
travisHAZEWho wants to help me kill my system by helping me learn dangerous ubuntu commands and how to combat them02:08
travisHAZEI know of fork while fork02:09
mhall119I don't think fork bombs work anymore03:13
travisHAZEnow I have to test it03:14
mhall119go for it03:14
travisHAZEfork didn't work03:14
travisHAZEIsn't there another way to fork?03:14
mhall119fork has to work03:14
travisHAZENo command 'fork' found, did you mean:03:14
mhall119it's not a command03:15
travisHAZESomeone on the ubt forums told me not to enter xxx into term03:15
mhall119man fork03:15
mhall119don't believe everything you read on the internet03:15
travisHAZEfair enough03:15
travisHAZESo lets say I wanted to fork init03:17
travisHAZE1_t fork?03:17
=== travisHAZE is now known as trav|zzz
maxolasersquadtrav|zzz: Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_bomb all the way down to the end.  It shows how to defuse and prevent Fork Bombs from happening.14:24
maxolasersquadA week ago I could type in the name of a Nautilus bookmakr into the launcher and a lense would come up with that bookmark.  Starting this week (maybe a little sooner) that is gone.  Anyone know anything about this?16:06
mhall119maxolasersquad: nope16:06
mhall119maxolasersquad: on Oneiric or Precise?16:06
maxolasersquadmhall119: ^^16:35
balloonsmaxlasersquad: we can check the package updates to see if something changed16:36
balloonsbut you can also try creating a new user and see if they exhibit the old behavoir.. Or if your ok with resetting any customizations you've done, you can run unity --reset yourself and get the same effect of resetting your desktop to default16:37
maxolasersquadI have a bookmark named G: which is a bookmark to the same SAMBA share the Windows users have mapped to their G:\16:37
balloonsif things act properly, then we can assume it's a setting someplace :-)16:37
maxolasersquadballoons: Interesting.  What kinds of things does it reset?  I don't think I've made any costumizations so I should be safe.16:37
maxolasersquadDo I need to log out/in for unity --reset to take effect?16:38
balloonsI don't know off the top of my head what all it resets, but I have ran it in the past without issue16:39
balloonsyou odn't need to login/logout16:39
balloonsit actually fires up metacity for a minute, then fixes things and finally restarts unity16:39
balloonspretty slick16:39
maxolasersquadThat was fun, but didn't fix the issue.16:42
balloonstry checking your recently updated packages then16:43
balloonsand see if something unity or launcher related updated recently16:43
balloonsdid you run any updates?16:43
maxolasersquadI run updates every day, I'm on the dev builds of Firefox and Chromium.16:44
balloonswhoops.. not what I wanted to link16:45
balloonsthere are some others.. check and see if anything changed recently16:46
DammitJimridiculously silly question: how do you use git to get files from a repo?16:46
maxolasersquadgit clone <repo>16:47
maxolasersquadDammitJim: ^^16:47
DammitJimoh, clone.. not checkout16:47
maxolasersquadCheckout is for switching branches.16:47
maxolasersquadapt.log only has information from 2011-10-0616:50
maxolasersquadinformation for 2011-10-0616:50
maxolasersquadNo other dates in the log.16:50
=== travisHAZE is now known as trav|gonnagokill
=== trav|gonnagokill is now known as travisHAZE
=== me is now known as Guest24173
=== Guest24173 is now known as DammitJim
=== maxh1 is now known as maxh

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