
pooliesinzui, hi, i don't really understand your comment on bug 80124200:03
_mup_Bug #801242: no way to request membership in a private team - can only be added <privacy> <teams> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/801242 >00:03
cjwatsonHow come the QA bot hasn't got round to doing its thing on bug 899972 yet?00:04
_mup_Bug #899972: cron.germinate is very slow <Launchpad itself:In Progress by cjwatson> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/899972 >00:04
StevenKcjwatson: Which revision?00:05
lifelesscjwatson: qastaging isn't running it yet00:05
lifelesscjwatson: look at qastaging, bottom right corner.00:06
cjwatsonStevenK: r1451600:07
StevenKcjwatson: That revision hasn't passed buildbot, so it's not in stable.00:28
cjwatsonAh, I keep forgetting how many stages are involved :-)00:29
StevenKThe QA tagger should get it's grubby hands on the bug in about 3-3.5 hours00:30
cjwatsonI've just posted my QA notes in the bug.  In the unlikely event that the deployment pipeline gets that far between the tagger getting to it and me noticing that, it can be marked qa-ok.00:32
StevenKI still need to sort out the deployment report00:32
StevenKIt's still hung up on r14489 being bad00:32
* StevenK tries to understand bzrlib.gpg and goes cross-eyed00:59
* StevenK finds the right option, finally.01:02
* wallyworld_ goes for a coffee run02:44
* nigelb realizes he hasn't written LP code in a while.02:59
StevenKnigelb: Fix it!03:12
nigelbStevenK: Yeah, I need to find an interesting bug to fix. Updating my tree now.03:13
* StevenK kicks the qa-tagger03:31
StevenKBloody rollback tags03:31
StevenKI fix r14489 and r14490 and now r14491 is bad03:33
StevenK /wrists03:33
StevenKpoolie: Ping03:34
StevenKpoolie: Do you know what is going on with bug 509016?03:35
_mup_Bug #509016: Please load bzr-git, bzr-svn and bzr-hg in loggerhead <bad-commit-14991> <lp-code> <qa-bad> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by jelmer> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/509016 >03:35
StevenKCan I roll it back so we actually deploy?03:35
StevenKcjwatson: Thanks for your exhaustive QA notes, I've tagged your bug qa-ok.03:37
poolieStevenK, i don't know anything beyond what's in the bug etc03:37
pooliewhat is breaking?03:37
StevenKpoolie: Can we mumble?03:38
StevenKIt will be quicker03:38
poolieafter counting futzing with mumble?03:39
pooliecan i just call you?03:39
StevenKLandline in the directory03:39
StevenKmumble works perfectly for me, so I don't know why poolie has to fiddle with it03:40
nigelbI've seen people complain about all 3 calling things at some point.03:42
nigelbmumble/skype/google hangout03:42
StevenKjelmer: Are you still around, by chance?03:46
wgrantStevenK: I think we should revert it.03:47
StevenKI'm just preparing a revert03:47
StevenKAnd buildbot started like 90 minutes ago.03:51
wallyworld_StevenK: should we just restart bb?04:05
StevenKProbably not.04:05
StevenKDAMN IT, lp-land, use the correct key04:07
StevenKnigelb: I'm moving to a 4096 bit RSA key04:09
wgrantStevenK: Set gpg_signing_key in bazaar.conf04:09
StevenKI did04:09
StevenKThat fixed ec2land, but lp-land is still wanting my DSA key's passphrase.04:09
StevenKAnd bzrlib.gpg is nearly incomprehensible04:10
StevenKThanks lifeless!04:10
poolieStevenK, oops, i got totally distracted04:15
StevenKpoolie: I have a rollback prepared, just having trouble landing it since lp-land insists on signing with my 1024bit DSA key.04:16
pooliewgrant, in other news, i think python-markdown is tolerably safe04:16
StevenKEven though gpg_signing_key is set in bazaar.conf04:17
wgrantpoolie: Hm, that is good news.04:18
wgrantpoolie: Is that what GitHub uses, or do they have their own thing?04:18
pooliei think they use ruby04:19
poolieso different implementation, same format04:19
pooliesimilar format04:19
wgrantYeah, I knew it was markdownish, but I thought they used Python in places.04:19
wgrantPerhaps not.04:19
poolieso, obviously any software can have bugs however04:19
pooliethe code is not obviously silly04:20
poolieit does have options for safety against xss etc04:20
nigelbwgrant: They use github-flavored markdown04:20
nigelbBtut they use a ruby thing04:20
poolieand it's fairly widely used for this04:20
nigelbto do the conversion04:20
wgrantAh, that's what I was thinking of. They use pygments.04:20
mwhudsonyou can tell, because it has the same performance bugs pygments has :-)04:22
mwhudsonthey cap the amount of cpu it can use though04:22
StevenKpoolie: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/770798/ explains the issue04:22
nigelbmwhudson: heh04:23
poolieStevenK, that might be bug 904550?04:25
_mup_Bug #904550: gpg signing key doesn't default to 'email' anymore <release-blocker> <Bazaar:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/904550 >04:25
poolieor just coincidental04:25
poolieStevenK, so try something like04:27
poolieecho merge bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/stable bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel | gpg --clearsign -u abcd1234 |mail -s 'commit message' launchpad@pqm.canonical.com04:28
pooliesomething like this04:28
StevenKRight, which just submits it manually04:28
poolieif you're stuck, that's how i'd get unstuck04:28
StevenKPQMException: 'Failed to verify signature: gpgv exited with error code 1'04:33
poolieah pqm04:34
* StevenK waits for logs to sync04:35
poolieyou need gpg -a too04:36
StevenK-a is the default if the output is a tty04:37
StevenK(Which it was in this case)04:37
poolieisn't the output a pipe to mail?04:38
poolieor you were pasting it04:38
StevenKPasting it into Thunderbird and sending04:38
StevenKpoolie: I fixed it with an enormous sledgehammer.05:13
jtv-zzzpoolie: Hi!  Any luck with Q/A?  We've got a nasty qa-bad blocking some really urgent stuff, and I'm concerned about other pending Q/A holding up the rollback we need for the bad branch.05:36
=== jtv-zzz is now known as jtv
jtvI thought openid was no longer supposed to send us to the wrong pages.  :(05:38
jtvpoolie: superficially there's only 7 branches waiting for your Q/A and it's not the blocker yet, but if we need a rollback, that adds the 18 revisions that are blocked behind his.05:40
jtvBehind jelmer's, that is.05:41
wallyworld_jtv: StevenK is onto it05:41
* jtv breathes out05:41
wallyworld_jtv: don't forget to breath in again05:42
wallyworld_and then out05:42
wallyworld_and then in05:42
* jtv tries that05:42
jtvwallyworld_: thanks, that's really helping.  But we can't keep going this way all day, can we?05:42
jtvMaybe I should write a script.05:42
StevenKI did not do the QA.05:42
wgrantjtv: That rev is rolled back.05:42
wgrant'twill be some days before you can deploy.05:42
jtvWhich revision is rolled back?  jelmer's?05:42
jtvI don't suppose we have a way of marking rollbacks as such after landing, just so the deployment report can be fixed?05:43
StevenKOnly when it hits qas05:43
jtvno entiendo05:44
jtvStevenK, wgrant: isn't the buildfarm breakage something of a bad thing though?05:45
wgrantjtv: What's broken?05:45
jtvOh, was my buildfarm fix rolled back?05:45
wgrantWe rolled it back <5 minutes after it was discovered.05:45
wgrantThe world would have been on fire for days otherwise.05:45
jtvDidn't know that.05:45
jtvWish I'd known that before working nights and holidays.05:46
wgrantDistro hadn't nuked you from orbit yet, so it should have been reasonably obvious :)05:47
jtvExplicit is better than implicit.05:47
jtvwgrant: what's the procedure with that rollback?  Am I responsible for undoing it once the fix is ready to deploy?06:08
wgrantjtv: Someone (likely Julian, since AIUI both you and I are away for some time) needs to request a deployment.06:09
jtvAre you talking about the obvious deployment (of the fix), or some extra deployment?06:09
wgrantThe obvious deployment.06:09
wgrantThere's nothing special about this sort of rollback -- it's just flipping the symlink back to an older tree and restarting services.06:10
wgrantSo a normal deployment will clobber it.06:10
jtvWell I was going to request the rollback anyway if nobody else beat me to it — which is why I'm chasing Q/A blockers in my free time.06:11
huwshimiA CSS/UI review for someone kind enough to do so: https://code.launchpad.net/~huwshimi/launchpad/inline-fields/+merge/8579806:42
adeuringgood morning08:54
nigelbMorning mrevell09:12
bigjoolsStevenK: do you know if there's a bug for adding package_name to SPPH/BPPH?09:30
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
StevenKbigjools: It's not package_name10:05
bigjoolswhatever then10:05
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
gmbSomeone remind me: Are DB patches that are just constraints meant to go into devel or db-devel?11:26
wgrantgmb: db-devel11:29
wgrantThey generally require exclusive table locks, which requires downtime.11:29
gmbwgrant, Thanks.11:29
bigjoolsanyone know if there's a way of specifying that a parameter to @operation_parameters is for a particular api version?12:59
bigjoolsor do I need to repeat the whole lot using @operation_for_version?13:00
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jcsackett | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
* benji assumes jtv isn't around.14:24
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
bachi abentley, frankban and i are using 'bzr lp-propose' but the template is not being populated.  i have the lpreview-body plugin installed as part of lp-dev-dependencies.  any idea what is missing?15:16
abentleybac: I expect it's not detecting that you're targetting a Launchpad branch.  Let me refresh myself....15:17
bacabentley: the contents of the editor are http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/771213/ -- so it does appear to know it is a LP branch15:19
abentleybac: the target branch needs to match this regex: lp:(~launchpad-pqm/)?launchpad(/(db-)?devel)?15:19
abentleybac: Sorry, it needs to match 'bzr\+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/(db-)?devel'15:20
bacabentley: it looks like i have the full bzr+ssh URL in my locations.conf file but the shorthand is being used and thus not matching the regex15:23
abentleybac: If your submit branch is a local branch, you need to specify the bzr+ssh URL as its public location.15:24
bacabentley: here is 'bzr info' for my branch and my devel branch -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/771217/15:25
abentleybac: That looks like it would work.15:27
abentleybac: But also, it should be raising an exception if it's getting lp:launchpad as the target, and it's not doing that either.  So I'm not sure what's going on there.15:28
bacabentley: ok, i'll experiment on my dev machine at home and see if it still works and compare the differences15:32
abentleybac: The target branch is selected by lp-propose, so I'd stick a pdb somewhere in that code.15:33
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
cr3hi folks, you guys know there's a problem with bazaar.launchpad.net, right?15:54
cr3oops, not anymore. thanks for fixing it so quickly :)15:54
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jcsackett | Firefighting: codehosting connection problems | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
adeuringjcsackett: could you please review this MP https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-901016/+merge/85902 ? (100 lines diff)16:13
rick_h__abentley: have a sec? my changes for this bug run right into your refactor16:16
abentleyrick_h__: OTP16:16
rick_h__abentley: ok16:16
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jcsackettadeuring: sure thing.16:30
adeuringjcsackett: thanks!16:30
jcsackettadeuring: looks good. r=me.16:39
adeuringjcsackett: thanks!16:39
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
abentleyrick_h__: back.16:58
rick_h__abentley: I've got it. Your changes got merged so updated with devel and redoing the changes16:59
rick_h__bzr issues making it a bit slow, but think I'm set, thanks abentley16:59
abentleyrick_h__: Cool.16:59
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
abentleyderyck[lunch]: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/new-approaches-to-new-bug-listings17:10
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
rick_h__jcsackett: ping, got a sec to peek at: https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/heat_help_894740/+merge/85901 ?17:32
jcsackettrick_h_: sure, in just a moment. :-)17:42
jcsackettrick_h__: r=me.17:55
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
rick_h__jcsackett: ty much17:59
mrevellNight all18:00
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
deryckabentley, thanks!  looks good.18:28
abentleyderyck: np.18:28
rick_h__deryck: did you have some 'next bugs' in your mind? It seemed during the stand up you had some targets18:29
deryckrick_h__, yeah, any of the high bugs with the tag bug-columns would be good. see: http://tinyurl.com/d9nevd918:30
rick_h__deryck: ok cool. I'm going through them but wanted to make sure you didn't have specific next items in mind18:30
deryckrick_h__, nah.  just ask me if you have questions about specific bugs.18:32
rick_h__deryck: abentley looking at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/90090018:32
_mup_Bug #900900: navigation links are missing from bug listing bottom if there is only a single batch. <bug-columns> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/900900 >18:32
rick_h__deryck: abentley but the batching code specically calls out that "Only render bottom navigation links if there are multiple batches."18:32
rick_h__so are we looking to change that site-wide?18:33
abentleyrick_h__, deryck: I think we should change it site-wide.  It's confusing.18:33
deryckI agree.  it might makes sense for some defined small number, i.e. 1-5 results.  but anything over half a screen we certainly need bottom links, so....18:34
rick_h__abentley: I think the argument would be that in small nubmers, doubling the batch ui would clutter the interface18:34
deryckto really simplify, I say always have bottom links.18:34
rick_h__deryck: ok, will do then. Thanks18:34
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jcsackett | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
sinzuiHi jcsackett. I have a few questions about your branch in review18:46
jcsackettsinzui: shoot.18:50
sinzuiLine 41 of the diff adds an extra space to the text and the test verifies it.18:50
sinzuiThis message does not cover the case when a private team is subscribed to a bug or branch. Can we make the message more general?18:50
jcsackettsinzui: good catch on the typo, and yeah, we can generalize the message.18:51
sinzui"This action will reveal this team's name to the public. (Choose again) (Continue)18:52
sinzuijcsackett, we avoid yes/no button because they require a re-reading of the question.18:52
flacosteabentley: nice post!18:54
sinzuijcsackett, My concerns are just the text and labels. The implementation is great18:54
abentleyflacoste: thanks.18:54
jcsackettsinzui: thanks; i'm pushing up the text changes now.18:55
sinzuijcsackett, I also wanted to have a mid-implementation conversation about base-layout. I have rudimentary version working with tests. I think I want to change the macro used to prevent the main and side slots from rendering19:00
jcsackettsinzui: sure, one sec while i hop on mumble.19:02
rick_h__deryck: is this something I could probably just self-review? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/batch_nav_900900/+merge/8593519:06
deryckrick_h__, you can't self review your own stuff yet, until you're a graduated reviewer yourself.19:07
rick_h__deryck: ah, makes sense.19:07
deryckrick_h__, lots of "self" there, but I hope you get the idea.19:07
rick_h__deryck: right, need to get rid of the "training" badge first. Understand19:07
rick_h__jcsackett: see you're doing some call, if you get a sec after that please? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/batch_nav_900900/+merge/8593519:08
sinzuijcsackett: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/771461/19:11
jcsackettrick_h__: looking now. :-)19:22
deryckI also have something for review jcsackett.  https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/avoid-extra-buglist-count-901124/+merge/8594019:23
rick_h__jcsackett: ty19:23
jcsackettrick_h__: i've left questions on your MP.19:38
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
deryckjcsackett, did you see my ping about a branch for review?20:01
jcsackettderyck: i did not, i will go grab your branch from the queue now.20:02
deryckjcsackett, cool, thanks man!20:02
jcsackettderyck: looks good; nice workaround the COUNT issue. :-)20:09
deryckjcsackett, thanks!20:09
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
* huwshimi must. not. reload. mp.22:42
lifelessmwhudson: are your tags queries all copacetic?23:14
mwhudsonlifeless: i don't know what that word means23:15
mwhudsonwell, i've written some queries that pass all my tests23:16
lifelessftr what we do in lp is a little / moderately bloody23:17
lifelessI've been meaning to refactor23:17
lifelesse.g. to use an array equality23:17
lifelessthe mathematical way is using intersections, of course23:18
mwhudsonmy approach is basically count(tags in a that are not in b) == 023:18
mwhudsonlifeless: where is the code in lp?  lp/bugs/model/bugtask?23:19
lifelesscounting works, though wouldn't you just count(found tags) == len(wanted tags) ?23:19
lifelessmwhudson: yes23:19
mwhudsonlifeless: well, not much difference really i guess23:20
mwhudsonlifeless: ah so part of my fun is that the list of tags to search for is retrieved by another part of the query23:21
lifelessin one query ?23:22
lifelesscan you share ?23:22
* mwhudson rummages23:24
mwhudsonlifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/771702/23:26
lifelessmwhudson: oh, did I tell you that there is django glue in oops-wsgi now ? courtesy jamesh23:26
lifelessmwhudson: so, uhm right23:35
lifelesshow to stop unity raising the active window to the front.23:35
mwhudsonlifeless: ah yes, will look at oops-wsgi23:35
lifelessmwhudson: so, slight diversion to re-re-tweak my de23:38
lifelesslava-scheduler-app-device-tags lists tag, device23:38
lifelesstestjob tags lists tags for tests23:38
lifelessso you're grabbing the count of test tags that are not in the device tag list23:39
lifelesswhat you want to state is, I think, 'test jobs that have at least the devices tags'23:40
lifelessa first tweak would be 'has_tags': 'select count(*) = 0 from ...'23:43
lifelessmeh, it works, and you're querying one device, shrug :)23:45
lifelessyou could add a CTE if your tag table isn't well indexed.23:46
mwhudsonit's django i assume there are no indexes :)23:48
mwhudsonbut easy to add though23:48
mwhudsonthe primary key on id is probably enough here though...23:49
=== wallyworld_ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2

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