
Stronzeanyone help me restore sound to my laptop?00:13
lnxslckStronze, explain00:15
Stronzelnxslck,  bakerfish was helping me get sound to play thru hdmi. he had to leave and i had no sound00:16
Stronzewas was installing alsa but once i terminal installed, sound no longer worked00:17
Stronzewe removed one sound driver but i  cant remember atm what it was00:18
amasonhi peter__00:20
peter__hi amazon00:20
peter__just found this irc chan00:20
peter__just got software installed with wifi00:20
aantihi! someone got a clue why my internet is restricted to 150kb dl in kubuntu ? got my full 1600 kb in windows00:21
Stronzeblueskaj - you awake?00:22
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
Stronzeanyone help me out with restoring sound?00:33
Stronzeyour late00:40
jschallis there a qt version of pavucontrol or a qt alternative for it? or even just a better config gui for pulseaudio (prefereably for kde)?01:01
amasonjschall: usually you can just use the phonon configuation in system settings01:06
jschallamason: yeah, i'm trying to do some crazy pulseaudio stuff like null and combine sinks01:07
amasonno, pauvcontrol is probably what you need01:07
amasonthere isn't much point in creating a qt / kde specific version of that01:08
jschallamason: the config tool in the system settings should be more powerful01:08
jschallamason: of course, pavucontrol doesn't even do what i want, i have to use pacmd01:08
amasonwell i don't see anything wrong in making it more powerful but i don't know that many people have the desire to do it or are currently working on it01:09
jschallamason: but an easy gui for using some of the more powerful features of pulse would be neat01:09
amasonyeh no doubt, i'm just saying that i don't think anyone is working on it01:10
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amasonsince there are already tools available to do that.  generally the focus is on adding functionality that doesn't exist01:11
jschallamason: hmm. i might try to do something but i'd need to figure out the "correct" way to interface to pulse01:11
amasonwell via phonon is probably your best bet01:12
jschallamason: i've wanted to try to learn qt01:12
amasonthe existing configuration tool already interfaces to that01:12
amasonso it should give you a good starting poinnt01:12
jschallamason: yeah, i mean the phonon config shows all the pulse sinks and sources01:13
jschallamason: even the ones i added01:13
jschallamason: so it just needs to provide a method for creation and deletion of modules like null-sinks01:14
amasoncool, well the kde community always welcomes new contributors so i'm sure if you get intouch with the maintainer of that package she/ he will help you add the functionality you want in a way which can be upstreamed01:15
jschallamason: do you know a lot about pulse and alsa?01:15
amasonnot a whole lot. for my uses it's always just worked thankfully01:16
jschallamason: yeah01:16
jschallamason: i guess the first thing to do to make a meaningful change would be to come up with a gui design for it01:17
amasonjschall: the ui file is openable in qt creator01:26
jschallamason: do you know why every once in a while, kde asks me if i've permanently removed audio devices?01:26
amasonno, i've wondered about that a few times myself but it's never bothered me enough to go looking for it01:27
kkerwinHi. I have three computers, running Ubuntu, and an NFS server, running Arch Linux. On two of my computers, I have read/write access to shares exported by the server. The third computer has read-only access. I am trying to figure out why. Is anyone available who would be able to help me, please?01:41
kkerwinHi. I have three computers, running Ubuntu, and an NFS server, running Arch Linux. On two of my computers, I have read/write access to shares exported by the server. The third computer has read-only access. I am trying to figure out why. Is anyone available who would be able to help me, please?01:56
Stronzeokay, i restored sound to laptop, anyone help me get sound thru hdmi?02:22
frewoStronze: with aplay -l you see the devices, with speakertest x,y you can test which one it is. write the x,y-device in /etc/pulse/default...02:31
frewothen reboot02:32
Stronzefrewo,  speakertest x,y???02:33
frewospeakertest 0,3 for example. you see the devices with aplay -l02:33
frewoyou will hear a sound with the right device02:34
frewothat description is for pulseaudio02:35
Stronzeits speaker-test. sudo yelled at me02:35
Stronzei tried 0,3 just to test it and its repeating over and over02:36
frewoif you hear nothing then test the next one02:36
StronzeTime per period = 12.94508302:36
Stronze 0 - Front Left02:36
Stronzeall its doing and it wont stop02:36
frewostrg + c02:36
Stronzecard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC268 Analog [ALC268 Analog]02:38
Stronze  Subdevices: 1/102:38
Stronze  Subdevice #0: subdevice #002:38
Stronzethe other 3 are the same except the other two have this02:39
Stronzecard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC268 Digital [ALC268 Digital]02:39
frewoi have 0,5 0,7 and 0,9 on my machines, all with nvidia02:40
frewothen try speakertest 1,x    x for the number02:42
Stronzebah gui crashed02:42
frewodevice 1 is digital02:42
Stronzeim using kubuntu gui02:42
frewotry in konsole and later in kde02:43
Stronzespeaker-test -,1 - 0,3 all came from laptop02:43
Stronzeany other ideas frewo?02:45
frewoyes. but find out thr right one with speakertest02:46
frewoyou need to knoe the device02:46
Stronzei only have 3 devices listed02:47
frewoplease paste the output of aplay -l on pastebin or anywhere02:48
frewoStronze: and disable onboard-sound in bios02:50
peter__is there a VM available to run windows Op Sys?02:52
frewoStronze: please try speakertest 0,1 0,3 1,1 and 1,302:52
Stronzeeach seprate?02:53
frewoStronze: yes.02:53
frewoand disable onboard-sound in bios. do you use pulseaudio?02:53
Stronzeum yes?02:54
Stronzeid have to reboot to access bios :/02:54
Stronzeand all was same. 0 - front left. all from laptop02:54
Stronzebtw i have superman returns playing on the tv via hdmi02:55
frewoStronze: i think pulseaudio is default. if you know the device, you can also test alsa02:55
Stronzebakerfish was working with me and he had me do all kinds of things. ended up with no sound so i had to remove pulse and alsa and reinstall02:55
frewoif you use alsa you need a .asoundrc or asoundconf in your /home02:58
frewobut you have to write the real device in there02:58
frewois your device unmuted in alsamixer?02:59
frewowith m you can enable it02:59
Stronzeslow down sparky, lets take this to the barney level03:00
frewoStronze: but pulseaudio is the default for kubuntu03:02
Stronzekubuntu gui over ubuntu03:02
Stronzeim the kinda person you drives their linux to the mechanic and prays they make it allll better03:02
Stronzeeeer not you,meant that03:03
frewowith aplay -l and speakertest it should be easy.03:03
gradehi guys! would like to ask why does my usb drive connect automatically? im using a 11.10 and I already configured it to removable dev.03:03
frewoneed to reboot03:04
Stronzei di these commands to restore sound to my laptop sudo apt-get remove --purge alsa-base sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get install alsa-base sudo apt-get install pulseaudio03:08
frewoStronze: ah, i remember when i did it last time with kubuntu. the device was in use, so i couldnt here anything. i had to edit the /etc/pulse/default.. with a "blind" try and reboot03:08
Stronzeyou had to get your hdmi working without hearing it make sound?03:10
frewoStronze: yes, last time. but i was quite sure it was 0,7, and so it was03:13
frewoStronze: so you can try it 4 times, reboot after each one. :)03:14
gradehi stronze! would like to ask on how can i automatically connect my usb dev upon insert on a usb port?03:15
Stronzedont look at me, im a transplant from windows03:16
Stronzefrewo - i opened phonon and i can see internal ausio digital stereo (HDMI) but its greyed out03:17
frewograde: edit /etc/fstab with the uuid of the device. you find it with: ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid if its mounted03:17
frewoStronze: yes, because the wrong device is in /etc/pulse/default..  and you have to reboot after every change. later you can try it in kde systemsettings03:19
gradefrewo: I can mount it manually using mount command. but it cant mount automatically upon insert03:20
frewograde: yes, write it in /etc/fstab03:20
gradefrewo: i see thanks frewo ill try it.03:20
frewolike UUID=xxxxxx  /mountpoint   filesystem    defaults   0  003:21
Stronzefrewo would it be gedit /etc/pulse/default in terminal?03:21
frewosudo ....03:21
Stronzeofcourse sudo lol, im still learning terminal commands03:21
Stronzefrewo - /etc/pulse/default is an empty file03:22
frewoStronze: it should not be empty03:23
robin0800Stronze: it should be kdesudo for graphical programs03:23
Stronzestill blank03:25
frewoStronze: /etc/pulse/default.pa is the name03:25
frewoi always use mc for editing03:26
frewowith internal editor in configuration03:26
gradefrewo: i already configure fstab. but it cant mount automatically my usb drive. I still have to do mount command?03:27
frewograde: no03:27
gradefrewo: what is it?03:27
frewograde: is your mountpoint writeable for the user? did you: sudo mount -a or reboot?03:28
frewoafter editing /etc/fstab03:28
gradefrewo: I have to use sudo mount <mount point>03:28
frewocan you paste on pastebin your /etc/fstab?03:29
gradefrewo: for a while03:29
gradefrewo: what is pastebin03:30
Stronzegoogle + pastebin03:30
frewoits 4.30 am here. need to sleep 1,5 hour to bring my bou to the kindergarden03:30
Stronzenight frewo03:30
Stronzeyou always ahve the duct tape and closet option tho03:31
frewoStronze: you will find the device03:31
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kkerwinHi. How do I start a daemon at boot?04:50
christopherhey after a fresh install, I have 2 hard drives, 1 with all my backups, where do I go to mount drives and what not?05:25
kkerwinHi. I have three computers running Ubuntu, and one NFS server. Two of my computers have r/w access to the NFS server, but the third does not. I am trying to figure out why. Is there anyone available who could help.05:25
christopherlets hope that after the updates I can see my hard drives05:26
christophersweet nevermind, they are in dolphin05:27
christophercool all my documents and pictures are safe05:27
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kamilnadeemBluesKaj you there?07:24
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panda84kdehello everybody: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail2 is broken again09:06
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baxeicois kde sc 4.7.4 available yet in kubuntu-ppa?09:19
baxeico(hi guys)09:19
qbityup - running it since yesterday morning09:20
baxeicoqbit: thanks. I'm still with natty09:20
baxeicoworried by kmail2 in ovelot09:20
qbityeah - I'm on 11.1009:21
baxeicobut maybe now kmail2 is stable enough to upgrade09:21
qbitmine is a fresh install with no attempt at runnung the so-called 'migration' utility09:21
baxeicoi mean kmail2 shipped with 4.7.4 upgrades09:21
baxeicoi think I will backup my emails09:21
baxeicothen import emails manually09:22
qbitthe migration for kmail1 to kmail 2 just does not fully function09:22
baxeicoand recreate accounts by hand09:22
qbitI only have a couple of pop3 - everything else is imap09:22
baxeicodo you use online imap or disconnected imap?09:23
qbitnot absolutely certain09:23
qbitI don't think there is a distinction any more - it is just "imap" now09:25
baxeicoqbit: ok, I used "disconnected imap" till now09:26
baxeicojust to be able to read all my imap emails when disconnected09:26
qbitakonadi/nepomuk will actually stay connected or poll your accounts in the background even with kmail not running (I think)09:26
panda84kdeyeah, it's "IMAP", but then you get a checkbox to "download messages locally"09:26
panda84kdeor something like that09:26
qbitunless you specifically turn it off, e.g. set it to 'go offline' when kmail exits09:27
baxeicoand regarding pop3 accounts, you didn't have old emails when you upgraded?09:27
qbityou can set folder subscriptions with imap, and local folders can hold cached copies09:28
qbitnope - the 2 pop3 I have are for transient stuff I don't keep09:28
baxeicothank you very much09:28
qbitmy belief is kmail2 is best set up up from scratch - it's what I did and it is working well for me09:30
new2netHello. I want to play a sound file, (.wav).  But I don't want anything special, just play it once. Is there a command-line based program to do this?10:09
new2netideally like this:  playsound -type wav -file sound.wav10:10
Peace-new2net:  play file10:17
Peace-new2net: btw you need sox10:17
Peace-BluesKaj: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-Mi3FIS1Ko10:17
new2neti see. Because the way this programming language wants me to do it is outrageous, it wants all this super technical mumbo jumbo and then it wants me to write the actual wav binary data to a handle for an audo device and thats just too much, it should be this easy:  play('/path/2/audio.wav','wav')10:19
Peace-rec -o hello.wav10:21
Peace-CRTL C10:21
Peace-play hello.wav10:21
new2netPeace- that's so cool10:34
* e01 ping12:25
* new2net pong12:25
* e01 1 recieved, 287 loss12:27
BluesKajhiyas all12:41
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foormeatell me, when you install openssh-server, it STARTS sshd, but it doesn't add it to your rc2.d, does it?13:36
foormeai'm just wondering if my sshd is running on my remote computer just because i never rebooted the box after installing openssh-server, or because it somehow gets started in an other way that rcX.d13:36
snikkerwhen i run cairo-dock, i'v13:39
snikkere got this error:13:39
snikkerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".13:39
snikker(cairo-dock:2532): GdkGLExt-WARNING **: Window system doesn't support OpenGL.13:39
snikkernvidia drivers are installed from ubuntu repositories, can you help me?13:39
BluesKajsnikker, have you installed the recommended nvidia driver?13:41
snikkerBluesKaj: yes, i've do it13:42
BluesKajkmenu>apps>system>additional drivers13:42
snikkerBluesKaj: drivers are in use13:53
snikker(current version)13:54
BluesKajsnikker, kmenu>system settings>desktop effects , make sure your choices are enabled13:58
snikkerBluesKaj: effects enabled, but nothing changed14:02
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BluesKajsnikker, have you tried reinstalling cairo-dock14:05
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BluesKajsudo apt-get install --reinstall cairo-dock14:06
DemonWitchis rekonq stable? i need to download some file and be sure they got downloaded ok. (if not i will install firefox)14:08
Peace-DemonWitch: use firefox or chromium14:08
Peace-i have removed rekonq14:09
BluesKajFF is stable , rekonq is ok, but i haven't downloaded anything using it14:09
snikkerBluesKaj: reinstalled, but same error... also google-earth doesn't start14:10
snikkerBluesKaj: reinstalled, but same error... also google-earth doesn't start14:11
BluesKajsnikker, for google-earth , install lsb-core , but that's no guarrantee either , I gavce up on google earth , google maps works better for me anyway14:11
BluesKajsnikker, I don't know much about cairo-dock , maybe someone else can help14:12
BluesKajIME , google earth hasn't worked on kubuntu since 10.1014:14
snikkerBluesKaj: well i remember that on the previous release of kubuntu both cairo-dock and google-earth worked fine for me..14:15
BluesKajgoogle earth dependencies haven't kept up with kubuntu requirements , there's more work being done on google maps since it's easierand more universal to run it inside a browser like chromium14:26
mr-richI'm running 11.10 an Google Earth runs fine here, but I do have to manually delete the lock file in .google-earth each time I fire it up ...15:09
kavurtsometimes kde desktop doesn't function. whatever i clik on the desktop, a four-way arrow appears, as if it want me to move stuff around. is there a fix for it?15:10
mr-richkavurt: one of your meta keys may be stuck. Give each one of your meta keys a couple of hard taps and see if that fixes it ...15:11
mr-richkavurt: did that work?15:16
kavurtmr-rich: i rebooted before your answer. i'll try it next time :)15:17
jtheuerhey, if oneiric chooses the VESA driver instead of my intel driver - what can I do (as there is no xorg.conf anymore...)15:24
Peace-jtheuer: you can create your own xorg.conf15:25
Peace-it will be rea15:25
jtheuerok, well. is there some autoconfigure tool? I think there was some ncurses stuff at least...15:26
jtheuerno, not autoconfigure, configure, auto doesn't work ;-)15:27
Peace-jtheuer: based on old one?15:28
jtheueri'll try...15:30
BluesKajjtheuer, is there an optional recommended driver in kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers ?15:31
BluesKajtoo late15:31
Peace-BluesKaj: was not an intel?15:32
Peace-so intel = > No additional driveR?15:32
BluesKajPeace-, dunno, that's why I asked15:32
Peace-intel has not additional drivers15:33
Peace-they are integrate on kenrel and open sourced15:33
BluesKajlike vesa, nv and nouveau15:33
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christopher_hey how do I get my mic to work in Kubuntu?16:53
christopher_why the hell doesn't anything ever just work in Linux16:54
christopher_bought a 5 dollar audio mic and no sound in linux but works fine in windows on another machine16:54
spinegarim having trouble getting twinview working with the nvidia driver. under X Server Display Configuration in nvidia-settings i can see both monitors. the one that is working has the correct name associated but the monitors that doesnt appear to be getting signal just shows up as CRT-016:56
spinegarany idea how i can get twin view working?16:56
christopher_what nvidia card because twinview works fine for me16:56
spinegargeforce 8400 GS16:57
Peace-christopher_: ? you have to check the sound card16:57
christopher_its an intel sound card16:58
Peace-christopher_: sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all16:58
Peace-christopher_: then try this16:58
Peace-rec hello.wav16:58
Peace-CRTL C16:59
Peace-play hello.wav16:59
christopher_my next computer will be a mac16:59
spinegari got it working17:00
Peace-christopher_: ah ... well .. .who cares?17:00
spinegarunplugged the vga cable and plugged it back in17:00
christopher_I do I am sick of nothing ever just working17:00
Peace-christopher_: you buy a computer that is supported and you will have not issues17:00
Peace-like dells17:00
Peace-there are a list of supported stuff17:01
Peace-you have not read before to buy17:01
Peace-christopher_: ok it's your problem if you buy something without thinking about it17:01
Peace-or testing17:01
Peace-or reading17:01
Peace-dells sells computer with ubuntu inside17:01
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christopher_lol thats funny the front jack works but the back one doesnt17:04
christopher_I dont get why Linux is always screwey... thanks for the help Peace-17:05
linusirc.IRC-Mania.de, 666717:35
oceandonhow can someone install firefox on kubuntu ?18:46
sfearsoceandon: open up software center and search for firefox... then click install.18:51
oceandonsfears: thanks18:52
sfearsor "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-firefox-installer" oceandon18:52
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captlutracan you dd a kubuntu cd?20:02
EvilResistancecaptlutra:  the livecd images i dont think can be written to discs with dd20:03
EvilResistancecaptlutra:  if you want to put the ISO onto a USB drive, there's a startup disk creator or something that can be used (its GNOME though)20:03
EvilResistanceon a CD, use whatever burning software comes preinstalled20:03
captlutraEvilResistance: do you know how can i write a .iso to a usb if i am on another linux distro?20:05
captlutrai suppose unetbootin ... but it's horrible in my opinion20:05
EvilResistancecaptlutra:  the Ubuntu (and derivative) ISOs need a USB Startup Disk Creator, or UNetBootin20:06
EvilResistancethere might be other systems, but i'm unaware of how20:06
EvilResistancecheck the installation guides,20:06
EvilResistanceit might have something in there for you20:06
=== BarkingFish is now known as piglet
sgroverFinally installed 11.10 on my desktop.  After a while, the mouse freaks out and begins sending scroll and right -click signals constantly.  I can still move the mouse, but can't really use it to do anything (due to the scrolls and right-clicks).  Any suggestions?22:00
sgroverGoogle wasn't much help.22:00
=== Guest17028 is now known as waky
fk6Hey, can somebody help me with an installer issue with Alternate 32bit installation CD/USB for 11.10?23:24
fk6Tried a couple of times and I always get a red error screen during package installation, go to console, and there it says Some packages could not be installed....the following packages have unmet dependencies xserver-xorg-video-all: depends: xerver-xorg-video-ati, but it is not installable23:26
fk6and then it aborts.23:26
fk6this is a clean install and I had it previously running by upgrading from earlier ubuntu versions...23:27
fk6Are there known issues/workarounds for the alternate installer?23:27
fk6ping, anybody here???23:27
robin0800fk6: this is a release disk?23:28
fk6yup, just downloaded via the torrent specified on the kubuntu webpage23:29
fk6then burned via linuxlive, which also checked the crc23:29
fk6and its really standard, besides the encrypted root with lvm, but that shouldn't influence the package repository23:30
fk6i cannot be the first that runs into this :)23:30
fk6or is this maybe a new install disk? thought 11.10 is out for a couple of weeks...23:31
amasonfk6 have you tried it with the usb cd creator in ubunut ?23:32
amasonbecause i know that does a bunch of funky stuff to get around those issues23:32
fk6as you dced, is this maybe a new install disk? or the one from a couple of weeks ago?23:32
fk6it just misses that one package, all the rest seems to work23:33
fk6it boots fine, it installs the base system fine, just that one ati driver...i mean how can the usb creator screw up the logic of the installer?23:34
fk6currently do not have a linux at hand unfortunately, i wiped my linux system23:34
fk6this is the recommended usb creator on the kubuntu page...23:34
fk6and it says for isntance that xserver-comon is already the newest version etc...23:35
amasonno idea sorry, i just know that you can't use regular cd->usb utils to make ubuntu cd's currently23:35
amasonubuntu usb's rather23:35
amasonthis is changing23:35
amasonbut it's not currently the case iirc23:35
fk6but the info on the webpage is accurate?23:36
fk6i followed the info on their download page23:36
amasonlink ?23:36
robin0800fk6: download the iso and burn it to a cd23:36
fk6well, that's what i wanted to try next, but i only have one |CDR left, so i wanted to make sure the installer isn't screwed, otherwise i am fucked....23:37
amasonyeh that it correct. they link to a page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:38
amasonwhich shows you how to do it if you want to23:38
fk6followed that to the letter23:38
fk6booted fine23:38
amasondunno then sorry23:38
fk6amason: thx23:38
amasoni've always just used the usb cdcreator and it's worked23:38
OerHekscheck your iso with md5sum23:39
amasonhe got it from BT23:39
amasonso it should be correct23:39
fk6and the usbcreator checks it before burning23:39
amasonapparently unetbootin will work too23:39
amasonthere is a usb-creator.exe too23:40
OerHekswhen you start the install, did you manage to enable networking ?23:40
amasonah that's what you used was it ?23:40
amasonthat should work23:40
amasonyeh dunno then sorry23:40
fk6specifically for like linux distros, looks nicer than the kde version ;)23:40
fk6but anybody know whether the current alternate CD works at all?23:41
fk6i guess most ppl use the normal installer23:41
amasoni use the alternate cd all the time23:41
amasoni've never had an issue23:41
fk6alright thx23:41
fk6also the one for 11.1023:41
robin0800fk6: don't think any cd burning system can check the md5sum how would they know it?23:41
fk6takes like 30secs, when you load the image it says crc checking23:42
amasoncrc is different to md523:43
amasonbut for this case crc is fine23:44
amasoncrc wouldn't be able to tell you if the image had been altered prior to downloading23:44
fk6i checked it with winmd523:44
amasonbut that's unlikely to be your problem in this instance23:44
fk6it is correct23:44
fk6would have been strange if bittorrent screwed up23:45
fk6i'll try it with a cdrom and report back....23:45
OerHeksit happened before, torrent, jigdo or ftp download corrupt.23:45
FirefisheEvery time I log in, I have a nautilus window that opens up.  I find this weird in kde, so I want to eliminate the problem.  I've tried every conceivable configuation option check, but I can not find the cause.23:46
OerHeksFirefishe, nautilus is a gnome application. what folder opens in nautilus ? dropbox, ubuntu-one or something like that ?23:49
FirefisheOerHeks: I'm aware of it being a gnome app.  What do you mean in the 2nd part of your sentence?  "...what folder opens in nautilus ? dropbox, ubuntu-one, or..." ??  I'm a bit confused on the last part.23:51
FirefisheOerHeks: Oh, wait.23:51
robin0800Firefishe: you have probably got save session on exit selected23:51
Firefisherobin0800: Well, in that case, if I close the nautilus window, then log out, then back in, it shouldn't open it if it's saving a session.  The thing is, I do this in everything from gnome, kde, lxde, etc., and it's still there after months.  How do I disable save session on exit?23:52
Firefisherobin0800, OerHeks:  Apparently, this doesn't apply if I log in to gnome from kde for a parallel session.  Just tried that.23:55
Firefisherobin0800, OerHeks:  I'll log out then back in and see what folder opens up.  I didn't pay attention the first time.  Brb.23:56
eydaimonis there a way to upgrade an installation that was done via wubi? I don't see the upgrade app in the settings menu23:56

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