
FernandoMiguelhumm haven't file one for gconf00:01
FernandoMiguelwant me to add it there?00:01
FernandoMigueloh wait... I did00:01
FernandoMiguelnvm me.........00:01
micahgwelcome bjsnider02:58
=== drewis_ is now known as drewis
gnomefreakit seems firefox/firefox-trunk are the same versions as in t-bird as well :)10:00
gnomefreaknow i have to figure out how to combine t-bird+lightning10:00
* gnomefreak hates removing packages 10:11
* gnomefreak smoke i hope10:11
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, is libgnomeui installed on your linux builders?16:13
chrisccoulson(not sure how easy that is to find out)16:13
bhearsumi can check16:14
bhearsumour builders are CentOS 5.0 though, ftr16:14
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, ok, thanks16:16
micahgbjsnider: chromium daily failed again, wanna take a look?17:21
bjsnidermicahg, i misinterpreted something in the previous build failure. '-' means '+'17:35
micahgbjsnider: yeah , I think so17:35
micahgit's saying that those are built but not installed17:36
micahgI believe17:36
bjsnideri'm chatting with fta about it right now17:36
bjsniderthat's what he says17:36
bjsnideri'll have to do a pbuilder build here to make sure the damn thing succeeds17:40
micahgbjsnider: that would be great, thanks17:42
micahgbjsnider: chrisccoulson made the change already for the .pak files18:14
bjsniderit still might fail though, even though it's at the end of the run18:20
bjsnideri have to go look at the other ppas18:20
micahgchrisccoulson: didn't we back out the single glib include change in precise, or is that just temporary?18:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i've no idea, how come?18:28
micahgchrisccoulson: it was breaking everything :)18:28
chrisccoulsonchromium is broken because some functions moved between header files18:28
chrisccoulsonwhich is why glib now inforces the single include18:28
micahgah, ok18:28
bjsnidera couple of small changes to the bot confs have to be made to add precise18:29
chrisccoulsonmicahg, thanks18:32
bjsnideralright daily built successfully, so that's fixed, now i will go after -dev and -beta19:20
chrisccoulsoni started using tmux today, and i'm liking it a lot :)19:41
micahghmm, maybe I should try something like that19:43
chrisccoulsoni used screen before, but tmux is better19:43
chrisccoulsonthis is all i need. screw unity, i'll just take tmux thank you :)19:44
chrisccoulsonw00t, test hang \o/20:09
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, if i wanted to find a build log of an official build of firefox, is it possible to do that?20:11
bhearsumhttp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/8.0.1-candidates/build2/logs/ for 8.0.1, for example20:15
bhearsumhttp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/8.0.1-candidates/build2/logs/release-mozilla-release-linux64_build-build10.txt.gz is the build log for 64-bit linux20:15
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, excellent, thanks. that would have saved me asking my earlier question :)20:16
bhearsumlet me know if i can speed anything else up by answering a question20:16
micahgchrisccoulson: I just wanted to verify what we'll be using branches for in the lucid/maverick rapid release migration, for the Firefox side, is it just firefox?21:10

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