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mgzmorning all09:29
vilamgz: oh, I missed that, hey !10:24
mgzhey vila!10:25
mgzhm, I need to fix my builddeb test a little, looking at it again this morning10:26
vilajelmer: no need for a DictStore, we already have everything we need ;) Running a full test suite before pushing my changes to lp:~bzr/bzr/commit-uses-config-stacks but there are still issues to be addressed (more in my review comment) :-/10:27
vilajelmer: done10:30
vilajelmer: all these minors bugs are the most painful part of the option migration :-/10:30
mgzthe bugs were introduced by children?10:31
vilajelmer: ha crap, I didn't notice you pushed additional revisions :-/10:31
* mgz is just teasing about a misplaced 's' :)10:32
vilaha ha10:32
vilamgz: by the way, is http://paste.ubuntu.com/769900/ clearer ?10:35
vilamgz: i.e. the added comma10:35
mgz...I still can't parse that I'm afraid10:46
mgzyou need to just flip the clauses10:46
mgz"The ``SectionMatcher`` objects are for defining which." for eg.10:47
vilamgz: thanks, fixed10:54
mgzokay, nearly caught up with life.11:18
mgzjust need to write news and land things...11:18
vilamgz: yeah for news ! :) If you had a look at what's new for 2.5 too that would also be truly great :-p11:28
vilamgz: found that bug back: #65976311:39
vilabug #659763 you helpful bot11:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 659763 in bzr (Ubuntu Natty) "bzr smart server can't handle UTF-8 user names, gives UnknownErrorFromSmartServer" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65976311:39
sidneihi there! how does one change an existing branch hosted in launchpad to set append_revisions_only?11:46
sidneiis it enough to change .bzr/branch/branch.conf and push?11:47
mgzvila: hey, another path for doing a similar thing, what fun11:47
mgzsidnei: with recent enough bzr versions you can do `bzr config append_revisions_only=True -d lp:...`11:48
sidneithanks mgz!11:49
mgzI wonder whether this diff/merge is bad because the file contains conflict markers for test examples...11:53
jelmervila, mgz: Could I persuade either of you to take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/hpss-no-vfs/+merge/85153 ? It's one of the prerequisites for hpss-get-inventories11:56
vilaon it11:57
vilajelmer: done12:10
jelmervila: merci bien :)12:11
vilalunch time for me12:11
mgzbzr info is too slow.12:21
jelmermgz: -v you mean?12:24
mgzjust plain, it takes as long as st on hot cache and shouldn't need to do as much work12:25
mgz-v is just silly.12:25
mgztakes 6 seconds herre.12:25
mgz400ms was what I was talking about with "too slow"12:26
mgzit's long enough that there's a noticable pause12:26
jelmerit looks at the full branch history to see what the revid of the first revision is, so it can figure out its date12:28
mgzyup, at least the other output comes out before it goes off and does that.12:29
jelmerhmm, is there a particular reason we always open a branch for a working tree?12:51
jelmerit seems like some operations should be able to get away with not opening the branch (especially if it is remote)12:51
mgzprobably similar to reasons we reopen repos and branches way too much12:56
* jelmer lunches too13:00
jelmervila: have you decided what you want to do with lp:~jelmer/bzr-upload/fix-2.4-compat yet?13:21
jelmerIt's fine with me if you reject it, but it would be nice to see it disappear of my activereviews queue :)13:22
* jelmer stumbles onto mumble13:35
mgzha, well spotted on bug 317778 jelmer13:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 317778 in Bazaar "Switching to a local sibling with non-ascii name causes error" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31777813:37
* jelmer was browsing switch bugs anyway... :)13:39
mgzI think I borked by audio setup someone13:41
mgzoh, nope, just being an idiot13:41
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vilajelmer: what I don't get is why you uploaded a new version when none has been released >-/13:52
jelmervila: I had to earlier, because bzr-upload was broken with bzr 2.513:54
vilathat's fine, 2.5 is still beta, but then, why trying to ensure compat with 2.4 ?13:55
jelmervila: I'd rather not maintain two copies of bzr-upload in debian13:56
vilameh, the point of splitting into series is to have *less* maintenance to do indeed, can't they be used in debian ?13:57
jelmervila: it means I have to do twice as many uploads to debian13:58
jelmervila: anyway, the current situation is fine for me, let's just reject the MP13:59
vilaok, but be aware that I intend to track 2.5 far more than 2.4 so the series will diverge14:00
jelmer2.4 will stop being relevant in Debian too at some point14:00
vilajelmer: by the way, did you start to CC me when replying to reviews ? I got duplicate mails in the last days...14:03
jelmervila: https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/hpss-_get-checkout-format/+merge/8565214:04
vilaha no, not this thime14:04
jelmervila: sometimes I have to resend email if I forget to use GPG/MIME14:04
vilajelmer: sry, misread your re-submission, I *got* 3 copies last time you CC'ed me,14:05
jelmervila: as launchpad seems to refuse GPG signatures from thunderbird that don't use GPG/MIME14:05
vilathe (small but annoying) issue is that some of them are filtered in the wrong mailbox14:05
mgzlunch lunch14:10
vilameh, can't '+reply' on comments from previous versions of a proposal o_O14:11
vilajelmer: you really think BZR_EMAIL is used for cases where it is *also* defined in bazaar.conf and/or branch.conf ?14:12
jelmervila: yes14:12
* vila shudders14:12
jelmerlaunchpad uses it in its test suite for example, but I also imagine things like cron scripts rely on it14:13
jelmer-Oemail=.. seems like a reasonable alternative, but IFF we want to change the behaviour I think we should deprecate BZR_EMAIL first and start warning existing users14:14
vilayeah, but -Oemail may not work for crontab or scripts since it needs to be passed to bzr itself14:15
jelmervila: right14:17
vilaemail_from_store may do the trick (ugly but doesn't require another confusing parameter to Option), let's try14:18
jelmervila: are you looking into implementing that or should I?14:30
vilajelmer: ok, that fixes the issue with BZR_EMAIL, now looking into post_commit deprecation warnings14:30
jelmervila: I already added one to the definition of post_commit in BranchConfig14:32
vilayeah, but the test suite is complaining now :)14:32
jelmervila: ah, ok14:33
jelmervila: if you need me to do a review, you know where to find me >-)(14:33
vilaBZR_EMAIL=me@example.com ./bzr config -Oemail=you@xxx.com  email14:34
vilagives the expected result :)14:34
vilawell, for some compat-nutty value of expected14:34
* jelmer is compat-nutty and proud of it :P14:37
vilajelmer: hehe, about compat, tried the loom test suite recently ?14:41
* vila dodges14:41
vilajelmer: oh, forgot to reply: yes, post_commit predates our hook system (by far)14:49
vilajelmer: dunno if it's casher but I approved your part of the common branch ;)14:50
mgzlambed up.14:55
mgzvila: on the config branch, BZR_EDITOR has a similar issue14:56
vilaof overriding any option setting ?14:56
mgzorder is currently BZR_EDITOR, get('editor'), EDITOR, VISUAL... other fallbacks14:57
vilasame era probably14:57
jelmervila: makes sense to deprecate it then, IMO14:59
vilajelmer: BZR_EDITOR ? BZR_EMAIL ? both ?15:00
vilaI would rather deprecate all of them in one go if only for users to handle them all at once15:00
vilano ?15:01
jelmervila: post_commit15:02
jelmervila: I think we should keep BZR_EMAIL and BZR_EDITOR15:02
vilajelmer: ha, but, yes, we agree that post_commit should be deprecated, you did it (I just fixed the test fallouts)15:03
vilaha, sorry, mixed conversations, you were replying to my late reply here,15:03
vilaso, yes, post_commit is old, has been replaced by a better mechanism, never formally deprecated15:04
vilathe later is now done15:04
vilaofficiously deprecated since 0.15 if you look at the comment I left15:05
jelmervila: thanks!15:11
jelmerI'll approve your work then, and land :)15:11
* jelmer adds vila to the NEWS entry as well15:12
vilajelmer: brain dumped my thoughts on your feature-flags proposal, about to leave for an appointment, should be back later16:20
vilajelmer: oh, thanks for your review on config-explained, just one question:16:23
vilaI addd 'for modifcation' because I thought the parameters was a bit lost and obscure, would 'Where modifcations go' be clearer ?16:24
vilaor may be you know already too much about stacks to need these comments ;)16:24
vilahmm, yeah, I added the comment first and the docstring later, now that I re-read the two, the comment is redundant16:26
mgzvila: before you notice independently, yes, I added release notes in the wrong section ;_;16:26
vilahehe ! Progress !16:27
jelmervila: thanks!16:45
mgz...and the reaper kills mumble17:32
jelmerdark-cloaked bastard.17:33
vilahmm, what a language, missing context I assume I wasn't the target ;)17:39
jelmervila: unless you're the person going around killing random processes on mgz's laptop when it runs OOM, no. :-)17:40
vilaoops, busted :)17:40
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lamalexis it possible to fetch just a directory of a bzr branch?20:37
lamalexso say I want just the debian dir of lp:~ubuntu-desktop/libindicator/ubuntu20:37
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maxblamalex: No, the data structures / protocols used just don't work that way21:30
Noldorinhey poolie23:32
pooliehi Noldorin, all23:53

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