
cndRAOF, I tried merging my stuff into the debian-unstable packaging branch to make a package of my server01:57
cndbut I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/769629/01:57
cndI have to leave for the day, but if you have some spare cycles I'd appreciate if you could help me out with it01:57
RAOFcnd: Looks like you've missed dropping the libaudit-dev selinux stuff, off the top of my head.04:34
inetprotjaalton, tumbleweed: after downloading the latest daily build last night and zsyncing this morning I burnt it to usb and just tried it out04:50
inetprounfortunately I still get the screen with the big white blocks04:51
inetprofor the record, the daily build was downloaded from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso.zsync04:52
cndRAOF, so I just need to drop that from the control file and everything will be peachy?05:31
tjaaltoninetpro: ok07:20
tjaaltonRAOF: do you have the changes to -savage stashed in your local tree? :)10:44
RAOFDo I have changes to -savage? :)10:45
tjaaltonpushed to natty at least :)10:45
tjaaltonright, the ubuntu branch is missing a couple of changes10:46
RAOFYes indeed.10:46
RAOFIt's actually missing those changes localy, too.10:46
tjaaltonhehe, ok10:46
tjaaltoni was just looking if it could be synced10:47
RAOFLooks like the answer is yes.10:47
tjaaltonbz.kernel.org doesn't seem to work10:54
jcristaukernel bugzilla has been down since the compromise10:55
tjaaltonoh ok10:55
tjaaltonwho needs it anyway..10:55
tjaaltonricotz: apparently libwacom will be used by the driver too, it's the only place where tool/id handling in being done (in the future)11:11
ricotztjaalton, this sounds reasonable11:12
mistertim_Hi there all -would anyone be able to advise me on a slightly mysterious xorg problem I'm having? After running an apt-get upgrade yesterday, my machine's refused to load the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver. I'm using the xorg-edgers PPA, but removing this and downgrading hasn't helped either.11:17
ricotztjaalton, so you think it fits into pkg-xorg?11:22
tjaaltonricotz: maybe ron will take it when -wacom needs it11:23
ricotzmistertim_, you should pastbin your Xorg.0.log which might contains something useful so someone can look at it11:23
tjaaltonricotz: in the meantime I'll push it to my local repo, which will be writable by pkg-xorg like the -wacom one11:23
ricotztjaalton, ok11:24
* ricotz isnt member of pkg-xorg11:24
mistertim_ricotz: no problem, here you go: http://pastebin.com/iUkZsAyg. Here's the output of lshw -c video, note output of driver=i915 in configuration line: http://pastebin.com/HykfCffs11:26
mistertim_thank you!11:26
mistertim_s/output of/absence of/11:27
jcristaumistertim_: you're disabling kms.  don't do that.11:28
mistertim_jcristau: aah! I thought I'd re-enabled it11:29
mistertim_I removed nomodeset and i915.modeset=0 from /etc/default/grub11:30
mistertim_hmm: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force"11:30
jcristaurun update-grub11:31
mistertim_very odd. Is there anywhere else it might be picking up those options from?11:31
mistertim_jristau: aah, d'oh.11:31
mistertim_thank you!11:31
mistertim_jcristau: that did the trick, thankyou!11:34
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popeyWhat ho x lovers.16:38
popeyGiven an install of Ubuntu on a portable device such as a USB stick, where nvidia-current has been installed to support ION hardware, with no xorg.conf configured. Taking the USB stick to another non-nvidia system (e.g. intel) causes the 'wrong' glx libs to load. 16:39
popeyIs there any way (other than removing nvidia binary driver) to not let that happen? So a stick works seamlessly auto detecting and doing glx lovelyness on any card ?16:39
broderpopey: without having tested this at all, dropping http://paste.ubuntu.com/770234/ into /etc/init/glx-detect.conf may do something reasonable16:45
broderbut the logic in there is pretty fallible (e.g. hybrid graphics systems)16:45
Sarvattpopey: outside of an upstart script that calls update-alternatives/ldconfig on the fly at boot which will make people complain about boot speed problems, not really16:45
Sarvattoh cool broder already did it :)16:45
popeyYou guys rock. 16:45
broderit's just a modification of the one i sent out to ubuntu-x :)16:45
popeyThis is for a demo, so doesn't need to be for public consumption16:45
broderoh yeah - it does need to call ldconfig, too16:46
broder...hmm, is gl_conf out of date? looks like its x86_64-linux-gnu_GL.conf now16:48
Sarvatthmm that upstart script would be messed up on an nforce chipset without an nvidia gpu too, and lspci -n is needed16:51
broderbah, i was testing with lspci -n16:53
broderlspci -n | grep '03..: 10de:' should work16:54
broderif you want to do better than that i think you need my C helper to find the boot VGA device16:56
Sarvattmaybe -nn and grep for VGA and 10de, ion might be on another pci domain than 0316:57
Sarvatterr pci bus rather16:57
broderi was trying to match the 2nd column - i thought that was the class/subclass16:58
broderlooks like X would consider anything with class 00??, 03??, 0400, or 0b4016:59
Sarvatt02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation ION VGA (rev b1)16:59
jcristauin a script you want lspci -mn i guess.16:59
broderwhat's that with -n?16:59
jcristauand look for $2 == 0300 && $3 == 01de for vga/nvidia17:00
Sarvattdon't know, i got that ion one from google, and awesome jcristau thats perfect17:01
Sarvattbroder: sorry I see what you were talking about now with the [0300]17:03
jcristaubroder: the kernel tells you in sysfs what the boot vga device is17:06
jcristauor does that not work?17:07
broderjcristau: oh, hmm. i didn't know about that node. i just stole some libpciaccess code from x - didn't look at how it worked17:54
broderbut it does look like that's all pciaccess is doing17:55
broderso maybe i can do this all from shell17:55
broderRAOF: did you ever check whether boot_vga=1 on both GPUs on your AMD hybrid laptop?19:51
broder(it looks like the ubuntu-x thread got side-tracked before you had a chance to test that)19:51
cndRAOF, my current method is:20:52
cnd1. reset ubuntu branch to debian-unstable20:52
cnd2. merge in upstream input commits20:52
cnd3. modify package as needed for ubuntu20:52
cndperhaps I should be starting from something other than debian-unstable?20:53
cndRAOF, do you think there's any issue with uploading a new x11proto-input to precise with version
cndeverything is backwards compatible, and it would help speed the entire process21:49
cndI already have the package built in ppa:utouch-team/xorg-unstable21:57
RAOFcnd: No, I don't think that'd be a problem at all.22:06
cndRAOF, is my process above reasonable?22:24
cndfor creating the server package22:24
RAOFI'd probably start on the ubuntu+1 branch; I can update that to debian-unstable for you if you'd like.22:25
cndRAOF, sure, that would be great22:26
cndRAOF, actually, how do you update it to debian-unstable?22:26
cndI'm basically missing the instructions for how to do that step22:26
RAOFgit merge origin/debian-unstable, basically.22:27
cndI've got the server built using my method, so I know it's just a matter of getting it working22:27
RAOFThen resolve conflicts.22:27
cndI'll try that22:27
cndand let you know if I have any issues22:28
cndRAOF, when I try to merge debian-unstable, I get a ton of conflicts in the source itself22:39
cndI think many patches are cherry-picked directly into the source22:39
cndwhich is causing issues22:39
cndhow do you handle that?22:40
RAOFOh!  You're not starting from ubuntu+1, are you.\22:40
cndoh crap22:40
broderRAOF: did you see my earlier ping about your hybrid AMD laptop?22:41
cndRAOF, how do you merge debian/changelog?22:41
RAOFbroder: Yeah.  I *think* I did check, but I'll give it another whirl.22:41
RAOFcnd: echo "debian/changelog merge=dpkg-mergechangelogs" >> .git/info/attributes22:42
cnduhhh... what does that do?22:42
cndand do I do it before or after the merge command?22:43
broderRAOF: you know you can also have a .gitattributes file in the repository, right?22:43
RAOFSets the external merge driver for debian/changelog to be dpkg-mergechangelogs.  After you've set that, git merge will handle debian/changelog nicely.22:43
cndoh cool!22:43
RAOFbroder: No, I did not.  Hm!22:43
broderi think you could just drop in a debian/.gitattributes22:43
cndRAOF, that didn't seem to help any :(22:44
RAOFThat's odd.22:44
RAOFI've just now done a "git merge origin/debian-experimental" in the ubuntu+1 branch and only got a trivial conflict in debian/rules.22:45
cndI'm trying with debian-unstable22:46
cndwhich seems to be what we want22:46
RAOFAhem.  Indeed.22:46
RAOFThat's what I meant. :)22:46
cndRAOF, nm, I realized I had a stale debian-unstable local branch22:47
cndthat's probably my issue22:47
* RAOF hates that part of git22:48
cndI tried the .gitattributes part22:48
cndno dice22:48
broderi haven't played with attributes a whole lot - i was just going off of gitattributes(5)22:48
brodermight be something i'm missing22:48
cndargh, RAOF, still not working22:50
cndis there some output I should be seeing during the merge?22:50
cndcndougla@cndougla:~/Canonical/ubuntu/xorg-server/xorg-server$ git merge origin/debian-unstable22:50
cndAuto-merging debian/changelog22:50
cndCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in debian/changelog22:50
RAOFhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/770621/ is what mine says.22:53
RAOFAnd http://paste.ubuntu.com/770623/ is my .git/info/attributes file.22:54
RAOFThe warning is because there's a malformed changelog entry somewhere deep in the depths of xorg-server history.22:54
cndRAOF, have you fetched the very latest from the git repo?22:55
cndI wondered if that would be the issue, but I don't even get dpkg-mergechangelogs22:55
cndso nm22:55
RAOFYou, of course, have dpkg-dev installed, right?22:56
cndI've got the utility22:56
* RAOF dunno22:57
cndRAOF, what version of git are you running? :)22:58
cnd1.7.5.4 here22:59
cndfrom oneiric22:59
RAOF1.7.7.3 from precise.22:59
RAOFBut it worked for me in oneiric :)22:59
cndRAOF, I think I was able to call dpkg-mergechangelogs manually :)23:04
cndit looks sane to me23:05
broderthere's not currently a reasonable way for me to map a PCI device -> the value i should be setting x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf et al. to quickly, right?23:05
RAOFcnd: Oh, you'll need to drop 220_xi21_deliver_raw_events if you haven't noticed that already.23:07
cndhadn't yet23:07
RAOFbroder: The numeric value?  No.  That value isn't stable; it depends on order of installation.23:07
broderRAOF: no, the filename. i'm working on my hybrid cleanup script23:08
cndRAOF, was that a patch you wrote?23:08
RAOFcnd: No; a backportish of something which I think is actually in 1.11 anyway.23:09
RAOFHm.  Doesn't actually seem to be in 1.11.  But 1.12, and it's a part of the input stack, so yay!23:11
cndRAOF, so I have a branch called upstream-1.11+input23:12
RAOFbroder: You should be able to match PCIID→vendor pretty easily, and then it's pretty easy to match vendor→filename, right?23:12
cndI can do a git merge of that branch23:12
cndor I can create a big diff and plop it into debian/patches23:12
cndwhat do you think is the best option?23:12
RAOFWhat will be easiest for you to work on?23:13
RAOFI suspect that would be a git merge, right?23:13
cndI like the git merge way because it leaves all the commits and merges available for further investigation23:13
cndbut I don't know if that will throw a wrench into further merging from debian-unstable23:13
broderRAOF: probably. i'd rather do it based on modalias or something, so i don't, e.g., turn on fglrx's libGL on hardware that's only supported by -ati/-radeon23:13
cndor any other workflows23:13
broderRAOF: i'm thinking of requiring drivers that use update-alternatives to swap libGL also drop a file somewhere with a list of modaliases i can check against23:14
RAOFcnd: It's only going to interfere if there are conflicting changes in debian-unstable, right?  And in that case, it's probably easier to learn of them at git merge time than at quilt apply time.23:15
RAOFbryceh may have a different opinion, though ;)23:16
cndwell, I'm not pushing it to the archive yet :)23:16
cndRAOF, do you think we should name the package version something like
cndor just leave it as
RAOFIn the past we've just done the equivalent of; that would be fine by me.23:18
cndRAOF, merging debian-unstable into ubuntu+1 is a much saner way of doing things :)23:22
cndI'm running pdebuild right now23:22
cndI spent a few hours trying to find an automated way of creating the backport23:23
cndvarious ways of calling git log on specific files and directories23:23
cndbut nothing worked quite right23:24
cndin the end I just manually audited all the commits/merges into upstream master23:24
cndtook me an hour or two, but it was much faster23:24
cndand I'm much more confident of the results23:24
cndRAOF, just a heads up, we will need to coordinate with kubuntu and libavg when we upload the new server23:25
cndit will need a Breaks for qt and libavg23:25
brycehRAOF, git > quilt.  Large patches are ok for initial packaging but can be a PITA for future maintenance.23:25
RAOFcnd: Ah, because it's a proto break?23:26
cndlibxi will need Breaks too23:27
RAOFcnd: What's the ETA for compatible libqt?23:27
cndRAOF, I haven't started on it yet23:27
cndI have to get a server that works first :)23:27
RAOFFair call.23:27
cndbut it will be one of my next tasks to get to23:27
cndlibavg upstream is very responsive and is maintaining their packaging23:27
cndI think they'll be able to handle stuff on their own23:27
cndthey wrote their own implementation in the first place :)23:27
RAOFSo, I think this means we'll need to stage Qt in the PPA first; breaking that will break the CDs, and that's a no-no.23:28
cndlibavg is in universe and is unseeded btw23:29
RAOFYeah; that doesn't need staging.23:31
cndRAOF, so I'm hoping to have xorg-server uploaded to the staging ppa23:35
cndI don't think I'll be getting to any of the input modules23:35
cndwell, any of the modules23:35
cndthey'll all need updating for at least 1.1123:35
RAOFI can happily upload all the video drivers.23:36
cndcan you also upload the 1.11 series input modules?23:36
cndI think there shouldn't be any api or abi breaks23:36
cndjust additions23:36
RAOFMinus synaptics and evdev?23:36
cndI'm off after today23:36
cndI'll be back tuesday23:36
RAOFThey'll need XI2.2 patches, right?23:36
cndyou should be able to upload the 1.11 synaptics and evdev23:37
cndfor right now I don't want to worry about XI 2.223:37
cndI want to ensure the server actually works with the backports23:37
RAOFOh, yeah!  That's right.23:37
RAOFIt's just the 1.12 input stack, not with multitouch.23:37
cndthere are two issues:23:37
cnd1. is it stable23:37
cnd2. did I nick any of the video ABI/API23:37
RAOFYup.  So we'll just drop all the multitouch input patches from the input drivers for the first pass.23:38
cndRAOF, really we should just take what's in debian/unstable23:39
RAOFYeah, most of them should be syncs.23:39
cndthe inputproto I uploaded was entirely rebased on top of debian's package23:39
cndI left a branch called ubuntu-oneiric23:39
cndbut the ubuntu branch has no relationship with it other than an ancestor23:39
cndI think we might as well do similar for synaptics and evdev23:40
cndif you have stuff on your plate, I'm happy to do this when I get back23:40
cndbut I just wanted you to know I'll be out in case you were interested and had time to help out23:41
RAOFI should be able to do this in the immediate future.23:43
broderugh, the blah-linux-gnu_gl_conf alternatives are really unfriendly to arch-agnostic scripting23:47
cnd\o/ the server built23:51
cndRAOF, should I rename the ubuntu branch to ubuntu-oneiric, and reset the ubuntu branch to what I've just created?23:53
cndtwo other questions: what's the location of the staging ppa again, and do we use a standard suffix for versions like ~x-staging123:55

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