
inetprogood morning04:33
* inetpro eventually got precise-desktop-i386.iso downloaded... burning to usb now04:34
nuvolarimornings inetpro, sdehaan05:28
inetpronuvolari: hiho05:51
superfly$#$%$%^$%^$ raining in summer!!07:02
inetprosuperfly: huh?07:03
* inetpro loves the rain, please send it here07:04
superflyinetpro: it's summer time... in Cape Town, that means it should be hot and dry, and it's not, it's cold and wet07:04
inetprohmm... 07:04
* inetpro forgot that you guys are upside down :-)07:05
inetprogood morning superfly07:06
superflymorning inetpro :-)07:06
nuvolarihmm, what font do you guys use for coding?07:31
superflynuvolari: Liberation Mono07:33
superflymorning maiatoday07:46
nuvolarizeref: and your code is working? :P07:49
* nuvolari just had a look at purisa. shocking07:49
nuvolarifulcrum: fonts for programming07:51
zerefi use it in emacs07:52
zerefwell actually my desktop theme is purisa07:52
fulcrumlooks a neater version of comic...07:56
maiatodayhi superfly08:01
nuvolari/buffer 208:04
zerefhttp://imgur.com/gallery/x0lj3 <<--- good way to start the morning08:15
fulcrumok I tried... but Empathy sucks, ah back in the comfy arms of pidgin13:50
nuvolarifulcrum: like CLI much?14:12
fulcrumI CL lots14:18
nuvolarifulcrum: then what about CLI irc client + bitlbee?14:20
superflyoh hey, nuvolari, did you see, HIB4 is out!14:57
nuvolarisuperfly: affirmative! The audio track download for Jamestown is pretty cool15:02
nuvolari(the only thing I could check out today :P)15:03
* nuvolari downloading NightSky just now15:04
nuvolariI don't know if it the idea of going on leave, but today was the most productive day this year :>15:16
nuvolariI think15:16
zerefnuvolari: how is precise?15:18
fulcrumnuvolari:  I use xchat for irc, I'm nost so sure about using text based for irc and/or IM15:23
fulcrumnuvolari:  will look it up though...15:24
nuvolarizeref: eh?15:33
nuvolariI don't understand15:33
zerefdidnt you download 12.04 alpha?15:40
nuvolarizeref: me? nope :P15:41
zerefoh :P15:46
inetprotumbleweed: how often does the daily iso get updated?16:49
* inetpro just noticed changes between now and this morning16:49
tumbleweeddaily, but new kernels are only uploaded every few days. Unfortunatly, all we've really determined here is that the bug still exists16:51
tumbleweedsomebody needs to fix it...16:51
inetprotumbleweed: thanks, I was just wondering16:57
inetproI'll keep lurking in #ubuntu-x but please let me know if you see something happening there16:58
inetprothat is in case I miss it17:00
* inetpro will be afk more often in the next few days17:01
inetprobut I will try to checkin as much as possible17:02
inetprotumbleweed: but I was just wondering anyway how often that ISO is updated in a day17:05
inetprobecause it seems to me that it is more than once17:05
tumbleweednormally once. More than once if people manually start builds17:07
inetproI downloaded last night and then zsync this morning picked up some more changes and there are even more changes now17:07
tumbleweedinetpro: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/17:07
inetproahh, thanks17:07
inetprohmm... not that it tells me much17:10
inetprobut that was just for interest sake anyway17:10
tumbleweedwell, it shows you the verision of each build17:12
tumbleweedwhen there are multiple builds in a day, you should see .x at the end17:12
Kilosfirst time ever17:56
Kilos* *** Checking Ident17:56
Kilos* *** Found your hostname17:56
Kiloseveing superfly and all you other peeps17:57
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:57
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:57
superflyhiya Kilos17:58
superflyMaaz: coffee please17:58
Maazsuperfly: Yessir17:58
Kilosany news superfly 17:58
superflyKilos: no :-(17:58
Kiloswhats wrong with people17:59
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and superfly!18:01
KilosMaaz, ty18:01
Kiloshey bot18:01
MaazEnjoy Kilos18:01
Kiloslo bakuman nuvolari 18:03
Kilosinetpro, dag sê18:03
Kilosnag sê18:03
inetprohi Kilos18:03
inetprohmm... jy gaan nou al slaap?18:04
Kilosnog nie18:04
Kilosdis nie dag nou nie dis nag18:05
Kilosdom donner18:05
Kilosneed to make a mail gmdondonner@gmail.com18:06
bakumanOom Kilos !!!!!18:06
Kilosgaan dit goed bakuman 18:06
bakumanheel goed dankie en daar?18:08
Kilosgoed dankie18:08
bakumancool col18:11
* bakuman speel maar games18:11
Kilosek het heel dag red alert1 gespeel18:12
Kilosmaar moes win me instaleer om dit te speel18:12
bakumanekt win7 install vir Portal18:13
Kilosdaai ms games is duur 18:14
Kilosmy boetie het red alert 1 tot 418:14
Kilosmaar hy het meer geld gehad as vestand18:14
Kilosses maande sonder werk het hom laat wakker skrik18:15
Kiloslo sakhi  gaan als goed daar18:17
Kiloslong time no chat18:17
Kiloslo nuvimob 18:17
Kiloshoekom op die foon?18:18
nuvimoblo oom18:18
nuvimobnof besig om te pak18:18
nuvimobnet gou kom inloer18:18
Kilosry jy more seun18:18
nuvimobnoggi my laptop uitgepak nie18:19
Kiloso is jy al daar?18:19
Kilossjoe ek is agter18:19
nuvimobek doon ja oom, wil so 03:00 ry18:19
nuvimobnee lol, oom is nou bietjie voor18:20
Kilosry versigtig en hou jou oogies mooi oop en op die pad en al die mall mense18:20
Kilosen laat weet as jy veilig daar is hoor18:21
nuvimobverseker oom! sal my kontaklense insit18:23
nuvimoben my kamera se battery is gecharge18:25
Kiloslol om wat op te neem?18:25
nuvimobwil kyk of ek sonsopkoms kiekies kan kry18:25
Kilosdis pragtig daar in natal so oor die see18:26
nuvolarimaar ek gaan weg wees voor daai tyd oom18:32
nuvolarisal dan al iewers in die binneland wees18:32
Kilosjy moes dit vanoddend afgeneem het18:32
Kilosjy moet ook n domdonner epos kry18:33
nuvolarioom het klaar daai een18:35
Kilosgoesie gaan gmdomdonner vat en jy kan net jou voorletters voor domdonner sit18:37
Kilosnaand julle18:54
Kilosinetpro, nou gaan ek doedoe18:54
Kilossleep tight all18:54
inetpronag Kilos18:54
superflybag Kilos18:54
superflylekker slaap oom18:55
Kiloslol the fly also makes mistooks18:55
* inetpro lol18:55
Kilosslow down superfly . see you guys tomorrow18:55

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