
Noldorinpoolie, hey.00:38
Noldorinhow's progress on bzr 2.5? :-)00:38
nixmaniackhow can I continue an interrupted cloning of bzr repo? I started with bzr branch lp:calibre but interrupted in between00:39
Noldorinnixmaniack, interrupted how exactly?00:43
Noldorinprocess kill?00:43
nixmaniackNoldorin, ctrl+c00:43
nixmaniacki want to resume the process from where it stopped00:44
Noldorinnixmaniack, yeah, i think that would just fuck it during a branch00:44
Noldorinyou can try bzr break-lock followed by bzr pull00:44
Noldorinthat *might* work00:44
Noldorinor bzr update even for the 2nd command00:44
spivUnfortunately you can't resume an interrupted pull00:45
nixmaniackbzr update didn't work, it gives me error00:45
Noldorinspiv, a branch is like an init followed by a pull no?00:45
spivNoldorin: yeah00:45
nixmaniackbzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home ....00:45
Noldorinnixmaniack, yeah, so just wipe the directory and start again i say00:46
Noldorindon't think there's a better solution sorry00:46
Noldorinspiv, why the separate command then? just convenience/semantics, or does it actually do something cleverer? :-)00:46
nixmaniackNoldorin, i would have to download so much data again! that's why i was trying for other solution00:46
Noldorinnixmaniack, yeah, it sucks. you can't exactly blame bzr though. you pressed the keys ;-)00:47
Noldorinunlucky, as i said00:47
spiv(bzr can't commit an incomplete stream, because it almost certainly has references to records that didn't get received yet.  There's a bug about improving this situation, but it's tricky to do well and right.)00:47
spivnixmaniack: if you need incremental fetches, the easiest hack is to do e.g. "bzr branch -r100 lp:foo; cd foo; bzr pull -r200; bzr pull -r300; ..."00:47
spiv(or in increments of 1000, or whatever)00:48
spivNoldorin: a bit of both00:48
spivNoldorin: but mainly convenience.00:48
nixmaniackNoldorin, actually this should be handled in some way (i think). what if a persons connection gets inturrupted after 90% cloning (and suppose the repo is quite big)00:48
spivnixmaniack: yes, we agree00:48
spivnixmaniack: read and/or subscribe to the bug talking about it :)00:49
Noldorinnixmaniack, oh sure, it's a pain. but it's not *that* important to most people00:49
Noldorini've done it before...00:50
Noldorinand i'm angry until i realise it was me being silly00:50
Noldorinserver could go down though00:50
Noldorinso in that case :-)00:50
spivnixmaniack: also, in many cases the better fix would be to not require the user fetch so much data :)00:50
spivnixmaniack: e.g. the shallow branching proposal00:51
Noldorinwhat's that?00:51
Noldorinshallow branching00:51
mamalalahello! can anybody give me some help regarding getting a branch with bzr causing extreme network traffic?00:51
mamalalabzr is downloading insanely high amounts of data for "small" stuff ... since i'm on umts internet, that really sucks00:52
nixmaniackspiv, actually I don't understand much about VCS! I just Git (that to not very often) but the project on which i want work is on bazaar repo, and i'm stuck at cloning only!00:53
nixmaniackand now being on mobile network i can't afford much traffic!00:53
Noldorinmamalala, might want to define what umts is :-P00:53
mamalalaNoldorin: mobile internet connection, only 4.something mbits/sec00:54
Noldorinsounds American00:54
Noldorinhey that's still faster than 3G :-P00:54
mamalalanah, i'm in germany actually ;)00:54
Noldorinor at least the same00:54
Noldorinokay fine00:54
Noldorinnot British though :-)00:54
mamalalai'd like to grab the sources, doc's and libraries for kicad, and they use bazaar on launchpad00:55
mamalalaalready got the sources, after hundreds of megabytes of bzr download traffic, for only a handfull of mbytes of actual sourcecode00:55
mamalalaso i'm wondering if there is a sane way to get stuff from bazaar?00:55
Noldorinmamalala, that's because you grabbed the entire revision history :-P00:56
mamalalaright now i'm getting the doc's, and it already transferred > 100 mbytes ... and you can bet that the actual doc's aren't that big00:56
Noldorinmamalala, you probably just want bzr export00:56
Noldorinfor the latest revision, only actual content00:57
mamalalawill try that, i'm totally new to that bazaar stuff00:57
mamalalaNoldorin: what would be the correct syntax for that then? what the kicad folks tell on their wiki to grab stuff is, for example: bzr branch lp:~kicad-developers/kicad/doc00:58
spivNoldorin: see the list archives, but the proposals for it are mostly along the lines of "local branch stacked on remote trunk + some amount of local caching"00:58
Noldorinspiv, oh right, interesting.00:59
Noldorinspiv, isn't that like a lightweigh checkout?00:59
spivAlthough if jelmer can finish my branch for making 'bzr branch --stacked' from a smart server faster, that would be a fair chunk of a basic version of that already.00:59
Noldorinmamalala, just bzr export mylocaldir/ lp:...00:59
spivNoldorin: yes, but without the need to hit the network for every operation01:00
pooliehi spiv01:00
spivNoldorin: e.g. seeing a diff of what you've changed01:00
Noldorinspiv, ah interesting. so more apt for the distributed workflow then :-)01:00
mamalalaNoldorin: ah, thanks! i was a bit confused because that branch thingy automatically created a directory01:00
mamalalastupid me ;)01:00
Noldorinspiv, what's the diff between --stacked and --lightweight incidentally?01:00
spivNoldorin: and potentially if you say e.g. "bzr log -r -20.." it could not just fetch that from the network to show you the log, but also add that to the local cache so next time you do it is fast.01:01
spivNoldorin: --stacked is a branch01:01
spivNoldorin: so an independent line of development, can have its own commits etc.01:01
Noldorinmamalala, you could also do bzr init, bzr clone -r 123 if you wanted the bzr metadata too.... i *think* that would only pull the latest revision? or maybe you want bzr merge. spiv can probably tell01:02
Noldorinspiv, sounds cool01:02
spivNoldorin: but a bit like a shared repo: if its repo doesn't have some data bzr will automatically fetch it from the stacked-on repo instead.01:02
Noldorinspiv, so lightweight checkouts are like the centralised version of stacked branches eh?01:02
spivNoldorin: (a bit like shared in that it's a mechanism for multiple things to share one resource for repo data)01:02
spivNoldorin: yes01:02
spivHey poolie01:03
mamalalaNoldorin: alright ... thing is, i simply want the doc's, code and lib's ... i don't care about updating the local repository in the future anyways, so any version control is useless for me here01:03
Noldorinspiv, i guess you're working on shallow branching mainly for speed/efficiency reasons then?01:03
Noldorinmamalala, yep yep, so export should work fine. let me know if you have luck01:03
mamalalaNoldorin: well, it's causing some traffic, but not telling me what it actually does ;)01:04
spivNoldorin: yes, although it's a natural way to work IMO01:04
mamalalabut seems there is a lot of overhead as well01:04
spivNoldorin: I usually don't care about the full history of something I want to hack on01:04
Noldorinspiv, sure. just the logic is more complex/bug-prone.01:05
spivNoldorin: I mainly want my hacking to be fast, and as a secondary thing I want the full history to be available for the odd time when I want to dig into it.01:05
Noldorinmamalala, sounds like you're doing somethign weird/on a really old version of bzr heh01:05
mamalalaonly got 6 mbytes of data in the directory yet, but downloading at almost full bandwidth for a while ... which means still a lot of wasted traffic ... oh well01:05
spivYeah.  Although we've already dealt with most of the hard logic, for stacking.01:05
Noldorinmamalala, ask the devs. i think you have an edge case though. bzr has always proven efficient for me in such things01:06
Noldorinspiv, currently there's no way to do local hacking on a remote branch without pulling the full history, eh?01:06
Noldorinso i guess that's the crux01:07
spivmamalala: are you branching into a shared repository, or a standalone branch?01:07
spivmamalala: there's a known bug with branching into an empty shared repository01:07
Noldorinalso, hi again poolie. just wanted to update you that i'm planning to start hacking on that LP downloads feature soon..01:07
mamalalaspiv: good question ... i have no idea, i'm not involved in development there or anything ...01:07
mamalalaspiv: http://kicad.sourceforge.net/wiki/Downloads01:08
mamalalaspiv: that's the stuff i want to grab as sources (see bottom of the page)01:08
Noldorinsourceforge offers bzr these days? :O01:08
mamalalaspiv: after way too much traffic i got the sources already, and now iÄd like to get the doc's and lib's as well ... but at the current state of affairs, i'm about to drop it ..01:08
mamalalaNoldorin: nah, i guess they just used sf for the wiki stuff ... there are no files or anything to download at sf for that project01:10
Noldorinspiv, i mean, correct me if i'm wrong about that ^01:10
Noldorinmamalala, ah fair enough. speaking of which, i was actually planning on starting work on a wiki feature for Launchpad at some point01:11
Noldorinit's one feature really lacking. one of few01:11
mamalalaNoldorin: right now, from my pov, being able to just grab the actual source/whatever from a repository in a fast way is sorely lacking ;)01:12
Noldorinmamalala, well did bzr export not succeed at least?01:12
mamalalaNoldorin: i cancelled it now ...01:13
Noldorinmamalala, could well be the server that's (temporarily) fucked01:13
mamalalaNoldorin: it just sucked up all the bandwidth, and only got about 8 mbytes of data a minute ago01:13
mamalalaNoldorin: i had it running since you gave me the hint about export ... suring all that time only 8 mbytes of real data, while constantly using about 4mbit/s of bandwidth01:14
mamalalathats just insane01:14
mamalalaif i had broadband dsl or something, i wouldn't really care ... but at such "slow" speeds, it makes no fun at all01:14
Noldorinmamalala, as i said, fringe case most likely. never heard of that before. either the server, client, or repo is fucked :-P01:15
Noldorini know bzr to be excellent and efficient software in general01:15
Noldorinseems you just have the luck now01:15
mamalalaNoldorin: i don't doubt that .. just in that case it really sucks ... but then, i also blame the kicad folks for being unable to provide a simply tarball of that stuff01:16
mamalalasimply -> simple01:16
Noldorinmamalala, yeah, i always hate it too when i just want to grab the source but can't do it easily01:16
NoldorinLaunchpad lets you do it01:16
Noldorinbut i guess they use a custom host01:16
Noldorinwhich increases the chance their bzr server is messed up too, perhaps01:17
mamalalafrom what i know they use launchpad01:17
Noldorinmamalala, then you can just download the latest revision01:17
Noldorinpoint me to the LP project site01:17
Noldorinand i'll tell you01:17
mamalalagood idea, if i would know where that project site is on launchpad01:19
mamalalai only have the links on their wiki for use with bazaar01:19
mamalalaand that bazaar stuff seems to be on launchpad, since it uses lp:... as address01:20
mamalalaalready tried to use bzr+ssh://<myid>@bazaar.launchpad.net/~kicad.... and that worked as well01:20
mamalalabut same slowness as with lp:01:21
fullermdIf you're logged in, lp: _is_ bzr+ssh://....01:21
mamalalaalready created an account on launchpad for me, added my ssh key, etc...01:21
mamalalafullermd: ok01:21
mamalalaguess i'll simply have to try again in a few days, in case something is messed up on their end ... and if nothing changes, i just give it up ...01:24
fullermdAt any rate, I wouldn't expect an export from remote to be too speedy.  Kinda off the beaten path.01:25
mamalalafullermd: well, i really donÄt care about the speed itself, but the badwidth01:25
fullermdBandwidth is just the FFT of speed   ;>01:25
mamalalafullermd: i only have a 5 gig flatrate on umts, after which it will throttle down to gprs speed01:26
mamalalaand that means that using up hundres of megabytes just to get a few mbytes of real data is simply a no-go for me ;(01:26
fullermdIt was (at least.  Maybe still is) often the case that an export or light checkout would involve more transfer than just doing a full branch.01:29
fullermdBut to be sure, neither tops the list when you have to count every byte that closely.01:29
mamalalafullermd: well, i could live with a few megabytes excess traffic in this case ... but the traffic/usable-data ratio is just insane in this case01:29
fullermdDo your fiddling on a shell server somewhere, maybe?01:30
Noldorinalas, no more hacking for today01:30
Noldorinnight folks01:30
fullermdOr at least could branch there and make yourself a tarball.01:30
mamalalaand i'm unable to get a real dsl line here, since there are no free lines available anymore where i live, so umts is my only option ;-/01:30
mamalalafullermd: unfortunately not01:31
mamalalafullermd: used to have my own server and fixed/static sdsl line in my previous location ... oh well, good old times01:31
fullermdWhat branch is it you're trying to get?01:31
mamalalafullermd: lp:~kicad-developers/kicad/doc and then lp:~kicad-lib-committers/kicad/library01:32
fullermdhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kicad-developers/kicad/doc/tarball/302 should be a tarball of the latest rev of the /doc branch.  If it works right.01:33
fullermdAnd http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kicad-lib-committers/kicad/library/tarball/112 looks like the latest of library.01:34
mamalalafullermd: hey, thanks! how did you derive that download link from that information?01:34
mamalalafullermd: again, thanks a lot! that's very helpfull indeed01:35
fullermdI went and poked at https://launchpad.net/~kicad-developers, hit the 'Code' link up top, which showed the branches (in this case, just the one)01:35
fullermdHit the branch, it shows the recent revs down the page.  Click the latest rest (302; the number, not the name beside it), and that gets you to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kicad-developers/kicad/doc/revision/30201:36
fullermdThen there's a 'download tarball' link.01:36
fullermdThen I just manually fiddled with the link to get to the other branch.01:36
mamalalafullermd: oh boy, now i feel really stupid ;-D01:36
fullermdWell, it's Hump Day.  Nobody's smart on hump day   ;p01:37
mamalaladidn't know that there were "real" webpages behind all that as well01:37
fullermdThat's all (or mostly, anyway) loggerhead.  Any branch on LP will have that interface available.01:37
fullermdOr is it loggerhead?  I don't really know, I s'pose.  Still.  It's colored clicky stuff   :p01:38
fullermd(and alternately, if you have a SF account, they still have shell servers, don't they?  Don't remember if they have access to the outside world though)01:39
mamalalahmmm, already 85 mbytes downloaded and continuing ... doesn't look well either ...01:40
mamalalaah, just finished01:40
fullermdCould be a big tarball if it's got a bunch of images and such in it.01:40
mamalalaok, that's definitely much less traffic than using bzr01:40
mamalalafullermd: again, many thanks for helping an old stupid chap ;)01:40
fullermdHey, that's why they pay me the Big Bucks.01:41
mamalalalucky you ;)01:41
fullermdI think I'll put myself in for a 50% bonus just for this conversation, in fact.01:41
mamalalago for 100% ..01:42
fullermdI don't want to sound greedy.  Especially right before christmas.01:42
mamalalaah, great ... got the two tarballs already ... _much_ better than before01:43
fullermdAnyway, I have to be helpful once in a while.  That way I can get away with the buffoonery I engage in the other 90% of the time.01:44
mamalalafullermd: i'm with you on that, same here01:44
mamalalamaybe i should hope for a "bzr --just-grab-the-damn-tarball" option for christmas :D01:45
fullermdI was thinking of going for world peace.  But then what would they put on the news?01:46
mamalalai blame the broadband-effect for such things nowdays. big pipes everywhere makes people forget about caring about bandwidth01:47
mamalalayea, world peace would be nice, but surely won't happen in the next few millenia01:47
fullermdWell, it'll take you that long to run bzr export over your cell, right?   ;p01:48
mamalalaactually it can get pretty fast, on good days i get about 7 mbit/sec, but on average it's around 401:48
mamalalabut speed is only half the business if you have to look at traffic usage01:49
fullermdNot too bad.  But man, 5 gig disappears faster than you can blink.01:49
mamalalabecause being dropped down to gprs speed ain't no fun ... 64 kbit/sec01:49
mamalalatell me ... when i had the sdsl line, it had a flatrate as well01:50
mamalalai'm really missing that, especially the fixed ip's and stuff. it's really great to have your own server at home together with 8 ip's01:50
fullermdBack when I ran ISP's, I had a block of 16 at home.01:51
fullermdThat was on dialup, though.  Still, it was nice.  When I left that business and got DSL, suddenly I had to learn about NAT.  That _sucked_.01:51
mamalalawell, sdsl is a bit different, at least here in germany01:51
mamalalano nat or such crap involved01:51
mamalalayou get one ip, and tell them you need more, and then get 801:52
fullermdI've got cable with a cap.  But I don't get very near it.01:52
mamalalaflatrates are the most common stuff here in germany. pretty much everyone has them01:52
fullermdStill.  According to my cricket graphs, I'm averageing something like 175kbps over the mid term.  That's a bit under 2 gig a day.01:52
fullermdVery bursty usage to get that average, but...01:53
mamalalafriend of mine has cable-dsl at home, 50 mbit/sec, fixed ip, for something around 50 euros per month01:53
fullermdI get about 20mbit down.  250 gig cap.01:53
mamalalaaverage dsl here is 8 or 16 mbits for around 30 euro-bucks including flatrate, but no fixed ip01:53
fullermdLooks like I'm at 26 so far this month.  So I'll be around 50 total.  That would be unpleasant to try and pull off over cell...01:54
mamalalaahh, 250 gig ... i would be happy if i had 20 or 30 gig included01:54
mamalala5 gigs is really borderline01:54
mamalalaoh well ...01:55
fullermdYeah, I'd hit that in about 3 days of my usage.01:55
fullermdMaybe a little less, since that figure is just downstream.  But my upstream is a lot smaller anyway.01:55
mamalalatell me... when i moved in here, found out that no lines are available, and then used umts the forst time... after one day i was down to gprs speed ;-/01:55
mamalalanowdays i'm wondering what i did to use it up so quickly... probably all those downloads and stuff to get my net-based backups back to y local machine01:56
fullermdLuckily, all my MUD data is compressed.01:57
mamalalabut then ... the average website is crap-full with flash and other useless waste, so just by surfing around the net you get a lot of wasted bandwidth01:58
mamalalai really "love" those sites where these bozos use flash to implement basic navigation through the site, etc. what a load of crap01:59
fullermdI especially love them, since I don't have flash.01:59
fullermdGives me a nice quick warning that the site is stupid and not worth bothering with.01:59
mamalalawell, i have flash installed, because some customers want to show me their latest-and-greatest...02:00
fullermdI get that from time to time.  I tell them "Yes, that's a pretty big white box".02:01
mamalalabut then, somehow they all got rather quiet re: telling me about their flash stuff... might have something to do with me telling them what a load of bulldung that is02:01
mamalalaalright, i'm leaving now, poking around with that kicad stuff, hopefully getting me to make the transition from my current pcb software to this one02:03
mamalalafullermd: again, many thanks for the help! i could send you a sixpack of nice, tasty german beer if you like :D02:04
fullermdI'm sure that would be highly illegal.02:04
fullermdTherefore, my address is...02:04
mamalalafullermd: if you really want me to send you some beer, no problem ... just /query me, i'm almost 24/7 on freenode anyways (and have channel #mamalala as well)02:06
mamalalaok, i'm off, good night everyone, and thanks again!02:06
* fullermd waves.02:06
* mamalala waves back02:06
pooliehi fullermd02:16
* fullermd waves at poolie.02:17
fullermdpoolie: Out of curiosity, _is_ that "download a tarball" part of loggerhead proper, or something LP adds?02:26
poolieit's in lh trunk02:26
pooliein fact one of the remaining things to do is to add a direct link to it from the main lp ui02:26
=== r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor
wgzhappy un-morning06:39
vilahey guys07:30
wgzhey vila... bus soon07:36
vilaas in: see you in the bus ??? /me confused07:36
wgzas in, I need to catch it :)07:39
vilawgz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/770910/ is the kind of traceback you fixed recently in builddeb ?08:32
vilamgz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/770910/ is the kind of traceback you fixed recently in builddeb ?08:37
vilaand re-hi by the way ;)08:37
mgzvila: don't think I touched that path, as debian.changelog is in charge there and doing the right thing08:41
mgz(debian policy states that changelogs are utf-8, if a package has other random bytes in there it's borked)08:41
vilahmm, ok, I'll need to dig deeper then08:42
vilaI encounter this while running mass_import locally so I may need to upgrade some packages (I'm running oneiric though)08:42
mgzit's a likely failure from a package with a bad changelog08:42
mgzif you can pdb in there and go up, will be easy enough to find the part debian.changelog doesn't like08:44
vilayeah, that's the plan, I run locally keeping all local branches for such debug purposes08:45
* vila facepalms, wrong order for news entry :)08:45
mgz...I need to fix my news anyway, will reorder at same time08:46
mgzwhich bit are you looking at?08:46
vilafixed, in my proposal for bug #90455008:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 904550 in Bazaar "gpg signing key doesn't default to 'email' anymore" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90455008:48
mgz...now that needs to land before I can fix my news? :)08:48
vilamgz: won't be enough, you'll also need pqm patch from jelmer for 2.5-compat08:49
mgzah, or pqm won't let anything through at all?08:50
vilapqm-submit will crash, see bug comments08:51
vilawell, bug comments are about bzr, see https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-pqm/bzr-2.5-compat/+merge/85775 for pqm-submit08:51
vilamgz: ok, the debian changelog contains Küster which emacs sees as iso-latin-1 in fityk_0.4.3p1-1.diff.gz08:52
vilamgz: weird, that same import succeeded on jubany :-/09:54
mgzvila: likely it has a different version of python-debian09:57
mgzI have 0.1.18 which does not fall over in a bunch of cases newer versions do09:58
vilayou mean it's a regression in python-debian ?09:59
mgzit's a behaviour change09:59
mgzpossibly bzr-builddeb needs to grow code to handle packages the that debian tools thing are broken in some way (by skipping revisions or such like)09:59
mgzthis is complicated by the fact the tools don't make an effort to raise sane errors10:00
vila0.1.14ubunt2 on jubany, 0.1.20ubuntu2 locally :-(10:01
mgz^s/thing/think/ obviously10:02
vilaI don't skip the importer can afford to skip versions :-/10:04
vilameh, we both  have trouble with think this morning... s/skip/think/10:12
vilatrying with a dirty hack: force latin_1 when UnicodeDecodeError is encountered :-{10:15
jmlI never thought I'd say this, but using bzrlib.tests.TestCase feels kind of primitive10:17
vilajml: don't do that then :)10:19
jmlvila: I don't want to add another dependency to udd in this branch.10:19
mgzusing bzrlib.tests.TestCase means you already depend on testtools...10:19
vilamgz: what do you know about the debian/changelog encodings ?10:21
vilamgz: as in: what is/was allowed, what is/was used ?10:22
jelmervila: in historical revisions, pretty much anything is used10:22
vilajelmer: oh  hi !10:23
jelmerIIRC now the recommendation is to use utf8, but I'm not sure if that's a recommendation or mandatory10:23
jmlmgz: oh really?10:23
jelmer'morning vila10:23
vilajelmer: with recent versions of python-debian, latin_1 is used in once case and breaks import_dsc10:23
jelmervila: it uses chardet I think10:24
vilahuh, what's charder ?10:24
mgzit's manditory now, but historically there wasn't any guidance and people can still accidentally do the wrong thing10:24
jelmervila: uses heuristics to determine the relevant encoding10:24
jmlmgz, vila:  what version of testtools is on production?10:24
vilajelmer: ha, exactly what I was going to suggest, so what is chardet, a package ?10:24
mgz>>> testtools.__version__10:25
mgz(0, 9, 6, 'final', 0)10:25
viladamn mouse10:26
mgzchardet is a bad idea, and you'd need to change debian.changelog which wouldn't really help the now10:26
mgzencodings aren't the only way parsing a changelog can fail either10:26
vilamgz: no, changelog can be provided with a unicode string so we can handle that10:26
mgzif builddeb relies on sane package metadata, and the package metadata is borked, something has to give10:26
jmlI need to get on the case wrt packaging10:27
jmlusing 0.9.6 is almost criminal neglect.10:27
jelmervila: yes, python-chardet10:27
vilamgz,jelmer : the question is: what do we really need out of the changelog ?10:27
mgzchardet *probably* gets utf-8 right, but adds a lot of overhead and is a heuristic10:27
mgzso, can flip flop depending on content10:28
vilathe case at hand is an author with an latin_1 encoded name10:28
mgzwe're better off catching errors from places that need to parse changelogs and gracefully handling borked ones10:28
vilayeah, with gracefully including: try again with a working encoding that can be as fine-grained as a line10:29
mgzthe case could equally be they forgot to enter their name, though some classes of errors may be better and more reliably caught by packaging tooling10:29
vilamgz: right now, re-trying with latin_1 allowed me to continue up to the next call site trying to parse the changelog ;)10:30
vilaand note that ChangeLog() accepts an encoding parameter10:30
vilaand a content which can be either: a string (encoding will be used, that's where we fail), unicode (good), iterator of string or unicode10:31
mgzyou need to also not break older python-debian versions that had completely different handling10:32
jelmerisn't python-debian supposed to handle this stuff for us though? What version of it is on jubany?10:33
mgzit's an older and more reliable version on jubany :)10:33
vilajelmer: a version that doesn't break, but the oneiric one I'm testing with locally breaks10:34
jelmerI would argue we should fix python-debian instead, rather than trying to work around it10:34
mgz__init__(self, file=None, max_blocks=None, allow_empty_author=False, strict=True)10:34
mgzSet up the Changelog for use. file is the contects of the changelog.10:35
mgzyou see something different I guess vila?10:35
vilafile can be a string, unicode or iterator10:35
vilaI see an additional encoding='utf-8'10:36
mgzah, right, but not if you want it to work across versions :)10:36
mgzpassing unicoded containing non-ascii here will die.10:37
vilaI want it to work across versions,10:37
vilaerr, yes10:37
mgzpassing bytestrings containing non-utf8 on newer versions will die.10:37
vilawith a UnicodeDecodeError10:37
mgz...can possibly sniff and work around, I did that in bzr-builder already10:37
vilacatching it and re-trying with an appropriate encoding is worth a try, if it's still fail... so be it10:38
vilas//it still fails/10:54
vilatrying now with 瑨灴⼺瀯獡整甮畢瑮⹵潣⽭㜷㤰㜹10:55
vilaghaa, the irony :)10:56
vilathat was http://paste.ubuntu.com/770997/ with some facetious gremlin in the loop10:57
mgzno, that's bad, you can't pass unicode unconditionally10:57
mgzyou cann fall back to passing unicode, or trying to pass a different encoding name10:58
vilacan't pass an encoding name for compatibility with old versions, why can't I pass unicode ?10:59
mgzbecause the old versions treat what you pass in as a byte string10:59
vilaor an iterator11:00
vilaat least with the lucid and oneiric versions under my eyes11:01
mgzit depends how the changelog is used, for instance...11:04
mgz>>> str(cb)11:05
mgzTraceback (most recent call last):11:05
mgz  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>11:05
mgz  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/debian/changelog.py", line 437, in __str__11:05
mgz    cl += str(block)11:05
mgzUnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa3' in position 1332: ordinal not in range(128)11:05
mgzif you need to write it back out again, it dies.11:05
mgzif you just need to inspect you might be able to get away with it11:05
vilahence my previous question ;) : what do we need the changelog for, from a quick read, it seems we extract some infos but I dunno what format is acceptable for that11:10
mgzyeah, looking now11:11
mgzmost of the logic is in util11:11
mgzthere's also other Changelog creating function there11:13
vilabah, s/max_blocks=False/max_blocks=None/ most stooped tyop ever11:15
mgzall the code looks like it's doing enough hoop jumping with the values it's taking out11:17
mgzokay, so I think the safest, but maybe not the best thing,11:18
mgzwould be to always decode from utf-8 where possible as you are11:18
mgzfall back as needed,11:19
mgzthen re-encode to utf-8 for the older versions11:19
vilaerr, not decode at all for older versions you mean (for that last part) ?11:21
vilabah, may be too much, I don't think the parsed content is ever used to re-generate the changelog11:22
vilajelmer: two things,11:22
vilajelmer: thanks for your speedy reaction about gog_signing_key, I've put up a patch for review for bzr and approved your proposal for pqm11:23
vilajelmer: I have a dirty patch (gee, that's my dirty day ;) for bzr log -r bzr-2.5b3..bzr-2.5b411:23
vilaI almost forgot it11:23
mgzvila: see 'safe'_decode at the top of bzr-builddeb11:23
mgzit does basically your logic already, but expecting bytestrings back from Changelog attributes11:24
vilaECONTEXT top of what ?11:24
mgzutil.py sorry.11:25
vilayeah, was there, my bad11:25
vilahaha, sounds like an ad-hoc way already in use, will probably makes mgz cry though...11:26
mgzyeah, but unfortunately something along the lines is required given the ad hoc nature of historical changelogs and the api change in python-debian11:28
vilameh, you guys rock :)11:28
vilajelmer, mgz : I can't even read my mail that you've already landed the fix ;)11:29
vilaboth fixes even !11:34
vilaand my dirty patch works !11:34
vilajelmer: given http://paste.ubuntu.com/771034 where should I search to add tests ?11:39
jelmervila: hmm, another regression11:39
jelmerBZR_EMAIL is only checked if there is something in the store11:39
jelmervila: tests/test_import_dsc.py I guess, but that file is scary11:40
viladarn, default=None, so default_email is not triggered :-(11:41
vilaerr, wait11:41
jelmervila: default_email doesn't look at BZR_EMAIL, only email_from_store does11:41
vilabut if nothing is in store, default_email should be called and them email_from_store should be called on the returned value11:42
vilawhere do you encounter that ?11:42
jelmervila: default_email raises NoWhoAmi if it doesn't find any values11:43
vilatest_import_dsc, ok, will look, will that be run against various python-debian ?11:43
jelmervila: I'm hitting this in the launchpad testsuite11:43
jelmervila: no, it only runs against the current python-debian11:43
vilaok, will have to do11:43
vilaha crap, no place to catch NoWhoami...11:45
vilajelmer: any way to force a config setting instead of relying on BZR_EMAIL ?11:45
vilabah, useless, won't work for people relying on BZR_EMAIL only11:46
vilaoh, easy11:47
jelmervila: I can fix it in Launchpad, it's a regression in general too though11:47
viladefault_email should check BZR_EMAIL too11:47
vilayeah ^11:47
vilaemail_for_store enforces the policy but default_email should still respect BZR_EMAIL11:48
vilayeah and if EMAIL wasn't set in the bzr test suite I suspect we should have caught this earlier11:48
vila    'EMAIL': 'jrandom@example.com', # set EMAIL as bzr does not guess11:49
vilaoh, really ?11:49
vilahehe, yeah, spurious empty lines, just saw them :)11:49
vilajelmer: approved, and commit message set11:50
jelmervila: thanks11:51
* mgz jumps in front of the queue with release notes changes11:57
jelmermgz: no you didn't :)12:00
jelmermgz: I resubmitted your post_connect transport hook btw, it works beautifully for counting the number of hpss connections.12:01
vilajelmer: oh, about that, why kind of hang were you referring to in one of those proposals ?12:02
jelmervila: ask mgz :) it's one of his old branches from 2010, which used to hang, but no longer12:02
vilamgz: oh, about that, why kind of hang were you referring to in one of those proposals ?12:02
mgz...if I conflict now I'll cry ;_;12:03
vila...yeah, one of us should really ping some losa to get a copy of their locations.conf and fix it, AFAIK, the bzr version used there should be able to avoid most of the news conflicts12:04
mgzvila: yes, that's a mp you should review (again, look at the discussion from the last one too)12:07
gnuoy`vila, mgz, https://pastebin.canonical.com/57193/12:08
vila. o O (I asked and all I got was more questions and more work ;)12:08
vilamgz: justasec, I have a test to write to file a first proposal, then another test to write to file another proposal then I'm all yours :)12:09
vilaholly cow ! losas now shoot faster than I can read too !!! Thanks gnuoy` !12:47
vilagnuoy`: not sure it's the right one though, there is no mention of bzr-2.x there12:47
mgzvila: looks like the right one to me, has the post_commit_to going to bazaar-commits12:50
mgz(helps that gnuoy is just across the table for low latency though :)12:51
vilawell, if it's the right one, no wonder it doesn't try to resolve the news conflicts !12:52
mgzhm, is an old copy12:52
mgznot clear where the modern one is though12:52
vilanews_merge_files = doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt is needed12:53
vilaupdated appropriately for each series12:53
vilamgz: in the chroot ?12:54
vilaor outside  :) Depends where you are looking :)12:54
vilathe pqm host has been migrated some time (months) ago too, if it helps12:54
vilaeeerk, lunch time !12:55
mgzvila, do you remember the rt # from when we needed to unbreak bzr-email?12:56
vila48346 ?12:58
vilamgz: ^12:59
mgzta, annoyingly doesn't specify exactly what changes were made13:00
jmlhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jml/udd/binary-scan-mode/+merge/85853 up for review13:02
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seiflotfyhey guys i cant seem to push anything to lp14:12
jelmerseiflotfy: hi14:12
seiflotfyssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host14:12
seiflotfybzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.14:12
jelmerseiflotfy: somebody else just reported that as well, but also that it seemed to be a temporary glitch14:13
seiflotfyi guess this is the wrong channel14:13
seiflotfyah ok14:13
kinkieHi all.. I have a strange issue on one of my bzr setups.. "bzr gcommit" will always insist on doing a local commit by default for a bzr+ssh-hosted branch. What may I check to have it default to a standard commit?14:53
jelmerkinkie: It tries to use network manager to see if you are online I think14:53
jelmerkinkie: do you have network manager installed but disabled?14:54
kinkieHi Jelmer, long time no see :) NetworkManager it should be installed and working, but I'm not on that machine so I can't be sure.14:54
kinkieany way to trace this?14:55
james_wjelmer, hi, have you seen http://paste.ubuntu.com/771186/ ?14:57
james_wseems to only happen with older bzr?14:58
jelmerkinkie: hey, it has been indeed. :)14:59
jelmerkinkie: checking the code to see what it's doing exactly...14:59
jelmerjames_w: no, also looking at that..14:59
mgzjames_w: I get it locally as well14:59
james_wit looks like we need self.wants_revision_history for this to work?15:00
james_wor it's the local copies not being used?15:00
james_werr, forget I ever said that last line15:01
mgzI guess it's a regression from the revspec change recently jelmer did15:02
mgzcan probably just change builddeb to not need wants_revision_history15:02
jelmerjames_w: yeah, it's related to my deprecating wants_revision_history and updating bzr-builddeb to not request the full branch history15:02
jelmermgz: that's what I did, but apparently, one of the bzr things it hands off to expects the full branch history anyway15:02
mgzah, already did that, but not in a way that supports earlier bzrs15:03
james_wjelmer, mgz, have any ideas better than http://paste.ubuntu.com/771206/ ?15:13
jelmerjames_w: we shouldn't be setting wants_revision_history to true. I'd rather look at the bzrlib version and then pass the history into RevisionInfo.from_revision_id as necessary15:17
mgzjames_w: for reference, <https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/revspec-no-full-revhistory/+merge/84189>15:20
jelmerjames_w: would you like me to look into providing a patch or are you working on it?15:24
james_wjelmer, if you could that would be great, your obviously much more familiar with this code than I15:25
jelmerkinkie: there should be a checkbox in the gcommit window (bottom-left corner) that determines whether to commit locally or not15:26
kinkieMy problem is that on that one machine (it's a kubuntu 11.10) it's checked on by default.15:42
kinkiebut on another machine with the same kubuntu release it's working fine. Only difference between the two pc's I can think of, is that the one which is "failing" is connected over eth0, while the one that has the expected behaviour is running over wifi15:43
jelmerkinkie: hmm, trying it locally I can reproduce it here as well15:44
jelmerkinkie: shouldn't be a hard fix. I'll file a bug and submit a fix after I look at this bzr-builddeb issue James mentioned.15:44
kinkiegreat, thank you very much15:45
kinkieit's not a big deal, but it's annoying15:45
kinkiealso because there is no real command to say "flush my local queue to the local repository", I have to go through a real commit :\15:45
jelmerjames_w: which version of bzr are you using?15:51
jelmermgz: did you see the post_connect_transport_hook branch ?15:52
james_wjelmer, 2.4.115:52
vilajelmer: just reviewed, the same issue still stands, it doesn't provide a reliable way to count smart connections15:56
mgzjelmer: yes, thanks, I'm just trying out some tests on it now to see whether it does cover the same cases as the current monkey patching15:56
vilamgz: it should but if you can add more tests (like, parametrized ones) that would be nice, one case I wonder about is smart http transport, is the hook called once or twice15:58
jelmervila: I care about counting the number of TCP connections, basically.16:04
mgzvila: have you got your counter aggregating subunit filter?16:07
mgzsave me writing my own for this...16:07
vilajelmer: hmm.. I wonder... If the code you're testing properly calls .clone() and pass possible_transports in the right places... you should encounter only false positives (i.e. connections that are created but not used, which in this case means there is no connection)16:07
vilamgz: in tools/16:08
vilamgz: subunit-sum16:08
vilamgz: adding some regexp would be neat ;-p16:09
jelmervila: I mostly care about possible_transports being used where necessary16:11
* vila nods16:12
vilajelmer: a less ambiguous hook name could do for now with proper warnings for users16:12
vilajelmer: at worst you'll get false positives and we'll need to find a better way16:13
jelmervila: it would be nice to also address the original use case that mgz was trying to address16:13
jelmervila: is the post_connect hook actually called for smart transports? I didn't see any evidence of that.16:14
vilajelmer: this original use case *is* addressed with the current proposal AFAICS16:14
vilajelmer: it's called for RemoteTransport yes, that's the controversial call16:14
vilajelmer: because it's called when the medium is created not after a connection is established16:15
vilajelmer: of course you should stay away from bzr+http or you'll probably see twice as much connections16:16
jelmervila: it's still a transport connect though, isn't it?16:16
vilathere is no such thing as transport.connect()16:16
jelmervila: no, but there are transports that use connections16:18
jelmerand what is considered a connection seems to be quite vague16:19
vilahehe, indeed16:19
vilaand if you re-read the old comments on the proposal you'll see that I wanted feedback about whether medium could be dropped so all transports at least use the SharedConnection object in the same way16:20
vilawell, for the ones it applies to of course16:20
vilathe connection object (and its associated credentials) is specific to each kind of transport16:21
mgzso, I screwed up the first run and am redoing it16:31
mgzbut I think I have something under smart covered at least, despite the fact it doesn't use ConnectedTransport16:31
mgzit might not be completely correct, but was giving jelmer approximately correct numbers16:32
mgzthe issue of overcounting may well still be present.16:32
jelmerI can always filter out RemoteTransport in my hook, if necessary16:34
mgzokay, that's better@16:34
mgzconnected_transport_count: 22016:34
mgznow for the other branch16:34
kinkiegotta go.. see you!16:36
vilamgz: overcouting because of the backing transport or because of not really connected smart transports ?16:38
vilajelmer can filter if it's the former, the later may be worth investigating anyway16:38
viladuring tests, there is no good reason to create an unwanted transport16:39
mgzthe former I think, the latter I *think* I may have avoided16:39
mgzconnected_transport_count: 14916:46
mgzso, the hook version is seeing a lot fewer16:46
mgzshall dig into it and see if where the difference lies16:47
mgzI suspect the current method is mostly overcounting from having things returned from get_transport that don't line up well with the underlying connections16:48
vilacurrent as in monkey-patching get_transport ?16:49
mgzvila: yup16:53
mgzwhich we know gets the same transport object multiple times in some cases16:53
mgzbut I've done an identity check for that in the count, so it must also get different but same-connection-backed objects16:54
mgzelse hook is missing real connection16:54
mgzin bb.test_branch, test_branch_local_remote and test_branch_remote_remote are respectively:16:55
mgzmonkey: 4, 516:55
mgzhook: 3, 416:55
vilaok, the number are small enough to relate them to the objects created in the tests right ?16:56
om26er_Hey everyone, when we do a 'bzr branch lp:somethings' where is the source tree placed before the completion?16:56
mgzthat's the plan16:56
vilathe test servers may use some transports too... both methods should catch them in the same way though16:56
vilaom26er_: nowhere16:56
om26er_i am pulling a branch and seem launchpad have some problem so the download gets stuck in the middle and i have to bzr branch again but it gets stuck again :/16:57
vilaom26er_: known issue, the lp guys are working on it16:57
om26er_oh sad for me :/16:58
om26er_i hope its fixed soon16:58
vilaom26er_: known as in: something is going on since a couple of hours, first time I hear about a so long incident16:58
vilaom26er_: we all do :)16:58
om26er_vila, thx :)16:58
* vila wonders whether the automatic reconnection may have aggravated the situation...16:59
vilajelmer: sorry to bother you again about that but what is the bzr version used on codehosting right now ?17:00
jelmervila: snapshot of something early in the 2.5 cycle17:00
mgznot deployed yet vila17:01
jelmervila: (and not a problem)17:01
mgzand doubt there are enough beta users on client side to have an impact anyway17:01
jelmermgz: there are quite a few people running precies17:01
vilamgz: of course it's deployed, it's part of 2.5b417:01
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vilait retries only once though so probably not enough to explain the pike17:02
mgzas in, nothing is actively disconnecting people, but yeah17:06
vilaHe did that on purpose ?17:07
jelmervila: ? who did?17:07
jelmerand what ? :)17:07
vilamgz, talking about " actively disconnecting people" and getting disconnected :-D17:07
vilaI wanted to ask if he get the news_merge stuff sorted out on pqm...17:08
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razamis there a way to ignore a directory except for a subdirectory under it?  use case is a distribution's themes directory where i created my own theme under it19:18
jelmerrazam: You can just ignore everything in that directory and explicitly add the directory you do want to add.19:22
jelmer"bzr ignore 'directory/*'"19:22
jelmer"bzr add directory/thesubdirectory"19:22
jelmerNoldorin: did you see bug 662448 ?19:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 662448 in Bazaar "docs should describe how to set up ssh keys" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66244819:22
razamjelmer: thanks..19:22
zygajelmer, hi19:34
zygajelmer, fancy looking at a bzr-git bug?19:34
* zyga just updated bzr-git to trunk and ... the bug is gone19:34
zygajelmer, if you are interested that's what happened ^^19:35
jelmerzyga: yeah, that was recently fixed20:16
zygajelmer, thanks20:16
jelmerzyga: hmm, you're using "bzr pull" into a git repository? Do you have local changes to your bzr-git branch to enable the experimental mappings?20:19
zygajelmer, I don't thinks so20:20
zygajelmer, tell me more, I want to be your beta user20:20
zygajelmer, i'm moving to git workflow with trunks in bzr (for team workflow)20:20
zygajelmer, I want to ensure I can hack in git, then publish in bzr20:20
Noldorinhi jelmer20:21
Noldorinjelmer, nope what is it?20:21
jelmerNoldorin: bug about documentation for bzr+ssh on Windows, including a text document with notes20:22
jelmerzyga: hmm, that's odd20:22
Noldorinjelmer, relevant to me in what way though?20:22
jelmerzyga: so, this is one of the things I would like to support in bzr-git, but it shouldn't be enabled by default20:22
zygajelmer, tell me more about that, how do I enable it20:22
jelmerNoldorin: you were trying to set up a ssh server on Windows, right?20:23
jelmerzyga: it seems you already have, which is what puzzles me20:23
* jelmer tries it locally20:23
zygajelmer, how do I check20:23
Noldorinjelmer, oh. succeeded days ago hehehe20:23
zygais it a branch format?20:23
Noldorinjelmer, symlinks it doesn't like still though...but oh well20:23
Noldorinthat's to be expected20:23
jelmerzyga: pulling and pushing from bzr into git shouldn't work yet, only "bzr dpush" (which is lossy)20:24
jelmerzyga: to enable lossless push/pull you should have to change the default mapping format in bzr-git to 'experimental'20:24
jelmerzyga: mapping.py, around line 44320:25
zygajelmer, I used dpush once20:25
zygajelmer, I just enabled that locally20:27
zygajelmer, let me try playing with my bzr/git trees20:27
zygajelmer, do I get this right: I can branch from bzr, push to git and pull back with all the state tracked?20:27
jelmerzyga: well, that's the idea20:28
* zyga jumps in joy20:28
jelmerzyga: I've just added a Big Fat Warning, since this is all this experimental20:28
zygaI'll gladly report bugs and feedback20:28
jelmerzyga: great20:28
zygahrw, ^^^^^^20:28
zygahrw, xmas came20:28
jelmerzyga: btw, do you know about git-remote-bzr in bzr-git ?20:28
zygajelmer, nope20:28
jelmerzyga: it basically exposes this functionality, but as a remote helper in git20:28
zygaO :-)20:29
zygaso I get a remote in git that works with bzr repos?20:29
jelmerIOW, "git clone bzr::lp:dulwich"20:29
zygajelmer, I'm sorry I won't see you at the next linaro connect or UDS but I'll get you a big beer once we sprint together20:29
zygadoes it need any config on git part?20:29
jelmerzyga: It's still slow as hell, since the emphasis in bzr-git has always been on importing from git into bzr, not the other way around20:30
jelmerzyga: but it's gradually improving20:30
jelmerzyga: :-)20:30
jelmerzyga: you need to install git-remote-bzr in /usr/lib/git-core. The bzr-git Debian/Ubuntu package will do this for you20:30
zygaI'm pretty sure I have that package, let me check20:31
zygayup, 0.6.5+bzr1465-120:32
jelmerzyga: you have a mismatching git-remote-bzr and bzr-git plugin in ~/.bazaar/plugins/git20:32
zygajelmer, I have trunk in .b/p/git20:32
zygaso what should I do20:32
jelmerzyga: you'll need git-remote-bzr from lp:bzr-git as well in that case20:33
zygaor -- how should I upgrade the other20:33
zygalet me try20:33
zygaah, so it's in the same repo20:33
zygajelmer, can I setup.py install --user for your plugin to work20:34
zygaand for git to pick up git-remote-bzr magically from my local path20:34
* zyga tries20:35
jelmerzyga: I usually just create a symlink from ~/.bazaar/plugins/git to my checkout of lp:bzr-git20:35
jelmerzyga: that means I don't have to touch setup.py at all20:35
zygathat's what I have for bzr20:35
jelmerzyga: I'm not sure if git looks at anything beyond /usr/lib/git-core. If you find out, please let me know :)20:35
zygabut for git I need that script in my PATH20:35
zygabeh, installing it did not install the script20:35
jelmerzyga: right, setup.py doesn't install git-remote-bzr yet as I haven't found a good way of getting at the locations git uses20:36
zygait seems to have worked20:36
zygaer... wait20:37
zygaI've got this: unknown command "commit"20:37
zygaand it's doing the branch it seems20:37
zygaso, the good part is:20:37
zygayou can add that to the scripts=[]20:37
zygaand it seems to work when it's in ~/.local/bin (assuming your PATH looks there)20:38
zygajelmer, it failed :/20:39
jelmerzyga: bug reports welcome, don't say I didn't warn you :-)20:42
jelmere.g. git clone bzr::lp:etckeeper works20:42
zygaI see20:42
zygajelmer, ok, but that's secondary (filing bug now)20:42
zygaif I can branch from bzr trunk on launchpad20:42
zygathen push that to a git repo20:43
zygaand pull back20:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 904951 in Bazaar Git Plugin "Fails on git clone bzr::lp:lava-server" [Undecided,New]20:45
jelmerzyga: thanks20:50
hrwzyga: its not xmas. I do not want to use bzr to manage git repos20:56
hrwbut using git to manage bzr would be lovely20:56
hrwjelmer: I read most of backlog now. if it works then beer from me as well20:58
hrwjelmer: would it be possible to have information which git rev is which bzr rev? like git-svn does21:04
hrwwarning: Duplicated ref: refs/tags/1.6821:04
hrwI did: git clone bzr::lp:ubuntu/armel-cross-toolchain-base (which I normally develop in git and it has bzr copy done from releases)21:05
jelmerzyga, hrw: it's by no means useful for production yet21:05
jelmerimporting git repositories into bzr works pretty well, but the other way around still has lots of issues and hasn't been optimised21:06
hrwjelmer: but if you need tester then I'm in21:06
jelmerthe main reason I work on it is so I can contribute to git projects with bzr, but improvements in bzr-git help for both our use cases21:06
jelmerhrw: cool21:06
hrwunknown command "commit"21:08
hrwlike zyga ;)21:08
hrwjelmer: apport-bug bzr-git?21:08
hrwjelmer: will you check bug 680833 too?21:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 680833 in bzr-git (Ubuntu) ""git-apply" does not add new files" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68083321:09
hrwbug 90496321:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 904963 in bzr-git (Ubuntu) "unknown command "commit"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90496321:11
hrwzyga: mark it as 'affects me' so it will be confirmed?21:11
hrwjelmer: 'git clone bzr::lp:ubuntu/armel-cross-toolchain-base' generates warnings about duplicated tags.21:12
hrwjelmer: but 'git remote add bzr bzr::lp:ubuntu/armel-cross-toolchain-base;git remote update' does not21:12
hrwwill report21:13
hrwbut tomorrow21:14
hrwhave a nice rest of day21:14
zygahrw, you got it backwards22:08
zygahrw, looks promising22:08
hrwzyga: ?22:16
zygahrw, sorry, was reading backlog22:21
zygahrw, I too hope for git with bzr workflow22:21
Noldorinhi poolie22:22
Noldorinyou around at present?22:22
SpamapSHm, so if I do BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS='changelog_merge' bzr plugins  .. I do not see the changelog_merge plugin. But then later, if I do a merge of a packaging branch, it still uses the plugin...22:37
SpamapS$ BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS='changelog_merge' bzr merge ../fix-22:37
SpamapSdpkg-mergechangelogs: error: 2.0.37+cvs.JCW_PRE2_2037-1 is not a valid version22:37
jelmerhey Noldorin22:38
jelmerhi SpamapS22:38
SpamapSjelmer: o/22:38
jelmerSpamapS: FWIW mgz submitted a fix for bzr-builddeb for that issue, we should be uploading it to precise shortly22:38
jelmerthough BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS should work..22:39
SpamapSYeah I'm a bit confused. :-P22:39
Noldorinhi again jelmer22:40
jelmerNoldorin: I think poolie isn't around today22:40
Noldorinjelmer, remind me, how did you recommend i set up bzr+ssh on windows so that i get two different users sharing the same set of repos/directory?22:40
Noldorinah okay22:40
Noldorinfair enough22:40
Noldorinwas going to set up LP to hack on my windows server. apparently it's difficult, but possible22:40
Noldorina local LP server that is22:40
jelmerSpamapS: hmm, I can't really see how that would be the case. Are you sure you haven't made a typo or something like that?22:41
SpamapSjelmer: thats kind of why I pasted the cmdline22:42
jelmerSpamapS: ah, found it22:42
jelmerSpamapS: changelog_merge is for Changelog-like files. the debian/changelog merger is in bzr-builddeb22:42
jelmerSpamapS: so you want BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=builddeb22:42
SpamapSmuch better22:43
SpamapSusually its *awesome*22:43
SpamapSbut this time.. it was just #$@!ing things up :)22:43
jelmerSpamapS: thanks, glad to know it's useful :-)22:47
jelmerSpamapS: bug 84214422:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 842144 in python-debian (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with ValueError in _set_full_version(): Invalid version string '2.0.37+cvs.JCW_PRE2_2037-1'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84214422:47
SpamapSjelmer: ah fantastic22:48
Noldorinjelmer, well? :-)22:48
jelmerhmm, bug 84214422:48
jelmerSpamapS: it's actually fixcommitted, but ubot doesn't seem to recognize that22:48
jelmerNoldorin: sorry?22:48
Noldorinjelmer, see my previous message(s) to you...22:49
Noldorinthink you may have missed them22:49
jelmerNoldorin: I did see them, I'm just not sure what you're asking :)22:49
Noldorinoh with what?22:49
Noldorinthought we talked abut this before22:50
Noldorinmaybe just mgz and lifeless and poolie22:50
jelmerNoldorin: whether it's feasible to set up a Launchpad instance on Windows? I don't think that's possible without doing a lot of porting work.22:50
Noldorinpoolie suggested it was more doable than that22:51
Noldorinoh well22:51
Noldorinwhat about the dir/repo shared between ssh users on bzr server? :-)22:52
jelmerNoldorin: I don't think anybody has ever done that.. (Launchpad on Windows)22:52
jelmerNoldorin: Are you sure he wasn't talking about loggerhead?22:52
NoldorinUbuntu is standard i guess?22:52
jelmerNoldorin: right, but I don't think a lot of people actually run their own launchpad instance22:53
Noldorinyeah true heh22:54
jelmerNoldorin: either way, #launchpad is probably more appropriate for that discussion :)22:54
Noldorini was going to do some hacking22:54
Noldorinoops, yes22:54
Noldorini merge the two channels in my mind sometimes22:54
Noldorinmany of the same people ;-)22:54
Noldorinall Canonical22:54
coventryWhat is the bzr equivalent of gitk?  I have found references to bzrk, which seems to have been subsumed by bzr-gtk, but I haven't found a clear description of how to invoke it.23:34
spivbzr viz23:35
coventryTerrific, thank you.23:35
spivOr 'bzr qlog' if you have the qbzr plugin23:35
spiv(Which is probably a bit more polished than bzr-gtk atm)23:36
spiv(Also, I'm pretty sure the invocation has been 'bzr viz' since almost the very beginning of that code!)23:37
coventryProbably I was confused because I was expecting a standalone program like gitk.  Thanks again.23:40

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