
=== allison_ is now known as wendar
knomemr_pouit, ?14:50
mr_pouitknome: oui ?15:51
knomemr_pouit, what's the current situation with xubuntu image size?16:01
knomedo we have any free?16:02
ochosiknome: read here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=823816:28
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 8238 in General "More themeable tabwin" [Enhancement,New: ]16:28
mr_pouitknome: it's oversized on amd64 I think16:59
ochosimr_pouit: i think he asked to get a general idea of whether adding a set of wallpapers is realistic17:04
ochosi(even a small set of say, 5-10 wallpapers)17:04
* micahg wonders what happened to make us oversized17:26
ochosigreasy food?18:00
ochosior generally stuffing too many packages down our throat18:00
astraljava$ apt-cache search greasy food18:17
astraljavajaska@ardbeg:~ 20:17:23 $ 18:17
astraljavaNope, don't see that as the reason.18:17
ochosiastraljava: ardbeg? r u a whiskey fan?18:29
astraljavaochosi: Most certainly.18:30
knomei had ardbeg on friday18:44
astraljavaI heard they have the triple-cask in St.Michaels here in Oulu. I hope I get to taste it before it runs out.18:45
astraljavaHow so?18:46
knomejust generally meh for limited alcohol batches18:47
knomei'm hoping to get to taste the ron zacapa XO rum18:47
astraljavaI haven't had time to get into rum tasting. Perhaps you'll teach me sometime when I'm down in Helsinki?18:48
knomeyeah, why not18:51
astraljavaBtw. has anyone successfully changed T-bird links to open in chrom[e|ium] instead of Firefox?18:52
knomei usually have several brands home, but now i only have the ron zacapa 23, since it's so good i don't really need anything else.18:52
astraljavaI can't seem to manage.18:52
astraljavaInteresting, I18:52
astraljava'll make a mental note of that.18:52
knomeyeah. that is really top notch18:53
knomenot made from molasses as most rum, but virgin sugar cane honey18:53
knomeand aged above the clouds18:53
knomethe normal is 23-yo (solera)18:53
astraljavaSo what is the proper way of tasting rum? I don't suppose you are allowed to pour a tiny drop of water in, like with single malts?18:55
knomejust drink that neat18:55
knomethe thing is that a good rum doesn't really need the water18:57
astraljavaYeah, I figured it might not.19:30
ochosiastraljava: well ardbeg is not a bad choice19:41
astraljavaCertainly not. Also a big fan of Laphroigh.19:43
ochosimm, smoky stuff19:43
astraljavaHighland Park too, but that's not an Islay malt anymore.19:43
ochosiso you like the sound of islands?19:44
astraljavaYes, for sure.19:47
astraljavaDon't think /etc/hostname accepts that character I can't even produce, though. :D19:47
knomeastraljava, isn't that laphroAig?20:04
knomeanyway, bbl ->20:04
astraljavaknome: I guess it is, yeah.20:05

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