
Peyamkubuntu and ubuntu sucks00:26
szalfine for you..  if you have grounded complaints, file bugs..  if you just want to brag, gtfo00:28
szalyofel: a word on the status of KDE 4.7.4 for Oneiric?01:15
amasonszal: 4.7.4 will probably be available oneiric after the packages for precise have been made.01:15
szalamason: is that in the works atm?01:16
amasonit's been in the works since shortly after 4.7.4 came out i think.01:16
amasoni am unsure what exactly the blockers are or if there are any...it could just be in the build queue01:17
amasonthere is a decent amount of changes going on atm so that wouldn't surprise me.01:17
szalamason: I heard of a case of a garbled system w/ 4.7.4 on openSUSE the other day01:22
amasonoh ok. i haven't built 4.7.4 myself yet so i can't really comment. but i know that the kubuntu devs are pretty busy at the moment so in terms of getting 4.7.4 it's probably a case of when it's ready it will be in the repos01:24
szalI suppose so, but I guess it's been at least a week already that it was released01:25
szal(#kde doesn't have that info in the topic any more)01:26
amasonwell if they choose 4.8 for precise then it may not hit oneric at all01:26
amasonare you looking for a specific change / fix in 4.7.4 ?01:27
amasonif so you can probably just build that subsystem01:27
* szal was guessing the other day that they'd be going for 4.7.5 in Precise due to it being an LTS01:27
szalamason: Okular in 4.7.3 doesn't print correctly; top margin is ignored and print begins at what is set as top margin in the settings dialog01:28
amasonwell precise isn't going to be released till 12.04 and theoretically 4.8 will be released then01:28
amasonso it really depends what the devs feel comfortable supporting for 5 years01:28
amasonmy guess is that if 4.8 is looking reasonable they will go for that01:29
amasongiven that they will get at least 3 minor updates to 4.801:29
szalmy guess was that in April we'll have 4.8.1, and that is traditionally far from bug-free01:29
szalthe .1 release, that is01:30
amasonyeh but that isn't necesarily better from a suppport perspecitive :)01:30
amasonso unless 4.8 is fairly broken i'll hazzard to guess a buggy but upstream supported release will be included over a less buggy / less featured / less supported release for an LTS01:31
amason5 years is a long time and if someone can do some of that work for you it's an awefully big carrot01:32
szalah, just found the repo; gonna update my testbed system to 4.7.4 (openSUSE 12.1) & see what it's like01:35
amasonopensuse has some good rolling repos i think01:37
amasonif only it didn't use YaST i'd consider it for my desktop01:37
szalamason: nothing wrong w/ YaST :)01:39
amasonnot saying there is anything wrong with it , it's just not my cup of tea.01:40
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szalamason: http://www.abload.de/img/20111214_fullscreenx6pxb.png <- just for the lulz, KDE 4.7.4, openSUSE 12.1..  no desktop effects (legacy gfx driver makes KDE not run w/ effects on), few customizations (UI font (yes, that is Ubuntu, and I think it looks better on SUSE ;)), window title bar, clock font colour)02:18
amasoni have recently obtained a sandy bridge machine with an intel graphics chip, the difference in experience is night an day02:19
amasoni have other systems, ati and nvidia which theoretically are 'better' cards02:19
amasonbut the general desktop performance with the intel drivers is just wonderful02:20
amasoncompletely changes how i use the desktop02:20
kamilnadeemhow to get trash back in the places menu, dolphin? I deleted it accidentally?03:04
AlexZionright click , add ....I guess ...03:05
AlexZionand then ....03:05
AlexZionjust put trash:/    it should works ...03:06
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kamilnadeemAlexZion: I did that but trash is giving me problems03:23
kamilnadeemI am unable to move files to trash03:23
kamilnadeemthis error comes up "The trash has reached its maximum size!03:24
kamilnadeemCleanup the trash manually."03:24
kamilnadeemI deleted the files manually03:24
kamilnadeembut still no luck03:24
AlexZionyeah , so probably you have to much stuff in the trash03:24
kamilnadeemalso the permissions is acting strange03:25
AlexZionok , you were doing something strange before it happened ..... ?03:26
kamilnadeemnothing that i remember03:27
AlexZionwell , mine is the same ...03:28
AlexZionso nothing strange for me ...03:28
kamilnadeem Option 1 from here http://unsolicitedbutoffered.blogspot.com/2011/07/trash-has-reached-its-maximum-size.html worked03:38
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amasonszal: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging03:45
amason4.8 for precise, oneiric wil get get 4.7.4 after that has been packaged by the looks of it03:46
OerHeksjust got 4.7.4 tru kubuntu/ppa03:47
szalnice :)03:47
robin0800OerHeks: is that the 4.7.3 ppa or a different one?04:01
OerHeksrobin0800, i used this one > https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa04:05
OerHeksi never noticed a version in the name.04:05
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snowrichardi switched from the unity interface to kubuntu.... when I tried to use the alt-F7 key in unity it scrambled the graphic04:50
chris122380why dosen't ubuntu or Kubuntu connect to wpa2?05:35
chris122380My wireless works fine with wpa, wep, and unsecured networks but not with wpa205:36
chris122380I would like to connect to a WPA2 network05:37
chris122380I have googled it and I am still looking05:38
OerHekschris122380, try WPA2 personal in your networkmanager05:40
gradehi guys! would like to ask my problem regarding usb drive mounting, it doesnt mount automatically when I insert it on usb port05:40
chris122380I have05:40
chris122380still dosen't seem to recegnize the key even though i know it's right05:41
chris122380Looks like a problem for a long time05:42
OerHekschris122380, check you router, see if you have mac-filter/acces-list enabled, depends of the type/brand router05:43
chris122380I am on the Mac filter list05:43
chris122380I can connect with the same machine useing windows 705:44
OerHeksoke, then i have no clue05:44
chris122380I am trying to use Kubuntu05:44
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Guest64093hi. i liked the mandriva representation of kde. the dash and all. can i do the same in kubuntu? how? help please05:48
chris122380I am also useing the broadcom legacy driver05:49
amasonGuest64093: you might need to describe how it worked05:50
chris122380used to be able to connect on ubuntu but can't on kubuntu05:50
amasonGuest64093: alot of people in this channel probably have never used mandriva , myself included05:51
Guest64093amason: like there is dash interface in gnome3. the same dash interface in kde05:51
amasoni also haven't used gnome3 sorry05:51
amasondo you have a screenshot ?05:51
Guest64093sure. juist a min05:51
chris122380so no wpa2 for me then:-(05:52
chris122380Can't connect to my HOAs network then05:52
amasonchris122380: ubuntu and kubuntu both use the same kernel05:53
chris122380I know that05:53
cyberworm54holla kubuntu community05:53
chris122380the problem isn't the kernel05:53
amasoncan you use nm-applet then ?05:53
chris122380problem with network manager I believe05:53
amasonk well the only difference between kubuntu / ubuntu wrt to network-manager is the network manager interfaces05:54
amasonso i'd try nm-applet and see if that works05:54
Guest64093amason: http://imagebin.org/188479 this comes up when we press alt f105:55
cyberworm54try to modify the file manually05:55
chris122380that is the gnome network manager05:55
amasonchris122380: the gnome network manager interface05:55
chris122380that would break KDE05:55
amasonbreak ?05:55
amasonhow so ?05:55
chris122380I just want to have KDE working05:56
cyberworm54whats the problem? if you dont mind me asking05:56
amasonchris122380: well obviously it doesn't for your particular setup for one reason or another, it could be a bug in kde's network manager in which case your not going to find an immediate answer in irc.05:57
chris122380How do I get the latest KDE network manager05:57
amasonuse the latest version of kde 4.7.405:58
chris122380How do I get the network manager for kde 4.7.4?05:58
amasonGuest64093: you could try the plasma layout...right click -> layout -> search and launch05:58
amasonchris122380: it comes with kde 4.7.405:59
chris122380that still dosen't tell me anything05:59
chris122380How do I re-install network manager?05:59
amasonnetwork manager != kde's network manager interface. if ubuntu works for you but kubuntu doesn't then the problem is in the kde interface to network manager06:00
chris122380I understand that but how do I do a reinstall of network manager?06:01
amasonif you use the kubuntu ppa and install kde 4.7.4 you get _the_ lastest released version of kde's interface to network manager06:01
amasonapt-get install --reinstall06:01
amasoni think06:01
amasonmight need to look at the exact flags06:02
chris122380yes but what is the package name for the kde network manager?06:02
amasonnetwork-manager-kde is kubuntu's06:03
chris122380need to reboot thank you. We shell see if this works if not then i'll look for kubuntu ppa06:04
szal4.7.4 is noticeably speedier than 4.7.306:09
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szalPDF printing w/ Okular is fixed :)06:14
szalthough tray notification 'speech bubbles' still have a border where there shouldn't be one06:18
bodohwho hates amarok?07:23
bodohand what do you use now?07:23
szalAudacious on *buntu is ancient07:25
cyberworm54it does the job for me :)07:25
szalnot bad, but severely outdated07:25
jussibodoh: I like amarok. but if you want similar to old amarok, check out clementine:07:37
jussi!info clementine07:38
ubottuclementine (source: clementine): Modern music player and library organiser inspired by Amarok 1.4. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-0ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 4232 kB, installed size 10048 kB07:38
bodohhi list ... what is the default webcam app that comes with kubuntu?08:10
bodohmy laptop has the webcam08:11
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cyberworm54I use camorama08:13
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bodohthanks cyberworm5408:24
bodohsince when linux needs restarting (like Windows)???08:25
bodohthis kubuntu wants a restart after I installed camorama!!08:25
bodohthat gesture is maybe just a salute to Windows08:26
EvilResistanceprobly also needed a kernel upgrade :P08:28
jjman6i'm having problems installing .Net Framework v4 in wine.  it just crashes b4 it can finish08:29
cyberworm54I am nost sure but i think .Net depends on some core dlls like shell 32 crypto 3208:29
EvilResistancejjman6:  thats a wine issue08:37
EvilResistancejjman6:  i'd check in the wine support channels08:37
EvilResistancei'm not sure if they're here on freenode though08:38
cyberworm54chek that out http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1788608:38
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gribouillekde 4.7.4 is available isn' it?09:42
gribouillesomeone here?09:44
gribouillesomeone here?09:46
darthanubis4.7.4 is in the kubuntu ppa repo for 11.10<< Should be on the KUBUNTU homepage soon, and NOT DEBIAN's of course.10:11
KjetilKI get Internal Server Errors on the Kubuntu wiki now10:17
KjetilKe.g. https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot10:17
KjetilKsince I can't check the FAQ, I'll just ask: What is the status for 4.7.3 or 4.7.4 packages?10:21
KjetilKwill they enter oneiric-updates?10:21
grade_is there a way that i could automatically mount may usb drive when I insert it10:27
grade_im using 11.1010:28
ray1clawwhats the name of the telepathy IM client on kubuntu? I need to install it, really fed up with Kopete10:28
ray1clawgrade_: system settings>removable devices10:29
gorgonizerray1claw: it is telepathy-kde10:45
ray1clawgorgonizer: is it a complete client? or just a backend?10:46
gorgonizerthough you might need the PPA at    ppa:telepathy-kde/ppa10:46
gorgonizerit is a complete replacement for Kopete on the whole, though I am having FB Chat issues with Telepathy, but MSN and GTalk work fine..10:47
gorgonizerThe PPA has the KDE specific parts for Telepathy, the rest of telepathy should be in the normal Ubuntu repos..10:48
ray1clawhmm, you can try using <username>@chat.facebook.com on jabber with that.. it works okay in kopete10:48
jtheuerhey, how can I verify the actual graphics driver used by X? (now that we don't have a config anymore *g*)10:48
gorgonizerray1claw: it connects in Telepathy, then just disconnects after a while, which then needs me to enter my KWallet password and I get annoyed, so I disabled FB chat in Telepathy and just have it in Kopete until I get it working..10:49
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grade_thanks ray1claw11:01
gradehi ray1claw.! already check the the usb devices on removable devices but still it cant mount automatically the usbdev11:25
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twn39it seems that ibus doesn't work on kubuntu 11.10?!12:15
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Peace-twn39: ?12:40
twn39i don't know,it didn't display the input panel when I type in chinese.12:49
BluesKajHowdy all12:50
Peace-twn39: mmm what kind of software you are using12:54
twn39?  ibus-pinyin12:56
Peace-twn39: i am sorry but being italian i can't figure out the issue because i can't even image what's the issue with chinese\japanese stuff, coudl you explain better what you r trying to do ?12:57
Peace-BluesKaj: i have written well?12:58
Peace-have i xD12:58
BluesKajPeace-, yes , very well13:01
twn39i'm sorry ,i'm a chinese and know little english,i must type chinese words with ibus,but it seems doesn't work13:03
BluesKajone thing Peace- , image works, but the word imagine works better:)13:04
BarkingFishtwn39: which dialect of Chinese do you write in? Mandarin, or Cantonese?13:06
BarkingFishI write some chinese, but I'm not good.  If you don't understand what I say, please tell me :)13:08
* BarkingFish will be with you in a moment, this is slow :)13:10
Peace-twn39: i dunno but try to do this ; open KONSOLE  then type thsi :  QT_IM_MODULE=ibus-qt4 kate13:11
BluesKajBarkingFish, it would be best if you guys went private or got help from the chinese chat13:11
BarkingFishBluesKaj: ubuntu-zh has only two people in it13:12
BarkingFishthere is no help from there, I'd say :)13:12
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:12
BarkingFishI simply wanted to know if twn39 understand me first, my chinese is appalling, i've only been learning for about 6 months.13:13
BluesKajright, well he wants help with ibus13:14
Peace-i guess he has to install  sudo apt-get install ibus-qt413:14
twn39yes i can understand13:14
BarkingFishYeah, I saw - I asked him if he'd actually localized his system in Chinese, and selected a chinese keyboard :)13:14
BarkingFishusually, it sorta self configures any packages you need when you change locale...13:15
twn39i selected a usa keyboard ,Does it matter?13:16
BluesKajbbl..I hope...major update/upgrade on 12.04 just now ..reboot13:16
twn39ok thank you13:17
BarkingFishtwn39: if you have a chinese keyboard, it helps.13:18
BarkingFish現在我必須去。您可以加入 的 #ubuntu-cn 或 #ubuntu-tw - 他們會幫你多我可以13:19
BarkingFishSorry guys, I've got to go.13:19
BarkingFishI've been called away, so I've explained that, and directed twn39 to relevant channels he can get help from.13:20
BarkingFishSorry for the chinese in channel, I was using the wrong language codes to search for somewhere :)13:20
BarkingFish再見了,twn39 - 我希望你好運!13:21
Deathbringerthere is no back arrow now at the kde kickoff menu. how can i fix that?13:25
Peace-Deathbringer: you can't13:26
DeathbringerPeace-, is this a bug or intentional?13:27
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Peace-Deathbringer: intentional13:28
Peace-Deathbringer: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopxi188313:28
Peace-Deathbringer: if you look there is graphics up13:28
Peace-click in application and you will go back13:28
DeathbringerPeace-, yeah i know13:29
Deathbringerbut it isnt so handy13:29
Peace-Deathbringer: wel i agrre with oyu :D13:29
Peace-mmm you13:29
BluesKajDeathbringer, click on all applications , at the top of the frame13:29
DeathbringerPeace-, at this point i prefer the classic menu13:29
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DeathbringerPeace-, do you know how can i install the lancelot menu?13:30
Peace-Deathbringer: of course13:30
Deathbringeri cant find it in widgets13:30
Peace-sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-lancelot13:30
* BluesKaj wishes ppl would leave their gamenicks behind13:31
Peace-i did this :D sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-*13:31
Deathbringeri will do that too13:31
Deathbringeri like widgets13:31
Deathbringer154mb to get13:32
Peace-who cares :D i have 130 ggs13:34
DeathbringerPeace-, how can i stop kde-login from autostarting?13:35
Peace-Deathbringer: systemsettings13:36
Deathbringeri think i will move to a tiling manager like xmonad13:37
Deathbringerand just use qt-based apps of kde in there13:37
Peace-Deathbringer: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopdk188313:37
Deathbringeri saw that before13:38
Peace-system settings , then filter with :: login13:38
DeathbringerPeace-, it doesnt say how to disable it13:40
Deathbringerunder login screen13:40
Peace-enagle autologin13:40
Deathbringerno i mean stop kdm13:40
Deathbringeri want just to see tty113:40
Deathbringerafter boot13:40
Deathbringerand type startx13:40
Peace-i guess removing kdm i would be nice but i guess you canset that on kdm window13:41
Deathbringeris it an init script?13:41
BluesKajDeathbringer, just click on the enable autologin and it will grey out (disable)13:41
BluesKajmake sure it's not checked13:41
DeathbringerBluesKaj, its nto enabled now13:41
Deathbringerits not checked13:41
Deathbringerbut i still get kdm on boot13:41
BluesKajDeathbringer, what exactly do you want , grub?13:42
BluesKajif you enable autologin it by passes grub and the login page13:43
Peace-BluesKaj: he want login via terminal13:43
Peace-BluesKaj: boot ==> login via terminal i have seen this on university13:43
Peace-i guess they have removed kdm13:43
BluesKajI think that's a setting in grub13:44
BluesKaj /etc/default/grub13:44
BluesKajin /etc/default/grub , find the line13:47
BluesKaj# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)13:47
BluesKajuncomment those lines13:47
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yofel_uhm, to NOT start kdm, you run: 'echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/kdm.override'13:48
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yofelthen when you need it: sudo service kdm start13:48
yofelDeathbringer: ^13:49
BluesKajwell , not the Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)13:49
BluesKajand sudo updaye-grub13:49
BluesKajerr update-grub13:49
Deathbringeryofel, yeah i wanted to stop the service13:49
Deathbringeryofel, i am not sure what your command does though13:51
BluesKajDeathbringer, sudo update-grub is very important , otherwise your changes won't stick13:51
yofelDeathbringer: creates a /etc/init/kdm.override with "manual" in it13:51
yofelwhich tells upstart not to auto-start kdm on boot13:51
Deathbringeryofel, i could just "  echo manual >> /etc/init/kdm.override " then13:52
Deathbringeror >13:52
yofelas root sure13:52
Deathbringerto overwrite13:52
Deathbringerbash is a nice language13:53
Deathbringeri wonder why many people use perl/python for system tasks13:53
* BluesKaj doen't understand the reasons for this , kdm will eventaully be needed anyway13:53
Deathbringerhow can i install all ubuntu packages?13:54
Deathbringerlike if i had installed ubuntu livecd13:54
Deathbringernot kubuntu13:55
Deathbringerapt-get install ubuntu-desktop?13:55
BluesKajdefault packages , ubuntu-desltop13:55
Deathbringerthen it will be same thing as ubuntu?13:56
Deathbringerkubuntu and ubuntu have the same repositories also?13:56
yofelsame archive13:56
Deathbringerwhat do you mean by archive?13:56
BluesKajyou'll still ahve the kubuntu packages13:56
DeathbringerBluesKaj, yeah i know13:56
Deathbringeri can choose kde or gnome on boot13:57
yofelwell, repository13:57
BluesKajDeathbringer, you'll have alot of duplication of apps in both kde and gnome that do the same tasks13:58
DeathbringerBluesKaj, yeah13:58
Deathbringerwell instead of dual booting ubuntu and kubuntu i think its better to have both13:59
Deathbringeri want to try gnome shell (gnome 3)13:59
BluesKajyes, agreed13:59
Deathbringergenerally i try many environments13:59
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Peace-BluesKaj: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBevboa6RII&feature=youtu.be15:09
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cirehi, I am using kmail 4.7.2, and can't connect to my imap server anymore. akonadi states everything was fine, but kmail can't update the folder17:39
[Relic]how do I get flash to work on kubuntu17:39
cire[Relic]: I have installed  packet flashplugin-installer17:42
DemonWitchhow do i deactivate the kubuntu loading screen? (on boot and shutdown)17:43
[Relic]it won't install17:43
cire[Relic]: what does it say?17:44
cireDemonWitch: which version?17:44
DemonWitchcire, the latest17:44
cireI think you have to change the kernel boot params17:45
cireused to that?17:45
[Relic](npviewer.bin:7083): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libqtcurve.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6417:45
cire[Relic]: this happens when installing a package?17:45
cireor only when installing flash package?17:46
[Relic]thinking mone part got installed and the other didn't17:46
[Relic]this is flash; they renamed the packages when they moved to the new version17:46
cire[Relic]: So it _did_ install, but is not running correctly, right?17:47
[Relic]this time17:47
[Relic]removed both listed pakages through apt so hopefully a new install will work17:48
[Relic]now it is back to not working and wrong elf class17:48
cire[Relic]: did you change somehow from 32 to 64 bit?17:49
cireall I find concerning you topic seems to be platform related17:49
[Relic]been 64 all the time17:50
[Relic]got them both removed from apt-get, now will try apper to install but not sure if I select one or both17:50
cirewhat do you mean by "both"?17:51
cirewhat are they called?17:51
[Relic]flashplugin-downloader and flashplugin-installer17:53
cire-downloader is uninstalled here. -installer works fine.17:53
cireI think you're right, this was the old version17:53
[Relic]they both say the same thing17:53
cireweird, apt-cache show tells me -installer depends on -downloader17:54
cireI have only installer17:54
[Relic]won't work17:54
[Relic]installer wants to use downloader and the say it can't configure it17:55
cire[Relic]: did you try installing it via console?17:55
ciresudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:55
cireso you get the apt output17:55
[Relic]tried removing one via apt and the other one then installs17:56
cireI just don't get it... dpkg -l *flash* tells me -downloader is uninstalled, trying to install it manually gets me "is latest version"17:57
cirewhat the hell...17:57
[Relic]welcome to my problem17:57
[Relic]wonder if flash aid was brought up to normal17:58
cireI was using debian for years and switched to (k)ubuntu a few days ago. So either this is (k)ubuntu related, or just rubbish17:58
cireokay, apt-get policy tells me -downloader is installed17:59
BarkingFishGuys, just wondering if you could help me - I want to burn a set of AVI's to a DVD, so that when you open the DVD, you get a menu, thumbnails of the episodes, etc - is there any good software for making video DVDs which don't require you to have Video_RM and Video_TS files?17:59
cireBarkingFish: these menus and stuff are part of the video DVD spec as I remember, and so are VIDEO_TS and stuff. You can't use one without the other, Iimho18:00
cirebut perhaps an expert will tell sth other18:01
BarkingFishhm. And all I have are AVIs. I've never made a Video DVD before, much less tried to figure out what goes where...18:01
cireBarkingFish: I did never do that, but there should be tools converting your avis to mpeg2 (VIDEO_TS format) and adding menus.18:02
cirebut expect them to get larger than the avis18:02
[Relic]k3b has a new video CD/DVD options; not sure if that handles that automatically or not since I have never used it18:03
cirethis VIDEO_TS stuff is made for running in hardware decoders as DVD players, so it may not be that efficient in encoding18:03
BarkingFishcire: yeah, which won't help.  I have a 52 episode series to put on dvd, at roughly 176MB per episode18:04
BarkingFishif I convert those to mpeg2ts, they'll be freaking huge :(18:04
cireBarkingFish: so get rid of those menu stuff ;)18:05
cireBarkingFish: where is it supposed to run?18:05
cirehardware dvd players, or just computers?18:05
BarkingFishcire: I wanted to do the menu, so I could make it look a little more...professional.. I'm learning new things, and can't "not" do them, just because it's complicated :)18:05
BarkingFishhardware dvd player18:06
BarkingFishI want something I can take out of my machine and watch in bed of a night, or when I'm relaxing.18:06
cireBarkingFish: so you're lost. imho it is not complicated, it is useless. You can either make a proper video DVD and following the specs, or ignore them and let the menus go18:06
BarkingFishI'll flip open kdenlive and see how big an mpeg2 transport stream comes out at.18:07
cireBarkingFish: I don't think you will succeed in putting all the episodes on one disk with mpeg218:08
cirebut yeah, give it a try18:08
cireand tell me how big it was, never tried it :)18:08
BarkingFishMaybe not on one disk, I can break it down into two or three maybe, depends how big the files come out at18:08
BarkingFishwell I'll soon see, I'm sucking the first episode into kdenlive now...18:09
cireBarkingFish: Why are you using kdenlive for that?!18:09
BarkingFishbecause it's all I have, and all I know how to use.18:09
cirethats a powerful non linear video editing system. You just need a file conversion tool, right?18:10
BarkingFishWhy do you think I was asking for help with other video editors??? :)18:10
cireI would do it in the commandline, but there are tons of frontends for these commandline converters18:10
cireBarkingFish: give avidemux a try18:11
BarkingFishi have no idea how to use it, but anything's worth a shot18:12
BarkingFishHoly grud on a green stick.18:13
cireBarkingFish: it is very straightforward18:13
BarkingFish1 avi file, 176mb  -  sent out to .mpg at a reasonable video rate, resized and deinterlace...18:13
BarkingFish380.46MB, estimated render time: 05:42:1118:14
BarkingFishI'm like, what the ....18:15
cirebut you also have to take care of the audio stream18:15
cirehardware dvd players don't play mp3 afaik18:15
cirebut I am no expert for this18:15
[Relic]this is getting annoying18:16
BarkingFish[Relic]: what is getting annoying?18:16
[Relic]not getting flash running18:17
DemonWitchhow can i disable kdm? after boot just get a console login19:19
Peace-DemonWitch: http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/07/24/tip-disable-gdm-kdm-or-xdm-from-starting-up-automatically/19:24
cyberworm54jsut change the rinleverl to 319:27
cyberworm54*just change the runlevel to 319:27
cyberworm54in the inittab file19:27
cyberworm54and reboot19:27
Pici!inittab | cyberworm5419:28
ubottucyberworm54: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:28
Pici!text | DemonWitch19:28
ubottuDemonWitch: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode19:28
DemonWitchPici, i tried it didnt work19:28
DemonWitchyes i will now stop the service kdm running19:28
DemonWitchusing update-rc.d -f gdm remove19:28
DemonWitchor kdm19:28
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rork!fr | Darak21:08
ubottuDarak: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:08
DarakGood evening21:09
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rorkGood evening Darak21:12
DarakHello, I'm new here21:13
rorkSo I thought, do you need help with any problems or are you just checking out this IRC thingy?21:17
Daraka little bit both I think ^^'21:17
Darak( I'm french, sorry if I made somes mistakes )21:18
rorkWell, this is a help channel so if you have any questions you can just ask them. For chat there are the offtopic channels like #kubuntu-offtopic but that one isn't realy active either21:19
rorkDon't worry about your english, it seems fine and there are many non-native english speakers here21:20
DarakOk thanks, I were on Windows and recently install Ubuntu. And I've got some strange bug ^^21:21
DarakOk, are you english ?21:21
rorkif you feel more comfortable speaking your own language you can  join the french channels too21:22
rorkI'm dutch21:22
cyberworm54whats your issue Darak?21:22
Darakrork: Nice ^^ No it's ok I like to speak in english too.21:23
Darakcyberworm54: Hi, I don't want to do it now, it's not  urgent yet :)21:24
DarakBut for examples: when I boot, my pc shutdown automatically. And sometimes it works.21:25
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jbwivguys, I was listening to amarok earlier. However, it froze, I killed it. Now, upon restarting, even though it seems to be playing mp3s there is no sound. I have sound from other applications like firefox. I've checked for hung amarok process and don't see any. any ideas on how to fix without a reboot?22:22
BluesKajjbwiv, try starting amarok from the terminal and pastebin the output22:28
jbwivBluesKaj, actually, now all sound has stopped :-/ does kde on ubuntu use pulseaudio? is restarting it as simple as killing the daemon?22:34
BluesKajjbwiv, ok run pulseaudio in the cli or krunner (alt+f2)'22:36
BluesKajjbwiv, yes pulseaudio is installed by default22:37
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andres__how could I create a password in a ZIP file using KDE Dolphin?23:26
Ddpbfright click onf file or folder23:27
Ddpbfand select option compress23:27
andres__ok...but if I need to set a password?23:30
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