
kaushalI am hit with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kickseed/+bug/548617 Any fix is available for this bug ?00:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 548617 in kickseed "Fresh kickstart installation of lucid fails, - asking for ISCSI volumes (dup-of: 546929)" [Undecided,New]00:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 546929 in linux "most PATA/SATA modules missing in Lucid netboot" [Critical,Fix released]00:39
kaushalI am using PXE server to install lucid 10.04.3 on IBM System x3650 M300:39
kaushalchecking in again for the query ?01:44
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stgrabercjwatson: still about casper, I'd like to have your opinion on http://paste.ubuntu.com/770419/ as a fix of bug 29035119:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 290351 in casper "live session user and host should be called kubuntu on kubuntu" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29035119:41
stgrabercjwatson: I confirmed it works on Edubuntu (yay for kvm letting you boot with an external kernel and initrd ;)) and it should work on pretty much anything that doesn't give us an invalid username19:42
stgraberI also did a quick check in casper's code to ensure we use $USERNAME everywhere (and we do!)19:42
stgraberI'm just wondering if we have cases where .disk/info exists but contains something that's invalid or something that wouldn't give us the intended username19:43
GrueMasterDoes anyone here know how to set the mac address on the image during netinstall through preseed?  I have several platforms that the only nic doesn't have static mac (no flash).  I can set it in the kernel parameters when booting netinstall, but need netinstall to transfer that to the running system.19:54
GrueMasterbah.  wrong window.20:00
stgraberGrueMaster: and knowing you, I'm guessing that's on ARM? so preseeding grub's kernel parameters won't help right?20:01
GrueMasterYea, grub-free environment.  :P20:01
stgraberok, and I guess flash-kernel still doesn't have a configuration or anything you could change to add a kernel paramemter...20:02
GrueMasterI think I can only set it on the boot cmdline.  I'm checking if I can just append to /etc/network/interfaces.20:02
stgraberyou could do it the ugly way in /etc/network/interfaces by using a pre-up on the interface with something like "ifconfig eth0 hw addr aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"20:02
stgraberI can't remember if ifupdown has a standard way of doing it though20:02
GrueMasterWell, for Panda, kernels from Natty+ set the mac from the cpu die-id.  Maverick is borked.  Also omap.20:02
GrueMastersigh.  Looks like it needs to be a module parameter.  And since this module is built-in to the kernel, it needs to be on the kernel cmdline.20:10
GrueMasterWhich means editing /boot/boot.script.20:10
CIA-4partman-auto: superm1 * r618 partman-auto/ (4 files in 4 dirs):20:25
CIA-4partman-auto: Remove the use of 'local' in shell scripts outside of functions. Newer20:25
CIA-4partman-auto: shell script interpreters in precise complain otherwise.20:25
CIA-4partman-auto: superm1 * r619 partman-auto/debian/changelog: releasing version 93ubuntu1820:27
GrueMasterstgraber: I'm going to have to hack it in for panda.  Only need it for maverick and I am using a hand-assembled netinstaller anyways.  I'll revisit when I need this for beagleXM and other platforms.20:29
cjwatsonstgraber: seems OK, I think - maybe allow it to be overridden by an explicit FLAVOUR= in casper.conf (i.e. && [ -z "$FLAVOUR" ] around the whole thing)?20:45
stgrabercjwatson: good idea, I'll add that, then upload what I have so far and test the next dailies, I don't like uploading more than 4-5 casper changes at a time :)20:46
cjwatsonsuperm1: nice catch, thanks20:46
superm1sure np20:46
roadmrhey folks, Ubiquity is giving me an [Errno 5] Input/output error with a bunch of SQUASHFS errors (inflate error, failed to read block, fragment cache entry)21:35
roadmrthis is a network install with a preseed file, I tried to rule out the usual suspects (network corruption, memory, hard disk failure ) so far all the tests have passed21:36
roadmrI know the installation image itself is OK because I've installed other systems with the same21:36
roadmrany more ideas on how to diagnose this? :)21:37
CIA-4ubiquity: stgraber * r5111 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/plugininstall.py): Recent casper generates the username and hostname based on the media name, replacing hardcoded casper_user by the username of uid 999.22:04

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