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wendarmorning, afternoon, evening everyone17:04
wendarwork continues on 4 digits, we're still in what I'd call a "storyboarding" phase, piecing together screenshots to survey what it needs17:06
=== oreneeshy_ is now known as oreneeshy
wendarany other bits to share?17:07
wendarthere's been more interesting discussion on tools17:09
thorwilhi! well, i'm all ears regarding tools17:13
wendarand, it looks like Ubuntu Studio is looking for some designers17:15
wendarplus some design work going into summit.ubuntu.com17:17
thorwilwendar: is that a wireframe for per person pages for summit.ubuntu.com?17:22
wendarthrowil: yes17:22
wendarI figure people will disperse over the next couple of weeks for the holidays (probably already are) , so the next meeting is Jan 4th17:23
mhall119wendar: what are your thoughts on the design of MyUnity?  Is that something we can contribute to?17:24
wendarwe can talk with the developer17:24
wendarit's been submitted to the ARB17:24
wendarmhall119: I imagine he'd be happy for the help17:25
* wendar looks over the package, finds it's already been accepted to precise17:36
wendarmhall119: that's a good idea, are you interested in helping out on that one? or know others who might be?17:36
=== oreneeshy_ is now known as oreneeshy
=== lamal666 is now known as lamalex
wendarI posted the Ubuntu Studio request to our main page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesignTeam)18:13
wendarand will add MyUnity if the developer is interested (just emailed him an invitation)18:13

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