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ttxJust in case nobody reported it yet: login.launchpad.net times out09:04
ttx"504 Gateway Time-out"09:04
wgrantttx: Yeah, the DB has fallen over a little again. Should be back soon.09:04
ttxwgrant: thanks !09:05
wgrant(only some users are broken)09:05
wgrantSadly it is mostly the important ones.09:05
ttxwgrant: hehe. I guess only the people having to refresh their SSO tokens ?09:05
ttxwgrant: or just a partition of the users ?09:05
wgrantttx: Should all be back now.09:10
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ttxwgrant: yes, cheers!09:23
sorenbigjools: I'm hitting bug 798957 again, but this time, it seems the upload actually is rejected.10:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "PPA Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79895710:45
bigjoolssoren: if it is, it's unrelated10:46
sorenbigjools: I can't be caused by your recent change?10:47
bigjoolssoren: the yet-to-land change? :)10:47
wgrantbigjools: process-upload just scriptactivity-whinged.10:47
wgrantSomeone may have thrown langpacks at us, I guess.10:48
sorenbigjools: Oh, I see.10:48
wgrantRegardless, it is likely relevant to soren's issue...10:48
sorenwgrant, bigjools: So... What to do?10:57
bigjoolssoren: one sec10:57
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TeTeThi, I'm admin of the lotus-isv team, but can't make other team members admin from https://launchpad.net/~lotus-isv/+members13:28
geserIIRC you need to be owner for this13:29
TeTeTgeser: thanks, I see, Brian is the owner, but he left Canonical. Any admin here that can assign the team to me?13:33
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geserfile a question against LP if you don't get a reply13:54
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james_whi, are mp diffs not updating?15:52
james_wI've seen 3 reports in the last few minutes15:52
james_wor maybe they are just a little slow today15:53
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scott-worki accidentally create two teams for the ubuntu studio website.  can someone help me delete or hide one of them?17:59
kikothey can be merged18:00
scott-workkiko, can you provide instructions or link to instructions on how to do this?18:02
kikothing is, I used to be able to do this18:02
scott-workkiko: sorry, i mis-typed, these are teams18:02
scott-workare NOT teams18:02
scott-workthese are projects18:02
kikothat's different18:02
scott-workyeah :/18:04
gustonegrohi, I'm trying to creat a mailing list for my project.19:01
gustonegroIt says you need to be a team admin first.....but, how do I create and admin a team in LP?19:01
scott-workgustonegro: does this help?  https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/CreatingAndRunning19:03
gustonegroscott-work: yes, thanks.19:03
gustonegromight help to have a link from the mailing list help page to there19:04
gustonegrohmm...seems like future subscribers of my list will need a LP account.  is that true?19:05
scott-workgustonegro: probably since it is hosted in launchpad19:10
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gustonegroah too bad.  I'd like to have a list the is open to a more general public.19:12
gustonegroalso, it's be helpful if  https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/CreatingAndRunning   had some header in bold that says "Creating a Team"19:14
gustonegrothe link to https://launchpad.net/people/+newteam is somewhat hidden in the intro text.19:15
gustonegrofor a team "contact address", what kind of notifications will be sent?19:22
gustonegrowill these be admin notificiations?  if so, I don't want these sent to all team members.19:23
gustonegroalso, LP won't let me use my own email address as team contact ...says it is already registerd to me.19:25
lifelessthats right19:26
lifelesswe can only have one person or team in the system with a given contact address, because we assume mail *from* that address is from that person-or-team.19:26
gustonegrolifeless: oh.  hmm.  so I have to use another email addy to get the notifications sent to me?19:29
lifelessno, if you are in the team, notifications to the team will go to you19:30
lifelessbut you said you wanted a mailing list19:30
lifelessdo you really want a mailing list, or do you just want a way to let multiple folk get notifications ?19:30
gustonegroI guess I'm not sure what the notifications are going to be19:30
lifelessok, just don't set a contact address19:31
gustonegroare these admin notifications that are meant only for a list administrators?19:31
lifelessits -only- there for working with external lists.19:31
lifeless(and confusing folk making teams for the first time)19:31
gustonegrois there any way to link a team to a project?19:32
gustonegrovisually or logically....so that visitors to the LP site can find the team from the project and vice versa?19:33
lifelessI put references in the project description19:33
lifelesse.g. https://launchpad.net/python-oops19:34
gustonegroI am really confused how members, teams, projects, mailing lists all fit together on LP.19:38
gustonegrohow do I link the code from my project to the team?19:38
gustonegroor, should I have created the team first?19:39
lifelessso teams are groups of people (including other teams)19:39
lifelessmailing lists are when you say 'this group of people want to be able to talk together via email with archives' - just like a normal list... except we do it by marking one team as being a list19:40
lifelessthe teams name becomes the list address on lists.launchpad.net, and it gets an archive.19:40
lifelessprojects and teams relate via roles - 'bug supervisor', 'driver' etc. So lists don't really relate there. I have a bug open asking for a way to say 'this is the list for this project'19:41
lifelesscode is for a project and an owner - the person that owns the branch. That can be a team.19:41
lifelessdoes this help at all ?19:42
gustonegroyeah, ....I'm trying to wrap my head around it all.19:42
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CoreyHmm.  Can I use pull-lp-source to pull sources from a PPA?  I attempt this and keep getting "the package does not exist in the Ubuntu primary archive in 'lucid'"20:37
micahgCorey: no, it's for pulling packages from Ubuntu, once you add a PPA with add-apt-repository, you should be able to use apt-get source on it though20:52
* micahg wonders if that should be renamed20:53
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mounirbbazaar is retruning Permission denied (publickey) when I try to get code from launchpad, who should I talk to fix this?22:56
Pengmounirb: Most likely Launchpad doesn't have your correct SSH key registered.22:56
mounirbPeng, is this something I can fix myself? or I need IS to fix it?22:57
Pengmounirb: You need to do cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and copy and paste it into the box on Launchpad22:58
Pengmounirb: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair22:59
mounirbPeng - thank you22:59
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Coreymicahg: Hmm.  I'm trying to take a package in a PPA, change a few things, and resubmit it.  What's the "proper" workflow for this?23:14
CoreyOr anyone, really. :)23:21

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