
akgranerYoBoY, hey!11:18
YoBoYbonjour akgraner, how are you ?11:19
akgranergood :-) and you11:20
akgranerSorry I have been quiet lately just getting settled into my new job11:20
YoBoYfine too :)11:20
YoBoYeveryone is quiet lately ^^11:20
akgraneryep I think so, work, volunteering and holidays tend to keep people busy busy11:21
YoBoYI only have food and recipes in mind at the moment :p11:22
akgraner:-) yummy11:22
* Cheesehead still plans on getting those IRC sessions going. A few other tasks have delayed his effort.15:08
akgranerCheesehead, I think everyone is delayed at the moment  - December is a terribly busy time for all16:33
DarwinSurvivorhuh, just checked out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Projects again (double-checking the date of my session) and noticed numbers to the left of the sessions under "Skill and Trainer List"17:37
DarwinSurvivordoes anyone know what those numbers mean?17:37
DarwinSurvivorex: mine says 24...17:37
CheeseheadThat number is simply the number off the original skills list at https://docs.google.com/document/d/13VOmTgEqCzIW8oITV2d5fIRD3xsiKRVMd39OUlpx6xQ/edit19:00
Cheesehead#24 is simply the 24th on that list. So we can simply call it "Skill #24" and avoid a lot of confusion as names evolve and change.19:01
jrgiffordCheesehead: is this the original skill list?19:04
jrgiffordas in, the one phillip ballew and i went crazy on?19:04
DarwinSurvivorah, ok20:17

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