
alourieearly morning06:11
dpmgood morning everyone!08:11
akgranerjcastro, I emailed Mark M. but I didn't have his email address so I sent it through LP, can you confirm he got it and that we are on  track for interview etc.  Many many thanks!11:52
dpmquick poll: I'm creating a Software Centre button to add in a blog post on developer.ubuntu.com. Which one do you guys find best? -> http://ubuntuone.com/1PbXb3IPSBZLD2zEsrue5G (ignore the FREE stamp for now)12:54
scott-workgood morning everyone13:02
scott-workcjohnston: i created the ubuntustudio-website-content team yesterday13:02
czajkowskidpm: 1st one13:02
dpmczajkowski, cool, thanks, I'm leaning towards the 1st one myself too13:03
cprofittdpm: I like both, but the first one best... would you want to make the 'free' Aubergine?13:23
dpmthanks cprofitt. Reading the design guidelines, I think the warm grey fits best, but I'll give it a try, nevertheless :)13:24
MrChrisDruifdpm; first one looks better and cprofitt's suggestion is probably a good idea13:28
dpmthanks MrChrisDruif :)13:29
MrChrisDruifAlso, while your editing that free stamp, the text is practically touching the sides so I think it should be slightly bigger13:30
mhall119dpm: I like #213:31
AlanBelldpm: second one looks more correct I think, but what font is Software Centre in?13:32
mhall119#2 seems to be the more common way of showing the logo13:32
popeydpm: font looks wrong13:32
mhall119it's orange on white in ubuntu.com, in the dash, on keyboard stickers, etc13:33
popeythe brand name is 'Ubuntu Software Center' (sadly) rather than 'Software Centre' or 'Software Center'13:33
AlanBellgimp normally does a better job of the font anti-aliasing than that13:33
cprofittyeah, taking a second look I would say use the circle from the second one, and make the 'free' standout a bit more -- change the color contrast by using aubergine or make it larger...13:33
mhall119dpm: you should ask in #ubuntu-design too13:36
dpmAlanBell, popey, it's Ubuntu Condensed13:37
AlanBellok, not seen that variant yet :)13:38
dpmpopey, you're right, I should add "Ubuntu", although I'll see if I can get away without it, as it makes the text even longer. It's "Centre", though, as official communications are in UK English, also on the web: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features/ubuntu-software-centre13:41
popeyso it is13:42
popeyshame the screenshot on that very page has it wrong13:43
AlanBellbut it is right below in the meta-screenshot13:44
cprofitt+1 AlanBell13:45
AlanBellyo dawg, we heard you like screenshots http://www.ubuntu.com/sites/www.ubuntu.com/files/active/images/oneiric-features-usc-developer.jpg13:45
cprofittI am a Canadian and an Amercian and I vote for using English English, not American English. That is just me ofcourse.13:46
snap-lI think we should all use UK slang.14:10
snap-lBlighty, that process went pear shaped fast, and the machine went for a toss14:11
scott-workcprofitt: english english, like 'colour' and 'favour' ?14:24
czajkowskiscott-work: where folks use organisation instead of organization14:25
scott-workstrangely, i'm american but i find myself using 'flavour' and 'colour' and other british terms14:25
scott-workbut i also curse in german and spanish for some strange reason as well14:25
czajkowskiscott-work: hehe14:26
czajkowskithat;s well messed up14:26
scott-workczajkowski: yeah, i never understand (and can't remember) organisation vs organization14:26
scott-workfrankly it seems a little stupid to me to differentiate that14:26
czajkowskiI remember in my final year in college I had to research a ton of papers and a lot were written using american english used to wreck my head as then I started to write like that which then resulted in marks being deducated by lecturer14:28
cjohnstonscott-work:  awesome14:39
cjohnstonjcastro:  ping14:39
jcastroakgraner: ok14:48
cjohnstonjcastro:  did you get my email yesterday afternoon?14:55
jcastroyep I did15:00
jcastroI need one more thing now15:00
jcastrocjohnston: can you add a time estimate to each feature?15:00
jcastrosomething like15:00
jcastro"Do foo and bar (8 hours)15:00
scott-workczajkowski: oooh, that sucks15:07
nigelbHello folks15:08
scott-workhi nigelb15:09
nigelbHey scott-work :)15:09
mhall119jcastro: getting down to the hour isn't going to be very accurate15:55
mhall119can we do it as days and half days instead?15:55
jcastro<-- lunching an hour early to avoid the rush16:00
mhall119holy crud, it's 11am already?16:00
mainerrorI'm planing to let a company nearby print a huge Ubuntu sticker with my LoCo's contact data. Am I even allowed to do something like that?18:00
mainerrorOf course that'd happen if/after I have applied for an Ubuntu membership and got approved but I'm still not sure if that would be ok.18:01
mainerrorAlright, cool.18:01
AlanBelladvocacy use is ok18:01
mainerrorThat is great! :)18:01
AlanBellbut read the trademarks page for details18:01
cjohnstonAlanBell: what do you think about maybe making two different etherpads.. one for uds and one for regular stuff?18:02
czajkowskicjohnston: ello how is the LTP shaping up this cycle?18:03
cjohnstonczajkowski: :-/18:03
cjohnstonlacking developers18:03
czajkowskicjohnston: have we lost folks? still the same number of folks no ?18:04
czajkowskijust I see all the work on summit these days so just wondered18:04
cjohnstonczajkowski: we have lost folks18:04
cjohnstonand summit has deadline requirements18:04
czajkowskifair enough, just with more of a push for teams to use the LTP just wondered.18:05
cjohnstonneed some people from the teams to help out.. cant do it with only 2.5 developers18:05
czajkowskiI agree18:06
czajkowskithis was my feer when more stuff was pushed to the site if we lacked enough folks to make it happen.18:06
czajkowskiI;ll try and get a blog post out this week18:06
czajkowskibut given when new folks start to help out and there are issues in compiling the code on the ml it isn't good18:07
cjohnstonhonestly im not sure why he is having the issue.. its working for me still... I'm not sure who he is, but if he is on IRC that would make it alot easier to help him18:08
cjohnstonI havent had a chance to reply about that yet18:08
czajkowskiwell at least he;s trying18:08
czajkowskiI guess not everyone uses irc and he s trying via the ML18:08
cjohnstonRight.. and that makes it alot harder to work with troubleshooting :-/18:09
cjohnstonthanks scott-work18:41
scott-workcjohnston: ?18:42
cjohnstonthe bug18:42
scott-workoh, you mean updating the bug for the right project, gotcha :)18:43
scott-worksorry, i've already done a few other things since and my head space was on the bug anymore :P18:43
cjohnstoni *just* got the email18:43
AlanBellcjohnston: separate pad for UDS is a possibility, but I think we could have one that serves both purposes better than the current one does18:48
AlanBellseparate pad for Linaro is a possibility too18:48
cjohnstonAlanBell: explain what you mean by one that serves both purposes better than the current one... some sort of different customizations?18:49
AlanBellyeah, so that it knows when it is embedded in summit and has summit related intro text in that context18:50
AlanBelland maybe turn off the chat when in summit18:50
cjohnstonthat would be cool if thats possible18:50
AlanBellshould be18:50
cjohnstonI don't know enough about etherpad to know what is possible and what isnt18:51
AlanBellI have been learning a bit about node.js, it seems quite understandable18:53
jcastroDaviey: I was already chatting with leedo about a new upstream release, thanks for the follow up though (wrt. alice)19:13
bkerensaAlanBell: How did you upgrade Spotify :)20:41
bkerensajcastro: Do you know if dholbach is coming back today?20:42
jcastrono clue20:42
cjohnstonbkerensa: he is probably gone for the day..20:43
AlanBellbkerensa: whatify?20:48
bkerensaAlanBell: Saw you got the new version of Spotify :D was wondering how you pulled that off20:49
AlanBellgoogle tells me it is some kind of listening to music thing. I think you might have the wrong Alan.20:49
* bkerensa facepalms20:50
bkerensaAlan Pope20:50
AlanBellI did try listening to music a few weeks ago, but I don't think I have got the hang of it yet.20:50

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