
ubottuszal called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()00:53
ikoniaLinuxnut: hello09:25
LinuxnutHow do i get unbaned09:25
ikoniaLinuxnut: you start by following the rules you've been warned about many times09:25
LinuxnutI was just asking09:25
ikoniaLinuxnut: how many times over the past 2 days have I warned you about your offtopic conversation09:26
ikoniaLinuxnut: I answered a question about projecthugo the other day informing you it was down and that it was offtopic for this channel09:26
LinuxnutSorry for not listing to you09:26
ikoniaI am tired of warning you, I've given you 3 "final warnings" - so enough09:26
LinuxnutI will be good09:27
ikoniaLinuxnut: you've had 2 days to be good09:27
ikoniayou've kept ignoring the requests to stop09:28
ikoniaI shouldn't have to ban you to get you to obey the channel rules09:28
ikoniayou should have stopped after the first/second request, not 10 requests down the line and 3 "final warnings"09:28
LinuxnutIm a hard head i guess but if you let me back in ill just talk ubuntu09:29
ikonianot at this time09:29
ikoniaI've asked you many many times to "just talk ubuntu", you've ignored it09:29
ikoniait's not fair on the other users of the channel09:29
ikonia!guidelines > Linuxnut09:29
ubottuLinuxnut, please see my private message09:29
Linuxnuthow do i see a pm09:30
ikoniaubottu has just sent you a pm with a set of guidelines on how to behave in the channel. Take a day or two to read and absorb them09:30
ubottuikonia: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:30
ikonia!guidelines | Linuxnut09:30
ubottuLinuxnut: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:30
ikoniaLinuxnut: there you go, there is the URL ubottu has pm'd you09:30
ikoniaLinuxnut: take a day or two to read/digest them and come back here and we'll look at removing your ban09:30
LinuxnutIs that you scaning my server09:32
LinuxnutNever mind guess not09:32
ikoniaLinuxnut: ok, so please read that URL, and come back in a day or two09:33
ikoniabye, speak to you in a day or two09:33
ikoniaLinuxnut: if you don't need anything more from the operator team, we request you leave the channel so that others may get help. Thanks09:45
ikonia10:12 -!- ikonia-fanboy [~root@] has joined #ubuntu10:13
ikoniaI wonder what this guys intention is10:13
elkyto be your BFF, clearly10:17
Myrttiblunt, but possibly effective10:19
elkyaren't you feeling endeared to them?10:22
ikoniamore fanboys10:23
ikoniagee, I wonder where this is coming from10:23
* Myrtti walks away10:31
ubottuniko called the ops in #ubuntu (*@])10:39
* Myrtti facepalms10:58
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
muhquhey, Is here someone in charge of http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ ?12:01
muhquIt's like one of its assigned IPs ( doesn't serve the package repository… it's empty12:02
popeymuhqu: I'd ask in #ubuntu-server or #canonical-sysadmin12:12
muhquok, popey, thx12:14
muhqufyi: the issue with http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ is solved12:36
Myrttigreat, thank you12:37
Myrttimuhqu: can we help you with anything else?12:41
muhquMyrtti: no, thanks  ;-)12:42

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