
Nonqwethi all!00:22
NonqwetWhen Xubuntu will run as fast as Lubuntu?00:23
Sysi"run as fast"?00:23
Sysiwhat do you mean by that00:23
Nonqwetgoogle translate...00:23
Nonqwetspeed of work00:24
Nonqwetspeed of operation and etc00:24
NonqwetI think Xubuntu has lost its relevance.00:26
NonqwetXubuntu does not work faster than Ubuntu with Gnome 2.00:26
NonqwetBut Lubuntu fastest and more. And it uses less resources.00:27
NonqwetWhy are you silent?00:27
Nonqwetok then bb00:29
Paimunthat was fascinating01:10
alejandro_morenomy newly installed xubuntu can't find my wireless card03:16
alejandro_morenoand can't automount CDs or USB sticks ...03:16
alejandro_morenodo I need to get a wired connection and try an update?03:16
alejandro_morenoor can I manually mount say the Xubuntu live CD and try something from there?03:17
alejandro_morenocan't mount CD03:21
alejandro_moreno/etc/fstab doesn't have a cdrom entry03:21
alejandro_morenowhat should it look like?03:22
alejandro_morenounknown filesystem type iso9660 ...03:23
alejandro_morenogetting worrying messages from modprobe03:26
alejandro_morenosudo modprobe -l ath*03:26
alejandro_morenoFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/3.0.0-13-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory03:26
alejandro_morenoshould I just give it up and reinstall?03:27
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alejandro_morenoI did reinstall, and it went MUCH better04:35
alejandro_morenoI'm still getting an error about xfce-panel not running, or something like that04:36
alejandro_morenoNo running instance of xfce-panel was found (cancel) (execute) ... or something to that effect04:37
alejandro_morenofixed xfce-panel error: rm .cach05:44
alejandro_morenorm ~/.cache/sessions/*05:45
CrownWheelHey, xubuntu users.06:35
CrownWheelHas anyone tried installing the R statistics package under 11.10 yet06:36
CrownWheelSynaptic refuses to do it.  "cannot be installed" with no further explanation.06:37
CrownWheelThe "Software Center" has more helpful error text.06:40
CrownWheelAll of R's dependencies produce errors like this:06:40
CrownWheelDepends: r-base-core (>= 2.13.0) but 2.14.0-1oneiric0 is to be installed06:40
CrownWheelis there a way to force Synaptic/apt/dpkg/whatever to simply USE the ubuntu5/oneiric0 versions of these packages?06:41
jesusra-awayhi, I'm having freeze or hang problem on reboot or shutdown, somewhere I read that stopping networking before reboot could help and indeed it works for me, now the question is how to automatically stop networking on rebooting, where I can put the command so the first thing it does is stop network?07:18
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=== jesusr is now known as jesusra
jesusraalso how can stop the graphical front end when the system starts or ends so I can see the log on screen?, thanks.07:20
TheSheepjesusra: remove 'quiet' and 'splash' from the boot options08:07
TheSheep!boot | jesusra08:07
ubottujesusra: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:07
TheSheepjesusra: by the way, please don't change your nick on away08:07
jesusraTheSheep : sorry, problem with connection. will check the links thanks08:09
jesusrafirst thing I did was to remove quiet and splash, the result was a blank screen until the login to xubuntu appear08:10
TheSheepthen you may want to disable framebuffer, but I forgot what is the boot option for that08:14
StormStrikesI know this is not the place, but Ive asked in the LibreOffice channel, the documentfoundation channel, the forums and got nothing and Ive tried over a few days.  But is there anyone here skilled in Calc macros that I would be able to ask a few questions of?08:18
jesusrammh, the hang on reboot may be due the wireless driver, I unchecked Enable wireless (translated from spanish Activar Inalámbrico) and now I can reboot properly08:20
jesusraTheSheep : the instructions in BootOptions seems to apply when installing, I found that on grub menu pressing <e> I can remove the line set gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode and this works, there are not too many log lines though, cu thanks.08:28
Error404NotFoundI have suddenly lost sound after i rebooted due to some upgrades( http://pastebin.com/dAiix2am) also tried rebooting into older kernal, killing all processing using pcm, restart pulseaudio, etc...10:16
cYmenHm...something seems to have changed recently and now xubuntu only uses one of my screen. Where do I change that?10:17
kora-chanhey guys, i recently switched from ubuntu to xubuntu (11.10) and was wondering what i have to do to get my ipod touch sync with banshe. libgpod is installed and lsusb yields the ipod device is connected directly. i also tried gtkpod, but none seemed to recognize the device. any ideas?15:07
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod15:10
dipseydoodleDoes Xubuntu come with Apache?15:44
dipseydoodle(I couldn't find a list of Servers/Apps etc...)15:45
GridCubedipseydoodle: nope15:48
MyrttiI don't think apart from Ubuntu shipping with Samba and all desktop versions coming with CUPS, none of the Ubuntu flavours come with any servers15:48
GridCube!info apache15:48
ubottuPackage apache does not exist in oneiric15:48
GridCubemmhm thats weird15:48
ablomen!info apache215:48
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.20-1ubuntu1.1 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB15:48
GridCubeah there it is15:48
GridCubealso lamp15:48
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:48
ablomenbasicly install php5 mysql-server apache2 and phpmyadmin and you should be all set15:49
dipseydoodleOk thanks.15:49
Myrttidipseydoodle: I think the reasoning is that the distro can be used in many ways and not everyone wants apache2 in their system15:50
dipseydoodleBtw, I am a mac user (have a nice macbook :P ) use them alot. I'm looking for an exiting new OS that a Hobby Programmer like me can play around with15:50
GridCubeany linux should help you there15:51
dipseydoodleI know15:51
dipseydoodleI just so happened to download the kernal yesterday.15:51
dipseydoodleI'm thinking of making a new distro in my spare time :P15:52
ubottuLFS is Linux From Scratch (www.linuxfromscratch.org) - not to be confused with !LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu (currently 6.06, 8.04 and 10.04)15:52
dipseydoodleI've looked into that before.15:53
dipseydoodleIt seems quite helpful, but. I'm the one who can't stand DIY books :P15:54
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:54
dipseydoodleI'm quite familiar with Unix Source etc... I'm sure I could hack up some of the source cide and be happy with it.15:54
dipseydoodleI see.15:54
GridCube:) no problem15:55
dipseydoodle(ontopic) I don't want to waste all your time so I'll make this last question short. Am I right when I assume that this distro comes with GCC? or is there something else I need to download aswell?15:56
Myrtti!info build-essential15:56
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB15:56
Myrttiagain, not everyone needs GCC so you need to install it - best way to do that is to install the build-essential package which pulls all the dependencies.15:57
Myrttiwell, all the dependencies needed for basic work.15:57
xubuntu433is there anyway to change xscreensaver password screen16:44
GridCubenot that i know off16:44
holsteinthere are different lockers, but leaving the default one is going to be problematic16:45
holsteinor challenging16:45
xubuntu433and is there anyway to restore xubuntu without reinstall?16:46
xubuntu433i install gnomescreensaver but i cant change background16:46
GridCubedepends on what went wrong16:46
xubuntu433i remove xscreensaver install gnomescreensaver. I install xscreensaver but screensaver setting gone16:47
baizonso remove the config16:48
baizonsorry i mean recreate it16:49
baizondpkg-reconfigure xscreensaver16:49
xubuntu433this command for recreate config files?16:50
xubuntu433and last question if i want to use gnomescreensaver in xubuntu how can i access gnome screensaver prefences16:52
baizonxubuntu433: /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-preferences16:53
xubuntu433again thx and goodbye16:54
baizonnp, cu16:54
revenuarhello, does skype work with xubuntu?18:00
Unit193If not, you may want to tell Skype as I'm running it now ;)18:02
revenuari keep on getting: failed to download package files, check your internet connection18:04
revenuarvia the software centre18:04
Unit193You are online with that same computer? Try opening Synaptic and "reloading" the package list. Did you enable the third party repo?18:05
revenuaryes, no18:06
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:08
Unit193Or you can use Synaptic to add it18:08
revenuarokay, skypes in queue. should have looked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype before i asked. sorry18:16
ajaureguii need to mount a SD card in xubuntu20:21
ajaureguiwhen i insert the card nothing happens20:22
ajaureguican anybody help me?20:22
drx1is Xubuntu the lightest Ubutu version?21:53
drx1Can you install Xubuntu on a PII/450Mhz/384M/5G system and have it run sufficiently quickly?21:53
drx1Is it possible to install Xubuntu from a bootable floppy or start the installation for an MSDOS boot floppy?21:54
TheSheepdrx1: no21:54
drx1TheSheep: which is the lightest?21:54
drx1or is that no to have it run well?21:55
TheSheepdrx1: no idea, but that is way too little ram to run xubuntu21:55
TheSheepalso, what does "the lightest" mean?21:55
TheSheepubuntu server would be the lightest, I guess21:55
drx1so no ubuntu flavor for an old laptop, eh?21:55
TheSheepram is cheap21:56
drx1this system maxes out at 384M21:56
TheSheepand modern web browsers eat ram like hogs21:56
TheSheepno matter how light your system is, the applications will use most of the ram21:57
TheSheepyou can try the distros that are specifically designed for small computers, like damn small linux or puppy linux21:59
drx1i reallly need it to (1) compile C apps (configure/make) (2) run disk utilities, (3) subversion, (4) view office documents (e.g., open office).  browsing would be secondary21:59
TheSheepopen office is even more of a ram hog21:59
TheSheepother than that you are alright with just the console21:59
drx1console will get me the first three, but not the last 222:00
drx1what about Ubuntu compatible puppy linux... is that any good?22:10
drx1is there any browser that won't try to hog all your RAM?22:21
w30drx1, Ha! Yeah use wget22:55
holsteinmidori seems nice and light22:55
w30holstein, check out this url for emerald and libemeraldengine for xubuntu; works for me.http://askubuntu.com/questions/82198/is-it-possible-to-keep-the-window-buttons-and-title-opaque-and-the-border-trans23:06
holsteinyeah, emerald works for me23:07
holsteini get compiz working... its just slow23:07
holsteinand focus problems23:07
w30holstein, I fixed my speed problem by editing /proc/cpuinfo with "model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz"23:10
Sysiholstein: sounds exactly like compiz :P23:10
holsteinyup... its not slow pre-compiz w3023:12
w30holstein, I don't know what compiz needs to run well, Everyone says you don't need anything like what Vista needs but Vista needs a lot so that don't say much23:15
Sysicompiz needs good drivers23:17
w30Sysi, it needs at the least 3d drivers that support Open GL23:19
Sysianything less is nowhere near "good"23:20
w30I need a 4th button on my mouse to run the cube; Otherwise I am good to go.23:26
w30If I use buttons 1 thru 3,  I loose some other window manager function. I have it buuton 1 plus super.23:28
Sysicube sucks, it would be awesome to have button for scale23:28
w30Sysi, That's a good Idea you need to head to New Egg com eh?23:30
Sysion other tought, having apple magic trackpad would be more awesome23:31
SysiI wonder how well ginn works23:31
w30Sysi, what's ginn?23:34
Sysidaemon for multitouch gestures23:34
w30Sysi, oh, ok. Is that for touch screens also?23:35
w30I hate dirty screens and dirty glasses. I can't keep either clean even trying not to touch either. no touch screens for me unless I can wipe them off on my sleeve.23:38
SysiI can't keep mousepad or trackball clean23:39
Sysinot clean screen is much easier to not notice23:41

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