
mdzbjf[afk], I think this script may be getting false positives: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/904025/comments/201:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 904025 in linux "lxc-start intermittently fails" [Undecided,Incomplete]01:06
mdzAFAIK there's nothing apport-collect would add which isn't already on that bug01:06
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RAOFBah!  Is aufs deliberately gone from the Precise kernel?04:50
ohsixwasn't it out of tree anyways? afaik it was used a long time ago to try upgrades but that hasn't worked since 9.10 or something04:51
RAOFWell, it's been the default overlay filesystem forever; schroot uses it.04:51
stgraberRAOF: yeah, my understanding is that we had both aufs and overlayfs in Oneiric with overlayfs being the default for the live environment, now in Precise aufs has been dropped completely04:52
ohsixyea it's still out of tree04:52
stgraberRAOF: "forever" being not that long ago ;) I can quite clearly remember unionfs :)04:53
RAOFAh.  That's unfortunate.  It seems that overlayfs doesn't support hardlinks in the same way that aufs does, and so mesa no longer builds in my sbuilder.  Hawkward.04:53
stgraberRAOF: I know we found some overlayfs weirdness at the release sprint (inotify not working as it should) which was a kernel bug, you may want to check with the kernel guys if what you see is a difference in behaviour or a bug that'd need fixing04:55
RAOFstgraber: Yeah, I guess that's the next step.04:55
ohsixanyone know why aufs was rejected anyways? were there concerns about proliferation or something?04:59
buckyI'm trying to compile a patched kernel with fakeroot make-kpkg and it dies with "dpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-image-2.6.17-om not in control info", how can I get around this?05:07
ohsixit doesn't know what to do with that EXTRAVERSION, i think05:08
ohsixthe debian/control and debian/* in general has all the metafiles that control the build process, and they're text05:09
buckyI edited the debian/control file05:09
ohsixyou might get away with -generic-om or one of the existing packages, but i don't know05:09
RAOFbucky: That was a known-bug with older make-kpkges; there's a workaround on the wiki page.05:10
buckyhmm... it seems that debian/control keeps getting over written05:10
RAOFAlso, 2.6.17?  Kicking it olndschool!05:10
buckyI guess make-kpkg had a problem with the '+' character in git 05:13
buckyI don't even have a debian/scripts/setlocalversion file05:18
court_jesterThere is a ppa for the last kernel?06:12
bjf[afk]mdz, the bot checks to see if dmesg and lspci are attached to the bug06:17
bjf[afk]mdz, that might not be correct for a virtual kernel though, i'll look into it, thanks06:18
buckyI finally found "KERNELVERSION = $(VERSION).$(PATCHLEVEL).$(SUBLEVEL)$(EXTRAVERSION)-om" and took the -om off and then just used --revision=om.1.0 so I could identify the package07:28
buckyended up with ../linux-image-2.6.17_om.1.0_amd64.deb07:28
buckythanks for the help RAOF and ohsix ...you guys were all over it07:29
ohsixwhy did you need .17?07:29
buckyoh.. it was in the top level Makefile07:29
buckyohsix, i'm messing aroung with linuxPMI which was the continuation of openMosix07:30
buckythe other patch was for linux- and I'm getting a compilation error about termios.h07:31
buckyanyway.. nite all07:34
akgranerapw, ping11:19
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* cking orders some spare cables and solder...13:50
tgardnercking, have you ever messed with CONFIG_LOCKUP_DETECTOR ?13:51
ckingtgardner, nope, didn't even know it existed.13:51
* cking has a peek13:51
ckingseems that we need CONFIG_HARDLOCKUP_DETECTOR configured too13:54
tgardnerthats what I'm just looking at13:54
tgardnerCONFIG_HARDLOCKUP_DETECTOR appears to be x86 only13:55
* cking nods13:55
tgardnerI think we should give it a try for awhile13:55
ckingyep, I can't see any reason not too. looks useful 13:56
ckingtgardner, so you think of enabling that asap?14:03
tgardnercking, just pushed it and am doing a  test build14:04
tgardnerlooks like it might be an ABI bumper14:04
ckingwell, if it works then you made jmp happy14:05
tgardnercking, why is that ?14:06
ckingtgardner, just that he's got some users who have lockups, so it may be useful feature for similar bugs in the future.14:07
tgardnercking, there were som panic reboot options that I chose not to enable lest a machine get in a perpetual cycle of reboots14:07
ckingtgardner, make sense. are the hang timeouts tweakable?14:08
tgardnercking, at runtime14:08
tgardnerdefault to 60 secs14:08
ckingfair enough 14:09
tgardnercking, its pretty tough to enter power stats when the wiki won't let me login.14:14
tgardnerSSO appears to be having issues14:14
tgardnerah, finally. taht took 5 minutes14:15
ronj_Hi. After yesterday's i686-pae oneiric kernel update, my Dell XPS 1645 laptop is no longer able to resume from suspend. Reproduced: always. Is this a known issue? If not, could somebody point me to a proper way to report the bug? Thanks.14:19
tgardnerronj_, try 'ubuntu-bug linux' from within a terminal14:21
ronj_Thanks tgardner, I thought reporting kernel bugs could have been more exotic; glad to hear ubuntu-bug works. Will do it this evening.14:23
brendandcking - i ran the power test, but my standard deviation was quite high, i guess cause i was using the system while testing. should i redo it?15:00
ckingbrendand, yep, if the std.dev. is high then I suggest re-running rather than submitting dubious data15:02
brendandcking - and best to just leave the system be while it's running?15:06
ckingyep, the test disables cron, so just leave it alone 15:06
ckingif the data is too variable and std.dev. is still high, then don't worry about adding the data to the wiki15:09
brendandis anyone here from the SRU team? herton, bjf[afk]?15:25
hggdhbjf[afk]: any problems if I start testing bug Bug 903188 now? I will be away from this Friday to Jan 215:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 903188 in linux "linux: 3.0.0-15.24 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90318815:27
hertonbrendand, yes, came back from lunch now15:35
brendandherton - i need to let you know that if we wait for the Oneiric kernel to be verified then we will not get enough time to test it before the holidays15:35
brendandseems a lot of bugs to verify15:36
hertonhggdh, I think there isn't any problem, if all bugs are verified then it'll be ok15:36
hertonbrendand, I and bjf were talking, and probably we shouldn't have released the oneiric kernel, because of the holidays. It seemed not much bugs would need verification, but that was not the case15:38
hertonbrendand, you may test it now I think too, in the hope everything will get verified15:40
hggdhherton: perfect, thank you15:41
* ogasawara back in 2015:41
brendandherton - wouldn't you rather wait a couple of weeks to be safe?15:43
brendandherton - if we wait then we can probably have it tested by the 5th-6th of January15:43
brendandand be sure of it15:44
brendandherton - i tell you what, why don't we revisit this on friday or monday and see how things are going with verification?15:44
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
hertonbrendand, doesn't change anything, just it'll be extra work if in the end some bug is not verified. In january we would like to start with a new update on oneiric. Next wee we will be on holidays too until end of the year15:45
brendandherton - as i said, let's see how things are in a couple of days15:46
brendandherton - thanks15:46
aquariusI installed a mainline kernel build (3.2.0-030200rc5-generic) to test suspend as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds. It didn't help, so I've just removed it (with sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-030200rc5-generic) and apt said the following: The link /vmlinuz is a damaged link15:59
aquariusRemoving symbolic link vmlinuz 15:59
aquarius you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]15:59
aquariusThe link /initrd.img is a damaged link15:59
aquariusRemoving symbolic link initrd.img 15:59
aquarius you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]16:00
aquariusI'm not sure how to rerun grub... and should I report that happening as a bug in its own right?16:00
tgardneraquarius, its benign. you can run 'sudo update-grub' if you're paranoid.16:00
aquariustgardner, ok, thanks. I get a bit twitchy when stuff like that happens in case it means "ha ha no more booting for you ever" or something unpleasant :)16:01
tgardnerwell, its not _quite_ that brittle, though we did have some weird update issues on a server yesterday.16:02
jsalisburyherton, bjf, possible regression from 3.0.0-13 to 3.0.0-14: bug 90249116:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 902491 in udev "Severe regression with latest kernel update: 3.0.0-14.23 takes an unreasonable amount of time to boot due to udev" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90249116:18
jsalisburyherton, bjf, it may be a udev issue, but wanted to run it by you.16:19
bjfjsalisbury: ok, on it16:20
jsalisburybjf, thanks16:20
bjfjsalisbury: looks like precise has the same issue16:21
tgardnerwow, 90 seconds16:22
jsalisburybjf, yes, as well as the mainline kernel16:22
tgardnergema, do you have any test configurations that use LVM ?16:27
gematgardner: yes, there are some jobs that use it16:27
tgardnergema, would you notice a boot delay ?16:27
gemahere they are: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/?16:27
gematgardner: no, I don't think we are particularly looking at timings in this case16:28
gematgardner: but you probably can get an idea based on the logs , if you were looking for something in particular16:28
tgardnergema, its something to think about. we're looking at a udev/kernel issue where the boot is delayed by 90 seconds.16:30
gematgardner: I will think about it, it is still not clear how we are going to display the dashboard info, maybe not just boot time but overall execution time and have a flag if it fluctuates too much16:31
tgardnergema, how about looking for big time gaps in dmesg for the first 30 seconds or so? if there is a gap of more then 10 seconds, then soemthing is likely wrong.16:32
gematgardner: I will look into the details on how to implement that16:32
* tgardner -> lunch18:42
psusican someone explain to me what mutex_lock_nested does?  specifically the nested part19:38
kikolet's see if somebody has a clue on a funny problem I have19:41
kikoI have a server hosted at serveraxis19:41
kikowhen I apt-get upgrade and a new kernel comes in19:41
kikothe new package installs fine19:41
kikobut update-grub isn't getting run19:41
kikoit's a natty server19:41
kikoany idea what normally triggers update-grub19:41
cyphermoxapw; sent an email with my patch to kernel-team@, who can I ask to moderate it so it reaches the list?19:41
kikoand why it's not being triggered?19:42
tgardnerkiko, update-grub should be run by update-initramfs19:42
kikolet's look at that then19:43
tgardnerwhich in turn is launched by the kernel post-inst19:43
tgardnercyphermox, I can. in the meantime you should subscribe to the list.19:44
kikotgardner, can I trigger that action manually to see if it's actually failing or just not getting run?19:45
tgardner'update-initramfs -u' should do it19:46
tgardnerkiko, its interesting that you have this problem. I updated a kernel build server yesterday in the Boston DC and it did not get update-grub run either.19:47
tgardnerthough Im'm sure update-initramfs ran 'cause the bits were there in /boot19:48
kikoso if I run update-initramfs manually it runs and does /not/ update grub19:49
kikokiko@dragon:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo update-initramfs -u19:49
kikoupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-13-generic19:49
kikotgardner, this is a server hosted in a DC as well19:49
kikoit is a virtual server19:49
tgardnerkiko, I guess you should hassle slangasek. that package is maintained by foundations19:50
* slangasek waves19:50
kikohelp :)19:51
slangasekkiko: does /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub exist, do you have grub (grub1) or grub-pc (grub2) installed, are /boot/grub/{grub.cfg,menu.lst} timestamps updated when you run it?19:51
kikoso /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub does not exist19:52
kikokiko@dragon:/etc/kernel/postinst.d$ dpkg -l | grep grub19:52
kikoii  grub                                       0.97-29ubuntu61.1                          GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version)19:52
kikoii  grub-common                                1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3                         GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (common files)19:52
kikoweird versions19:52
kikomenu.lst is not updated when I run update-initramfs19:53
kikoslangasek, ^^19:53
slangasekweird but expected versions19:53
kikoso why's my file missing?19:53
slangasekthat version of grub seems not to have ever installed the hook script19:54
slangasekdoes /etc/kernel-img.conf contain an 'postinst-something-something = update-grub' line?19:55
kikoit contains nothing related to grub19:55
kikoit says "do_bootloader = no" though19:55
slangasekyeah, that flag doesn't mean what it probably ought to ;)19:55
slangasekso, you can run 'update-grub' by hand and that should take care of it19:56
tgardnerkiko, does /etc/kernel-img.conf have 'postinst_hook = update-grub' ?19:56
kikoI do run it by hand, slangasek 19:56
kikobut I forget19:56
kikoand then I get kernel xpl0its19:56
slangasekyou want the actual bug fix, not a workaround ;)19:57
slangasekso you can add the line tgardner mentions19:57
kikoa real workaround is okay :)19:57
slangasekor you can switch to grub-pc19:57
kikowill that work in this weird virtual server setup?19:57
slangasekwhat kind of weird is it?19:57
slangasekif it's Xen, then... no19:57
kikoI don't know19:57
kikoyeah, it's xen19:57
slangasekyeah, you'll have to add the postinst_hook line then19:58
kikoand then update-initramfs will dtrt?19:58
kikotesting testing 12319:58
kikokiko@dragon:/boot/grub$ sudo update-initramfs -u19:59
kikoupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-13-generic19:59
kikokiko@dragon:/boot/grub$ 19:59
kikokiko@dragon:/boot/grub$ ls -l  menu.lst19:59
kiko-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6405 2011-12-14 06:48 menu.lst19:59
kikokiko@dragon:/boot/grub$ grep postinst_hook /etc/kernel-img.conf 19:59
kikopostinst_hook = update-grub19:59
cyphermoxtgardner: thanks19:59
kikoslangasek, for some reason it don't19:59
slangasekkiko: oh - the hook is actually triggered from the kernel package's maintainer script, not from update-initramfs20:01
kikothat's what I thought20:01
slangasekso 'dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.38-13-generic' would do it20:01
kikookay, so a dpkg-reconfigure maybe20:01
* tgardner wonders how long that should take 20:05
kikoit worked20:07
kikoyou guys are DA BOMB20:07
tgardnerkiko, that is weird. has this been updated from prior installs ?20:07
kikoyes, definitely20:07
kikoit's an old image20:07
tgardnermust have if it had grub120:07
kikoupgraded upgraded upgraded20:07
tgardnerkiko, pre-lucid ?20:08
kikoquite possibly, let me ask johan20:08
tgardnerkiko, it just about have to have been jaunty or karmic20:08
kikoyeah, something like that20:08
psusican anyone explain what mutex_lock_nested does, and why you would want to use it instead of the non nested version?21:10
hggdhbjf: EC2, Oneiric, found today while opening a kernel bug -- the apport hook is erroring out: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/770588/22:15
hggdhbjf: want a bug on it?22:15
bjfhggdh: looking22:16
bjfhggdh: yes, bug please22:16
hggdhbjf: roj22:16
alexbligh1LP886521 - I don't suppose there is an installer CDROM built with this is there? It's (slightly) hard to test this with a previous kernel on Oneiric under Xen for obvious reasons. Or failing that how do I find a URL for a .deb so we can downgrade Precise?22:23
hggdhbjf: bug 90448922:23
alexbligh1LP #88652122:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 904489 in apport "kernel apport hook error on EC2 Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90448922:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 886521 in linux "CONFIG_XEN_PLATFORM_PCI should be "y" when building 3.1 kernel" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88652122:23
bjfalexbligh1: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/3.0.0-15.24  ?22:25
* tgardner -> EOD22:31
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