
kaushalhead_victim: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kickseed/+bug/54861700:02
lubotu2Launchpad bug 546929 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "duplicate for #548617 most PATA/SATA modules missing in Lucid netboot" [Critical,Fix released]00:02
head_victimThat bug states that there is a fix released, have you tried the suggested fix?00:05
kaushalhead_victim: nope00:05
kaushali dont see the fix being released as per the bug 54861700:06
lubotu2Launchpad bug 546929 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "duplicate for #548617 most PATA/SATA modules missing in Lucid netboot" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54692900:06
kaushalhas it to do with debian installer ?00:06
head_victimIt's a duplicate of another bug and the other bug is marked fix released.00:06
head_victimI'd suggest downloading the latest install iso for 10.04 (I think they're up to 10.04.3?) and trying that00:07
kaushalhead_victim: ok00:07
kaushalhead_victim: as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/null/+bug/546929 comment #10 00:08
lubotu2Launchpad bug 546929 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "most PATA/SATA modules missing in Lucid netboot" [Critical,Fix released]00:08
kaushalplease suggest 00:08
head_victimThat was over a 18 months ago though00:12
head_victimIt has been marked as fixed on the 30th of March 201000:12
kaushalhead_victim: got disconnected00:24
kaushalhead_victim: please suggest further00:24
ajcullenHey sag 08:04
ajcullenGot time for that ubuntu install? 08:06
sagacinot really, have a few moments, later this evening?08:29
devilmaycareokay cool mate08:33
devilmaycarewhat time do u reckon08:33
devilmaycarei am EST08:33
sagacii'm aedst08:36
sagaciso 7:36 here now... maybe around 9pm08:36
sagaci90 mins08:36
devilmaycareoh me too sorry i am in hobart08:36
devilmaycarecool man not a probs08:36
devilmaycareexcuse my multiple nicks i have irc open twice08:37
vadi2hey guys10:28
vadi2new to aus, what would be good resources for me to obtain parts for a computer? my 3-4 year old system76 laptop's hinge broke, looking at replacing it and building a desktop as well10:29
sagacinew desktop or from spare parts10:31
devilmaycarehave you got the part numbers?10:35
devilmaycarewhats the model number for your laptop?10:35
head_victimvadi2: actually system76 ship to Australia now apparently. So if all you're after is parts I'd contact them directly. If you're after building a desktop I'd recommend Computer Alliance (It looks like you're in Brisbane from your host?) on logan road in Mt Gravatt.10:36
vadi2head_victim: Yeah I'm the guy with the girl who came to the latest party10:39
vadi2you gave us a ride!10:39
head_victimI thought so but didn't like to assume ;)10:39
vadi2sagaci: new desktop10:39
vadi2devilmaycare: compal fl9010:39
vadi2don't have the part number, didn't take it off yet, but it's the right hinge that just snapped when I was pushing the sceen back :(10:40
head_victimComputer Alliance aren't the really cheap and nasty type but they do give good service and great after sales support in my experience (I've been buying there over 10 years). If you're after cheap and nasty look up umart or msy10:40
sagacivadi2: depends what you're going to use the new desktop for10:41
vadi2sagaci: skyrim in wine on highest settings, how about that?10:41
vadi2also, I'd like a dual-user environment later down the track10:42
sagacivadi2: are you dual-booting with windows10:51
vadi2sagaci: no, not dual booting10:51
vadi2Yeah, gold rating10:52
sagaciyour kilometreage may vary10:56
head_victimHah someone has their enAU l10n hat on ;)10:57
ajcullenSag I am just walking home11:05
ajcullenReady to do ubuntu install soon? 11:05
sagacinot right this moment11:06
ajcullenOkay...let me know when... 11:06
ajcullenHow d up go with those sites vadi? 11:07
ajcullenAnyone got ubuntu on a tablet? 11:08
head_victimajcullen: not yet, I wish I had a tablet to see if it worked ;)11:14
ajcullenYer... I'm soil in the process of checking that my XOOM is running right after root11:18
ajcullenI am walking home xoom in hand talking on irc lol 11:19
head_victimNice work :)11:21
head_victimWelcome back vadi2 11:21
ajcullenTrying not to get owned by lamp posts and the like 11:22
ajcullenHey man 11:36
ajcullenHow u go with the links? 11:37
vadi2yep saw them11:53
vadi2Now to research on what products are trustworthy11:53

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