
escottmody, run the following command in terminal ps aux | egrep "metacity|compiz" what does it say?00:00
usescott: Dec 13 09:55:15 us-GT5028 kernel: [   14.458231] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  280.13  Wed Jul 27 16:53:56 PDT 201100:00
modygives >00:00
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modysokak I already have compiz config settings manager00:00
sokakWhen my compiz goes haywire, i shut it down and reload it, i made a couple of scripts00:01
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escottmody, after you typed `ps aux | egrep "metacity|compiz"[ENTER]` it should output something00:01
modycompiz (core) - Error: Screen 0 on display ":0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.00:02
modythis you mean?00:02
escottmody, you aren't typing the command correctly00:02
modymody      1503  0.9  0.3 174368 14172 ?        Sl   01:26   0:21 metacity00:03
modymody     17104  0.0  0.0   4444   800 pts/0    S+   02:03   0:00 egrep --color=auto metacity|compiz00:03
sokakTry 'metacity --replace & killall compiz compiz.real' and after 'compiz --replace'00:03
modyit says that00:04
popschwhen I mount a smb-share with nautilus, can I also open a terminal window in the mounted directory?00:04
escottmody, you have no shadows because metacity is running. metacity is probably running because something is wrong with your graphics drivers00:04
modysokak , it didnt do it00:04
Pengu1n_Phr0zenWhat is the best Ubuntu Linux?00:04
qbert_I need some server monitoring tools, telling me CPU usage, memory usage, network usage etc, any suggestions ?00:05
andygraybealso in ubuntu 11.10; how do i get to the 'applications' menu?00:05
qbert_something dummy proof00:05
andygraybealqbert_, nagios is probably what your after; maybe opennms00:05
MonkeyDust!best| Pengu1n_Phr0zen00:05
ubottuPengu1n_Phr0zen: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:05
andygraybealqbert_, oh dummy proof,, nevemrind :)00:05
sokakescott, when i had issues, someone hinted me to install fusion icon, and that worked flawlessly to set compiz instead of metacity, and poke all the stuff00:05
qbert_andygraybeal, hit the windows key, go to more apps, then see all for the applications00:06
qbert_andygraybeal, hehe kk00:06
andygraybealrock thakns qbert_00:06
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Pengu1n_Phr0zenubottu, Keep your pannies on, I was just trolling for the heck of it.00:06
andygraybealqbert_, aw bro, i ain't picking it up that fast. i hit00:07
Pengu1n_Phr0zenubottu, I've done more man hours on Ubuntu than you did potty training.00:07
ubottuPengu1n_Phr0zen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:07
andygraybeal'windows key' go to 'more apps' and then 'see more' but there no applicaiotn menu like in old gnome.. i feel like a geezer00:08
sokak*points* haaa00:08
Pengu1n_Phr0zenubottu, Correction, You are a butt.00:08
ubottuPengu1n_Phr0zen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:08
DerpadongLol butt00:08
qbert_andygraybeal, ahh yeah - I'm not sure if they have something the same, are you looking for a specific app ?00:08
andygraybealyea... wtf am i loking for -- make a usb boot disk from ubuntu image00:09
escottandygraybeal, just start typing keywords for whatever application you want00:09
andygraybeali can't remember the app!00:09
andygraybeali just know it's in the menu somehwer e:(00:09
Pengu1n_Phr0zenandygraybeal, I got the perfect solution for you.00:09
sokakandygraybeal, ubnetbootin can be wrong00:09
escottandygraybeal, what does it do?00:09
Pengu1n_Phr0zenThere you go.00:09
andygraybealwhat what what?00:09
andygraybealunetbootin, i will never remmb00:10
escottandygraybeal, do you mean the startup disk creator00:10
andygraybealescott, totally!!00:10
andygraybealcrap he left00:10
modyok so there was a driver for graphic I installed00:10
modyand rebooted00:11
modynow its fine00:11
sokaki use unetbootin because cant remember properly if the startup disk creator can make a persistent casper as well00:11
modywhats happening is00:11
modywhen I fore shutdown the driver is being broke00:11
modythen i have reinstall00:11
sokakwhich card you have and which driver you used?00:11
modyI have a sony vaio VPCEE00:11
mody4 gb ram , AMD 64bit00:12
modythe driver that fixed it called:00:12
sokaklol which gpu00:12
modyATI/AMD Proprietary FGLRX graphics driver00:12
sokakmody, i cant help you with an ati, i would not touch them neither with a stick under ubuntu00:13
DerpadongMody, worst card ever00:13
user82for me the opensource ati drivers always worked better. not very well performing though ...00:14
andygraybealokay, i'm not finding this boot disk creator application00:14
sokakDerpadong, i cant totally agree, the drivers just suck00:14
modywhat I can do?00:14
DerpadongThe card + drivers suck tbh00:14
popschWhen I mount a remote drive (samba share), then nautilus shows me the contents, but it isn't mounted in ~/.gvfs. How come?00:14
sokakmody, prolly you can google if someone had a tweak making it work better installing ubuntu on that model of vaio00:15
andygraybealaaah.... 'windows key' -> 'more apps' ->00:15
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andygraybealaaah.... 'windows key' -> 'more apps' -> 'filter results' !!!!00:16
sokaku got it andygraybeal ;)00:16
andygraybealsorry absuloute retard here00:16
Knuxgenthe launcher is not very friendly00:16
sokakandygraybeal, i would be probably even worst, thats why im sticking on maverick, i dont feel unity/gnome3 ready00:17
DerpadongIs unity going to not suck soon?00:17
andygraybealsokak, rock!   i totally love it!! but i odn't know how to use it!!!00:17
sokakDerpadong, again, its not a matter of totally sucking, but a matter of getting used to00:17
sokakthats why instead of complaining, ill just wait it to mature before diving in00:18
sokak(and lurk whats going on)00:18
DerpadongI went to xfce for now lol00:18
sokakxfce cant be wrong ;)00:18
Nach0zxfce is good stuff, but if it dont work for you, LXDE brah.00:19
DerpadongI'm trying to get my fav tiling window manager installed00:19
andygraybealxfce, lxde for the wins  even though i'm in love wth unities00:19
DerpadongLXDE is meh. Never liked it00:19
sokakNach0z, this is the point, we can flavour it as we like (until you are lazy as me and just idle waiting)00:19
Nach0zunities is too ram-heavy for me. I like lightweight00:19
DerpadongSokak, I feel your pain lol00:19
Nach0zthat being said, I don't like the lubuntu-desktop install00:20
Nach0zI gotta use straight LXDE.00:20
sokakIm swimming in ram - i just eat too much of it virtualizing :300:20
Nach0zI have tons of ram. I just like to be ... judicious with my ram usage. force of habit.00:20
DerpadongI need to change my ubuntu from unity to xfce00:20
MahaVishnuDerpadong$ if you google there is a psychocats link that tells you exactly how00:21
sokaki agree with both - but im insanely happy from when i switched to ubuntu - finally i can deliver desktop help amongst multiple oses *all in the same moment*00:21
Pr0pe110rHeadCan someone assist with undeleting (preferably) or reinstalling some missing system directories and who knows what else... am I better off running extundelete or just imaging the drive and reinstalling the OS to the copy?00:22
sokakPr0pe110rHead, doing from scratch will lead surely to less pain00:23
skegeektify 89chevygeek1100:23
b0efI have a 10.04 system and shouldn't pressing ESC on boot bring me to the grub menu?. Do I actually have to change grub boot files to enable this?00:24
MahaVishnub0ef$ thought it was shift then press e to edit the line you want to boot00:24
b0efMahaVishnu: ?, I should hold down shift while booting to bring up the grub menu?00:24
Pr0pe110rHeadsokak: after I image the drive can you help me reinstall the OS to the copy?00:25
MahaVishnuI think so.00:25
skegeekWhen I boot-up the GRUB screen displays too far to the left, but splash and desktop are aligned correctly. Where should I begin for fixing this?00:25
sokakPr0pe110rHead, i meant it as its better to reinstall from scratch rather than scavenging inbetween image files and undeleting. Will be less work, straighter, faster.00:26
Pr0pe110rHeadsokak: only trouble is, will  it retain the users, home directories, etc?00:26
Pr0pe110rHeaddoes extundelete work if you haven't used the system since files were lost?00:27
sokakPr0pe110rHead, of course not if you havent put the home folder in a separate partition. Its the best choice by design.00:27
b0efMahaVishnu: you're right;)00:28
b0efMahaVishnu: thanks..00:28
user82skegeek, grub customizer can change the resolution of the grub menu. maybe it "accidently" fixes the problem? ( https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer )00:28
MahaVishnub0ef$ np00:29
jimisrvrox2hey guys quick question is there any way that I can add space to my partition when I have free space but its not contiguous? IE: ntfs partition, free space, linux, linux, linux partitions..any way to add it?00:29
sokakPr0pe110rHead, the first time i messed like that, i backed up the home folders, reinstalled from scratch, making a separate home drive (you may as well just use a partition) then i just recreated users in theiur order, and put back home folders from a live boot.00:30
MahaVishnujimisrvrox2$ idk. but you could resize the partition with the freespace then move the freespace to the linux partition by resizing it. but you need live-cd and if anything goes wrong during this you will lose data.00:30
user82jimisrvrox2, not sure about what you want. but in worst case you can still create a partition that mounts somewhere into your existing filesystem00:30
sokakjimisrvrox2, i wouldnt mess too much wit non contiguous partitios :3 Considered moving to a new and better partitioned drive?00:30
Pr0pe110rHeadsokak: I think the home folders are on another drive.  However, I did not setup this box nor was I responsible for the loss of files.  I'm just the janitor, as it were.00:31
OctopusHi all!!!00:31
OctopusWhen Xubuntu will run as fast as Lubuntu?00:32
rootjediAny one here?00:32
OctopusWhen Xubuntu will run as fast as Lubuntu?00:32
OctopusAdmins moders?00:32
OctopusWhen Xubuntu will run as fast as Lubuntu?00:32
sokakPr0pe110rHead, i see your point. Well, reinstalling from scratch and, during the setup, picking the manual partitioning and replugging the home drive where it belongs, should do the trick (ofc, users have to be recreated as well) the only thing thats odd is, what caused important system folders to be mutilated?00:32
OctopusAdmins moders?00:32
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Pr0pe110rHeadsokak: ideally, I would like to undelete the missing directories (/sbin, etc) if indeed they are still there (drive tests pass).  then, I can retain the configuration, settings, data, etc.00:33
usany help with intermittent screen flicker on 11.10?00:33
OctopusWhy this chat, if I can not get answers to simple questions?00:34
MattheasOctopus: Your question is pretty broad.00:34
sokakPr0pe110rHead, honestly i never tried single files restores, until now, i always worked just with testdisk (and i love it - right now im backupping 4 tb of stuff i recovered with it) I have no idea then how to proceed in your case00:34
OctopusMattheas no00:34
Octopusthere is very simple00:35
rstreeterI am unable to connect to my wireless I am using 11.10. I have a wireless button and it is not recognized00:35
jimisrvrox2reason being is im running out of space on my home partition and its jacking up all kinds of stuff but whats funny is if I reboot instead of having 150kb or so left I have like 37mb left and im like wtf00:35
sokakOctopus, the answer is, when you will stop making broad questions, and focus on finding tutorials on how to optimize it.00:35
MahaVishnurstreeter$ try sudo rfkill list00:35
Pr0pe110rHeadsokak:  I've used testdisk, but I don't think it will undelete to the ext3 partition, I think it undeletes to another drive, right?  So, I guess I can complete the image I just started and undelete from the afflicted drive to the copy.  Or, I was thinking extundelete or somesuch.00:36
MattheasOctopus: If you say so00:36
OctopusMattheas,I think, Canonical should cease to fund Xubuntu and invest in Lubuntu.00:36
Pengu1n_Phr0zenWhat's Lubuntu ?00:36
* Pengu1n_Phr0zen plays ignorant00:36
MattheasOctopus: That's an opinion.00:37
Stepnjumphi guys, could some one tell me if this is a valid repository please? http://ppa.launchpad.net/THE_PPA/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found00:37
OctopusI think Xubuntu has lost its relevance.00:37
MahaVishnuOctopus$ I disagree and I ask this, what has this got to do with ubuntu support00:37
Pr0pe110rHeaddoes Linux have a repair option akin to Windows?00:37
nardevwhy does    lsof -i:80 | wc     always shows more open/active files than     ps aux | grepa apache | wc   ?00:37
OctopusMattheas, This is reality.00:38
sokakPr0pe110rHead, this is the point, i've newer worked in such ways - i always recovered user files, not system files. Btw, i think any undelete application will work from one damaged filesystem to another - undelete in the same place wont work by design00:38
OctopusXubuntu does not work faster than Ubuntu with Gnome 2.00:38
OctopusBut Lubuntu fastest and more. And it uses less resources.00:38
flanagan_Pengu1n_Phr0zen, its an lighter ubuntu, old god workin gon old hardware00:38
OctopusXubuntu does not work faster than Ubuntu with Gnome 2.00:38
OctopusBut Lubuntu fastest and more. And it uses less resources.00:38
cab938_homeIs there a way to find a list of all of the events that upstart jobs can be started on?00:38
cab938_homee.g. startup, runlevel, etc.00:38
arunceOctopus: how can you say that?00:38
TheDuckI have a hardware issue, it's not exactly related to Ubuntu, but it's a very problematic issue for my laptop. When I boot it up, the CPU fan makes a banging sound for about 2 seconds then functions correctly. About 20 minutes ago, the fan stopped working temporarily until I cleaned it a bit, but now it just does the banging for a moment, then functioning correctly. If someone here could help or direct me to a channel for hardware advice00:39
TheDuck that would be incredibly helpful.00:39
OctopusI currently use and have used both before distribution.00:39
SoloMenTayhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/769587/  That command will properly mount a windows share.  How do I put that in a FSTAB without putting my username and password where everyone can see it?00:40
usany help with screen flicker on 11.10? i've checked the forums and can't seem to figure it out. Quite the beginner.00:40
OctopusI currently use and have used both before distribution.00:40
sokakTheDuck, a can of compressed air, machine oil, or a brand new fan will fix it.00:40
cab938_homeTheDuck, when using oil, you want to remove the sticker that covers the bearing, usually in the middle of the fan00:40
cab938_homeand add a drop of oil there00:40
cab938_homereplacing the fan is usually the best long term solution00:41
sokakcab938_home, thank you for the fix ;)00:41
cab938_homesokak, Just thought oil everywhere might not be as intended :)00:41
TheDuckSokak There's a problem with all three. I've done the compressed air, I don't know where I would buy machine oil or how to apply it to the bearings, and I can't afford to buy a new fan. I also can't find out how to open the damn thing. I've taken every screw out and the components that aren't fixed to the board.00:41
OctopusXFCE has long been weak for DE machines, and Canonical is positioning this as a distribution is "for slower machines."00:41
TheDuckDisregard the not knowing how to put it on. You told me00:42
sokakTheDuck, only way i can point you is youtube. Search your puter brand + dismantling00:42
MariorocksyourliI have a question.00:42
Octopusbad translate prog sorry00:42
sokakTheDuck, there you will find also useful kinds of visual tutorials for fan fixing and stuff00:42
szal!ask | Mariorocksyourli00:42
ubottuMariorocksyourli: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:42
OctopusXFCE is now not suitable for older machines.00:43
TheDuckCrap. I can't get youtube working on this system. It's about 13 years old now.00:43
MariorocksyourliIs it possible to put the screen resolution on ubuntu at 1366 x 76800:43
MahaVishnuMariorocksyourli$ yes it is.00:43
sokakTheDuck, i feel you :* I hope you have at least a smartphone :*00:43
Mariorocksyourlithank you! :)00:43
MahaVishnuMariorocksyourli$ in a terminal run cvt 1366 x 75800:43
MahaVishnu1366 76800:44
OctopusNo longer suitable. Xubuntu just slows down for them. A Lubuntu works fine and fast. Then what is the meaning of the sponsor Xubuntu?00:44
TheDuckI do not. Hell I don't even have the new update for my Xblow to get youtube working on it.00:44
Mariorocksyourlii might be installing ubuntu on my other computer that is a old compaq 2003 desktop pc.. windows xp is having errors with disk defragment. xD00:44
szalTheDuck: a new CPU fan is perhaps €10, what's too expensive about that?  chances are that for that money you'll even get a shiny new box w/ fan _and_ heatsink00:44
OctopusWhy are you all silent?00:45
cab938_homea 13 year old laptop, eh?00:45
TheDuckcab938_home, This system is 13.00:45
OctopusWhat is your opinion?00:45
TheDuckMy laptop is a year old.00:45
szaloh, a laptop?  that makes matters more complicated00:45
szalif it's a desktop computer, that's quite easy00:45
sokakThen tube on your laptop xD00:45
cab938_homeI guess I missed it, I thought you were taking apart a laptop, if it's a desktop then it certainly should come apart with screws00:45
TheDuckAnd it's not cheap for me, Szal. I'm unemployed until I get my license.00:45
OctopusWhere can I find chat of Canonical?00:46
OctopusWhere can I find chat of Canonical?00:46
szal!repeat | Octopus00:46
ubottuOctopus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:46
cab938_homebut if its 13 year old desktop, you might need to give it some elbow grease00:46
sokakTheDuck, i feel you, jobless since February00:46
szalOctopus: and define 'chat of Canonical'00:46
arunceOctopus: I have xfce on new machines... can't tell much about older ones.00:46
TheDuckcab938_home, This system I'm on right now, on my IRC, is completely fine. My laptop is the one that's currently a big semi-functional brick.00:46
cab938_homeah, gotcha00:47
szalOctopus: and what do you mean by "what is the meaning of the sponsor Xubuntu"?00:47
Octopusarunce,on the new machines can you use KDE00:47
TheDuck(Despite being slower than a slug going backward on a turtle's back while the turtle wades through cold molasses, this system is pretty stable)00:48
MahaVishnuOctopus$ #ubuntu-offtopic00:48
Octopusszal,I want to Canonical has poured money into Lubuntu and completed it, and LXDE.00:49
szalOctopus: you want to what?00:49
OctopusCompleted Developing00:49
OctopusCompleted Developing00:49
Dj_FlyBy!repeat | Octopus00:49
ubottuOctopus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:49
lokemhi folks.  just upgraded 11.10 yesterday.  but after reboot, motion doesn't seem to work.  found the error message Error selecting input 0 VIDIOC_S_INPUT: Device or resource busy in syslog.  any ideas?  it was working perfectly before this.00:50
szalOctopus: start making sense or stop it altogether00:50
Octopusszal, Xubuntu has lost its relevance.00:51
OctopusIt is no longer suitable for slower computers. What is not clear? Xubuntu is no longer needed.00:52
szalOctopus: seeing that flocks of Gnome 2 lovers are switching over to XFCE, I don't think Xubuntu will become irrelevant anytime soon00:52
cab938_homeOctopus, I think the request was to make your statements clear, your last statement on "I want to Canonical" didn't make ant sense.00:52
MahaVishnuI wanna banana00:52
szalOctopus: other than that, this is really not a support issue -> take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or leave it00:53
Octopusu just stu troll stfu please00:54
arunceI'm a happy xubuntu user... and not going back to KDE, at least for now00:54
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Octopusok thx00:54
DaZwe need to shut down xubuntu, so all the gnome users will run to mint00:54
maumcan I install moonlight? I installed moonlight but I cannot see the movie in http://tv.sarang.org/frameindex.asp?url_flag=/menu04/m4_01.asp?sflag=suntot00:54
szalmaum: Moonlight is an alibi project; last time I tried it it didn't work either00:55
OctopusDaz who WE?00:55
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DaZoh, you know00:55
maumszal: so cann't I see the movie in http://tv.sarang.org/frameindex.asp?url_flag=/menu04/m4_01.asp?sflag=suntot??00:55
szalOctopus: again, -offtopic or stfukthxbye00:55
DaZmoonlight worked a few times for me00:56
DaZbut this website seems pretty korean, to me00:56
DaZso i can't help you :x00:57
Octopusstfu troll you do not understand? me to take action?00:57
Pengu1n_Phr0zenWho's the troll?00:57
MaquiaveloHi, so quick question, have intrepid 8.10. I'm inserting a microsd/sd adapter. syslog finds it, scans it, whatever, and then disconnects it.00:57
MaquiaveloWhat could it be?00:57
szalOctopus: obviously YOU don't understand..  what you're trying to talk about is NOT a support issue00:57
MaquiaveloI get an USB 1-8: Disconnected00:57
MaquiaveloBut I didn't disconnect it, and its still inside.00:58
szalMaquiavelo: 8.10 is DEAD and UNSUPPORTED00:58
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MaquiaveloI know... but I can't ask the question ?00:58
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szalMaquiavelo: you can, but don't expect any help00:58
MaquiaveloOr is it like "Don't talk about it, we kiled that kid"00:58
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.00:58
escottMaquiavelo, there is obviously something wrong with that device or its driver. you should upgrade your kernel. guess what there are new releases for you :-P00:59
MaquiaveloIts the only one I have at hand anyways.00:59
DaZMaquiavelo: we didn't kill anyone00:59
Maquiaveloescott, I know, it's the only one I Have at hand though =/00:59
chilli0Hey guys, can anyone assit me in setting up a pptpd server? I have followed a tutorial and whenever i try connecting from my windows box I get 619 error.00:59
Octopusbb all!00:59
DaZand ever if we did, we'd never bury him in the forest :x01:00
daftykinschilli0: logs are your friend01:00
MaquiaveloDaZ, haha, well, apparently someone did and put some cement shoes and dropped intrepid in the middle of the ocean.01:00
chilli0daftykins: hey, how can I check them?01:00
MaquiaveloIt's all very 1984. "Intrepid? what's that?"01:00
daftykinschilli0: look in /var/log on the server side for pptp daemon related files01:01
pingvenoDoes anyone here have experience with package modification? I'm trying to recompile pycairo (aka python-cairo) for Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10.01:01
szalpingveno: any reason to do so?01:01
escottMaquiavelo, its just hard to imagine what else we can tell you. nobody here knows much about that system. i don't think I was evening running ubuntu in 2008. one hopes your bug is fixed in newer versions01:01
Maquiavelo"We've always developed for Oneiric"01:01
melkorhas anybody here written a gnome program plugin for gnome 3?01:01
pingvenoszal: Adding Python 2.7 support to 10.*01:02
chilli0daftykins: I checked in there, but there is no logs..01:02
szalpingveno: chances are someone has done that already..  searched the PPA section on Launchpad for packages?01:02
TheLegacehi could someone please help be get gcc installed01:02
TheLegaceon my ubuntu 11.0401:02
daftykinschilli0: possibly part of kernel logs then. try "dmesg | tail"01:02
milamberTheLegace: what have you tried?01:02
pingvenoI have a python2.7 package and it sort of compiles for python2.7.01:03
szalTheLegace: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:03
TheLegacewell apt-get install gcc build-essential01:03
TheLegaceits missing01:03
szalTheLegace: no need to specify gcc separately01:03
chilli0daftykins: that only has stuff about connecting to wireless01:03
milamberTheLegace: gcc is part of build essential01:03
TheLegacei know01:03
TheLegacebut its not coming up01:03
milamberTheLegace: so just: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:03
szalTheLegace: then where's the problem?01:03
nekohi, since i have upgrade ubuntu my ati radeon work very bad01:03
TheLegaceE: Package 'build-essential' has no installation candidate01:04
pingvenoIt sticks the python2.6 code in /usr/lib/pymodules and /usr/lib/pyshared. The python2.7 code goes into site-packages01:04
nekoati radeon 5600 anyone with this issue ?01:04
daftykinschilli0: no subfolder in /var/log for pptp related?01:04
milamberTheLegace: with an s01:04
szalmilamber: no, without the s01:04
chilli0daftykins: nop, i think I may have found them, in syslog01:04
TheLegaceunable to locate package01:05
daftykinschilli0: ah-har, that one slipepd my mind :D01:05
milamberTheLegace: what version of ubuntu?01:06
szal!info build-essential natty01:06
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB01:06
modyThis driver is not working... everytime I reboot it needs to be reinstalled01:07
milamberTheLegace: can you pastebin your sources.list?01:07
modyATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver01:07
TheLegacei had just used the generated one01:07
pingvenoScrew it. I'm making my own package.01:07
user82 what is the problem with the open-source drivers mody?01:07
modyit doesnt work01:08
pingvenoI've spent way too long ******* with this package.01:08
modythe 3d is working properly01:08
user82is not working properly?01:08
modybecause that driver isn't working on the laptop01:08
modysometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt01:08
modythen I have to install it again01:09
TheLegacemilamber, ya it looked like my sources.list was fucked up, but i dont know why i generate it all the time from the site01:09
user82thats crappy...i am also frustrated by ATI's drivers.01:09
modycause it shows as not active driver01:09
user82i use the opensoruce ones01:09
TheLegacethere we go i got it01:09
modyany alternative driver?01:09
TheLegacemeeh i dont need anythign restricted anyway01:09
TheLegaceso ill just leave it01:09
user82you can still get the newest ATI driver on their website and test if that works: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx01:09
sokaksilly question - do you have DKMS installed as well?01:10
user82download the .run file make it executable and start it. if it does not work /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh01:10
milamberTheLegace: you getting the package now?01:10
TheLegacemilamber, ya no worries ill try and regenerate the list again01:10
TheLegacei might have added some extra things01:11
TheLegacethat shouldnt need to be ther01:11
modywhat is DKMS01:11
milamberTheLegace: you shouldn't have to "regenerate"01:11
user82mody DKMS is the kernel module that is loaded. but it is usualy installed together with the drivers so no special worries about that01:11
user82i would try the newest ati driver...or google about your computer model and ubuntu01:12
sokaki agree with user8201:15
sokakmaybe trying to purge the actual drivers and restart them from scratch?01:16
modyhow do I know if I have 32 bit or 6401:16
sokakmody, uname-a01:16
escottmody, grep flags /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm01:16
escottmody, if the grep cpuinfo command comes back with any output you have a "long-mode" aka 64bit processor01:17
sokakescott, i gave a solution to see whats currently installed instead.01:18
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TheLegaceis there a reason the respository is so low01:20
TheLegaceits at 204kb/s when my speed is like 20 times that01:20
sokakTheLegace, im topping at 62 kbps, and im happy with that :)01:21
TheLegaceya well when you pay for 16mpbs doesnt make you happy when speed is slow01:21
sokakTheLegace, your whole internet is so slow?01:21
TheLegaceno speed test is fine01:21
TheLegaceim just a speed whore01:22
sokakTheLegace, do you pay for repositories?01:22
TheLegaceand i dont want to wait i have work to do01:22
TheLegacesokak, im not complaining that their slow, i just want to know if theres like yum where i can somehow find the fastest mirror01:22
escott!mirrors | TheLegace01:22
ubottuTheLegace: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:22
TheLegacebecause in fedora i can at least switch the mirrors01:22
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TheLegaceokie thanks01:22
chilli0daftykins: Hey, I couldn't seem to get it working still. Do you know any good tutorials?01:22
sokaki have no clue :) still im happy with it because they use my whole bandwidth ^^01:23
daftykinschilli0: i'm afraid not, only looked at openvpn once and didn't get far01:24
almoxarifeTheLegace: you can switch mirrors on the installed system01:24
Dj_FlyBy[ms]stpid question, but I'm tired.... what the term cmd to rename a file again?01:24
daftykinsDj_FlyBy[ms]: mv - "move" it01:25
daftykinsunless you mean Windows "cmd"01:25
daftykinsthen "ren"01:25
Dj_FlyBy[ms]Ubuntu :)01:25
Dj_FlyBy[ms]no winblows in this house... errr, I mean windows01:25
daftykinseasily made typo ^_^01:25
Dj_FlyBy[ms]and I notice I made a mistake in my question... I meant to ask how to rename a directory (I just want to add the . to hide it)01:26
sokakthe answer is again mv u.u01:26
Dj_FlyBy[ms]kk, thx01:27
modydownload the .run file01:27
modyHow do I run it?01:27
sokakchmod+x then ./namefile.run01:28
TheLegacethe only solutions i can find use synaptic and i cant use synaptic01:28
almoxarifemody: or double click on it01:28
escottsokak, watch your spaces. mody chmod +x filename.run then ./filename.run01:28
JUNEXHello! just installed ubuntu 10.10 in my Samsung n148-dp03 netbook ubuntu already runs but i dont have wireless.01:29
sokakescott, youre right. I was meaning it without explicitly typing it :)01:29
TheLegaceok nvm just got synaptic to work01:29
escottTheLegace, you can directly edit your /etc/apt/sources.lit01:29
modyThanks sokak01:29
modyyou were very helpful01:30
sokakescott has part in this too - follow literally my hints and shell will swear at you01:30
modyyou were very helpful01:31
sokakmody, everyone here is helpful, im just the last wheel01:31
modyI know they are01:32
wx9jmicro sd card will only mount ro, nosuid, how do I get it to mount rw ?01:33
sokakpoking fstab?01:33
escottwx9j, what kind of filesystem is it01:34
wx9jescott, it says vfat when I run mount but it says msdos in preferences01:35
chilli0_Hello, is there anyway I can check if I have any vpns running on my server, i tried to setup openvpn and another one but not sure if they are properly removed and are now interfering with my current vpn.01:36
cbartDoes anybody know why blogpost.com is loopback? Or, is it a virus?01:37
escottwx9j, vfat is msdos + long filenames01:37
wx9jescott, this will mount rw on a pad but not in linux01:38
EvilResistancecbart:  i'm not sure how that's an ubuntu question...01:39
escottwx9j, things to check. these sd cards might have read-only toggles physically on the device (like the old floppy write protect). also fsck the filesystem, and send us the output of mount and your attempt to remount it rw01:39
roycebarberOh beloved Ubuntu netizens, could you save me from a cruel basic fate.01:39
BussyBoxi have one problem, i can't run ubuntu, when i press the ubuntu option on my grub, after wait, it shows a screen similar like this: http://deimproviso.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/initramfs_bug_1.png01:39
EvilResistanceroycebarber:  just ask your question >.01:39
EvilResistance>.> *01:39
cbartEvilResistance: I use ubuntu. I was making sure it wasn't a weird networking ubuntu only implementation01:40
wx9jescott,  /dev/sdc1 on /media/F84E-1690 type vfat (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks)01:40
BussyBoxI searched how can i resolve this problem, and i found the followin form: "use the CD live and do ..." but when i try to use a CD Live i can't, the CD Live rules, but when i press Enter in the option "star or install ubuntu" the screen show me another time the (intramfs) prompt...01:41
roycebarberAh good an alive room. :D Okay so I bought PureBasic, the programming environment. I got the 32bit edition. But its bugging out on Ubuntu and on Lubuntu. It runs fine on windows. It opens in Ubuntu, but when I try to load an example chunk of code, the interface flashes in and out like it's struggling to stay stable. This may not be an ubuntu question. T_T'01:41
BussyBoxmy english sucks, nobody is understand, true? XD01:42
escottwx9j, and what happens when you try sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/F84E-169001:42
sokakBussyBox, whats your mother tongue xD01:43
BussyBoxsokak, catalan01:44
BussyBoxbut i can speake spanish too01:44
sokakBussyBox, ill pass, italy here :)01:44
roycebarberFancy. Spanish is very close to English.01:44
wx9jescott, sudo mount -0 remount,rw/media/F84E-169001:44
wx9j[sudo] password for jim:01:44
wx9jmount: invalid option -- '0'01:44
wx9jUsage: mount -V                 : print version01:44
wx9j       mount -h                 : print this help01:44
wx9j       mount                    : list mounted filesystems01:44
wx9j       mount -l                 : idem, including volume labels01:44
FloodBot1wx9j: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:44
escottwx9j, thats an oooh not a zero01:45
BussyBoxnot much roycebarber ..01:45
sokakBussyBox, your english is understandable. Which version of linux you use to boot live?01:45
BussyBoxsokak, i have ubuntu 10.04 on my drive disk, but i used the Ubuntu 7.04 to Live CD01:45
roycebarberI don't imagine any of you are PureBasic users. The PureBasic support chat is deaaaaad.01:45
TransX|mobileI would go to the terminal and type rm -r01:46
sokakBussyBox, try a more recent version to boot live, that may make things easier01:46
BussyBoxsokak, i think this is not the problem, but i will try it01:47
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wx9jescott, it says it cannot mount a device and goes on with a list of options I do not understand01:48
DaZwx9j: it's o, not zero01:48
wx9jDaz , thx, I did correct that error. still  cannot mount in RW01:49
cdavisHow do I remove wireless AP's that I have connected to before in gnome-shell?01:49
DaZwx9j: spacebar after rw?01:50
chilli0_Can anyone help me to setup a vpn server using pptp? or link me to a good new tutorial..01:50
escottwx9j, please paste the error01:52
wx9jescott, cannot remount block device /dev/sdc1 read-write, is write-protected01:52
escottwx9j, it is write protected thats why.01:53
escottwx9j, http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_remove_write_protection_from_a_mini_SD_card01:53
sokakwait, do micro sd have a write protect physical switch as well?01:53
escottsokak, yes01:54
wx9jescott, thank you I will check that out, this card is not write protected on my android tablet01:54
escottsokak, well i dont know about micros, but sd certainly do01:54
sokakescott, thats cool, im reading it01:54
sokaklearning process never ends01:54
escottwx9j, i would physically inspect the card to make sure01:54
ana_sexyso all you are hacker :)01:55
wx9jthe card has an adaptor that has a lock but in both positions it reads the same. I do not think the micro card has a lock.01:55
escottsokak, wx9j apparently the micro sd adapter is what has the write protection01:56
sokakthats it then :o01:56
escottwx9j, it could be a bad adapter01:56
FlintWestWoodhello everyone, Firefox doesn’t recognize that my computer is connected to my wifi after I wake from suspend. I have to use system monitor to kill it and then restart it. is there a fix for this issue?01:57
sokakwx9j, rule of thumb is to not stack adapters usually, the less its in the middle, the betetr they work01:57
wx9jescott, you are correct, I will check another adapter01:57
sokakFlintWestWood, tried to uncheck work offline in Firefox menu? O.o01:57
FlintWestWoodIt acts like its loading and when i close it with out killing it, and try to open it again, it says that there is another firefox instance already running01:58
wx9jescott, thanks for your help, I will check with another adapter .01:58
tru3fatecan anyone help i install quicken with wine but got a error 701401:58
FlintWestWoodand it does not  load pages01:58
sokakFlintWestWood, check that in firefox profile folder there isnt no lock file (with Firefox closed) then try again. Uncheck work offline first. If it doesnt works, try a new firefox profile.01:59
treskHI, in which file I have to enter commands which are always processed before any network card goes online? (also after suspend, hybernate)02:00
seidostru3fate: maybe try windows in virtual box, and install quicken that way02:00
ScuniziAccording to update manager and Muon (kde's update manager) I have updates pending.  Muon bombs when trying to update, update manager won't in the kde environment and cli says there are no updates.. ??? How do I remedy this?02:01
sokaktru3fate, no hints on winehq database?02:01
escotttresk, /etc/pm/*.d for the suspend sleep scripts02:03
travisHAZETrying to break my system, advice?02:04
ScuniziNVM.. all of a sudden cli started working..02:04
travisHAZEStarting first with killing init, kill init and killall 1 wont work02:04
popschis there a simple tool with which I can add artwork to mp3s? Audio tag tool doesn't support it and neither does 'Ex falso'02:04
sokaktravisHAZE, here we *solve* problems...02:04
travisHAZEsokak, and I'm trying to LEARN02:05
seidostravisHAZE: maybe ask in your loco channel02:05
travisHAZEMy loco channel?02:06
seidostravisHAZE: http://loco.ubuntu.com/02:06
samba23hello friends ,i am new to kvm i have installed kvm on ubuntu 10.04 and i have installed windows xp on that but i fail to configure networking02:07
treskescott: these are the scripts which are executed before the PC enters teh related state?02:07
escotttresk, the scripts have a specific format and are run on both freeze and thaw02:07
MaquiaveloOk, got a new ubuntu... same issue.02:07
sokaksamba23, try the non ose of virtualbox, does wonders02:07
MaquiaveloHow do you get the version of ubuntu from console?02:07
seidosMaquiavelo: cat /etc/issue used to work02:08
samba23sokak: sorry i don't understand non ose of virtualbox /i dont know02:08
treskescott: ok, sounds good. So the power.d is the one which is executed before "ifconfig wlan up" eg. ?02:08
treskescott: I mean at boot time .02:09
sokakMaquiavelo, also lsb_release -a may work02:09
MaquiaveloOkey, I got lucid 10.04. Is it supported still ?02:09
ldurosI just built a c++ program from source. Where is it customary to place the executable in Ubuntu so that it is available by all users?02:10
sokaksamba23, im lazy about virtualizaion. Virtualbox non OpenSource Edition comes out of the box with easy usb and network support.02:10
samba23virtualbox from oracle02:10
MaquiaveloOkey, ubuntu version, 10.04 (Lucid). I connect a microsd card, the system sees it, scans it, mounts it, and then disconnects it.02:10
sokaksamba23, all other virtualization systems are cool as well, i've just found that virtualbox is less a pita to configure.02:11
escotttresk, i dont know what power.d directory does sleep.d seems to have hibernate,suspend,resume,thaw targets02:11
escottlduros, /usr/local/bin02:11
ldurosescott: ok, and to store the source /usr/local/src?02:11
sandstormhi people02:12
MaquiaveloOkey, ubuntu version, 10.04 (Lucid). I connect a microsd card, the system sees it, scans it, mounts it, and then disconnects it. I plug the card in Windows and it works fine.02:12
ldurosescott: thanks02:12
treskescott: ok, thanks anyway I'll trz it out with the good old try&error method :)02:12
sandstormubuntu rulez :)02:12
zeppohow can i make ubuntu use the windows time system? (not utc)02:12
celthunderzeppo: in timezone put local02:12
seidosMaquiavelo: i had an issue with my sd card reader, i assume it was a driver issue.  haven't messed with it in awhile though02:13
samba23as in windows we have RDP ,in ubuntu what is best tool/application02:14
escottsamba23, X11 is already network aware. just ssh -X02:14
TransX|mobileJust type rm -r in terminal02:15
escottsamba23, if your bandwidth is constrainted there are some more efficient variants like NX (FreeNX) or you can always use vnc02:15
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escottMaquiavelo, anything in kern.log02:16
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travisHAZEIs there a command to kill every running process without shutting the pc down?02:17
DaZkillall something02:18
evildaemonMy first question is: Does using dash versus bash effect the execution speed of programs and utilities?02:18
escotttravisHAZE, yes just shutdown but dont hald the processor02:18
sokakThats an interesting question travisHAZE02:18
travisHAZEIt is, isn't it sokak?02:19
escottevildaemon, not unless the script is a shell script, and you wont find many big time consuming shell scripts02:19
wiphow to easily set a static ip for my wireless network on my ubuntu box (my router set it with dhcp but i want the ip to be always for example)?02:19
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MahaVishnuwip$ does your router have address reservation w/ dhcp? like you can set a mac address to always be the same IP. that usually works.02:20
escottwip, if you want to use dhcp on your router configure the router to give out the same lease to your mac address every time02:20
sokaktravisHAZE, if that is meant to shut other users processes, you may simply change runlevel i guess.02:21
* wip is looking for mac address in router02:21
travisHAZEBetter yet: Is there a good document thats pretty all-inclusive on learning Linux?02:21
travisHAZELike A-Z and 0 - 39284509178523002:21
travisHAZEHell, why start at 0?02:22
MahaVishnutravisHAZE$ the man pages are pretty good. for command line programs. like man programname02:22
sokaki have no answer for that travisHAZE but google is a good start to gather the scattered papers.02:22
travisHAZEthe man pages help me learn how to use a command02:22
treskescott: fyi, mabe I use the /etc/init.d/network script for normal up and down modes and the /etc/pm scripts for suspend eg.02:22
travisHAZEIt doesn't tell me all of the commands02:22
evildaemontravisHAZE: all of the commands? compgen -c -f02:22
evildaemonOr tab twice.02:22
sokaktravisHAZE, if you want useful commands, go to commandlinefu.com. Its handful.02:22
travisHAZEOK so theres a start: the commands02:24
travisHAZEProbably the biggest part02:24
Pengu1n_Phr0zenI wanna do some tunnelling over SSH.02:24
sokakthats the motherlode of shell snippets.02:24
Pengu1n_Phr0zenAny takers?02:24
travisHAZEHow about if I wanted to design my own program?02:24
horse1bunam I still here02:25
evildaemonLearn python.02:25
sokaktravisHAZE, the best starting point is to learn existing ones, then learn how to combo them scripting. then you can move to learn programming languages.02:25
horse1bunnice yea good idea, I should dive into python02:25
travisHAZEBaby steps are a good idea02:25
travisHAZEBut even a baby needs a hand to hold02:25
travisHAZESo where can I find this proverbial hand to hold?02:25
sokakyeah, learn them, use them, combine them, then build whats missing.02:26
evildaemonAlso travisHAZE, you can press tab twice.02:26
travisHAZEevildaemon, got that one02:26
horse1buntry Kturtle02:26
evildaemonThe benefit of compgen is that you can direct the outpit to places.02:26
mig_seixashello !02:26
horse1bunI am playing around with Celestia so I can write some scripts for it02:27
horse1bunI love that App02:27
horse1bunnothing liberates quite like astral traveling02:28
sokakthen dont miss celestia motherlode, google for it.02:28
evildaemonAnyway, I once saw a grep script that took 9 minutes to execute.02:29
travisHAZEWhat is an #ifdef?02:29
evildaemonThe dude eventually realized he had to do the --lang=C option.02:29
sokakevildaemon, it all depends on how much data you grep02:29
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evildaemonOf course, that was on a solaris related system.02:30
evildaemonNot Linux.02:30
sokaktravisHAZE, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_preprocessor02:30
sokakwiki is full of stuff.02:31
evildaemonIt is.02:31
evildaemonWiki actually has a surprising amount of general unix knowledge.02:31
sokakyeah, a handy place to gather papers.02:32
travisHAZESo an #ifdef is a conditional inclusion of a macro definition?02:32
evildaemonArch wiki is pretty awesome.02:32
sokakArch phylosophy is - they dont thell you just what, but why and how.02:32
horse1bunthe non profit I work for has an astronomy program, so I wanted to put together sort of a "tour of the universe"02:33
evildaemonI think that the Ubuntu wiki needs more TLC.02:33
horse1bunshowing where we are in the milky way galaxy02:33
sokakjust thinking it wont help - arch is what is because of active contributions ;)02:33
evildaemonAnyway, my second question was: in 11.10 (I tried both Unity-buntu and Xubuntu) my wireless won't connect. It will broadcast, it will pick up signal, but not connect.02:34
sokakevildaemon, which chipset you have?02:34
evildaemonI've tried two different adapters.02:34
evildaemonAnd a built-in card.02:34
evildaemonSame results.02:34
sokakfocus on one, and lets try to see whats going wrong.02:35
horse1bunand If I can't write a script then at the least I can fly around and operate it myself02:35
sokakhorse1bun, thats all great, but we are in #ununtu, not #celestia ;)02:35
somsiphorse1bun: worth looking at stellarium maybe02:35
sokak*eats the n and spews a b02:35
horse1bunoh sorry I thought the two were related somehow02:36
sokaksomsip, stellarium is just a different point of view of Celestia ;)02:36
somsipsokak: as soon as you mentioned celestia I realised that was the one I meant to recomment :)02:36
sokaki agree horse1bun its just that we should keep ubuntu issue related somehow, but im not the channel op, so please feel free to ignore me ;302:37
horse1bunso ubuntu has nothing to do with celestia, i thought ubuntu made it02:37
horse1bunI'm just one of those leechers here for the free software02:38
evildaemonCan someone explain open-source to horse1bun?02:38
somsiphorse1bun: celestia is written by a group of people and they make it freely available. ubuntu makes a package of their software available for users of ubuntu02:38
horse1bunyea that's kind of what I thought02:39
horse1bunI just didn't want to sound stupid02:39
sokakhey hey - lets not fight about that - at the very end we are here to enjoy and help right? My apologies horse1bun if i stinged a nerve02:39
horse1bunno it's okay I was just a bit confused02:40
evildaemonThe card is a broadcom corporation BCM432102:40
evildaemonYeah I know, broadcom.02:41
evildaemonIt's worked in previous versions, and I tried a linksys. So thats not the problem./02:41
horse1bunall software available on ubuntu is like modular software packages all developed separately just able to function on the operating system?02:41
l1nuxmanwhat do i do about this error? "Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Limit."02:41
MahaVishnuhorse1bun$ alot of stuff depends on other stuff though02:41
evildaemonIncluding Linux itself.02:41
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somsipAnd core packages that make up the GNU part of GNU/Linux02:42
evildaemonUbuntu is Mark shuttleworths fork of Debian.02:42
sokakevildaemon, i would give the drivers they offer a try, if jockey isnt able to find appropriate ones http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php02:42
evildaemonWhich is a system made from the GNU utilities and the Linux kernel.02:42
horse1bunoh yea I remember seeing the linux evolution tree02:42
evildaemonsokak, Jockey DOES, it still doesn't connect.02:43
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evildaemonWhat part of "The problem persists across devices" don't you understand?02:43
sokakthen try to peep here, evildaemon http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186122002:44
horse1bunyea I just managed to get my broadcom wireless pci working in Lucid02:44
sokakwe can survive the broadcom omen :|02:45
horse1bunI tried ndiswrapper but then ran into a problem because nidiswrapper (file) is supposed to be named ndiswrapper.conf02:45
evildaemonTHE PROBLEM ISN'T BROADCOM! (And that thread isn't my issue.)02:46
horse1bunwhilst trying to sort that out, I found out broadcom released an open source driver02:46
evildaemonIt worked in 10.1002:46
sokaki always fixed it quick and dirty with ralink adapters (branded d-link)02:46
horse1bunor rather a proprietary supported02:46
evildaemonand on top of that.02:47
evildaemonThe card detects networks, is recognized as a device, and broadcasts.02:47
evildaemonIt just won't connect to other networks.02:47
horse1bunnow I finally have it functioning, but for some reason it shows up as eth0 instead of wlan02:47
sokak:| Always fixed such issues trying to make a new connection from scratch, or poking like suggested in those threads :|02:48
horse1bunand everytime I start the computer I have to type sudo modprobe wl to get the wireless working02:48
sokakhorse1bun, same here, on an eeepc, but im not giving a damn, it works02:48
horse1bunsame here lol02:48
sokakahh, thats odd, its not happening to me02:48
sokaki dont have to do the modprobe thingy02:49
horse1bunone of those times where I'm not sure how I got it to work even, just kept trying stuff until it did, lol02:51
horse1bunbut maybe I should just get a newer distro02:52
sokakmy rule of thumb is "dont poke it if works"02:53
travisHAZEMy rule of thumb is02:54
travisHAZEPoke it until it breaks, then poke it some more02:54
sokaktheire both good :)02:54
seidosmy rule of thumb is: "keep it from getting cut off."02:54
travisHAZEThat was how I got my first kill02:54
travisHAZEI poked this one person to death with a stick02:54
ibingowask some question about cron. /etc/crontab, has this line:45 10   * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ), but the scripts in cron.daily never run. If change to: 45 10   * * *   root    cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily, scripts run! why?02:54
sokakwhoa stickfights?02:54
travisHAZEI was just poking him02:54
l1nuxmanCan someone help? I can't install software because i get this error: W: GPG error: http://ftp.us.debian.org wheezy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY AED4B06F473041F02:55
travisHAZEEventually he keeled over and died02:55
travisHAZESo I kept poking02:55
travisHAZECause I hadn't poked a dead body02:55
horse1bunwere you hazing them?02:55
travisHAZEHaze is the middle name ma momma gave me02:55
nac4lI'm trying to setup a mail exchange server (i guess).  I have a dyndns/free domain for my apache2 server right now (only service i'm familiar with).  I just want to be able to setup a mx mail service so I can have a new email system on my machine/server.  Which one should I use, I'm thinking pop3, but there's many options, what is the best???02:55
travisHAZEpop3 leaves it on the server02:56
travisHAZEAnd you download a copy02:56
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: that's up to the pop3 client.02:56
FrozenpacketDoes anyone know of a good Client Server for host domain email accounts?02:56
travisHAZEPop3 leaves a copy on the server02:56
sokakl1nuxman, read here http://en.kioskea.net/faq/809-debian-apt-get-no-pubkey-gpg-error02:56
travisHAZEIts the IMTP or w/e it is that erases it02:56
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: the client can delete it.02:56
nac4lso do you guys know anything about setting it up?  Do I need to use evolution, or are there terminal based servers/ui thingy's that are better.02:56
nac4lit's just mail..02:56
travisHAZENo, its Email02:57
travisHAZEnot just mail02:57
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: http://www.korokithakis.net/tutorials/email/02:57
FrozenpacketDoes anyone know of a good server client i could download for hosting Domain adressed emails?02:58
nac4lah so mail is local network and email is remote...  didn't know they had to differentiate, that's lame, you can't combine the service into one solution/02:58
Frozenpacketemail accounts*02:58
nac4lI tried setting up my router dyn service and the DynDNS account (which is mcurran-exploit.dyndns.org) to mail.mcurran-exploit.dyndns.org02:59
travisHAZEswede, thats not an auto delete02:59
travisHAZEThats a manual thing02:59
SwedeMikenac4l: email can be delivered to a A pointer as well, so just use mcurran-exploit.dyndns.org.02:59
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: neither IMAP nor POP3 has auto delete. it's always an action by the client.03:00
travisHAZEThen an IMAP client is programmed to automatically delete said email once it receives them03:00
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: some might be, but that's not the standard.03:01
travisHAZEOutlook, evolution, thunderbird all do it automatically for IMAP03:01
travisHAZEonly email clients I've used03:01
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Message_Access_Protocol "E-mail clients using IMAP generally leave messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them. This and other characteristics of IMAP operation allow multiple clients to manage the same mailbox."03:02
sokakgppdbye everyone, rl time u.u03:02
l1nuxmanthank ou sokak that did it03:02
skegeekmsg nickserv identify 89chevygeek1103:02
sokakyw l1nuxman03:02
travisHAZEI specifically use IMAP because it erases the emails from the server once it retrieves them03:02
SwedeMikeskegeek: good one.03:02
xanguaskegeek: interesting #fail03:02
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: there might be some default in there, but there is nothing in the protocol that says that.03:03
zombastiqsystem cannot see my usb hard drive dock... is there potential for a solution?03:03
travisHAZEPOP3 has always left the mail on the server while IMAP always deleted it03:03
travisHAZE(For me at least)03:03
SwedeMiketravisHAZE: well, that might be your experience with the defaults in your specific clients you've tried, but there is nothing general by those protocols that says this is always the case.03:04
FlanneltravisHAZE: Thats generally the opposite, actually.03:04
godofmischiefafter making a file executable using chmod +x if i type the file name in the CLI says command not found, if i double click it via nautilus it says must be run as root, what's the proper way to execute a file as root once its been made executable?03:05
egogaWhat is foo?03:06
travisHAZEFlannel, sorry I'm against the grain unwittingly. SwedeMike I will admit I know nothing of the inherent defaults associated with each of these protocols, I was speaking from personal experience03:06
zombastiqusb device does not show up in lsusb.  how can i force detect?03:07
drewis_godofmischief: sudo ./filename03:07
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Guest26856anyone want to help a linux newb with setting up wpa_supplicant?03:08
egogaWhat is foo?03:08
godofmischiefthansk drewis03:08
egogacomeon dag nabbit03:08
egoga/bin/sh: 1: /root/line: not found03:08
egoga¨ojÆ&dC'8Cª5YœZ:ÎLËôÒÃVìíI,ŽÝúýÚz#"·B‰Œt–¯>T%R›×ûÒ ¶¼vOIv-{gÉ2ö°ð03:08
FloodBot1egoga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:08
Guest26856I'm reading this guide on smallnetbuilder03:08
Guest26856and I got openssl and freeradius set up, but in the 'configuring a linux clien' section it says configure wpa_supplicant with the following options in ".config" file03:09
Guest26856but I have a newer version of wpa_supplciant and there is no .config file???03:10
seidosGuest26856: i have some notes on wpa_supplicant somewhere that may help you03:11
Guest26856there is config.c and config.h but they don't have the kind of script the gyide shows03:11
seidosGuest26856: i think you want /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf03:12
Guest26856well the next step after that they say Next edit "wpa_supplicant.conf" and add a section similar to the following,03:13
Guest26856so I think they are 2 different files completely03:13
Guest26856what I'm stuck on is - Configure wpa_supplicant with the following options set in ".config" file03:14
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samba23i have startdup xrdp and from windows i am using mstsc/rdp i am able to get remote screen but keys seems to be messed non of key printing right03:17
sparrin 11.10 how do I add widgets to my top bar/panel?03:18
Guest26856I'm looking through all the config files for script like this CONFIG_IEEE8021X_EAPOL=y CONFIG_EAP_TLS=y CONFIG_PKCS12=y03:19
daftykinssamba23: why aren't you just using VNC?03:23
ImTheDudehow do i get my microphone to work in skype?03:24
samba23what i should do then03:25
samba23i use vnc03:25
daftykinsif you're in Ubuntu, enable remote desktop then you can connect to it using VNC03:26
samba23my server is ubuntu and windows 7 is vnc client03:27
jiltdilbest video editor?03:27
aeon-ltdjiltdil: there isn't one03:28
XenicideIs it possible to move and/or cut paste files?03:28
seidosi thought there was...Maya?03:28
jribXenicide: sure.  Are you asking about a particular context though?03:29
jiltdilseidos, that is for animation bst03:29
samba23i try vnc cleint also it give me blank screen03:30
chesterHi all. Never used IRC before, so will try not to annoy anyone. I've been reading around online for about an hour trying to solve a problem, and thought maybe it would be more useful if someone might help me?03:31
aeon-ltdchester: ask away03:31
jribchester: on irc we prefer that you just ask your question.  If someone can help, they'll respond03:31
nac4lwhere can I find help on setting up a mail server, maybe with pop3 (not sure), and have the ability to send and receive email from my machine, and use ADDRESS as my free dyndns account "mcurran-exploit.dyndns.org"?03:32
chesterI just installed Ubuntu on an ooold dekstop system at my work. When I logged in for the first time, it looked like the desktop was too big.03:32
skegeekIs Unity the reason for the menu on the left?03:32
chesterI assume it's a resolution issue, so I've been trying to figure out how to modify my xconf.org03:32
nac4lEverything I've found is way to in depth already and I'm a noob at exchange mail shit.03:32
Xenicidejrib, if i drag a file it just copy, and i cant see any paste option by right-clicking.03:33
nac4lshould I use evolution or a terminal based email server/client.  And is there any simple tutorials on setting one up?  I though there is already several email services installed by default in ubunutu, can I use htose?03:33
chesterHow do I write an xconf.org file to make my screen resolution higher?03:34
seidosnac4l: maybe start with evolution, and go to a cli one later?03:34
nac4lsetup a display section in xorg.conf,03:34
chester@nac4l, how do I know what to include in the display section?03:35
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jhirnHi. Gnome-shell hard crashes on me a few times a day. I have to hold power to power off the laptop. What log files or diagnostics can I run to determine the root?03:36
robin0800chester: if your using unity you can click the top right corner and choose system settings03:36
skegeekI can't get Ubuntu to stop freezing when it's been idle for a few minutes.03:38
chester@robin0800, the display is not detected, and the only resolution to choose is 640x480\03:39
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qoviiheh.  i'm ircing on my  ipod toich03:40
TheLegacecould someone please tell me how i can add .pc file to the pkg-config03:42
ImTheDudein preferences and sound i raised the level on my microphone and ran a test on skype and still no sound?03:43
ImTheDudewhat do i do?03:43
cordoris there any reason ubuntu only show 1 core?03:49
aeon-ltdcordor: you only have one core?03:50
aeon-ltdcordor: what processor?03:51
cordorfound a sempron 145, unlocked and booted up, but only 1 core there.03:52
daftykinssemprons only ever were single core i thought03:52
cordordaftykins: "unlocked"03:53
daftykinsyep single03:53
daftykinscordor: what relevance does the multiplier state have to core count? :)03:53
hhI tried installing compiz, but a weird thing happens: first of all, alt+tab doesn't work at all (even if I enable 'static application switcher'); and the cube is just a two-sided sheet.03:54
hhDo you know how to resolve this?03:54
daftykinsinstall simple-ccsm and tweak it to how you want03:54
daftykinsyou need four workspaces to have a cube of course ;)03:54
hhI have four before I run "compiz -replace ccp", but it turns it into 2.03:55
hhsimple-ccsm? I'll try that.03:55
hhI get "Package simple-ccsm is not available, but is referred to by another package." when I try apt-get.03:56
cordordaftykins: core and multiplier are 2 things.03:56
daftykinscordor: different things yep03:56
Flannelhh: What version of Ubuntu are you running?03:56
hhI installed it a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure. I think 11.something...03:57
cordori havn't touch multiplexer yet, i only unloaded the core.03:57
Flannelhh: `lsb_release -a` in a terminal will tell you03:57
cordori was hoping if it works. i will do it on the other cpu.03:58
nemoHey guys, I was going to attempt to install ubuntu 64 on top of an existing 32 bit install03:58
nemoAnd I was thinking about how I could most quickly get back to the env I was accustomed to03:58
Flannelhh: So, the reason you can't install simple-ccsm is because it doesn't exist in 11.10.  I'm not sure what a replacement would be though, unfortunately.03:59
nemosooo. I figured I could note down every package installed right now03:59
nemoideally ones that I chose to install03:59
nemohow best could I get that list?03:59
blarneygnome shell crashed on me (11.10) and is not reloading.  i dont have a window manager or anything, but I can start programs (but not switch between them) by browsing the filesystem and double clicking the executables.  given that, how do i restart gnome-shell?03:59
nemosudo apt-get install xxxxx but ideally not including pulled in dep yyyyy03:59
nemoblarney: open a terminal04:00
nemotype gnome-shell04:00
nemognome-terminal that is04:00
nemothat's how I did it04:00
blarneyah, that makes sense...04:01
nemoblarney: since gnome-shell was crashing on me once a minute I actually put into terminal   while((1));do gnome-shell;done04:01
nemountil it got too annoying04:01
nemoI'm on XFCE4 now04:01
blarneynemo: thanks ill kill chromium and try that04:01
nemoblarney: I was using fglrx FWIW04:01
ImTheDudehow do i get my sound to work in skype ?04:01
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blarneynemo: how is XFCE?  I tried it years ago and it seemed to be horrendously outdated and nothing was integrated...04:01
nemoblarney: gotten a bit better04:01
nemoblarney: can't hurt to install it if you have 125MiB to burn04:02
ImTheDude i already uped the volume in my sound preferences04:02
nemoI find it requires fewer mouse clicks than Unity, and is less inclined to do WTF things like resize my terminal when I flip between desktops and machines (synergy2)04:02
blarneyImTheDude: try running a sound test within skype (you may want to put your volume at bout 50%) and follow the instructions.  that has worked for me whenever ive used skype.04:02
nemoblarney: BTW. another thing I hated about gnome-shell - I like translucent terminals, but junk on my desktop and in windows behind them makes it hard to read the text04:03
nemoblarney: in Unity and gnome2 w/ compiz, you can enable blurring of translucent windows04:03
blarneynemo: ah, thanks, the mouse travel in G3 and the number of clicks to do anything in unity is driving me up a wall.  ill see what i can do with XFCE.04:03
* qovii recently moved to xfce from fluxbox and loves it04:03
nemoblarney: breaks up sharp lines in text behind terminal windows - as far as I can tell, this is impossible in gnome-shell04:03
ImTheDudei ran test on skype and i raised the volume in my sound preferences and still no sound.04:03
nemoblarney: gnome-shell was more usable w/ the mint gnome shell extensions04:04
nemoblarney: you can get those from the webupd8 ppa04:04
blarneynemo: yeah, i dont know why theyre in love with that, it really has to be a subtle blending to work well04:04
ImTheDudetheres not a pluging is there04:04
blarneynemo: so the webupd8 ppa is alright then?  i hadnt heard of them before and i didnt want their ppa messing with stuff04:05
* nemo shrugs04:05
nemoblarney: seems fine to me04:05
* qovii decides ircing on ipod tou h is suboptimal04:05
nemoblarney: they have a gnome3 specific one - check their blog04:05
blarneyImTheDude: im sorry, i didnt understand what you last said - is there or is there not a plugin?04:05
blarneynemo: ah, thanks, will do04:05
nemoqovii: heh. when I IRC on the android tablet, I plug in my desktop keyboard.04:05
nemoqovii: yay for USB support :)04:05
blarneyImTheDude: brb04:06
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ImTheDudei dont know is there something i need to download from package mannager or software center to help my microphone work better?04:06
nemoImTheDude: heh.  internal mic not working?04:07
nemoImTheDude: laptop or something, ALC892 card?04:07
qoviii'm using ircII04:07
ImTheDudeyes nemo04:07
hhFlannel: can I install a package that's meant for an old version of ubuntu?04:07
nemoImTheDude: depending on the audio codec, support under linux is hit or miss.  I filed a few bugs against my laptop actually. that was one of them04:07
ImTheDudeso what do i do?04:08
ImTheDudei running an acer net book with internel speekers04:08
nemoImTheDude: well, as I recall, there are a *ton* of variations you can try. apparently the manufacturer implementations are wide and varied04:08
ImTheDudeand sound is not functioning04:08
nemoImTheDude: you know, when setting up your codec04:09
nemobut whether one of those will work is really... well... who knows04:09
nemoImTheDude: I'd definitely start at a minimum by filing a bug on launchpad04:09
ImTheDudeso its a shot in the dark04:09
nemoImTheDude: try testing an external mic if you can get one. even a cheap $5 one04:09
nemoImTheDude: you can also try filing a bug w/ the kernel folks04:09
nemobut really, it is about waiting on some nice kernel person to do the manufacturer's job for them ;)04:10
nemohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/791904 - filed this one for example04:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 791904 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Sony VPC-F11 (VPCF11GGX) Internal microphone does not function" [Undecided,New]04:10
ImTheDudeso try external is what your telling is the best plan04:10
nemoImTheDude: my mom's internal mic didn't work, but after switching codec settings, it did04:10
nemoImTheDude: check launchpad and forum for existing reports for your audio device04:10
ImTheDudei dont know how or where to do that?04:11
nemotry the changes to audio module config04:11
ImTheDudewhere do i do that and how?04:11
nemooften times there are settings for it they suggest04:11
nemoImTheDude: do you know your audio card? should be listed in lspci04:11
nemofor example...04:11
nemo$ lspci | grep -i audio04:11
nemo00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)04:11
ImTheDudewheres that04:11
nemorun that on a terminal04:11
ImTheDudei type lspci04:12
nemoonce you have the chipset info, you can search for other reports04:12
ImTheDudein terminal04:12
nemothere might be a config tweak you can do04:12
ImTheDudewhat do i type in the terrminal04:12
ImTheDudedo you know04:12
nemoImTheDude: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto - here's a guide someone wrote04:13
nemolisten. I just came by here to get a list of packages. I figured out how to do it, so I'm gonna go work on my new hardware04:13
nemoImTheDude: good luck try google, try suggestions on that page, and definitely file a bug04:13
ImTheDudehow do screen shot04:14
jetscreamerusual method, usually04:15
boldfilterIs there a lense that fixes unity?04:17
Hilikusi want to write a Lens for Unity but i wanted to know if it would be possible to write it in java or c# instead of vala04:18
Hilikusis it possible?04:18
qbert_I have unallocated space on my drive, how can I add it to my main root point ?04:18
Hilikusqbert_: grow your partition04:19
travisHAZEtheres a partition manager04:19
travisHAZEin ubt04:19
jetscreamergparted isn't it04:19
qbert_gparted ?04:19
LinuxnutUse gparted04:19
qbert_Hilikus, what tool do you use for that ?04:19
travisHAZEisn't gparted the command line partition manager?04:19
Hilikusqbert_: gparted04:19
jetscreamernah that's parted04:19
LinuxnutNope gui04:19
jetscreamerthe g is gnome gui i think04:19
robin0800travisHAZE: doubt you can do that as root will be mounted04:20
travisHAZENot if you have a live usb install04:20
qbert_so I use the live cd, then us gparted ?04:20
qbert_ill be back!04:21
ImTheDudeCodec: Realtek ALC26804:21
LinuxnutThere is a live cd just for gparted04:21
ImTheDudei tried the other commands for hd audio models and it dennied me access04:22
ImTheDudewhat do i do?04:22
xyyi have a server,it has 4 x 4 cores cpus, load average= 28.83 25.22 18.08,is it overload?04:28
LinuxnutYes big time overload read your log files04:28
LinuxnutWhat do you host on the server04:29
xyyhow does load average fit on this server?Linuxnut04:30
xyyit's a database server04:30
erekdo you guys think Ubuntu 10.11 will run nicely on a Pentium M 1.86GHz w/ 1GB DDR2 ?04:32
aeon-ltdnot stock04:33
LinuxnutWhats causing the overhead whats it say when you run the top command04:33
aeon-ltderek: lubuntu or xubuntu will likely run smoother04:33
erekwhat's a good distribution for that cpu and resources?04:34
ereki want it to be easy04:34
erekfor my dad04:34
erekFedora 12 was super easy for him04:34
winderek: Debian is very light with those specs, and it has many similarities with Ubuntu because Ubuntu is based on it04:34
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xyyit says04:34
xyy27267 oracle    17   0 12.3g 1.0g 1.0g R   98  6.5   4:16.70 oracle04:34
xyy31957 oracle    16   0 12.3g 199m 194m R   68  1.2   0:01.16 oracle04:34
xyy32204 root      20   0 13136 1464  708 R    6  0.0   0:00.05 top04:34
xyy32050 oracle    15   0 12.3g 338m 333m S    6  2.1   0:01.01 oracle04:34
xyy31990 oracle    15   0 12.3g  59m  52m S    6  0.4   0:00.61 oracle04:34
FloodBot1xyy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:34
xyyit says04:35
xyy 27267 oracle    17   0 12.3g 1.0g 1.0g R   98  6.5   4:16.70 oracle04:35
xyy31957 oracle    16   0 12.3g 199m 194m R   68  1.2   0:01.16 oracle04:35
xyy32204 root      20   0 13136 1464  708 R    6  0.0   0:00.05 top04:35
FloodBot1xyy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
samba23how to get X windows/gui using ssh i am using putty04:35
Linuxnutto use xserver in putty install xming04:36
winderek: if you're not afraid of console you could also install ubuntu-server and then add only a light window manager (like fluxbox and such) and only those apps you need04:37
LinuxnutA base install of debian is like 10 mb04:37
ereki just want it to be super userfriendly for my dad to use04:38
erekhe can't even install windows04:38
erekor anything04:38
erekhe can't even hardly install programs04:38
Hilikuserek: if you want simplicity you will probably have to go with a full-blown gnome desktop04:38
MaquiaveloHmm, okey I just installed ubuntu on a USB Stick as per the instructions. It boots up. It says "Run Ubuntu from this USB" i hit enter, the computer makes a beep noise and returns to the menu.04:38
Hilikusxfe and these lightweights are not super userfriendly IMO04:39
LinuxnutI NO I NO Puppy linux04:39
windHilikus: still, it's not much to learn to start browser with right button on the desktop and after that it's like on any computer ;) but yes, xubuntu should be nice with those specs too04:40
litropyHi, peeps. I had an HDTV hooked up to my comp, and I custom configured it to only display on the HDTV. Well, the HDTV is gone, and now when I boot my ubuntu partition, it's pretty much unmanagable because the dimensions are all out of whack. I can, however, get to a command prompt, and I'm looking for the command(s) to set things back to default. Thank you very much in advance.04:41
erekdo you think ubuntu will run decently on a pentium m 1.86GHz?04:41
LinuxnutPuppy linux is what your dad needs it will run on like 64 megs of ram and its ez to use and fast to install i will run on computers from th 90's04:41
Hilikuslitropy: try renaming xorg.conf in etc/X1104:42
winderek: I don't think it will be too bad if he only uses like a web browser and doesn't multitask much04:42
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litropyQuick note: no dice in setting things back using the monitor config panel - the custom config just confuses the monitor config panel beyond use.04:42
erekwind what about tabs, multiple tabs in a browser04:42
trav|zzzQuery: Is there a way to have Ubuntu auto suspend and unsuspend at specific times? (EG Suspend at midnight and unsuspend at 6am?)04:42
litropyHilikus, will do and report back.04:42
winderek: some people have 100 tabs and it's slow, some have a few and it's not much of a difference04:43
LinuxnutPuppy boots in less than a minute, even in old PCs, and it does not require antivirus software. Administering Puppy is quick and minimal. With Puppy, you just have to take care of your data, which you can easily save to USB flash (Then forget about your operating system!). Your data can be read by other computers.04:43
winderek: why not just try it since other things add up to the experience too, like speed of the hard disk. you could always turn the already installed ubuntu into xubuntu with a few lines04:44
newmembererek, I am on a Intel® Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz × 2 with 4 Gig RAM, it works but things like google earth is choppy04:44
MaquiaveloHmm, okey I just installed ubuntu on a USB Stick as per the instructions. It boots up. It says "Run Ubuntu from this USB" i hit enter, the computer makes a beep noise and returns to the menu.04:44
ereknewmember: hmm04:44
LinuxnutYou don't have to save data to hard drive to work with Puppy. You can save data to USB flash or even to Internet storage (like www.drop.io ). When installed to USB flash, Puppy consumes only a little over 100 MB, or about 256 MB with OpenOffice. You can use the same USB flash (where Puppy is installed) for saving data.04:45
newmembererek, kids surf and play flash games fine most of the time04:45
trav|zzzQuery: Is there a way to have Ubuntu auto suspend and unsuspend at specific times? (EG Suspend at midnight and unsuspend at 6am?)04:45
ereknewmember: i'll give it a shot04:46
hemanthusing evolution with M$ exchange server, the calendar part does not work as expected :( anyone tried configuring it, so as to sent the calendar in right format?04:46
newmembererek, cant hurt, use a live cd if you want to try it fist, or a live usb would be better04:48
chachanhey there, I would like to know how to make a slice on a string, let's say that I have this: "200M" and I would like to make a slice to convert it to "200", can _awk_ help me with this?04:48
trav|zzzQuery: Is there a way to have Ubuntu auto suspend and unsuspend at specific times? (EG Suspend at midnight and unsuspend at 6am?)04:49
windLinuxnut: what browser does Puppy come with? I was supprised that debian+fluxbox+iceweasel ran very smoothly with heavy sites like facebook, on a 1.13GHz P3 with 768MB :) but it was a bit older firefox with some stripped (and added) features04:49
ereknewmember: is it better to install directly, or install from live cd04:49
LinuxnutYou can use firefox chrome etc04:50
ereknewmember: i've installed from live cd a fedora 12, but it seems to be getting "slow" which is odd because linux usually doesn't do that04:50
ereki think the desktop kept saving states04:50
erekand i wish i could clear the states so no hidden apps were loading04:50
trav|zzz: Query :: Is there a way to have Ubuntu auto suspend and unsuspend at specific times? (EG Suspend at midnight and unsuspend at 6am?)04:50
chalcedonyhow can i find the path to a spot on my husband's hard drive? he has ubuntu 10.1004:51
urlin2uerek, fedora is slow or another?04:51
trav|zzzchalce, what "spot" do you want to find?04:51
erekurlin2u: fedora 12 got slow after time04:51
boldfilterdepends on how big the spot is04:51
chalcedonytrav|zzz, he's got two hard drives, he's got room for my data on one of them04:52
erekurlin2u: i think some apps are sort loaded or soemthing from saving states after restarting04:52
urlin2uerek, this channel doen't really cover fedora but #fedora does04:52
ereksorry about that04:52
urlin2uerek, easy mistake no problem.04:52
erekurlin2u: i heard that ubuntu is the best netbook linux distribution04:52
erekthat's why i am here04:52
trav|zzzWell the hard drives are going to be marked as sda and sdb04:53
ereki figured with netbook specs, a pentium m 1.86GHz 1GB DDR2 fit the bill04:53
chalcedonytrav|zzz, he's a gui user, i'm command line. i don't understand what he does04:53
urlin2uerek, best is a personal thing really. :D04:53
trav|zzzso you would (I assume, haven't done multiple hds on ubuntu yet, byt read on it) go cd /dev/sda or cd /dev/sdb in the terminal chalce04:53
windoh yes, isn't there that netbook version of ubuntu which is separate? maybe that'd work with an older big laptop too, if it's just for launching a browser04:54
urlin2uerek, the unity desktop resemples the original netbook desktop that is probably all really.04:54
trav|zzzwind, lubuntu is what your thinking of04:54
trav|zzzQuery: Is there a way to have Ubuntu auto suspend and unsuspend at specific times? (EG Suspend at midnight and unsuspend at 6am?)04:54
chalcedonytrav|zzz, i set up an ssh sessoin and did df but i don't know which is what?04:54
trav|zzzYour going too far for me04:55
trav|zzzSorry :(04:55
chalcedonytrav|zzz, thanks :)04:55
ereki heard the integrated the netbook stuff into 10.04+04:55
windtrav|zzz: you can set up suspend in crontab but waking up is another thing, I think it needs some bios setting if it's even supported on the hardware04:55
chalcedonyi appreciate your trying TRAP_104:55
erekurlin2u: think i can get good performance with unity?04:55
trav|zzzwind: damn04:56
winderek: if it's slow, remember to try "2D" mode which is unity with less effects (I think)04:56
trav|zzz2d unity removes the 3d acceleration04:56
trav|zzzand removes the transparency IIRC04:56
windyep, then it's faster if the 3D hardware is slow or drivers bugged04:57
urlin2uerek, hard to say not knowing your set up, beyond that some like it some don't, there is a gnome 3 opt5ion as well, and many other desktops. I can't really say what is best for you comfortably...to many varibles.04:57
erekurlin2u: pentium m 1.86GHz, 1GB DDR204:57
wind(some pentium M laptops have real nice gfx chips while some have such you don't want 3D with linux)04:57
erekit's got an intel graphics chip04:58
fakherhey everybody04:59
fakherHow can I watch flash videos in RSS feeds with Mozilla Thunderbird? pls04:59
urlin2uerek, you could try ubuntu or even better lubuntu for a ligfhter version.04:59
iqbalkhanguys, i have drop mu ubuntu server04:59
iqbalkhanand install ubuntu desktop as server04:59
iqbalkhanwith install samba server and ssh server04:59
iqbalkhannow i need to change my inet addr05:00
court_jesterWhen I enable acpi apic for run my four cores, my ubuntu freeze randomly. If I turn it of on my bios or put nolapic in kernet init lines, it stop to botter but ubuntu only see one of my four cores after this trick. Has anyone experienced this?05:00
erekurlin2u: thanks05:00
iqbalkhananyone know how to change inet addr05:00
court_jesterif off*05:00
iqbalkhani need to configure that05:00
urlin2uerek, no problem.05:00
TheLegacehi does anyone here know how to use cmake?05:02
court_jesterWhen I enable acpi apic for run my four cores, my ubuntu freeze randomly. If I turn it off on my bios or put nolapic in kernet init lines, it stop to botter but ubuntu only see one of my four cores after this trick. Has anyone experienced this?05:03
Hilikushow can i check if there is any process in my system using a particular file?05:04
chachanguys, how to chop a string?. I would like to convert "200M" to "200"05:04
DulanTheLegace: Much like "make", you give cmake a special file, called CMakeLists.txt, that has special commands and syntax05:04
chachanHilikus: fuser file.ext05:04
chachanHilikus: that will return you the PID05:05
Hilikusthank you chachan05:05
TheLegaceDulan, im just trying to add this one link flag in the file05:05
somsipchachan: you need to define rules for how/where it is to be chopped. Remove a-zA-z? Keep th first 3 chars? Lose the last char? how?05:05
TheLegaceim just trying to add -lpthread05:05
TheLegacenvm its resolved05:05
chachansomsip: I want to strip the last char05:05
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
somsipchachan: in bash?05:06
chachansomsip: bash or awk05:06
somsipchachan: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-remove-last-character-from-string-line-word/05:06
chachansomsip: great!05:07
somsipchachan: as this is not a ubuntu support matter, I would recomend you search for 'bash awk strip last char' as there are loads of results05:07
somsipchachan: np05:07
hemanthany tired configuring thunderbird with M$ exchange server ?05:11
hemanthit works well in evolution, except for the calendar part :/05:11
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
ranjanHi all, any one who knows Apache Zookeeper?05:23
skegeekI have Adobe Flash set as Firefox default, but it keeps using Gnash...05:24
r3zahi guys , how can connect to authentication socks5 proxy through 11.10 ? is there any program or command suggestion ? my socks5 proxy server sets to 4000 port ! please help me05:27
court_jesterWhen I enable acpi apic for run my four cores, my ubuntu freeze randomly. If I turn it off on my bios or put nolapic in kernet init lines, it stop to botter but ubuntu only see one of my four cores after this trick. Has anyone experienced this?05:30
r3zahi guys , how can connect to authentication socks5 proxy through 11.10 ? is there any program or command suggestion ? my socks5 proxy server sets to 4000 port ! please help me05:30
rumpe1r3za, maybe "tsocks"05:30
r3zarumpe1: is that a program ?05:31
rumpe1r3za, yes, a shell wrapper for network access. You can redirect an application to the proxy.05:31
Sharpshooterhai !! any body know how to create a image of my curret ubuntu os running on my system.?05:31
r3zarumpe1: dude , perfect thanks a lot05:31
r3zarumpe1: let me install it05:31
rumpe1r3za, I used it some time ago in combination with ssh-tunnel (sshd includes a socks-proxy)05:33
Sharpshooter hai !! any body know how to create a image of my curret ubuntu os running on my system.?05:34
rumpe1Sharpshooter, what do you mean with image? copied folders or an image of the complete filesystem?05:35
Sharpshooterrumpe1, I want to use my installed os in Virtual machine05:36
rumpe1Sharpshooter, then you don't need an image. Virtuabox for one can use physical partitions as virtual ones.05:36
r3zarumpe1: i tried to connect my server through ssh with this command : "ssh -fND localhost:8888 nick@host" but it didn't response !05:36
Sharpshooterrumpe1,  no I mean that I want to make an  customized live cd for reinstalling with fully installed appilication as like my current os05:38
rumpe1r3za, -D needs a at least a (local) port (accoring to man ssh)05:40
rumpe1Sharpshooter, hm... so a "live image" of you running system? on a cd?05:41
rumpe1Sharpshooter, and how do you plan to install from that?05:41
hemanthany tired configuring thunderbird with M$ exchange server ?05:41
hemanthit works well in evolution, except for the calendar part :/05:41
r3zarumpe1: can u send me a command for my socks5 proxy server that it use port 4000 ?05:41
rumpe1r3za, in an old script of mine i used that: /usr/bin/ssh -p $hostport -f -N -D 1080 user@host    (for creating a tunnel)05:42
=== Abhijit is now known as Guest64093
rumpe1r3za, i guess i then could connect using tsocks on localhost:108005:43
rumpe1r3za, erm... not "connect" but redirect the application05:44
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r3zarumpe1: i know , when i use this command i didn't get response ?05:44
raviepic3people i hate the new look of ubuntu gnome UI - how do i revert back to the old UI but keep the other parts of the OS upgrade intact ?05:46
Sharpshooter rumpe1,  no I mean that I want to make an  customized live cd for reinstalling with fully installed appilication as like my current os05:47
michaelahi i have ubuntu 11.10 installed on my dell inspiron 1545 and some times my mouse pad freezes05:49
michaelacan any one help me05:49
Guest64093raviepic3: use gnome classic look at login screen]05:50
raviepic3Guest64093, oh. will check that option out05:51
raviepic3Guest64093, in the process of bringing it to old view i screwed up current UI05:51
raviepic3i changed some settings on the UI front with the GNOME on my ubuntu and i ended up like this http://imageshack.us/f/526/selection004y.png/05:51
raviepic3i am not able to get the title bar with which i can move the window to different positions05:51
raviepic3how to reset ?05:51
Guest64093raviepic3: no idea05:52
raviepic3ok :(05:52
X99raviepic3:sudo reboot now05:52
raviepic3X99, wont that reboot the system with the same settings ?05:53
raviepic3my question is more on how to reset the UI05:53
X99what is your ubuntu version number?05:55
=== Nicolus is now known as c_nick
michaelaif any one has time i wold like to know how to fix the mouse pad on my lap top i have ubuntu 11.10 installed on my dell inspiron 1545 and the mouse pad freezes up some times i wold appreciate it a lot05:58
X99raviepic3:I met the same problem before,I just reboot my system,then it be ok .06:00
michaelai have ubuntu 11.10 32 bit installed on my dell inspiron 1545 and my mouse pad freezes up can some one help06:10
=== Lasers_ is now known as Lasers
* N4N33_ST8 wants to know how to vhost06:17
hemanthis there a way to mail the calendar in ics format, using evolution?06:19
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makaka
RokcStarhey guys, i wanted to know if it's possible to save files that get downloaded off repositories06:25
icerootRokcStar: that is done automaticly06:26
icerootRokcStar: /var/cache/apt/archives/06:26
=== Gskellig_ is now known as Gskellig
iceroot!offline | RokcStar06:26
ubottuRokcStar: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD06:26
RokcStarthat is perfect! thanks so much iceroot06:28
coolstarI'm about to host an open source repo, and would like some opinions06:32
coolstarShould I choose svn, git, or mercurial?06:32
coolstarI never heard of mercurial, but i know about svn and git06:33
coolstarwhich is better? SVN or Git?06:33
yamahaalex37how do i make a shortcut...06:33
yamahaalex37coolstar, git is newer and everyone will say its better06:33
LifeIsPainnot everyone will say is better06:33
yamahaalex37i like svn, because i got it working a lot faster and with windows tortoise is super easy06:33
LifeIsPainbut more people will say it is better to be sure06:33
coolstarthe project is linux only06:33
yamahaalex37and getting my repository on my own shared hosting was way easier06:34
chachancoolstar: I have used git, svn and mercurial and I feel more comfortable with git06:34
coolstaryamahallex37: Google Code is hosting it, so the setting up is the same06:34
yamahaalex37in that case use git06:34
coolstari'm using git06:34
LifeIsPainI'm going to vote for SVN06:35
LifeIsPain(just because no one else said to use it)06:35
coolstarshould I use GPL 2, GPL 3, or LGPL?06:35
LifeIsPainthat really depends on the case by case issue, and what you want done with it06:35
LifeIsPainpersonally, I would do none of the above, but a BSD style license, but that is my preference06:36
yamahaalex37ubu needs a show desktop icon06:41
szalKubu has one ;)06:42
coolstarShould I use GPL 2, GPL 3, LGPL, or BSD?06:48
dr_williscoolstar:  try the #gpl channel?06:49
=== lane is now known as fermianyon
coolstardr_willis: I'm asking about which licence ubuntu users prefer.06:50
coolstardr_willis: I'm about to host an open source project, so i'm asking06:51
yamahaalex37i is confused06:51
yamahaalex37to install my .rpm, i just extract it?06:51
yamahaalex37to user/local/bin?06:51
yamahaalex37to install my .rpm, i just extract it?06:52
yamahaalex37to user/local/bin?06:52
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:52
coolstaryamahaalex: try alien06:52
windyamahaalex37: why you want to install rpm package in ubuntu?06:52
yamahaalex37wait im sorry06:53
yamahaalex37its a .zip06:53
dr_willisdepends on whats in the .zip06:53
Tm_Twas there some global shortcut to grab a screen capture on default ubuntu install?06:53
yamahaalex37its aptana06:53
dr_willisTm_T:  printscreen key06:53
dr_willis!info aptana06:54
yamahaalex37dr_willis,its aptana, extracting it works06:54
ubottuPackage aptana does not exist in oneiric06:54
yamahaalex37im just wondering the proper place and way to install06:54
dr_willisno idea what aptana is. toss it in /opt/ i guess06:54
yamahaalex37what? i downloaded from their website06:54
Tm_Tdr_willis: ah thanks, have forgotten the existence of that key /:06:54
yamahaalex37whats /opt06:54
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  a directory you install stuff to. thats not  managed by apt06:55
dr_willisor /usr/local perhaps06:55
yamahaalex37so /usr/local/bin is not correct?06:55
=== paxtoncamaro91 is now known as paxtoncamaroafk
yamahaalex37because when I put it in /usr/local/bin, it puts the working directory in /root/Aptana06:56
yamahaalex37which confuses me06:56
dr_willisif just extracting the zip and running the binary works. you dont need to 'install' it system wide. you could just keep the dir in your home06:56
yamahaalex37seems it should be in /home/username/aptana06:56
dr_willissounds  like you are running it as root06:57
yamahaalex37i extracted it as root06:57
yamahaalex37im logge din as me06:57
michaelahey!!! how can i fix my mouse pas on my laptop i have ubuntu 11.10 32 bit on my dell inspiron 1545 nd the mouse pad freezes06:58
yamahaalex37dr_willis, looks like you were right06:59
yamahaalex37so when I sudo su in terminal, that makes all my GUI activitied also root?06:59
dr_willisdont use sudo su, use sudo -s as needed  if you need a root shell.06:59
dr_willisand exit the shell when you are done07:00
yamahaalex37whats -s07:00
dr_willisonly things started by that shwll would be ran as root.07:00
dEramubuusing compiz on ubuntu 11.10, the right click has become weird. please help07:00
dr_willis -s gives you a shell.07:00
dr_willisor -i07:00
michaelacan anyone see my messages07:00
dr_willismichaela:  yes07:01
|servidor-D-723I just wanted to say:07:01
|servidor-D-723Attention: http://www.blackcats-games.net/signup.php is open07:01
xjiujiuterminal how to set a alpha effact?07:01
LifeIsPainaka, you just wanted to spam?07:01
|servidor-D-723Get the latest releases and also older 2000-2010 abandonware gamez07:01
dr_willisxjiujiu:  clarify wyat you mean.07:01
dr_willis|servidor-D-723:  take it elsewhere07:02
|servidor-D-723http://www.blackcats-games.net/signup.php and create an account and use a good torrent client like uTorrent for FREE GAMEZ!07:02
|servidor-D-723blackcats-games.net is only open for signup two times a year07:02
|servidor-D-723Sign up now while you still can!!!07:02
dr_willisare evil... ;007:03
sorajwhy do you have to use some shitty service?07:03
somsip!attitude | soraj07:03
ubottusoraj: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:03
yamahaalex37wtf ubuntu gives me so much worse battery life than windows07:03
dr_willissoraj:  never seen the point in those sites and their limits either.07:03
somsipsoraj: ah - I didn't see context. Apologies07:03
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  theres known powersaveing issues and lack of optimazations07:04
RokcStaryama not true07:04
|servidor-D-723http://www.blackcats-games.net/signup.php and create an account and use a good torrent client like uTorrent for FREE GAMEZ!07:04
|servidor-D-723Get the latest releases and also older 2000-2010 abandonware gamez07:04
|servidor-D-723http://www.blackcats-games.net/signup.php and create an account and use a good torrent client like uTorrent for FREE GAMEZ!07:04
|servidor-D-723blackcats-games.net is only open for signup two times a year07:04
FloodBot1|servidor-D-723: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
sorajand also playing hd video is ALOT slower than windows.07:04
yamahaalex37RokcStar,  it seems that way07:04
yamahaalex37this is a hybrid laptop, with discrete switchable graphics07:05
RokcStarhow can you tell07:05
yamahaalex37i can tell, ive used it for years07:05
yamahaalex37its significally shorter07:05
yamahaalex37maybe the graphics are stuck on discrete?07:05
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  hybrid graphics is a area thats also verymuch a work in progress07:05
RokcStarperhaps the drivers are different07:05
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  some would consider you lucky it works at all.07:06
yamahaalex37i see07:06
dr_willishopefully by the next release it will be much better07:06
yamahaalex37well, if this is on discrete mode, i would consider the batter better than windows in discrete mode07:06
yamahaalex37its somewhere in between windows discrete and integrated07:07
sorajactually, its just firefox thats laggy. Chromium is much better.07:07
sorajsorry, OOC07:07
goddardanyone have some time to help debug an issue ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/87070/nvidia-gtx-460m-laggy-display/87370#8737007:08
yamahaalex37how do i unlock the panel on my ubu desktop, on the left07:08
yamahaalex37to put my own shortcuts07:08
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  for unity? just drag/drop therm there. or right click/pin to panel07:09
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  got links to good unity guides at http://delicious.com/dr_willis07:09
michaelai have ubuntu 11.10 installed on my dell inspiron 1545  and the mouse pad freezes how do i fix it07:10
yamahaalex37dr_willis, i cant seem to re-arrange whats in the panel07:10
yamahaalex37like move one above another07:10
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  shift click perhaps.. check the guides07:10
yamahaalex37thanks nice site07:10
dr_willisor click/drag.. i dont recall07:10
ruduhtudAnd if you can't play games on Linux, just get CEDEGA or THE LATEST VERSION OF WINE!07:11
ruduhtudblack cats games is having their once a year torrent sign up special07:11
ruduhtudGet every new game, tv-rip, movie, and more FOR FREE!  simply read the RULES!07:11
ruduhtudhttp://www.blackcats-games.net/signup.php and create an account and use a good torrent client like uTorrent for FREE GAMEZ!07:11
ruduhtudGet the latest releases and also older 2000-2010 abandonware gamez07:11
FloodBot1ruduhtud: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:11
ruduhtudhttp://www.blackcats-games.net/signup.php and create an account and use a good torrent client like uTorrent for FREE GAMEZ!07:11
yamahaalex37is there a "hide all" or "show desktop' icon or shortcut in ubu07:12
ruduhtudnnel; use #f07:12
soeeyamahaalex37, are you using aptana ?07:13
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  i thik ive seen launcher to do that at the askubuntu.com  site. or in the unity tweaks at the webupd8 tweaks page07:13
almoxarifeyamahaalex37: which ubu?07:13
nicehshi, i just setup apf-firewall then rebooted, and altho it seems to be set to autostart it doesnt.. when I do "update-rc.d apf-firewall defaults" it says "System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/apf-firewall already exist.".   any idea what I can do?  can I simply just edit for example /etc/init.d/rc.local and put "apf -s" in it? ("apf -s" is the start-command for apf)07:15
dr_willis!info apf07:15
ubottuPackage apf does not exist in oneiric07:15
michaelai know that all of you are volunteers and are trying your best to keep up but i tried to find out how to fix my problem on line but i couldn't find anything07:15
dr_willisnever even heard of apf-firewall07:16
nicehs!info apf-firewall07:16
ubottuapf-firewall (source: apf-firewall): easy iptables based firewall system. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.7+rev1-3 (oneiric), package size 90 kB, installed size 440 kB07:16
dr_willismichaela:  you checkec askubuntu.com  and the forums?07:16
goddardanyone have some time to help debug an issue ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/87070/nvidia-gtx-460m-laggy-display/87370#8737007:17
michaelai did07:17
nicehsthink it just manages iptables to block ports,icmp and abusive ips etc. and should prevent some DoS'.  it seems to work and all, I just need a way to make it autostart when system boots. can I just put its startup command in top of "/etc/init.d/rc.local" ?07:17
dr_willisnicehs:  you mean /etc/rc.local ?07:18
yamahaalex37is unity new with 11?07:19
yamahaalex37do you guys prefer it07:19
=== L0C41H05T is now known as HeavyMetal
nicehsoh yeah theres a /etc/rc.local.. i only checked /etc/init.d/rc.local and was alot inthere already, I guess /etc/rc.local is better and should even be perfect for this?07:19
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
rajumohnetsplit :-D07:20
dr_willisnicehs:  thats a ok place to put thangs.07:20
nicehsyeah thx just tried,putting it in /etc/rc.local seemed to work07:20
dr_willisi never see the splits. ;)07:20
treskSomething went wrong. I inserted a new script file in /etc/init.d/ and update-init.d it, but it doesn'twork .(07:20
dr_willisnicehs:  why not just use ufw?07:21
treskI wanted to change the MAC of my net devices. Is it probably the wrong place to do it? I also tried /etc/network/if-pre-up.d and inserted a new script there. No success. or do I have to commit changes in that folder somehow?07:23
aruncetresk: did you restart the network07:24
yamahaalex37is the unity quicklaunch thing on the left side even made for customizing?07:24
treskarunce: yes. I reastarted the hole PC ,)07:25
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  theres some tweaks and tools for it. omg!ubuntu! blog site mentioned a new one today07:25
dr_williscalled myUnity i think07:26
peggys_mousei no longer seem to have access to many settings. is a common recent problem?07:26
aruncetresk: and you chmod +x?07:26
treskmmm, I also changed /etc/interfaces... :(07:26
treskarunce: yes, I did it was green in mc07:26
tresksame chown and chmod like the other scripts07:26
dr_willispeggys_mouse:  things have been getting reordered.. so it depends on what settings you mean07:27
almoxarifeyamahaalex37: you seem to want the 2d experience/style menus07:27
yamahaalex37almoxarife, , i just want something customizable07:27
peggys_mousedr_willis: it isn't that the settings are missing, they are greyed out. locked.07:27
yamahaalex37like with my own shortcuts07:27
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  shortcuts for what?07:27
yamahaalex37i deleted all the useless shortcuts in the left tasbar almoxarife07:27
yamahaalex37programs i use07:27
yamahaalex37and adding them to that taskbar does not seem trivial07:28
dr_willisyou can make your own launchers, and pin them to the panel07:28
almoxarifeyamahaalex37: in that case, install cairo-dock, install gnome-shell, install various progs from kde4 and figure it out07:28
dr_willisi just drag/drop or pin them..07:28
peggys_mousedr_willis: for instance, if i go to user account settings, the unlock button is now greyed out. i can't edit a user's info.07:28
yamahaalex37i cant drag anything into that taskbar07:28
aruncetresk: and your script is ok? you have the shebang?07:28
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  sounds like some bug. check out some of the unity ussage videos perhaps.07:29
yamahaalex37dr_willis, , you can drag stuff into that panel on the far left?07:29
yamahaalex37the one that hides?07:29
aruncetresk: will it work if you call it?07:29
yamahaalex37im trying to drag AptanaStudio3 over there... not working07:29
dr_willisi launch gedit,  for examlple, and right click, pin the icon to panel07:29
treskarunce: #!/bin/sh .... /usr/bin/macchanger -e eth007:29
yamahaalex37and when I put it on my desktop, it doesnt seem to be a shortcut07:29
almoxarifeyamahaalex37: no dragging?07:29
treskarunce: yes it does07:30
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  it may be that ap has no .desktop file07:30
dr_willisthe term shortcut is a little.. well windowish. ;)07:30
treskarunce: a bit strange, but maybe Ubuntu resets the MAC later on ?!07:30
dr_willismake a .desktop launcher file for it. and it should work07:30
yamahaalex37uhhhh... theres no point in avoiding a term nvm07:30
yamahaalex37i can drag it to the desktop07:31
dr_willissince that aptana is not installed by the repos. it may be lacking the .desktop file the panel wants07:31
yamahaalex37but then it says missing libraries07:31
nicehsdr_willis: oh, didnt know about ufw.. thx, will check it out and prolly try that next time instead of apf then07:31
yamahaalex37i dont see any option to pin anywhere either07:31
treskarunce: I put it at @S15_ .. should be ok, I guess.07:31
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  it wanst to run from its own directory.07:31
aruncetresk: try on if-up.d07:31
yamahaalex37dr_willis, where should i see that pin option you said07:31
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  try pinning and stuff with gedit to see if it works07:32
treskarunce: but I can't change the IP it the device is up ..07:32
treskarunce: I mean the MAC07:32
arunceno you can't07:32
yamahaalex37i can right click gedits icon while its open, and say keep in launcher07:32
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yamahaalex37but not Aptana07:32
aruncetresk: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/07:33
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  so you needd to make a proper .desktop file for aptana07:33
yamahaalex37how do i do this07:33
aruncetresk: but you can change it on interfaces07:33
dr_willisyamahaalex37:  seen guides on it at askubuntu.com07:33
yamahaalex37and how can i drag one launcher shortcut above another07:33
aruncetresk: I've one debian and one ubuntu server with that config07:34
dr_willisnot on unity so i cant tell/dont remember07:34
treskarunce: I tried this before, but I'll do it again, who knows maybe typo somewehre07:34
r3zahey , is there anyone know how to fix this bug of 11.10 : http://goo.gl/TZ2D907:35
peggys_mouseanyone? I can't click on the "Unlock" button on the system settings pages. I could a few days ago. there have been a lot of updates recently. i thought one of them might be responsible. also, i changed my user name (via the gui) using the Unlock. perhaps the system no longer thinks i'm the user that has the admin privileges?07:36
buckythat's not a bug... that's a feature!07:36
treskarunce: oh I see something the "auto eth0" was missing...07:36
r3zabucky: what do u mean , everytime i switch my desktop it appear !07:37
r3zabucky: when i select to move a program , u were right , but everytime .. no its a bug !07:37
treskarunce: but it'll be nice to randomize the process with macchanger eg. ... but first I try this07:37
yamahaalex37best linux ebook reader?07:38
MahaVishnutresk$ what you trying to do exactly ?07:38
namoamitabuddhaHi, guys07:39
namoamitabuddhaIs laptop-mode-tools needed now?07:39
DaZyamahaalex37: as in pdf reader? :f07:39
sokakhello everyone :)07:41
MahaVishnuhello sokak ;-)07:42
yamahaalex37what is apt-get for flash?07:42
MahaVishnuyamahaalex37$ you know... you could google some of these questions :-)07:42
sokakquestion. Can be a good idea to start within a script on startup applications leaking memory, and kill them with a cronjob at regular intervals, using a killall -15?07:42
almoxarife Lynda.com.HTML5.Graphics.an ... nvas-QUASAR <-- does it run on ubuntu?07:42
almoxarifeyamahaalex37: or ask linda.com?07:43
shark_eye_I can't install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 11.10 (x64)07:43
yamahaalex37so i cant...07:43
shark_eye_How can I solve this problem?07:43
MahaVishnushark_eye_$ what error?07:44
shark_eye_MahaVishnu, Wait please07:44
shark_eye_I will try 'dpkg'07:44
MahaVishnubtw the package is chromium-browser on ubuntu07:44
sokakAm i doing it wrong? killalling with -15 is a bad idea?07:44
yeehawSokak: Why don't you use kill -9 pid07:45
sokakIm unsure about what put on the minus - i have stuff leaking, and i would like to send just the term signal, not kill them abruptly07:46
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peggys_mouseanyone know why my unlock button, say on the date and time settings, might be greyed out? it wasn't a few days ago.07:47
sokakyeehaw, one of the guilty is docky, i kill it on cronjob and let it respawn, is launched by a script07:47
sokaksince it may happen multiple instances of what i wanted to kill, i thought of killall07:48
yeehawhmm.. wel you could us that. Or you could create a deamon for the program and create a cronjob: /etc/init.d/service stop07:50
sokakthat exceeds my shell fu :|07:50
yeehawWhat kind of program is it?07:51
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sokakshame on me, im using a gui to not mess my crontab u///u07:51
sokakyeehaw, one of my next candidates is gwibber - seems to love to chew my ram.07:51
yeehawWell, I really hate thiking of crons too. So mostly I use a caclulator07:52
sokakyeehaw, im fine with calculating, its just that seems i cant avoid typos when its time07:52
sokaki feeel guitarded sometimes :|07:53
yeehawwhat happens if you use services gwibber-daemon stop07:53
sokakyeehaw, i like were you weregoing, making demons, any tut on it?07:53
yeehawor /etc/init.d/gwibber-daemon stop07:54
yeehawGoogle tells me the daemon already existst07:54
sokakyeah that init.d stuff, any tut for tards outta here?07:54
yeehawtry  running /etc/init.d/gwibber-daemon -status in shell07:54
sokakso basically, i can put in crontab a daemon stop like each .10, and a daemon start each .11 right?07:55
yeehawor /etc/init.d/unity-gwibber-daemon07:55
sokakhehe old maverick here :P07:55
yeehawWhat happens if you run /etc/init.d/gwibber-dameon right now?07:55
sokaksays it doesnt exist, i should investigate further.07:56
yeehawwriting your own daemon, would require you to have some programming konowledge07:59
auronandacesokak: did you spell it right?07:59
yeehawElse go to /etc/init.d08:00
yeehawls -la | grep gwibber08:00
yeehawor something08:00
sokakyeah auronandace , prolly i just need to try a fresher gwibber, maverick bears with an old one. The ppa for docky fixed many thing, i should give a look for gwibber as well.08:00
Jon--Slightly off topic - When I ssh into a FreeBSD box using PuTTY, I am able to do the following: Hit a character or two, press up arrow, receive only commands beginning with those few characters. Is this a feature of the OS/shell? If not, and it is a feature of PuTTY, how can I get similar functionality in gnome-terminal?08:06
sokakyay, the ppa version is much snappier08:06
sokakJon--, use the almighty tab key08:07
goddardanyone have some time to help debug an issue ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/87070/nvidia-gtx-460m-laggy-display/87370#8737008:07
Jon--sokak, That's not quite what I mean. Up arrow deals with history, that is what I want.08:08
Jon--Ex, python lol.py  do 10 more commands  on PuTTY I can do 'py *up arrow*', and as long as python lol.py is still in history, it'll auto-complete that, last executed first08:08
sokakoh nope i guess then, i has standard history08:09
Jon--I don't think it's implemented with history. I have a feeling it's the shell.08:09
Jon--Well, the client, more accurately*08:09
shark_eyeI was try 'dpkg', and very good08:10
sokakJon--, have a look at this http://blog.macromates.com/2008/working-with-history-in-bash/08:11
Jon--sokak, I run tcsh at work, I highly doubt tcsh is more feature-rich than bash. I have a feeling it's implemented by the shell client, in this case putty.08:11
sokaki see your point, just all i was able to google about08:12
sokakwhen i dont know, i try to find08:12
Jon--You'd think gnome-terminal would have something like this08:12
Jon--Ever since getting used to it, it's hard to go back to not having it08:12
Jon--Hell of a lot faster than h | grep08:12
Jon--Or pressing up arrow 20 damn times08:12
Jon--sokak, Thanks for your assistance anyway08:13
sokakyw, i love to try at least :)08:13
sokakJon--, idiotic question - if you try a echo $SHELL in your putty session, what comes out?08:16
Jon--sokak, I'm not at work. 90% sure it'd be tcsh08:17
Jon--Either tcsh or sh08:17
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sokakThen, pardon me if im saying a bestiality Jon-- you should be able to change defaout bash to plain bourne, am i wrong?08:19
Jon--I'm not following08:19
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Jon--You might be right about it being a feature of the shell. I just find it difficult to believe that that's implemented in tcsh on FreeBSD by default. That would be pretty sweet.08:20
sokakonly god knows :|08:21
doritoDanCould not download all repository indexes08:23
MahaVishnuanyone good with bash give me an example of a script that moves folders with a certain file .extension from a dir to a new specified dir ??08:23
doritoDanFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found08:24
doritoDanSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:24
doritoDanAny ideas?08:24
sokakMahaVishnu, tried yet to peep at commandlinefu.com for that?08:24
faLUCE hi. DId anyone install mysql in a chroot environment on ubuntu? I have this problem:   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5056710/running-mysql-in-chroot   and I don't understand how to solve it08:26
MahaVishnusokak$ found this.. mv `find .zip ./` .     but its move all files with common extension to current folder. I want to specify the folder08:31
Jon--doritoDan, You have a PPA which is currently down.08:31
doritoDanWhat can I do about it?08:32
sokakMahaVishnu, which folder you want to move them to?08:32
Jon--I'd just wait, it's unity, I'm sure it won't 404 for long08:32
sokakhi conntrack08:32
doritoDanThat sucks. :(08:33
doritoDanBut thanks.08:33
FloodBot1doritoDan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:33
DaZMahaVishnu: you want to do it recursively?08:33
tgadoes anybody happen to know about getting the VMware tools fully working on a Ubuntu guest?08:34
tgawith shared folders and all08:34
MahaVishnusokak$ like I have a folder. /hd2/Downloads and I will have music files extension .FLAC I want to move them to /hd2/Music when I choose with an easy command/script. while preserving there folders/structure.08:34
MahaVishnusokak the .FLAC files will be in folders I mean and I want to keep the folder names just move them to /hd2/Music but only folders with .FLAC files in them sry if this is confusing.08:34
MahaVishnuDaZ$ see my second statement above for clarity ^08:34
FloodBot1MahaVishnu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:34
sokakMahaVishnu, thats pretty clear. The answer wil be a mess ;)08:35
arloare there a people some can help me with apache problem08:35
Jon--MahaVishnu, I'll write a one liner for you, hold on08:36
theadminarlo: #httpd might be a better place for that08:36
arloCannot send to channel: #httpd theadmin08:37
arloi write in this forum08:37
arlobut i can not08:37
theadminarlo: You need to register08:37
Jon--MahaVishnu, cd somedir; find . -type f -name \*.FLAC -exec mv {} /hd2/Music \;08:37
arlowith nickserver but how?08:37
Jon--Oh wait, you want to move entire directories that have flac files?08:37
arloim use freenode.net08:38
Jon--That's slightly different08:38
ikonia!register | arlo08:38
ubottuarlo: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:38
Jon--One sec08:38
MahaVishnuJon--$ sweet.08:38
Jon--MahaVishnu, That won't preserve directories08:39
MahaVishnuwhat will it do?08:39
Jon--It will move all .FLAC files into /hd2/Music08:39
Jon--Give me a minute, I'm working on what you asked for.08:40
sokakkudos Jon-- i think i will make use of it as well :)08:40
faLUCE hi. DId anyone install mysql in a chroot environment on ubuntu? I have this problem:   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5056710/running-mysql-in-chroot   and I don't understand how to solve it08:40
Jon--I'm not sure I can make such a sexy one-liner anymore ;)08:41
MahaVishnuJon--$ a script is better for me anyway08:41
MahaVishnuso I can bash alias it to a single letter command.08:41
Jon--It shouldn't be too hard though. Just need a pipe or two.08:41
Jon--MahaVishnu, You can place this in a script bro...08:42
Jon--If you plan on executing this multiple times, I suggest rsync instead, though since it's a mv and not a cp, it's not that important08:43
happygoluckyensi: hello08:43
ensii've installed openjdk-6-jdk but i have no javac or other java tools08:43
theadminJon--: rsync has a --remove-synced-files (or something) flag so you can make it act like mv08:43
ensiupdate-alternatives --config java says "no config"08:44
Jon--I can write this, I'm feeling lazy though.08:44
ensiwhats the trick?08:44
MahaVishnuYeah I forgot you don't need to change it.08:44
MahaVishnuI don't script too much.08:44
Jon--It doesn't require a ton of man-page hunting08:44
theadminJon--: What's the goal anyway? I might do it08:44
sokakI feel you :) Whenever i have a bullseye oneliner, i note it down as a personal pride08:44
sokakmy script fu is really low08:45
MahaVishnutheadmin$ move all folders in one dir with .FLAC files in them onky. to a second dir08:45
DaZMahaVishnu: you have the script already?08:45
Jon--theadmin, He wants to find all sub dirs containing *.flac and move those directories recursively into some other directory08:45
theadminJon--: Hm, interesting...08:45
DaZfind -name "*.c" -exec mkdir -p /home/daz/derp/{} \; -exec mv {} /home/daz/derp/{} \; this did more or less what you want for me08:45
DaZjust obviously replace .d with .flac and directories with what you want.08:45
Jon--DaZ, that's ugly08:46
Jon--I'm making one now, hold on08:46
MahaVishnuDaZ$ my dirs already exist ?08:46
DaZbut it works [;08:46
* theadmin tries to refresh on her Perl skills because it seems to complicated to do with Bash...08:46
happygoluckyensi: i'm not a developer, did you try in programming or java groups--if there are any on freenode..08:46
sokakyeah, bash can be a biash08:46
MahaVishnuI feel like it would be very ez to do with bash wouldn't it ?08:47
ensihappygolucky: seems to more like an environment thingy08:47
Madkisshi there. I'm looking for the swift-auth-add-user binary in oneiric; can somebody please tell me where it hides?08:48
theadmin!find swift-auth-add-user08:49
ubottuPackage/file swift-auth-add-user does not exist in oneiric08:49
theadminMadkiss: ^08:49
Jon--Can you pipe to rsync?08:49
Jon--I'm nearly done08:49
theadminJon--: If it can read stdin in some way, sure...08:50
Jon--theadmin, Example? I have a list of directories with flac files, want to pass to rsync via a pipe08:51
sokakmv cant do the job?08:51
theadminJon--: Meh, no rsync fan myself and I can't find anything related in the manpage08:52
ArnoldMadkiss, I'm guessing it would be located either in the 'swiss' or 'swiss-account' package.08:53
Jon--MahaVishnu, Here's a start anyway: find . -type f -name '*.flac' |sed 's#\(.*\)/.*#\1#' | sort -ur08:54
Jon--That gives you a list of directories recursively from the current directory which contain .flac files.08:54
Jon--(and sorts them)08:54
MahaVishnuyes it does.08:54
MahaVishnuis it easy to alphabetize that. if not don't worry. and thanks for that code! ill keep it in a safe place.08:55
theadminWoah... That looks messy xD08:56
goddardanyone have some time to help debug an issue ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/87070/nvidia-gtx-460m-laggy-display/87370#8737008:56
sokaksnippet sniped :308:56
MahaVishnulol sokak08:56
MahaVishnuyea that code looks like space alien to me.08:57
sokakif its bash code, its my treasssure08:57
Jon--MahaVishnu, It's just sniping out the directory from the output of find08:57
Klopecomorning,it is possible to block network manager notification (the gconf key "don't send notif when disconnected" don't work)08:57
Jon--and placing them on new lines, of course08:58
sokakJon--, one thing i never was able to was the abstract - once i have the snippet, i can "see".08:58
MadkissArnold: they're both installed, and it's not there :(08:58
LinuxnutI'm working on project to help get rid of spammers and bots if you would like to help, visit my page here http://hak-lab.co.nr/08:58
theadminLinuxnut: Um, that's spam ;)08:58
llutz_Linuxnut: now lets get rid of you08:58
sokakmy pipes gets all twisted :/08:58
treskarunce: !'m back and now it's working. The solution was simply add a new script in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d ... strange I thought I had it before.08:58
ikoniaLinuxnut: you've been told the topic of this channel enough times, no more warnings08:59
theadminikonia: Oh, (s)he did that before? Didn't know.08:59
Klopecohow to associate a proxy config with a wifi network?08:59
icerootKlopeco: as you do on a non-wifi-network09:00
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sokakoh Gods of the script fu! x3 Anyone knowing how i can properly add a nautilus menu that triggers a selection of emblems to pick from *only for certain filetypes*? (or a tut that is understandable?)09:00
Klopecoiceroot: I have multiple SSID with multiple proxy config09:01
ArnoldMadkiss, uh oh. That file was pretty much stored in swift-auth package, in the earlier versions of Ubuntu, like 11.10 (when it was Swift 1.0.209:02
ArnoldFrom 11.04 and 11.10, the entire packages were updated to 1.3.0, and because of that (perhaps), the swift-auth package is to be found nowhere.09:03
Jon--what did I miss? damn wireless is spotty in my room09:03
icerootKlopeco: maybe dhcp can handle something like that? i dont know09:04
goddardanyone tried out 0 A.D ?09:04
goddardsweet linux game09:04
goddardreminds me of Age of Empires09:05
MadkissArnold: well, nevertheless, that command is somewhat, uhm, important ;)09:05
icerootgoddard: sounds good, i will have a look at it09:05
Madkissit's not the actual package, it's rather binary09:05
goddardiceroot: yeah its alpha but is gonna be good09:05
MahaVishnuJon--$ any ideas on a way to pipe that list of dirs to a move command?09:05
Jon--MahaVishnu, This should work: find . -type f -name '*.flac' -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} /hd2/Music09:06
Jon--MahaVishnu, This should work: find . -type f -name '*.flac' -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} /hd2/Music/09:06
sokaksniped :309:06
Jon--Note that not all OSes support {} notation with xargs09:06
MahaVishnudoes ubuntu ?09:06
Jon--(More accurately - not all versions of xargs support it)09:07
MahaVishnuok thats all I need let me test it out for you.09:07
Jon--Do me a favour and read some man pages09:07
MahaVishnuI do read man pages :D09:07
Jon--Understand what that command does09:07
Jon--Before you use it09:07
MahaVishnuI was reading about find09:07
MahaVishnubut all I could get it to do was list all the .FLAC files in a dir09:07
MahaVishnunot the dirs containing flac :-\09:07
Jon--Oh shoot09:08
Jon--I think I fucked up.09:08
Jon--Did you run that?09:08
MahaVishnunot yet09:08
Jon--Test it out by making a random directory09:08
Jon--like ~/test09:08
MahaVishnugood idea09:08
frogzoogrrr upgrade to 11.10 stopped ZTE MF6273 3G usb modem from working - again - this is getting real old09:08
Jon--cd ~/test mkdir x y z touch somefile.flac in each, etc.09:09
ArnoldMadkiss, maybe it has been replaced with a newer command?09:09
MahaVishnuI have a /home/user/test for just these purposes09:09
MahaVishnutest like this? find . -type f -name '*.flac' -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} /home/x/test/blah/09:11
arloAnyone can help me with apache problem09:11
arlois take 1 minute with teamwiewer09:11
Jon--Test by making sure that a recursive call to find won't hit any legitimate flac files on your drive09:11
ikoniaarlo: is this apache problem on ubuntu ?09:11
Jon--But only testing ones09:11
ikoniaarlo: what's the issue09:12
Jon--I know it doesn't work, it moves the files, doesn't move the dirs09:12
ikoniaarlo: no, what's the apache problem ?09:12
Jon--I don't know enough awk/sed to fix it09:13
arloIkonia i restart aoache09:13
ArnoldMadkiss, seems it has to do more with the Swift software itself, than Ubuntu's packaging. Since 11.10 has version 1.4.4, and only the pre 1.3.0 one had swift-auth with swift-auth-add-user in it09:13
arlobut my domain not working09:13
arloi create subdomain09:13
VictorCLhi, I have this zip files which inside has a folder , I want to uncompress it but not the folder but the files inside   , how can I do this ?09:13
arlobut is dont working i dont why09:13
ikoniaarlo: please give me the correct/real domain name you are setting up09:13
arloi try to restart and restart09:13
arlo2 sek09:13
sokakVictorCL, gui or shell?09:13
VictorCLno no shell09:14
sokakopen in file roller - drag files to destination09:14
VictorCLwith the shell .trhough command line09:14
Jon--Here's the command that almost works09:15
Jon--find . -type f -name '*.pdf' | sed 's#\(.*\)/.*#\1#' | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} ./test3/09:15
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somsipVictorCL: try unzip -j, but check it in man first http://superuser.com/questions/71846/tar-extract-discarding-directory-structure09:15
Jon--Problem is, xargs borks at the output of sed.09:15
arloikonia og have send you with query09:15
MadkissArnold: hmkay09:15
ikoniaarlo: I'm just going to check that domain09:16
Jon--MahaVishnu, Get someone else to look at it, you have a good start.09:16
Jon--I need sleep.09:16
sokakVictorCL, should be something like unzip file.zip -d destfolder09:16
LinuxnutHow do i use tor on freenode using "UBUNTU"09:17
somsipsokak: unzip -j should do it fine09:17
llutz_Linuxnut: #freenode to ask09:17
sokakyeah, im still chewing on -j09:17
llutz_Linuxnut: they have howtos for a lot of clients09:17
ikoniaarlo: the dns for your domain is pointing at a server in a datacenter, not your PC09:17
arloyes is my home server09:18
arlo i have ssh acces to this ?09:18
LinuxnutCan you even use tor on ubuntu ?09:18
ikoniaLinuxnut: yes09:18
llutz_!tor | Linuxnut09:18
ubottuLinuxnut: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl09:18
MadkissArnold: thanks for the help, the "swauth" binary from Precise is what I am looking for :)09:19
LinuxnutSweet thanks ikonia your a tuff nutt but i like you09:19
arloikonia is my home server09:19
ikoniaarlo: you're the IP it's pointing at appears to be a holding server, not your server09:19
ArnoldMadkiss, hehe, who would've thought that it was cleverly in disguise in another binary name? :P09:20
arloikonia i have write you to you in query09:20
LinuxnutHey ikonia not to be off topic but do you host  alesi.projecthugo.co.uk09:21
MadkissArnold: some people seem to take joy from randomly renaming binaries ;)09:21
ikoniaarlo: can you please stop sending me queries and talk in channel please.09:22
arlook fine09:22
arloits about my domain09:22
ArnoldMadkiss, I guess as long as it won't break anything important, they can rename it as easily as they see fit. And I know how bad that can be!! :P09:22
arloseo working in this chat09:22
ikoniaarlo: the config you have pasted me has a conflict in it too09:22
arlono is same config with another subdomain09:23
ikoniaarlo: you can't have sub1.domain.com, sub2.domain2.com sub3.domain.com as seperate domains, then have *.domain.com for domain 509:23
ikoniaarlo: that conflict *.domain.com will match for sub1/sub2/sub309:23
LinuxnutHey ikonia not to be off topic but do you host  alesi.projecthugo.co.uk09:23
arloarh ikonia thats right09:24
arlobut how can i fix it09:24
ikoniaarlo: you need to get rid of the *.domain.com in the serveralias section09:25
arlo i have delete this line *.domain.com  and restart09:26
arlobut is dont working09:26
MahaVishnufind . -type f -name '*.flac' |sed 's#\(.*\)/.*#\1#' | sort -ur    anyone know how to pipe that list of dirs to a command to move them all recursively to be subdirs of a new dir.09:28
ruslan_osmanovhi.  how do I instruct dpkg/apt to install latest available version of imagemagick? I tried to set Priority: 1001 for the package in /etc/apt/preferences . But no effect09:28
llutz_ruslan_osmanov: it should do that by default09:29
k_szeI'm trying to `fsck -cpv` my 2TB HDD. It's been running for quite a long time. How can I be sure that it's not stuck due to some unrecoverable hardware or file system error?09:29
arloikonia i have delete this line and restart09:30
arlobut is dont working09:30
MonkeyDustruslan_osmanov  update first, before you upgrade, so you have the latest version09:30
ruslan_osmanovllutz, I thought the default priority is 10009:30
bc81hello.  i have a folder that is stuck in the trash, it will not go away even after rebooting.  i have tried some terminal commands to remove ~/.local/share/Trash files, but the stuck folder is not at that location.  i have also tried emptying the trash as root with no success.  any ideas here?09:30
muteshi im trying to install ubuntu but its not slackware. how do i fix this?09:31
llutz_ruslan_osmanov: default is to install any newer version, if available09:31
ruslan_osmanovMonkeyDust, I made apt-get update && apt-get install imagemagick09:31
k_szeerm, s/fsck/e2fsck09:31
MonkeyDustruslan_osmanov  then you should have the latest version09:31
llutz_ruslan_osmanov: check apt-cache policy imagemagick09:31
sokakk_sze, try iotop, you can see if something is moving or just spins empty09:32
bc81i'm thinking maybe it's bad block of the HDD or so, i may have to fsck?09:32
ikoniaarlo: please pastebin your current config09:32
RaTTuSk_sze - tail -f /var/log/syslog - but -c may be taking the time09:33
ruslan_osmanovllutz, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/769843/ . But I want 6.6.2-709:33
sokakk_sze, just so you know, the first round of badblock took about 12 hours to me for a 2 gb drive over sata09:33
RaTTuSk_sze - as long as the HD light is running then your fine [fingers x'ed]09:33
arloikona http://pastebin.com/2WDsBcpW09:33
llutz_ruslan_osmanov: then you have to find a repo holding that version09:33
llutz_ruslan_osmanov: thats nothing apt-pinning can do for you09:34
ruslan_osmanovllutz, thank you. I'm actually not on *Ubuntu. That should be the case. (Debian)09:35
llutz_!info imagemagick09:35
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 8: (oneiric), package size 47 kB, installed size 284 kB09:35
llutz_ruslan_osmanov: same version in ubuntu09:35
somsiparlo: so that;s a blog in a scandanavian language?09:35
bc81be back, i'm going to try fsck..09:36
ikoniaarlo: you said you had got rid of 6.ServerAlias *.scrape.mecci.dk09:36
ikoniaarlo: 6.ServerAlias *.scrape.mecci.dk09:36
arloyes but i insert again09:36
ikoniaarlo: I told you that won't work09:36
ikoniaarlo: you have conflicting domains09:37
arloi so i delete server alias?09:37
ikoniaarlo: at this time - yes09:37
arlo2 sek i try09:37
arloyes ikonia but i dont working09:38
arloi restart it...09:38
arlonot working09:39
ikoniaarlo: ok, can you pastebin the config now please.09:39
ikoniaarlo: when you visit http://pastebin.com/L5APHA5m09:40
ikoniaarlo: oops, sorry09:40
ikoniaarlo: when you visit scrape.mecci.dk there is a site, is that one of your sites ?09:40
arloyes but is not subdomain09:40
ikoniaarlo: what site is that of yours ?09:40
arloits my page09:41
arloand i try to create subdomain on this09:41
ikoniaarlo: for what domain09:41
bc81back.  fsck did not help and the folder is still stuck in the trash.  "Failed to delete the item from the trash"  any ideas?09:41
arlothis arlo: when you visit scrape.mecci.dk there is a site, is that one of your sites ?09:41
arlo2 sek09:41
arloikonia on this : http://pastebin.com/L5APHA5m09:42
BioshoxHey guys09:42
ikoniaarlo: your domucment roots are the same09:42
ikoniaarlo: that's why the sites look the same09:42
arlo but why is working on another subdomains`+09:42
ikoniaarlo: because they don't use the same domain and the same document root09:42
faLUCE hi. DId anyone install mysql in a chroot environment on ubuntu? I have this problem:   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5056710/running-mysql-in-chroot   and I don't understand how to solve it09:42
arlodemo.mecci.dk is a same domain ?09:43
arloikona : demo.mecci.dk is a same domain09:43
sokakkudos everyone for the great help, leaving for now ^^09:44
ikoniaarlo: no, you where using scrape.mecci.dk with a document root of /var/www/scrape - your subdomains where also using /var/www/scrape09:44
Kejk_PLHej, when I transfer big files (~1.3 GB) to my flash drive (quite slow one) after minute or two system lock up for 20 to 60 seconds. This is repeatable. I haven't tried mounting with "sync" option. I heard that  there was a problem with scheduler, but  I can't remember if it was fixed. Can you help?09:45
Bioshoxany of you guys interested in helping out with a Linux community I'm building??09:45
BioshoxWe are a brand new community driven site thats going to help make Linux a real alternative. Linux is a beautiful, reliable and free Operating System built perfectly for your Desktop, Laptop or Netbook.09:45
ikoniaBioshox: please don't recruit in here09:45
fbhand besides, Linux is already a real alternative.09:46
arloikonia so what is full code?09:46
ikoniaarlo: what do you mean what is the full code ?09:46
BioshoxYeah, but I'm working on something that shows that to people09:46
arlohow can i fix it09:46
ikoniaarlo: you need to point your subdomain at a different document root09:47
fbhBioshox: ubuntu.com does that already. quite nicely, actually.09:47
arlo2 sek i try09:47
bc81ok, well i have discovered the solution to my stuck folder in the trash problem.. the offending folder was deleted from a network share, and after i ran umount -a, the trash was gone :-)09:47
BioshoxMy sites not just for Ubuntu, it's for many distros and open source applications09:47
BioshoxA way to evaluate and compare to people who don't currently use Linux which OS might be for them09:47
ikoniaok guys - lets drop the talk on the site please, it's nothing to do with ubuntu09:47
fbhAnd why would #ubuntu care about that? :)09:48
ikoniaBioshox: distrowatch.com09:48
=== davorlozic01 is now known as MegaDavor
fbhexactly my point.09:48
Bioshoxstill not the aim of the site09:48
ikoniaBioshox: good luck with it09:48
nardevis there anyone to explain me difference output of lsof -i:80 | wc and ps aux | grep apache | wc, what is more relevant for number of visitors?09:49
ikonianardev: neither really09:49
ikonianardev: the apache log is the guy there09:49
nardevikonia, i often get different numbers there, what is wrong?09:50
ikonianardev: different numbers ?09:51
nardevikonia, as you see i wc output09:51
arloikonia is not working09:52
ikonianardev: as I said they have nothing to do with visitors09:52
ikoniaarlo: please show me the config09:52
nardevikonia, ok, than connections09:52
ikonianardev: 1 connection does not = 1 visitor09:52
nardevikonia, i understand that09:52
ikonianardev: there is some good docs on the apache website on how to manage logs to get stats, tools like awstats may also help you09:52
nardevikonia, would you be kind to find it for me or to give me some reference how to find it, i would be very grateful09:53
arloconfig where?09:53
nardevsince you already know09:53
ikonianardev: find what ?09:54
nardevarlo, use some paste dump web service09:54
ikoniaarlo: use a pastebin09:54
ikoniaarlo: as you have done before09:54
nardevikonia, article that you mentioned09:54
ikonianardev: I don't have it to hand, look on apache.org - and search google for awstats site, both useful09:54
arloikonia : http://pastebin.com/dq6jNeEu09:56
ikoniaarlo: do you have any other domains with *.mecci.dk09:57
ikoniaarlo: in their config09:57
lasse_can anyone help me figure out how this is possible (http://pastebin.com/Y1rLFvvk) when using mysql_real_escape_string ?09:58
arloikonia subdomain yes09:58
ikonialasse_: try #mysql or ##php09:58
ikoniaarlo: make sure that *.mecci.dk is not in any of your other domains09:59
ikoniaarlo: something is causing scrape.mecci.dk to be directed to a site before it hits your config09:59
ikoniaarlo: totally remove the scrape.mecci.dk config, and restart apache, what happens ? where does the site go ?10:00
lasse_iknonia wouldn't it be enough with just a2dissite and then reload? restart is a bit overkill :)10:01
arloikonia is going to same root page10:02
doritoDanFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found10:03
doritoDanSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:03
doritoDanWhat the heck :/10:03
doritoDanIt's still down.10:04
doritoDanI thought Ubuntu was supposed to be better than Windows. ;)10:04
jpdsdoritoDan: It's not down; packages migth not exist for Lucid.10:05
jpdsdoritoDan: And yes; they don't: https://launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/+archive/unity-2d-daily10:06
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  you're looking for something that doesnt seem to exist10:10
doritoDanjpds and MonkeyDust: Then why is Ubuntu trying to fetch it through the update manager :/10:11
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  maybe it sees something, but does not know what to do with it10:11
doritoDanHow can I get past this problem?10:11
ikoniaarlo: ok, that means another site config is conflicting10:13
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  i guess you already found this page http://digitizor.com/2010/05/10/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/10:13
doritoDanMonkeyDust: Nah10:13
doritoDanhow does it relate to my problem?10:14
ikoniaarlo: you need to find out what site is conflicting, then resolve that config10:14
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  i see 'lucid' in the path you pasted and you want unity, or am i misunderstanding10:14
doritoDanI don't know man. All I'm trying to do is upgrade Ubuntu from 10.04 to 1110:15
doritoDanand I started with the update manager10:15
doritoDanit fetched my updates, prompted me to reboot10:15
doritoDanand now it can't find some path10:15
ikonia-fanboyI dont need any thing thanks im just watching the chat to see if i can help anybody10:18
Myrttiikonia-fanboy: could you change your nickname to something that doesn't include someone elses nickname10:18
ikonia-fanboyOk sorry im just a fan10:19
=== ikonia-fanboy is now known as Net-Cat
Myrttithank you10:20
Net-CatHow would i go about converting Ubuntu into a ids what are some good tools10:22
ikoniaNet-Cat: snort/tripwire are sane choices10:22
Net-Catbrb away from keybord10:22
icerootNet-Cat: what is an "ids"?10:24
doritoDanThis Ubuntu installation is just messed up10:24
doritoDanthe update manager doesn't work at all.10:24
RaTTuSdoritoDan - 1) make a backup of all your data , 2) get the 11.04 cd , 3) do a new install , 4) replace your data - it saves a lot of hassles...10:24
doritoDanI'm so SICK of Ubuntu right now. Every time I try to do something really simple I end up spending hours troubleshooting what should inherently work fine!10:25
deej1976iceroot, Intruder detection system10:25
icerootdeej1976: never heard of something like that10:25
icerootdeej1976: but thank you10:25
RaTTuSdoritoDan it does work , however you dont have to upgrade all the time10:25
deej1976iceroot, Have a look at snort and tripwire if interested10:25
icerootdeej1976: i will10:25
doritoDanIf I want to upgrade, and there is an upgrade, I should be able to upgrade.10:25
doritoDanInstead, the function breaks.10:26
doritoDanThis is bad.10:26
doritoDanBut whatever.10:26
icerootdeej1976: never touch a running system10:26
doritoDanThanks for attempting to help pals.10:26
FloodBot1doritoDan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
doritoDanMuch appreciated still.10:26
icerootdeej1976: wrong nick10:26
RaTTuSdoritoDan - then make a bug report it may help others10:26
icerootdoritoDan: why you need the upgrade?10:26
Net-CatI still netcat10:27
doritoDaniceroot: Because I want to try 11. How can you even justify Ubuntu not working properly by questioning why I want to upgrade? I should do the same thing whenever someone complains that Microsoft is too greedy. "Why do you need your money anyway??"10:27
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  a fresh install is often faster and more efficient than an upgrade10:27
icerootdoritoDan: i am asking becauser of the most important thing "never touch a running system"10:27
doritoDaniceroot: I want to try Unity.10:27
=== Nicolus is now known as c_nick
doritoDanAnd keep up to date with the OS.10:27
RaTTuSif it's not broke dont fix it - is one I use a lot10:27
icerootdoritoDan: 10.x has unity too10:27
doritoDanBecause it interests me.10:27
deej1976doritoDan: Try a liveCD10:28
RaTTuSuse multiple boots until your happy ....10:28
metro-2012ïðèâåò âñåì10:28
* RaTTuS goes for coffee10:28
doritoDanI don't want to boot a live CD. I want the latest system on my computer.10:28
icerootdoritoDan: can you write down your issue in one line with usefull erorr-messages please10:28
doritoDanBut nevermind all this, I'm skipping Ubuntu altogether.10:28
=== metro-2012 is now known as metro2012
=== metro2012 is now known as metro-2012
htmlinprogressDorito,  what are you wanting? and why such the fuss?10:29
doritoDaniceroot: Sure. I tried to upgrade, and it says "Could not download all repository indexes. The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct. Failed to fetch10:29
doritoDan http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found10:29
doritoDanSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:29
doritoDanThe repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.10:29
FloodBot1doritoDan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:29
doritoDanhtmlinprogress: I'm trying to upgrade Ubuntu.10:30
doritoDanOr update rather.10:30
ikoniathe instructions say remove all external and 3rd party PPA's/repos10:30
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  don't, rather fresh install it10:30
MyrttidoritoDan: it's always recommended that you disable PPA's before upgrading10:30
icerootdoritoDan: that is a ppa10:30
icerootdoritoDan: paa are not supportedf10:30
htmlinprogressDorito,  ok  what whats the hold up?10:30
doritoDanYes, I already tried to uncheck the PPA.10:30
doritoDanBut it still won't give me any of the standard packages.10:31
doritoDanIncluding an Ubuntu 11 upgrade.10:31
Gentoo64doritoDan, try changing mirrors?10:31
Gentoo64or does it cycle through them?10:31
icerootdoritoDan: output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"10:31
iceroot!paste | doritoDan10:31
ubottudoritoDan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:31
icerootdoritoDan: if you use unsupported repos its not the fault of ubuntu when you get problems10:32
doritoDaniceroot: I don't even know what "[using] unsupported repos" means.10:32
doritoDanI'm a vanilla user in its strictest term.10:32
iceroot!ppa | doritoDan10:32
ubottudoritoDan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa10:32
doritoDanOk yeah I know what it means now, but I don't dabble with that kind of stuff.10:32
doritoDanI'm a vanilla user.10:32
icerootdoritoDan: are ppa is a (repo)sitory10:32
icerootdoritoDan: if you are a "vanilla-user" you should not enable ppas/repos10:33
htmlinprogressDorito,  did you check the net and research the forms for an anwser or at least try to have a lead on this os? becuase last time i checked it a do-ur-self os10:33
icerootdoritoDan: but please post the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"10:33
urlin2udoritoDan, do you have in  software sources 3rd tab=updates normal releases set?10:33
doritoDaniceroot: I don't recall enabling ppas/repos, however that is done.10:33
doritoDanAlso one sec.10:33
htmlinprogressDorito, it all kind heartediness  i say this ,,,10:33
icerootdoritoDan: also please "cat /etc/issue"10:33
MahaVishnufind . -type f -name '*.flac' |sed 's#\(.*\)/.*#\1#' | sort -ur | while read line; do mv -v $line /home/x/test/blah; done     why does this work for everything except the last folder, it strips the .flac out and moves that without the last folder.10:34
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  you have installed a ppa that is not recognized by the system10:34
=== Exio4|Away is now known as Exio
doritoDaniceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/769901/10:35
doritoDanI don't recall that MonkeyDust. :I10:36
doritoDanhtmlinprogress: No I did not check the net. I'm just wondering why I can't upgrade. Apparently some kind of weird repo is in my system?10:36
icerootdoritoDan: also please the output of "sudo apt-get update"10:37
htmlinprogressDorito, MonkeyDust  is it possible that the ppa server that checks and get the packets is offilne and or broke down?10:37
Gentoo64isnt changing the mirror in the update manager worth a try?10:37
MonkeyDusthtmlinprogress  next in my mind: the ppa simply is no longer maintained by whoever made it10:37
htmlinprogressdoritoDan,  so what are you specs ? hardware,os  u have10:38
DrMrHorsewhat about in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?10:38
najchemotherfuckers where are you from ? :D10:38
zacolhi, i got some problem with my apache10:38
zacol i make folder in my home dir /home/zacol/www/ and i add to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default this lines http://wklej.org/id/647399/ . But when i try enter on i see "You don't have permission to access /zacol/index.php on this server.". What i can do?10:38
doritoDaniceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/769902/10:38
MonkeyDustnajche  wrong channel10:38
doritoDanhtmlinprogress: I'm running it in VMware as a virtualization.10:38
Gentoo64najche, /join #indahood10:39
najcheno im not in a wrong chanel..10:39
alainghow do i check if ssh is running on my box10:39
doritoDannajche whassup10:39
najcheim joining our chat10:39
htmlinprogressMonkeyDust,  ahh yes  , the offical ubuntu warning  of ppa10:39
rootmarklol xD10:39
najchejust chillin'10:39
FloodBot1najche: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:39
htmlinprogressdoritoDan,  so what are you specs ? hardware,os  u have,10:39
DrMrHorselook at line 2910:39
Gentoo64najche, pillin10:39
doritoDanhtmlinprogress: VMware in OSX Lion on a MacBook Pro.10:39
DrMrHorseErr http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages10:39
niko!ops | *@]10:39
ubottu*@]: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!10:39
rootmarklol pillin10:39
doritoDanWith 8 GB RAM and an Intel Core i7 I guess10:39
DrMrHorselol emergency10:40
Net-CatService > What ubuntu  hase the least overhead out of the box10:40
jigsawHello all10:40
doritoDanHelp! Some guy just joined and started talking ghetto slang! Aaaaahhhhh.10:40
Net-Cat> What ubuntu  hase the least overhead out of the box10:40
Net-Cat> What ubuntu  hase the least overhead out of the box10:40
MonkeyDustdoritoDan  an old system, a ppa, a virtual machine on a mac, that is really exotu10:40
LjLnajche: please stick to Ubuntu support discussion here10:40
doritoDanMonkeyDust: How do you mean?10:41
jigsawhow to resolve the problem "configuration error: setpagedevice" for printing a page ?10:41
najcheWhat are we spupporting ? XD10:41
Net-Catservice --status-all10:41
Net-Catservice --status-all10:41
najcheim in school10:41
LjLnajche: Ubuntu, a free operating system.10:41
htmlinprogressdoritoDan,  so what are you specs ? hardware,os  u have, exact specs... helps so i can google it10:41
najchei dont need to support :D ubuntu10:42
jigsawis there any one ?10:42
doritoDanhtmlinprogress: Why does it matter? Ubuntu can't sense the specs anyway.10:42
Net-Catto see if ssh is running sorry for the typos im in putty10:42
doritoDanIt's a virtualized guest.10:42
htmlinprogressyes it can10:42
najchecan you guys tell me10:42
doritoDanNo it can't. It senses what VMware tells it to.10:42
najchehow can i10:42
LjLnajche: this channel is very busy, so i need to ask you to only speak here if you're asking or answering support questions related to Ubuntu. otherwise, /join #ubuntu-offtopic and chill :)10:42
doritoDanThe machine is different from the host computer.10:42
najchecan i ask something ?10:42
htmlinprogressnajche,  what is it?10:42
jigsawhow to resolve the problem "configuration error: setpagedevice" for printing a page ?10:42
jigsawhow to resolve the problem "configuration error: setpagedevice" for printing a page ?10:42
jigsawhow to resolve the problem "configuration error: setpagedevice" for printing a page ?10:42
FloodBot1jigsaw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:42
Gentoo64just ask if its an ubuntu question10:42
najchewell yeah..10:43
LjLjigsaw: don't do that. if your question is ignored, it probably means no one can answer it. ask again later, without flooding.10:43
najchei want to play CounterStrike on ubuntu in school10:43
najchein LAN10:43
najchewith my friends10:43
Gentoo64najche, you need wine. but you shouldnt play at school10:43
najchei do have10:43
jigsawLjL, My question will lost in history in that case.10:43
Gentoo64if your not meant to lol10:43
rootmarkwe have wine10:43
najchei do have wine10:44
rootmarkLOL, why he shouldnt? LOL10:44
doritoDanI think najche is doing right by playing CS in school.10:44
LjLnajche: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CounterStrike has some info about that10:44
najchebut i cant open it :$10:44
usr13jigsaw: what kind of printer is it?10:44
rootmarkHe IS lol :D10:44
Gentoo64najche, it should set it so windows exes open with double click10:44
Gentoo64and install normally10:44
rootmarkWe installed10:44
FloodBot1rootmark: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
jigsawusr13, It doesn't matter. I tried Dotmatrix, HP- LJP1008 and 1020. all are giving same error10:44
najcherootmark is next to me xD10:45
jigsawusr13, I am trying to print the page from xenapp application10:45
Gentoo64i guessed that :)10:45
usr13jigsaw: I don't know then.10:45
htmlinprogressdoritoDan,  i sense a little uneasyiness from you , but bot telling what you have dont help... like WHAT OS are you running 10.04?10.10?  or a spin off of the main ubuntu10:45
Gentoo64rootmark, so you have wine installed, what happens when you try to install CS?10:46
rootmarkGentoo, we installed CS, but his computer doesn't open Wine.10:46
Gentoo64so wine isnt on that computer?10:46
najcherootmark plys cs i cant open the WINE!10:46
rootmarkAnd CS is installed too10:46
hemanthtrying to send a event ( calendar ) from evolution to outlook users, there is a format mismatch. Any suggestions ?10:46
najcheit is but it doesnt want to open..10:46
LjLrootmark, please hit Tab after "Gentoo" or "Gen", so the full name Gentoo64 will be completed automatically and he'll be highlighted, so the conversation is easier to follow10:46
shaibnHello :) How can I figure out which package will install /sbin/start and /sbin/stop ?10:47
Gentoo64najche, i havent used wine in a long time tbh. try wine then the path to the cs exe10:47
Gentoo64in terminal10:47
LjLshabble: dpkg -S /sbin/start10:47
Gentoo64imo wine is dodgy10:47
doritoDanhtmlinprogress: I'm just saying that your question is irrelevant, but if you must know I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 vanilla on a virtualized machine from within VMware Fusion 4 which in turn is running on OSX Lion 10.7.2 with a 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 and 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR 3.10:47
LjLshabble: that's if start and stop are already installed. if they aren't, go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/ to see10:48
rootmarkgentoo, it doesn't open wine10:48
Gentoo64rootmark, do you have anything else installed on that machine?10:48
Gentoo64in wine?10:48
rootmarkno :D10:48
rootmarkok something10:48
Gentoo64try deleting .wine in /home10:49
Gentoo64and reinstalling cs10:49
shaibnLjL, thank you10:49
rootmarkok i will, ;)10:49
Gentoo64just do it that way you did it on the machien that works10:49
Gentoo64cant help much more10:49
rootmarkthese computers suck :*10:50
Gentoo64are you an it admin at your school?10:50
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najchefuckig computers in school xD10:50
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najcheyeah we all are :D10:50
Gentoo64really lol10:50
najchei mean 3 of us10:50
najcheyeah xD10:50
=== Guest37054 is now known as rwilson
rootmarki guess there are 4 or 510:50
Myrttinajche, rootmark: if you don't start behaving, I'll mute all of you.10:50
Gentoo64so whats the class? cs practice?10:50
rootmarkNO! hahah :D10:51
najcheno its boring xD10:51
Gentoo64hand / eye coordination?10:51
rootmarkyes :/10:51
najcheso we want to play :/10:51
kapilhello friends, i am running 10.10... my usb devices stopped working ... "lsusb" just hangs10:51
Myrttinajche, rootmark: did you have a Ubuntu question?10:51
kapilwhat' can cause the problem?10:51
rootmarkYes Myrtti10:51
rwilsonAny body running snort10:51
rootmarkWe have10:51
ActionParsnipkapil: is the ram healthy?10:51
rootmarkand we are asking that.10:51
Gentoo64rootmark, see if deleting .wine and reinstalling works10:52
rwilsonAnd or splunk10:52
kapilActionParsnip, what do you mean by that?10:52
kapilActionParsnip, my lappy is fairly new10:52
ActionParsnipkapil: there is a memtest app in Grub, have you ran that10:52
ActionParsnipkapil: newness is irrelevant, ram can be DOA10:52
kapilActionParsnip, ok10:52
ActionParsnipkapil: the OS runs in ram and ram issues will directly affect the OS so its a good first call, just run a few tests. If you see no red then its good. ESC to end the test and auto-reboot10:53
kapilActionParsnip, never tried memtest ... i frequently face this problem and i hate to restart10:53
almoxariferwilson: have run snort10:54
kapilActionParsnip, is it possible to run memtest without rebooting? and if ram pass memtest and i still face the problem... then?10:54
Gentoo64kapil, you need to reboot10:54
Gentoo64so that nothign else is running10:55
ActionParsnipkapil: you need to reboot to memtest10:55
almoxarifekapil: so what do you frequently do to get past it?10:56
kapilalmoxarife, reboot :(10:56
almoxarifekapil: well, look at it this way, this time you will take just a bit longer10:57
najchewe cant find10:57
najchein home10:57
rootmark                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10:57
rootmark                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10:57
rootmark                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10:57
FloodBot1rootmark: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:57
rootmarko now10:58
rootmarkok we must go now.10:58
najchesorry about that..10:59
Gentoo64on the offchance, does anyone here use a p7p55d  motherboard?11:00
ActionParsnipGentoo64: but of a shot in the dark11:00
Gentoo64hmm its a specific issue with that mobo, and  a ps2 keyboard, and linux11:00
Gentoo64all p7p55d mobos are affected11:01
ActionParsnipGentoo64: got the latest BIOS?11:01
Gentoo64yes, also the bios doesnt seem to matter11:02
omidohi . i installed ubuntu and i have a big problem. when i want to install software after the download of the software is finished when it wants to "apply changes " it stops working and keeps staying on "apply changes" . when i press close and want to end the process nothing happens. what should i do ?11:02
ActionParsnipGentoo64: what symptoms do you have?11:02
rwilsonI'm working on project to help get rid of spammers and bots if you would like to help, visit my page here http://hak-lab.co.nr/11:02
rwilsonAny help would be grate geeks made the net now lets11:02
rwilsonsave it11:02
MonkeyDustrwilson  wrong channel11:02
ActionParsnipomido: what software did you install and how did you initiate the install?11:03
Gentoo64ActionParsnip, it seems very rare. cant find anything on google except these http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=930954211:03
Gentoo64tried the kernel ps2 line settings, i think its not gona be solveable :(11:03
ActionParsnipGentoo64: tried the boot option:  irqpoll11:04
Gentoo64i tried i8042.nopnp11:04
rwilsonHow is this the wrong channel11:04
omidoActionParsnip:  i'm using the "ubuntu software center" to install software and the softwares i tried to install and had this problem were : xchat , cheese and opera(opera from a .deb installer)11:04
cousin_luigiHow would you go on about setting a theme for Oneiric that isn't butt ugly as the default one?11:04
ActionParsnipomido: tried it in terminal?11:04
MonkeyDustrwilson  you've just been kicked when you had another nick, don't start again, please11:04
ActionParsnipcousin_luigi: you need gnome 3 themes11:04
ikoniado you not need specific unity themes ?11:05
cousin_luigiActionParsnip: Are gnome3 themes compatible with unity?11:05
omidoActionParsnip:  no. i didnt think if i need to install software using terminal , i thought software center will do that11:05
omidoActionParsnip:  i also need help with installing pae kernel cause my installed ubuntu system is 32bit while i have 4gb of ram and it only detects 3 gb of it. i want pae kernel which supports all of my ram11:06
cousin_luigiAll I want is to remove that pink eyesore11:06
Gentoo64omido, just install 64 bit11:07
Gentoo64and forget about ram11:07
Gentoo64its faster and more future proof, and everything works on it11:07
omidoGentoo64:  i have some problems with 64 bit . ubuntu recommands 32 bit and i have some software which are only in 32bit and for installing them on a 64 bit system i have to install lots of 32 bit dependency junk which i dont want to11:08
Gentoo64ActionParsnip, i could try that irqpoll sounds like a good idea, annoying thing the keyboard freezes comopletely randomly, sometimes like 7-8 hours11:08
Gentoo64hard to "test"11:09
Gentoo64but its def an issue with the mobo11:09
Gentoo64not my comp in particular11:09
MonkeyDustomido  ubuntu recommends 32 bit, because it runs on "every" hardware, but if your system can handle 64 bit, better install that11:09
Gentoo64omido, ignore the recommended thing11:09
FloodBot1puszek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:09
jigsaw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             11:10
jigsaw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11:10
FloodBot1jigsaw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:10
cousin_luigiomido: if everyone keeps doing that, we won't get rid of legacy software, ever11:10
ikoniapuszek: please stop that11:10
Gentoo64omido, 64 bit uses multilib i wouldnt worry about "deps"11:10
puszekczesc, nazywam sie puszek11:10
puszeki rucham psa jak sra11:10
MonkeyDust!pl| puszek11:10
ubottupuszek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:10
conntrackIs there socks6?11:11
puszekokay, so11:11
Kikarpuszku jesetś wulgarny11:11
ikoniaconntrack: no11:11
puszekI used to defecate directly into my mouth11:11
ikoniapuszek: enough now11:11
Gentoo64conntrack, not afaik11:11
ikoniapuszek: only warning11:11
Kikarfuck was11:11
omidoGentoo64: for example i use IBM lotus symphony office suite which is only available in 32bit and lots of other software which still are not ported to 64 bit11:11
Gentoo64omido, not sure about that program. 64 bit should still run it though11:12
icerootdoritoDan: your issue still present?11:13
ActionParsnipGentoo64: you can unload then reload the driver module to make it work11:13
Gentoo64as it has the ia32 emulation11:13
doritoDaniceroot: Yeah, I'm just gonna delete Ubuntu.11:13
ActionParsnipcousin_luigi: unity is a shell for gnome3, so yes11:13
almoxarifeomido: 64bit ubuntu runs any 32bit app11:13
doritoDanI'll probably come back to it at a later point. :)11:13
doritoDanThanks though.11:13
Gentoo64ActionParsnip, i saw the psmouse thing in that forum11:13
omidoi have a lenovo thinkpad with intel core2dou(t9600) , 4gb ddr3 , ATI mobility radeon HD 4500(256mb) 500gb 5400 rpm hard disk. 64 bit can run on my system?11:13
ActionParsnipomido: its a thing you can try, see if the issue is the gui app11:13
Gentoo64mines compiled in, and also i cant do anything, asi  have no keyboard lol11:13
icerootdoritoDan: so you dont need help anymore i guess11:13
ActionParsnipomido: its called 'fault investigation'11:13
llutzomido: grep ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo11:14
omidoActionParsnip:  what should i do ?11:14
Gentoo64omido, yes afaik all core2duos are 64 bit11:14
ActionParsnipomido: if you want to change arch, you must reinstall11:14
almoxarifeomido: I don't think so, stick to 32bit11:14
MonkeyDustomido  type uname -a and look for "64"11:14
ActionParsnipomido: you can install the 32bit PAE kernel and access up to 64Gb RAM in 32bit11:14
llutz.. in 4gb chunks11:14
ActionParsnipomido: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install xchat11:14
icerootllutz: 1.8gb chunks11:15
omidoyeah thats what i was looking for . installing pae kernel. but i'll move to 64 bit in ubuntu's next release11:15
ActionParsnipomido: if all is well:  sudo apt-get install cheese11:15
ActionParsnipomido: be sure software centre is closed11:15
llutziceroot: aeh 4gb per process, it was. sry11:15
icerootllutz: no11:15
icerootllutz: 1.8gb per process11:15
Gentoo64pae is just a poor mans fix11:15
ActionParsnipiceroot: why 1.8?11:16
omidoActionParsnip: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:16
ActionParsnipomido: yes, you have software centre still open11:16
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doritoDaniceroot: Yeah. Thanks though.11:16
omidoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:16
omido!paste | omido11:16
ubottuomido, please see my private message11:16
doritoDanI appreciate you taking the time. :)11:16
icerootActionParsnip: i have to look at it at some tech-pages11:17
icerootActionParsnip: cant remeber the reason exactly11:17
cousin_luigiActionParsnip: I thought Unity was compiz-based.11:17
alainghi I'm having problems trying to ssh to my ubuntu 11.10 server edition box.  I also cant access the boxes website if i use the LAN Ip but i can if i use my www address11:17
alaingI think my box is rejecting LAN connections11:17
ActionParsnipiceroot: i'll sniff around11:17
llutziceroot: a process can use the mem a 32bit system can address, so 3gb11:17
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icerootllutz: if i am correct there was a signed value which is redusing the 32bit to 1.8gb per process11:18
omidoActionParsnip:  how can i get rid of that issue11:18
icerootllutz: i will do some searching on that in my docs later and ping you about it11:18
=== alaing is now known as funkymonk
ActionParsnipomido: close software centre, if you still have the issue run this:11:19
ActionParsnip!aptfix | omido11:19
ubottuomido: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:19
ActionParsnipcousin_luigi: unity isn't a desktop,  it is merely a shell11:19
Gentoo64cwo, whats with the numbers?11:19
Gentoo64cwo, lol11:20
Gentoo64"where do you live"11:20
Gentoo64as if that dont sound dodgy11:20
funkymonkhow do i check if my server box is blocking LAN connections?11:20
deej1976funkymonk, nmap serverip11:21
weecolhello guys11:21
weecolwhat's happening in this chann so far11:21
funkymonkdeej1976: from the server?11:21
deej1976funkymonk, from remote client11:22
funkymonkdeej1976: from ym windows 7 cmd it doesn't like it11:22
deej1976funkymonk, You can download nmap for windows11:23
funkymonkdeej1976: I'm trying to use putty to remote to my box but it keeps timing out11:23
funkymonkdeej1976: but only if i use its LAN ip11:23
omidoActionParsnip:  after i tried again that happened again. what should i do to prevent that issue ?11:24
llutziceroot: its 4GB per process, splitted in 3GB user- and 1GB kernel-space.11:24
deej1976funkymonk, can you ping the server?11:24
omidoi have to install software using the terminal forever?11:24
funkymonkdeej1976: nope11:25
funkymonkdeej1976: getting destination host unreachable11:25
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deej1976funkymonk, nslookup servername/ipaddress does this return the correct values/name11:26
kapilActionParsnip, finished memtest ... with no errors11:26
deej1976cwo, Do you have a question?11:27
funkymonkdeej1976: when i did nslookup it pointing to my isp  cache server11:28
ActionParsnipomido: what happened again?11:28
ActionParsnipkapil: thats good. Have you tried the USB ports in legacy mode?11:28
funkymonkdeej1976: and it says it cant find it11:28
omidoActionParsnip:  it stopped when it comes to applying changes11:28
funkymonkdeej1976: which is correct as its a lan ip11:28
ActionParsnipomido: ok is it a text based input screen?11:29
greenmang0ActionParsnip, (kapil here under diff nick) how to do that?11:29
omidoActionParsnip:  sorry i dont understand . what is a "text based input screen " ?11:29
deej1976funkymonk, Why is the page from the www address coming from cache?11:30
greenmang0ActionParsnip, one more thing is ... when i suspend my system ... lsusb hangs11:30
funkymonkdeej1976: have no idea11:30
ActionParsnipomido: the 'applying changes' does it say that in the terminal?11:31
funkymonkdeej1976: i downloaded zenmap for windows11:31
ActionParsnipgreenmang0: do you have the latest BIOS?11:31
ActionParsnipomido: terminal == a text based interfac e..11:32
greenmang0ActionParsnip, whatever bios came with the default lappy config11:32
almoxarifefunkymonk: you want into a machine, can you 'ping' said machine and get a response?11:32
ActionParsnipgreenmang0: there may be an update curing the issues you are seeing11:32
greenmang0ActionParsnip, don't know if it's latest or not11:32
gunfire007i want to use awesome wm on ubuntu how can i use it ?11:33
funkymonkalmoxarife: no i cant ping it11:33
MonkeyDustfunkymonk  i havent followed; LAN issues?11:34
deej1976!info awesome11:34
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.10-1 (oneiric), package size 811 kB, installed size 2780 kB11:34
almoxarifefunkymonk: is it firewalled?11:34
ActionParsnipgunfire007: install it and then press ALT+F2 and run:  awesome --replace    may do it, or log off and choose the session if a new one is listed11:34
funkymonkMonkeyDust: I think so11:34
funkymonkalmoxarife: yes11:34
MonkeyDustfunkymonk  are both machines in the same network range?11:35
lynx7os5gunfire007: sudo aptitude install awesome, then choose awsome before you login at your login screen11:35
ActionParsnipgunfire007: if it doesn't make a session entry you can make your own using the suggestion here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67890211:35
almoxarifefunkymonk: so, you want to ssh session with a machine that is firewalled?11:36
funkymonkMonkeyDust: yes they are and all on the same subnet11:36
gunfire007ActionParsnip: ok. while using awesome will it decrease my power consumption ?11:37
funkymonkalmoxarife: not only ssh11:37
ubuntuhello guys11:37
ubuntu_  11:37
gunfire007or there is no major difference.11:37
funkymonkhi I'm having problems trying to ssh to my ubuntu 11.10 server edition box.  I also cant access the boxes website if i use the LAN Ip but i can if i use my www address11:37
ubuntuhello bogus11:37
funkymonkrepeat of original post11:37
ubuntu_wal sie na ryj11:37
ubuntu_japa trole11:37
ubuntuco jest tempa strzalo11:37
almoxarifefunkymonk: can you ping the server?11:38
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ActionParsnipfunkymonk: did you install openssh-server ?11:38
funkymonkActionParsnip: yes i was able to connect before11:39
MonkeyDustfunkymonk  what has changed since then?11:39
funkymonkalmoxarife:  strangely i'm getting a response back which i wasn't not even 15 mins ago11:40
almoxarifefunkymonk: you can access the webpage because you are going into it via the public address11:40
funkymonkalmoxarife: I can access the website and ssh if i use the public address11:40
funkymonkbut if i use the lan ip all the problems start11:40
usertkjoin #php11:41
NCS_OneI have a kingston pen with 4GB that I installed ubuntu, when I restart laptop and insert the pen it freezes at bios. I tryed with other pen and it works. What could be problem?11:41
raidgh0stWhen it comes to a good handy video editing program. What to select?11:41
MonkeyDustraidgh0st  openshot, pitivi11:42
almoxarifefunkymonk: does your router disallow internal/lan ip's to connect? you obviously can connect via the public ip for the server, so its got to be an internal thing11:42
deej1976!info pitivi | raidgh0st11:42
ubotturaidgh0st: pitivi (source: pitivi): non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer. In component main, is optional. Version 0.15.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1337 kB, installed size 3648 kB11:42
sokak+1 for openshot, and hi11:42
ActionParsnipNCS_One: how is that related to ubuntu if it hangs at the BIOS?11:42
funkymonkalmoxarife:  let me check the mac controls brb11:43
ActionParsnipraidgh0st: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/11:43
raidgh0stThanks alot!11:43
raidgh0stI got my ati radeon hd driver to work. had to recompile the kernel11:44
NCS_OneActionParsnip: I tryed searching in google and found nothing, so thought someone and the same problem here11:45
sokaksliding offtopic, anyone knowing a video editor vdpau/multithread optimized? I wont be scared to compile just in case.11:45
zabomberim using dragon player11:45
zabomberand it doesnt stop the screen from going black when i play a movie11:46
ActionParsnipNCS_One: i'd ask in ##hardware11:46
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zabomberhow do i force dragon player / settings to handle screen management or stop the screen from going black?11:46
funkymonkalmoxarife:  I cant see anything that would suggest that my router is blocking it11:46
funkymonkWireless and wired clients with C checked can connect to this device; and "deny" unspecified MAC addresses to connect.11:47
almoxarifefunkymonk: you said you ran zenmap, did it see the web/ubuntu-server?11:47
funkymonkWireless clients with A checked can associate to the wireless LAN; and deny unspecified MAC addresses to associate.11:47
NCS_OneActionParsnip: thanks11:48
almoxarifefunkymonk: if you are going to discount the router then you need to allow all and any contact within the network to take place11:48
sokakzabomber, try caffeine11:51
funkymonkStarting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-12-14 11:51 GMT Standard TimeNote: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn11:51
funkymonkalmoxarife: i tried with it set to allow and still nothing11:51
sokakzabomber, just to be clearer: https://launchpad.net/~caffeine-developers/+archive/ppa11:52
funkymonkalmoxarife: if i use nmap -Pn it says Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2011-12-14 11:52 GMT Standard Time Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 0.74 seconds11:53
zabombersokak what does it do?11:53
sokakzabomber, its an applet to turn off on the fly screensaver and power management11:54
muhquI have issues with installing ubuntu packages from http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/11:54
muhquseems that one of the IPs ( doesn't return the package repository....11:54
muhquanyone knows who to blame?11:54
almoxarifewhat's the web page?11:54
muhqucurl -H 'Host: http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/' shows it is empty….11:54
almoxarifefunkymonk: run nmap on your public ip, see what is open to the world11:55
muhqumaybe someone could remove that IP from the http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ DNS11:56
muhquuntil its back there11:56
zabombermaybe ill just try get VLC to work properly11:57
zabomberit keeps loosing sync on the voice11:57
raidgh0stzabomber: a bad rip?11:57
sokakmost likely raidgh0st11:57
zabomberraidgh0st nah, it works fine in dragon11:58
zabomberVLC does this to ALOT of my movies :(11:58
omidoActionParsnip:  after entering the command you gave me to exit installition of cheese terminal is doing this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/769963/11:58
funkymonkalmoxarife: port 2120 is not displayed even though I can access it. port 80 is displayed11:58
sokakzabomber, have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93042912:00
ActionParsnipomido: ok and do you get a license agreement after it downloads?12:00
omidonot yet . i installed ms fonts before12:01
omidothen i changed the download server of the packages in ubuntu software center12:01
omidoand now it seems that the command line is downloading them again12:01
fr33r1d3Sometimes I have to rightclick twice on the icons on the left "launcher" in Unity to get a working menu for the icons. ANyone else have the same problem?12:01
almoxarifeomido: did you decide to d/l everything on winetricks?12:02
ActionParsnipomido: when you get the license, use TAB the ENTER to accept12:02
madlatviandoes any one know how to get rid of the lines that appear through movie player12:02
funkymonkhow do i check whats running on port 212012:02
omidoalmoxarife:  sorry but i'm noob and i dont understand what you mean12:03
omidoActionParsnip:  i did all these before using ubuntu software center . i believe after the server change its downloading them again.12:03
ActionParsnipfunkymonk: netstat   can do it12:03
MonkeyDustfunkymonk  lsof -i12:03
raidgh0stfunkymonk: ort 2120 uses the udp protocol for service type qencp. A malformed request to port 2120 is known to cause denial of service attacks.12:04
madlatviannmap usually tells the program running on that port12:04
ActionParsnipomido: let it have it's fun, maybe the different server has a newer version of the package...12:04
omidoi was using the iranian server(preconfigured when i installed it)  and then i switched to the U.S server12:04
ActionParsnipomido: let it have its fun, may help12:05
Cradamhi, anyone know how to change your servers FQDN?12:06
Cradamoh and the computer name aswell12:06
funkymonkraidgh0st: inresting i wonder if thats why its not working because i have set up my router to block DoS attacks12:06
ActionParsnip!hostname | Cradam12:06
ubottuCradam: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.12:06
ActionParsnipCradam: open both files, then edit and save12:07
omidoActionParsnip:  can i install another software while its having fun ?12:07
ActionParsnipomido: no, only one application can access the packages at one time12:07
CradamActionParsnip: nah, i will do the command line style12:07
ActionParsnipomido: just like in windows with the windows installer12:07
omidoin windows i can install many apps simontaniously12:08
ActionParsnipCradam: still needs the same (unless you use: sudo -i)12:08
ActionParsnipomido: not if they both use the windows installer rather than their own12:08
Cradamoh, i dont use sudo lol, i log in as root12:08
Cradamon the server that is12:08
ActionParsnipCradam: if you use sudo to edit one of the files then try and use sudo to edit the next, it will not work the second time12:08
ActionParsnipCradam: not a good idea but fine12:08
sokakomido, you can also here, but you have to check them all at once (synaptic, software center) or calling them all at once (apt-get way) you have to end an install cycle before starting another, both the software center/synaptic and apt-get will tell you.12:09
bodoheh .. why this ubuntu gets so fucked up now?12:09
MonkeyDustCradam  a lot of things can go wrong if you login as root12:09
bodohwhat kindo f gnome is that????12:09
CradamMonkeyDust: namely?12:09
ActionParsnipbodoh: its gnome3 probably with Unity as it is default installed12:09
omidobodoh:  its called Unity12:09
bodohi c .. ActionParsnip .. omido12:10
bodohis there another version then?12:10
bodohlike the normal and SANE one?12:10
ActionParsnip!nounity | bodoh12:10
ubottubodoh: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:10
sokakyou can go for any other window manager.12:10
ActionParsnipbodoh: there is a guide on omgubuntu to make it look like gnome2, you can always install xfce4 and use that, it looks and smeels like gnome 212:11
omidothank you guys for info . i need some help with installing ATI propritary fglrx drivers . i tried to install it using ubuntu's additional driver's tool but it faild . now i downloaded the latest drivers from AMD12:11
bodohok ActionParsnip .. thanks for the info12:11
omidowhich is a .run file . how can i install it12:11
CradamMonkeyDust: this server has been alive 180 days, nothing has gone wrong as a result of my using root, the only weakness i can see of using root is that hackers know your username12:11
sokakchmod+x it then ./filename.run12:11
bodohthanks ActionParsnip12:11
RaTTuSomido - sh ./xxx.run12:11
ActionParsnipomido: mark it as executable then run it with sudo12:11
sokakoh right, i forget always the sudo thing T_T12:11
omidothnx i'll try12:12
CradamActionParsnip: and to change computer name?12:13
Cradamnvm, worked it out12:13
ActionParsnipCradam: that's what you use, those 2 files, the hostname file sets the name , the hosts file needs to be able to translate the hostname to so sudo will work12:14
BlauskaerMman sudo12:14
BlauskaerMwrong window...12:14
funkymonkalmoxarife: hmm appears that ubuntu server is blocking local requests I turned off its firewall and it connects using lan ip address12:16
MonkeyDustfunkymonk  you found it?12:16
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funkymonkbut the connection still seems to time out12:16
funkymonkMonkeyDust: I think so12:16
funkymonkjust need to configure it now12:17
funkymonki've installed gnome desktop enviroment and have the friewall config tool12:17
almoxarifefunkymonk: yeap, firewall12:17
funkymonklet me get a screen shot12:18
MonkeyDustdarn firewall12:18
MonkeyDustcouldn't you just disable ufw?12:19
anon420i just updated my lappy, as always the screen feckt up but i fixed thaT. but now theres a   black rectangle topleft of my screen that overlays everything unless im in fullscreen mode. any help?12:19
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funkymonkI prefer not to12:21
funkymonkMonkeyDust: I'm using a firewall config tool which is a front-end for ufw12:21
Deathbringerhow can i install java?12:22
jrib!java | Deathbringer12:23
ubottuDeathbringer: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:23
anon420my system is scrood now after that update, so can i just downgrade back to my happy sys?12:23
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aokstumpdoes anyone here feel up to helping me figure out a little situation with my external hard drive. using g parted?12:23
joepHi, I have a problem after installing Xubuntu 11.10 from an US-stick.12:23
jrib!downgrade | anon42012:23
ubottuanon420: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.12:23
jribaokstump: please just ask your real question12:24
MonkeyDustanon420  backup and fresh install the version you like12:24
Deathbringerjrib, openjdk or jre is better?12:24
aokstumpk, free for all.12:24
anon420MonkeyDust : awww i despise doing that12:24
jribDeathbringer: better in what sense?12:24
stivohi all12:24
aokstumpI have a Seagate 1 TB external drive and for some reason, only about half of it is available to me to use.12:24
Deathbringerjrib, is oracle java for example a superset of jdk?12:25
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aokstumpit sits at dev/sdc12:25
jribDeathbringer: I don't know12:25
anon420MonkeyDust : couldnt i downgrade and then if it breaks it i can format and reinstall?12:25
stivocan anyone hlp me share  out internet connection12:25
aokstumpsdc1 is about 500 gigabytes formatted NTFS12:25
funkymonkhttp://oi42.tinypic.com/jhan0n.jpg is what my FW confgi looks like12:25
jribaokstump: is there unformatted space?12:25
joepInstallation went without a problem and starting was also no problem. However, the texts on the screen are illegible. when it starts, the monitor says: "signal out of range" and in a text-screen all is illegible. Anybody has a solution??12:26
MonkeyDustanon420  fresh install is faster and more efficient12:26
aokstumpyeah, under dev/sdc2 there are two entries12:26
funkymonkMonkeyDust: not sure why its blocking it though12:26
aokstumpwell dev/sdc2 is formatted "extended", if that makes sense12:26
aokstumpand then underneath it there is sdc5 and sdc612:27
llutzaokstump: thats an extended partition, which can hold logical drives (sda5+)12:27
aokstumpsdc6 is 8gb of linux-swap which sort of makes sense12:27
anon420MonkeyDust | cheers man. much appreciated12:27
jrib!enter | aokstump12:27
ubottuaokstump: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:27
aokstumpbut the big one is dev/sdc5 holding almost 500 gb of unformatted space12:27
jribaokstump: so what do you want to do?12:27
aokstumpI apologize ubottu12:27
aokstumpetiquette learnt12:27
aokstumpI want to be able to use the other 500 gb that seems to be sitting there unformatted to store more shtuff12:28
stivoi have two nic one with internet the other to a small network can someone help me do that12:28
jribaokstump: so format it12:28
aokstumpI just noticed I'm getting close to out of room on dev/sdc112:28
MonkeyDustaokstump  if you're familiar with terminal commands, use fdisk to format12:29
RaTTuSaokstump sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit12:29
jribaokstump: you can use gparted if you want a gui12:29
aokstumpok so I format the individual partition labeled dev/sdc5, and that won't affect the stuff I have on dev/sdc1. I would hate to lose any data12:29
anon420viva la resistance. support anonymous because within the next year they are gonna be the only ones fighting for you. and they're doing it now, too.12:30
aokstumpyeah I have gparted open right now12:30
Deathbringeri got an extracted tar.gz in what folder should i copy that folder to manually install this?12:30
jribaokstump: right, just format sdc5 to ntfs or whatever filesystem you want.  But note that if you don't want to lose the data, you would have backups.  Otherwise, you don't care about the data12:30
MonkeyDustaokstump  can you umount the partition you ant to keep?12:30
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stivoany help12:30
aokstumpgood point jrib. rhetorical?12:31
Mick27Hello folks12:31
Mick27anyone can copy the content of its /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules for me ?12:31
Mick27without the mac address12:31
Mick27mine is gone so when i reboot I get no network and for some reason it does not get regenerated by udev12:31
joepHi, I have a problem after installing Xubuntu 11.10 from an US-stick.12:32
joepInstallation went without a problem and starting was also no problem. However, the texts on the screen are illegible. when it starts, the monitor says: "signal out of range" and in a text-screen all is illegible. Anybody has a solution??12:32
aokstumpsdc1 is already not mounted. sdc5 (the unformatted area) is also not mounted. sdc2 and sdc6 say that they are mounted.12:32
aokstumpwhois jrib12:33
RaTTuSMick27 http://pastebin.com/LDVwyvCv12:34
RaTTuSjoep - ctrl-alt-f1 help?12:35
joepRaTTuS, Thansk but that doesn't give any meanibgfull characters on the screen.12:36
muhqufyi: the issue with http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ is solved12:36
Cradani was updating a package and i lost internet, i have regained internet but the update download isnt resuming12:36
RaTTuSjoep sounds like a proper display fudge up :(12:37
Cradansending screenshot of where it is stuck12:37
Mick27RaTTuS: thx !12:38
joepRaTTuS, Yes, but using the Xubuntu from the USB-stick directly works like a charm, but after installing it on a iTb HD I got this problem.12:38
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MonkeyDustjoep  an external disk?12:39
mwh_Hi, maybe some here can help me out, my Ubuntu 11.10 hangs during shutdown, like 25 secs, before finally powering off12:40
mwh_this only happens when I shutdown from an x shell, not from the login screen12:40
joepMonkeyDust, No, an internal Hitachi.12:40
almoxarifemwh_: looked at the logs?12:41
mwh_almoxarife, yes12:42
mwh_almoxarife, also no signs of trouble when I look at the output during shutdown12:42
mwh_almoxarife, output is just "will now halt" "power down" and then it just hangs there from 25secs12:43
MonkeyDustmwh_  and if you shutdown from the command line, does it show something suspicious?12:44
luisthow do i enable pageup and pagedown to scroll over last used commands??12:46
mwh_MonkeyDust, havent done that, but I would guess it would be the same as from the GUI?12:46
MonkeyDustmwh_  open a terminal and type shutdown -h now12:46
eSoulpoweroff works as well I do believe?12:47
almoxarifeMonkeyDust: doesn't he need to be outside the shell to see everything?12:48
leejohngood day guys12:48
leejohnI just want to ask is there any project concerning to gconf that it has an LDAP backend12:48
leejohnis there any project that exist like this, in order to centralize desktop setting.12:49
MonkeyDustalmoxarife  i was thinking: maybe terminal shows what's happening, saving session or so12:49
BluesKajHowdy all12:50
Tech-1cool beans12:51
mwh_MonkeyDust, I will wait a little with that12:51
luisthow do i enable pageup and pagedown to scroll over last used commands??12:51
mwh_MonkeyDust, BTW do you know how the shutdown command is run automatically? Is there any way I can change it in some config file?12:52
icerootluist: like up/down-arrow do?12:52
usr13luist: What is wrong with Up and Down arrows?12:52
icerootluist: or like "history | less"12:52
usr13luist: PageUp will go WAY back.12:53
DemonWitchgenerally links for the executables go to /usr/bin or the executables themselves?12:53
luistusr13, cuz i can write a pattern and pageup will complete it based on last command that started with it12:53
MonkeyDustmwh_  no, can't say12:53
icerootluist: ctrl +r12:54
luisticeroot, thats completely less efficent12:54
lunaticheadI am new to linux... Could somebody tell me how to invoke the logout dialogbox with some hot key12:54
ikoniaoops, sorry12:54
luisticeroot, i didnt ask for alternatives.... i just want to use pageup/pagedown like on all rpm based distros12:54
MonkeyDustlunatichead  ctrl-alt backspace12:54
icerootluist: #bash12:54
lunaticheadMonkeyDust, thanks12:54
luistwhy everybody wants to change my problem and noone actually helps solving it?12:55
PiciDemonWitch: Generally, the executables themselves, but theres no harm in having links there.12:55
icerootlunatichead: dont your ctrl + alt + backspace12:55
icerootlunatichead: that is not logout, that is "restart x-server"12:55
icerootlunatichead: and disabled in newer ubuntu-releases12:55
Piciluist: Because it seems different to us.  I'd try asking in #bash, they'd likely be more knowledable about that.12:55
MonkeyDustIceStar  did not know that myself12:56
icerootluist: because there are already solutions for your problem12:56
MonkeyDusticeroot   did not know that myself12:56
icerootMonkeyDust: no problem12:56
ActionParsniplunatichead: in power settings you can make a single press on power button do lots of different things12:56
lunaticheadya.. its ctl+ALT+DEL i checked in the shortcuts... got it there12:56
DemonWitchPici, and how do they know (if i copy just the executable) where the folders containing the data of the program are?12:57
lunaticheadActionParsnip, ok i'll try that.... I must say Linux is an Awsome experience I am havin12:57
nelson777brhello, it's possible to print in booklet format in evince ?12:58
Anomie21Is there anywhere I can download XMBC as a complete .deb package? No internet connection at home and was hoping to download it at work12:58
icerootAnomie21: use the xmbc-ppa and use "sudo apt-get install -d xbmc12:58
iceroot!offline | Anomie2112:58
ubottuAnomie21: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD12:58
PiciDemonWitch: Your exectuable would need to be be smart enough to know that.12:58
Anomie21iceroot: ta12:58
DemonWitchPici, i am not sure if it will be. cause i got that program as tar.gz and i manually placed the folder in /usr/share/chess12:59
PiciDemonWitch: try using a symlink then and see if it works.12:59
DemonWitchPici, ln -s chess.sh /usr/bin/chess ?13:00
DemonWitchis that correct?13:00
DemonWitch(suppose i am already in the dir of sh)13:00
PiciDemonWitch: Yes. its ln -s <target> <linkname>13:01
Mick27Has something changed regarding grub in oneiric ? I cannot see the grub prompt at boot, only a black screen then it boots13:01
skilzHow do I change my login screen? I installed tropic-gdm-theme and rebooted and nothing, also I want to disable the login sounds13:02
ActionParsnipMick27: if you want to see grub menu, hold shift at boot13:02
ActionParsnipskilz: which release are you using?13:02
skilznot sure13:03
Mick27ActionParsnip: does not seems to help13:03
sattu941` != ' != "13:03
Mick27let me retry13:03
ActionParsnipskilz: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc13:03
ActionParsnipMick27: as soon as the system starts to power on, hold shift13:03
Mick27ActionParsnip: does work :-), anyway I can force the menu to show ?13:03
ActionParsnipMick27: thats how its done13:04
skilzActionParsnip, oneiric13:04
sattu941Mick27: Always ?13:04
ActionParsnipMick27: or you could edit /etc/default/grub  to change timeouts and such13:04
ActionParsnipskilz: oneiric uses lightdm by default, not gdm13:04
ActionParsnipMick27: or do you mean the boot animation, not grub menu...13:04
skilzhow do I disable lightdm and use gdm?13:04
skilzcan apt-get remove lightdm ?13:05
secretariamy name is Iran13:06
Mick27ActionParsnip: well I rebooted and now I see the menu again :-) thx !13:06
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ActionParsnipskilz: just install gdm and it will be used (yuo will get an option of which you want to use in postinstall)13:07
skilzIve already done that13:07
skilzbut whe nIinstalled that theme it didnt change13:07
secretariaalguém pode me ajudar a traduzir o br office para portugues?13:07
Pici!pt | secretaria13:07
ubottusecretaria: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:07
sattu941Where can i find a list of shortcuts, for the terminal, like ctrl+d to exit and ctrl+l to clear ?13:07
ActionParsnipsattu941: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50794   I just searched the web and found that13:09
sattu941ActionParsnip: thanks!13:10
sattu941ActionParsnip: what keywords did you use ?13:10
sattu941ActionParsnip: I wasnt sure if to use bash or terminal..13:10
ActionParsnipsattu941: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+terminal+shortcuts&kp=1    top link is what I gave you13:11
ActionParsnipsattu941: its terminal, bash only interprets the commands you give afaik13:11
MonkeyDustaw! duckduckgo! :)13:12
sattu941ActionParsnip: no because, i've seen these work in mysql prompt, puTTY etc..13:12
ActionParsnipindeed B)13:12
MonkeyDusti thought i was the only one who uses that13:12
ActionParsnipI use that and google, helps solve stuff fast13:12
secretarianão estou conseguindo acessar a comunidade  portuguesa me ajudem13:13
Picisecretaria: /join #ubuntu-br13:13
secretarianão aprece13:14
secretarianinguem quando acessa la13:14
icerootActionParsnip: its not terminal-base its coming directly from bash13:15
ActionParsnipiceroot: i see, learning every day13:15
icerootActionParsnip: me too .)13:15
icerootllutz: thx for the info about the ram-usage in pae13:16
ActionParsnipiceroot: best way, i'd hate to know everything13:16
icerootActionParsnip: there are so many things you cant know13:16
icerootActionParsnip: e.g. key-kombinations in emacs... :)13:17
ActionParsnipiceroot: nano here for me, simple and easy13:18
icerootActionParsnip: you are really a nano-user?13:19
ActionParsnipiceroot: yeah, and tee ;)13:24
andygraybealActionParsnip, i still ove your nickname.13:25
andygraybeali wish i thought of it for mine ;P13:25
ActionParsnipandygraybeal: its an old harry hill joke :)13:25
andygraybealaah i don't know13:25
andygraybeali will google13:26
doritoDanWhen is the next LTS?13:28
_rubennext april13:29
somsipdoritoDan: 12.0413:29
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:29
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:29
andygraybealyay, i can't wait for 12.04 :)))13:30
mikeg3Hi I am running Ubuntu 11.10 in a Parallels 7 VM in Mac OS X Lion.  I just installed it and can't get a root prompt in terminal.  What is the default password supposed to be?13:30
nhocht./ join ## english13:30
Guest6715and comes13:30
Guest6715with gnome3?13:30
icerootdoritoDan: the next lts will have 5 yeras support, not only 3 (desktop edition)13:30
nhochtVPN on ubuntu13:30
deej1976!root | mikau13:30
ubottumikau: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:30
andygraybealOT omg ActionParsnip: "i keep bees, not for the honey but for the fur" hilarious..   okay i will stop being OT.13:31
deej1976!root | mike3g13:31
ubottumike3g: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:31
* deej1976 going to hide13:31
Guest6715next ubuntu comes with gnome 3?13:31
icerootGuest6715: yes13:31
icerootGuest6715: like 11.1013:32
icerootGuest6715: and 11.04 comes with gnome3 too (imo)13:32
nhochtare you talking about 11.10?13:32
doritoDaniceroot: Okay.13:32
nhochtnot bad13:32
doritoDansomsip: Okay, thanks.13:32
Guest6715seriusly? lol13:32
compdocGuest6715, its not gnome3, its Unity. they are different13:33
icerootcompdoc: unity is a shell for gnome313:33
compdocits not the gnome3 shell13:33
icerootcompdoc: i never said that13:34
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deej1976!notuntuy | guest6715, compdoc13:34
icerootcompdoc: but gnome-shell is in the repos, so 12.04 is coming with gnome313:34
deej1976!notunity | guest6715, compdoc13:34
ubottuguest6715, compdoc: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:34
compdocgnome-shell isnt gnome3 either - at least currently13:34
icerootcompdoc: gnome-shell is the real gnome313:34
compdocnot the one that comes with 11.1013:35
deej1976compdoc, install gnome-shell and switch session, ta da, gnome313:36
compdocI have installed it on a few systems13:36
compdocI didnt like Unity, although they seem to be fixing it lately13:37
MonkeyDustcompdoc  12.04 comes with myUnity, a config tool13:37
Yanch0guys anyone managing to fix the 'Calling Stale Broker' problem on a windows 7 client when trying to synch to ubuntu one ?13:39
ActionParsnipcompdoc: its in a ppa for oneiric13:39
ActionParsnipYanch0: windows is supported in ##windows13:39
Yanch0ActionParsnip, but the problme lies with ubuntu one client13:40
ActionParsnipYanch0: yes, under windows, not ubuntu13:40
MonkeyDustYanch0  windows treats the client differently13:41
Yanch0ActionParsnip, ok sorry then :)13:41
deej1976Yanch0: try asking #ubuntuone13:41
faryshtado you know if I can play kinect on Ubuntu?13:41
Yanch0thats even better deej1976  - cheers13:42
ActionParsnipfaryshta: ive seen videos of people using the device in ubuntu13:42
faryshtaActionParsnip, how?13:42
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MonkeyDustfaryshta  http://www.instructables.com/id/Hooking-up-a-Kinect-to-your-Computer-Using-Ubuntu/13:43
ActionParsnipfaryshta: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/kinect-ubuntu-jedi-obviously/13:43
Deathbringerhow can i disable gdm? (i want just a terminal and to type startx to start xorg)13:44
ratz_hi folks13:45
faryshtaMonkeyDust, ActionParsnip thanks.13:45
deej1976!text | Deathbringer13:45
ubottuDeathbringer: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode13:45
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ratz_i have accidently deleted some files and i need them back. how can i get them back??? please help13:45
Myrttiratz_: most probably you don't, depending on how you deleted them13:46
Deathbringerdeej1976, what if i want to change the login manager to something else/13:46
MonkeyDustratz_  there'z photorec13:46
ratz_i used "rm *.txt"13:47
deej1976Deathbringer: Thats a different question, What manager do you want ?13:47
Deathbringerdeej1976, kdm13:47
MonkeyDust!info testdisk13:48
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-2 (oneiric), package size 1558 kB, installed size 4612 kB13:48
ratz_MonkeyDust: will it help me recover my files?13:48
deej1976Deathbringer, try  sudo apt-get install kdm ? and select kdm if prompted13:48
MonkeyDustratz_  see previous line13:49
helly^Hello guys. I tried to upgrade ubuntu from 10.04 to 11.04 via ssh. It went OK and I rebooted. But I could not reconnect... So I went to the server and I saw that it would not boot (disc no ready .. ) I tried to mount it, but "it" will not accept the root password. So I booted Ubuntu live cd, but I cant access the disc. I'm wondering if I was a smartass and encrpyted it..13:49
ratz_MonkeyDust: kk13:49
Myrttihelly^: how did you try to upgrade?13:49
varun06Alt+Tab is not working on my Ubuntu 11.1013:49
faryshtaMonkeyDust, ActionParsnip I readed both articles. They are about the drivers but is it possible to play there?13:51
MonkeyDustfaryshta  haven't tried, so can't tell13:51
faryshtaMonkeyDust, thanks.13:52
skilzHow do I chose what GDM theme I want to use?13:52
davex__why does ubuntu unity have about 15 different libraries with 2 source files in each one?13:52
MonkeyDustfaryshta  try it and you know, it makes you the expert - don't forget to backup your data, first, if you're afraid to ruin your system13:52
ActionParsnipfaryshta: play in what way?13:52
ActionParsnipskilz: I believe there is a login manager icon in dash13:53
faryshtaActionParsnip,  play like putting dvd's and playing them.13:54
skilzActionParsnip, Im not using gnome13:55
Deathbringerif i want kubuntu i can run apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and then i will have the same thing as kubuntu if i choose kde on login manager?13:55
funkymonkI'm using filezilla in windows to connect my ubuntu box. it connects but then times out when trying to retrieve the listing directory13:55
ActionParsnipfaryshta: so you want to play xbox 360 games in ubuntu?13:56
faryshtaMonkeyDust, I am asking about kinect games. Are there any games that run on ubuntu? I mean x-box games.13:56
faryshtaActionParsnip, yes, you explained better than myself.13:56
ActionParsnipfaryshta: 1. The games are proprietary   2. Your system is no where near opwerful enough to play the games13:56
faryshtaActionParsnip, damn, will need to buy the xbox then.13:57
ActionParsnipfaryshta: I don't even think an emulator exists yet, or would be any good13:57
funkymonkActionParsnip: not for xbox36013:57
funkymonkmaybe original xbox13:57
FlamekebabAnyone got a simple guide for setting up a mail server?13:57
faryshtaActionParsnip, thanks for the response, I will check on xbox prices.13:58
llutzFlamekebab: for a full featured mta https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix   if you just want to send some mails from scripts  http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/07/17/howto-configure-msmtp-to-work-with-gmail-on-linux/13:59
qcjnhi, anyone knows how to create a launcher for a homemade script in the unity bar ?14:00
ActionParsnipqcjn: you can create a .desktop in /usr/share/application to run the script and it will appear in dash and you can drag it to the unity bar14:01
petersdf_being a newbe will someone help me install drivers permissions locations etc.14:02
petersdf_I have linux drivers on my desktop but dont know heree to put them14:02
BluesKajpetersdf_, which drivers and what are they for?14:04
qcjnActionParsnip i tried that , but then the one on the desktop stays to ? and if i delete the one on the desktop, then the one in the unity bar dissapears to ?14:04
petersdf_wireless network usb  RAlink  RT287014:04
=== salty is now known as Crooper
keda87anyone, what is alternate software of m$ visio in ubuntu?, i'm using maverick14:08
keda87anyone, what is alternate software of m$ visio in ubuntu?, i'm using maverick14:08
helly^nvm.. Just a LVM f*up14:08
keda87anyone, what is alternate software of m$ visio in ubuntu?, i'm using maverick14:09
MonkeyDust!repeat| keda8714:09
ubottukeda87: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:09
llutz!repeat | keda8714:09
keda87ok :)14:10
=== Deathbringer is now known as DemonWitch
MonkeyDustis maverick still supported?14:11
qcjnok, using alacarte worked well. Put it there, then from unity application menu, just drag to the bar14:11
LiNuX`supis anyone familiar with permissions when running ubuntu 11.10 using bootcamp on a mac? Anytime I try to access document or desktop folders for my user on the macintosh HD I get a permission error and not even and option to enter the login info14:11
petersdf_I have linux drivers  for RaLink USB wireless RT2870 on my desktop but dont know where  to put them14:12
skilzHow can I disable graphical boot and login?14:14
BluesKajpetersdf_, usually the executable goes in /usr/bin , but you probly have to extract the driver if it's in .gz  file or some such14:15
skilzI want text boot and login14:15
llutz!nox | skilz14:15
ubottuskilz: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:15
e_t_LiNuX`sup: open a terminal, "sudo su" to root, navigate to your Mac files and run "ls -l" to see what the UID is on your Mac files. The default user in Ubuntu has UID 1000, it's probably something different for Mac.14:15
petersdf_thanks I'll try that and yep they are extracted.14:15
skilzllutz, Thats not permanent is it?14:16
LiNuX`supyes I think mac uses 50114:16
LiNuX`suphow do I change this14:16
llutzskilz: either edit /etc/default/grub to make it permanent or disable start of gdm/lightdm in /etc/init14:16
jenablinskywhat's up?14:17
kavurtit seems skype has dependency issues on oneiric14:18
e_t_LiNuX`sup: open /etc/passwd in an editor (must be root), find the line for your user, change the 1000's you see to what Mac uses. Be sure that you then chown your home directory to the same or you won't have a lot of fun in Ubuntu.14:19
BluesKajpetersdf_, also in order to load the driver , open a terminal and do , sudo modprobe rt287014:20
=== root is now known as MegaDavor
LiNuX`supsounds messy. I think I'll just suck it up and boot into the mac os... vomit while seeing osx and while cleaning my mess move my folders to another directory14:20
e_t_For safety, log in on one of the consoles (Ctrl-Alt-F1 -- F6), then su to root there. This will let you reverse anything that goes wrong.14:20
LiNuX`supthanks for the help though e_t_14:21
MegaDavorHi all. :)14:23
instructorQ. I need to add an Ubuntu machine to a windows server 2008 domain.  I'm not sure where to point the ubuntu machine to the domain machine after i set the dns14:23
petersdf_modprobe did not find the drivers, and I am having a hard time putting the files in usr.bin they dont copy.paste14:24
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deej1976keda87: dia is possible the closest equivalent14:24
compdocinstructor, you use the 2008 server to provide dns? not sure what you mean14:24
compdocyou want the ubuntu machine to join the domain?14:24
Flamekebabllutz, is there no simpler guide? I followed that one and it doesn't seem to have worked. I've no idea why though14:25
labassistantcompdoc: Yes14:25
compdocthats fairly difficult14:25
llutzFlamekebab: which guide? what error?14:25
BluesKajpetersdf_, you have to use root permissions14:26
e_t_labassistant: look at the package "sadms". It's pretty good at joining Ubuntu to AD.14:26
Flamekebabllutz, this guide - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and currently no particular error. I'm trying to access the mail server using Thunderbird and despite having a suitable user account on the server it's not accepting the details14:26
petersdf_I am a NEWBEE how do I use root permissions ??14:26
labassistante_t_: thanks I will14:27
llutzFlamekebab: check logs /var/log/mail.*14:27
MonkeyDust!info sadms| labassistant14:27
ubottu'labassistant' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable14:27
deej1976!root | petersdf_14:27
ubottupetersdf_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:27
MonkeyDust!info sadms14:27
ubottusadms (source: sadms): integrate a machine in an Active Directory environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.15.repack-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 2531 kB, installed size 5564 kB14:27
Flamekebabllutz, there doesn't seem to be one14:27
llutzFlamekebab: grep err /etc/rsyslog.d/postfix.conf14:28
Flamekebabllutz, no output14:28
compdoclabassistant, linux file permissions and windows file permissions arent very close. Windows server comes with a software package for Unix permissions that you have to add. But thats only the start of the work you have to do. There's websites you can google14:29
olivier__Hi there14:29
BluesKajpetersdf_, alt+F2 , gksudo nautilus /usr/bin paste the executable there , altho I'm not sure if that's the correct path for a wfif driver ...can someone help us here ?14:29
BluesKajwifi driver14:29
llutzFlamekebab: check your (r)syslogd config14:29
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:30
BluesKajpetersdf_, read above14:30
llutzFlamekebab: check http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html       and http://www.postfix.org/docs.html          postfix is perfectly documented14:31
FlamekebabWhen you say "perfectly" do you mean for someone with a great many years of configuring and admining servers exclusively from the command line?14:31
llutzFlamekebab: setting up mailservers always needs a lot of knowledge, so yes14:32
MonkeyDustFlamekebab  please add the name of the person you are addressing in your comments14:32
olivier__Am I the only one that has issues with shutdowns involving smbfs ? As a matter of fact, my Pcs take minutes to shutdown instead of seconds, and they seem to hang on the samba folders unmounting.14:32
llutzFlamekebab: btw how did you try to connect to postfix from thuunderbird? postfix is NOT a pop/imap-server14:32
wh1zz0Guys please is there a way I can upload a tar file from within ssh to another remote server?14:32
Flamekebabllutz, I have dovecot installed too14:33
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wh1zz0Not wget download this time.. I'm talking uploading14:33
Flamekebabllutz, it just seems bizarrely difficult compared to, say, setting up a Mumble server14:33
MonkeyDustwh1zz0  you mean scp?14:33
=== chai_nadig is now known as drunk_rambler
olivier__Does someone know how to properly unmount smbfs folders at shutdown ?14:33
llutzFlamekebab: grep log_path /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf         check logs14:34
ksbalajiWhat has come to synaptic? As soon as I start synaptic, my 10.04 LTS stalls!14:34
wh1zz0MonkeyDust: Like I login to a shell and I wish to save a .tar.gz file to another server.. what command do I use, how can I achive this please?14:34
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
compdocolivier__, samba?14:34
RaTTuSwh1zz0 look at scp file user@server:location or rsync14:34
MonkeyDustwh1zz0  scp == copy over ssh14:34
MonkeyDustor rsync, idd14:34
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/14:35
ksbalajiI´ve to reboot everytime synaptic stalls 10.04 LTS14:35
BluesKajpetersdf_, run, iwconfig , in a terminal , what does it show?14:35
skilzHow can I disable plymouth? when I try and remove it, it wants to remove 500mb os software14:35
drunk_ramblerneeded tips on how to start contributing to open source14:36
olivier__compdoc : yes samba is the service managing the shared folders. But my problem is within the client, not the server (as far as I know)14:36
deej1976ksbalaji: Do you receive any error if you run "sudo apt-get update" ?14:36
compdocIve never had to unmount them. I just shut down14:36
BluesKajpetersdf_, pastebin the output14:36
wh1zz0RaTTuS: So, assuming I wish to take it to my ftp server this would this work or be correct?.. e.g       scp file.tar.gz ftp://user:pass@     ?14:36
compdocolivier__, whats the problem?14:36
llutzFlamekebab: maybe this helps you too, just skip the squirrelmail stuff http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-mail-server-setup-with-postfix-dovecot-sasl-squirrel-mail.html14:37
Tech-1drunk_rambler:  hot the paypal button14:37
petersdf_iwconfig shows no extentions  and sorry what is pastebin14:37
MonkeyDustwh1zz0  rather try scp file user@remote_ip14:37
Flamekebabllutz, I'll take a look14:37
ksbalajideej1976, I use only GUI update manager, software centre and synaptic for my jobs. I do not use commands. Do I try now?14:37
deej1976ksbalaji: Just try that command to see if any error messages are generated14:38
olivier__compdoc : At shutdown, the system hangs for several minutes. The logs are showing it's waiting for the smb shares to unmount. Manually they can be unmounted without any problem.14:38
llutzFlamekebab: but whatever you do, make sure your logging is ok, without logs you hardly will find out what's going wrong14:38
drunk_ramblerhot the paypal button?14:38
Dj_FlyBy[ms]if I am mounting an external drive and I want all users to be able to read from it, but only want 2 of the users to be able to write to it how can I Make this happen?14:38
ksbalajiIt did its job and quit smoothly.14:39
drunk_ramblerdon't quite get you.14:39
ksbalajideej1976, job went smooth.14:39
labassistantthanks I'm readin up on sadms right now14:39
skilzHow can I disable plymouth? when I try and remove it, it wants to remove 500mb os software14:39
compdocolivier__, I have never seen that. I dont think its normal14:40
BluesKaj!who petersdf_14:40
deej1976ksbalaji: Do you receive any error if you run "sudo apt-get upgrade" ?14:40
Rushingi was accessing a samba share on my ubuntu server 11 fine yesterday, but i rebooted today and now when i try to login (from windows explorer) it won't accept my username/password14:40
BluesKaj!who |petersdf_14:40
ubottupetersdf_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:40
new2netWhen I log in it says "You have 1 new mail" How do I check it?14:40
olivier__compdoc: I don't thing either, but it happens on at least two of my 10.04 boxes14:40
llutznew2net: mail14:40
new2netllutz, is that in mailutils?14:41
RaTTuSskilz you cannot - why do you want to14:41
llutznew2net: or bsd-mailx14:41
ksbalajideej1976, I do not want to upgrade - I prefer LTS!14:41
compdocolivier__, try #samba, and if you find out, let me know14:41
mugwort13anyone know the name of the ubuntu installer?   Like what I would search for in synaptic?14:42
olivier__compdoc: can you try to do the same, just to see whether it's a general issue or specific to me ?14:42
ksbalajideej1976, does not that command start upgrading? I prefer to stay with LTS please.14:42
Rushinganyone have any ideas on my issue above?14:42
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compdocolivier__, unfortunately, with different hardware and whomever installed it, it can be many problems14:43
Tech-1it dont ksbalaji  it upgrades packages only14:43
deej1976ksbalaji: It only updates the current distribution, it will not update to 11.xx ( that command is do-release-upgrade )14:43
* wh1zz0 Im trying to use scp but my intention is not to copy it to another shell, I'm tyring to send it to an ftp host14:44
* wh1zz0 please how cn I achieve this?14:44
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: does scp connect to ftp services?14:44
deej1976ftp ftphost14:44
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: afaik, scp only connects to sftp14:44
deej1976put filename.tar.gz14:45
olivier__compdoc: It happens on very different machines here. One has only to setup a smbfs mount in fstab, and see if it slows the shutdown14:45
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: nautilus can connect to FTP servers and appear as a folder, you can copy stuff that way14:46
Dj_FlyBy[ms]if I am mounting an external drive and I want all users to be able to read from it, but only want 2 of the users to be able to write to it how can I Make this happen?14:46
Dj_FlyBy[ms]!list provau14:46
MonkeyDustwh1zz0  you can also use an nfs connection14:46
BluesKajwh1zz0,  scp /home/user/filetobecopied user@RemoteIP:/home/user14:47
compdocolivier__, oh, I see. smbfs. a file system. I use ext3/414:47
compdocfor samba shares14:47
=== flack is now known as flack-Z
Kazemhi every body14:47
drunk_ramblerneed help getting started with open source contribution. anyone that can give me leads ?14:47
deej1976wh1zz0: nautilus can also connect to sftp/ssh as well14:47
ksbalajideej1976, result last line :0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. smooth?14:47
wh1zz0ActionParsnip: To better understand me.. On my machine, local machine, I do not have an SSH server set up. Meaning others can not ssh into my box from remote. But I can ssh into any server I wish. Now I'm currently logged in via ssh in my friend's server and I wish to transfer the folder to my PC14:47
deej1976So it's updating ok.14:48
=== RichiH is now known as objects
=== objects is now known as RichiH
compdocolivier__, I dont think Ive ever used or seen smbfs14:48
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: so copying from the server to your system?14:48
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: do you have a desktop OS?14:49
olivier__compdoc: it's very handy for managing samba shares that have to be automatically mounted14:49
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: or is it all cli?14:49
wh1zz0But I want to do this via CLI14:49
ksbalajideej1976, now about synaptic. Nowadays I am worried to start it. It stalls everything.14:49
MonkeyDustdrunk_rambler  start here http://www.ubuntu.com/community14:49
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: then connect to the SSHFS on the remote system, and copy and paste the files to your home folder14:49
compdocolivier__, I use smb.conf - not as handy, I bet14:49
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: ahhhh14:49
wh1zz0Because I'm logged in via SSH to that server via terminal14:49
deej1976wh1zz0: username@servername:/path/to/file localcopyname14:50
drunk_ramblerthanks...  i don't know how to tag users14:50
deej1976wh1zz0: scp ^^14:50
ksbalajideej1976, I also remember that update manager once stalled everything.14:50
bastidrazorwh1zz0: scp -r folder wh1zz0@yourIP:~/14:50
wh1zz0deej1976: Huh?14:50
wh1zz0dee I didn't get that14:50
wh1zz0bastidrazor: That won't work since my I have no ssh server set up14:50
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: http://superuser.com/questions/166151/scp-to-local-desktop-remote-server14:50
deej1976wh1zz0, this will copy a file from the remove server14:50
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: http://txt.binnyva.com/2009/01/scp-copy-from-remote-to-local-system/14:51
sunsonunder what circumstances does the 'shutdown dialog' pop up automatically without having pressed the power button? (the power button connector from the cabinet(case) is NOT connected to the mobo)14:51
bastidrazorwh1zz0: your box is ubuntu? if so install openssh-server on it.14:51
deej1976 wh1zz0: scp  remote_userid@remote_server:/path/to/file localcopyname14:51
ActionParsnipsunson: after a kernel update possibly14:53
sunsonActionParsnip: no, it annoyingly keeps popping up14:54
wh1zz0bastidrazor: Inalling ssh server will be of no use cuz I have no router14:54
sunsonlike, press-escape, goes away and within 2 seconds comes back14:54
wh1zz0bastidrazor: ISP diabled14:54
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
wh1zz0ActionParsnip: From your link... scp -r binnyva@
wh1zz0ActionParsnip: How can this work without authentication?14:55
bastidrazorwh1zz0: have ssh listen on a different port. /etc/ssh/sshd_config14:55
ActionParsnipwh1zz0: you'll need ssh keys seting up14:55
MonkeyDustwh1zz0  you can add keys to the ssh config files14:55
e_t_unsecure secure shell?14:55
MonkeyDustwh1zz0  but that makes it more vulnerable14:56
wh1zz0bastidrazor: Don't even think my IP has any open port14:56
wh1zz0Even 25 is disabled14:56
wh1zz080 is blocked14:56
wh1zz022, filtered/blocked14:57
nullieI wonder if someone know, why one of my applications always starts at other workspace14:57
wh1zz0ActionParsnip: scp -r binnyva@ ... so this would work without password14:57
samba35i have setup a kvm and installed windows xp as a guest os it was working but when check after 1/2 days it is giving this error14:58
bastidrazorwh1zz0: no, you'll need to enter the password, unless you've setup keys14:58
samba35Error starting domain: internal error unable to start guest: char device redirected to /dev/pts/314:58
samba35qemu: could not open disk image /dev/sr0: No medium found14:58
wh1zz0Which method are we talking about here14:58
wh1zz0I'm confused14:58
compdocsamba35, you using a block device?14:58
bastidrazorwh1zz0: also, the ip you're giving indicates a local server on you LAN..14:59
helly^what is the main diffrence between Ubuntu 11.10 Desktop and server?14:59
e_t_helly^: server doesn't default-install any GUI.15:00
samba35block device ?15:00
helly^I can still get all the pacakges that come with the server version for the Desktop edition?15:00
e_t_helly^: Yes. There's only one set of Ubuntu packages which all *buntu's use.15:01
wh1zz0ActionParsnip: I just tired that scp -r blah .. it didnt work15:01
helly^Ok, thanks.15:01
* wh1zz0 please what easy method is there to go about this.. This is killing me,. gosh, just to upload a single file.. Jeez15:02
asifhow can I install mate in ubuntu 11.1015:02
MonkeyDustasif  you have to add mint repo's, first15:03
RaTTuSasif http://www.2buntu.com/2011/11/14/how-to-test-mate-on-ubuntu-11-10/15:03
asifMonkeyDust:  how mate is different from gnome 2 btw..?15:03
HaPK_PerCarI have a problem with a repo, whenever I do a sudo apt-get update one repository can't get updated, this is what it comes out15:03
HaPK_PerCarW: Imposible obtener gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/co.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_binary-i386_Packages  La suma hash difiere15:03
samba35compdoc, can u please tell me about block device15:04
compdocsamba35, when you created the disk for the windows client, how did you do that? what type of disk?15:04
compdocand where is it stored? On a usb stick or what?15:04
samba35but i am sorry i really dont know i will try to create another guest and check15:05
samba35its store on hardisk15:05
samba35guest is on hardisk15:05
compdocsamba35, do you have a desktop on the server, or just command line?15:05
samba35i am using virt-managet to start guest15:06
compdocI use virt-manager gui15:06
HaPK_PerCarPlease, I need to fix this repository, this is the error it gives W: Imposible obtener gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/co.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_binary-i386_Packages  La suma hash difiere15:06
samba35yes same thing i am also using15:07
MonkeyDustwh1zz0  you're learning it the hard way, one day, you'll be grateful15:07
bastidrazor wh1zz0 elaborate on "didn't work"15:07
ActionParsnipHaPK_PerCar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/770124/15:07
=== [Jacky] is now known as JackyAlcine
compdocsamba35, open virt-manager, and right-click the line at the top that says 'localhost (QEMU)" and select Details, then the Storage tab15:08
llutzwh1zz0: http://principialabs.com/beginning-ssh-on-ubuntu/15:08
samba35ok then15:08
BluesKajwh1zz0,you are ssh'd into the remote server which has to be treated as local at your cli prompt so,  scp -r /pathto/Folder @yourpcIP:/pathtotarget15:09
htmlhow do i get puppy linux to install INside a folder first and then have it boot fine with a dual boot on the way15:09
fmauroBluesKaj: this will only work if he  has a ssh server running which he doesn't15:09
fmaurowh1zz0: can I pm you? I have an idea15:09
BluesKajscp -r /pathto/Folder user@yourpcIP:/pathtotarget15:10
puffPandora's flash player hoses my firefox, is there a more ubuntu-friendly internet music site?15:10
gulzarwith gnome if we click on a font fle ... a dialog appears and shows the font and option to install it. ( saw in Mint and Ubtunu). Which is that package?15:11
fmauropuff: way offtopic but, grooveshark maybe?15:11
htmlpuff,  pandroa does work ?15:11
e_t_puff: Last.fm has a client app in the repos.15:11
BluesKajfmauro, he'can copy from the server to his machine withtat command15:11
ActionParsnippuff: groovsharke maybe15:12
fmauroBluesKaj: no he cannot, as he has no openssh-server on his machine15:12
ActionParsnippuff: musictube too (costs 9 euros but very worth it)15:12
BluesKajfm he's not serving from his machine15:12
nbubuntuhi , would like to know is there any option for ubuntu to check for "Recent view files" ?15:13
fmauroBluesKaj: maybe I got it wrong, but from my lastlog I read, he has a remote ssh server, he's currently ssh'd into that, he wishes to transfer a file to his local machine without ssh-server15:13
FlamekebabOh dear gods, why is this so difficult.15:13
gulzarPlease help . With gnome and KDE if we click on a font fle ... a dialog appears and shows the font and option to install it. ( saw in Mint and Ubtunu). Which is that package?15:14
MonkeyDustFlamekebab  because you're learning15:14
szalFlamekebab: what exactly is difficult?15:14
FlamekebabMonkeyDust, I really don't feel I am. I can't find a guide that can even explain what my domain's MX records should look like15:14
FlamekebabThey just say "make sure they're right"15:15
wh1zz0fmauro: Yes please you can .. llutz: Thanks for the link, I read thru and this just that:: mail:~john$ scp -r videos wh1zz0@ .. but the cursor just keeps blinking after pressing the return (enter) key15:15
Flamekebabszal, I'm trying to setup a mail server. I find it bizarre that there isn't a load of sensible presets available15:15
llutzFlamekebab: create an A-record "mail.yourdomain.com"  IP of your mailserver, then MX-record "mail.yourdomain.com"15:15
FlamekebabInstead I have to change countless variables (and nothing seems to want to explain why, or what they mean)15:15
RaTTuSwh1zz0 - try with one file 1st15:16
puffhtml: pandora works... until it crashes firefox. Even before that, it makes the UI very jerky/laggy (though not the music).15:16
pandora01I understand15:16
llutzwh1zz0: has sshd running?15:16
BluesKajfmauro, the server is installed by default if he installed ssh on his pc15:17
MonkeyDustFlamekebab  with tasksel (task select), you can choose mail server, but take care, you're asked a lot of questions15:18
Flamekebabllutz, that apparently was omitted from every accursed guide thus far15:18
tluhi, is it possible to start daemon (e.g. tomcat), but it should start for specific user (not root)?15:18
compdocolivier__, this is from the samba.org website: "smbfs has not been maintained in the last few years. Instead, development has been focused on another implementation of the CIFS protocol in the kernel. "15:18
wh1zz0ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out15:18
wh1zz0lost connection15:18
FlamekebabMonkeyDust, when I tried that it just said "100%" and then closed15:18
wh1zz0That's the error I got15:18
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llutzwh1zz0: has sshd running?15:18
llutzFlamekebab: thats DNS not smtp, so why should they mention? ;)15:19
diatomaceousCan I remove the global menu bar from my secondary monitor? I really don't want it there :)15:20
Flamekebabllutz, you explained it in a single sentence. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to explain it like that instead of "make sure they're right"15:20
gulzarPlease help . With gnome and KDE if we click on a font fle ... a dialog appears and shows the font and option to install it. ( saw in Mint and Ubtunu). Which is that package?15:20
htmlpuff i think its the flash player,, i have been having trouble with mine15:21
wh1zz0llutz:   I already have openssh-client and openssh-server installed15:21
szalgulzar: are you schizophrenic, or is that majestic plural? ;)15:21
llutzwh1zz0: can you "ssh wh1zz0 @"15:21
szalgulzar: and what is a 'fle'?15:21
MonkeyDustpluralis maiestatis15:22
rlexhow do you buy umbongo?15:22
llutzwh1zz0: can you "ssh wh1zz0@"?15:22
gulzarszal: ops.. its 'file'15:22
lunaticheadI have a problem, I recently brought a Toshiba TV with VGA conection, I connected my Laptop running Mint12.... The display for the TV does not go above 1240*768 the TV is 24 inch...15:22
olivier__compdoc: actually, it's cifs that is declared in fstab, not smbfs15:22
MonkeyDust!mint| lunatichead15:22
ubottulunatichead: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:22
shomonhi, I'm mounting a drive via ssh on my desktop, so it's in "places", but after a while I get a DBus NoReply error. How do I mount it properly without having to log out and in?15:22
shomonI should say it also works fine when launched. this happens after a while.15:23
MonkeyDustshomon  use nfs15:23
lunaticheadI have a Ubuntu 11.10 as well tried it with that ... Had the same problem..15:23
rlexhello, zealots15:23
MonkeyDust!nfs| shomon15:23
ubottushomon: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.15:23
deej1976lunatichead: Does the monitor/tv support a resolution higher than that, have you checked the manual15:24
lunaticheadYes it does15:24
BluesKajwh1zz0, install openssh-server on your pc if it isn't already15:24
lunaticheadTested it with a windows machine it detects correctly15:24
shomonthanks MonkeyDust but this I only have access via ssh :(15:24
htmlpuff ?15:24
MonkeyDustshomon  install nfs-kernel15:24
lunaticheadRead about Xander but I am not sure HOw I could use it15:25
shomonMonkeyDust, why install nfs? I want to sort out this DBus error, not switch to a whole new system?15:25
skilzhow do I show the list of ppa's added?15:25
skilzso I can edit/delete15:25
BluesKajfmauro,  sorry , I'm mistaken , I was assuming he had the ssh-server installed ..15:26
MonkeyDustskilz  ubuntu-tweak has that option15:26
skilzis there a file like /etc/apt/sources.list15:26
llutzskilz: grep -ri ppa /etc/apt/*15:26
fmauroBluesKaj: don't sweat it man. Happens to me too.15:26
puffhtml: Quite probably.15:27
puffhtml: Quite probably the flash player, but any way you slice it, I have work to do and I just want something to drown out the distractions :-(.15:27
htmlpuff,  so have you u updated it?15:27
puffhtml: I'm trying Grooveshark (currently listening to _I'm An Adult Now_ by The Pursuit of Happiness).15:28
htmlpuff,  you got a deskop ?15:28
BluesKajfmauro, i think it's quite simple , all he needs is to configure the server and permissions/pws15:28
ScrivenerUsing Ubuntu 11.10, I minimized a Chrome window and cannot get it back. It had a video running, so I still hear the sound from it, but using the Chrome icon in the launcher only opens new Chrome windows. I cannot get any minimized ones back. Why is this?15:29
puffhtml: both flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-downloader:i386 are up to date.15:29
fmauroBluesKaj: yeah, I'm currently pm'ing him , he has no authority over NAT-traversals, but we're just rsyncing the stuff know from the remote server15:29
ServerTechLaptopmy floppy is not being read by the floppy drive in the system?15:30
puffhtml: I don't see anything in "dpkg -L flashplugin-installer" or "dpkg -L flashplugin-downloade:i386" that looks like a bin.15:30
htmlpuff,  go to youtube and open 3 videos at the same time ,, tell me what happens15:30
puffhtml: desktop?15:30
lunaticheadAny Ideas, how to get it working.. or check for any logs to further troubleshoot15:30
puffhtml: You gonna crash my browser? :-).15:30
puffhtml: I have a laptop, the GUI has a desktop.15:31
htmlyes, what do you have for specs?15:31
puffhtml: thinkpad t520, i7, 8GB of ram.15:31
puffhtml: but crappy video support (I curse nvidia and all of their tribe).15:31
puffhtml: So I'm using the onboard intel video.15:31
puffhtml: So, now I have three youtube videos playing simultaneously.15:33
ScrivenerI'll give it 5 minutes and then repost my question ;)15:33
ScrivenerSince this channel moves so fast...15:33
htmlpuff tHANKS  that helps ,  brb to ask all knowing google  about this , (sigh* and i hope i dont find my pic somewhere15:33
htmlScrivener,  well theres been times its gone so fast you BEST be really good at reading atleast15:34
tluHi, Can anyone help? My question is: Is it possible to start daemon (e.g. tomcat configured in /etc/rc*.d), but it should start for specific user (not root) e.g. user 'tlu'?15:34
ScrivenerMind if I repost now?15:34
ScrivenerI'm researching the issue on google still...15:35
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ScrivenerNot coming across much that's exactly the same yet.15:35
ScrivenerI did in one case, but the solution wasn't really a solution.15:35
ServerTechLaptopanyone? when i click detect media on the floppy drive the light on the floppy drive lights up but that's it.15:35
pufftlu: Yes, that should be possible.15:35
tlupuff: Where could I read about that? What keywords to search in Google?15:36
pufftlu: However, note that if only root processes can atach to ports 1024 or lower, so if yuo want to use port 80 you'lll have to set up a port forwarder.15:36
ScrivenerAlright -- I did find a solution. Super-W will work to get my chrome window back...15:37
ScrivenerBut I'd still like to know why it simply disappears when minimized to launcher.15:37
ScrivenerAnd using the launcher icon only opens new winwos.15:37
bubbles|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix <- why doesn't postfix ask me for the certificate password like apache here?15:37
pufftlu: Try: tomcat "not as root" rc.d15:37
manojI am not much familiar with ubuntu, I am having problem with my sony vaio laptop, camera is not working after installing chees also15:38
pufftlu:  The generic mechanism is setuid, but I'm not sure that's helpful.  #tomcat is probably a better channel for this question, too.15:39
deej1976!webcam | manoj15:39
ubottumanoj: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:39
tlupuff: thanks, will try tomcat channel. Also will look at port forwarding!15:40
gulzarszal: anything?15:40
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ScrivenerUsing Ubuntu 11.10, I minimized a Chrome window and cannot get it back. It had a video running, so I still hear the sound from it, but using the Chrome icon in the launcher only opens new Chrome windows. I cannot get any minimized ones back without using Super-W. Why is this?15:41
sparrSometimes I can't get to menu bars in 11.10, the top bar stays the titlebar when I hover it or press Alt, the only change being the close/min/max buttons. How can I fix that?15:42
joesuffcerenI'm using Ubuntu Rescue Remix to attempt to recover an HFS+ partition (ideally) or to do some file carving if I have to. The drive is a 1TB usb(sata) drive, and does not seem to be suffering any physical damage. I can see one small FAT partition (EFI stuff) and a large HFS partition. the HFS partition will mount just fine but doesn't seem to have any data  on it (looks like a MacOS "skeleton" fold15:43
joesuffcerener structure)15:43
ScrivenerChrome also never shows an indication that it has been used (i.e. no little white arrows by it showing that it's in active use).15:43
pufftlu: Also, check out Jason Britain's tomcat packages, they include init scripts and such.  These may have been folded into the ubuntu tomcat packages by now (I think Jason might be the maintainer now).15:43
joesuffcerenI don't know much/anything about MacOS. The drive belongs to my cousin who was working normally and was suddenly unable to read the disk. I did a quick search with testdisk, and it did not find any partitions other than the two I mentioned above. I then did a deeper search (running now), and it's found 50+ HFS partitions as it's searched15:44
pufftlu: Then again, it's been awhile since I looked into this.15:44
puffjoesuffceren: There's a #macosx channel tha tmight be helpful.15:45
tlupuff: tx15:45
manojthanks for the information about web cam.15:45
joesuffcerenpuff: Thanks. I can try that. I don't have a mac, though. I'm trying to recover an HFS partition using URR. You think people in #macosx could help me when I don't have a mac to do recovery on?15:46
szalgulzar: for KDE it's KFontView, what Gnome uses I have no idea15:46
szalgulzar: and there are no decent font viewers for Linux anyway15:46
truefxis there a compiler design channel ?15:47
szalgulzar: the Windows properties dialog for fonts is MUCH better in this regard, at least when installing the font properties extension15:47
truefxand also os developmend15:47
gulzarszal: :( Bye15:47
modyhi Guys15:47
jutnux\o mody15:48
modyHow do I make ubuntu launcher horizontal15:48
andynPLN 300, isn't that around EUR 75?15:48
jutnuxDownload the Ubuntu Tweak Tool15:48
llutzandyn: 300.0 PLN = 65.5172089926 EUR15:49
modyis it "Advanced settings"15:49
modythats the first in results15:49
szalwhat's PLN?15:49
andynwell, looks like #ubuntu solves all my problems15:49
llutzandyn: google does too15:50
llutzPolish zloty szal15:50
sipiorllutz: glad you were able to quote that to ten places :-)15:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:50
jutnuxmody: You must download the Ubuntu Tweak Tool.15:51
modyHow do I do that?15:51
Tech-1go to the home page or sourceforge15:52
pankajcan any one help me !!!15:52
modyI managed15:52
RaTTuSpankaj what is your problem15:53
Myrttipankaj: not if you don't tell about your problem15:53
tluI have question: If I do have a script which has 'sudo' in it - how can I disable password request when executing that script. I've looked visudo, but could not tweek that script to run without entering password. Any suggestions?15:54
modyokay installed  Ubuntu Tweak Tool15:55
modyHow do I make the launcher horizontal?15:55
RaTTuStlu you don't - run the script as root if you need to15:55
ActionParsniptlu: if you run the script with sudo, all the sudo commands in the script will be ok15:55
compdoctlu, you can try to add the user to the /etc/sudoers file15:56
ActionParsnipmody: there is a guide on omgubuntu to put it at the bottom with a hack that breaks some things15:56
Jack`i got a question i tryed updating my ubuntu and i gave error message :  w: failed to fetch   ( - 5 - No adress associated with hostname)15:56
ActionParsnipJack`: what was the hostname?15:56
Jack`does anyone know how to fix this15:56
tlucompdoc: thats what I did, but still no effect15:57
ActionParsnipJack`: then recreate it and let us know, what do you fail to fetch?15:57
deej1976tlu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers look the NOPASSWD option15:57
Jack`ActionParsnip how do i recreate it15:57
ActionParsnipJack`: run:  sudo apt-get update15:57
RaTTuSjack^_ - open a terminal - sudo apt-get update | pastebinit ; sudo apt-get upgrade |pastebinit15:57
htmlpuff,  ?15:57
Jack`and then15:57
woozlyguys, I bought brand new Asus Eee PC 1215N, and there was Windows 7 + Express Gate. But I install Ubuntu on new partition and express gate doesn't work :( how to restore express gate?15:58
ActionParsnipwoozly: you may need to use your restore CDs15:58
woozlynetbook =)15:59
Tech-1it dont come w/cd's lol15:59
ActionParsnipwoozly: the USB ....15:59
Tech-1i have one15:59
Tech-1its recovery is on a partition15:59
woozlyTech-1, but will it restore Express Gate? I need EG + Ubuntu + W715:59
Tech-1i just wiped the drive and put linux on it, i never bothered w/windoze16:00
Jack`pastebin.com/VMnbShqc   and that are just a few lines it my whole source list16:00
Tech-1woozly:  xhances are if you restore, it will eliminate linux16:01
tludeej1976: I was looking at that and thats my change - http://pastebin.com/q1bQ6szz16:01
abhijainhello everyone16:02
Tech-1woozly:  asuse eepc is a great little workhorse w/ubuntu on it.16:02
abhijainproblem in ubuntu 11.10 installtion on vmware full screen graphics is not visible due to vmware tool16:02
woozlyTech-1, yeah16:02
deej1976tlu: Does it work ?16:02
abhijainhow to run vmware install16:02
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Jack`RaTTuS    pastebin.com/VMnbShqc16:03
woozlyhow to automatically unlock keyring after start ubuntu?16:03
tludeej1976: loged off, logged in - no effect. I'm sure that the path is right.16:03
Tech-1woozly:  just make sure you have atleat 2g ram16:03
AdvoWorkif ive plugged a USB HD into my ubuntu client pc, but it says that its the wrong FS type, can i format it/fix it so it is?16:03
=== manoj is now known as mkonline
deej1976tlu: Any errors being logged ?16:04
modyI download ubuntu tweak tool16:04
modynow how do I make the launcher menu horizontal?16:04
abhijainvmware error for full screen mode16:05
abhijainhow to run vmwaretool in ubuntu16:05
tludeej1976: visudo - exits without any errors. /etc/sudoers - contains my changes.16:05
Jack`RaTTuS are you still here16:05
RaTTuSjack^_ - looks funky - dunno http://pastebin.com/VMnbShqc16:05
ActionParsnipmody: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-customise-unity-like-never-before/16:05
pepperhey guys i have an issue. i have an external cd/drive which is not mounting please assist16:05
Jack`ActionParsnip can you take look at it   http://pastebin.com/VMnbShqc16:06
RaTTuShttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/apt-get-install-command-is-not-able-to-fetch-packages-from-ubuntu-repositary-806674/ jack^_ ?16:07
bubbles|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix <- why doesn't postfix ask me for the certificate password like apache here?16:07
deej1976tlu, and it prompts when you run the command?16:07
RaTTuStry the open DNS option16:07
tludeej1976: yes16:07
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pepperi am unable to mount external cd/drive on usb16:08
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puffhtml: Heya.16:10
puffjoesuffceren: Good question, dunno, but there might well be somebody there who knows both mac and linux.16:11
RaTTuSpepper - unplug it , tail -f /var/syslog , plug it back in16:11
shgadwaMy computer here is not working right... I cannot access most of /var because it says read only file system.16:11
pepperok let me try  that16:11
shgadwaFirst I was unable to boot it up, then  I ran fsck on it. Now it boots up but as read only.16:11
shgadwaAny ideas?16:12
compdocshgadwa, theres an option in fstab that mounts a filesystem in readonly mode when theres a problem16:12
shgadwaSo, disable that option?16:12
ActionParsnipJack`: have you tried a different source server?16:12
compdocno, open disk util, and look at the SMART data. see if it says the disk is healthy (green)16:13
Jack`ActionParsnip how do i change server16:13
llutzshgadwa: better to check _why_ it mounts ro16:13
MetaGodI have a problem with flash on my ubuntu 9.10, for example if i look on a youtube video and load up another site or what ever, its like a 30% chance the video will poof and become white. as if no flash is active16:13
shgadwaJust a hunch but I think my hard drive is going bad.16:13
MetaGodany ideas anyone?16:13
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abhijainIs there any one who can help me for full screen resoulution help for ubuntu 11.10 on vmware16:14
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:14
peppertail -f is giving me an error that it is indefinitly in effective16:14
abhijainI dont know how to run vmware tool on linux ubuntu 11.1016:14
BarkingFishshgadwa: if you check your fstab, you may find the disk you're having trouble with has the option  errors=remount-ro  attached to it.  You might want to check the drive over at reboot, which I believe you can force through fsck.16:15
compdocshgadwa, open disk util, and look at the SMART data. see if it says the disk is healthy (green) see if it has reallocated sectors16:15
Jack`ActionParsnip how do i change server16:15
RaTTuSabhijain see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware16:16
bastidrazorJack`: software sources > download from > find best server16:16
MetaGodOk it possible i am using 32bit flash, so i will try to install 64bit, But a question, do i need to uninstall the prior 32bit or will the 64 bit one override it?16:17
Jack`bastidrazor check query16:17
pepperRaTTus:when i  run the commands it gives me this warning. ail: warning: following standard input indefinitely is ineffective16:18
Jack`RaTTuS any more ideas16:22
lightais there a irc chan support for rapidsvn ?16:22
Jack`RaTTuS any more ideas16:26
Pici!alis | lighta16:26
ubottulighta: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*16:26
RaTTuSjack^_ no sorry16:27
RaTTuSbackj in 20 mins16:27
_calumHi. I accidentally installed Ubuntu alongside windows 7, I want it in its own partition. How do I remove that installation?16:28
AdvoWorkif ive plugged a USB HD into my ubuntu client pc, but it says that its the wrong FS type, can i format it/fix it so it is?16:28
SmartTowelLogged in this morning, and my virtual monitor taskbar is stuck at the top.  And yes, I did try right clicking it and moving it but the right click doesn't make any menu appear.  Anyone have any suggestions?16:28
Jack`SmartTowel try draging it16:28
htmlpuff have you tried lastfm?16:28
Jack`click with your mouse an drag it16:29
joesuffcerenpuff: thanks for the recommendation. have asked, now, there and here. Hopefully someone who is familiar with HFS and recovery tools can help me in one of the channels.16:31
Arizona_Baythere isnt skype for ubuntu 11.10?16:31
ActionParsnipArizona_Bay: sure there is16:31
webnetArizona_Bay, there is but you need to get it from the skype website16:31
_calumI assumed when I did the alongside windows 7 install it would put an uninstall icon in Win7, but it didn't. What do I do now?16:31
ActionParsnipArizona_Bay: grab the deb from www.skype.com16:31
SmartTowelJack, tried.16:31
Arizona_Bayim there, the only versions available are for 10.0416:31
jack^_dammit. imposter16:31
Arizona_Bayand there isnt a version in the software center16:31
SmartTowelits almost like its locked16:31
_MarcusTry that Arizona_Bay16:31
webnetArizona_Bay, i dont think its in the repos or software center16:32
webnetthe 10.04 will work fine Arizona_Bay16:32
Arizona_Bay64 bit or 32 bit?16:32
SmartTowelJACK, im using gnome with no effects.16:32
SmartTowelgnome 216:32
Jack`jack^_ you talking to me16:32
ActionParsnipArizona_Bay: for software centre, you need to enable partner repo16:32
webnetArizona_Bay, are you 32 or 634 bit ubuntu16:32
webnet*64 bit16:32
Jack`SmartTowel my ideas just ran out16:32
SmartTowelyes, to Jack'16:33
Arizona_BayWebnet I have no idea i know that i had 64 bit with windows 716:33
SmartTowelits not a big deal, but minimizing a window and seeing go up is just unnatural16:33
SmartTowelits annoying me lol16:33
Arizona_Bayill try 64 bit16:33
webnetArizona_Bay, open terminal and run this16:34
webnetuname -m16:34
_calumwait, think I've solved my issue16:34
webneti fyou see x86_64 you have 64 bit16:35
_calumnever mind :)16:35
webnetArizona_Bay, my last msg was for you16:35
dijonyummyis there a way to find out what may have caused kernel panic after i reboot16:35
scsheepanyone know how to solve the issue of data not being copied to a clip board when cutting and pasting ?16:35
ActionParsnipArizona_Bay: Ive seen softwzare centre install 32bit skype on 64bit ubuntu before16:35
scsheeponly started being a problem on the 11.04 update16:36
ActionParsnipscsheep: do you have parcellite installed and running?16:36
htmlpuff lastfm, spotify iheart radio16:36
OerHeksscsheep, i noticed this too, with a adblock-thingy enabled in chromium, it is called a protection.16:36
webnetActionParsnip, yeah im pretty sure (Correct me if im wrong here) installing 32 bit on a 64 bit OS is fine just not the other way around16:36
scsheepActionParsnip: not sure give me a sec16:36
ActionParsnipwebnet: it is but its good to match arch, especially when 64bit deb exists16:37
ActionParsnipscsheep: it sorts al copying and pasting :)16:37
scsheepinstalling it now :D16:37
webnetActionParsnip, yeah. i figured as much.16:37
scsheepActionParsnip: thats sorted it thankyou.16:38
Arizona_Bayit worked :) thanks16:38
ActionParsnipscsheep: np, personally I think it should be default, along with guake16:38
MonkeyDustand byobu16:40
scsheepused to use Yakuake, havent installed guake16:40
scsheepMonkeyDust: id be lost without byobu16:40
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MonkeyDustscsheep  we understand each other... friend16:41
ActionParsnipscsheep: same deal, just GTK based. Yakuake uses Qt16:42
ActionParsnipscsheep: tilde is a super light drop down terminal :)16:44
llutza ActionParsnip  tilda16:44
scsheepwill check it out thankyou16:44
woozlyguys, how to disable keyring on startup?16:45
woozlyI don't wanna type password any time I bootup16:45
ActionParsnipwoozly: set a blank password and it won't bother you16:45
ActionParsnipwoozly: for the keyring that is16:46
mainecoonwhy does a X terminal user not show in who or w list?16:46
woozlybut where to change a password?16:46
mainecoonI mean when u open up "Terminal" and type who or w, I don't see myself...does anybody know why?16:47
Deathbringerwhy gnome shows my my home folder instead of the desktop folder (on the desktop)?16:48
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compdocmainecoon, who do you see?16:48
mainecooncompdoc nobody16:49
mainecoonif I use xterm then I can see myself logged into a shell though16:49
compdocssh shows me16:49
mainecoonBut not when I use Ubuntu "Terminal"16:49
compdoclet me log in with vnc16:50
mainecoonThe Ubuntu Terminal is "xfce4-terminal"16:51
compdocohh, xfce16:51
puffTry who -a16:52
mainecoonbut how to get "w" to work?16:53
mainecoonAnd can u explain the mechanism of why it doesnt show the terminal user?16:53
woozlyGuys, does Ubuntu has way to change between spaces16:54
woozlyby 2/3 fingers on touchpad?16:54
puffmainecoon: http://askubuntu.com/questions/75333/why-doesnt-w-or-who-command-show-all-logged-in-users16:54
woozlylike in macos16:55
puffwoozly: Spaces?16:55
puffwoozly: You mean the virtal desktop stuff?16:55
woozlypuff, yeah16:55
puffwoozly: Ctrl-leftarrow, ctr-lrightarrow16:55
kvijayeddy10hdd of 320 gb is  full (  50gb of windows7 +  269gb of  vmware  vmdk file) , im left with 1gb to work.  how can  i switch to ubuntu  now ?16:55
woozlyI have multitouch touchpad16:55
puffwoozly:  I lied, ctrl-alt-left and ctr-alt-right16:55
puffwoozly: Ah, good question, dunno.16:55
hatimwoozly: you mean like ctrl+alt+right_arrow16:55
puffwoozly:  I hardly ever use the touchpad myself.16:56
woozlypuff, thanks16:56
mainecoonpuff: THANX!!16:56
woozlyhatim, thanks16:56
puffwoozly: But maybe there's a way to map a touchpad gesture to the same macro.16:56
annnacan anyone help me?16:57
scsheepthanks for your help guys, im out of here now16:57
annnain my programs bar i only see a small icon where there were programs executing16:58
annnawhen i click this icon i expand the programs and can access16:58
annnabut i would like the other way16:58
annnaanyone help?16:58
xaxmk hello everyone. I need  help with wireless card on ubuntu 10.4 . I have an HP pavilion dv5 1040ev . The wlan button is deactivated and greyed out on the menu. It doesnt work whatsoever, and rfkill unblock all didnt help either. I have to activate it but i dont have an ethernet connection so..16:59
kvijayeddy10hi someone help me ...plz17:00
kvijayeddy10hdd of 320 gb is  full (  50gb of windows7 +  269gb of  vmware  vmdk file) , im left with 1gb to work.  how can  i switch to ubuntu  now ?17:00
Jack`kvijayeddy10 i think you cant :P17:01
Jack`but i never tryed it so17:01
RaTTuSkvijayeddy10 - 1) buy more HD space or 2) delete some crud17:01
kvijayeddy10want to replace windows7 with ubuntu retaining vmdk file (of size 269gb)17:01
xaxmCan someone help me with wireless network card?17:02
yeehawExternal harddrive? Copy it to another server17:02
_MarcusHow do I set permissions for a directory and it's directories inside of it from terminal?17:02
yeehawxaxm: Do you see it with iwconfig?17:02
_MarcusI want to make it be writable for my FTP user17:03
xaxm"yeehaw i dont know. i see it with lspci17:03
yeehaw_Marcus: Chown -R user:group *17:03
xaxmits just deactivated and the touch button doesnt work.17:03
RaTTuS_Marcus sudo chmod -R 777 direcotry for example17:03
yeehawxaxm: iwconfig in terminal17:03
xaxmgive me a sec17:03
yeehawxaxm: If you see it then you could try iwconfig wlan0 up17:04
mainecoonpuff: how is xfce4-terminal related to LightDM though?17:05
RaTTuSkvijayeddy10 usb HD cna help a load ....17:05
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: can full install ubuntu on hdd, keeping old vmdk file (large size) intact on hdd17:05
RaTTuSkvijayeddy10 are they on seperate partitions ?17:06
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: 269gb of vmdk will take 4hrs to come back onto hdd from usb drive17:06
_MarcusThank you RaTTuS and yeehaw17:06
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: on single partition now17:06
perlsyntaxIs there a PPA for python 2.7.2 on ubuntu 10.10?17:06
kvijayeddy10ntfs on windows717:06
ActionParsnip!ppa | perlsyntax17:07
ubottuperlsyntax: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa17:07
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: check the link, handy search17:07
RaTTuSkvijayeddy10 your probably out of luck - though making a backup onto exteral HD will save heartache later17:07
yeehaw_Marcus: Don't chmod everything to 777 btw, It will become world readable editable17:07
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: already i have vmdk file on usb drive17:08
perlsyntaxi just look under python 2.7 if i am right.17:08
mainecoonIs anyone running 11.10 that can test something real quick please?17:08
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: i can install ubuntu and put vmdk back on hdd from usb drive but it takes 4hrs of time as vmdk file is large size of 269gb17:09
BarkingFish_Marcus: you can set those numbers yourself - it's pretty easy.  the first is what root can do, the second is you, and the third is other users.17:09
RaTTuSkvijayeddy10 ... ok ... your still out of luck really unless the installer can shrink the extising paration17:09
davemacmay be a silly question but does 11.10 have wobbly windows yet ?17:09
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llutzBarkingFish: s/root/owner/17:09
compdocmainecoon, such as?17:09
BarkingFishsorry, llutz - apologies17:09
llutzBarkingFish: permission are owner-group-everyone17:09
_Marcusyeehaw: I didn't, I did "chown -R username /directory" and it worked17:09
mainecooncompdoc can u open xfce4-terminal, type w, and tell me if u see yourself..and then repeat with xterm17:10
Goeland86guys, I have a serious problem - I wanted to format a partition to install Linux on, and accidentally formatted my data partition instead :( Is there any way I can recover the NTFS partition and my data?17:10
compdocmainecoon, as far as I know, xfce is not a part of 11.10, is it?17:10
RaTTuSGoeland86 - probably not .... [well not easily]17:11
BarkingFisheach number's built from adding others together - read is 4, write is 2 and execute is 1.  you add what you want the permission to be, for each one - owner, group and everyone else.17:11
compdocyou can install it, but it doesnt come with it17:11
sipiorGoeland86: gah. if it's already formatted, you're in a fair bit of trouble.17:11
mainecooncompdoc I added package Xubuntu-desktop17:11
compdocmaybe Im thinking of the worng thing17:11
yeehawGoeland86: Helix, easy recover will sometimes help17:11
yeehawIf you didn't write anything to it after that17:11
perlsyntaxLoook like no one knows thank for the help.17:11
compdocmainecoon, yeah. I use gnome or unity17:11
_MarcusI want to make it so that a user can only access a directory and it's directories under it, not / and all of it's directories. How would I do this?17:12
BarkingFishllutz: sorry, I'm up to my head with flu and a fever. I can barely see straight, let alone think straight :P17:12
mainecooncompdoc But I think it was in regular ubuntu login too..I could be wrong tho17:12
Goeland86RaTTuS, sipior it was only a high level format - shouldn't have modified (much) data17:12
yeehaw_Marcus, that's done with chown17:12
Goeland86yeehaw, helix you say?17:12
Goeland86I'll give that a shot17:12
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS:  can i boot from bootable usb of ubuntu and try demo before install, can i at that time could see hdd partition ?17:12
mainecoonIsn't XFCE default in regular ubuntu as well?17:12
_Marcusyeehaw: What do you mean?17:12
yeehaw_Marcus: you chown the directories that the user needs to access to that user with. chown user:group17:12
RaTTuS_Marcus sudo chown -R user:group17:12
sipior Goeland86: probably not, but don't expect a complete recovery.17:12
BarkingFishsiavoshkc: Turn your caps lock off please :)17:13
RaTTuSkvijayeddy10 yes you should eb able to see it ...17:13
sipiorsiavoshkc: that would make it difficult to get any work done.17:13
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: if i could see hdd at that time, i will  remove window7 related stuff, it will increase space17:13
yeehaw_Marcus: But you will have to create a seperate group for that user, if he's in your standard users he can access every file normal users can17:13
office3I set my computer to suspend, and when I just tried to wake it up, it only has a blank screen. What do I do?17:13
sipiorGoeland86: restoring from backups is vastly cheaper/more reliable/faster17:13
siavoshkcsipior: no17:13
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: i will get 51gb free space ( 320gb -269gb = 51gb)17:13
Goeland86sipior, well I have a LOT of data, some of it that hasn't made it to backups (like a tarball of my gentoo system)17:14
RaTTuSkvijayeddy10 it will be NTFS so not useful for ubuntu17:14
BarkingFishoffice3: which environment are you using? Unity, Gnome, XFCE?  You may just be able to switch to a terminal and restart your display manager17:14
yeehaw_Marcus: Also, look at this: http://mpm-itk.sesse.net/17:14
siavoshkcuse a recovery application17:14
kvijayeddy10i willl re-boot and install ubuntu ( choosing install ubuntu sidewise to existing windows paritition ) on free space available17:14
office3BarkingFish: gnome I think17:14
RaTTuSok ... time for cake and beer - I may be sometime ....17:15
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: after that can i see windows paritition and vmdk file or not later ?17:15
Goeland86sipior, do you think there's any danger if I use windows 7 tools from another partition to recover it?17:15
sipiorsiavoshkc: the point is, you've already done a great deal of writing to a formatted partition. that horse has left the barn.17:15
Goeland86I'm flat out of options otherwise17:15
BarkingFishright, office3 - try pressing CTRL, ALT & F1 at the same time, and see if you get a terminal pop up17:15
bolo56hail !! people of this channel !17:15
sipiorGoeland86: don't see why there would be.17:15
jiffe98there anyway of determining what is driving the load on a machine17:15
jiffe98I'm not seeing anything that looks heavier than normal17:15
victor__Hello, I have som problems with my 3 mobile broadband. It's the huwai e122. It connects and works for an hour or so, then it starts acting real strange, not loading sites etc. And If I just stay connected, after li 30 mins it starts working again. Any ideas?17:15
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Goeland86sipior, thanks. I'll give that a shot. I'll bug you if I run into anymore trouble17:16
sipiorGoeland86: i don't see the problem getting any worse, at any rate :-)17:16
ActionParsnipvictor__: when it misbehaves, run:  dmesg | tail     it may give clues17:16
mainecoonCAN ANYONE RUNNING UBUNTU 11.10 PLEASE TRY TO: open "xfce4-terminal", type "w", and tell me if u see yourself..and then repeat with "xterm" PLEASE17:16
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: my only concern is to save my ass of re-putting large file vmdk ( of size 269gb) onto 320gb hdd ...it takes 4hrs of time17:16
puffmainecoon: Are you still on that?17:16
jiffe98sitting around 50% idle, still a good amount of memory open17:16
victor__Alright, I will try that and see if I can connect again17:16
jiffe98disk io doens't seem bad17:16
BarkingFishvictor__: you may be having network issues, 3 is pretty congested sometimes - you may want to perform a manual roam (look for a better network signal) and try again.17:17
office3BarkingFish: I can't get a terminal to pop up17:17
ActionParsnipmainecoon: try in #xubuntu too, they will more than likely have xfce4-terminal17:17
mainecoonpuff Yeah cause what u sent talks about a LightDM issue17:17
yeehawjiff98: ps auxf and see what's being used?17:17
BarkingFishwhat are you on now, office3?17:17
BarkingFishAs in, how are you connected to us?17:17
puffmainecoon: Yes?17:17
office3BarkingFish: I'm on another computer nearby17:17
victor__But is the same here at work as it is at home, I google search told me it might have to be with the dhcp leasing?17:17
puffmainecoon: It might be useful, then, for you to google on something like  "what is lightdm"17:17
bolo56which time is christmas in the U.S ?17:18
victor__That when the ip is renevewed it doesnt catch ip17:18
BarkingFishllutz: Display blanked in a DM, if you switch out to a TTY, it should still come up, right?17:18
puffmainecoon: Also, I should point out that you're using xfce because you're using xubuntu-desktop, so #xubuntu might be more helpful.17:18
mainecoonpuff I tried17:18
BarkingFishunless you get to a TTY a different way to us :)17:18
_MarcusSo I did "sudo chown -R user:group /directory" and the user can still access files in /var and such17:18
puffmainecoon: lightDM is a display manager (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM).  It's sort of the underpinnings of the GUI.17:19
_MarcusAnd I created the group already17:19
puffmainecoon: So your windowmanager runs on X and X is managed by lightDM.17:19
mainecoonpuff So when I launch xfce4-terminal, LightDM is affected, and xterm doesn't affect LightDM?17:19
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ActionParsnip!away > seanr|away17:19
ubottuseanr|away, please see my private message17:19
mainecoonpuff Right17:19
mainecoonpuff But under this very same environment, two terminal clients are behaving differently17:20
puffmainecoon: Because lightDM runs X and the display manager, when you to go login, you're actually talking to lightDM, and then lightDM starts up X and Unity (or in your case, XFCE).17:20
SunTsu_Marcus: you would need to take away rights on /var - but I advise to not to do that, given your level of knowledge you might severely damage your system17:20
llutz_Marcus: you want to chroot ftp-users to a dir17:21
puffmainecoon: Ergo, housekeeping related to your X login is done by lightDM.  Part of that housekeeping is that lightDM is supposed to udpate utmp, but apparently it doesn't.  utmp is where who/w looks to see who's logged in.17:21
_MarcusSunTsu: No, it's not just /var, it's all the directories besides the one I want it to only access. It can still access the one I want it to only access, but it can also access all the other ones17:21
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kvijayeddy10RaTTuS:  can u clear this to me ?17:21
puffmainecoon: Obviously one terminal does update utmp, the other doesn't.17:21
SunTsu_Marcus: what llutz just said, you basically are looking for a chroot() setup17:21
ActionParsnip!rootirc > Guest2533817:21
ubottuGuest25338, please see my private message17:21
llutz_Marcus: even better, you don't want to use ftp at all :)17:22
SunTsu_Marcus: chroot restricts users to a single directory tree17:22
SunTsullutz: even more true17:22
puffmainecoon: see  https://lists.launchpad.net/desktop-packages/msg32679.html and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+bug/86138817:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 864609 in vte (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #861388 libvte9 fails to record utmp/login entries" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:22
kvijayeddy10RaTTuS: incase i could put ubuntu on 51gb and see remaining ntfs parition  having large vmdk file, can i change ntfs parition  to ubuntu's parition without losing files ?? i mean merging of two paritions of different partitions to ubuntu wihtout losing ntfs parition files17:23
mainecoonpuff Thanks for the leads again! Going to do more research now on this issue17:23
puffmainecoon: Any way you slice it, it's because of a bug. It doesn't seem to be a showstopper.17:23
puffI really wish I understood all of this login manager, window manager, etc stuff, better.17:24
mainecoonpuff Well it seems to be a potential security issue, and I wanted to pursue it to better understand the whole reporting mechanism17:24
OsmodivsHello. I want to lear C++, so I installed GTK+3.  All I didi is the classic ./configure make and make install, but I do not know where the "executable" is. I know there is a way to set a path in ./configure --prefix, But I do not know how to. I want GTK+3 to be in my Menu>Programming. How do I do that? In the GTK's web page says I need to do this:  ./configure --prefix=/opt/gtk  But I do not even know what path is that for17:25
ActionParsnippuff: it's layers really, simple stuff17:26
office3so I still can't get my computer to come out of suspend or get a terminal17:26
ActionParsnipoffice3: does CTRL+ALT+F1 work?17:26
BarkingFishActionParsnip: I tried that with him - that was my first thought, drop to a tty and restart the dm :)17:31
gardenfoxdoes anyone know where i can find vmware player 4 for ubuntu?17:31
ActionParsnipBarkingFish: fo sho17:31
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware17:31
SunTsuOsmodivs: why on earth don't you just take ubuntu's gtk?17:32
BarkingFishActionParsnip: seems a bit odd that DPMS doesn't bring the monitor back to a display.17:32
OsmodivsSunTsu: Well, GTK+3 is the newest,17:32
dr_willisif you are just learning C++ shouldent you be learning like.. helloworld and other beginner stuff ?17:33
SunTsuOsmodivs: which you of course are in serious need of when trying to learn C++, I see17:33
ActionParsnipBarkingFish: suspend is a pain if it doesn't work OOTB17:33
OsmodivsSunTsu: And, How do I run GTK from the Terminal?17:33
office3ActionParsnip: sorry, no, CTRL+ALT+F1 doesn't work17:33
ActionParsnipoffice3: is it a laptop?17:33
SunTsuOsmodivs: you don't run gtk, it's a likrary17:33
dr_willisOsmodivs:  gtk is not a program. its a set of libraries...17:33
SunTsulibrary even17:33
ActionParsnipSunTsu: it's a toolkit (hence the name ;))17:34
dr_willis!compile > Osmodivs17:34
ubottuOsmodivs, please see my private message17:34
office3ActionParsnip: yes it is a laptop17:34
SunTsuOsmodivs: maybe you might want to get a grasp of what you are doing before trying that?17:34
dr_willisOsmodivs:  do you have any programing experience at all?17:34
ActionParsnipoffice3: what make and model?17:34
SunTsuActionParsnip: That answer would have resulted in me explaining what a toolkit is17:34
ActionParsnipSunTsu: I guess17:34
Osmodivsdr_willis: Zero, but the GTK+3 website mekes it look easy17:34
Osmodivsand fun17:35
SunTsuActionParsnip: therefore: "library" - it's true none the less and more people know what that might be17:35
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: have a try :)17:35
dr_willisOsmodivs:  I think you need to start with somthing smaller...  perhaps even learn python first..17:35
ActionParsnipSunTsu: easier to explain is always useful17:35
office3Dell 158017:35
Osmodivsdr_willis: But C++ is the must learn language... Ok. So I thought GTK+3 was a GUI taht let you type commands of IF, GO TO and stuff and then run them there17:36
SunTsuOsmodivs: no, gtk lets you build a gui for your own program, it gives you the programming tools17:37
ninjixanyone running squid-deb-proxy?17:38
=== seanr|away is now known as seanr
ninjixhaving a problem with hash sum mismatch errors17:38
yeehawOsmodivs: I think you mean a terminal :P17:38
ActionParsnipoffice3: is "dell 1580" the full model name?17:39
ActionParsnipoffice3: sure it's not a lattitude or an inspiron or somesuch?17:40
office3sorry studio 1558 I think...17:40
office3let me look up my email invoice17:40
OsmodivsWell, I thought I needed GTK+3 because I was following a tutorial and all I could get was this: ./c: line 1: //: Is a directory  ./c: line 2: //: Is a directory  ./c: line 3: //: Is a directory  ./c: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `('./c: line 4: `// Fahrenheit = Celsius * (212 - 32)/100 + 32'17:41
seanrubottu, sorry, linkinus was doing that automatically.  Turned it off. :-)17:41
ubottuseanr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:41
Osmodivsi thought bash could not read C++17:41
SunTsuOsmodivs: er, you were pasting c++ to the shell?17:41
DemonWitchi installed gnome-shell package but when i run gnome from login i got graphic problems on the shell. what can i do?17:41
yeehawOsmodivs: gcc file.c -o program17:41
OsmodivsSunTsu: No, it is a txt file17:42
DonovanI am running Ubuntu 11.10 and need a plug& Play wireless adapter can anyone suggest one?17:42
SunTsuOsmodivs: please, grab yourself a beginner's book about development on unix systems17:42
yeehawSunTsu: What doe the file contain? Put it in pastebin or sumthing17:42
dr_willisOsmodivs:  i think you need to  follow what SunTsu  said.. :)17:42
spajderixdoes any one of you have a problem connecting to facebookchat from pidgin?17:42
yeehawErr i Meant Osmodivs17:42
OsmodivsSunTsu: Actually, I was following the tutorial from "C++ for dummies"17:42
dr_willisOsmodivs:  personally i would start with python. Jumping into  C++ with NO programing experiance at all.. will be.. difficult.17:43
llutzOsmodivs: you want to join ##c++17:43
OsmodivsBut it s Windows oriented17:43
SunTsuOsmodivs: which probably is written for windows dummies ;)17:43
dr_willisDummines and for Idiots books.. are often not worth the Money.17:43
ActionParsnipoffice3: try pressing the switch to monitor key a few times til it switches, may make it wake up17:43
yeehawOrsmodivs: The head first books are pretty awesome, if you just want to start out17:43
DonovanI am running Ubuntu 11.10 and need a plug& Play wireless adapter can anyone suggest one?17:43
ActionParsnipDonovan: PCI or USB?17:44
ActionParsnipDonovan: http://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/penguin-80211g-usb-wireless-network-adapter17:45
ActionParsnipDonovan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported17:45
DonovanThank you17:45
=== geirha_ is now known as geirha
office3ActionParsnip: no change17:48
ActionParsnipoffice3: may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1265428&page=217:49
ActionParsnipoffice3: also make sure you have the latest BIOS17:49
Exxonhi there...:))17:49
Exxoncome on..17:52
lotherkhi there.17:52
yeehawFeel better now?17:52
Yanch0guys how can i set up wifi to conenct straight away and not done manually?17:52
Exxon!ask yeehaw17:52
yeehawErrr !answer Exxon?17:53
ExxonYanch0, why are you afraid of the terminal17:53
Yanch0Exxon, not particularly afraid no17:53
DemonWitchi installed gnome-shell package but when i run gnome from login i got graphic problems on the shell. what can i do?17:54
Exxonyacho0 so what is that is annoying you even the gui17:54
Yanch0that i want the box to connect to the network automatically - so then i can remote into it .. not do it manually17:55
fachexHello Ubuntu fellows!17:56
fachexhelp with Boradcom NIC BCM5721 Ubuntu 11.10...17:56
ExxonYacch0 i does connect once you just specifiy the passowrd17:56
fachexhelp with Boradcom NIC BCM5721 Ubuntu 11.10?? I guess help installing any card in general17:57
Yanch0can't i save the pasword in some file ? i basically want it to start the connection straight away17:57
sipiorYanch0: have a look at the man page for "interfaces"; also "man 7 wireless" and "man 8 iwconfig".17:57
yeehawFachex: do you see that card if you type iwconfig?17:57
fachexit is not wireless17:57
fachexi see it on the lspci17:57
fachexbut not on the ifconfig17:58
yeehawlol, I overlooked that17:58
fachexit should have been detected17:58
ExxonYanch0, that what i said once you connect with the password there is no need to reconnect hte AP17:58
fachexI never have problem with NIC17:58
fachexthis is the first time17:58
Matt040804What is the significance of the white triangles/arrows in the chat menu?17:58
Yanch0Exxon, yes but ocne set up i wont have physical access to the machine nymore17:58
OerHeksfachex, it should be recognised >> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci:1659:14E4-NETWORK17:59
Matt040804By which I mean the mail-icon on the top of the screen. Does it show that the program is open, or connected, or something else?17:59
OerHeksfachex, check the cable ?17:59
ExxonYaanch0 wireless or wired17:59
fachexit does not say anything17:59
fachex., I already google17:59
DemonWitchI installed gnome-shell package but when i login using it i got graphic problems. what is this?17:59
fachexsoo that's why I am here17:59
fachexoh I see it now in the ifconfig!18:00
xanscalehi to all, need help: i have problem with gnome-shell, ubuntu 11.10, vga radeon hd 4350, proprietary driver. anyone can help?18:00
ActionParsnipfachex: lspci just diaplys the identifier of the device, it doesn't mean its working18:00
fachexit is not working18:00
fachexbut before I did not even see it there18:00
* conntrack yawns18:01
ActionParsnipMatt040804: its just a python script, it talks to evolution, thunderbird etc, you can configure it for other stuff18:01
fachexso, what's next?18:01
yeehawFachex: modprobe the driver if you can find it?18:01
ActionParsnipfachex: run:  sudo lshw -C network       use the product line to find guides18:01
shovellhey i have a toshiba satellite and i cant get touchpad drivers help!18:01
fachexhelp me with modprobe yeehaw18:01
yeehawdo you know what driver it is/18:02
ActionParsnipshovell: which satellite?18:02
ActionParsnipshovell: does it work any?18:02
office3ActionParsnip: should I just reboot?18:02
Yanch0ouch - the problem is worst than at first tought - i followed this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v3 but its not loading the module - have to manually write it myself18:02
fachexno, I don't yeehaw18:03
Exxonyeehaw, lspci -v     paste the output to www.pastebin.org18:03
ActionParsnipoffice3: I would18:03
fachexI mean it is the broadcome BVM572118:03
yeehawfachex: I'll be back in 30 minutes, got to get out off the bus now.18:03
shovellActionParsnip:  c655d-s5126 yes it works it just is not recognizing it as a touchpad18:03
ActionParsnipYanch0: add the module name in the file /etc/modules  and it will load at boot18:03
fachexhey ActionParsnip, I did the sudo lshw 'C network18:04
ActionParsnipshovell: just because hardware is recognised as something doesn't mean it will work18:04
fachexnow what?18:04
mutesscroll to the linux part18:04
mutesso proud18:04
FloodBot1mutes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
shovellActionParsnip:  ???what???18:04
Exxonfachex, can you pin point the module of the broadcom as its default and can run normally18:04
ActionParsnipfachex: use the model line to find guides18:05
fachexExxon, how do I do that?18:05
ActionParsnipshovell: all your hardware will tell you what it is, doesn't mean its going to run as expected18:05
Matt040804ActionParsnip: I just don't understand why they sometimes have white triangles next to the programs, and sometimes not18:05
fachexthe driver is tg318:05
Exxonfachex, just paste bin lspci -v18:05
ActionParsnipMatt040804: white triangles where?18:06
ActionParsnipfachex: then run:  echo "tg3" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules18:06
Matt040804Next to the programs in the "email/chat menu"18:06
psinghHello.  I am using MonoDevelop 2.4 on Ubuntu 11.04. How can I get GTK libraries when I create a Vala Solution in MonoDevelop?  (I tried the #vala and #monodevelop channels, but did not get an answer.  Thought someone here might know the answer.)18:06
shovellActionParsnip: i know that.... i cant find a hardware list where i might be able to fix this18:06
rodemireHi guys, can someone please help me with config files?18:07
Matt040804ActionParsnip: Sometimes the "chat" entry has a white arrow/triangle pointing to it, and other times it doesn't. Does it indicate that the program is open or something?18:07
rodemire I installed an app called 'tourney-manager', i started it and it gives me an error 'Cannot open example.conf: No such file or directory'18:07
rodemireIts a game, how can i resolve this?18:07
compdocrodemire, theres millions of config files18:07
fachexI did that ActionParsnip, now what?18:08
rodemire@compdoc: I installed an app called 'tourney-manager', i started it and it gives me an error 'Cannot open example.conf: No such file or directory'. Its a game, how can i resolve this?18:08
ActionParsnipshovell: can you expand the question please18:08
seidosrodemire: i dunno, but you could try running the program from a terminal to see if you can locate the example.conf file and where it needs to be18:09
shovellActionParsnip:  in windows there is a hardware manager  i am running ubuntu 10.10 and i remember i found something similar in 9.04 i think18:10
Yanch0ActionParsnip, that fixed it :) that tutorial says ubuntu 8.04 - strange :S but adding ndiswrapper as a module got it working - many thanks :)18:10
compdocrodemire, dont know that game, or where to find an example conf for it18:10
shovellActionParsnip:  bottom line my mouse is recognized as a regular mouse not a touchpad18:11
rodemire@seidos: tourney-manager runs from the terminal, it doesnt give me the directory where it wants the .conf to be, thats where i hit a brick wall. I tried everywhere, from my /home directory, the /usr/share/tourney-manager directory but it still gives me the same error.18:11
Exxonwhy the ppl want to troll the session..18:11
ActionParsnipshovell: ok, let me search, see what toshes need to make touchpads work18:12
MonkeyDustshovell  in synaptic or in terminal, search gpoint18:12
shovellActionParsnip:  thank you18:13
fachexActionParsnip i did the echo "tg3".... and now?18:13
rodemire@compdoc: The example.conf comes with the game in /usr/share/doc/tourney-manager/ its to use as an example for creating your own .conf files.18:13
MonkeyDustgpointing-device-settings - configuration tool for pointing devices18:13
compdocrodemire, sounds reasonable18:14
shovellMonkeyDust: looking18:14
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rodemire@compdoc: lol. Where do most game .conf files go?18:14
yeehawfachex: back, hows it going18:14
fachexsame yeehaw18:15
fachexI am testing the cable18:15
fachexbecause it is detected18:15
yeehawDon't bother, if you don't see it in ifconfig18:15
yeehawIt's not about the cable18:15
ActionParsnipshovell: press Fn+F9   does it now work...18:15
fachexI see it now18:16
compdocrodemire, I dont have any games. if it doesnt go in /etc/ somewhere, I have no idea. Not in the same folder as the game?18:16
ActionParsnipshovell: your system probably has a shortcut combo to disable touchpad, press it18:16
shovellnot what i mean i want to turn off the tap to click function18:16
fachexit could be the cable18:16
fachexlet's see18:16
yeehawfachex: try ifconfig eth0 up18:16
MonkeyDustshovell  did you find gpointing-device?18:16
yeehawor what the name of the device is18:17
yeehawoff course18:17
shovellMonkeyDust:  yes18:17
rodemire@compdoc: I tried that and it still didnt change the eror. #sigh I'll keep on trying all the folders i can think of. Thanks.18:17
MonkeyDustshovell  is it useful for you18:17
Exxonchannel operator !!!18:17
compdocrodemire, maybe you just have to rename example.cong to the right name18:18
yeehawfachex: What does ifconfig give? eth0 or eth1?18:18
ActionParsnipshovell: its in the mouse options, search in dash18:18
yeehawDoes anything change if you do ifconfig eth0 up?18:18
fachexgive me a second yeehaw, it looks like it is the cable18:18
shovellMonkeyDust:  not really but it does tell me that it sees my toushpad as a logitech ps2 mouse18:19
yeehawfachex: If that isn't it, try: dhclient eth018:19
bolo56how to disable or delete guest logon ?18:19
shovellMonkeyDust: how can i correct this18:20
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fachexthat was it!!18:20
fachexit was the cable yeehaw18:20
fachexthanks so much18:20
fachexUBUNTU has the best community18:20
yeehawno problem, I didn't fix anything :P18:20
ActionParsnipshovell: found the boot option:  acpi=ht   which may help too18:20
fachexthanks guys!18:20
fachexI wish I know as much you guys18:21
greenpuddinhello people18:21
fachexone day18:21
fachexbye all18:21
bcuraboyhi everyone18:21
ActionParsnipshovell: or try the boot option: acpi=copy_dsdt18:21
xiroschHello. I built metapackages with a lot of dependencies. Installation works fine, but when I add some packages in the dependency list and increase the version number only a full-upgrade seems to install additional packages. aptitude safe-upgrade  --safe-resolver --allow-new-upgrades --allow-new-installs does not. Any hints for me why?18:21
bcuraboyi would like to create a windows 7 image on a usb with ubuntu 11.1018:22
bcuraboywhich program let me do that?18:22
shovellActionParsnip:  is there a way i can tell it that it is not a logitech ps2 mouse but really a touchpad?18:22
ActionParsnipshovell: Ive seen this a few times, if you formulate an xorg.conf you can explicitly tell it18:23
shovellActionParsnip:  uhhhh hmm still kinda a noob here18:24
hydesteranybody have suggestions on how to do security updates on lucid via CD?  i've looked at reprepro, but kernel updates were missing dependencies.  perhaps there is a more straightforward way somebody can suggest?18:24
ActionParsnipshovell: searching will show you examples18:24
bcuraboyi would like to create a windows 7 image on a usb with ubuntu 11.1018:25
ActionParsniphydester: try:  sudo apt-get -f install18:25
fachexbye all18:25
bolo56how to disable " switch user " ?18:25
yeehawbolo56: Why would you do that?18:26
bolo56server installatin18:26
bolo56not a desktop18:26
bolo56how to stop another session from starting up ?18:27
MonkeyDustbcuraboy  windows has winbuilder, i don't think it's possible with ubuntu18:27
yeehawbolo56: But.. You might want seperate user for seperate services I'd imagine18:28
bcuraboysomeone just told me about unetbootin18:28
bcuraboyhow about that?18:28
ActionParsnipbcuraboy: it won't cater to Windows, have you asked in ##windows18:29
MonkeyDustbcuraboy  unetbootin needs an iso18:30
bcuraboyand i have it ;)18:30
greenpuddinquick question; anyone know how to make a fat32 partition mount at startup in ubuntu 10.04?18:31
bcuraboyyes i've asked in windows,that's where they told me about unetbootin18:31
Wiz_KeeDanyone know why i cannot open a .odt file with libreoffice in ubuntu 10.4 even though i am part of the group that the file is created from and i have rw permissions on it?18:32
Wiz_KeeDi mean it's readonly18:32
Wiz_KeeDi cannot edit it18:32
greenpuddindid you right click the file and make sure that libreoffice is the default program to open from?18:32
greenpuddinwait you are talking about permissions18:32
ActionParsnipgreenpuddin: you can add it in /etc/fstab18:32
Wiz_KeeDi can edit it apparently with some other editor what the hell18:33
ActionParsnipWiz_KeeD: if you make yourself the owner (to test) is it ok?18:33
omarumy ubuntu machine is making a weird noise its sounds something like WHOOMMPPP WHOOMPPPP WHOOOMMMPPP18:35
omarudo you think it has anything to do with me playing PHAT BASSSSS on Bansheee18:36
hydesterActionParsnip: what i am trying to do is an "apt-get dist-upgrade" or "aptitude full-upgrade" via proxy (CD on disconnected machine).18:36
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ActionParsnipomaru: are the fans clean? Is the drive healthy18:37
arkyHow do I format a thumb drive with ubuntu?18:38
phschwartzHi all, if I wanted to add a cron that runs friday -> monday can I do it as 5-1 or do I have to do 5-7,1 or 1,5-7?18:38
ActionParsniparky: use gparted18:39
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arkyActionParsnip, I've been trying.  It declares the need for a new partition table, but doesn't actually install one.18:39
ActionParsniparky: exactly, so make a partition table and you are ready to rock18:40
omarui think i got a malware on my ubuntu18:40
icerootphschwartz: man 5 crontab18:40
arkyomaru, if you did, you just about had to install it yourself.18:40
icerootphschwartz: and 1,5-7 sounds correct from the syntax18:40
ActionParsnipomaru: unlikely18:40
ActionParsnipomaru: what symptoms do you have?18:40
luisthey guys... im trying to run gpg --key-gen but its taking too long. i've used a lot the disk, the keyboard and such but nothing happens... any idea??18:42
phschwartziceroot: That is what I thought from the man page, I was just wondering if I could also do it the other way 5-1 instead of having to use a list.18:42
icerootphschwartz: no18:42
SunTsuluist: what key size do you use and what do you call "too long"?18:43
icerootphschwartz: only from lower values to higher values18:43
hanasakihow / where do you set the MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT to true in exim4 with split config files?18:43
luistSunTsu, half an hour? i set they keysize for 102418:43
SunTsuluist: that should end in a reasonable time, 30 minutes is insane18:44
phschwartziceroot: ty18:44
arkyActionParsnip, I figured it out.  had to unmount the thing from terminal.18:45
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ActionParsniparky: nice, yeah you can't format a partition/device with mounted things on. Suprised gparted didn't offer that to you18:46
arkyActionParsnip, likewise.  and I didn't want to try to do it from the launcher, nautilus, or pcmanfm.18:47
omaruyup i got malware everytime i send an email it sends weird links18:48
ActionParsniparky: gparted has the option if you right click a partition18:48
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KLquestion on color prompt. The default blue color and black background is difficult to read on my screen. How do I change it? It appears in vi with comment text. ie. #xxxxx18:48
omarumust have been from all the tweaks i tried18:49
pazitkaHi. I have terminal emulator "Terminator". I want to use layout (subwindows - Vim, g++, execution). How can I save such session so I can run it instantly ?18:49
ActionParsnipKL: in gnome-terminal?18:50
KLi ssh into the server18:50
ActionParsnipKL: do you SSH via putty or just terminal?18:51
arkyActionParsnip, Yes, but it was blacked out.  the drive had a persistent openSUSE 12.1 Gnome 3 install on it.18:52
Darkmanhi there18:52
KLActionParsnip: the other colors are fine. Just the #xxx text in a file are hard to read.18:53
ActionParsnipKL: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.53b/htmldoc/Chapter4.html#4.1218:53
ActionParsnipKL: So if you are like me, go to Category: Window > Colours and select ANSI Blue in the Select a colour to adjust to Red:74 Green:74 Blue:255. I do the same for ANSI Blue Bold to Red:140 Green:140 Blue:255.18:53
ActionParsnipKL: http://dag.wieers.com/blog/improving-putty-settings-on-windows18:54
Pengu1n_Phr0zenI want someone to do me a favour.18:54
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Darkmani'm having an issue using nfs mountpoints in fstab at boot time on lucid lts, it always fails because it looks like the nfs mount is done way to early. I found a couple of bugs in the bugtrack but no real solution - anyone knows about it?18:54
Pengu1n_Phr0zenI want someone to give me regular privileges on their *nix box so I can test my SSH tunnelling.18:54
SMJWhy is Ubuntu still using libpng 1.2.x?18:55
PiciKL: change your vim colorscheme?18:55
Eighteensquestion, when i curl localhost OPTIONS it returns something way different than i expected, can someone have a look. http://paste.ubuntu.com/770353/18:55
PiciSMJ: What would you have expected us to use? 1.5? thats only in debian experimental at the moment.18:57
KLActionParsnip: Pici: Thank you. http://dag.wieers.com/blog/improving-putty-settings-on-windows this did the trick...I was able to set a lighter blue color. Now, more readable on putty.18:58
llutzPengu1n_Phr0zen: "ssh grex.org"18:59
Pengu1n_Phr0zenllutz, WTF?18:59
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Pengu1n_Phr0zenllutz, Are you in my box because that's exactly where I'm at ATM.18:59
helly__Help! ..19:00
ActionParsnip!help | helly__19:00
ubottuhelly__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:00
helly__I cant connect to my new ubuntu server from the outside. The ports are open in the router19:00
helly__I've even added the ports to iptables19:00
ActionParsniphelly__: have you tried rebooting your router (and modem if needed)19:01
helly__What is the command to view incomming connections (blocked ones)19:01
omaruis someone hacking us on the ubuntu channel??19:01
Piciomaru: Why do you ask?19:01
helly__ActionParsnip: No, there is no need. If I change the IP to my Windows computer I can connect to that port.19:01
KLdoes anyone have experience with setting up virtualization with kvm?19:01
ActionParsniphelly__: can you connect to the service over LAN (from a different PC)?19:01
helly__ActionParsnip: yes19:01
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM19:02
omaruall of the ip's19:02
ActionParsniphelly__: I suggest you check your router, a reboot may be useful. A lot of home grade things need rebooting to get them to play nice19:02
iranianGood day , wana use sartuo disk creator but .iso file  does not attach in it , why19:02
MonkeyDustomaru  what is your real question19:02
icerootomaru: what does an ip has to do with hacking?19:03
office3should I sudo apt-get install laptop-mode-tools  on my laptop?19:03
ActionParsnipiranian: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?19:03
helly__ActionParsnip: I'll give it a go. But there is no need for that. It worked well before I reinstalled my server from 10.04 to 11.1019:03
iranianActionParsnip: it's ok19:03
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omaruwell its our internet address19:03
ActionParsnipiranian: try unetbootin19:04
icerootomaru: i guess its a good idea to do some reading what "hacking" means19:04
Piciomaru: If you're concerned you can ask for a cloak in #freenode, but its not a foolproof method of hiding your ip. also, your ip is 'exposed' to any website you visit, so its shouldn't really concern you.19:04
helly__ActionParsnip: How can I test if it's possible to connect to the server from the outside?19:04
omaruvisiting youtube doesnt concern me, or checking gmail. but this is where the smart guys are19:05
ActionParsniphelly__: http://www.canyouseeme.org/19:05
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Pici!cloak | omaru19:05
ubottuomaru: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.19:05
hjannsWhy is 10.10 the latest version on http://www.ubunut.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download? What happened to 11.04 and 11.10?19:06
helly__Yes, the ports are open. But still When I try to connect to that port, I get a timeout.. I need to see on the ubuntu machine if my connection is coming through19:06
SunTsuhjanns: ubunut.com?19:07
MonkeyDusthjanns  download them from elsewhere19:07
Guest94756tekrar dene olmadı format atarız olmadı kasayı ters çevir tekrar dene19:07
Picihjanns: likely there is something wrong with that url forwarding.  I'll talk to a Canonical person about it.  but use http://ubuntu.com in the meantime.19:07
Pici!tr | Guest9475619:07
ubottuGuest94756: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:07
ActionParsnip!torrents | BjornWarmedal19:07
ubottuBjornWarmedal: Oneiric can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/desktop/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/oneiric/server/ubuntu-11.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/19:07
benbloomcan someone help me check my flashplugin status? I think i'm not running the 64b but i'd like to make sure and fix it if so19:08
hjannsOh! I made a typo!19:08
iranianActionParsnip: tanx seems working19:08
ActionParsnipbenbloom: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'19:08
ActionParsnipiranian: sweet19:09
hjannsNow I have a new question! What is http://www.ubunut.com/ and why does it looks like http://www.ubuntu.com? :-)19:09
omaruim gonna go set up an ftp server and hack my victims now bye19:09
Picihjanns: It should forward to ubuntu.com, but it doesnt. I'm filing a bug about it right now.19:09
llutzhjanns: forwards to ubuntu.com19:09
hydesterdo kernel security updates ever have the ubuntuX suffix?19:09
hjannsllutz: If there is a forward, it doesn't work for me.19:10
helly__I just don't fracking understad this. I can ssh into the box. But I can't access it via another port, like 100019:11
helly__What am I missing here?19:11
hjannshelly__: iptable?19:11
llutzhjanns: both resolve to the same IP and ubunut.com redirects here to ubuntu.com fine19:11
benbloomActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Ra08sMeG19:11
helly__hjanns:  I've added the ports. But I havent any from / to IP..19:12
Picillutz: They both don't resolve to the same IP here. vs
hjannsWhy is the 32-bit version of Ubuntu recommended? Is the 64-bit version also stable?19:13
xroothi guys , i use ubuntu 10.04 , the wireless not working any help19:13
llutzPici: www.ubuntu.com has address  - www.ubunut.com has address
ActionParsnipbenbloom: 32bit flash on 64bit OS19:14
Picillutz: even worse. www.ubunut.com says 11.04, ubunut.com says 10.1019:14
urlin2uxroot, post the card.19:14
xroothow to know my card19:14
ActionParsnipbenbloom: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-downloader:i386 flashplugin-installer19:14
xrootI'm beginner19:14
ActionParsnipbenbloom: then enable the partner repo and install the adobe-installer package, you will then get 64bit flash19:15
urlin2uxroot, run lspci in the terminal and look for it.19:15
xrooturlin2u , how do i know my card19:15
ActionParsnipxroot: is it PCI or USB based?19:15
benbloomthanks ActionParsnip19:15
Picillutz, hjanns: I filed bug #904388 about it.19:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904388 in Ubuntu Website "ubunut[sic] sites have obsolete information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90438819:16
Exxonllutz, so what are you trying to comprened..19:16
xrooturlin2u: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 02)19:16
xroot00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)19:16
xroot00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06)19:16
xroot00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 05)19:16
xroot00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)19:16
xroot00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 05)19:16
FloodBot1xroot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
llutzPici: right, my bad, redirections fails19:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:17
urlin2uxroot, try this command and this is just to get it on the channel.  lspci | grep -i wireless19:17
Exxonxroot, just pastebin the lspvi -v we can help you don't paste in the session..19:19
xrooturlin2u : nothing show up when i use this command19:20
xrootExxon:that what i got19:20
xrootExxon:xroot@ubuntu:~$ lspvi -v19:21
xrootNo command 'lspvi' found, did you mean:19:21
xroot Command 'lspci' from package 'pciutils' (main)19:21
xrootlspvi: command not found19:21
urlin2uxroot, lspci -v19:21
llutzxroot: "lspci ... "19:21
Exxonxroot, there is nothing regarding the wireless in the output you paste ramdom..19:21
urlin2u!pastebin | xroot19:22
ubottuxroot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:22
benbloomwhat's the best way to examine a package from the CL without installing it first?19:23
llutzbenbloom: examine what?19:24
benblooman apt package19:24
llutzbenbloom: examine what?19:24
Exxonbenbloom, what package are you trying to examine..19:24
xrooturlin2u:i get lot of output , that will be as flood if i past it here19:24
benbloomdescription of what the package does, which libs it depends on etc19:24
llutzbenbloom: apt-file to get a list of files to be installed. if you mean that with examine19:24
qmanjr5If I have multiple people logged into my computer at the same time, my sound doesn't work on my account. How do I fix this, or why does it do this?19:25
urlin2u!pastebin | xroot19:25
llutzbenbloom: apt-cache depends package, aptitude show package19:25
jrib1benbloom: apt-cache show as well if you don't have aptitude19:25
Um_cara_qualquerwhere are the temporary files of ubuntu 10.10?19:25
jrib1Um_cara_qualquer: /tmp/, but why?19:25
urlin2uxroot, xroot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:26
skegeekI need help troubleshooting frequest freezing19:26
Um_cara_qualquerjrib1, to copy temporary file to my HD x)19:26
skegeekI've already turned off screen-locking, disabled monitor sleeping and disabled compiz.19:27
Um_cara_qualquerjrib1, i think I didn't ask correctly19:28
Um_cara_qualquerjrib1, i wanna copy an youtube video to my hd19:28
Exxonskegeek, are you using swap..19:28
ibolmois lsattr supposed to be installed with 11?19:28
Um_cara_qualquerjrib1, which is the directory?19:28
ibolmoi've google'd and i'm not finding a way to install it19:28
ibolmoor where it is packaged19:28
urlin2uUm_cara_qualquer, videodownload helper a FF addon19:28
xrooturlin2u:i have to create an account19:29
Um_cara_qualquerno man... i wanna know the directory19:29
urlin2uxroot, for what?19:29
llutzibolmo: comes with e2fsprogs19:30
skegeekI assume there is swap use.19:30
Exxonskegeek, use .................free - m                 (then)19:30
ibolmothanks llutz19:30
andynevince in lucid crashes with a floating point exception. where should i report the bug?19:32
andynthe pdf file in question opens fine on windows with acrobat and with xpdf on linux19:32
xrooturlin2u,what's my card ?19:32
skegeekExxon: So what does swap have to do with it?19:32
urlin2uxroot, Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780  thats as far as I can help though, this information is important.19:32
bolo56xroot if you give us your address and when you are not at home we will tell you what is your card19:32
urlin2u!broadcom | xroot19:33
ubottuxroot: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:33
urlin2uxroot, look at the boots link above.19:33
urlin2u bots19:33
Exxonskegeek, if how on ram like 512mb swap is activated..so if you can increase the ram to 2gb atleast there is no need for swap19:34
urlin2uxroot, this is not a area of expertise for me but others on know this stuff. :D19:34
xrooturlin2u,thanks anyway19:35
qmanjr5If I have multiple people logged into my computer at the same time, my sound doesn't work on my account. How do I fix this, or why does it do this?19:35
xrooturlin2u,if the document did not help , I will come here again19:36
skegeekThe machine has 2GB RAM, it has only allocated 255 swap though.19:36
skegeekBtw, this is a Toshiba Satellite A205, Oneiric Ocelot.19:37
BluesKajqmanjr5, add yourself to the audiogroup , not exactly sure where that is in gnome19:37
urlin2uxroot, cool this is the place for help as well there is the ubuntu forum.19:37
osseHi, guys. I've made a new keyboard layout. I've rules/base.{xml,lst} but it won't show up in the keyboard layout settings window. Are there other files I need to modify?19:37
osseI've modified19:38
Exxonskegeek, then there is no need for swap at all swap is only for if; mem low and so that the swap can use the hdd for the purpouse..temp files19:38
skegeekCould the freezing have anything to do with it being a Wubi install?19:39
urlin2uskegeek, when it freezes do you have a lot of apps open?19:42
cnzI just rebooted and now that I have rebooted I cannot access my windows partition, cdrom, or any usb ports any ideas?19:42
skegeekIt froze on me twice already within 5 minutes of booting, without ANY apps up at all.19:43
urlin2ucnz, any background to that reboot?19:43
cnzurlin2u: nothing other than rebooted into windows to use odin really quick19:44
qmanjr5If I have multiple people logged into my computer at the same time, my sound doesn't work on my account. How do I fix this, or why does it do this?19:44
qmanjr5BluesKaj, oops, didn't see you responded. Thanks.19:44
qmanjr5But it's only when other people are logged on.19:44
BluesKajskegeek, make sure you've allowed enough diskspace for the wubi install19:45
urlin2ucnz, boot ubuntu and run sudo update-grub  you describe not getting to windows is this true?19:45
cnzthat is not what I described19:46
skegeekThe default was 18G, so that's what I gave it.19:46
cnzi can boot into windows just fine19:46
qmanjr5BluesKaj, adding myself to the audio group didn't do anything.19:46
ArsonideI reformatted my netbook with Ubuntu and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get wifi working. I have Googled and tried all those solutions and now I'm just kind of flailing about in the synaptic manager uselessly.19:46
cnzbut after I rebooted into windows and booted back into ubuntu i can no longer access any usb ports, cdroms, or any other partitions on the drive.19:46
urlin2ucnz, I just rebooted and now that I have rebooted """I cannot access my windows partition"""cdrom, or any usb ports any ideas?  It isn't19:46
BluesKajskegeek, that should be plenty19:47
ArsonideMost of the solutions tell me to go to Hardware Drivers and activate a broadcom sta driver, but that list is blank and says "No Proprietary Drivers Found"19:47
urlin2ucnz, be accurate please.19:47
cnzhow can I be more accurate?19:47
Exxonskegeek, with that free space you can install wubi with ease.19:47
BluesKajqm is the sound working for others then ?19:47
qmanjr5Cnz's problem is very very simple, he cannot access any other partitions.19:47
qmanjr5BluesKaj, I believe so. I'll check.19:48
urlin2ucnz, you said you could not access your windows partition but left out from ubuntu if that is the case.  Is it a wubi install?19:48
cnzand no I didn't leave that out19:48
Arsonideanybody have any tips?19:48
cnzi said when I booted back into ubuntu19:48
cnzanyways, ubuntu is on one partition windows is on another19:49
qmanjr5cnz, maybe you have to mount it? I'm not sure.19:49
qmanjr5BluesKaj, it works not that I've logged back in. Odd.19:49
cnzqmanjr5: it was auto mounting before19:49
qmanjr5Maybe something messed up.19:49
qmanjr5Just a suggestion.19:49
necromancerhey guys, why won't SoX recognize the libraries i installed via APT?19:49
cnzi an't even access my thumb drives now either though19:49
urlin2ucnz, you have to realize that that was way into the conversation and seconds apart from my post.19:49
Exxonwith wubi all partitions are pre-mounted ..designed to be that way19:50
urlin2ucnz, so in other words your auto mounting set up with fstab is not working is this correct?19:50
danyhi guys can somone help me to install driver for my wirless19:50
necromancerthis is my configure script's file format results: https://gist.github.com/192c88e03a38f281d90a19:50
danyi uuse ubuntu 10.0419:50
BluesKajqmanjr5, usually when editing as root a relogin is in order19:51
cnzinteresting only / and /boot are in fstab19:51
cnzjust wonderful19:51
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ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:51
skegeekExxon: The Ubuntu I'm using right now was installed via Wubi, but, I wanted to make sure it wasn't any part of the problem.19:51
urlin2uskegeek, wubi does run slower and kind of chunky to some extent.19:52
danyMy wirless do not work with ubuntu19:52
urlin2udany, make sure you post the card19:52
dany03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:432b] (rev 01)19:53
Exxonskegeek, wubi is for new users if there is any doubt please do tell us19:53
Arsonidehow would I find out my card from within ubuntu19:53
ArsonideI have the same issue.19:53
cnzurlin2u: tuXfile created: 12 October 200319:53
cnzLast updated: 5 September 200919:53
cnzawesome outdated info there buddy19:53
dany01:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57780 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe [14e4:1692] (rev 01)19:54
cnzurlin2u: just a suggestions, might want to update the bot to not link outdated info that's 2+ years old could mess things up for people19:54
ExxonArsonide, lspci -v pleaes paste the output to pastebin.org19:55
cnzdoes ubuntu have back up files19:55
danyno one trying to help me19:56
urlin2ucnz, lol you might want to actually understand what your doing the info is correct19:56
cnzoh I understand what im doing, but the info is old19:56
cnzmy system isn't ext2 its ext419:56
urlin2udany, it is hit and miss the help is free you have to be patient19:56
urlin2ucnz, right.19:56
cnzfor someone jsut reading that and following line by line will mess stuff up19:57
Exxondany, can you modprobe the wireless that you have19:57
cnzby adding ext2 instead of the correct ext19:57
danyExxon , guid me , i have no idea about how to do that19:57
Exxondany, lspci -v copy the output and paste to www.pastebin.org and copy the link and paste in the session19:58
urlin2uExxon, he has a post hold on19:58
ArsonideDon't see any references to a wifi adapter within mine, although it's got one somewhere.19:59
trismnecromancer: sudo apt-get build-dep sox; that got me a yes for every optional format (just need to track down all the correct -dev packages)19:59
urlin2uExxon, here is their card http://paste.ubuntu.com/770408/19:59
cnzurlin2u: but what would cause my fstab to get messed up if that's what happened?20:00
urlin2ucnz, usually it is the user messing with it, not sure otherwise, can you click on the windows partition in the home panel and open it.20:01
Exxonurlin2u, there is no wireless stuff that's what i need..yep post held on..:))20:01
ArsonideAha, I believe it's that Atheros20:02
urlin2uExxon, cool :D20:02
cnzurlin2u: no i can't, it doesn't show up20:02
cnzand I haven't touched fstab20:02
cnzurlin2u: I just plugged my phone in and mounted the usb storage and it's not even popping up20:04
urlin2ucnz, if you had auto mounting of windows that is how its done as far as I know. How did you have it auto mount?20:04
addikshi, how can i make my 11.10 desktop not going hibernate itself every 5 minutes?20:04
cnzand when I open home from the panel nothing is in there20:04
llutzArsonide: try "sudo update-pciids" and check again20:04
Exxondany, still nothing shows..if its external re-boot and and paste the command given20:04
cnzurlin2u: it was auto mounting the way ubuntu sets it up20:04
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urlin2ucnz, hmm never heard of that, not sure here really.20:05
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cnzyeah, never seen it happen before20:05
ibqnhow to create an image from the cd?20:05
llutzibqn: cat /dev/sr0 >image.iso20:06
urlin2uibqn, could ypu explain the whole thing.20:06
patrick_recordmydesktop i can hear very silently sound. how i can make it louder?20:07
ibqnllutz, thank you.20:07
BenxyzzyThere are lots of subdirectories in my /usr/lib directory. How do all my applications know to look there for their shared libraries? Most of the subdirectories aren't listed by ldconfig20:07
patrick_my volume is almost max20:07
Arsonidehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/770443/ new lspci after the update-pciids20:07
danyExxon, do you mean my card doest't shows20:08
llutzArsonide: see changes at "01:00.0"20:08
patrick_im trying to save youtube music. so i dont need mic sound here20:08
necromancertrism: hey i tried that but i got this error. included SoX ./configure response to prove that it has mp3 support... https://gist.github.com/048eadd06819cc78173920:08
llutzArsonide: "Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter (rev 01)"20:09
Exxondany, if its a card theni will show ; but the output sow us nothing about the wireless should be external..20:09
ArsonideOh I see20:09
ArsonideSo my wifi adapter isn't even a broadcom, even though I've downloaded like six broadcom drivers.20:09
ArsonideI'll google that and see if any drivers pop up.20:10
ArsonideUnless I'm blindly heading in the wrong direction.20:10
llutzdany: : try "sudo update-pciids" and check lspci again20:10
ExxonArsonide, can you paste the lspci -v or modeprobe the module20:12
ArsonideI just pasted lspci -v, not sure what modeprobe is20:12
ExxonArsonide, sorry went up in the sky paste it again.. i am with you20:13
ArsonideWas just installing Linux to practice my lisp coding, I'll be the first to admit I'm clueless with it.20:13
ArsonideI've found some forum posts about this realtek adapter though that might help20:13
danyllutz,ok let me update that20:13
llutzArsonide: modprobe -l rtl8192ce*20:14
danylluts: the out put text"Downloaded daily snapshot dated     2011-11-09 03:15:0220:14
trismnecromancer: are you on 11.10? sox needs a patch to fix the deprecated names, if you: apt-get source sox; it is in debian/patches/fix_deprecated_names.patch20:14
necromancertrism: nah i'm on JeOS20:15
llutzdany: pastebin lspci   again20:15
necromancertrism: doesn't even matter, i just converted the mp3 to wav...20:15
necromancerthanks though20:15
dtwI am thinking about taking some Ubuntu courses from Canonical, but there are no locations listed for in-person training courses on their site. Does anyone here know if they still offer in-person training courses?20:15
NorthByNorthWestHi all! I have a performance issue with problem with Unity...  whenever I drag a window to the edges so that it "autosizes" to halv screen... full screen or so on, the window starts to "freeze" or lag when I start moving it again.... it always starts when using that function and only affects the window beeing autosized....20:15
NorthByNorthWestIve googled it but cant really fand a solution to it...20:16
ArsonideModprobe appears to have done nothing. It didn't output anything anyway.20:16
llutzdany: nothing wrong with that,  pastebin lspci   again20:16
ExxonArsonide, modprobe  rtl8192ce20:16
PiciNorthByNorthWest: Are you sure that its not just the 'sticky' window thing?20:16
llutzArsonide:  rtl8192ce  seem to be the module you need. not available for your running kernel20:17
llutzExxon it doesn't exist20:17
NorthByNorthWestPici: ive read about tha toot... is there a solution that I can try?20:17
NorthByNorthWestPici: *that too20:17
llutzdany: thats your wifi controller: 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)20:17
Exxonllutz, then we require the lspci  that's what i am insisting upon..20:18
llutzExxon: he already gave20:18
patrick_i want sound to my recordmydesktop app20:18
PiciNorthByNorthWest: Install compizconfig-settings-manager and run it via 'ccsm' and tweak or disable the sticky window settings.20:18
llutzArsonide: what kernel are you using? uname -r20:18
danylluts,how to make it work20:18
Exxonllutz, no answer from the user see20:19
llutzExxon: [21:07:16] <Arsonide> http://paste.ubuntu.com/770443/ new lspci after the update-pciids20:19
Pokku3Just a little question: In 11.04 I had to click once on the virtual homescreen button for it to work but in 11.10 I habe to click twice, any advice?20:19
danyllutz,what the next step now20:19
llutzdany: sudo modprobe ath9k20:20
llutzdany: iwlist s20:20
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ArsonideThat's my kernel.20:20
Exxonllutz, nonsense..where is the wireless in the paste.20:20
llutzExxon:  [21:09:08] <llutz> Arsonide: "Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter (rev 01)"20:21
ArsonideSo is that a dead end?20:21
Exxonllutz, check the previous paste i want to orignal not what you paste..could be some one else20:22
llutzExxon: line 12320:22
llutzArsonide: needs a newer kernel20:22
CipherXhello everybody20:22
ArsonideThat sounds complicated.20:23
CipherXwhat, do get a kernel?20:23
ajaureguii need help to mount a SD card20:23
llutzdany: rfkill list20:23
ajaureguican anibody help me?20:23
Exxonllutz, i don't aruge but simpy you insist http://paste.ubuntu.com/770443/               let do the home work20:24
llutzExxon: ?20:24
patrick_alsamixer says i have enough volume everywhere :D20:24
patrick_im using gui version of recordmydesktop20:25
patrick_all settings seems to be ok :/ hmm20:25
ArsonideExxon: My first paste and my second paste differed slightly, there were wifi adapters in both pastes.20:25
ArsonideBut I guess the first one wasn't up to date or something.20:26
ExxonArsonide, lsmod -v        paste the output to www.pastebin .org  provide a link20:26
benbloomanyone know how to configure how flash uses multiple displays in fullscreen mode?20:26
llutzdany: well, i read it but have no idea20:26
Exxondany, nonsense link ; what you want to kill20:27
danyExxon, i just flollow llutz step20:28
Arsonidehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/770471/ lsmod, the terminal griped at me when I appended -v so I just used lsmod alone.20:28
danyhe told me to create the rfkill list command20:28
llutzdany: lsmod |grep ath9k20:28
patrick_i think mic would work if i would use it. but now i want to hear youtube music when i record20:29
patrick_later i want to hear game sounds20:29
Exxondany, this is the 3 rd time ; you simply don't wireless no attached or simply nothng at-all20:30
benbloomdoes anyone know how to force flash to use one of my two monitors (dual headed vid card) in fullscreen mode? currently it take shows on one monitor but positions as though it's in between both20:31
danyExxon, it working file with windows 720:31
BluesKajdany,  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up , then , sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid , to find any wifi networks20:32
llutzExxon: what, if not a wireless do you call danys "02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)"? pls stop talking nonsense20:33
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Exxonllutz, link show nothing about it..may ask you him to display what you promote..:)20:34
auronandaceExxon: you are making no sense20:34
danyExxon,plz let the guy help me20:34
Exxondany, lspci -v .................paste it i have to answer things at stake20:35
BluesKajExxon, stop interfering ...and llutz i admire your patience20:35
sadhuUbuntu rocks20:36
CipherXthat it does >:-D20:36
Exxoni guess we all can help20:36
llutzBluesKaj: being old has some advantages :)20:37
CipherXdefinitely enjoying Ubuntu since I installed it a couple weeks ago, the package installers are great and everything is pretty smooth so far20:37
auronandaceExxon: line 11220:37
BluesKajllutz, yup , I hear ya :)20:38
ninjixanyone have apt problems with hash sum mismatch errors? I'm getting these errors randomly on archive.ubuntu.com and us.archive.ubuntu.com20:38
CipherXninjix, that sounds odd....do you have a flakey connection?20:39
danyExxon , do u have an idea , abt how to setup that?20:39
ninjixlarge pipe20:39
CipherXas far as know I haven't had anything like that...yet...20:39
danyaur?onandace,do you have na idea  abt how to setup that20:39
Exxondany, be as root           modprobe ar948520:40
CipherXbut it's random...so not everything does it?20:40
ninjixI'm seeing the problems on my laptop and at our datacenter20:40
auronandacedany: sorry, i use intel wireless, no config needed for me20:40
scvaiogood evening20:40
llutzdany: ath9k it is (already loaded but not working)20:40
osseI've made a variant my regular keyboard layout (a new entry in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/no). How do I apply it?20:40
sadhui moved on to freebsd but it felt like i was in a jail :{20:41
osseNot necessarily permanent; I just want to check that it works the way it should20:41
Exxondany, dmesg | grep ar948520:41
patrick_is it even posibble what i want to do? i want that recordmydesktop plays game/video sounds and not just my mic20:41
CipherXonly certain packages doing it?20:41
Exxondany, now ping www.google.com20:42
patrick_or recordmydesktop only  plays mic sound?20:42
ninjixCipherX: thought it was a problem with our apt proxy server in the server farm but I just saw the same error on my workstation which connects directly to main repos20:42
sadhuwhat is the device name of the usb?20:42
guntbertsadhu: try     lsusb20:42
auronandaceExxon: what are you doing?20:42
CipherXninjix: you have a software firewall running on your comp?20:42
OerHeksdany put a space before the url, it is not clickable20:42
CipherXninjix: only thing I can think of..20:43
Exxonauronandace, do you have a anything ...20:43
ninjixCipherX: just ufw on the laptop.20:43
CipherXninjix: may want to just add a allow rule for whatever port(s) apt uses20:44
ninjixjust wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing this20:44
danyExxon, I connecting from ubuntu , using modem 3G , but in this area we do not have wirless , but in little hours agao i was in my uni , but the wirless woldn't work20:44
auronandaceExxon: explain to me how grepping dmesg will suddenly let him ping google with his wireless20:44
ninjixwondering if our upstream provider is doing something20:44
danyOerHeks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/770495/20:45
CipherXninjix: although I run ufw, no probs really using apt-get install....I have ufw default deny all incoming set20:46
Exxonauronandace, link provide nothing but llutz has probed that he has link don't simply the link don't sustain that claim ..i said i have to knwo the module if its loaded20:46
auronandaceExxon: aren't you reading the pastes he showed to llutz?20:47
incorrecti don't like this 2x2 virtual desktop, can i get back to a 1x3?20:47
llutzpopcorn, anybody?20:47
Exxonauronandace, ok i did not read ; can you help him..20:48
meerkats lsb_release -a; hp-check shows: error: User needs to be member of group 'lp' to enable print, scan & fax. how do I do that?20:49
auronandaceExxon: you don't read them and expect to be believed when you say llutz isn't giving the right information?20:49
meerkatsim member of lpadmin20:49
llutzmeerkats: sudo adduser username lp20:49
danyguys , can you keep helping me plz20:50
danyi know here is an expert who can help me plz help20:51
meerkatsllutz, in my case I wrote sudo adduser dexter lp, but it didnt make a difference20:52
llutzdany: "ifconfig -a "  does itlist more than lo, eth0, eth1 ?20:52
llutzmeerkats: user has to re login20:52
danyllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/770511/20:53
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meerkatslsb_release -a; hp-check also shows: warning: /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file not found or not accessible.20:54
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llutzdany:  do you have 2 ethernet-cards? what's eth020:55
linuxRhi all. does anybody know how to reset the sound system in ubuntu? I have a the webbrowser from system user A blocking the audio so that user B cannot play any sound, thanks!20:56
qwebirc84771Hello! Whats the difference between Ubuntu and ubuntuservers?20:56
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Piciqwebirc84771: The server doesn't install a GUI and lets you do some pre-selection of packages at install time.20:57
danylluts, i have no idea , but i want to inform you , that i runed the ubuntu cd installation  inside windows 720:58
urlin2uqwebirc84771, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq look on the web for details20:58
llutzdany: wubi-install? i doubt that has any effect on wifi, but ...20:58
linuxRhow to restart sound system on ubuntu, anyone?20:58
qwebirc84771oh okey, just the terminal to use? does that make the sytem use less energy or whats the idea behind that?20:58
danylluts, what's wubi-install package , do i have to install it20:59
llutzdany: no, the way you installed ubuntu20:59
urlin2udany, it is in the regular ubuntu download.21:00
llutzdany: sry can't help you any further. your wifi module is loaded but theres no (working) device21:00
danyllutz,urlin2u, i think this has no relation with wireless , isn't it ?21:01
tokamhey, how to get my gcc version displayed?21:01
danyllutz, anyway thanks for your time21:01
urlin2udany, shouldn't.21:01
urlin2udany, are you a ubuntu forums member?21:01
danyurlin2u, lot of nice guys here tried to help , but with no result21:02
someguyhey all im running ubuntu varian twith the current kernel and having issues with it seeing all 4 of my cpus is there a way to fix this?21:02
hamster007Hello. I'm trying to fetch zen kernel from their git repository, but I'm missing something. I get their master and want to switch to zen-tune-3.1 branch but it doesn't do anything. Is that my fault?21:02
danyurlin2u, no i'm not21:02
Exxondany, real question is ..trying to match ..and loosing the time instead. ;)21:03
danyurlin2u, do have an idea abt wireless setup21:03
urlin2udany, I think your more likely to get help on the forums over 60,000 regular usrs it is kind of hit and miss here.21:03
urlin2udany, I am not a a freal help in this area myself.21:03
urlin2ureal help21:03
danyExxon, I guess there is lot of wayys to lose time than still  write command in my terminal , so please keep calm and let ppl help21:04
guest-PNHnMEhow do i find out the lastest stuff was updated or installed on my system?21:04
hamster007can anyone help me with this git thing?21:04
guest-PNHnMEcuz maybe some of the latest update broke something21:04
guest-PNHnMEi wanna know what was the latest packages to get updated on my system21:04
someguyhey does anyone know how to get LXDE to see all four cores?21:05
llutzguest-PNHnME: check /var/log/apt/history.log21:05
gallezhi guys21:05
guest-PNHnMEllutz, thanks21:05
gallezhow can i define aliases like 'sudo install' -> 'installieren'21:06
Exxondany, i really didn't know what you wireless was ..paste was miniupulated..or rather something else21:06
danyExxon, tell me how to send you a pic21:07
llutzhrhr Exxon you are a poor lonely troll (sry OPS)21:07
guest-PNHnMEit sucks that ubuntu removed the login to recovery shell option21:07
danyExxon, pic content will not be minipulated21:07
gallezhow can i define aliases like 'sudo install' -> 'installieren'21:08
someguywhat sucks is how much worse the support is these days compared to like three years back.......21:08
hamster007gallez, probably in .bashrc21:08
llutzgallez: alias installieren="sudo apt-get install "21:08
danyAnyway thanks guys , maybe i will come later and i hoppe to get some help .21:08
yamahaalex37where are icons stored?21:09
yamahaalex37im trying to copy ff .desktop file for my own21:09
danyllutz, thanks for your help21:09
gallezthank you!21:09
llutzdany: yw21:09
yamahaalex37so where can i see my options of what to replace for the icon= option21:09
someguythat and the poor lack of documentation via google.......oh and the fact that now only one core is useable apparent;ly21:09
someguyhell if somebody tells me what distro will actually utalize them all i  have np switching21:10
Picisomeguy: What does /proc/cpuinfo say?21:10
TACPILOTwhat package contains the directory tree ?21:10
Exxonllutz, may be channel operator is asleep ; you people should be helping instead of cross-posting.21:10
llutzcross-posting, where? learn to read21:11
PiciTACPILOT: There isn't one package that contains it. paths are created as packages define them.21:12
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempting to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. See for more info: http://pastebin.com/3prT5SEJ21:12
TACPILOTtrying to create a super minimal install and installing packages without directory tree fails for missing paths21:13
Doonzcan someone recomend a realtime disc io monitor for cli?21:14
someguypic1 its saying that i have a 800.mhz cpu with four cores but when i load the sys monitor the graphs only show one21:14
muteshow do i use this: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=4a1a4d8b87389e35c3af04c0d0a95f6a0391b96421:15
Picisomeguy: Perhaps the sys monitor's functionality was changed.21:15
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savemanHi ! Can someone tell me where is situated the file wich define the user language(s) ?21:16
savemanI accidentally set the Japanese, and I just can not remove from the GUI.21:17
savemanHi ! Is there someone on the keyboard here ? :)21:19
washuu_deyes. Saveman!21:19
savemanCan u help me ?21:19
AlanBellmutes: you would have to compile your own kernel to use that, or wait a while for it to  get into the release. Waiting is recommended :)21:20
litropysaveman, run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup21:20
meerkatshelp welcomed with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11537981#post11537981, scanning issue21:20
mutesalanbell, if i want to get dirty...how would i?21:20
mutesid like to learn how to comile it i think21:20
llutzDoonz: something like iotop?21:20
tonk"You do not appear to be using the nvidia x driver. pls edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root), and restart X server.    = how i do that?21:20
AlanBell!mainline | mutes21:20
ubottumutes: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:20
savemanI'll try21:21
someguyhey all my distro is seeing my amd athlon II x4 635 @2.9ghz as only 800mhz per core...how do i fix this?21:21
washuu_desaveman: you can switch with <shift-space>21:21
muteswhat will this do: git-apply --whitespace=error-all <patchfile>21:21
AlanBellsomeguy: it might be just the idle speed is 800, which is a good thing21:21
gislikarlcan someone help me? my network card doesn't work even with ndiswrapper after Ubuntu 11.10 based distributions. Could it be because of the kernel upgrade?21:22
someguyhow can i tell if everything is functioning properly?21:22
llutzsomeguy: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies21:22
washuu_deDid saveman ask how to ban japanese from the computer?21:22
litropy /join #ubuntu+121:22
t1hey anyone think they can help me with ubuntu sound21:23
t1my alsamixer says its 100% but I still hear nothing21:24
llutz!pm | someguy21:24
ubottusomeguy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:24
savemanI'm french, and i have accidentally defined japanese in secondary language. But it's not checked in the GUI21:24
savemanSo, in certain apps who not are in french, they are in japanese21:25
CombatjuanSuppose I have a database server and to be fast it needs a hefty page cache.  But i also want to xdelta some large files.  I don't care how long it takes (so I nice xdelta good'n'high), but I also don't want it to flush my disk cache.  Does nice handle that?  Is there another way?21:25
tonk"You do not appear to be using the nvidia x driver. pls edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root), and restart X server.    = how i do that?21:26
someguyllutz im in the folder uhm what exactly am i lookin for?.21:26
llutzsomeguy: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies    just that file?21:27
savemanlitropy: "I've Warning: No support for locale: fr_FR.utf8"21:28
someguy@llutz i got about a dozen other files but not that one and none of em have useful info in em21:28
savemanwhile compliling kernel21:28
hanasakiwhy is it that rebooting several times in a row increases the ondisk size of the virtual disk by several megabytes each time?21:28
litropysaveman, then it sounds like you need to install it.21:29
someguyi have a file named sampling_rate_max and sampling_rate_min21:29
pangolin!locales | saveman21:29
ubottusaveman: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf21:29
llutzsomeguy: pastebin output of "ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?/cpufreq/" pls21:29
someguyyou want me to just send the file its pretty large in terms of copy + pastre21:30
llutz!paste | someguy21:30
ubottusomeguy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:30
EvilResistancesomeguy:  use pastebin21:30
savemanMy locale : http://pastebin.com/hjCkS5bN21:30
savemanIt sounds this line is wrong : LANGUAGE=fr:zh_CN21:31
tonk"You do not appear to be using the nvidia x driver. pls edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root), and restart X server.    = how i do that?21:33
EvilResistancetonk:  it tells you how21:33
EvilResistancetonk:  alt+f2, type in gksudo nvidia-xconfig21:33
EvilResistancetonk:  configure it21:33
EvilResistancetonk:  then if you logout and login it'll restart X21:34
muteswhy doesnt my console appear to know what git-apply is?21:34
EvilResistancemutes:  git-apply doesnt seem to be part of git core21:35
mutesmeaning...it's in another package?21:35
llutz!find git-apply21:35
ubottuFile git-apply found in git, git-doc, git-man21:35
llutz!find bin/git-apply21:35
ubottuPackage/file bin/git-apply does not exist in oneiric21:35
EvilResistancemutes:  did you try just git apply?21:36
EvilResistancemutes:  without the - between them21:36
mutesi will now21:36
DemonWitchdoes ubuntu use UNIX like startup scripts, e.g. /etc/rc.d/ or sysV startup scripts, e.g. /etc/init.d ?21:36
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llutz!upstart | DemonWitch21:36
ubottuDemonWitch: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:36
yamahaalex37where is ubuntu apache httpd.conf?21:37
pp7yamahaalex37: sudo updatedb; locate httpd.conf21:37
tonkEVILRESISTANCE: nothing happens after i type in the sudo password. how to uninstal and reinstal the nvidia drivers?21:37
tonkpm pls going afk21:37
llutzyamahaalex37: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf21:37
EvilResistancetonk:  dont capitalize my name please.  just typing my name will highlight me21:37
EvilResistancetonk:  i dont privmsg users when they ask me to :P21:38
EvilResistancetonk:  nor do i accept privmsgs without someone first asking if its okay :p21:38
DemonWitchllutz, so its /etc/rc.d ? (i got some scripts in there)21:38
llutzDemonWitch: read the link ubottu provided. upstart scripts are in /etc/init21:38
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diverdudeHow do i disable touchpad on my lenovo in ubuntu 11.10?21:43
gnuskoolthe samba gui dosent open when I dbl click the icon, any ideas?21:43
gnuskoolie samba-system-config21:43
meerkatsis there any skype like app for ubuntu? I mean one fully compatible and not in a permanent beta status, not to say outdated21:43
ben-8409hi everybody. i am playing around with ubuntu 12.04 and unity 2d in virtual box. have some small issues and bug im not sure they are caused by virtualbox21:44
ben-8409in system settings, the cursor becomes invisible when i hover an icon. somebody else got this issuer21:45
ArsonideAlright. I got my wifi adapter to show up finally. Now I'm getting "Network Authentication Required" when I try to connect to my router. After I input the correct key, it pauses for a while, then the same box pops up again.21:46
ArsonideOver and over.21:46
izz_hey guys, are the regular ubuntu live/install cd's bootable on intel mac mini? or do I need a special iso?21:46
gnuskoolben-8409: I dont think that is an issue, there is a dialogue that warns you about this behaviour and how to rectify it when you start the vm21:46
omidohi . i have a lenovo thinkpad sl510 with intel core2dou t9600- 4gb ddr3-ATI mobility Radeon HD 4500(256mb) and 500gb 5400rpm hard drive . earlier today when i asked about how to install pae kernel some people told me that why dont you install a 64 bit edition of ubuntu. i want to know if my system is 64 bit capable and what are the diffrences between 64 bit and 32 bit and pros and cons of them.21:46
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ben-8409gnuskool: it only occurs in system settings, nowhere else.21:47
gnuskoolanyone else not getting the samba gui to open?21:47
llutzomido: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo21:47
ben-8409omido: all core 2 duos should be 64bit compatible21:48
llutzomido: if that shows the flags, it has long_mode (lm) and IS 64bit capable21:49
ben-8409it allows you programs to address more ram and some multimedia related processing should be faster21:49
ben-8409omido: some people say the have problems with 64bit, but i never had problems using 64bit. have used it for years.21:50
drx1what's the difference between "latest stable release" and "includes Long Term Support"?21:50
omidollutz: thnx21:50
TACPILOTwhats version of ubuntu has the smallest footprint and with out a gui ?21:51
omidoso why does ubuntu's download page recommands 32 bit version?21:51
llutz!minimal    | TACPILOT use this and install only what you want21:51
ubottuTACPILOT use this and install only what you want: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:51
omidollutz:  http://paste.kde.org/158960/21:52
llutzomido: 32bit works on all machines, 64 won't on 32bit21:52
TACPILOTcool TY21:52
llutzomido: as i said before, it has long_mode (lm) and IS 64bit capable21:52
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Guest78831hello everybody21:53
omidollutz:  so you think i better remove this 32bit installition and install 64 bit instead?21:53
llutzomido: if you want to use all your RAM, yes21:53
omidoi'm afraid of some software which i only have 32bit installers of. like IBM lotus symphony which IBM website only has the 32bit installers21:53
llutzomido: imho there's no reason to install 32bit on 64bit-capable machines21:53
llutzomido: it needs some additional libs, but most 32bit stuff should run on 64bit too. (my experience)21:55
TACPILOT^ agreed21:55
omidollutz:  thankyou21:55
c_smithllutz, that would be because of the new Multiarch support on 11.1021:56
omidoi only have ubuntu installed on my laptop.i'm a little afraid cause i always install more than one OS on a machine cause i want to work with other if one breaks.21:56
llutzc_smith: thats called to make it easier21:56
c_smithllutz, ah, ok21:56
chandra_hi. i upgraded all packages in ubuntu 10.04 after which a new kernel was also installed. thenafter, i was not able to use my system because my encrypted home was unmounted. i am now using my computer using a live boot medium. i can login to my system via X, but i get errors like permission denied, no home etc. when i go to tty1 and login, i get my user prompt too, but when i enter my login password after ecryptfs-mount-private, i ge21:57
chandra_i would be thankful for any help21:58
yamahaalex37what can i put in httpd.conf to allow my own .htaccess21:58
chandra_yamahaalex37: allow override21:58
c_smithchandra_, part of your first message was cut off.21:58
chandra_c_smith: i will send again21:59
c_smithchandra_, be aware that IRC does have a maximum character limit to messages.21:59
chandra_hi. i upgraded all packages in ubuntu 10.04 after which a new kernel was also installed. thenafter, i was not able to use my system because my encrypted home was unmounted. i am now using my computer using a live boot medium. i can login to my system via X, but i get errors like permission denied, no home etc. when i go to tty1 and login, i get my user prompt too, but when i enter my login password after ecryptfs-mount-private, i ge21:59
chandra_c_smith: ok, i will break into two and resend21:59
c_smithor try pastebin?22:00
chandra_c_smith: ok :)22:00
c_smithchandra_, this is the Ubuntu Pastebin:22:00
c_smithoops, this is it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:00
c_smithchandra_, send a link after you pastebin it.22:01
teekohwhats default hex code for windows ntfs partition?22:01
teekoh86 or 87 ??22:01
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llutzteekoh: 722:02
teekohthank you22:02
llutzteekoh: 86/87 are volume sets22:03
teekohis that not good22:04
=== flack-Z is now known as flack
llutzteekoh: its different and not what you want i guess22:04
teekohi just cleared a HDD and want a default NTFS so that the next person doesnt have problems laoding22:04
llutzteekoh: so use 0x0722:05
c_smithchandra_, any progress on the pastebin?22:06
chandra_c_smith: here you go: http://pastebin.com/QYDuEZzg22:06
yamahaalex37why does rewriteengine on give me internal server error page22:07
chandra_c_smith: does my problem look solvable ?22:09
ravenwhat is an open source (voip) tool similar to skype?22:10
c_smithchandra_, from what I can see the system is broken, quite possibly beyond the point of recovery. I haven't run into this myself, but as a general rule, if an update segfaults, you'll likely have a broken-beyond-recovery system, if you can't fix the ecryptfs via recovery steps, that's a bad sign.22:10
omidoraven:  all others suck . at least they sucked for me22:10
meerkatshi raven, I was asking the same22:10
ctwizhi all!  I have a media temple VE server, and for some reason I've updated things through apt-get and now when I rebooted, I can't ping or ssh into the server. When I've used the "repair" functionality of their service (essentially a temporary OS with my server partition mounted under /repair) /var/log/boot,message seems to be 0 size. I've checked /etc/syslog.conf and it seems to be configured correctly. Is there anything else I can check to22:10
ctwizboot logs to work? (Ubuntu 10.4)22:10
chandra_c_smith: what are the recovery steps ?22:10
bosmanraven: ex: google talk have voice talk22:10
chandra_i can log in22:10
meerkatsekiga raven22:10
chandra_and i can also see my files when i follow the steps i follow in the blog i posted abt22:11
diverdudeHow do i disable touchpad on my lenovo in ubuntu 11.10?22:11
c_smithchandra_, I was refering to what steps you were already taking from those sites.22:11
ejvhow do I tell mysql server to listen not only on localhost, but also 192.168.blah ?22:11
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ravenmeerkats, which company is behind ekiga?22:11
chandra_i can see my files by the methods mentioned there22:11
chandra_c_smith: but after i remove live boot medium and reboot, i can not see them anymore22:11
meerkatsraven, i dont know22:12
c_smithchandra_, if you can see the files, they're still intact then.22:12
omidocan someone please check this shots and help me fix these(disable ) : http://img.susepaste.org/images/679da0f5.png                    ,              http://img.susepaste.org/images/79df955c.png22:12
chandra_c_smith: yes, that is what i think too. but when i login to my system, i cannot see them22:12
c_smithchandra_, one question: is your home directory on a seperate partition?22:12
chandra_c_smith: yes it is22:13
Nikolai5Linux Mint FTW22:13
llutzejv: bind_address=    in /etc/mysql/my.cnf22:13
tonkEvilresistance: how to uninstal and make fresh instal of nvidia drivers etc ?22:13
llutzejv: bind-address=22:13
yamahaalex37sudo a2enmod rewrite fixed it22:13
c_smithchandra_, then you might be able to do a fresh install while keeping the /home partition intact.22:13
chandra_c_smith: when i login into my system, and try to mount private, it asks for some passphrase. i enter my login password and then it says wrong passphrase. i even unwrapped the passphrase (via live medium) and entered it, but didnt work22:14
chandra_c_smith: i thought abt it too. but i was afraid i would lose my data in /home22:14
ctwizanyone have any idea?22:15
chandra_what do you think? c_smith ?22:15
c_smithchandra_, if you do a fresh install on the PC in the way I'm about to detail you will be able to come out with the same /home partition you left, as in it won't be touched apart from being mount to the directory.22:15
ctwizor know where I might look next?22:15
chandra_c_smith: ok. and would it also mount it properly to /home so that i can login and see my files again ?22:15
Ansiktchandra: So long as your home is not encrypted, it should be easy.22:16
Ansiktchandra:  Yes!22:16
c_smithchandra_, can't say for sure, as this isn't something I have run into myself.22:16
chandra_do  you know is there someone else who might be able to help me log in? c_smith22:16
chandra_i would not like to risk losing my files22:16
chandra_and right now i do not have a good backup medium too22:16
Ansiktchandra:  During install, don't choose 'format', and choose '/home' as the mount point.22:17
meerkatshow do I add myself to the voice group? its for ekiga (VOiP Client)? sudo adduser username voice ?22:17
c_smithchandra_, ask around, but you can keep the partition intact by just setting the mount point of the partition to /home but not checking the format box22:17
goddardhey look at my bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/90339522:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 903395 in unity "Nvidia 460M - laggy window movement 11.10 unity" [Undecided,Invalid]22:17
llutzmeerkats: yes22:17
chandra_Ansikt: would it change my current situation? ie. would i be able to see my files in /home again?22:17
Ansiktchandra, could you repeat your problem in whole?22:17
c_smithchandra_, as in make sure it's not checked.22:17
bpietrochandra_: wait a minute, must read your prb22:17
chandra_Ansikt: did you read http://pastebin.com/QYDuEZzg22:17
chandra_bpietro: ok22:18
chandra_bpietro: it is here: http://pastebin.com/QYDuEZzg22:18
meerkatsllutz, so it will only make a difference after restarting...22:18
llutzmeerkats: re-login, not restart22:18
ark3qqqWhen I installed I set up a static IP. Machine has been moved to a new network. How do I redo network auto-configuration? It needs to be DHCP this time.22:18
meerkatsllutz, the noob doesnt know the difference, should I then just log out? switch user? (there's only me using this craptop)22:19
phillip_My internet is running really really slow on my ubuntu installation but it is fine on my other laptop and my windows installation on the same laptop, can anyone help me this is really anoying!22:19
ejvllutz: looks like i can't bind multiple interfaces :(22:19
ejvthx anyways22:19
llutzmeerkats: logout - login again22:19
bpietroyes, I saw it, sorry, can't help, not using encrypted home I haven't any experiences w/ it, pitty :(22:20
Coreyctwiz: Get it sorted?22:20
Coreyctwiz: If not, I have your answer for you. :-)22:20
ctwizCorey : not yet22:20
Coreyctwiz: Okay, how old is your server?22:21
ctwizCorey : sweet, I just hit the "reinstall to default" button22:21
ctwizCorey : pretty old I guess22:21
bpietrochandra_:  yes, I saw it, sorry, can't help, not using encrypted home I haven't any experiences w/ it, pitty :(22:21
llutzejv: you can bind it to 0,1 or all addresses22:21
Coreyctwiz: Yeah, there was a Virtuozzo update that ate networking if you updated the VE.22:21
ark3qqqIs it possible to redo the network autoconfig stuff I did at install time?22:21
chandra_bpietro: :(22:21
ctwizCorey : that's it!22:21
CoreyCalling it in will get it fixed within the day.22:21
ark3qqqi.e. some sort of dpkg reconfigure blah ?22:21
Coreyctwiz: I used to be a senior engineer there, it was.. interesting.22:22
chandra_Ansikt bpietro btw, i dont get segfaults now when i do sudo22:22
ctwizCorey : darn. ok. Thanks. I called support they said "You updated your server? We can restore from back-up"22:22
Coreyctwiz: Call it in, they should be able to fix it. :-)22:22
ctwizCorey : but offered no support otherwise. Sweet, thanks.22:22
CoreyThat's a crap answer.22:22
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempting to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. See for more info: http://pastebin.com/3prT5SEJ22:22
CoreyIf they do that again ask to escalate to L3.22:22
ctwizCorey : that's what I thought.22:22
ctwizCorey : any idea on the boot logs?22:23
ctwizI tried, but for the life of me I can't seem to get boot logs to work with VE.22:23
phillip_My internet is running really really slow on my ubuntu installation but it is fine on my other laptop and my windows installation on the same laptop, can anyone help me this is really anoying!22:24
litropyphillip_, make sure you're connecting to the same network22:24
litropylol, asks question then disconnects22:24
cyphaseanyone know of a way i can delete all the nautilus thumbnails of images in a certain directory?22:24
ctwizCorey : at any rate, thanks a ton. :)22:25
Coreyctwiz: No worries, good luck.22:25
Coreyctwiz: And yeah, "boot logs" might be hosed. Usually that's read from dmesg, which you don't have on a shared container.22:25
ctwizyeah, I figured as much. Oh well. Thanks again. :)22:26
ctwizon the phone with them now.22:26
ctwizon hold. hah22:26
Coreyctwiz: No worries.  Worst case ping me if they don't provide resolution.22:26
chandra_hi i am not able to login properly to my encrypted home. my problem is described in detail here: http://pastebin.com/QYDuEZzg22:26
=== stoimenov is now known as kills
ctwizcool. :)22:27
TACPILOTcyphase: u can use the rm command .. warning can be very dangerous cause it not put in trashcan.   try rm --help22:28
cyphaseor at least, how does nautilus know which tumbnail goes with which file? is it a hash (looks like it could be)?22:28
TACPILOTusing wild cards can be powerful22:28
cyphaseTACPILOT, i know i can delete all thumbnails, but i want to do it only for thumbnails of images in a certain directory22:28
TACPILOTthats where wild cards come in22:29
Kimbledoes anyone have any idea why my ntpd daemon would fail to synchronize?22:30
llutzcyphase: find certain-directory/ -type f -iname "thumb*" -delete22:30
atxqI am trying to enable mod_rewite on Ubuntu 11.10. cam anyone help me?22:31
cyphasellutz, i think you misunderstand :)22:31
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llutzcyphase: just ignore me then :)22:32
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cyphasenautilus stores thumbnails in ~/.thumbnails, but the file names are gibberish. i want to be able to associate those filenames with the files they are thumbnails of, so i know which thumbnails to delete22:32
chandra_c_smith: Ansikt bpietro one question: if i reinstall the system w/o formatting /home, it might ask me for encryption option, what do i choose there? do i encrypt the home, or leave it like that, choose a passphrase, or what ?22:33
bpietrochandra_: dunno :(22:34
c_smithchandra_, It shouldn't ask you whether you want to have it encrypted or not, as it uses the old settings.22:36
chandra_c_smith: ok, and what would happen to the passphrase ?22:36
c_smithchandra_, it would use the old one.22:36
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
trismcyphase: nautilus calculates the md5sum of the file uri hash (so echo -n file:///home/username/path/to/file.ext | md5sum) then a find on the hash should find them22:36
chandra_c_smith: i am not understanding something. when i can login to my user now, why cant i see my files? are the passphrase and passwords different ?22:37
c_smithchandra_, from what I could tell, it seemed to be the software is messing up22:37
chandra_c_smith: so what would you suggest ?22:37
c_smithchandra_, hmmmmm, not sure..... may very well be data corruption with the last message taken into account.22:37
chandra_which message do you mean ? c_smith22:38
c_smithchandra_, the one about not being able to see the files.22:38
c_smithchandra_, another place you could try for support if we can't get you a solution here is the Ubuntu forums.22:38
=== spunk is now known as sn1ggers
chandra_c_smith: hmm22:41
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempting to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. See for more info: http://pastebin.com/3prT5SEJ22:42
c_smithchandra_, have you done a backup of the home folder recently?22:42
diverdudeHow do i disable touchpad on my lenovo in ubuntu 11.10?22:43
chandra_c_smith: no22:44
c_smithwell, then, it would be hard for you to do a complete reinstall (formatting the home partition, too) if it goes corrupt.22:44
c_smithchandra_, have you tried to reinstall yet?22:45
chandra_c_smith: good thing is i can still access my home files from live medium. i will get a backup medium and copy the files over soon22:45
chandra_c_smith: i dont want to try to reinstall because i fear losing my data22:45
chandra_if reinstall doesnt change the situation, i dont see why i should do it c_smith22:45
c_smithchandra_, it seems that would be the most efficient way to fix this, if you files are still intact on the live session, they will be after installing.22:46
diverdudeHow do i disable touchpad on my lenovo in ubuntu 11.10?22:46
c_smithchandra_, the reinstall touches none of the data it doesn't need unless you specify the partition to be formatted.22:47
chandra_c_smith: but this situation was not predicted. i can login to my system but i cant see my files- this is clearly something wrong. i fear something unexplainable happens after reinstall too. afterall there might be some easy excuse later- "it was a bug" or so on :)22:47
chandra_if i am not sure, i would not like to do it :) c_smith22:47
c_smithchandra_, ok, well, I'm out of ideas then, I'll have to recommend trying the Ubuntu support forums, I can get you a link if you'd like.22:48
diverdudeHow do i disable touchpad on my lenovo in ubuntu 11.10?22:48
chandra_isnt it ubuntuforms.com ?22:48
c_smithlooks like it.22:48
c_smithchandra_, wish I knew more ways on fixing your problem, but I sadly don't.22:49
chandra_c_smith: thanks :)22:49
c_smithchandra_, no prob22:49
chandra_c_smith: i thank you for your time and effort :)22:49
chandra_c_smith: if i know how to fix it, i'd let you know too (if you are on this channel later)22:50
goddardhey look at my bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/90339522:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 903395 in unity "Nvidia 460M - laggy window movement 11.10 unity" [Undecided,Invalid]22:50
c_smithchandra_, or you could send a PM to my account on the Ubuntu forums.22:50
chandra_c_smith: cool22:50
c_smithchandra_, hang on for a second, I'll get you that in a PM on IRC.22:51
lion42diverdude, I googled the instructions. It says to figure out the device ID by typing "xinput list" in the terminal, and then "xinput set-prop thedeviceID "Device Enabled" 0" in the terminal.22:52
lion42You may also be able to disable the touchpad in the bios, but I haven't tried to do that with my thinkpad and cannot confirm that it's true.22:52
bjackmanwhoops sorry22:52
wunnlewhich music player are you using? I'm now using Rhythmbox but it doesn't support rating files. I need suggestions.22:55
slinzex plz help some experts with font config. Cant get normal font . Its like this http://i43.tinypic.com/30svnf6.png22:57
mkcDoes anyone know of a blog or a tutorial about proper installation of software on ubuntu servers.  An explanation or guide why each program requires to have a new user, etc. Thanks22:57
aeon-ltdmkc: wut? not every program needs anew user22:58
aeon-ltdmkc: server works the same as desktop but without all the crap22:58
omidoi installed zsnes emulator and set its configuration the wrong way. now i want to install it again without that wrong configuration that i made. how can i remove the cache(or anything its called in this case) so that i could have the default configuration?22:58
mkcaeon-ltd: On my old ec2 machines i didn't care too much about security and proper installation so everything run as ssh user or root, but I want to do it right now. I just need a guide22:58
aeon-ltdmkc: is this server personal? so for your use only?23:00
mkcaeon-ltd: It's personal but now it is going to make me money...lol23:01
Paul_EHi all I'd like to install ubuntu with the minimal amount of packages to have a fully working desktop (so no productivity software, etc.). Desktop download installs too much. Is there a list of packages required to just have a basic working gnome system? I started with the server cd and installed that. Now I need the additional packages to get it to a desktop. Hoping for some official ubuntu...23:01
Paul_E...documentation on a minimal desktop install. Thanks :)23:01
aeon-ltdmkc: you're prob gonna need to find a guide based on what it's purpose is23:01
goddardwhy does ubuntu come with xterm and bash?23:01
SunTsuwhy not?23:02
goddardSunTsu: why so?23:02
aeon-ltdgoddard: you can use zsh if you like23:02
SunTsugoddard: because the packager thought it's a good idea to do so23:02
SunTsumost probably23:02
mkcaeon-ltd: yea, true that. I'll google around for a little while and get back when i have more specific questions23:02
mkcaeon-ltd: thanks. be back later23:02
enovativhello to all23:03
omidoi installed zsnes emulator and set its configuration the wrong way. now i want to install it again without that wrong configuration that i made. how can i remove the cache(or anything its called in this case) so that i could have the default configuration?23:03
goddardaeon-ltd: so the reason it is to use zsh?23:03
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labcoattechis it better to run 64-bit ubuntu if you have 4gb ram or higher23:03
goddardlabcoattech: yes23:03
enovativi have a usb wireless adapter ...i want to use on ubuntu 10.1023:04
enovativcan anyone help ?23:04
enovativfor some reason ubuntu doesn't see it23:04
goddardenovativ: did you plug it in?23:04
aeon-ltdgoddard: no, it comes with bash, if you don'tt like it remove it install zsh23:04
Paul_Ewell.. I dug a bit more into google and found this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimal_Desktop_for_Ubuntu23:04
goddardenovativ: check compatability23:04
aeon-ltdgoddard: it's linux use whatever the hell you want23:04
SunTsulabcoattech: depends, but yes, 4gb ram and higher is a good reason for 64bit23:04
goddardaeon-ltd: oh no i do like bash but when i installed ubuntu fresh it installed xterm just was curious why23:04
Paul_E... though.. not so promising that the first thing you see on that page is "I give up."23:05
enovativgoddard, yes i plugged it in...not working23:05
aeon-ltdgoddard: because it's "standard"23:05
goddardaeon-ltd: strange never saw it installed before23:05
enovativaeon-ltd, i would agree with you ..except i have been trying to use this bluetooth headset on a compaq laptop for a week now23:05
goddardaeon-ltd: must be a new standard23:05
SunTsugoddard: no, on the contrary23:06
aeon-ltdgoddard: it's been there since 7.04 (personal experience) and prob further back23:06
omidono one can help me with my issue?23:06
goddardaeon-ltd: oh? huh guess I never saw a menu item for it then23:06
enovativhow can i tell the usb wireless adapter is working23:06
hanasakiwhat package has kvmctl ? and virt-df?23:06
hasufelldoes any1 know D? i tried a simple hack on a source-code but the last line does not seem to be interpreted correctly. no clue: http://pastebin.com/NAFABwA023:07
SudoKinghow do i reconfigure SDL?23:08
washuu_dedid I ask my question more than 60 minutes ago?23:08
aeon-ltdwashuu_de: ask again anyway23:08
omidohelp me plz23:09
aeon-ltdomido: just ask and wait23:09
omidoaeon-ltd:  i wanted to play some game. i have a little free time and wanted to play a game but it turns to waiting on irc23:10
SudoKingznes: maybe theres a (hidden) config directory in your home?23:10
SudoKingerr omido:23:10
Gneaomido: what game?23:10
omidoi installed zsnes emulator and set its configuration the wrong way. now i want to install it again without that wrong configuration that i made. how can i remove the cache(or anything its called in this case) so that i could have the default configuration?23:10
aeon-ltdomido: yes it's called purging23:11
speedxcoreI'm looking for a software for linux to sketch networks. Wan-clouds, links, transits routers and so on. Ideas?23:11
aeon-ltdomido: then if there are any leftover files search /etc/nameofprogram and /home/username/.nameoffolder (dot folders are hidden)23:11
aeon-ltdomido: sudo apt-get remove --purge nameofpackage23:12
omidoaeon-ltd:  thankyou23:12
omidoi removed windows and other linux distros and i only have ubuntu installed . but i have very strange and unusual problems with it23:12
gen5x4hai all23:15
washuu_deSince I upgraded to natty there is a in-built firewall. so it seems. firestarter doesn't get any events anymore23:15
gen5x4I wana ask? does it true ubuntu 12.04 will eliminate terminal??23:17
szal!12.04 | gen5x423:17
ubottugen5x4: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:17
washuu_deHas ubuntu natty a built-in firewall? How can I deactivate it. I want to run firestarter !23:20
mutesdoes it true23:21
aeon-ltdwashuu_de: iirc (everyone else chime in if i'm wrong) firestarter is a frontend for ufw (ubuntu's default firewall)23:21
aeon-ltdwashuu_de: wait it's a frontend for iptables not ufw23:22
washuu_de@anon-ltd:I can't set ports open or closewd anymore. NO event is shown in the firesarter window.23:24
washuu_deI already reinstalled it.23:24
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cyphasetrism, i figured it was some kind of hash. i used what you said to make a quick python script. it removed 19577 thumbnails. thanks :)23:25
guiriCan someone recommend a mirror for 12.04?  I'm testing the ppc daily build on a laptop but mirror.anl.gov isn't working.23:26
trismcyphase: nice, glad it worked23:27
llutz!12.04 | guiri23:27
ubottuguiri: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:27
aeon-ltdguiri: #ubuntu+123:27
RokcStaris there a network tool for terminal that can help you test network lines23:30
SunTsuRokcStar: lots of23:30
gigawatthow do i get gnome back??23:31
washuu_deI have the problem, that IRC ports are closed since I upgraded to NATTY. Is there a way to open them again?23:31
SunTsu!classic | gigawatt23:31
ubottugigawatt: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity23:31
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:32
washuu_deI'm NOT using Unity23:32
SunTsuwashuu_de: not everything is about you23:32
RokcStargreat SunTsu i found this link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/426272/how-to-test-internet-connection-speed-from-command-line23:34
washuu_deBut I never know who ubotto is talking to...23:35
n4dspW;here can I get some tech support for Evolution email?23:35
SunTsuwashuu_de: as it is a bot probably the to the one who asked it something23:36
n4dspGoing with Ubuntu  I use Evolution. This is a piece of crap. Everyday at least once when I reply to an email and go to send it the program crashes and I have to reply all over again.23:39
seidosevolution works fine for me23:39
n4dspgood , glad to hear it23:39
seidoswhat version do you have n4dsp ?23:40
n4dspwhat is an alternative email program for ubuntu23:40
n4dsplet me see23:40
boldfilterI use thunderbird anyway23:40
seidosi am using 3.0.323:40
n4dspif I upgrade I wont loose my email will I?23:40
seidosi dunno, never upgraded23:41
litropyHi, peeps. I have a trackball. I'm attempting to use xinput to make it so that when I press both left-click (button 1) and right-click (button 3), my window scrolls with the mouse.  I'd also like to release both buttons and still retain this functionality until I click again. See for more info: http://pastebin.com/3prT5SEJ23:41
washuu_de@SunTsu: So Noone here knowns about it?23:41
n4dspand where do I go to upgrade to 3.0.323:41
washuu_de Is thast what you want to say?23:41
SunTsuwashuu_de: I don't even know what you are talking about23:42
seidosn4dsp: update in synaptic, maybe there's a new version there.  if not, try to get a package from the internet, maybe.23:43
n4dspNothing in Synaptic seidos23:44
MACscranyone know how to get partclone installed on a ubuntu 64 system? I cant seem to compile it (no errors) and the deb is for i38623:44
seidosall i found was this:  http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/download.shtml23:44
n4dspso its either evolution or thunderbird eh23:44
n4dspok thanks23:44
washuu_deI asked if the upgrade to natty means that I can<'t control my portd anymore23:45
n4dsphow do i find whom my distribution supplier is?23:45
seidosn4dsp: i think there are some terminal clients as well.  but i haven't successfully set one up yet23:45
SunTsuwashuu_de: no23:45
n4dspok seidos thanks for the information. Merry Christmas23:47
washuu_deI asked if the upgrade to natty means that I can<'t control my ports anymore23:48
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washuu_deNow all my ports are closed!23:48
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fschuindtguys, I've installed the ubuntu 11.10 but I can't use the new visual... So I setup the gnome-classic mode, but it also is different. How can I install the older gnome?23:49
SunTsuwashuu_de: you might want to be more precise with your question. What are you doing exactly, ingoing, outgoing, who connects where and stuff23:50
Jack`try hotmail gmail yahoo23:50
n4dspyes Jack23:50
Jack`then you dont need programm23:50
washuu_deExcept port 80. That port  opemnd before I upgraded23:50
Jack`sorry but i disconnect so i think you received twice23:50
SunTsufschuindt: gnome2 is not maintained anymore23:50
SunTsuwashuu_de: again. be more precise23:51
Eriondanyone familiar with  makefile internals?23:52
SunTsuEriond: ask away23:52
washuu_deOK... T23:52
EriondI'm trying to -include another file, but it's actually checking the dependencies at inclusion, so it's running targets I don't exactly want it to run.23:53
EriondIs there anyway to have it not run those dependencies?23:53
washuu_deI upgraded to Natty...23:53
JusticeZerofschuindt: there was this messy breakup sort of thing with gnome for whatever reason. (Sounded like a good reason even if I couldn't understand the details.) Try new things. A lot of people are playing with xubuntu-desktop, etc. these days.23:53
JusticeZeroHey, does anyone know how fast a cheap memory stick should degrade till you can't use it as a quickstart anymore, if you're putting different images on it?23:56
washuu_deNow I can not open or close ports. A firewall called "firestarter" tha I had installed before the upfate weorks no more. I removed and re-installed it. To no avail.23:57
SunTsuwashuu_de: Please read this: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html23:58
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washuu_deI take a look...23:59
styelzwashuu_de: use ufw, pretty easy23:59

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