
* apachelogger totally gets a 404 on that ^^00:01
apacheloggeroh well00:01
apacheloggerRiddell: about reboot notifier ... we were talking about a logout notifier some months back00:02
apacheloggerhowever failed to define a proper trigger00:03
apacheloggerlike not every kdelibs upgrade would require it, but at the same time upgrades to runtime/workspace could suggest a session restart00:03
yofelRiddell: libmarblewidget13.symbols is broken00:06
Riddellapachelogger: that's a good idea, trigger would be a simple touch of a file like for reboot notifier no?00:06
yofelline 2 SHOULD be "libmarblewidget.so.13 libmarblewidget13 #MINVER#" but it is: "libmarblewidget.so.13 #MINVER#"00:07
Riddellnow how did that happen?00:08
yofelcenter value is taken as package name by dpkg-shlibdeps00:08
* yofel is off to bed - good night00:08
Riddellnight yofel 00:09
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apacheloggerRiddell: yes, but when the touch should occurs is the tricky part08:09
Riddell'win 1411:07
debfxoh great, qtwebkit for qt5 will rely on private api11:19
debfxwe could have saved us quite some time by keeping qtwebkit inside qt4-x1111:20
debfxso firefox needs around 18MB live iso space11:35
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=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellis anyone able to checkout packaging?  e.g. lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/konversation14:06
Riddellah glitch in the matrix14:10
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debfxRiddell: could you please sponsor http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/gst-plugins-good0.10_0.10.30.2-2ubuntu2.debdiff so we can get rid of gtk3 on the cd again15:17
Riddelldebfx: ok15:24
Riddelldebfx: done, thanks for doing that15:26
tsdgeosJontheEchidna: ping15:44
JontheEchidnatsdgeos: pong15:44
Riddellah, JontheEchidna, you're a saught after man15:46
JontheEchidnaalmost time for winter break from school :D15:48
RiddellJontheEchidna: can I give your e-mail to a guy from Muon Software?15:48
JontheEchidnaRiddell: sure15:49
JontheEchidnaHmm, might they have an issue with the name of my software?15:50
Riddellthey want to discuss ways to keep google search results clear15:50
JontheEchidnaoh, cool. new polkit-qt release15:52
who_meyep, with the annoying crash fixed 15:53
debfxlol, aren't they the first google search result anymore? ;)15:53
who_methere's a wikipedia entry that's first15:54
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Riddell../../lib/documentview/documentviewcontainer.cpp:33:21: fatal error: QGLWidget: No such file or directory16:33
Riddelltsk pesky gwenview upstream adding new dependencies and making my builds fail16:33
Tm_Tadding dependency without adding the check to cmake? tsssk16:39
yofelnow you know how I feel in neon all the time :P16:41
Riddelland he's not even here to get the hint16:41
Riddellug I uploaded some beta 2 packages to ubuntu instream of  ninjas16:56
debfxI guess we need to fix that by some 4.7.90really4.7.3 uploads17:48
debfxRiddell: are you taking care of that?17:55
Riddelldebfx: just wait until beta 2 is all done and upload it all I think17:55
Riddellor does that go against precise QA?17:55
debfxit does17:55
debfxwe need to test beta 2 in a PPA first17:56
yofelwe... do? wasn't the ppa just to work while it's not official?17:56
Riddellright enough, I could just upload it all17:57
debfxyofel: yes, as precise is an LTS we want to keep it always stable during development17:58
debfxthough I think we should test new kde beta releases in a ppa even if it weren't an LTS17:58
Riddellwell no libraires got uploaded, only kdeadmin, kamera, kanagram, kbruch18:00
RiddellI think that's fine so long as we make sure to test those18:00
debfxyeah I guess that's fine18:04
debfxyou should bump the kde-sc-dev-latest build-dep. that would have prevented them from building.18:04
yofelRiddell: are you skipping bzr currently?18:05
Riddellyofel: for now yes18:05
Riddellwill do it in batch at the end18:05
Riddelloh release meeting e-mail time19:26
yuriyfinally decided to install Oneiric on my work computer, but the manual partitioner keeps crashing :919:45
Riddellmake sure you report that19:47
yuriyit's not popping up any sort of report (apport or dr konqi) I thought it used to do that19:48
yuriypretty consistently crashes after I edit 2 partitions19:49
Riddellit probably just has a dialogue19:50
Riddelldon't know why it doesn't use apport19:50
Riddelllogs in /var/log/installer19:50
yuriynothing in /var/crash19:54
yuriyhard to believe I wrote the wiki page on bug reporting because I don't remember anything about this stuff19:55
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Riddellthere's a well versioned file usr/lib/libkasten1okteta1gui.so.0.2.020:01
yuriybug 90492920:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904929 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu installer crashes in manual partitioner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90492920:06
yuriywow those bug numbers are getting high20:06
Riddelltoo many changes in kdesdk, I need to buy some more irn bru for reinforcements20:13
yuriygoing to install with only / configured and set everything else up after. setting up any more partitions crashes it20:21
yuriyno trace most of the time20:21
* debfx uploads multiarchified phonon package20:39
debfxI hope I don't break anything20:39
bulldog98Riddell: in kde-runtime-data you put /usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/plasma/components/libplasmacomponentsplugin.so which is a binary libary20:47
Riddellbulldog98: hmm, I reported a bug on a similar matter which was upstreams fault20:55
Riddell26 more 4.8 beta packages in ninjas, I think that's my limit for the day21:29
=== BarkingFish is now known as piglet
debfxapachelogger: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/103423/ for your reviewing pleasure22:18

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