
nemo_nihilwhat is the best way to have mythtv play music from an external hard drive?02:24
Shred00the rsyslog.d/40-mythtv-rsyslog.conf doesn't actually seem to be causing rsyslog to even open the mythbackend log on the master builds04:40
Shred00hrm.  the file ownership settings in /etc/rsyslog.d/40-mythtv-rsyslog.conf don't seem to be working.  the files are being created with user.group syslog.syslog.05:13
Shred00filed bug LP #904099 about this05:29
=== dekarl_zZz is now known as dekarl
skd5anerhey folks - quick question... I run standard ubuntu (server) and compile and install mythtv from source...21:20
skd5anerI just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10, and now I can't leverage "service mythtbackend stop" to kill the backend...21:20
skd5anerany ideas?21:21
skd5aner/etc/init.d/mythbackend stop doesn't work either...21:21
skd5aneris this an upstart thing that's causing the issue?21:21
skd5anerand, if I do a killall and kill it off, I can't start it backup using "start" with either command either21:25
skd5aneralthough it starts fine at boot :S21:25
skd5anerI think I found the (stupid) issue on my side21:27
dekarlskd5aner: I have that too sometimes. on 11.04 though. didn't dig into it further21:32
marsilainenhi all, I'm running mythbuntu 11.04; I have a java applet which has some video that I'd like to display onto my tv; the builtin browser doesn't support java so instead I quit out of the frontend back to xfce and launched firefox21:36
marsilainenthe java applet runs fine in that and the video appears but I get no audio (through hdmi)21:36
marsilainenwhen in the desktop what audio does mythbuntu use? I don't see pulseaudio there which is the normal ubuntu way - is that not used in mythbuntu?21:37
marsilainenalso, any other ideas on how I can make this work - either from inside mythtv frontend or just from the desktop?21:37
dekarlmarsilainen: pulseaudio is supposedly not able to passthrough the audio bitstreams so its usually avoided (only hearsay for me)21:42
marsilainendekarl: sure21:42
marsilainendekarl: so does mythtv use alsa directly?21:42
marsilainenmaybe my question maybe an xfce one21:43
dekarlthe questions are quite generic, might be best to ask over in #mythtv-users how they add menu items for external applications that use audio, IR, too21:43
marsilainenI thought that if I launched firefox from xfce direct then the audio would just work21:44
marsilainenbut I remember having to set mythtv to use the right audio device to get it to come through hdmi, so I'm guessing I'd have to do something similar for xfce21:44
dekarlhmm, should work as the frontend might be restarting the pulse stuff, but that's not my area of expertise21:44

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