cell on a separate line14:21
Grievrethat would be nice14:21
RaTTuSGrievre - #ubuntu-offtopic ?14:21
Grievrehow is this offtopic14:22
RaTTuSnothing to do with ubuntu support really14:22
GrievreI'm asking how to do this in libreoffice which is one of the default apps in the ubuntu launcher14:22
Grievrelike when I installed ubuntu there was that and maybe a web browser there14:22
=== Guest52932 is now known as bil21al
UuserHi! can i use ms office powerpoint 2007 under wine?14:23
endzYmeis this the best channel for questions on server LTS questions?14:23
icerootUuser: with crossfire14:23
iceroot!appdb | Uuser14:23
mang0Grievre: Yes, but your question isn't really Ubuntu related ;) you could have the same problem on windows or mac :P14:23
ubottuUuser: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:23
icerootendzYme: yes14:24
endzYmeiceroot: thanks14:24
mang0Uuser: Why would you want to?14:24
RaTTuSGuest8041 you really dont want to connect to irc as root14:24
UuserA presentation in ppt200714:24
icerootUuser: libreoffice cant handle it?14:25
mang0Uuser: You can use LibreOffice Impress to create presentations, but check appdb if you want to use ppt.14:25
DJonesGrievre: Can't help with the question, but you might get more expert help on for libreoffice in #documentfoundation, thats the official user support channel for libreoffice, it sounds like question might need a bit more expert help than you're likely to get here14:26
Rushingi'm running an ubuntu server in a virtualbox VM and would like to access the VM's drive from the windows 7 host14:26
UuserI need ms ppt to make my homework , libre office is good14:26
Rushingi can't use shared folders because it has to live on the unix filesys, to support symlinks14:26
icerootRushing: #vbox ##windows14:26
icerootRushing: if you mean to "mount" the virtualdisk inside windows14:27
Rushingi think this is more just basic file sharing/network access14:27
UuserCan play on linux do that?14:27
icerootUuser: crossfire can do it, also see appdb14:28
kohvihoorRushing, you could always just connect to your guest via ssh with winscp or filezilla, for instance14:29
UuserI tryed wine bv the office crash eyery minute14:29
Uuseri will try crossfire14:29
=== Mud is now known as Guest34082
usany more help with a screen flicker on 11.04? very hard to use Ubuntu but would rather use it than windoze. Nvidia prop drivers are installed, 1368x768 resolution.14:30
UuserHave anyone used ms ppt2007 in linux?14:30
UuserIs crossfire free?14:31
UuserPlease help14:32
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:33
josti'm trying to run etherwake as non-root. Is there any possibility to do that without forcing the user to type his password?14:35
Rushingbasically i just need to know how to share a ~/xyz folder and then access it over the network14:36
deploymenttrying to share a folder ubuntu 10.4.2 LTS, Fix broken Packages... ? any help as i have done the basic fix button in packagae manager..14:38
llutzjost: add an entry with nopasswd ether-wake for  your user to /etc/sudoers (man sudoers   for exact syntax)14:39
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usand I apologize, i'm using 11.1014:39
MonkeyDustdeployment  try sudo apt-get install -f14:40
llutzjost: but why does etherwake need root at all? wakeonlan doesn't14:40
jostllutz: don't know, but seems to be compiled into the etherwake executable...14:40
llutz!info wakeonlan14:41
ubottuwakeonlan (source: wakeonlan): Sends 'magic packets' to wake-on-LAN enabled ethernet adapters. In component main, is optional. Version 0.41-10 (oneiric), package size 11 kB, installed size 72 kB14:41
=== kevin is now known as Guest83164
llutzjost try that ^^ works here as user14:41
josthere too :-)14:41
jostthanks for the hint14:41
deploymentMonkeydust: will try now.14:42
PessimistIs here anyone with hd5xxx card on latest *buntu?14:42
PessimistPlease pm14:42
kohvihoorPessimist, I'm using HD5450, whats the problem? :)14:43
deploymentMonkeydust: now says cn't lock14:43
deploymentMonkeydust: file in use, but nothing else open.14:44
susundbergat least  ATI HD 6800 does work for me also (in 2D desktop usage), though OpenCL driver is not working properly14:44
XenicideIf ubuntu is on sda2, can i delete sda1?14:45
icerootXenicide: are you sure there is nothing on sda1 from ubuntu?14:46
icerootXenicide: e.g. /boot14:46
icerootXenicide: but yes, if there is nothing from ubuntu on that, you can delete that14:46
MonkeyDustdeployment  try rm /var/lock/*14:47
PessimistIs flash hardware acceleration on by default on linux?14:47
icerootPessimist: no14:47
icerootPessimist: you cant enable it on linux (even if the gui is telling that you can do it)14:48
Xenicideiceroot: well there is a boot flag in gparted but other than that its only ntfs14:48
icerootXenicide: i guess its the windows-boot-partition14:48
deploymentMonkeydust: Same error14:50
Xenicideiceroot, yes and from what i understand linux doesnt need a boot14:50
kohvihoordeployment, close the programs that could be using apt (like synaptic or ubuntu app center)14:50
icerootXenicide: of course it needs it14:50
icerootXenicide: but in this case grub will be booted, not linux directly14:51
deploymentSorry, same broken error14:51
deploymentthe lock was leased14:51
spowHum I think I broke something, I don't have a terminal anymore, but "xterm" instead... qnd the software manager is also gone14:51
Pessimisticeroot: Are there any alternatives to flash? Amd 4800 cpu + hd5670 = around 40-50% cpu with 1 video on flash14:51
PessimistDo nvidia gpus have good vendor or/and opensource community support?14:53
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PessimistI mean, the drivers aren't a mess - can you have video acceleration on vlc or/and flash, compiz works flawlessly?14:53
Dj_FlyBy[ms]so I activated the hardware driver for my ATI Radeon HD3450 but when I get to the Ubuntu screen with the loading dots it just stays there and doesn't load into Ubuntu "10.04 LTS". Any suggestions or docs to read please?14:55
AelingilDoes anyone know if there is an IRC for Squid Server help?14:55
spowPessimist: I ran in an awful lot of trouble trying to configure compiz for 2 screens. Atm I don't have the terminal anymore, though I finally booted :)14:55
PiciAelingil: Oddly enough, its #squid14:55
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Aelingil... My coffee must not be working, i dont know why i didnt think about that first...14:56
PessimistIs GT210 good gpu for ubuntu?14:57
Xenicideiceroot, so i add the boot flag to sda2 instead then. Will sda2 then become sda1?14:57
Pessimistor are there any lists on this matter?14:57
MonkeyDustdeployment  try dpkg --configure -a14:58
spowwhat's the name for the default terminal ? I installed terminal.app but it's not exactly what I need15:02
jpdsspow: gnome-terminal ?15:02
MonkeyDustspow  try gnome-terminal15:02
pringsso i'm trying to reinstall Unbutu and put the cd in, restart the computer boot from cd and nothing happens it loads up normaly any ideas15:02
MonkeyDustprings  'it loads up normally'?15:03
pringsyea goes to the unbuntu start up window then pulls up the desktop15:04
spowjpds: MonkeyDust: that was the one, thanks15:04
DJonesprings: You may need to change your boot order in your bios so that it boots from cd before the hdd, or there may be a key to press at boot up to select the boot device15:04
Gorilla_No_Bakaanyway... back to our sheep... does anybody knows why is that for some reason the vlc keeps on arranging the files in the wrong order15:04
Gorilla_No_Bakahere.. have a look see http://i41.tinypic.com/ieq92e.png15:04
pringsi tryed that, picked the cd/dvd drive for start up on the list15:05
pringsi've never had this kind of problem before so im really not sure what to do, i also put the cd in another compter to make sure it wasn't the cd15:06
pringsand it worked on the other computer so cd isn't the problem15:06
edbianprings: change the boot device order in the bios15:07
pringsthe cd drive is first on the list15:07
edbianprings: unplug the hdd temporarily to try to force the cd drive to boot (are you sure it's a good image on the cd?)15:07
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=== diem is now known as pingsut
pringsyes i tryed it on my other computer and it loaded correct15:08
MonkeyDustprings  with 'it loads up normally', you mean ubuntu loads without addressing the cd?15:08
pringsyes, but the cd is first on the load list and i even have manually told it to start from cd15:08
Aelingilprings,  Have you tried a different CD, see if it is the player that is the problem?15:09
Pessimistprings: try a different cd/cd-rom15:11
=== babilen is now known as Guest90286
pringsok tryed another cd in the drive works fine15:12
pringsso the drive cant be the problem15:12
diatomaceoushello everyone!  I've looked and looked but can't find a way to change the background color of the unity launcher.. I don't want the purple tint anymore.  Does ANYONE know how to do this??15:12
Pessimistdiatomaceous: Could you give a screenshot?15:13
diatomaceousPessimist: uhh.. any screenshot of the default ubuntu 11.10 desktop would suffie15:13
FlynsarmyHey guys I have the following config: http://pastebin.com/MczG1pE0 why is http://localhost/ now showing the gcfeeder folder rather than /var/www ? #httpd refuse to help because there is no httpd on ubuntu15:13
Pessimistdiatomaceous: I don't see any 'purple tint' on unity sidebar..15:14
diatomaceouschoose a black background and I promise you will15:15
=== superxgl is now known as Lnixz
diatomaceousPessimist: http://imgur.com/oGDaN15:19
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Aelingildiatomaceous, what version of Ubuntu are you on? 11.10?15:20
user82i installed OSS4 and now my sound is broken(ie it does not show a single hardware device in the sound configuration menu). where do i get started on fixing this?15:20
diatomaceousAelingil: yes15:21
Aelingildiatomaceous, and your wanting the purplish-brown color changed?15:21
=== Guest90286 is now known as babilen
lahwranI'm getting '''E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_meebey_ppa_ubuntu_dists_maverick_main_source_Sources - open (2: No such file or directory)''' when I attempt to do apt-get source squid3 - any ideas as to why this might be?15:22
diatomaceousAelingil: correct15:22
=== tux is now known as Guest23253
diatomaceousAelingil: I'd prefer it to just be 100% transparent, to be honest.. and if that's not possible, then just a very dark gray or black would suffice.15:22
jriblahwran: try "sudo apt-get update"15:22
lahwranjrib: did that15:22
jriblahwran: pastebin the full output including your command15:22
diatomaceousAelingil: This screenshot was taken with the launcher at 0% opacity, set by CCSM15:23
Aelingildiatomaceous, let me load up 11.10 and see if i can find it.15:23
diatomaceousAelingil: Thank you so much.. by the way, if you find it, looks like this askubuntu question should be marked as 'answered' instead of closed:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/81763/how-can-i-change-the-background-color-of-the-unity-launcher15:23
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Aelingildiatomaceous, going to look, i've not played with 11.10 much,15:24
Pessimistdiatomaceous: That's because... the answer is "you can't". Maybe in 12.04, but not yet. If it becomes possible, then it will be a "proper" duplicate. – jrg 19 mins ago15:24
diatomaceousYeah I just replied to that too15:24
diatomaceousthere is definitely nothing that's impossible in linux though15:25
lahwranjrib: https://gist.github.com/6b88ad0be0968840719b15:25
Pessimistthat's why it's in quotes15:25
diatomaceousheh, I suppose :)15:27
vijaihey guys is there any additional theme available for lucid lynx15:27
jriblahwran: have you verified the ppa still exists for maverick?15:27
lahwraner, no15:28
webnetvijai, gnome right?15:28
webnetnot kde?15:28
lahwranI'd like to just disable the ppa, but I'm not sure which ppa it actually is15:28
jriblahwran: meebey15:29
* conntrack nods off15:29
lahwranjrib: that's the user who owns it15:29
vijaiwats the ppa webnet??15:29
webnetfor what?15:29
vijaignome themes15:30
usany help with a severe screen flicker on 11.10? seems to be worse when using the mouse15:30
Arizona_Baywhat ubuntu versions do you guys use15:30
Arizona_Bayand which one do u think its the best?15:30
lahwranus: is your power supply sufficient?15:30
us!lahwran ye15:30
vijaii tried bisigi and its not working15:30
uslahwran yes15:31
webnetoh not entirely sure. id say look here tho vijai http://art.gnome.org/15:31
webnetArizona_Bay, i use 10.10 and have no plans of upgrading.15:32
Pici!best | Arizona_Bay15:32
ubottuArizona_Bay: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:32
uslahwran: yes, sorry for repitition, just wanted to make sure you recieved my answer15:33
Arizona_Baywebnet  I have 10.04 and 11.10 . I really like 10.04 but no so much 11.1015:33
Arizona_Baywebnet is 10.10 more user friendly then 10.04?15:34
usI have also browsed the forums and still have no resolution15:34
Arizona_Bayubottu i know what you mean but like from users view point, people who dont program for a living id  like to know their opinion15:34
ubottuArizona_Bay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:34
Arizona_Bayill try to ask the bot15:34
Arizona_Bayoh shit15:34
Pessimist!swearing | arand15:35
edbianArizona_Bay: 10.10 is about the same usability as 10.04 in my opinion15:35
Arizona_Baywell he  seems more lifelike than me15:35
NeutrosiderHello. is it possible to make grub execute a bash file?15:35
josti've got the following C-Program: http://pastebin.com/fNTzJUqT . It prints out the current idle time of the system in ms and works fine when called from the command line or  from a script from the command line. However if that same script is executed as upstart job, a segfault occurs. Any hints?15:35
jribjost: is it running before X starts?15:36
jostmaybe - which runlevel does x start in?15:36
Arizona_Baywhy did they remove the desktop button in ubuntu 11.10 lol ill try to learn a shortcut for that15:36
jribjost: shouldn't really think in terms of runlevels anymore with upstarct15:36
webnetArizona_Bay, yeah i cant stand 11.10 or 11.04 not because they are bad but because they have terrible interfaces...15:36
MonkeyDustnot again...15:37
webnetyou either get bloatware unity or buggy A** gnome 3 haha15:37
inggikhello everybody :)15:37
webnethi inggik15:37
Arizona_Baywebnet ... ur right... like the side bar isnt very practical how it dissapears.. i cant bring it whenever i want . sometimes i have to hover over the orange button a good couple of seconds to get it back15:37
Neutrosiderwebnet, who uses unity on 11.04? everyne i know uses gnome2 on 11.0415:37
Neosanohmmm, they say that it is possible to write on cds with this marker http://www.cultpens.com/acatalog/Faber-Castell-Multimark-1525-Permanent-Marker-Medium.html can I believe them? I heard that permanent markers can harm cds15:37
Pici!ot | Neosano15:38
ubottuNeosano: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:38
webnetNeutrosider, the people who dont know any better15:38
inggikcan i get RDp setup on 11.1015:38
inggiksorry for noob question15:38
MonkeyDustinggik  please say 'beginner', not 'noob'15:38
Neutrosiderdoes anyone know how to make grub entrys to execute bash scripts?15:39
inggikthanks for the correction MonkeyDust15:39
jribNeutrosider: what do you want to accomplish?15:39
Neutrosiderjrib, i have an 11.04 boot script and i want to have 2 entries. one booting with nvidia driver, the other one with nouveau. so i thought i make a bash srkip that copys a yorg.conf file i made before15:40
Neutrosider*11.04 boot stick15:41
webnetNeutrosider & Arizona_Bay here is what i am thinking of doing. taking the 11.04 1nd 11.10 and leaving them the same, just stripping all interface from it and loading on Gnome2. have it be like kubuntu or xubuntu be like gubuntu or something. lol.15:41
inggikI have virtual box and DSL installed in there, so I wanna remote my main desktop (ubuntu), how do i get that :D15:41
jribNeutrosider: if you look at the gdm and lightdm init scripts, they check the kernel line for the word "text".  You could do something like that15:41
Neutrosiderwebnet, 11.04 has gonme2 preinstalled. no need to change anything15:42
Neutrosiderjrib, i have no clue about the gdm boot script, where can i find it? and how would it recognize what driver i want to use?15:42
Arizona_Baywebnet wooow i didnt even know u could do that15:42
webnetNeutrosider, sweet. i thaough both had gnome 3. cool. well im just thinking of doing it for future releases. perhaps fork gnome 2 and continue to dev it and lay it onto future ubuntu versions. I personally dont like gnome 3 either. they about screwed up everything i liked about 215:43
Arizona_Baywhy is Linux Mint the best for laptops?15:44
jribNeutrosider: I don't have time to walk you through it at the moment, sorry.  If you read and understand how the lightdm init script (lightdm is default so just read that) stops itself from starting by checking if "text" was passed on the kernel line in grub, you should see how you can accomplish what you asked15:44
Arizona_BayIve got 10.04 on my laptop and im loving it15:44
endzYmeanyone have any production experience with automating virtual environments?15:44
jribNeutrosider: I assume you can just pass your own words, like "usenvidia" or whatever15:45
webnetArizona_Bay, mint isnt necessarily... it all depends on what you are looking for in a distro that decides which is pest for a putpose.15:45
Neutrosiderjrib, im using 11.04 at the boot stick im talking about, so its gdm, not lightdm, but thanks ^^15:45
Arizona_Baywebnet :P regular usage and no bugs or glitches. this is what i look for15:45
Arizona_Baybut i read somewhere that mint is the best and i was wondering why15:45
PiciArizona_Bay: Ask them. We do not support Mint in this channel.15:46
=== Taftse is now known as Taftse|Train
Arizona_BayPici ohhhhhhh trueee this is ubuntu not linux o.o15:46
webnetthen i would always recommend that you stay at least 1 version behind the release. they are on 11.10 so use 11.04 then when 12.04 comes out move up to 11.10 so that by then most of the bugs are worked out :)15:46
webnetArizona_Bay, ^^15:46
Arizona_Baypeople use your names interchangeably that at the end in ur head Ubuntu = Linux15:47
Arizona_Bayand vis versa :P15:47
Arizona_Bayall linux distros aare ubuntu distros15:47
endzYme^ ?15:47
Arizona_Bayits a noob joke15:47
MonkeyDustArizona_Bay  your not in the right channel for that kind of chat15:47
Arizona_Bayim sorry ; _ ;15:48
uswebnet: how do i go back then? I am having some issues but like the desktop.15:48
gingerlingHey, trying to get an audio recording application,15:48
gingerlingdownloaded a few15:48
=== superxgl is now known as cnxie
gingerlingbut don't show in my menus15:48
gingerlingcant figure out how to launch them15:48
MonkeyDustgingerling  try alacarte15:48
gingerlingis that a programe?15:49
Picigingerling: Are you sure that they are gui applications?15:49
jostjrib: The early starting is not the problem. The job now starts on desktop-session-start, but even when the machine is up and running and i start the job manually, it gives that segfault15:49
Picigingerling: Should be there...15:49
webnetus back to, and from?15:49
gingerlingkeeps happening with apps15:49
webnetgimme a sec ima restart xchat, its glitchin out on me15:49
=== cnxie is now known as iMac
MonkeyDustgingerling  type alt-f2 audacity15:49
gingerlingkeep on downloading till i find one that comes up.15:49
jribjost: maybe because it runs as root?15:49
gingerlingit ran15:50
gingerlingany idea why its not in menu15:50
ussorry, 11.04 from 11.1015:50
MonkeyDustgingerling  type alt-f2 alacarte15:50
webnetok im bak15:50
gingerlingrepos usedf to do a thing where it told you where it was, eg, app, graphics etc15:50
uswebnet: sorry 11.04 to 11.1015:50
jostjrib: That does not seem to be a problem either15:51
jribjost: how are you verifying that?15:51
jostrunning it with sudo gives no problems15:51
jribjost: do « sudo -i » then try15:51
Dj_FlyBy[ms]so I activated the hardware driver for my ATI Radeon HD3450 but when I get to the Ubuntu screen with the loading dots it just stays there and doesn't load into Ubuntu "10.04 LTS". Any suggestions or docs to read please?15:51
webnetus you want to go from 11.10 to 11.04?15:51
sudiptai have installed apache2 and mysql in my machine,i dont want them to start on every boot,how to do that?15:51
gingerlingthere is a whole sound menu there15:51
gingerlingthats not on my menu15:52
htmlinprogressp3  256 mb laptop need it for only web browsing , what os do i need15:52
tp43what would you say is faster Ubuntu 10 or 11?15:52
jostjrib: no change - works as expected15:52
sudiptai have installed apache2 and mysql in my machine,i dont want them to start on every boot,how to do that?15:52
uswebnet: not really but my screen flickers alot and its annoying. Nvidia prop drivers are installed but still have issue. Seems worse when using my mouse?15:52
Picitp43: They're both fast.15:52
tp43I'm thinking 10 is faster than 1115:53
jribjost: don't know then15:53
MonkeyDusttp43  depends on the window manager,  i guess15:53
jostjrib: anyway, thanks for the help15:53
tp43is it easy to install Gnome 3?15:53
jrib!gnome3 | tp4315:53
ubottutp43: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.15:53
llutzsudipta: disable their start-scripts in /etc/init(.d)15:53
tp43jrib, oh, I thought Unity was using gtk215:54
htmlinprogressp3  256 mb laptop need it for only web browsing , what os do i need?15:54
llutzsudipta: you might use tools like sysv-rc-conf to do that15:54
jribsudipta: read the scripts to see if there is some configuration file they check.  If not, then disable the script (see http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ for upstart scripts and use sysv-rc-conf if the service is not an upstart script)15:55
htmlinprogresssalty,  well?15:55
tp43The widows keep goinng full-screen on me when i move em around, can I turn it off?15:55
saltyi use minimal install off of 10.415:55
MonkeyDusthtmlinprogress  puppy is light and fast15:56
saltyi use openbox as my window manager15:56
htmlinprogressMonkeyDust,  is it a good one for first time user just for web?15:57
tp43salty, can you play mkv?  I can play some but I download a 3gig one, and its choppy15:57
saltyyes, tp43  i use vlc15:58
MonkeyDusthtmlinprogress  if that user does not have to maintain it: yes15:58
tp43I was impressed with banshee for a minute, but then I couldn't find Aspect Ratio, so I dropped it, i guess people use two players, one for music and one for videos, but I just use one for both15:58
DanielpkHow i can create a NAT when user request test.local to be redirect to test.com?15:59
MonkeyDusthtmlinprogress  by maintain, i mean configure15:59
htmlinprogressMonkeyDust,  setup?15:59
endzYmeDanielpk: I don't think that's a NAT exactly15:59
htmlinprogress? huh15:59
MonkeyDusthtmlinprogress  are you that user?15:59
saltytp43, that's what i do ... vlc for video and some music but audacious and exaile for music15:59
DanielpkendzYme:  humm and what is it?16:00
endzYmeDanielpk: are you looking to setup a record that redirects based on DNS? Or by IP?16:00
Th3_0n3What is the best linux distro?16:00
DanielpkendzYme: IP.16:00
PiciTh3_0n3: If you're expecting an answer other than Ubuntu, you're in the wrong place.16:00
endzYmeah, ok, your questions threw me off due to the fqdn included.16:00
webnet!best | Th3_0n316:01
ubottuTh3_0n3: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:01
htmlinprogressMonkeyDust,  no. my neighbor is16:01
coreyoI am attempting to get my ati drivers working with my radeon HD 3670 in 11.10.  I have followed many of the directions on the forums and official howto posts.  Can anyone help me diagnose my problem?16:01
endzYmeare you using this translation permanently?16:01
tp43ok so I installed gnome-shell, so now I just log out and back in I guess?16:01
saltyTh3_0n3, i prefer ubuntu for the ease of install with their kernel16:01
DanielpkendzYme: what u mean? xD16:01
MonkeyDusthtmlinprogress  then you can setup puppy for him, so s/he just has to click an icon16:01
endzYmedo you want your system to do this every time its rebooted16:02
DanielpkendzYme: yep.16:02
endzYmemake sure you have iptables-persistent installed16:02
endzYmeand you'll need to add a rule to your tables16:03
vvompyhi, i get pulseaudio freezes with empathy after 10 seconds of VoIP calls and also during skype sessions it seems unstable. Any ideas how to proceed? I could reproduce the bug I guess16:03
DanielpkendzYme: but how i do that?16:03
endzYmewhat's the purpose of your question exactly? What's the end goal?16:04
LinuxnutCheck you log files16:04
joshteamhey guys, I am on Ubuntu 11.10 - and my NFS configuration stopped working with the update; but I kept the old config file.. any ideas?16:04
MonkeyDustjoshteam  try restarting the nfs-kernel16:05
DanielpkendzYme:  i have my computer and the server that is running ubuntu. When i access test.local it will send to server that will "redirect" to test.com and return packages.16:05
Linuxnutservice networking restart16:05
=== rymate1234|away is now known as rymate1234
coreyoI am attempting to install the latest proprietary fglrx drivers, but the X server keeps segfaulting on initialization.  Can someone help me to track down the problem?16:06
DanielpkendzYme:  because "my computer" cant access this address.16:06
endzYmecan't access test.com or test.local?16:06
tp43gnome 3 is awesome16:06
tp43How do you access Programs in gnome 3?16:07
endzYmeso you want test.com to resolve to test.local's IP address for just your computer?16:07
DanielpkendzYme: yep.16:07
tp43oh, i found it, friggin awesome16:07
DanielpkendzYme: but.. this server isnt my default gateway...16:07
Exxoncoreyo, there is no latest fglrx (ati drivers) sorry to tell that support has been stoped long back..i guess you should know16:07
coreyoExxon, they released 11.11 last month, which were more recent than the ones that I had working.  What is the alternative?16:08
endzYmeahhh gotcha, you'll be better off looking at adding a manual host entry into your hostsfile16:09
Exxoncoreyo, great! can you provide a link...pls16:09
DanielpkendzYme: yep.. but i dont know how to configure it at server.16:09
endzYmeyou don't need to16:09
endzYmeunless you're accessing apache16:09
endzYmedepending on what you're doing16:09
coreyoExxon, the navigation was broken last month, but the latest ubuntu docs always provide a direct link16:10
endzYmeDanielpk: in example; adding a manual host entry will say test.com actually resolves to 10.x.x.x instead of using dns to find it. If the server accepts connections ont he ipi it should owrk fine16:10
DanielpkendzYme:  the test.com run on apache.16:10
coreyoExxon, however, I can't seem to get any of my drivers to work at all atm16:10
DanielpkendzYme:  i cant change routes of "MyComputer"..16:11
endzYmethat's fine16:11
endzYmeAre you on Windows?16:11
endzYmeIt's not a routes issue16:11
endzYmeyou have an instant messanger?16:11
Exxoncoreyo, bogus drivers..16:11
DanielpkendzYme: iChat? Gtalk.16:11
coreyoExxon, I had 11.9 working until I tried upgrading today.  Now I can't seem to get anything to work, including 11.916:12
devafhello , where can i find package for libsrtp - ubuntu lucid 10.04 64 bit server16:12
devafi am not able to install fom source16:13
Exxoncoreyo, lspci | VGA16:13
endzYmeDanielpk: send you a pm with my contact16:13
dominikHi, can someone help me with multimedia keys that stopped working?16:14
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coreyoExxon, I think you missed a "grep", and I already know my adapter type16:14
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markooffhmm somebody has a problem with instalation OTRS ?16:14
Exxoncoreyo, sorry use grep and paste the output16:14
coreyoExxon, It's a Mobility HD 367016:15
ManDayI need your help: What is the command line command to do what the update manager does - that is, update everything?16:15
ManDaySoir to you16:16
david666j'essaye de faire boot en pxe sur un machine virtuel, mais je bloque!16:16
david666Chez moi, cela marche pas à la boite!16:16
ManDay!french | david66616:16
ubottudavid666: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:16
joshteamInside of /etc/exports if you have /some/folder -- within the ( .. ) what's the greatest amount of permissions I can set?16:16
RaTTuSManDay sudo apt-get update ;; sudo apt-get upgrade16:16
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coreyoExxon, the problem might have to do with "sudo update-alternatives --remove-all x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf"   there was a conflicting issue before I ran this, now when I run it it says something about it dangling and choosing best match16:16
nytek_ManDay: sudo apt-get update16:16
david666Sorry, i make an mistake of canal!16:16
nytek_ManDay: then16:17
ManDayRaTTuS: upgrade goes between distributions, right?16:17
nytek_ManDay: sudo apt-get upgrade16:17
ManDayok thanks guys, ill look that up16:17
nytek_ManDay: just update then upgrade.16:17
ManDayon a sidenote: if I try to update by aptitude a lot of strange things used to happen16:17
ManDaynytek_: I'd like to understand what those two do16:17
ManDayah found it16:18
nytek_ManDay: cool16:18
ManDaywell, i already updated with aptitude - i just couldnt figure out to how upGRade with it16:18
Exxoncoreyo, if you already attempted ..then you will miss the fglrx ; try re-installing it from the package manager16:18
varikonniemihello, i was wondering is it possible to pass a flag with a commnad? when i do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" can i add somethiong to that so it answers automatically yes in the question should i upgrade?16:18
varikonniemisomebody answered that question but my scrollback is not long enough16:19
Labyteapt-get -y update16:19
Labyteand apt-get -y upgrade will do the thing16:19
=== Levi is now known as Bill
coreyoExxon, you mean to install the fglrx module in the master repo?16:19
ManDayIt's a little sensitive here with storage because I'm in a chroot on a tmpfs - last time I tried, I think, the update manager did all kind of weird things with the kernel sources  - it seemed to pull in several different versions of kernel and headers one ONE update - is that normal?16:19
=== Bill is now known as Guest76501
=== Guest76501 is now known as Byron
ManDayCan I safely use aptitude to do what  apt-get upgrade does? Because I'd like to selecitvly pick packages one by one16:20
rlexhow do you install umbongo?16:20
jpds!install | rlex16:21
varikonniemiLabyte, thanks16:21
ubotturlex: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:21
Exxoncoreyo, you should try this      http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check16:21
rlexNO, i mean UMBONGO16:21
joshteamIf I have the following in my /etc/exports: /var/www/sites *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check) where I want any IP w/ no security to be able to NFS to that folder w/ full permission16:21
joshteamWhat am I missing? :-p16:21
coreyoExxon, hmm... that looks painless enough to try16:22
Labytevarikonniemi, No problem at all :)16:22
rlexHow do you install umbongo?16:23
stianhjWhat's the trick to get videos with AC3/5.1 audio to downmix to stereo? Center channel is really low, and if I turn the volume up, left and right channels are too loud..16:23
usany help with screen flicker on 11.10? mouse related maybe?16:23
sipiorrlex: if it's not in the repository, build it from source.16:24
=== Byron is now known as Jo
ManDayCan I safely use aptitude to do what  apt-get upgrade does? Because I'd like to selecitvly pick packages one by one16:24
RaTTuSManDay yes it's equvelent16:25
joshteamDo I need to add a line to /proc/mounts ?16:25
webnetManDay, should work fine16:25
ManDayRaTTuS: I don't know *how*16:25
Exxoncoreyo, by default fglrx module are pre loaded by installing the ati the link you provided has removed the module..its to re-instate the fglrx; ati is gone..history16:25
joshteamin order to get NFS working?16:25
ManDaywebnet: What do I have to do in aptitude so that this happens?16:25
=== tux is now known as Guest66788
ManDayI tried "Marg upgradable packages" but nothing is selected16:26
coreyoExxon, yes, but amd is still supporting it ... maybe not very well, but it couldn't have gotten much worse than it always was16:26
webnetManDay, well apt-get invokes aptitude thats why its the same concept. beyond that im not entirely sure what you would need to go from there. i dontuually use the aptitude gui.16:27
Exxoncoreyo, can you get the source ; i can help to compile it then16:27
ManDaywebnet: Thanks, but I need to know16:27
coreyoExxon, hmm.... no, I'm basically doing the --buildpkg option and having it compile everything for my local machine16:27
coreyoExxon, having it install the default way definitely never worked16:28
webnetManDay, let me open aptitude real quich and take a looksee16:28
webnetgimme a sec16:28
ManDayYou got a minute ;p16:28
Guest66788Okey guys i messed up (linux newbie) i just did a 'usermod -G vboxusers <name>' and now when i do 'sudo' i get "<name> is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.". I'm scared, where did i go wrong?? If anyone have the time please lend me a hand :)16:28
ManDayGuest66788: what does the command   whoami    return?16:28
ManDayand "tux" is the user that you added?16:29
llutzGuest66788: usermod -aG   it shuold have been, you removed your user from admin-group.16:29
ManDayThen there is nothing wrong with that-16:29
webnetare you taling about using the synaptic package manager right? ManDay?16:29
coreyoExxon, the drivers provided in the main repo start X and everything, but many things are rendered as blurry artifacts instead of actual text and overlays.  The 11.9 catalyst drivers worked before when I did the --buildpkg option, but I don't seem to be able to get them working since I started messing with everything this morning16:29
ManDaywebnet: No, aptitude, the curses gui16:29
llutzGuest66788: do you still have a root-shell open?16:30
Guest66788nope can i open one?16:30
=== joo is now known as Guest63502
Exxoncoreyo, i would rather suggest go with the default drivers as ubuntu is the best at ; just forget the compiz rest will simply work fine unless you are a developer require 3d render stuff16:30
=== Mud is now known as Guest57055
llutzGuest66788: if you have another sudo-user, yes.16:30
webnetok ok so you have the aptitude gui open yes?16:30
vijaianybody in here who can teach me a lil bit of openFoAM16:30
ManDaysingle user mode :P16:30
llutzGuest66788: get a live-cd or try recovery-mode to fix your groups16:30
joshteamThis is driving me crazy! :( - I have "/var/www/sites *(rw,no_root_squash,insecure)" in my /etc/exports and then when I nfs from my mac to this VM using the IP from $ifconfig it just rejects it.. no idea why (and yes I restarted NFS-Kernel-Server)16:30
ManDaywebnet: still there?16:31
coreyoExxon, I won't do that without a fight.  I must say that I am thoroughly disappointed with ubuntu's last 2 releases.  This last one especially is nearly unusable out of the box.16:31
Guest66788Is it possible to log in as root?16:31
webnetyep ManDay u have the gui open?16:31
ManDaywebnet: The aptitude gui, yes webnet16:31
coreyoExxon, they are trying to roll things out now long before they are stable and ready16:31
KamZou`Hi, is there any way to copy all permissions set to a unix user to a group ?16:31
Exxoncoreyo, catalyst drivers also don't work don't keep a icon in the menu list and does nothing16:32
ManDaywebnet: I found a setting "automatically upgrate installed packages" in the preferences16:32
coreyoExxon, I can't change the video card in my laptop :(16:32
ManDayI guess that will do. Wouldn't hurt to know the specific command which does that, though16:33
webnetManDay, what happens when you select it?16:33
ManDaywebnet: Wait a second16:33
axisys how do I get the vbox control ? when I click on vbox icon from dash it only displays the running vm16:33
webneti cant get my aptitude gui working. odly. i was screwing with dependencies the other day and i think i deleted something16:33
=== Jo is now known as Owen
ManDaywebnet: nothing.16:34
ManDayI'm confused. May it be that my packages are up to date?!16:34
Exxoncoreyo, there is no need to drift..at present there is no support.. i made my self clear before ..sorry (many do suffer of the stupid ati)16:34
ManDayNo, impossible,16:34
ManDayUnless the persistent LiveUSB actually messes with the squashfs - but it does not, right?!16:35
coreyoExxon, many people seem to have gotten it working, though I'm not sure with my specific chipset16:35
webnetok. hmm.you are using the latest version of aptitude package manager right?16:35
webnetManDay, ^^16:35
ManDay10.04 lts16:35
=== Owen is now known as Vincent
Exxoncoreyo, yes there is a way get the source and then compile but it will be like rocket science16:36
=== Vincent is now known as Guest53569
webnetok  ManDay cool. hold on im going to try to fix mine real quick. give me a second16:37
Amon-RaHi everyone, i have a problem with the sound..can anyone help me please ?16:37
coreyoExxon, ahh, it appears that installing the repo version, then going back to 11.9 is working again now16:37
=== Guest53569 is now known as William
webnetAmon-Ra, whats up?16:37
ManDaywebnet: hold on16:37
coreyothough it had its flaws .... still don't know how much of it was ATI and how much of it was gnome316:37
ManDaywebnet: apt-get upgrade also doesn't do anything!16:37
Amon-Rawebnet: Hi friend, i am fine you?16:37
webnetManDay, ok find something?16:37
=== William is now known as Guest9901
ManDayIt returns with: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded16:37
ManDaywebnet: ^16:37
webnetAmon-Ra, good. what can we help you with?16:38
ManDaywebnet: FYI I'm still in a chroot16:38
Amon-Rawebnet: 1) I had problems with sounds in apps, like skype. 2) I uninstalled pulseaudio and it fixed. I heard sounds from skype. 3) i turned off my computer and now no sound at all. It says that there are sound devices16:38
Exxoncoreyo, still today i have seen laptop shipped with ati nonsense selling for cheap but i always recomment friends beware of it16:38
webnetManDay, run apt-get update first16:39
ManDaywebnet: I already did - 10 times ...16:39
webnetManDay, ok...16:39
ManDayIt returns with   Hit ... Ign ... Hit ... etc16:39
webnetok. good ^^16:39
webnetAmon-Ra, ok so have you chacked that your audio settings are un muted?16:40
=== Guest9901 is now known as William_x
ExxonAmon-Ra, alsamixer16:40
coreyoExxon, it's a shame because amd desktop hardware is now killing nvidia, but their software support just hasn't gotten any better16:40
Amon-Rawebnet: yes, i go to sound and i see that there is not device (when i removed pulseaudio it wasysaying default device) now nothing16:40
=== Nex4 is now known as Xen4
jostOk, i've digged more into the problem. The program http://pastebin.com/NM3ebBA4 terminates with a segfault when run as an upstart job, but runs fine from a terminal.  That XOpenDisplay(":0.0") returns NULL. Why is that? The job is starting when the xserver is up and running.16:40
coreyoExxon, since the days of standalone ATI, it has always been that way16:40
=== William_x is now known as William0
Amon-RaExxon: u mean to install alsamixer?16:40
StepNjumphi guys, I am looking to an alternative to just in time because I'm looking for an application that will provide encryption methods. Any suggestions?16:41
=== William0 is now known as a
=== a is now known as ss
StepNjumpsorry back in time is what I meant to say16:41
doritoDanAnyone know why Ubuntu has such a low resolution on the login screen?16:41
=== ss is now known as Guest61698
JahcrosdoritoDan: what version of ubuntu are you using?16:42
Exxoncoreyo, getting of-topic...please search the source indeed16:42
ManDayDoes anyone have an idea why aptitude (run within a non-ubuntu-made-ubuntu-chroot) does return with   "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not apgraded"   when being called with "upgrade" ?16:42
ExxonAmon-Ra, type it in the terminal and do the settings16:42
martianWhy does wine put four separate 'wine core exe' entries in my right-click 'open with' menu? How can I remove them?16:43
axisyswhen I click on the icon on dash it only displays running session. how do I start a new session?16:43
llutzManDay: nothing to upgrade, all up-to-date16:43
=== Guest61698 is now known as William0
terran4000Does anyone know how to get the CTXFI module working properly under 11.10 (with a Creative Titanium HD)?16:43
ManDayllutz: Impossible. The Chroot is the extracted sqashfs of the 10.04 LTS LiveCD16:43
Exxonterran4000, does the module panic16:43
doritoDanJahcros: I don't know.16:43
doritoDan9 I think.16:43
ActionParsnipterran4000: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting16:44
llutzManDay: in that case, you haven't updated package-cache before. check sources.list(s)16:44
terran4000In dmesg, it gives the usual: "ctxfi: Something wrong!!!16:44
diatomaceousAelingil: Any luck finding a way to change the background color of the unity launcher?16:44
webnetStepNjump, encrypting what? files text? music?16:44
Aelingildiatomaceous, i ran into errors loading the 11.10 on my computer. i'm trying to get it loaded back up to run through it again.16:44
ActionParsnipterran4000: creative cards can be a real pain, sometimes they need firmware files. Totally not worthe effort16:45
terran4000Exxon, I used to have this issue solved in 11.04 and under. Sadly the alsa-dev ppa does go up to 11.10 not the 3.x kernel.16:45
diatomaceousAelingil: Thanks man, glad to hear it :)16:45
ManDayllutz: What should I check for? Looks normal16:45
MonkeyDustdiatomaceous  offtopic: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-12-04-LTS-Features-Unity-Configuration-Tool-239928.shtml16:45
terran4000ActionParsnip, the issue is the alsa driver + kernel module :(16:45
Amon-RaExxon: I see the panel, and i see the two sound cards there. I choose the one i use but it doesn't work. At system settings -> sounds ->hardware there is no device..16:45
ActionParsnipterran4000: the link I gave may help16:45
llutzManDay: what's "normal"? online-sources, cd-rom sources?16:45
htmlinprogressMonkeyDust,   thanks16:45
doritoDanSorry Jahcros, I'm using 10.04 LTS.16:45
diatomaceousMonkeyDust: I have myunity installed - it doesnt' provide a way to change the color, unfortunately :(16:46
ManDayit lists, among otherss    deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid main restricted    llutz16:46
terran4000works fine with patched alsa drivers. I was trying to go through this but I have no clue how to work the patches nor git and when I tried all it told me was that the patching failed :-/ http://www.intervigil.net/sound-blaster-x-fi-titanium-hd-on-ubuntu-111016:46
llutzManDay: sudo aptitude update16:46
ManDayllutz: already did.16:46
JahcrosdoritoDan: Ok hmm the login screen shouldn't look that bad, I would recommend making sure you have the most up to date graphics drivers and give that shot16:46
ActionParsnip!patch | terran400016:46
ubottuterran4000: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.16:46
StepNjumpsorry webnet, encrypt all my files because this goes on an external hard drive that I store off site16:46
ManDayllutz: returns with   Hit ... Ign... Hit ... and so forth16:46
llutzManDay: then you did something wrong16:46
ManDayllutz: With what?16:47
=== n970873_ is now known as jellow
webnetStepNjump, so encrypt your backups?16:47
StepNjumpyes webnet16:47
llutzManDay: idk what. you say you are on a fresh 10.04, updated package-cache and there are no updates? there has to be something wrong16:47
ActionParsnipterran4000: could make life easier and get a different (non-creative) card16:48
StepNjumpI know there are others but none that have so many options as bit webnet16:48
doritoDanJahcros: I'm pretty sure I updated to the latest drivers the last time I used it.16:48
webnetOk StepNjump, first of all when back in time backs up, does it back up to a single file?16:48
terran4000ActionParsnip, I don't have a spare $100 for another card ;)16:48
doritoDanBut I'll try it again now. :)16:48
ActionParsnipterran4000: what do you use in the way of sound?16:48
ManDayllutz: So much is obvious.16:48
StepNjumpwebnet, no it uses rsync so it creates the same structure16:48
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ManDayllutz: I don't think that I upgraded in the LiveUSB persistent mode did affect the squashfs, could it possibly have?16:49
ActionParsnip!away > pingsut_zzZZ16:49
ubottupingsut_zzZZ, please see my private message16:49
JahcrosdoritoDan: do you get any errors during boot?16:49
ExxonAmon-Ra, lspci -v please paste out put to www.pastebin.org and give us a link16:49
doritoDanJahcros: Not that I can see. :/16:50
ActionParsnipExxon: could use:  lspci -v | pastebinit16:50
llutzManDay: ls -l /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin16:50
terran4000ActionParsnip, digital out, external EQ and some other fun jazz to get sound in the places I want it16:50
ExxonActionParsnip, :)16:50
ActionParsnipterran4000: my onboard sound doues digital out, its nothing fancy now..16:50
terran4000ActionParsnip, mine doesn't :)16:50
ManDayllutz: ^16:51
ManDayor what did you want to know?16:51
ManDay5250400 is the size16:51
llutzdate / time ManDay16:51
terran4000ActionParsnip, hence my want/need for an external card and not wanting to spend more monies16:51
ActionParsnipterran4000: http://www.ciao.co.uk/Sweex_7_1_PCI_Sound_Card_with_Digital_Out__6876814    15 quid16:51
Grievre /j #alsa16:51
Amon-RaExxon: http://pastebin.com/3WFTZbAj16:52
ManDayllutz: jeez16:52
go8765hello. can I  found anywhere dooble fresh debs?16:52
ManDaycan that possibly be?!16:52
terran4000ActionParsnip, sexy. Though again, I dont' want to spend the money on something I know that works but just needs some fine-tuning16:52
ActionParsnipterran4000: creative refuse to support Linux too which is even more reason to avoid them, you can spend lots of time making these things work16:52
webnetStepNjump, ohhhh. ok that is a bit of a pain. lol. i back up to a large tarball and then i encrypt it using a java bean i compiled16:52
JahcrosdoritoDan: well then unless you've modded the login gui in some way, or this is just how it's always appeared and your on older hardware your likely going to need someone else in the channles input cause i'm running out of ideas fast.16:52
terran4000ActionParsnip, Time I have, money to throw at something which works just needs patched Alsa ... that I don't have.16:53
llutzManDay: what? 5MB? mine is 20M16:53
ActionParsnipterran4000: time to learn how to patch then16:53
doritoDanJahcros: Well, it's been like this since I installed it. When I login however, it resumes to highres.16:53
doritoDanIt's just lowres at the login screen.16:53
ManDayllutz: what can I say...16:53
ManDayYes, 5.1 Megs16:53
llutzManDay: sry no idea whats wrong with your setup16:54
ManDaybut no, that timestamp misled me. it was the wrong timezone16:54
JahcrosdoritoDan: have you played with your video options in your bios?16:54
ManDaythat squashfs was not updated by the persistent liveUSB16:54
Jahcroswhoops sorry all mt16:54
doritoDanJahcros: Nope.16:55
doritoDanIt's virtualized though.16:55
doritoDanIn VMware.16:55
coreyoI somehow disabled lightdm at startup, what's the command to re-enable it?16:55
doritoDanIf that gives you any dieas.16:55
ExxonAmon-Ra, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96302716:55
ActionParsnipcoreyo: sudo apt-get --reinstall install lightdm    may do it16:56
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Amon-RaExxon: I want to use the onboard card, i don't use the soundblaster (i don't remember why, but it is like that for years)16:56
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JahcrosdoritoDan: hmmmm not really, sorry i'm fresh out of good idea's at this point, it's got to be something with the VM not loading the graphics drivers before the login screen.16:57
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ExxonAmon-Ra, that is what on board silly16:57
ActionParsnipdoritoDan: have you tried in #vmware ?16:57
morihi, mat i have little help about aircrack-ng in ubuntu?:)16:57
luchomaxhi people16:58
luchomaxi need some help with ubuntu one in ubuntu 11.1016:58
doritoDanActionParsnip: Nope.16:58
doritoDanJahcros: Alright. Thanks for trying pal.16:58
ManDayllutz: which is the current kernel for x64 systems of ubuntu?16:58
cari_veri_dtHi there . Where to set the brightness in ubuntu 11.10 ? system -> seems to offer almost no options.16:58
doritoDanActionParsnip: I'll give it a shot, but it feels like an Ubuntu issue. :/16:58
ActionParsnipManDay: which release?16:58
ActionParsnipdoritoDan: its worth an ask16:59
doritoDanThey're assholes.16:59
ManDay10.04 lts16:59
FloodBot1doritoDan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
doritoDanSo I'd rather ask here first.16:59
ManDayActionParsnip: 10.04 lts16:59
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic lucid16:59
pangolindoritoDan: please mind your language16:59
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)17:00
ManDayyes, mine is 2.6.32-3317:00
ManDaySo it SHOULD upgrade, eh17:00
ManDayActionParsnip: You got an idea perhaps?17:00
ManDayinstalled size is 32kb?17:00
ActionParsnipManDay: yes, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:00
ActionParsnipManDay: it's a metapackage so is very small17:01
ManDayActionParsnip: dist-upgrade would move to 11.10, no?17:01
ManDayi need ot stay on 117:01
ActionParsnipManDay: no17:01
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ActionParsnipManDay: you will stay on lucid17:01
tp43when I goto "about Gnome" it says version 217:01
ManDayActionParsnip: So you know why   apt-get upgrade  wont upgrade anything?17:01
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MegaDavorHi all. :)17:01
ActionParsnipManDay: sudo apt-get update    first17:01
ManDayActionParsnip: already did17:01
ManDaystill doesn't upgrade anything17:02
MegaDavorapt-get dist-upgrade :)17:02
tp43And when I try to install extensions.gnome.org, it says your gnome is old17:02
MegaDavorAnd sudo, ofc. :)17:02
llutzManDay: apt-cache policy linux-image-generic17:02
luchomaxPleaaaaaaaaaaase I have some troubles with "Ubuntu One"17:02
luchomaxcan anyone help me?17:02
moriive installed aircrack-ng on ubuntu and having little problem:17:02
kwrx25Hey all, just ran todays updates, including the kernel one....I can no longer seem to get a VPN pptp connection... anyone else heard this?17:02
moriwhen i try to scan with airodump-ng im getting this error : ARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211, ARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead.  Make sure RFMON is enabled: run 'airmon-ng start eth1 <#>' Sysfs injection support was not found either.17:02
ManDayllutz: candiate and installed are the same.  there is a version 0   marked with ***   though17:03
ManDayMegaDavor: ActionParsnip dist-upgrade didn't do anything either17:03
ActionParsnipManDay: try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/769156/17:03
llutzManDay: if there is no newer candidate, theres nothing to upgrade.17:03
MegaDavorTry apt-get clean all17:03
MegaDavorAnd then apt-get update17:03
MegaDavorAnd then apt-get dist-upgrade17:03
ManDayllutz: but why is there not?! there is17:03
tp43is it possible to upgrade gnome to 3?17:03
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Exxonmori, there is different distro for all and more of the stuff..download that..instead17:05
ManDayActionParsnip: what does it do?17:05
edgarvilletp43: GNOME 3 is in Ubuntu repos, depending on what version you're on17:05
ManDayMegaDavor: nothing17:05
tp43I have Ubuntu 11.10, and gnome-shell17:06
ActionParsnipManDay: cleans out all the known packages and downloads fresh lists, may make the new version come down17:06
edgarvilletp43: gnome-shell is GNOME 317:06
edgarvilletp43: Unity is GNOME 3 with a custom shell17:06
ActionParsniptp43: Oneiric uses Gnome3 by default17:06
kwrx25thanks, figured out the issue... it was not OS related17:06
MegaDavorI told him how to do that and that doesn't solve the problem.17:06
tp43edgarville, thats what I thought, but when I go accessories, about gnome, it shows gnome 2.3117:07
tp43And when I go to the extensions.gnome.org, it says I need to upgrade to use those extensions17:07
edgarvilletp43: what does cat /etc/issue say?17:07
tp43edgarville, ubuntu 11.1017:08
ManDayllutz: what should apt-cache policy  return?17:08
tp43Ubuntu 11.10 \n \17:08
edgarvilletp43: odd, log out and hit the cog next to the username input, make sure you're logging in to use the right DE17:08
llutzManDay: different versions /installed vs candiate/17:08
tp43ok, brb17:08
varikonniemiwhat is the easiest way to install the latest linux kernel in ubuntu?17:08
junkaI've got a problem with my ubuntu netbook remix I just put on my USB with Unetbootin. For some reason when I boot up my netbook, the screen says this: "SYSLINUX ........." and the remix installation does not boot from there. It just stays on that screen?17:09
Amon-Raexxen my pc shuttes down and it doesnt open now..17:09
ActionParsniptp43: can you run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; clear; dpkg -l | grep gnome | pastebinit          what is output?17:09
ManDayllutz: So that means my cache is not correct, right?17:09
ActionParsnipjunka: there is no netbook remix now17:09
junkaBut I downloaded it.17:09
llutzManDay: as i said: if there is no newer candidate, theres nothing to upgrade.     so you have to findout WHY there are no updates available17:09
ActionParsnipjunka: did you MD5 test the ISO you put on the USB device?17:09
junkano this always happens when I download any linux ISO, it just comes up with SYSLINUX on my netbook. ANY  linux iso.17:10
ManDayllutz: But there SHOULD be an newer candidate than  right?!17:10
ActionParsnipjunka: netbook remix was last in Lucid, did you download lucid|10.04?17:10
junkaMy friend showed me this quick fix for it before but I don't remember what it was.17:10
junkaI just need to get the SYSLINUX to go away and just boot the OS.17:10
ActionParsnipjunka: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?17:10
varikonniemiis there some ppa for the latest kernel?17:10
Ed_Moneywhat program can i use to join a Windows Network via VPN?17:11
llutzManDay: as ActionParsnip showed you, linux-image-generic should have a candidate ""17:11
ActionParsnipvarikonniemi: there is but its not supported here if you get issues17:11
ActionParsnipEd_Money: network manager supports vpn17:11
varikonniemii can choose the old kernel at bootup?17:11
varikonniemii have issues now, so i was hoping it could fix it17:11
ManDayllutz: That's what I meant. So as I said: My local information about the newest version is wrong, right?17:11
ActionParsnipvarikonniemi: sure, hold shift at boot as usual17:11
llutzManDay: it seem to be. did you do what ActionParsnip pasted?17:11
ManDayllutz: Not yet, I'd rather find out the problem and solve it than run a general wipe17:12
ManDayThere seems to be somethign fundamentally wrong17:12
ActionParsnipvarikonniemi: check yo PMs :)17:13
tp43After I installed gnome shell, three new option showed up when I login, gnome, gnome(classic) and gnome (classic no effects), I am using gnome17:13
ActionParsniptp43: if you press ALT+F2 and run:  gnome-shell --replace     is it ok?17:13
junkaubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso: ok17:13
junkaSo...why does "SYSLINUX" keep coming up on my screen? The ISO appears to be fine.17:14
ManDayActionParsnip: did the paste vanish?!17:14
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llutzhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/769156/ ManDay17:14
tp43ActionParsnip, yep, it reloaded fine17:15
ManDaycan you please repaste that to a proper pastebin with RAW mode?17:15
ActionParsnipjunka: looks like they kept it in maverick too.17:15
ManDaywhen I try to wget it I get some OpenID html nonsense17:15
broofaQuestion: If I create bootable USB stick on MacOSX (using instructions on download page), will that also work to boot on a PC?17:15
ActionParsnipjunka: MD5 test the ISO and compare to the hash here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes17:15
super789i have a pIII 500mhz with 200mb memory and a 256mb grafic card. i installed the latest Lubuntu17:16
llutzManDay: http://pastebin.com/KWMxtpkZ17:16
super789but the computers seems too slow17:16
ManDaythanks ll17:16
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ActionParsnipsuper789: Could try puppy linux or slitaz or tiny core17:16
Tech-1super789:  you need more ram, 500m min17:16
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M4dD0Gi have a big problem with dpkg.. this is the error. 'dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 31568:'17:18
ActionParsnipM4dD0G: try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/769156/17:19
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PiciM4dD0G: Try running sudo dpkg --clear-avail  and then sudo apt-get update17:19
super789Tech-1: in wikipedia it says 128mb.. i have been wasting my time then....17:19
UltraDWant someone to help me with my C program for school? ^^17:19
ActionParsnipsuper789: I could go edit that and put that it needs 12Mb17:19
super789ActionParsnip: do you have an opinion about zenwalk?17:19
Tech-1super789:  puppy is great little os, check it out17:19
PiciUltraD: this channel is for Ubuntu support only. ##C would be more appropriate for your question.17:19
M4dD0GPlcl: ok, thanx17:20
UltraDOk, thank you...17:20
travSo I need some help pretty badly. Mouse functionality has disappeared aside from being able to move the mouse. Can't click anything, and my terms wont open but xchat works perfectly17:20
theadminUltraD: Um, C has no strings17:20
travhow can I restart softly so I don't corrupt this data?17:20
theadmintrav: Hold Alt+PrtSc and type in "reisub"17:20
super789Tech-1: i had seen puppy but the frugal install part confused me a bit..17:20
ManDayActionParsnip: llutz your script didnt help either17:21
ActionParsnipsuper789: slackware based so should be ok, not used it17:21
UltraDWant someone to invite me for #C, please?17:21
PiciUltraD: You need to register/identify17:21
Pici!register > UltraD17:21
ubottuUltraD, please see my private message17:21
ManDayllutz: that pastebin was a bad choise :-/17:21
ActionParsnipUltraD: register then identify and you can walk in freely17:21
travtheadmin, took a picture17:21
UltraDThank you.17:21
htmlinprogresswhat are the light weight desktops for a p3 256 mb   like lxmd? gnome  what is the best also easy for a linux first time user17:22
theadmintrav: Damn that gnome and it's stupid keyboard capturing... Do you have a "SysRQ" key?17:22
TheishiI am not sure if this is a firefox question or not, but I do not have sound on youtube. I am asking here because the sound is flakey all over, but consistently doesn't work in firefox. I have sound working in totem right now, but if i turn off my speakers and turn them back on. I lose sound system wide17:22
ManDayllutz: it adds CR at the line ends17:22
travSame key17:22
travclickings back17:22
Exxonsuper789, slackware based..don't even think about it...puppy will be fine17:22
theadmintrav: Ah... Then it should work, oh well, glad it "fixed" itself17:22
llutzManDay: file a bugreport17:22
ActionParsniphtmlinprogress: could just use openbox or fluxbox on it's own, they don't need a DE :)17:22
theadmintrav: Age-old Ubuntu bug actually17:22
ManDayjust saying17:22
travClicking just disappearing and then reappearing?17:22
theadmintrav: I had it back in 9.10, yeah17:22
super789thanks exxon17:22
travthanks though17:23
Theishiim on ubuntu 10.10 btw17:23
htmlinprogressActionParsnip,  de? means?17:23
ActionParsniphtmlinprogress: desktop environment17:23
ActionParsniphtmlinprogress: openbox can run on its own, so makes the desktop lighter17:24
theadminopenbox... i3 anyone? :D17:24
M4dD0GPici: that command didn't work (dpkg - didnt recognise the command)17:25
super789do you know any easy to follow frugal install tutorial of puppy? Exxon & ActionParsnip & Tech-117:25
ActionParsniptheadmin: sure why not :), frees up resources17:25
ActionParsnipsuper789: puppy isn't supported here, there is #puppylinux and numerous guides online17:26
theadminsuper789: We don't support puppy here17:26
super789ok thanks for the hint17:26
Exxonsuper789, try minimum install.....17:26
jtheuerhey, in maverick, 'xrandr' showed "LVDS"and"VGA" using oneiric i only see a "default" device (my laptopscreen) -- what is missing to able to use xrandr again? (intel onboard chip)17:26
super789i just joined #puppy but it was empty17:26
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PiciM4dD0G: Try this then: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/available /var/lib/dpkg/available.old ; sudo touch /var/lib/dpkg/available17:27
M4dD0GPici: Sorry, har to tell between l or i. i got it now, just running apt-get update17:27
htmlinprogressActionParsnip,  well i need it to play youtube  music  hanldle  little bit of files , facebook myspace     mass media stuff and bowsers things, maybe ever-so - often play a dvd or a cd ,,,( the things i need to do with the os17:27
moessuper789, #puppylinux17:27
Exxonsuper789, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kLnrSGpqAQ17:28
ActionParsniphtmlinprogress: can do all that stuff, just how fast will be limited by your hardware17:28
PiciExxon: Please stay on topic here.17:28
ExxonPici, not discussing only a link..infact sorry17:29
M4dD0GPici: it's fixed now. Thankyou. :)17:29
shomonhi, I'm getting an error in banshee, where it crashes whenever I click on "podcasts"17:29
PiciM4dD0G: np :)17:29
shomonthe error I have is "** (Banshee:14471): CRITICAL **: syncdaemon_folder_info_get_subscribed: assertion `SYNCDAEMON_IS_FOLDER_INFO (finfo)' failed"17:29
shomonanyone know what coudl fix it, or where to get help?17:29
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incorrecthow can i get compiz to start automatically with gnome classic?17:30
theadminincorrect: The "Startup Apps" tool does it17:30
htmlinprogressActionParsnip,  so this thing is open box?17:30
Aelingildiatomaceous, Do you have CompizConfig Settings Manager installed? You can change the "Launch Bar" transparency and color from there.17:31
incorrecttheadmin, is that something i need to apt-get?17:31
diatomaceousAelingil: Under which section?17:32
theadminincorrect: Um, no, it's somewhere around the menu... The command is "gnome-session-properties" if I recall right17:32
ActionParsniphtmlinprogress: it can be17:32
incorrectthanks theadmin17:32
htmlinprogressActionParsnip,  so this thing is open box? what does it do ? and whats it for?17:32
Exxonincorrect, only matter of few clicks i hope you can manage that..automatically i don't think it does17:33
ActionParsniphtmlinprogress: it manages the windows of applications you draw and gives an app menu on right click, you can load docks and stuff if you need but openbox is pretty self contained17:33
incorrectok lets see if that works17:35
AelingilI'm looking it up right now, hold on.17:35
ntr0pyAny suggestions what could be wrong when i get "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)" when using Xvnc?17:35
incorrectnext question, how can i disable the extra battery and sound applets from loading in the notification applet17:36
theadminhtmlinprogress: A Window Manager is the tool which allows you to manage windows, it also normally draws at least some window borders. This, for example, is i3: http://i.imm.io/cUf1.png and this is xfwm in XFCE: http://i.imm.io/cUeP.png17:37
trismincorrect: I believe it is started by /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-sound-applet.desktop, if you copy it to ~/.config/autostart and remove the NoDisplay=true you can configure it with gnome-session-properties17:38
ActionParsnipntr0py: sudo chmod chmod 1777 /tmp17:38
LinuxNoobCan someone help me create a partition and mount it?17:38
incorrectthanks trism17:38
ActionParsnipntr0py: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106108417:38
shomondoes anyone know where I can get help with banshee crashing when clicking on podcasts?17:39
shomonsomething to do with ubuntu one...17:39
ActionParsnipshomon: run it from terminal, output in the terminal may help17:40
ntr0pyActionParsnip: my tmp already is 777 owned by root and /etc/gconf/* is 75517:40
LinuxNoobAnyone know how to find a physical disc without a partition and mount it?17:42
ExxonLinuxNoob, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux17:42
llutzLinuxNoob: sudo fdisk -l mount , /dev/sdX /mnt17:43
theadminLinuxNoob: You can't mount something without a partition on it...17:43
llutzLinuxNoob: sudo fdisk -l , mount  /dev/sdX /mnt17:43
llutztheadmin: sure you can17:43
LinuxNoob@Exxon, I tried that site but have no GUI.17:43
theadminllutz: Well, unless it's some crazy device like a CD-ROM or a loopmounted thing or whatever17:43
shomonActionParsnip, I have all that output, may I pastebin it for you to see?17:43
theadminllutz: Definetly not a hard drive though17:44
llutztheadmin: theres no need for a partition on a drive, just put a filesystem on the device and mount it17:44
frxstremI upgraded the Linux kernel from 3.0.0-13 to 3.0.0-14, but after rebooting my display drivers do not work properly, my screen resolution is max 1024x768 (normally, it's 1600x900) and Unity doesn't work properly - can anyone please help me?17:44
llutztheadmin: nonsense17:44
theadminllutz: Now that sounds crazy :D17:44
fschuindtSomebody knows how I mount a device from a FTP server?17:44
llutztheadmin: all so called "superfloppy" drives did that17:44
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theadminllutz: Well, I may lack knowledge there since I never tried formatting an entire drive, it's just weird imo17:44
ManDayActionParsnip: Do you perhaps have 5 minutes to try it out?17:44
theadminllutz: So you can, technically, say "mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sda"?17:45
ManDaytheadmin: yes17:45
llutztheadmin: sure, why not?17:45
theadminllutz: Okay, I'm sorry that I assumed something I don't really know about :D17:45
ManDayllutz: or you, perhaps?17:45
llutztheadmin: its just not common and some tools might fail nowadays, because the expect partitions17:46
LinuxNoobIs not sda the disk name?17:46
Aelingildiatomaceous, Here are the two pages that i have found that give you a walk-through how to make changes to the bar & tabs. http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/62903#62903  and http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/08/unity-oneiric-changes-august/17:46
shomonActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/BC39YX4e is the output from banshee.. the "critical" bit is when I clicked on the podcast tab17:46
cristian_cI have to change the manager of the numerical codes of the keys from default one to one provided by another application, in this case keytouch. I was advised to check the keytouch configuration files. I found the named keytouch  file in /etc/init.d whose content is as follows:17:46
llutzManDay: try out what?17:46
ManDayllutz: chroot into the 10.04 squashfs and see whether apt-get upgrade works for you17:46
theadmincristian_c: That ain't a configuration file, that's a initscript (autostart thing)17:47
ManDayi'll even make you a script, if you like17:47
ManDayllutz: ^17:47
cristian_cBut there is no trace of udev :(17:47
llutzManDay: let me get an iso...17:47
htmlinprogressActionParsnip,  whats lighter then gnome?17:48
cristian_ctheadmin, The other file I checked is called 55keytouchd_launch (which is located in /etc/X11/Xsession.d) whose content is as follows:17:48
llutzManDay: 10 minutes, download from slow server :(17:48
ManDayhtmlinprogress: everything but KDE17:48
brightsparkhtmlinprogress, xfce, fluxbox, lxde17:48
ManDayllutz: ill be arround17:48
llutzManDay: hope your test won't expect a *buntu host-system...17:49
ManDayllutz: Better not. I'm not on one, either17:49
BusyBoxhey people, my ubuntu system don boot :S, y selected the Ubuntu option on my grub but when ubuntu boot don't load GNOME and i only see a terminal prompt, this prompt say: (initramfs)17:49
ManDaySo that will be perfect17:49
BusyBoxSorry for my bad english -.-17:49
theadmincristian_c: Not that either...17:49
BusyBoxdon't boot*17:49
BusyBoxI selected*17:49
htmlinprogressin what order first heaviest  last lightest  of all the gui/ thingyy17:49
ManDayBusyBox: how did you install ubuntu17:50
|Anthony|how many os's can one put on a single hdd?17:50
jpmhI have a UPS plugged in and dmesg shows that the USB interface has been detected - is there a command line way to look at the status - I assumed acpi would show info but it does  not17:50
|Anthony|random question, i know17:50
theadminhtmlinprogress: KDE, GNOME, XFCE, LXDE, Openbox, i3, dwm, awesome, wmfs -- something like this.17:50
theadmin|Anthony|: Um, as many as one wants, but there can be only 4 primary partitions (not that it's really a limit, but)17:50
ManDaytheadmin: KDE surely isnt lighter17:50
murfiejpmh: install upsmon17:50
BusyBoxManDay, My Disc Drive came from school, the teachers give me this HDD and i have to use this in school and in my house too17:50
ManDaytheadmin: oh, my bad17:50
BusyBoxManDay, but yesterday this run, and today no run :S17:50
ManDaytheadmin: Everything after LXDE is no DE though17:51
cristian_ctheadmin, not even that?17:51
theadminManDay: (s)he did say "all of the gui thingies"17:51
shomoncan anyone help me with debugging a banshee crash? it doesn't like podcasts... http://pastebin.com/BC39YX4e17:51
brightsparktheadmin, where might e17 fit in there?17:51
incorrectok nearly there, there is a power icon in the notification tray, its not the old xfce one,17:51
incorrectanyone know where that power icon is coming from?17:51
ManDaytheadmin: Just say "it"17:51
BusyBoxManDay, you understand me?17:51
|Anthony|theadmin, i know that 4 primary is a limit, but with extended partitioning is there a limit? And are extended partitions bootable?17:52
theadminManDay: Huh?17:52
ManDayBusyBox: a little17:52
theadminbrightspark: Oh I totally forgot about enlightenment, my bad :D Not sure honestly17:52
theadmin|Anthony|: Yes and I don't think there is a limit17:52
brightsparktheadmin, no sweat.  just curious17:52
|Anthony|oh very well17:52
LinuxNoobSo how can I partition the HDD17:52
htmlinprogressok , thanks ,, theadmin   ,, but what about the  "swirl" of flavored guis? like  gnome openbox ?17:53
cristian_ctheadmin, What should I do to bypass the management of numerical codes by udev?17:53
theadminLinuxNoob: gparted, fdisk...17:53
BusyBoxManDay, you asked me how I installed my Ubuntu system. And my answer is: The ubuntu system was installed for my teachers, I use this hard drive in my school and in my house too.17:53
theadmincristian_c: Wow, um, no freaking idea, sorry17:53
cconstantineEverytime I open gnome-terminal the it has a menu-bar.  I've changed the prefs to not do that, but I have to 'enable' then disable it to make it go away.  is anyone else having this problem?17:53
theadminhtmlinprogress: "swirl"? Sorry, um, EMFDYSI?17:53
|Anthony|i'm about to load up a hdd and i'd like to leave room for testing out other os's17:53
ManDayBusyBox: Hm, it's really hard to to work with these info17:53
|Anthony|think i'll take a sneak peak at win817:54
ManDayBusyBox: does it work on another computer17:54
ManDay |Anthony| godspeed17:54
theadmin|Anthony|: Don't, I tried, IE won't even start, had to ftp to releases.mozilla.org...17:54
jpmhmurfie: I will - ty17:54
BusyBoxare you asking me if my hard drive can run correctly in another computer?17:54
BusyBoxi don't tried it yet17:54
BusyBoxbecause i go to school tomorrow17:55
cristian_ctheadmin, what is the default handler of the numerical codes of the keys in ubuntu?17:55
ManDayBusyBox: Clearly, your install is messed up17:55
wenkoanyone know how I can tell an ubuntu machine to recongnise a new NIC?17:55
theadmincristian_c: Uhhh... I beleive X handles those if you are running it17:55
|Anthony|lmao theadmin17:55
|Anthony|ty ManDay17:55
ManDayBusyBox: Could be everything. Perhaps someone can walk you through but I guess your best option is a fresh install17:55
tp43with all the excitement with unity and gnome 3, I am back to xfce17:55
BusyBoxbut before i can run the hard drive in a school and in my house17:55
cristian_ctheadmin, thanks for the help :)17:55
ManDayBusyBox: What is your native languaeg?17:55
tp43compiz does scale windows much faster and smoother than gnome 3 does17:55
DikadrahClean your home directory17:56
BusyBoxManDay, :(17:56
theadmintp43: That's good, XFCE is epic :P17:56
jpmhmurfie: where is upsmon - I tried an apt-get install and not found17:56
theadminjpmh: Install apt-file, also...17:56
theadmin!find upsmon17:56
ubottuFile upsmon found in nut-client17:56
theadminjpmh: ^17:56
ManDayBusyBox: Your native language, what is it17:56
tp43theadmin, yeah, its light weight and allows compiz, there is nothing lighter that allows compiz17:56
theadmintp43: Huh...?... Compiz can run even *without a DE at all*17:57
BusyBoxManDay, is spanish17:57
BusyBoxor catalan17:57
tp43theadmin, explain more please?17:57
ManDayBusyBox: then you have no luck with me :-/17:57
theadmintp43: It can run as a standalone window manager (doesn't work well though) but17:57
BusyBoxnp ManDay , good day, bb17:57
tp43theadmin, how to login to compiz?17:58
theadmintp43: Basically runs with everything, but hey, XFCE is great, stay with it :) PM me if you don't mind, btw17:58
jpmhtheadmin: what is apt-file?17:58
theadminjpmh: apt-file searches for files in packages18:00
forgotteni haven't been on bitchx in ages :DDD18:00
jpmhtheadmin: ty18:01
ManDayllutz: how's the DL coming?18:01
llutzManDay: just mounted squashfs18:01
moesWhat package do I use to open a winmail.dat file18:02
theadminmoes: I don't think you open anything with "win" in it on Linux -_-18:02
ManDayllutz: ok, i mounted dev, sysfs and proc18:02
kdcisitHello, I am trying to get WoL to work from suspend with 10.04-x86 on a Optiplex GX620.  WoL works from powered off state but not suspend.18:02
icerootmoes: should be "mhtml"18:02
ManDay(after I copied the squashfs to a RW location, ofc llutz )18:02
forgottenneone still use cypress for bitchx?18:02
icerootmoes: do a "file filename.dat" and see what it is18:02
ManDaythen I chrooted with bash llutz (after cp resolv.conf)18:03
moesiceroot, Thanks18:03
ManDayand then apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade llutz18:03
Picimoes: This plugin for claws mail says it should be able to open winmail.dat files: claws-mail-tnef-parser18:03
seliteGuys what's the channel for C Programming?18:03
Piciselite: ##C18:03
seliteBut is says I need to be invited first.18:03
seliteWhat should I do?18:04
Piciselite: You need to be registered/identified to join18:04
Pici!register > selite18:04
ubottuselite, please see my private message18:04
selite!register > selite18:04
llutzManDay: prepairing18:04
hobanhello. I am missing a perl module under 11.10 and can't find a suitable package for it "Can't locate Proc/Queue.pm in @INC"18:04
hobansudo apt-cache search perl Proc::Queue <--returns nothing18:04
ManDayllutz: Ok, hanging on here18:04
ManDayPS: Upon chroot I get a warning: groups: Cannot find name for group 1118:05
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ManDayllutz: problem?18:10
llutzManDay: finally... i'm done18:10
llutz  Installed:
llutz  Candidate:
llutzManDay: ^^ policy for linux-image-generic18:11
ManDaytell me exactly what you did please18:11
t3c4favorite backup anyone? looking for total hd backup18:11
ManDayllutz: Perhaps bash_history?18:11
=== Xen4 is now known as Exio4
llutzManDay: http://www.debuntu.org/book/export/html/21618:11
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llutzManDay: the steps from ""$ mkdir /tmp/livecd" to "# export HOME=/root"18:12
ManDayoh you made more fancy things...18:12
ManDayllutz: I take it you have no clue where my "simple" perocess fails?18:13
llutzManDay: well, what did i what you didn't?18:14
ManDaydidnt copy hosts, didnt "-a" for extracting the fs with cp18:14
Gounst_anyone know how to install a linux OS with ubiquity on Kubuntu? I've got the ISO in my "Home" folder. Anyone know?18:14
ssdrdI installed Mysql on Ubuntu Oneiric, but can't connect from a remote connection, netstat -l | grep sql only shows: tcp        0      0 localhost.localdo:mysql *:* . Does anyone know how to make it listen for remote connections?18:14
ManDayllutz: let me go through this one by one again, thanks already18:15
geoffmccssdrd: not sure how to do from CLI but can be easily done in phpmyadmin18:16
jostSry to bother you again with that topic, but is there a way to find out what environment variables are used by some command? I'm especially interested in xprintidle18:16
Gounst_How do you use ubiquity to install a Linux OS? I have the .iso file in my Home folder...18:16
xrdodrxGounst_, your question makes no sense :< You can burn the iso to a disk and if it uses Ubiquity as its installer then it will install using Ubiquity18:17
xrdodrxWhat distribution is it?18:18
Gounst_Ubuntu 11.0418:18
Gounst_I'm trying to install on my netbook but I keep getting a stupid SYSLINUX message when I boot the USB.18:18
Gounst_I've tried THREE different USB creators =/18:18
xrdodrxwhat does ubiquity have to do with that18:18
ssdrdnevermind, I found the answer in https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/mysql.html Is it possible to have multiple bind-addresses in Mysql's config file?18:18
Gounst_I don't know someone told me to "use ubiquity" to install ubuntu18:18
oCeanssdrd: edit /etc/mysql/my.conf, find the bind-address, which is default set to
oCeanyeah, that18:18
Gounst_no idea what that means..18:19
Gounst_but I just want to get rid of this stupid SYSLINUX message when I boot my netbook so I can install UBUNTU in one peace!18:19
Gounst_It just hangs there when I boot the USB..lol wtf?18:19
xrdodrxWhat's the message?18:19
oCeanssdrd: use to make it listen on all interfaces18:20
BluesKaj!lol | Gounst_18:20
ubottuGounst_: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.18:20
lacrymologyvirtualenv py2.7 --no-site-packages -p /usr/bin/python2.7   <<< this complains that _weakrefset doesn't exist, but it doesn't exist in py2.6 (system default), I don't have virtualenv for py2.7, how can I get it?18:20
Gounst_"SYSLINUX 4.05 EDD 2011-12-09 Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al"18:20
lacrymologyI installed py2.7 from deadsnakes18:20
Gounst_No errors, just that message.18:20
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llutzManDay: from history: http://nopaste.info/bb943e6c87_nl.html18:20
ssdrdoCean : thank you18:20
oCeanssdrd: yw18:21
=== Exio4 is now known as Exio
ManDayllutz: that rsync and the cd directory have no actual use, do they18:21
ManDayor am I missing something there18:21
Gounst_Looked on google, many forums said to change "syslinux.cfg" and edit the string "ui" and delete it. Did so, but I still got the SYSLINUX message...............18:21
ManDayand you dont seem to have mountded dev either llutz18:22
BluesKajGounst_,  is that where the cd stalls, then you wait til the ubuntu options page appears18:22
llutzManDay: right18:22
ManDayweird... ok, let me try without dev18:22
Gounst_BluesKaj, yes that's where the usb stalls, and the ubuntu options page never appears.18:22
Gounst_it just stays stuck on the SYSLINUX screen.18:22
llutzManDay: dev should be important for this18:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:23
Gounst_so why do I keep getting that SYSLINUX message?18:23
ManDayllutz: Son of a .... ! It works now18:23
BluesKajread above , Gounst_18:23
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ManDayWhat witchcraft is that18:23
ManDayllutz: Let me try to figure out what exactly is the cause for that18:24
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ManDayPerhaps it's the fact that I did NOT mount dev?!18:24
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llutzManDay: idk but i doubt that18:24
BlueEaglegounst: as Kaj sais. Appears to me that it dousn't find an initrd.18:24
Gounst_Oh no, you see, I've all ready prepared the UBUNTU 11.04 ISO with 3 different USB creators, all resulting in the "SYSLINUX" message.18:24
ManDayllutz: I'll know in a bit18:24
ManDayAren't you curious..?18:24
forgottenanyone use BitchX with Cypress here?18:25
llutzManDay: not really.... i usually don't deal with such stuff :=18:25
BluesKajGounst_, then you missed a step somewhere18:25
gio74michel telo'18:25
geoffmccGounst_: are you doing this from ubuntu or windows18:26
Gounst_I did the USB creators in windows18:26
geoffmccGounst_: prepairing the usb stick that is18:26
Gounst_I also did one from my friends Ubuntu with a disk creator, but that didn't work. Still got the SYSLINUX message.18:26
geoffmccGounst_: did you verify the iso?18:27
Gounst_MD5checksum'd, it's also the one from the main ubuntu page18:27
ManDayllutz: Crap, seems like I can't reproduce it once it has succesfully fetched the lists18:27
BluesKajBlueEagle, I'm not much on usb installs , since I have no experience with them , I'm guessing he didn't prepare the usb correctly18:27
geoffmccGounst_: and which version are you trying to install18:27
Gounst_It's my feeling I need a different version of syslinux attached to the USB installer, no idea what version I need though.18:28
geoffmccGounst_: you dont have to explain yourself to me or anything, but is there a reason why not 11.1018:28
llutzManDay: Murphy18:28
MgamerzIf I do grub-install of a 10.04 disk and try to write it to a external USB drive, will I be able to select 'boot to USB' in my bios (it supports it) and then use grub to boot ubuntu?18:28
ZeroSunDammit! XD what is the exit command?18:28
ManDayllutz: I guess it's the cp -a  - that's about the only thing I haven't changed18:28
Gounst_Oh I'm sorry, it's 11.10, not 11.0418:28
MgamerzI'd use super grub2 disk but I don't have any flash drives that are small and unused, and for some reason my laptop hates booting linux from CD (but it works with windows fine)18:28
llutzManDay: how did you copy?18:28
ManDaybut I just accidentally rm -R my /dev and my /sys and my /proc18:29
ManDayjust cp llutz18:29
ManDaygot to reboot now18:29
llutzManDay:that shouldn't have worked at all18:29
ManDayllutz: what should not have?18:29
=== ZeroSun is now known as Zerosun
llutzManDay: cp   wihtout options isn't recursve and would mess up permissions18:29
BluesKajMgamerz, have you considered the alternate cd install ?18:29
ManDayllutz: My bad. It was  cp -R , of course18:29
llutzManDay: still permission-thingy maybe18:30
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ManDayI'll try it after reboot18:30
MgamerzI have already installed ubuntu18:30
Gounst_Do I need to install a diff version of syslinux perhaps to get past this SYSLINUX message?18:30
ManDayGot to go now, before bad things happen18:30
llutzManDay: good luck, i'll grab some food18:30
Mgamerzonto an external hard drive. Partitions in order: NTFS - ext3 (ubuntu) - swap18:30
geoffmccGounst_: everything you need should be within the iso18:30
Mgamerzmy desktop can boot it fine with super grub2 disk (i will not install grub to the main hard drive's mbr as grub is a pita and seems to break for me all the time)18:31
geoffmccGounst_: i know you said you tried it multiple times with different creators but humor me. On windows have you tried http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download18:31
Gounst_Yeah I did.18:31
Mgamerzbut my laptop doesn't18:31
Gounst_Linux Live Creator, Universal USB installer,  and unetbootin18:31
Gounst_all producing: "SYSLINUX ...... " upon boot, and it stalls.18:31
Mgamerzcan't even boot a live cd on my laptop for some reason, took like 40 minutes of rebooting to get backtrack to work just once18:32
BluesKajMgamerz, well, rather than install on an outboard to avoid using a cdrom , why not try the alternate ?18:32
Mgamerzthe alternate...? alternate install?18:32
geoffmccGounst_: ok. i just did 11.10 x64 with it yesterday and no problems. when you were in LiLi did you make any changes other than choosing where usb was located18:32
BluesKaj!alternate  | Mgamerz18:32
ubottuMgamerz: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal18:32
Mgamerz... but i've already installed ubuntu, i don't need to install it again18:32
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Gounst_Mm, well I chose to format the USB but that's about it.18:33
Gounst_also this is on my netbook18:33
BluesKajokm ,sry, Mgamerz , guess I misunderstood18:33
geoffmccGounst_: is it still installed18:33
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geoffmccGounst_: assuming your on the win pc18:33
ActionParsnipMgamerz: backtrack isn't supported here18:33
Gounst_LinuxLive? Yes it is.18:33
Gounst_And I just tried again with unetbootin, "SYSLINUX" argh.18:33
Gounst_This message is death I tells ya.18:34
loinmy laptop cannot resume from hibernate, it just starts up as if i shut it down18:34
geoffmccGounst_: im not sure cause you did use others too, but im curious as to what LiLi settings are18:34
zoidfarbI'm on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and I'm getting a warning from Wine: PulseAudio "default" -22 without handle_underrun. Audio may hang. Please upgrade to alsa_plugins >= 1.0.2418:35
zoidfarbdoes anyone know how I can upgrade those alsa plugins?18:35
Gounst_All right, just used default settings on Lili. "SYSLINUX" message still comes up.18:35
ManDayllutz: ActionParsnip : I found the problem: It seems to be that I did not extract the sqashfs by cp -a18:36
geoffmccGounst_: just trying to think of all the bases here... have you tried another usb port if available18:36
BluesKajzoidfarb, have you updated/upgraded from the repos lately ?18:36
Gounst_Tried all 3 on my netbook.18:36
ManDayDo you have an idea why?18:36
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llutzManDay: permission problem, empty dirs not copied... wonder why you haven't got any errors18:37
zoidfarbBluesKaj, latest version in my repos seems to be libasound2-plugins version 10.0.22-0ubuntu7\18:37
ManDayllutz: Me too.18:37
=== JustAnotherVicti is now known as Justanothervicti
zoidfarbBluesKaj, is there maybe a backport repo I could use?18:38
ManDayllutz: Permission problem, though? Does apt-get drop priviledges? Otherwise I wouldn't see how permissions were a problem, since I am root.18:38
kdcisitGounst: have you updated the BIOS on the netbook?18:38
ManDayllutz: If you are fancy, you can try for yourself18:38
geoffmccGounst_: stick around if you can, checking a few things18:38
BluesKajzoidfarb, open a terminal and run , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:38
llutzManDay: next time maybe, gtg now18:38
ManDayllutz: Thank you for helping18:39
ManDayllutz: Bye18:39
geoffmccGounst_: i just thought... is this a sandisc usb18:39
Gounst_Yeah it is!18:39
geoffmccGounst_: i bet its u318:39
geoffmccGounst_: or whatever its called. i always remove it off mine18:39
Gounst_How do you remove it? Because I've formatted the dang thing like 20 times.18:40
=== seanr|away is now known as seanr
geoffmccGounst_: http://drivers1.sandisk.com/DriverDownload/assets/USB%20Flash%20Drives/launchpadremoval.zip18:41
geoffmccGounst_: please let me know if that was it, but its gotta be cause you verified sum, used multiple creators and i just did using a cruzer on 11.10 yesterday, but U3 was removed18:41
Gounst_so what will this  do?18:41
geoffmccGounst_: it will just remove the U3 partition off the drive. it contains scandisk tools.. i never used them so i just remeoved, but if you do use them, maybe just try with a non sandisc usb18:42
ActionParsnippeople still use u3, wow18:42
Gounst_how does this program know which USB to format?18:43
ActionParsnipGounst_: i'd use dd on the raw device to wipe it from start to finish with zeros18:43
zoidfarbBluesKaj: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:43
Gounst_it doens't ask me to choose which device I want to format. What if it formats my HDD?18:43
zoidfarbBluesKaj, I've already updated earlier this morning18:43
geoffmccActionParsnip: he on windows. trying to install but fails on syslinux screen... u3 could be a cause right18:43
ActionParsnipgeoffmcc: gotcha18:43
geoffmccGounst_: its been a while, so to be safe just make sure no other usb drives are attached18:44
Gounst_will it wipe my HDD?18:44
geoffmccGounst_: just the usb stick18:44
ActionParsnipGounst_: the guys in ##windows may know a disk scrubbing app18:44
Gounst_all right removed U318:45
geoffmccGounst_: yea this is sandisk offical way to remove it, but if your not comphy with that tool, then prob another way18:45
geoffmccGounst_: try again... please let me know18:45
Gounst_well I did it, I'm assuming it removed it.18:45
Gounst_all right putting linux on it again via Universal USB Creator program18:46
=== MrAmerica is now known as Guest68281
g0thIf I use the flash plugin a lot of other software that use audio no longer work and need to be restarted to work again with audio. Any idea how to fix this? I use "Linux tardis 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:28:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" and have pulseaudio installed18:46
kdcisitanyone know how to get wake on lan to work from suspend state on 10.04?18:47
=== Guest68281 is now known as Mr_Americas
RobinJwhy's my webserver unreachable to the outside world?
RobinJi've got apache running and the ports forwarded18:48
Gounst_RobinJ: Firewalls?18:49
ManDayIf aptitude shows a collision (Red line, ! Apply, . Next , , Previous --- etc) - how can I view WHAT EXACTLY is the problem?18:49
RobinJdoes ubuntu have one?18:49
geoffmccRobinJ: do you have a firewall18:49
ActionParsnipRobinJ: have you port tested yourself using one of the many available sites18:49
RobinJif i visit the ip myself in firefox, i do get the webserver18:49
ActionParsnipRobinJ: have you rebooted your router and/or modem18:49
RobinJgeoffmcc: dunno, did ubuntu 10.10 have one?18:49
Gounst_RobinJ: www.canyouseeme.org Enter port 80 in the input box and press enter. Can it see your service?18:50
=== Mr_Americas is now known as J0ker
RobinJActionParsnip: yes, they don't see any services running on port 8018:50
=== J0ker is now known as Mr_J0ker
georgehi, where can I find the headtracking plugin for compiz?18:50
Phr0zen_Pengu1nCan I use IRC for HTTP tunnelling?18:50
RobinJif i run nmap myself on i get this:18:50
RobinJPORT      STATE    SERVICE18:50
RobinJ80/tcp    open     http18:50
RobinJ10000/tcp filtered snet-sensor-mgmt18:50
FloodBot1RobinJ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:50
geoffmccRobinJ: yes, but you would have had to enable it.18:50
ActionParsnipRobinJ: is there a firewall configured on the serving box?18:50
RobinJnot as far as i know, and i've done this: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT18:51
RobinJif i start the ftp daemon, that IS reachable for other people18:51
Gounst_HAH! IT WORKED18:51
Gounst_THANK YOU!18:51
FloodBot1Gounst_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
oliverpMy Ubuntu has two NICs. One is connected directly to the internet (IP 83.22.128...) and the other one is connected to the local network (IP 192.168...). Both NICs can reach the internet; one directly and the other one through my dhcp router.  For some reasons, when I browse the internet on my ubuntu box, it uses the NIC that is plugged to the LAN. Can I somehow prioritize the NICs? Or force ubuntu to always use the NIC18:51
oliverp that is directly to the net, except for 192.168.. requests?18:51
g0thhow can I get flash plugin and other audio software to work together?18:51
pingvenoI'm trying to rebuild a (python-cairo aka pycairo) for multiple versions of Python. I think Python 2.7 should be recognized, but it's not.18:51
=== Mr_J0ker is now known as msg
geoffmccGounst_: ok. cool. i knew people have had problems with U3...sorry i didnt think of it sooner18:51
RobinJGounst_: Error: I could not see your service on on port (80)18:51
RobinJReason: No route to host18:51
=== msg is now known as Mr_J0ker
Gounst_geoffmcc: Please remind me to make a shrine to you in my room.18:52
ActionParsnipRobinJ: are you port forwarding to the right IP? Are you allowing all port 80 traffic through on the router?18:52
RobinJActionParsnip: yup, forwarded the port, the same way i forwarded the ftp port, and that one does work18:52
ActionParsnipGounst_: I suggest you buy cheap USB drives in future, they don't have extra complications like that which makes life easier18:52
geoffmccGounst_: if you see anyone stuck on that screen, you asking if they are using sandisc and pointing them to that tool will be thanks enough18:52
RobinJActionParsnip: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/y6pdtn4u/Selectie_114.png << i'm
ActionParsnipRobinJ: I get connection refused for ftp on too18:53
RobinJi know, that's the issue xd18:54
ManDayjeez ubuntu deps are INSANE18:54
PiciRobinJ: If you are on a residental ISP it is possible that they are blocking you.18:54
ManDaygnome panel depends on evolution!18:54
ActionParsnipRobinJ: have you rebooted the router? I missed your reply18:54
georgewhere can I get the headtracking plugin for compiz?18:54
ActionParsnipManDay: just one package in it, its weird18:54
xrdodrxManDay, no, gnome-panel recommends evolution18:54
PiciManDay: no, it suggests evolution, you can override that18:55
RobinJ<ActionParsnip> RobinJ: have you rebooted the router? I missed your reply << no, i cant, my parents are on the internet :p18:55
ActionParsnipManDay: I seem to remember it being evolution-data-server-common18:55
RobinJActionParsnip: but i never had to reboot it before18:55
ActionParsnipRobinJ: its worth a try, don't you think18:55
RobinJActionParsnip: i cant, my parents are on the internet >.>18:55
RobinJ[Tue Dec 13 18:54:42 2011] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down18:55
RobinJ[Tue Dec 13 18:54:43 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.16 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.3.3-1ubuntu9.6 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operations18:55
RobinJi didnt send it the sigterm, and it still appears to be running18:56
oliverpCan I force internet traffic to go through a specific NIC?18:56
varikonniemido i have better chances by installing kernel 3.2 in oneiric or upgrade to precise?18:56
kdcisitoliverp: your default gateway will tell which interface to use.  netstat -rn will show default gateway.18:56
ActionParsnipRobinJ: i'm sure its some casual thing, just let them know and kick it18:56
llutzRobinJ: "sudo lsof -i :80"18:56
RobinJnvm the error log i just posted, thats from an hour ago, i thought maybe apache worked with UTC timezone18:57
=== george is now known as Alpha-Omega
asdto działa18:57
dagerikmy network manager in Gnome 3 says "utavailable" under wireless. but there should be planty of AP's around here. What could cause this?18:57
RobinJllutz: http://pastebin.com/gXUkixkH18:57
oCean!pl | asd18:57
ubottuasd: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:57
tp_eddyhello everyone! can I install gnome3.2 on ubuntu10.04 and how18:58
oliverpkdcisit: Both NICs has internet, but ubuntu chooses to use the one plugged to the router instead of the one plugged directly to internet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/769276/18:58
asda jak przejść na ten  kanał18:58
RobinJno'one with a good idea? :p18:59
geoffmccRobinJ: if you cant reboot router like Action suggests at very least try logging in and seeing if the router has a firewall, and if does turn it off and see if works. also if Block Anonymous WAN Requests is enabled it  may do it too i think18:59
tp_eddyI search some ppa but it can't use now18:59
RobinJgeoffmcc: i've checked ,its disabled18:59
geoffmccRobinJ: what about Block Anon Wan19:00
RobinJgeoffmcc: never seen block anonymous wan requests in there though19:00
llutzRobinJ: does your router show "" as your external IP?19:00
tp_eddyhow to install gnome3.2 on my ubuntu10.0419:00
g0thhow can I get flash plugin and other audio software to work at the same time?19:00
Myrttitp_eddy: with great difficulty, breaking everything19:00
ActionParsnipdagerik: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see access points?19:00
RobinJ<llutz> RobinJ: does your router show "" as your external IP? << where can i see? i just check with whatismyip.org19:00
|Anthony|lol Myrtti19:00
llutzRobinJ: check your router19:00
ActionParsniptp_eddy: there is a PPA but it WILL break your OS, it's not compatible19:01
Myrtti|Anthony|: it's true tho19:01
llutzRobinJ: it should have a status-page or something showing connection information19:01
RobinJllutz: i am doing that19:01
geoffmccRobinJ: I know you showed previously that it said port was open but im assuming that was a nmap of yourself... use a website to scan you and see if 80 shows at filtered... if does then it prob isp19:01
ActionParsnipRobinJ: do you use a proxy for web access?19:01
RobinJSubnet Mask:
RobinJPrimary DNS:
RobinJSecondary DNS:
FloodBot1RobinJ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
tp_eddy<ActionParsnip>: thx19:02
dagerikActionParsnip: yes I see them19:02
ubuntuhi everybody19:02
=== ubuntu is now known as xukun
RobinJ<geoffmcc> RobinJ: I know you showed previously that it said port was open but im assuming that was a nmap of yourself... use a website to scan you and see if 80 shows at filtered... if does then it prob isp << i did, nmap says its open on my pc, an online tool says closed19:02
RobinJ<ActionParsnip> RobinJ: do you use a proxy for web access? << nope19:02
ActionParsnipdagerik: ok, run:  sudo iwlist scan | head -n 20      what is the scanning interface name?19:02
dagerikActionParsnip: wlan019:03
kogepantp_eddy, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell19:03
Alpha-Omegais there no one who could help with getting headtracking plugin?19:03
geoffmccRobinJ: might be worth a shot to put apache on a non standard port and try to access it19:03
dagerikActionParsnip: The AP's shows now, after waiting a couple of minutes.19:03
RobinJ<geoffmcc> RobinJ: might be worth a shot to put apache on a non standard port and try to access it << interesting suggestion... but how?19:04
seb_where should I put numlockx in xubuntu? I tried putting it into startup apps but that didn't work, neither did putting into .profile. Any ideas? ty19:04
ActionParsnipdagerik: dagerik ok that's cool, does network manager work ok now?19:04
diatomaceousAelingil: thanks, but neither of these allow for changing the background color, and when I set my opacity to 0, I definitely still see the purple tint :(19:04
ActionParsnipdagerik: is wireless enabled in network manager19:04
geoffmccRobinJ: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-apache2-change-default-port-ipbinding/19:04
llutzRobinJ: /etc/apache2/ports.conf19:04
BluesKajzoidfarb, make sure you have the partner repos enabled19:05
xukunI have /dev/mapper/root and no partition for boot only. Now I would like to know which partition mount and chroot after the install of ubuntu 11.10 with raid1 and lvm2. thanks19:05
dagerikActionParsnip: It is working fine now. But for a couple of mintues, it just said "unavailable".19:05
ActionParsnipdagerik: maybe it's slow19:05
xukunso I can install mdadm and lvm2 for correct reboot19:06
kdcisitoliverp: traceroute shows external traffic going through your eth1 interface then19:06
geoffmccRobinJ: if its accesable on a diff port then your isp is blocking you. There are ways around that but im not sure if its appropriate to discuss, so just go looking.19:06
zoidfarbBluesKaj, I'm trying to just roll back to an older version of wine19:06
RobinJgeoffmcc: can you access this? for some reason it gives a 404 but it's running
ntr0pyWhere can i get more verbose information on why "/usr/lib/gconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check2 exited with status 256" on Xvnc startup/login before GDM shows up?19:07
llutzRobinJ: it works "Apache/2.2.16 (Ubuntu) Server at"19:07
RobinJfuck my isp19:07
RobinJfirst they block all bittorerent trackers and now they block port 8019:07
oCeanRobinJ: control your language here, please19:07
geoffmccRobinJ: sorry, watch the language,,, but yes is isp19:07
llutzRobinJ: dial-ups/adsl aren't supposed to offer public-services19:08
nvzCould anyone tell my how to disable the composite extension in ubuntu? there is no xorg.conf so Idk if making one will even be read or not19:08
auioh413Not Found19:08
auioh413The requested URL / was not found on this server.19:08
auioh413Apache/2.2.16 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 2819:08
BluesKajzoidfarb, or upgrade rather than rollback19:08
oliverpkdcisit yes you are right. it does. :) from what i've understood I can manipulate this using "route"? I'm still trying to find out how though.19:08
zoidfarbllutz: they used to. As originally conceived, every machine on the internet was a full participant in the network.19:09
BluesKajzoidfarb, upgrade wine that is19:09
=== milligan_ is now known as milligan
ntr0pynvz: maybe you could choose "without effects" session on login?19:09
llutzzoidfarb: nice theory19:09
nvzntr0py: no thanks you're missing my point entirely, that has absolutely nothing to do with what I am trying to do19:09
zoidfarbBluesKaj: I had upgraded Wine from the wine PPA (for reasons I don't recall now). I just rolled back to the Ubuntu repo version and it seems better19:09
xukunI have /dev/mapper/root and no partition for boot only. Now I would like to know which partition mount and chroot after the install of ubuntu 11.10 with raid1 and lvm2 so I can install lvm2 and mdadm on the live cd boot?19:09
nvzntr0py: I'm using gnome and sawfish, this has nothing to do with compiz or unity.. I'm talking about an X11 extension of the Xorg server not being loaded at all19:10
kdcisitoliverp: I think your can delete the all 0's route for your 192.x network.  layer 2 networking should still give you access to your internal network since that doesn't need to be routed19:10
BluesKajzoidfarb, yeah, the repos are usually best unless you want bleedinmg edge then it's somewhat risky19:11
zoidfarbllutz: my *dialup* ISP up through the mid-90s offered free usenet access and didn't block any ports19:11
oliverp<kdcisit>, thanks you i'll try that!19:11
Phr0zen_Pengu1nIs anyone home?19:11
* nvz goes to attempt creating an xorg.conf 19:11
Phr0zen_Pengu1nI need help.19:11
Phr0zen_Pengu1nVery much help.19:11
zoidfarbBluesKaj, yeah, thanks. If, in the future, I wanted to update any system libraries without doing a dist-upgrade, would I have to compile them myself? Or are there good repos for such things?19:12
kdcisitoliverp: you can try configuring your eth1 interface with a static address without a gateway.  might be easier than manipulating the routes19:12
llutzzoidfarb: mine too but its up to the ISP to allow/deny that. if one needs to offer public-services, he needs a contract allowing it.19:12
ManDayBy which command do I find out which package a file is part of?19:13
alphexanyone have a moment to query? have a question about apt19:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:13
llutzManDay: dpkg -S file or apt-file search file19:13
BluesKajzoidfarb, the ppas are easier than compiling from source and more relaible IMO19:14
llutzManDay: 1st only works on installed packages19:14
Socket-_Hey guys, why would: 'sudo /etc/init.d/rtorrentd start' work, yet: 'sudo service rtorrentd start' returns the following output: http://pastebin.com/HLCx1HMc19:14
zoidfarbllutz: Sure, I'm just saying, the segregation of the internet into producer-servers and consumer-clients is relatively recent development. I think it's fair to complain to your ISP a bit. If you quit, make sure they know *why* you're leaving for a better ISP that leaves your ports open19:14
g0thhow can I get flash plugin and other audio software to work at the same time?19:15
nvzubottu: xorg.conf19:15
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:15
g0thI have pulseaudio installed, I don't know what the flash plugin uses19:15
llutzzoidfarb: well true, but they won't care about it in most cases. but this is offtopic here19:15
sourenaHow do I mount PSP Go in Ubuntu? It doesn't even show up in lsusb and dmesg!19:15
zoidfarbg0th: http://lotphelp.com/lotp/the-ubuntu-sound-problem-solution-guide19:16
xukunhi all. I just finished installing ubuntu 11.10 from live usb on my disk but because Iḿ using raid1 disk I need to install mdadm before I reboot but I dońt know or understand enough how to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated19:17
ManDaythanks llutz19:17
ManDayHow come the initrd in /boot is not part of any package?19:18
ManDayWhich package should it theoretically be part of?19:18
llutzManDay: kernel-package should create it in postinst19:18
BluesKajg0th, go to the adobe site and download the flashplugin for your arch, then extract the file and copy the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins , with root permissions19:19
ManDayllutz: O.k. Ty19:19
ManDayI guess I finally got everything working :)19:19
tp43you know the auto-maximize window feature, where is the settings for that?19:19
g0thzoidfarb: thanks, I'll check it out19:20
seb_I have numlockx installed but putting it into startup applications doesn't seem to be working. Where can I put it so it gets executed later? I'm running xubuntu19:21
spunkwhy does echo -e '\xff\x01\x00' > /dev/ttyUSB0  # Works on Backtrack (my laptop) but not on my ubuntu machine (desktop) ?19:21
ooxihi i'm using ubuntu 10.04 and want it to show my desktop when i press win+d19:22
xukunmy boot partition is in /dev/mapper/vg00-root /target.  I did mount /dev/mapper/vg00-root /target but doing: #mount /dev/hda1 /target/boot would not work. I do not know what to do from here19:22
ooxiwhere can i configure that shortcut?19:22
seb_ooxi, look in the keyboard settings19:22
seb_ooxi, or window manager19:23
g0thzoidfarb: ok that didn't help, audio is working for me, it is also working in the flash player, but when I start the flash player other applications that use audio no longer will work...19:25
balachmarHi, I have to do some manual partitioning to install ubuntu on btrfs, I want to use ubuntu server for this. But when I fall back to the terminal, it won't allow me to use fdisk...19:25
g0the.g. spotify19:25
balachmarI need to specify 1MB free space in the beginning of the disk, to ensure that grub can be installed19:26
ntr0pyDoes someone know what /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 does? where can i read the src of that ELF binary?19:26
ooxiseb_ you were right: http://platonic.techfiz.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/windows_d-450x291.png19:27
zoidfarbg0th: searching the forums, I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=897946 looks like kind of the inverse of your problem?19:27
zoidfarbg0th: It's kind of old though, I don't know if removing PulseAudio is a viable option these days. (Other people care to comment?)19:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:28
kdcisitbalachmar: do you get an error from fdisk?  you should use sudo to get the correct permisions19:28
xukunhi guys if dont have a separate boot partition and I want mount the /root and the boot on say /mnt how do I do that?19:28
xukunI need to chroot them so that I can install lvm2 and mdadm while still running the live usb19:29
balachmarkdcisit: the error is fdisk: not found :)19:31
g0thhmm, removing pulse is not an option, I already tried this and it didn't work out nice for several reasons.19:31
Ed_MoneyI'm trying to install a program that is looking for the sqlite3 shared library but can't find it. Where is the shared library typically on Ubuntu?19:32
bastidrazorspunk: backtrack is not ubuntu.19:32
kdcisitbalachmar: type which fdisk to find the path19:32
kdcisitbalachmar: are you running from a live disc19:33
helohow do i disable the "Waiting for network configuration..." delay on boot?19:34
icerootapt-get dist-upgrade is trying to install unity. how to find out why apt-get is installing this new package?19:34
=== Guest66200 is now known as onre
usr13iceroot: What version are you upgrading from and which one are you upgrading to?19:35
icerootusr13: dist-upgrade on lubuntu 12.04 (no ne4ed for #ubuntu+1) just a general apt/dpkg-question19:35
BluesKajg0th, in the terminal ,  locate libflashplayer.so ...do you have it located in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ? if not , copy it to that file19:36
icerootusr13: i need something like what package is pulling unity in that case19:36
FloodBot1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
usr13iceroot: unity is part of 12.04, (as well is 11.10).19:37
icerootusr13: lubuntu19:37
balachmarkdcisit: yes, I am running from the server installer19:37
usr13iceroot: Oh, lubuntu.  Well then, let's have a look at your sources.list file19:37
icerootusr13: there is no unity by default in lubuntu so i want to know (some apt-foo) why unity will be installed19:37
usr13iceroot: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list19:38
icerootusr13: normal sourcelist19:38
usr13send resulting URL19:38
icerootusr13: no need for that, i think you dont get what i want19:38
icerootusr13: i want to know which package is pulling unity as a dependencie19:38
icerootusr13: and for that i need an apt/aptitude/dpkg command19:39
Piciiceroot: I know that aptitude has a 'why' command, but I'm not sure how to replicate that with just apt-get19:39
icerootPici: aptitude is fine for that, i dont need apt-get19:39
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Piciiceroot: then aptitude why unity  *should* tell you why that dependency is being pulled in.19:40
ehsan_im connect to wireless modem in ubuntu, how can i used internet whit manual connection ??19:40
spunkbastidrazor: no shit.  I'm asking why does stuff that should work, not work?19:40
icerootPici: gnome-session, thanks19:40
Picispunk: Please mind your language here.19:40
icerootPici: it was "aptitude why unity"19:40
vsync_Pici his nick is already mildly rated r ;D19:41
jewardHi, I've installed ubuntu 11.10 on a PPC PowerMac to donate to a needy family for Xmas.  Can someone help me get the sound working?19:41
krokzakhi folks19:42
vsync_though spunk, cool nick bro 5/5! \:D/19:43
XeonBloomfieldWhat can I do if my notebook shows blank black screen after "/dev initialization..." during boot - system is working, but no picture on the screen (no X and no TTYs)19:43
icerootPici: fyi apt-rdepends (not installed by default) can do the same19:43
joshteamWhat's the best way to change how you Alt+Tab between programs in Ubuntu? For instance I'd like to Ctrl+Tab19:43
Piciiceroot: aye, but thats not installed by default and while aptitude isn't either its more likely to be installed.19:44
BluesKajg0th, in the terminal, sudo cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins19:45
iceroothow to change the output from the shell (e.g. apt-get) to english19:45
Piciiceroot: prefix the line with LANG=C19:46
icerootPici: thx19:46
jewardHi, any chance I could get help getting sound working on a PPC PowerMac under Ubuntu 11.10?  We're preparing it for donation to a needy family.19:47
kdcisitbalachmar: server install disc should have fdisk on it.  run mount to see how the disc is mounted and search the disc for fdisk.19:48
ikoniajeward: PPC port is pretty much dead19:48
KartagisI exported LANG=en_US.UTF-8 then started the IRC client, and this IRC client tells me I'm on tt_TR.UTF-8. how come?19:48
ikoniajeward: it's community maintained and not really a solid product19:48
Jordan_Ujeward: Debian's PPC port might be a better option.19:49
diatomaceousAelingil: Turns out there is no way to change the color.. it's tied to your background image!19:49
jewardikonia: Is there a distro I should try besides ubuntu?19:49
ikoniajeward: have a look on distrowatch.com for PPC distros19:50
kdcisitAnyone know how to configure 10.04 to wake on lan from suspend?  wake on lan works when the system is powered off.19:50
icerootkdcisit: that is part of the bios19:50
icerootkdcisit: the os has nothing to do with wol19:51
kdcisiticeroot: it does for suspend though.  BIOS is configured and it works when powered off19:52
geoffmccjeward: sudo nano /etc/modules at the bottom add snd-powermac save and reboot19:52
jewardgeoffmcc: That line is already in there.19:53
Aelingildiatomaceous, ...someone said that a few hours ago.. hmm ok then, learn somethign new every day.19:53
konrIf I buy an iPod, will I be able to use iTunes on Ubuntu?19:54
icerootkonr: no19:54
iceroot!ipod | konr19:54
ubottukonr: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:54
diatomaceousAelingil:  Whoops, I missed that.. thanks19:55
Aelingildiatomaceous, no problem, good luck :)19:56
Jordan_Ukonr: Buying Apple products is not a good plan if you want Ubuntu support. Apple actively tries to prevent third party applications from being able to sync with their devices, breaking previously working applications with updates to the iDevice.19:57
konrJordan_U: it's really a shame, considering that they have BSD code in their products19:58
Gentoo64its mostly their own code19:59
Gentoo64hence why they charge for it19:59
icerootkonr: buying apple-products is not a good idea (doesnt matter if you want to use ubuntu or not)20:00
happygoluckyhow can i go about locking the screen via hotkey such as ctl+alt+L or something20:00
happygoluckylmao nevermind20:00
=== hadrien is now known as NaCK
happygoluckyctl+alt+L does lock the screen.. i didnt know20:01
heloanyone know what calls /etc/init/failsafe.conf20:01
geoffmcchappygolucky: you can see a list of pre defined shortucts in keyboards on the shortcut tab20:01
ikoniahelo: it's when X falls back20:01
happygoluckygeoffmcc: how do i access that20:01
geoffmcchappygolucky: if on 11.10 just type keyboard in dash and then click shortcuts tab20:02
heloikonia: this happens on boot before X does anything20:02
geoffmcchappygolucky: after opening keyboard ofcourse20:02
ikoniahelo: what does ?20:02
heloikonia: when failsafe.conf is called20:02
ikoniahelo: what makes you think that ?20:03
heloikonia: because my machine hangs booting saying "Waiting on network configuration..." followed by the next echo in failsafe.conf20:03
helothis is a server install, no xdm/gdm etc20:03
ikoniahelo: right......so how do you know that it's not the network config that's hanging it20:04
ikoniahelo: boot into single user mode and check20:04
Picihelo: The beginning of that file shows you when upstart will call it.20:04
Arizona_Bayis there a web development channel|?20:05
jaimefArizona_Bay: for a given language probably20:05
Pici!alis | Arizona_Bay this may help20:06
ubottuArizona_Bay this may help: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*20:06
=== blackcat is now known as Guest49474
theadminArizona_Bay: um, depends on the language... #php ? #perl ? #ruby ?20:06
Arizona_Bayno panel box?20:06
marabi2hello guys20:06
bil21almarbi2: helo20:08
ironfoot495Hi i'm looking for a place to learn more about using ec2 for website can someone help me with this?20:08
bil21aldefine the problem not helo etc marbi220:08
g0thBluesKaj: hmm but I already have a flash player, does it mean I have the wrong one installed?20:09
=== root is now known as Guest53596
g0thBluesKaj: what is not working is flash player _together_ with other applications that need audio...20:09
MahaVishnug0th$ sb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'   pastebin that20:10
MahaVishnulsb_release *20:10
marabi2hi sup sburjan20:12
=== Kronos is now known as Guest32382
MahaVishnug0th$ you got the 32bit flash on 64bit ubuntu20:13
vsync_but that's not the problem though, nor does it solve it20:14
WhitorHello. I am running 10.04 64bit. There is an application I would like to run that is distributed only in a 32bit .deb file. What are my options for running this software? do I have any?20:14
MahaVishnug0th$ sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer && sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-downloader20:15
MahaVishnug0th$ then im pretty sure you need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment (remove the #) from the two lines under partner repository.20:15
MahaVishnuthen sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin20:16
BrewNohi all, would anyone know how i can change the language of ubuntu (command-line)? my shell's in german and it's kinda starting to annoy me20:16
PiciMahaVishnu: fyi, since we are multiarch now it is perfectly normal to have a 32bit package on a 64bit system. In fact, we don't distribute a 64bit flashplugin-downloader package.20:17
WhitorNevermind... I got unlazy and googled... got this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit20:17
MahaVishnuPici$ doesn't that version use ndiswrapper20:18
vsync_anyway that's a mixing issue20:18
vsync_alsa should have dmix on by default20:19
PiciMahaVishnu: surely you mean nspluginwrapper?20:19
MahaVishnuI guess so. Im not a programmer just a user.20:19
RamtinAhello there.i have a question about screenlets20:20
MahaVishnuand when I got rid of the flashplugin-downloader/installer packages my audio stopped freezing on 11.10 64bit so I figured it might help him t oo since he is on 64bit no harm in installing the correct one for his arch20:20
RamtinAi installed Lyrics but it don't work ! it just show me "Searching"20:20
RamtinAWhat should i do?20:21
NeedBeckUPHEllo all20:22
g0thÿMahaVishnu: isn't this this apt bug issue about always 2 version of one package showing up, one i386 and one from something else I forgot...20:22
RamtinANeedBeckUP: hello!20:22
NeedBeckUPWho wanna help me can not install Nvidia 210 driver20:22
NeedBeckUPalways when i check unknow20:23
NeedBeckUPhellp ramtina20:23
NeedBeckUPHEllo Ramtina20:23
MahaVishnug0th$ no. I had those packages that you have installed on 64bit also. it happened somehow when I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10. you dont ned those packages. you need the adobe one20:24
DeltaEpsilonloving Ubuntu :-)20:24
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g0thMahaVishnu: !! thx20:24
g0thMahaVishnu: so I remove the two and install what?20:24
Phr0zenWho goes?20:24
MahaVishnug0th$ scroll up I told you everything to do. only thing after you edit the sources.list I forgot you need to do a sudo apt-get update20:25
NeedBeckUPNvidia 210 unknow20:26
hanasakiwhat would cause udev to rename eth0 to eth2 on boot? there is only one NIC20:26
NeedBeckUPMR Mahavishnu20:26
DeltaEpsilonlove ubuntu20:27
NeedBeckUPWould you help me20:27
g0thah ok20:27
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MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ I would but I don't know the answer especially if you only got one nic.20:27
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g0thIt was not yellow because you didnt write my name, sorry missed the last message20:27
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g0ththis might solve a lot of issues, thanks a lot20:27
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raptor_ola a todos20:27
szalNeedBeckUP: perhaps you should start making sense first..  and while you're at it, try to type more than 4 words in one line ;)20:28
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* _UsUrPeR_ tips his hat20:28
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I am working with a fakeRAID in 10.0420:28
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_UsUrPeR_I want to know how to install grub on the "secondary" hard drive so that I can boot when either drive dies20:28
_UsUrPeR_right now, if the server will boot off one drive, the other drops to initramfs20:28
MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ you can change it  back.... edit /etc/udev/rules.d$ cat 70-persistent-net.rules20:29
_UsUrPeR_meaning that it did not have a grub installation in the boot partition20:29
_UsUrPeR_any help would be appreciated20:29
MahaVishnu_UsUrPeR_$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda20:29
_UsUrPeR_MahaVishnu: that's it, huh? ok20:29
MahaVishnu_UsUrPeR_$ I think so? might need an sudo update-initramfs -u20:30
NeedBeckUPWell Sorry , i have 2 days trying to install my Nvidia g210 but always unknown when i check  from information system20:30
_UsUrPeR_MahaVishnu: ok, 10.04... this is using grub2. Is that implied in grub-install?20:30
szalNeedBeckUP: what is unknown?20:30
MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ idk what a g210 is is that a newer or an older card ?20:30
MahaVishnu_UsUrPeR_$ yea20:30
_UsUrPeR_k, cool20:30
NeedBeckUPNEw one20:30
szalNeedBeckUP: new what?20:30
=== Mud is now known as Guest6585
Pici!who | NeedBeckUP20:31
ubottuNeedBeckUP: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:31
MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ tried using that additional drivers program to auto install them from nvidia ?20:31
Jordan_U_UsUrPeR_: By the time you get to an initramfs shell grub has successfully done its job.20:31
NeedBeckUPyep already20:31
szalNeedBeckUP: lspci -vv | pastebinit <- paste URL here20:31
_UsUrPeR_Jordan_U: so why doesn't the server boot? I want it operating in degraded state20:31
MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ and whats the exact error you get / problem ?20:31
ehsan_im connected to my wireless modem, now how can connect to internet ??20:32
MahaVishnuJordan_U$ so you dont need to update-initramfs when update grub?20:32
MahaVishnusomeone taught me to always do both. thats only reason I tell people20:32
BusyBoxi can't boot the ubuntu20:32
Jordan_U_UsUrPeR_: It sounds like dmraid is configured not to allow use of a degraded array. I try to avoid FakeRAID myself so I don't know how to configure it to do otherwise, but that hopefully can point you in the right direction.20:33
NeedBeckUPMahaVishnu: Proprietary driver with 3D acceleration for NVIDIA graphics cards. essential20:33
NeedBeckUPubottu: thanks you for the information20:33
ubottuNeedBeckUP: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:33
_UsUrPeR_Jordan_U: au contraire: One of these drives will boot in a degraded array. The other one hands at initramfs20:34
MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ is X failing to start? did the driver installation fail? what is the EXACT issue.20:34
Jordan_UMahaVishnu: No, update-initramfs and update-grub are very different commands.20:34
_UsUrPeR_if that is considered "normal operation", that's kind of sad isn't it?20:34
MahaVishnugood to know ;-)20:34
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Jordan_U_UsUrPeR_: Then I don't know. Sorry.20:34
_UsUrPeR_Jordan_U, no problem. I'll figure something out20:34
NeedBeckUPMahaVishnu: i can install and reboot but when i check from infromation system the GC unknown20:35
Jordan_UMahaVishnu: And grub-install and update-grub are also very different commands.20:35
MahaVishnuJordan_U$ yea that much I know. but I am always happy to get new info.20:35
szal[21:31:38] <szal> NeedBeckUP: lspci -vv | pastebinit <- paste URL here20:36
NeedBeckUPszal: what should i post there ?20:37
NeedBeckUPszal: i mean past wich url you mean20:37
MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ he gave you an exact command.20:38
MahaVishnujust copy paste it in to terminal20:38
szalNeedBeckUP: the URL that gets spewed out when executing the above command20:38
DeltaEpsilonwhat alternatives are there for Adobe Illustrator for Ubuntu?20:39
Jordan_UDeltaEpsilon: inkscape and Xara Extreme are two I can think of.20:39
NeedBeckUPszal: sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:40
szalNeedBeckUP: then do that20:40
NeedBeckUPszal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/769406/20:40
ehsan_im connected to my wireless modem, now how can connect to internet ??20:41
szalNeedBeckUP: Kernel driver in use: nvidia <- in other words: it works20:41
NeedBeckUPszal: Really ? :( so why i see in system infromation unknown20:43
MahaVishnuNeedBeckUP$ lsmod | grep nvidia20:43
DeltaEpsilonJordan_U, can't find it in the repo20:44
BrewNowhy do i keep getting Segmentation fault/Segmentation fault reading... 0% when using apt-get or aptitude install?20:44
NeedBeckUPMahaVishnu: nvidia              10390874  5020:45
Jordan_UDeltaEpsilon: The package names are "inkscape" and "xaralx".20:45
szalNeedBeckUP: unless you have any problem w/ graphics, why do you care?20:45
NeedBeckUPszal: Trying FPs20:46
BrewNowhy do i keep getting Segmentation fault/Segmentation fault reading... 0% when using apt-get or aptitude install?20:46
ehsan_im connected to my wireless modem, now how can connect to internet ??20:47
lowbudgetlaptopshow do i become a ubuntu certified system administrator20:47
=== nicole is now known as Guest4242
hhh81please someone register in thepiratebay.org for me using my email because that site is banned in italy where i am from.20:49
NeedBeckUPThanks for information and good by Mr MahaVishnu  and Mr szal20:49
szal!ot | hhh8120:49
ubottuhhh81: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:49
hhh81i have windows 720:49
szalhhh81: even more off-topic20:49
hhh81i can view tpb with proxy but i can't register there query me please20:50
hhh81please someone register in thepiratebay.org for me using my email because that site is banned in italy where i am from.20:50
ikoniahhh81: stop now20:51
kyanHello. I plugged my external hard drive into a Mac. It was FAT32 formatted. After working with it and then remounting it, it was empty (instead of containing the data it should have). I'm not normally a Mac user. How can I fix this????20:51
hhh81you have a direct access to tpb come on20:51
ikoniakyan: try ##apple for mac support20:51
MonkeyDustkyan  i guess you better ask that in a mac channel20:51
llutzkyan: no hidden folders on that drive?20:52
kyanok, thanks.20:52
ikoniahhh81: this is your final warning. Do NOT ask again20:52
kyanllutz: no. All gone.20:52
kyanMonkeyDust, ikonia: ok, thanks.20:52
MonkeyDusthhh81  piratebay is illegal20:52
MahaVishnuno its not, but its offtopic here20:52
kyanI was looking at it in TestDisk through Ubuntu is why I asked here :-D20:53
brightsparkkyan, if you use it in the mac does it still appear empty, or only to ubuntu?20:53
kyanApparently I'm banned from ##apple.20:53
kyanWhy would that be?20:53
omidoi've downloaded ATI Propritary Graphics driver from AMD's website which is a .run file. how can i install it ?20:53
kyanbrightspark: empty in either.20:53
ikonia!register | kyan20:53
ubottukyan: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:53
brightsparkkyan, you probably need to register to use ##apple20:53
ikoniakyan: you need to register20:54
kyanbrightspark: There are still some 'mac files' in it though (.Trashes, ._.Trashes, ._DS_STORE, etc)20:54
kyanUm, I am registered.20:54
kyanAnd identified…20:54
kyanI thought at any rate20:54
Crash_O-Ddmd -run build_rabcdasm20:55
Crash_O-Dswffile.d(246): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (tag.data.length) of type ulong to uint | how can i fix this error?20:55
llutzkyan: you should find your files in one of those Trash*    (thats why i asked about hidden dirs)20:55
pneftalihi guys -- i'm using xchat, anyone knows how to setup highlights with sound/mp3 ?20:55
pneftalii'm using xchat 2.8.620:55
kyanThe only directory is .Trashes.20:55
brightsparkkyan, what are its contents?20:56
kyanWithin it, there are two empty directories: 503 and 504. There are three files: ._503, ._504, and ._DS_Store.20:56
guntbertkyan: they obvioulsly don't allow webchat20:56
kyanguntbert: Aah, ok20:56
kyanI'll have to find another client then.20:56
kyan._.Trashes is a file, 4096 bytes.20:57
kyanNone of the files anywhere on the drive is over 10K.20:57
guntberthi automagic -  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:00
automagicNot really21:01
automagicI have a question regarding http request headers21:01
BrewNowhy do i keep getting Segmentation fault/Segmentation fault reading... 0% when using apt-get or aptitude install?21:01
youlyssesHey guys I'm helping a friend install ubuntu on a HP-Mini-210-3000 and evidentially it keeps kernel panicing , for no aparent reasons. Possible explinations?21:02
Piciautomagic: Depending on what you're trying to do with them, there are a number of channels where that would be more on-topic.21:02
automagicI'm writing a webcrawler and I can't find any request header where I could put some contact information in case the crawler doesn't behave well. Do you know if such a header exists?21:02
Pici!alis | automagic this might help21:02
ubottuautomagic this might help: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*21:02
automagicOk, I'll try. Thanks21:03
DeltaEpsiloncan some one recommend me a web interface to manage kvm virtual machines on ubuntu?21:03
sp4zdoes anyone know if there is a thunderbird channel that i can ask a specific question in?21:04
omidoi've downloaded ATI Propritary Graphics driver from AMD's website which is a .run file. how can i install it ?21:05
BrewNowhy do i keep getting Segmentation fault/Segmentation fault reading... 0% when using apt-get or aptitude install? [complete ubuntu noob]21:05
sokakhello everyone21:05
sokaki have a trivial question, there is a quick and dirty shell way to see whats making my hdd spin?21:06
sln45_I have a fresh install of oneiric and even though I have both unity-lens-applications and unity-lens-files neither are in my toolbar. How can I put them there?21:07
MeQuerSatsokak: I'd check "top" for cpu usage (might coincide with hdd access)21:07
sokakMeQuerSat, i tried that yet, sometimes happens i see my hdd overspin for brief period. Making tracker sleep oftens fix it, some other times it continues for few minutes, but the trackerd is quiet. I was just curious.21:09
kyanI'm not hearing anything on ##apple… any other channels to try?21:09
sokakMeQuerSat, im just hungry for shell tricks :)21:10
xxiaoanyone here tried scst fcoe on ubuntu21:10
llutz!info atsar  |sokak this might help21:10
ubottusokak this might help: atsar (source: atsar): system activity reporter. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-2 (oneiric), package size 39 kB, installed size 176 kB21:10
sokakllutz, ubottu, thank you both, im going to see21:11
Gentoo64sokak, what do you mean make it spin? as in activity, or spin down / up ?21:12
sokakGentoo64, activity :) I guess is normal and legit activity, but checking is fun21:12
Gentoo64theres a prog called iotop21:12
Gentoo64that will show io activity21:12
Gentoo64theres a top for everything :)21:13
TimmmmHi, where can I put .desktop files in my user directory so they show up in the unity menu?21:13
sokakkudos Gentoo64, that seems what i was looking for :D21:14
Gentoo64Timmmm, im not sure. maybe local/share/applications21:14
MeQuerSatthanks Gentoo6421:14
TimmmmGentoo64: Thanks, I'll try it.21:15
Gentoo64MeQuerSat, huh?21:15
MeQuerSatiotop suggestion ;)21:15
MertI have a question: I have installed Xubuntu on Windows 7 and I installes here Aircrack-ng too.21:15
wamtyanybody know a good way to change mouse focus behavior in unity?21:15
MertDid anonyone can help me how I can use it?21:15
sokakGentoo64, that is going to fix a lot of things for me. I can log both top and iotop and check what makes my box hardfreeze sometimes ^^21:16
Gentoo64Mert, try google or youtube21:16
Gentoo64sokak, leave tail -g /var/log/messages on too21:16
Gentoo64tail -f*21:16
Gentoo64or /var/log/kern.log21:16
sokakGentoo64, i guess i know yet whats freezing me. I tried on a partition the last version of ubuntu (since im sticking to maverick) so i guess there is something going fuzzy in Maverick kernel+nvidia module, since when all freezes happens either that electricsheep is running or i just leave browsers open with heavy flash stuff going21:18
sokak(ah, in oneiric is not happening ofc)21:18
Gentoo64hard to say21:18
sokakIm just too lazy to switch :|21:19
Gentoo64does the entire system proper freeze>21:19
Gentoo64or just the keyboard21:19
sokaktotal deadlock - no way to summon a terminal, no ssh access, no mouse, just a happy green screen, neither reisub works21:20
Gentoo64plain green screen?21:20
Neosanoctrl+alt+f2 ?21:20
sokaksometimes black - but sometimes when electric sheep starts i have greenflakes21:21
=== mike is now known as Guest422
Gentoo64well if you can see it, leave the /var/log open in a terminal21:21
Gentoo64sounds like nvidia21:21
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
Gentoo64try it with noubeau maybe21:21
sokakyeah, i had an heartache thinking my 570 was burnt21:21
sokaktried on another box - runs smoothly21:22
Gentoo64nah its probbly just a driver thing. impossible for me to say though21:22
Gentoo64could be anything21:22
jackl98please could help me, i have disabled my logon password in Ubuntu 11.10 and now i cant chnage it again or download new software!!!!21:22
sokaki guess youre right - i just have a crawl adsl, a whole update will take a couple of days -.-21:22
wamtyanybody know a good way to change mouse focus behavior in unity?21:23
sokakGentoo64, when ill feel like unity or gnome 3, prolly ill update from scratch and get rid of those hangs21:23
sokakI like my linux as i like my girl - full of flaws and caprices - still able to keep up with me.21:25
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Rictoo_hey guys, how can i mute sound from terminal?21:29
usr13Rictoo_: alsamixer21:29
Rictoo_setting rainymood for tonight, wanna sleep 1800; mute sound; :)21:29
Rictoo_usr13, without user interaction possible?21:29
usr13Rictoo_: Oh, well, dono21:29
usr13sound for a particular app?21:30
=== Rictoo_ is now known as Rictoo
Rictoousr13, doesn't matter21:31
Rictooglobal would be fine21:31
Ed_Money I am trying to create a bootable Windows 7 USB stick from Ubuntu. I have the iso file... anyone know what to do next?21:31
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tp43Ed_Money, you have to format the disk, and copy the iso somehow21:32
dr_willisEd_Money:  i THINK you can dd the iso to the flash...21:33
tp43Ed_Money, there are some mstools, you might need to make dosfs21:33
dr_willisEd_Money:  you may want to ask in #windows21:33
DeltaEpsilonwhat is the command to list all loaded kernel modules?21:33
dr_willisDeltaEpsilon:  lsmod21:33
MeQuerSatAnyone know a way to add directories to be accessed by vsftpd after a chroot?21:33
tp43Is it safe to remove Unity & Gnome 3?21:34
dr_willistp43:  what are you going to use instead?21:34
dr_willistp43:  go for it :)21:34
egospellwhich licence are the wallpaper of ubuntu ?21:34
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, I thought so. but.. that command list my hdd21:34
DeltaEpsilon-Name:~$ /bin/lsmod21:35
DeltaEpsilon/dev/sda1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="2D3C-2E12" TYPE="vfat"21:35
DeltaEpsilon/dev/sda2: UUID="0b2326c3-2e37-4f68-a69a-8b25aaf2c627" TYPE="ext4"21:35
raven11.10 xfce - openbve not running with messages filename not known and something else. any ideas?21:35
tp43but thing is, xfce is running slow in 1 respect I noticed, and I think it is due to unity or gnome 3, namely when I right click the desktop, there is a delay before the menu shows up21:35
axisysmount.nfs4 /mnt21:35
axisysmount.nfs4: No such device21:35
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, something very wrong with my system21:35
axisyswhat is wrong with mount command?21:35
dr_willisDeltaEpsilon:  i just do 'lsmod' and its defaintly showsing the modules21:35
DeltaEpsilonI think I screwed up my system21:36
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, how do I reinstall lsmod?21:36
dr_willisDeltaEpsilon:  no idea.. how did you break it?21:36
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, not sure...21:36
brightsparkegospell, It probably varies from image to image, but some are under the commercial commons license21:36
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, I was messing around with openqrm21:36
brightsparkegospell, *creative commons21:36
dr_willis!info openqrm21:37
ubottuPackage openqrm does not exist in oneiric21:37
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, where do I get the original lsmod for my system? 11.10 amd6421:37
urlin2uEd_Money, make the stick a ntfs with a bootflag and extract to it with the archive manager.21:37
dr_willis!find lsmod21:37
ubottuFound: libstat-lsmode-perl21:37
litefyrehow the hell did i get here? xD21:37
DeltaEpsilonupload it for me please21:37
dr_willisin not on ubuntu.21:37
DeltaEpsilonsome one upload the bin lsmod from /sbin/lsmod for me please. ubuntu 11.10 amd6421:38
urlin2uEd_Money, and don't use a non official MS iso bro.21:38
Ed_Moneyurlin2u: can you add more detail to how to make the stick an ntfs etc..., I have an official copy21:38
raven11.10 xfce - openbve not running with messages filename not known and something else. any ideas?21:38
Ed_Moneyan official copy of windows i mean21:38
brightsparkWhere are the wordlists that spell-checkers use for reference?21:39
dr_willisDeltaEpsilon:  makes me wonder what else you may have broken21:39
urlin2uEd_Money, with gparted make the partition a ntfs and the label it as boot, right click the iso and use the archive manager to exstract to it.21:39
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, the system is still running...21:40
Ed_Moneyurlin2u: thanks, ill try that21:40
egospellbrightspark, i read there are different arts of the cc lizenz ....... my21:40
dr_willisDeltaEpsilon:  ive seen systems 'running' after ive fdisk/deleted the partions that were in use... :)21:40
dr_willisbut not for long.21:40
dr_willisnight all...21:40
urlin2uEd_Money, the multisystem usb loader at pendrivelinux works as well if you use it format the thumb to a fat32 with gparted as well it is picky on what formats the partition.21:41
raven11.10 xfce - openbve not running with messages filename not known and something else. any ideas?21:41
varikonniemihow can i find out where totem plays a video from when i have doubleclicked the video inside an archive?21:41
egospelli will use this wallpapers in a comercial project ...... and i am unsure i can use this wallpaper .....21:41
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, how do I reinstall a package using apt-get?21:41
urlin2uvarikonniemi, it is the path to that video21:42
varikonniemithe archive manager has extracted it somewhere temporary21:42
egospellcan everyone say me, if i can use the ubuntu-wallpaper in comercial videos ?21:43
varikonniemii tried lsof but cannot comprehend the results it shows21:43
DeltaEpsilondr_willis, now lsmod works again21:43
DeltaEpsilonbut I am sure some other parts are broken21:43
DeltaEpsilontime will tell21:43
urlin2uegospell, any confirmation here would be stupid to follow.21:43
raven11.10 xfce - openbve not running with messages filename not known and something else. any ideas?21:44
Odaymanybody know of the software that allows you to use your mouse as a pen right on the screen?21:44
Odaymit's used for instructional purposes21:44
Odaymseen it in tutorials and training videos before?21:44
egospellurlin2u, i dont want to break the licence ..... taht is evrything - and because that i ask21:44
egospellokay - good night guys21:45
brightsparkegospell, creative commons attribution share-alike21:45
|Shay|Stupid me. Running 11.10 ARM on A beagleXM. How do I add/edit users from terminal. Im used to ( in x86 ubuntu ) to adding users to /etc/sudoers but that file on the Beagle is empty for some reason. Any suggestions?21:45
brightsparkegospell, read /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-artwork/copyright21:45
urlin2uegospell, this channel is a bunch of ubuntu users not canonicals legal department, use your brain.21:45
brightsparkurlin2u, be nice :)21:46
|Shay|Stupid me. Running 11.10 ARM on A beagleXM. How do I add/edit **Root Users** users from terminal. Im used to ( in x86 ubuntu ) to adding users to /etc/sudoers but that file on the Beagle is empty for some reason. Any suggestions?21:46
urlin2ubrightspark, some times it takes a dope slap bro.21:46
mkanyicy|Shay|, try 'sudo visudo'21:47
jtreminioHello all, I'm trying to install skype and get the following problem from the software center: http://pastebin.com/9qdpYkqg21:47
|Shay|mkanyicy: Thanks, one sex21:47
|Shay|Typing fail21:48
Neosanojtreminio, which ubuntu version?21:48
* |Shay| has to wait for a program to finish compiling.21:48
jtreminioNeosano, 11.10, 64 bit21:48
mkanyicy|Shay|, I can see, the c and x buttons are neighbours, :)21:48
brightsparkWhere are the wordlists that spell-checkers use for reference?21:48
Neosanojtreminio, would this comand from terminal result with the same error? sudo apt-get install skype21:49
urlin2ubrightspark, you need another dictionary?21:49
brightsparkurlin2u, I'm actually just looking for one of the pre-installed ones21:50
jtreminioNeosano, that installs it correctly, but then I can't open21:50
raven11.10 xfce - openbve not running with messages filename not known and something else. any ideas?21:50
Neosanojtreminio, can't open skype?21:50
jtreminioNeosano, skype: error while loading shared libraries: libQtDBus.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:50
brightsparkurlin2u, but I don't know where they reside on my system21:50
duderinhoid like to have the options of each window directly in the window.. not the taskbar.. how can i set this up?21:50
jtreminioNeosano, Google says to uninstall Skype and try doing it from the software center ... but then I wind up at the beginning.21:50
duderinholike in empathie "rooms" etc21:51
mkanyicyjtreminio how did you install skype?21:51
Neosanojtreminio, what if you try this? sudo apt-get install libqtdbus4-perl21:51
mcphailbrightspark: there aren't dictionary files as such21:51
mkanyicyjtreminio: i think you have to do a 'sudo apt-get install multiarch-support' first21:51
mkanyicyjtreminio, and then 'sudo apt-get install skype:i386'21:52
mkanyicyjtreminio, im using 64bit too21:52
Neosanomkanyicy, oh, right!21:52
jtreminiosudo apt-get install libqtdbus4-perl: http://pastebin.com/We1smVtk21:52
jtreminioNeosano, sudo apt-get install libqtdbus4-perl: http://pastebin.com/We1smVtk21:52
BrewNohey, does anyone know?21:53
BrewNowhy do i keep getting Segmentation fault/Segmentation fault reading... 0% when using apt-get or aptitude install? [complete ubuntu noob]21:53
jtreminiomkanyicy, same output: http://pastebin.com/We1smVtk21:53
mkanyicyjtreminio, why are you installing libqtdbus4-perl directly?21:54
jtreminiomkanyicy, I had a bad repo, docky dev, that was messing up my apt. I couldn't install anything, so had to remove that repo, and update, which removed a bunch of programs. Now I'm here21:54
BrewNowait, nvm, new error: FATAL -> Failed to fork.21:54
sanjaybBrewNo: this is when you are trying apt-get install on a particular package, or any package you try to install?21:55
mkanyicyjtreminio, but yet still, you rather re-install the apps that need the libraries and let those app installs be the ones that pull the libraries21:56
mkanyicyjtreminio, instead of installing libraries directly21:57
BrewNosanjayb, only tried one21:57
BrewNoi'll try another21:57
|Anthony|i'm planning a multi-boot setup (various versions of ubuntu, various windows versions, and possibly some other *nix variants) and am now considering partition management. Is it recommended to separate /boot /usr /var /tmp and the like? and is it possible for any of the os's to share some partitions (/tmp or /boot even)?21:57
jtreminiomkanyicy, I rebooted and my Unity 3D option is gone :\21:57
mkanyicyjtreminio, anyway, back to the question at hand, is your problem just skype or something else as well?21:57
jtreminiomkanyicy, so I'm thinking a bunch of necessary things were removed.21:57
Neosanojtreminio, be happy :D :D21:57
mkanyicyjtreminio, ok i get you21:57
CharminTheMoosehey all, I'm running ubuntu 11.04 and suddenly my development files seem to have changed, to the point where I can't compile any x code without it spewing warnings, where previously there were none, and in some cases, errors. What could've changed on my system?21:57
BrewNosanjayb, i tried sudo apt-get upgrade, got the same fatal error21:58
jtreminiomkanyicy, well, flash was removed, but I've reinstalled that correctly. Unit 3D is gone... and skype as well. I'm sure other things but i haven't noticed.21:58
mkanyicyjtlap, it is more serious than I thought21:58
CharminTheMooseand I'm talking about the usr/include headers21:58
jtreminioNeosano, I prefer 2D but I did notice 3D was gone.21:58
sanjaybBrewNo: can you try 'sudo apt-get update' and do you get any errors?21:59
Jordan_U|Anthony|: I would highly recommend against separating partitions, and don't try to share /boot/.21:59
BrewNoupdate works fine sanjayb21:59
BrewNo52 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 2 nicht aktualisiert.21:59
BrewNoFATAL -> Failed to fork.21:59
BrewNo^ that's what i get from upgrade21:59
BrewNo(yes, it's in german, i still need to find a way to change that)22:00
sanjaybBrewNo: wow, hm. ubuntu what version?22:00
BrewNosanjayb 10.04 minimal 32 bit22:00
jtreminiomkanyicy, I figured I probably broke the system somehow. I don't want to format and start from scratch, but if that's my only option I'm prepared.22:00
sanjaybBrewNo: ah, how much RAM do you have, and, have you allocated swap space?22:01
mkanyicyjtreminio, Im not sure maybe some more clued up folks here know but there should be some application 'meta' that you should try to reinstall which represents the unity desktop22:02
BrewNo256mb ram and 256mb swap i think22:02
CharminTheMooseahh, scratch that, turns out there was an uncommented character at the start of the c file.22:02
mkanyicyjtreminio, back in the day I would say do 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop'22:02
|Anthony|Jordan_U, not even for /home or /tmp22:02
mkanyicyjtreminio, now I dont know what is the equivalent of that22:03
jtreminiomkanyicy, psychocats says it's install ubuntu-desktop22:03
sanjaybBrewNo: hm - it maybe a memory issue .. can you paste the output of 'free -m' ?22:03
mkanyicyjtreminio, oh, that did not work either? :022:03
jtreminiomkanyicy, haha: ubuntu-desktop : Depends: unity but it is not going to be installed22:03
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mkanyicyjtreminio, at least that is promising22:04
jtreminiounity : Depends: libglib2.0-bin22:04
mkanyicyjtreminio, now get your repositories up22:04
sanjaybBrewNo: my guess is there's a LOT of updates if its the first time you're running it on a 10.04 install, and somethings causing it to run out of ram .. if possible, increase swap space.. can you install packages individually ?22:04
jtreminiosudo apt-get update works fine.22:04
sanjaybBrewNo: like 'sudo apt-get install cowsay' ?22:04
mkanyicyjtreminio, main restricted universe multiverse partner etcetera22:05
mkanyicyjtreminio, yes but if it saying an app is not gonna be installed it means that you have not enabled all the needed repos22:05
jtreminiohey I don't seem to have same repos >=[22:07
jtreminiowait I don't think the official repos show up in this list22:07
KaiSforzai'm trying to uninstall the fglrx drivers on my machine, and I installed them using the ATI package on their website. Does anyone know how to do this?22:08
vristanKaiSforza: What ubuntu version do you have?22:09
KaiSforzavristan I am using linux mint 12, so it is based on 11.10. thought i'd ask here.22:09
yaccAny idea what could make the X11 display flicker under CPU load (10.04LTS, nouveau driver, Phenom II 945)?22:10
Monotokohmmm... is it possible to get the right click menu that lets me move a window to another workspace while maximized in 11.10?22:11
vristanKaiSforza: have you tried removing "--purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx*  " from the command line?22:11
Monotokoit works when it's not maximized... it just seems to not appear when it is22:11
jtreminioI think I'm going to just reinstall ubuntu22:12
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KaiSforzavristan, no...pardon me, but i'm not terribly good with the command line yet.22:12
vristanKaiSforza: Google for "FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver" the first result should be the page you are interested in, specifically (Problem: Need to purge -fglrx)22:14
DarkStar1with the ubuntu default install, are ssh keys automatically generated ?22:15
Arizona_Bayanyone knows how to set up a proxy using the firefox8?22:15
vristanKaiSforza: Sometimes you can just copy and paste to the terminal, but be carefull not to break anything.22:15
MonotokoDarkStar1, no they ain't... google "how to set up SSH keys ubuntu"22:15
KaiSforzavristan, i'm thinking about reinstalling soon, but I just want to know how to fix it if it goes crazy again.22:15
DarkStar1Monotoko: Ok. thx22:15
MahaVishnuDarkStar1$ did you sudo apt-get install openssh-server ?22:16
DarkStar1MahaVishnu: no22:16
tp43can anyone help me use my logitech wireless keyboard for ubuntu 11? cause the site http://www.hidpoint.com doesn't have driver past ubuntu 1022:16
MahaVishnuare you trying to run an ssh server on that machine ?22:16
vristanKaiSforza: If you are thinking about reinstalling, you should not worry about trying out the command. They should work fine with copy and paste, but I can't guarantee it 100%.22:16
DarkStar1MahaVishnu: no22:17
ZenGuy3111nautilus won't search.. how can i fix it?22:17
vristantp43: when you run $ lsusb from the terminal do you get anything related to Logitech listed?22:20
lakeis there any software on linux/ubuntu to manage Samsung SCH-U640 phone? I have tried bitpim, but it does not work for me.22:21
lakeis there any software on linux/ubuntu to manage Samsung SCH-U640 phone? I have tried bitpim, but it does not work for me.22:21
vristanlae; what do you mean manage? Are you planning developing with it?22:21
vristan*lake: what do you mean manage? Are you planning developing with it?22:22
Antoniswhat mode should I use for the documentroot of apache? I have create ~/www but when I try to install wordpress it says it could not write config.php :\22:22
DarkStar1shame to ask this but what's the CLI utility for viewing NIC details? it's not ifconfig :)22:22
lakevristan: i want to be able to sync contacts, mainly22:22
DarkStar1hang on; wrong distro22:22
vristanAntonis: usually it is located in /var/www/ if you installed lamp22:22
TTiluslake: tried gnokii? it had support for bunch of samsungs22:23
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TTiluslake: and then theres gammu22:23
Antonisvristan, no I installed each package myself and it runs well I mean I changed the path to /home/username/www but I have this permission problem and can't understand why22:23
MahaVishnuDarkStar1$ ethtool22:23
DarkStar1MahaVishnu: forgot the remote distro is CentOS22:24
vristanAntonis: What errors are you getting? Have you tried $chmod 755 -R  to your ~/www folder?22:24
MahaVishnuDarkStar1$ ah. see if it's ethtool if you want to look at low level nic details22:24
MahaVishnupretty common for linux22:25
Antonisvristan, that's what I was asking (maybe didn't explain well) is it 755? let me check22:25
DarkStar1MahaVishnu: Nope. no ethtool22:25
MahaVishnuDarkStar1$ oh well. youll figure it out22:25
Antonisvristan, it still says it can't create the config file and that I have to create it myself :\22:26
MahaVishnuDarkStar1$ btw you *can* use ethtool for centos22:27
vristanAntonis:  Try $ sudo chmod 775 -R ~/www  , if not try 777 (which is insecure but just for testing purpose).22:28
jakrWhat is the terminal command to run a program?22:28
DarkStar1MahaVishnu: and ifconfig too. turns out that the path variables are different for non-root users :D22:28
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MahaVishnuDarkStar1$ ic22:28
lakeTTilus: hmm. seems gnokii support a bunch of nokias. only 3 samsungs are listed on the wiki.22:29
Antonisvristan, 777 worked22:29
Antonisbut it shouldn't be 777 :\22:30
vristanAntonis: great, know try reverting it back to 775 or 755... And check if it still up and running.22:30
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vristanjakr: you could use $ program_name &  , example $ firefox & , to open a program from the terminal22:31
lakeTTilus: thanks for the info. i will try hard to make it work for me.22:31
Antonisvristan, in theory it would but what if I want to make changes to files (through wordpress) like themes etc.22:31
Antonisand why do I have to change permission to 777 when I have the dir in my home dir?22:32
jakrvristan: command not found22:32
ubuntu_mintubuntu or mint, to be or not to be, what will you be ?22:32
vristanAntonis: I am not a wordpress expert, but I am am assuming that it needed 777 to create the  config file. I believe you should still be able to change files.22:33
vristanAntonis: If not google for wordpress permissions and check what folders/files need special permissions to be modified.22:34
Antonisvristan, will do thank you =)22:34
vristanjakr: you have to make sure you got the program installed and you are using the correct name.22:34
MahaVishnuAntonis$ you can write to your own home dir ?22:34
vristanAntonis: You bet.22:34
jakrvristan: where is the src directory?22:35
AntonisMahaVishnu, yes22:36
AntonisI create files and remove them etc. :P22:36
MahaVishnuAntonis$ but you cannot save files from wordpress ?22:36
vristanjakr: /usr/local/src22:37
somsipAntonis:  for wordpress you need to have the root wordpress folder owned by the user that runs the apache server, usualy www-data22:37
somsipAntonis: so chmod -R www-data:ubuntu wordpress22:37
Antonissomsip, only for installation or throughout the use of it?22:37
somsipAntonis: for use - it's a bit weird like that22:38
somsipAn you make it safe by changing all dirs to 770 and all files to 66022:38
Antonishod do I add the user antonis to the group www-data as well ?22:38
somsipAntonis: usermod -a -G www-data antonis22:38
somsipAntonis: change all subdirs: find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 77022:39
alex__is there22:39
Antonissomsip, and do I have to mode each file/folder I create??22:39
alex__is there a command i can use to get java 7 on ubu22:39
somsipAntonis: change all sub files: find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 66022:39
alex__how can i get java jre on ubu22:39
alex__aptana wont open22:39
somsipAntonis: if you do those, everything shouls work fine including uploads, upgrades, new templates/plugins, etc22:39
alex__i downloaded java 7 .rpm, but executing it just says failed dependencies22:40
andres_Hola todos, un amigo me dijo que me metiera aquí para pedir ayuda...  espero no moleste22:40
andres_ups sorry, this is in english22:40
meerkatsCan i programm my scanner to scan every 5 seconds with xsane or simple scan? I need to scan a 800 page book22:40
Antonissomsip, that for whole www folder or only for wordpress?22:40
aj00200is it possible to download a copy of intrid.img somehwere? My version seems to have broken during the last kernel upgrade.22:40
somsipAntonis: just for wordpress. You can leave /var/www as root:www-data and 770 which is safe enough22:41
andres_I'll be back later to see If I can pick your brains, I need a little help.22:41
perezdhey, does anyone have any pointers for upgrading the version of stop-start-daemon installed in ubuntu 10.04 LTS22:41
perezdI really want log file support22:41
brightsparkmeerkats, that is likely to depend on the firmware for the scanner.  Can you initiate a scan from the command line?22:41
meerkatsbrightspark, I have never done that22:42
Antonissomsip, now it says forbidden when I try to access it :P22:42
somsipAntonis: access through web browser? Tell me what perms you have on there now22:43
brightsparkmeerkats, if the scanner doesn't let you manually initiate a single scan, you will probably be unable to make it scan on a schedule.22:43
Antonissomsip, ~/www is 770 , and files and folders according to the two commands you gave me. I also added my user (antonis) to www-data as you told me22:44
meerkatsbrightspark, not everything is lost, xsane shows a "number to scan" option, there must be something that allows the user to specify the time in between each scanning22:44
meerkatsbrightspark, "number of pages to scan"22:44
somsipAntonis: I didn't tell you to add your user to www-data - you asked how to do that. But it should make no difference. This is off topic so can we go to private msg?22:45
Antonissomsip, of course22:45
brightsparkmeerkats, is xsane a command-line utility?22:46
perezdso, start-stop-daemon not sure how to upgrade this system component…any pointers on where to even look?22:46
alex__Are programs supposed to just install into /home22:47
alex__for example: home/alex/Aptana Studio22:47
alex__is that where they suposed to go? or did i miss the option to choose22:48
meerkatsbrightspark, no22:48
brightsparkmeerkats, I suggest you look through whatever documentation you can find on it then.  Since it's not command-line, its man page might not be very helpful, but it's a starting point.22:49
alex__is that where they suposed to go? or did i miss the option to choose22:49
alex__for example: home/alex/Aptana Studio22:49
andres_Hi Guys...  i need help to fix a suspend/sleep issue in my lenovo s10-3 with 11.1022:49
go87654hello. where I can found run-file after making from tar.gz ?22:49
LinuXMintalguin conoce el canal irc de ubuntu en español22:50
escott!es | LinuXMint22:50
ubottuLinuXMint: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:50
alex__is this channel the most chaotic useless thing ever?22:51
andres_Maybe I can come back later to see if you guys can help me???22:51
alex__yes andres_ , later will be perfect22:51
alex__were all going to prepare for later when you come back22:52
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EvilResistancealex__:  if you dont like it you dont need to be in here.  there's other forms of support22:52
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yamahaalex37i just pointed out that it seems chaotic and useless22:52
LinuXMintGracias men22:52
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ programs put files in different places. the executables go in /usr/bin you can type dpkg -L packagename in a terminal to list all files of a program.22:53
yamahaalex37MahaVishnu, , i guess i did it wrong, my executable is in /home/alex/Aptana Studio22:53
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ thats fine?22:53
yamahaalex37i guess... but if i have a lot of programs, Documents, Workspace etc will be cluttered among them22:54
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ did you somehow choose to put all programs in /home/ or did you just install that one to home22:54
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yamahaalex37i never chose a global default22:55
yamahaalex37i just chose the self extracting aptana download22:55
yamahaalex37and thats where it went... i think22:55
MahaVishnuthats why.22:56
MahaVishnutry to install things from ubuntu software center22:56
MahaVishnuor using apt22:56
yamahaalex37MahaVishnu, i didnt see Aptana in ubu software22:56
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ you can try to double click on that file or in a terminal type ./home/alex/Aptana22:56
yamahaalex37but maybe i can apt get it?22:57
MahaVishnunote the .22:57
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ maybe so.22:57
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ next time don't be so rude before someone answers though.22:57
yamahaalex37rude to the channel? was just making an observation, maybe i was wrong22:58
MahaVishnu id say you were sadly mistaken22:58
MahaVishnuwe all want answers when we want them but this cannot always be the case in life. anyway. you can do a man apt to read about apt22:59
pcmathi need help22:59
d4em0nDoes any body here use QQ to chat sometime??22:59
webnetpcmath | !ask22:59
webnet!ask | pcmath'22:59
ubottupcmath': Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:59
yamahaalex37im ready to do this again, i have the aptana zip23:00
yamahaalex37just extract it to /bin?23:00
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ you dont have to..23:00
MahaVishnuyou could just move that other file to /usr/bin23:01
MahaVishnuor just run it like I told you how to.23:01
yamahaalex37oh right23:01
KayronHello, I have a question about network config...I'm sure it's very obvious but its driving me crazy...23:02
KayronI'm trying to configure a server with 2 nics/IPs, I want to be reachable on both. I configured the routes fine, but it only picks one NIC until I disable it then it defaults to the other one23:04
KayronI'm sure it's possible to do, to have two def gws and stay reachable on both23:05
escottKayron, you need to setup some kind of load balancing on your outbound routes23:05
escottKayron, http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2009/02/howto-setup-dual-dual-nic-bonding-on.html23:05
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yamahaalex37i dont have the right permission to extract to bin23:06
yamahaalex37why wouldnt it just ask my password like normal...23:06
yamahaalex37can i get the permission while in gui23:06
escottyamahaalex37, don't extract stuff to /bin extract it to /usr/local/bin or /opt23:07
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ if you use gksudo 'programname'23:07
brightsparkyamahaalex37, use the terminal.  "sudo cp /path/to/original.file /path/to/copy"23:07
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ its /usr/bin23:07
yamahaalex37i dont see usr23:08
yamahaalex37still no permission for that23:08
yamahaalex37why shouldnt i have permission to usr/bin23:09
MahaVishnucause its owned by root23:09
MahaVishnuand dont change that!23:09
yamahaalex37what programname am i trying to run as gksudo?23:09
meerkatswhat scaning program do you recommend under ubuntu? I see sxane has not been updated since 2010, and the devel list stopeed that year too Did they move to something better?23:09
brightsparkyamahaalex37, if you really want to do it graphically, use gksudo nautilus.23:10
escottyamahaalex37, the safest thing for you to to is make a "bin" directory in your home folder and put the aptana executable there (or symlink to it). if you want other people to be able to use aptana put it in /opt or /usr/local/bin23:10
escottmeerkats, there is a gnome simple-scan program23:10
meerkatsescott, i need to scan 800 pages, and xsane was perfect for that23:11
yamahaalex37/usr/bin or /usr/local/bin...23:11
escottyamahaalex37, do not put anything in /usr/bin23:11
meerkatsescott, which is really weird, I have used xsane without problems before, before upgrading to 11.10, could that be related?23:12
kz3how can I see my graphics card configuration in Ubuntu 11.10?23:12
escottmeerkats, they might have dropped xsane in favor of one of the other guis. what did you like about xsane that you aren't able to do with simple-scan23:13
meerkatsescott, choose 800 pages in a multipage project so it doesnt stop scanning and I just have to turn the pages23:14
meerkatsinstead of click, turn page, click, turn page23:14
butatnever reading your chats23:14
escottmeerkats, you could probably use a command line tool. just put a sleep in between the scans23:15
meerkatsescott, not a good idea, im a total noob23:15
escottmeerkats, im not clear on how any gui is going to get you around the issue of having to tell the computer when you have reposition the page to be able to scan again23:16
DaZmeerkats:  while true; do dosomething; sleep 2s; done23:16
escottmeerkats, but you could do: for i in `seq 1 800`; do scanimage > image$i.png; sleep 15; done;23:16
DaZuhm, or just seq :x23:17
meerkatsescott, it just doesnt stop, so you have to be really fast to turn the page while the scanner goes to default position23:17
meerkats2 seconds would be enough23:18
escottmeerkats, then take out the sleep. for i in `seq -w 1 800`; do scanimage > image$i.png; done;23:18
meerkatsescott, all I have tgo do is open a terminal and paste :   for i in `seq 1 800`; do scanimage > image$i.png; sleep 15; done;   ?23:19
DaZpretty much23:20
DaZjust adjust the sleep time :x23:20
escottmeerkats, you probably want seq -w 1 800; and if you want 2 seconds that is sleep 2; but that will create image001.png image002.png in your home directory23:20
meerkatsescott, im giving it a try...23:21
meerkatswith 223:21
meerkatsescott, yes it works, it creates png files, and sleeps for 2 seconds, but my default viewer cannot display them: could not load "filenamehere" Fatal error reading PNG image file: Not a PNG file23:23
mrdebwhat is wxgtk23:24
butatyou're stupid23:24
butatnever reading your chats23:24
meerkatsescott, gimp can read em23:25
escottmeerkats, i was just guessing it would create a png23:25
JasonGriffeehow to diagnose screen tearing?23:25
butatyou are a fat faggot23:25
DaZmeerkats: then it's in some other format23:25
escottrun in terminal file image001.png and it will tell you want it actually is23:25
meerkatsescott, pnm, properties says pnm23:26
meerkatsindeed it is, now I can see the copies23:27
escottmeerkats, you could use imagemagick's convert utility to bulk convert files to another format23:27
mouseoverIs there a UI widget for volume control? Specifically, that shows the volume graph as the sound is being played ?23:27
mrdebso what is wxgtk23:28
DaZmrdeb: GTK+ implementation of wxWidgets API for GUI23:28
escottmeerkats, or look at "man scanimage" to see if there is an option that outputs another format (assuming you dont want pnm)23:28
butatall you do is blog23:28
meerkatsescott, i was aiming to pdf23:28
escottmeerkats, im sure its possible. if not install imagemagick and run: for i in *.pnm; do convert $i `basename $i pnm`pdf; done;23:29
butatchanner detected23:29
mrdebok daz23:29
MahaVishnubutat$ ?23:30
meerkatsescott, 83 MB free space, I should really stop installing new things23:30
mrdebwow meerkats that is low23:31
butatold meme23:31
DaZlean the apt cache? :x23:31
DaZclean :x23:31
modyHi guys23:32
meerkatsI believe this will solve the problem I have with xsane https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/hplip23:32
butatyou're annoying23:32
modymy ubuntu without doing naything23:32
modyit changes some graphics23:32
modyto look bad23:32
modyanyone can help?23:32
modywhen i hover on any of the left items in menu23:32
MahaVishnubutat$ why you trollin23:32
butatcare detected23:32
modyit used to show a smooth title with nice shadow23:32
modynot anymore23:33
modyany idea?23:33
modyany one?23:34
Newbuntuecho "hello girls"23:34
butatyou're annoying23:34
mrdebmody, do u use integrated gfx23:34
MahaVishnu!ops | butat23:34
ubottubutat: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:34
butatare you still chatting23:34
Newbuntuany brazilian?23:35
modyI dont even know what is that23:35
butatdidnt read23:35
modysee this http://oi42.tinypic.com/4lkc9f.jpg23:36
butatyes hello23:36
modyalso when I click on that dashboard Icon it used to show it strechted but not anymore23:36
DaZmody: that seems to be ubuntu23:36
modynow shows it smaller to top left23:36
butatyou're stupid23:37
modyubuntu bug you mean?23:37
meerkatsthere is an ignore option in xchat, was it /ignore "nickhere" ?23:37
mrdebwhat is the problem23:37
butatyou are so annoying23:37
MahaVishnuI dont even think its a person. I think its some kind of troll-bot23:38
modylook in the image where it says Firefox web browser23:38
modythat text usually has a nicer shadow and background below it23:38
modybehind it  I mean23:38
mrdeboh i c23:40
modyanyidea what causes that?23:40
mrdebis the 3d working.23:41
mrdebdo windows move smoothly23:41
Ale1cazzo... qui non si parla l'italiano... ciao23:41
modyyes all good23:41
mrdebmaybe shadow is off bec 3d drive is not on or somehing changes in editor23:41
modyexcept the 4 desktops23:41
modywhen I switch they are not as smooth23:41
modyas before23:41
mrdebso u have third party drive installed for graphics23:42
modyactually noticed that windows no longer have shadow23:45
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uscan anyone assist with a very random screen flicker? I am using 11.10 and have the Nvidia prop drivers. Seems like it might be mouse related sometimes? Any help?23:51
=== Justasic_ is now known as Justasic
sokakHi everyone, no one knows where i can find a good tutorial where i can find how to make context menu entries in nautilus right click menus to assign emblems to arbitrary file types?23:53
modyso do I have to re install ubuntu everytime this hapens.....23:54
sokakmody, what happened?23:54
DaZus: and you're probably getting lots of nvrm:xid 13 errors in the kernel log23:54
modywindows no longer have shadows23:54
kaushalPlease suugest about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2011-December/006016.html ?23:55
modysokak any idea?23:55
EvilResistancekaushal:  if its a server thing, then #ubuntu-server23:55
sokakmody , i cant see how this can be related to ubuntu23:55
modythen its related ot what?23:55
modyit just happened23:55
brightsparkmody, are they turned on in compiz23:55
modyrebooted and it came this way23:55
modywhere is compiz?23:56
sokakmody sorry, i got it as you were dual booting and *windows side* was no longer having shadows23:56
brightsparkcompiz-config settings manager.  In the repositories23:56
modyI have windows side by side23:57
modyYes I got compiz config manager23:57
usDaZ: not sure what you mean. I'm a beginner23:57
=== Justasic_ is now known as Justasic
meerkatsI have been installing some needed dependencies (this must be the root of my problem) but I still nedd to fix this: error: User needs to be member of group 'lp' to enable print, scan & fax.23:58
meerkatsUser member of group 'lpadmin'.23:58
sokakmody, sorry to ask again, but is windows or ubuntu not having windows shadows anymore?23:58
escottus, open a terminal and type grep -i nvrm /var/log/kern.log23:58
sokakmody, then install the settings manager, or the compiz fusion-icon, poking there may fix that23:59
brightsparkmody, the shadow controls are under the window decorations plugin in ccsm23:59

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