
=== BarkingFish is now known as piglet
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Cookies for Everyone! | 11.10 Released! | Merges: http://pad.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-precise-merges | 4.7.80 : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging |4.7.4 in updates PPA for testing in oneiric | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs!
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ yofel: ^^^01:28
pigletCan I just check, has 4.7.3 gone to the regular repos now, out of PPA?01:47
=== piglet is now known as BarkingFish
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
Riddelldebfx: bug 904031 for you :(11:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904031 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok is crashing when starting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90403111:35
debfxRiddell: well that bug contains not much data and no way to reproduce11:44
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
=== piglet is now known as BarkingFish
ScottKJust starting isn't sufficient?12:37
Riddellit seems to have started for him at the upgrade, but there''s no way to be sure of that and it doesn't cause a problem for anyone else12:39
RiddellScottK: 4.7.4 installed without problems12:55
ScottKRiddell: Cool.12:56
ScottKWith 4.7.3 from -proposed I'm able to use kmail again.12:56
debfxRiddell: he didn't say that it started after the upgrade12:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellskaet: seems we were too late to get onto the tech board agenda so we'll be considered at their next meeting next year14:28
skaetRiddell,  thanks for letting me know.  Hope you're feeling a better now?14:29
Riddellskaet: so long as everyone else has one eye covered by sellotape I fit right in :)14:32
skaetRiddell,  urk!   sounds uncomfortable.   Glad your sense of humor's back though.  :)14:33
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest75450
ScottKqapt in Debian now: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-extras/2011-December/015344.html15:03
Riddellare they doing muon too?15:05
ScottKAFAIK, yes.15:10
ScottKRiddell: This should make you feel better about your internet bandwidth: http://www.engadget.com/2011/12/13/caltech-sets-186gpbs-internet-speed-record-makes-our-5mbps-look/15:43
Riddelland to think I'm waiting for a whole 40Mbps being available!15:48
who_meguys, any reason why chart shape plugin are not packaged with the koffice suite. It does kinda render the spreadsheet app half-useless17:07
who_mehmm missed a question mark there :/17:07
RiddellI don't know but we don't work on koffice much now, calligra is where our efforts are17:20
tsdgeosRiddell: who do i ask regarding qapt?17:24
Riddelltsdgeos: jonathan thomas is your man there, echidnaman, he's not on irc just now17:24
tsdgeosnot sure if it's qapt fault or polkit fault17:25
tsdgeosbut the "Install Packages" thing17:25
tsdgeosis untranslatable17:25
tsdgeoswhich is kind of sad17:25
Riddellechidnaman @gmail.com if you want to contact him17:30
Riddellmgraesslin: how should I split up kwin and kwin_gles?18:47
Riddellhave a -common package with everything buy th binnaries which is depended on by both?18:48
mgraesslinRiddell: no real idea, as there are also different sets of effects and library18:51
=== markey is now known as mKretschmann
micahgScottK: I can't seem to use akregator in oneiric after the KDE updates20:03
* micahg checks to make sure he's not missing anything else20:04
micahgnot missing any KDE updates at least20:05
ScottKmicahg: Odd.  It's working here.  Is this from -proposed?20:05
* micahg restarts the app again20:06
ScottKWhat happens if you launch it from a command line?20:06
micahgScottK: akregator(17832): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:20:12
micahgklauncher said: Unknown protocol 'http'.20:12
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ any idea what could cause that?20:12
ScottK(this is 4.7.3)20:13
ScottKPlease check you have kdelibs5-plugins and kde-runtime installed.20:15
* ScottK needs to get back to $work. Will check in, in a bit.20:15
micahgScottK: yep, both at the -proposed versions20:19
ScottKI looked at the diff and didn't see anything obviously related.20:56
ScottKHopefully Riddell or maybe apachelogger would have a suggestion.20:56
micahgmaybe I just need a reboot :-/20:57
ScottKRestarting your session should be sufficient.20:58
Riddellmicahg: akgregator works fine here21:16
apacheloggermicahg: did a restart help?21:16
Riddelldoes konqueror work for http?21:16
* micahg hasn't tried a session restart yet, but I guess that's possible21:27
micahgseems to be working again21:37
* micahg never restarted the session after the update21:37
* ScottK wipes his sweating brow ...21:43
micahgsorry for the scare :)21:43
* micahg still prefers to not reboot/restart session w/out a good reason21:43
ScottKNo problem.21:44
ScottKNew kde is a reason.21:44
Riddellyes new desktop software is a reason to restart the desktop session, in kde it can happen because the ioslaves etc are part of the session21:46
* micahg is running unity-2d though :)21:47
ScottKIn that case how does one restart just the KDE 'session'?21:48
micahgno idea, I restarted unity-2d and it was happy21:48
ScottKI was hoping Riddell might know.21:49
Riddellkillall kdeinit  I expect21:49
micahgis that something doable in a postinst or will that break the world?21:49
Riddellit's likely to break the world, I'd rather just pop up the reboot notifier21:54
ScottKIt'll break the world.21:54
* ScottK recallse pam restarting kdm in it's postinst. Not a fun upgrade from inside a KDE session.21:55
Riddellwhat have I messed up in the shlibdeps?  23:01
Riddell(ninjas only)23:01
yofelRiddell: seems to me it tries to insert a ' (>= 4:4.7.90)' dependency - but the package is missing there23:05
Riddellbut I don't know where it gets that problem from23:05
Riddellpresumably another package is messed up, in its shlibs or .symbols files23:06

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