
SudoKinghow do you report a spam comment? :)00:25
StevenKFile a question00:27
StevenKOr link the bug here, and we'll hide the comment00:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 526303 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu) "32 bit OpenGL broken on 64 bit 9.10" [Undecided,Expired]00:29
StevenKSudoKing: I've hidden that comment. Thanks for telling us!00:31
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aviksilIs there any workaround for this vcsimport failure: https://code.launchpad.net/~x3lectric/xbmc/xbmc_git_dev09:32
czajkowskibacon sandwich is the food of gods first thing in the morning10:04
bigjoolsczajkowski: s/first thing in the morning//10:15
czajkowskibigjools: any time of the day :)10:16
czajkowskibigjools: however I'm lacking milk to make a cuppa tea :(10:16
bigjoolsthere you go :)10:16
caribouquick question : how long does it takes for files to be deleted from the PPA area once they've been deleted on the web I/F ?10:19
caribouI made a mistake in my PPA so I deleted the package. Now it refuses to accept a new upload claiming that the files are there already10:19
cariboueven though I deleted them10:19
bigjoolscaribou: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/99010:21
cariboubigjools: thanks. I should have known better & RTFM :)10:22
bigjoolsit's a common question :)10:22
cariboubigjools: Normal, I'm a noobie at building packages & PPA10:23
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ajf_would anyone have any idea what this dependency problem is caused by? It builds fine on natty/precise/oneric/maverick. It says pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy is "BROKEN" and has an unmet dependency on dh-autoreconf12:13
ajf_this is a lynx build12:14
ajf_I am using dh-autoreconf in my rules file and put it in the control file... is the problem that dh-autoreconf is only in backports and the pbuilder on launchpad won't use backports?12:18
czajkowskiajf_: morning12:20
ajf_oh, hello, you've caught me using ubuntu :oD12:22
odonygmb: hello, do you think bug 904683 could be a consequence of the build delays due to HW failure?12:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 904683 in Launchpad itself "Updating branch seems to last forever" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90468312:45
odonygmb: not sure if this is what you mean by "build delays"... and if it is, how can we fix such a 'dead' branch?12:46
gmbodony, No, I don't think so; I think it's part of a separate bug (bug 808930, for reference) which I'm currently working on debugging.12:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 808930 in Launchpad itself "Timeout running branch scanner job" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80893012:46
gmbodony, If you've got a stuck branch it might be worth adding a new commit (even if nothing changes; `bzr ci --unchanged` should work for you) and pushing again.12:47
gmbodony, I'll make a note on 904683 that it could be linked to 80893012:48
czajkowskiajf_: get your issue resolved?12:50
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | Translation statistics are not being updated reliably: bug 903532 | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help
* gmb notes that he wasn't official help contact today; apologies for the confusion.12:51
geserhow does LP sort comments in a bug? by comment number or by creation time of the comment?12:53
czajkowskigmb: wait there is an offical day help person like canonical-is?12:56
czajkowskibigjools: you about?13:07
gmbczajkowski, Yes, though things are a bit confused this week due to vacations and sprints.13:20
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ajf_Just wondering how/if I can use backports for build time dependencies in a lynx PPA build. Though, I wonder if there was some other alternative to dh-autoreconf that was supposed to be used in lynx if it's not in the main repositories.13:21
gmbgeser, By creation time; the numbers are added afterwards.13:23
geserajf_: you can let your PPA (build-)depend on other PPAs (not sure if backports work too) or you can copy the needed packages into your PPA13:23
gesergmb: ah that explains the ordering in bug #904179. what is used for comments sent my mail? the time when they got processed or when they got sent? (compare the timestamp for comment #2 with the timestamps in the activity log)13:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 904179 in fex (Ubuntu) "Please merge fex 20111129-1 (universe) from Debian unstable " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90417913:25
gmbgeser, Without digging into the mail processing code I'd guess it's the time that they're processed that's used.13:26
czajkowskigmb: ahh didn't know that was just looking for someone to help wiht ajf_ comment from 12:1313:27
gmbczajkowski, Then I'm the wrong person to ask in many, many ways :). bigjools, StevenK or wgrant would be my first stops for that one.13:28
czajkowskiaye bigjools was my next ping13:28
gesergmb: I found it irritating in that bug to read the comment about nothing to upload when the comment before it had a debdiff attached (until I looked at the activity log and then the comments numbers)13:30
ajf_gmb: hmm ok thanks. I may do that then. I thought dh-autoreconf had been the preferred way to do this for a while, so I'm surprised it seems to be backports for lynx, but I could be wrong there.~13:31
geserthe activity log shows that they got added after that comment, yet sort before it13:31
lifelessthe sort is by date13:31
lifelesswe trust the send date on received email13:31
lifelessthe comment numbers are allocated sequentially and represent the order received13:32
gmbOne of these days I'm going to write a bzr plugin for grepping lifeless's memory.13:37
bigjoolsmine just needs more space13:38
czajkowskibigjools: due an upgrade eh13:38
bigjoolshow can he help ye czajkowski?13:38
bigjoolserrm "I" help13:38
czajkowskibigjools: ajf_ had a comment at 12:1213:38
bigjoolsI have a vague recollection of debhelper being in backports13:39
bigjoolsyou need to go into the "edit dependencies" on the PPA page13:40
bigjoolsyou can change where it pulls deps from Ubuntu13:40
bigjoolsit's normally only -updates and -security13:40
bigjoolsor you can copy the relevant package into the PPA if you don't want crackports13:41
lifelessgmb: this one I know due to causing the situation13:42
lifelessgmb: when I fixed 'comment numbers are unstable when mails dated in the past are received'13:42
lifelessgmb: -and-13:42
lifelessgmb: when I fixed 'to render comment 1450 on bug 1, we load and lazy evaluate all 1500 comments'13:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113:43
lifelessgmb: to avoid having to evaluate them all I stored the comment number in the db, which trivially fixed the unstable nature by storing it forever :)13:43
gmblifeless, Right, I'm with you. Fair enough. When people say they "caused the situation" in bugs, I think back to some of the truly weird XXXs that I've removed over the years, most of which carried the name of one of two developers.13:44
lifelessgmb: then of course, I found the horror of the grouping code.13:44
gmbYes, well.13:44
gmbThe least said, the better...13:44
lifelessIt would be nice to shove that into the db as a directly queryable collection too13:44
lifelesswhich rmeinds me13:44
lifelessgmb: did you see the two bugs with jaxa comment loading?13:45
gmbHmm. No, not that I recall.13:45
ajf_bigjools: thank you :) I'll try copying dh-autoreconf, adding a dependency on backports to the PPA seems a bit overkill for one little build time dependency.13:51
lifelessgmb: ~2 weeks back, am looking13:51
ajf_czajkowski: thanks13:51
czajkowskiajf_: np13:52
gmblifeless, Ah, then I may well have seen them and forgotten.13:53
jonnor_workHi. I am interested in integrating my build-bot with Launchpad. I want to trigger builds in LP from my buildbot, and get the status of the builds on completion/failure. Is there API for this?13:54
jonnor_workI found https://help.launchpad.net/API, but is it available on the launchpad.net instance?13:57
lifelessgmb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/89337513:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 867593 in Launchpad itself "duplicate for #893375 Displayed number of comments hidden is sometimes +1 to the actual value" [Critical,Triaged]13:57
lifelessjonnor_work: yes, it is13:57
lifelessgmb: bah, its a dupe. Follow the chain. Note the assignee: )13:58
lifelessgmb: also bug 81845613:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 818456 in Launchpad itself "Hidden comments expander fails with out-of-order emails ("-1 comments hidden")" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81845613:58
lifelessgmb: we ave an lp-upstream-tools project ?!13:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 334456 in Launchpad Upstream Tools "Stops working intermittently" [Undecided,New]13:59
gmblifeless, Ahah. I've unassigned myself - not something I'm working on at the moment, sadly.14:02
gmblifeless, Note the date on that lovely upstream-tools bug, too14:04
gmbYou'd have to ask jcastro, but I don't think that that's used any more, somehow...14:04
dobeyhow does one unsubscribe a team from receiving bug mail on a source package with the new bugs UI? i only see a way to stop myself getting e-mails, rather than unsubscribing the team now :-/14:10
mthaddonyofel: howdy - are you doing a bunch of connections to LP codehosting at the moment?14:27
mthaddon(like some scripts or such)14:28
mthaddonyofel: we're seeing a lot of connections as your username - can you check if it's more than usual?14:28
mthaddonand of course, now I say that I'm not seeing as much any more14:30
mthaddonor maybe I am...14:31
mthaddonnot *right now*14:31
yofelok, then I know the source - I have a script that runs a few bzr updates regulary.14:32
yofelSeems I set it to like every 10 minutes once and never turned that back down14:32
mthaddonah, gotcha14:32
mthaddonif you could scale it back a bit that'd be appreciated14:32
yofelsure, no problem14:32
odonygmb: btw thanks for your answers, couldn't reply earlier :-)15:28
gmbodony: Np.15:29
mptdanhg, hi, are you still looking for status/importance testers?15:45
odonygmb: it definitely looks like a duplicate of bug  808930 indeed... so you're saying a new scan will be initiated for any new commit, and there's a chance the scan will not timeout next time?15:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 808930 in Launchpad itself "Timeout running branch scanner job" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80893015:47
gmbodony, Yes, that's correct. Although I don't know how _great_ the chance of the scan not timing out actually is.15:48
odonygmb, the bug seems to data back to july, but we're only starting to experience it this week AFAICT. Branch history size would be a determining factor here? Or is it too contingent to other unpredictable load during scanner job execution to tell?15:50
gmbodony, We think it's history size that's the problem, but we're not 100% certain yet. It's definitely a death-by-SQL issue, though.15:51
gmbodony, AIUI, Launchpad still does something that bzr stopped doing years ago, which is storing the entire history rather than storing tip and walking the graph to get previous revisions.15:51
odonygmb: aww, that sounds like a tricky thing to fix :-/15:53
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gmbSomewhat, yeah.15:53
brendandanything up with launchpad? i keep getting:15:53
brendandssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host15:53
brendandbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.15:53
gmbodony,  Luckily, I know some smart people... :)15:53
brendandconnectivity and permissions are fine15:53
gmbbrendand, This may be to do with an ongoing issue we're having with codehosting. I'll check.15:54
brendandgmb - thanks15:54
odonygmb: we'll probably start to experience it quite often if we've reached some critical size with some of our branches... I don't suppose you have any ETA yet?  (I hate when people ask me that question;-))15:54
brendandgmb - all better. for now15:55
odonybrendand: don't have any issue pushing/pulling here, usually when that happens you just wait 5 secs and try again, hoping it was just a temporary thing15:56
karniHi guys, I'm having ssh issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/771245/15:56
brendandodony - i tried several times15:56
karnibrendand: oh, it's working now15:56
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Users may experience intermittent problems connecting to codehosting over SSH. We are working on the problem | Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | Translation statistics are not being updated reliably: bug 903532 | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Us
karniIt failed to push for few minutes, 4 maybe15:56
brendandodony - it was there for about 5 mins15:56
czajkowskihmm topic seems to be a bit long and is getting cut off15:56
odonybrendand, karni, yes apparently they have intermittent problms with codehosting, so you just wait a bit more and retry ...15:57
odonywoo, I can read the topic15:57
karniodony: yup, worked this time. thanks15:57
karnicheers o/15:57
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Codehosting is erratic | Build delays due to hardware failure | Translation statistics may be incorrect (bug 903532) | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Codehosting connectivity is erratic | Build delays due to hardware failure | Translation statistics may be incorrect (bug 903532) | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
* gmb wanted to make it /topic THE SKY IS FALLING | Launchpad is open source15:58
odonygmb: :-D15:58
odonygmb: regarding smart people, I'm subscribed to the lp-dev ML, perhaps I know some of them too ;-)15:58
czajkowskigmb: glad to see you still have a sense of humour!16:05
gmbczajkowski, I very nearly left "Codehosting is erratic" but for the fact that a) that's unfair and b) ex-and-current-codehosting devs would come and kill me in my sleep.16:06
czajkowskigmb: well into the christmas spirit I see :)16:06
gmbThat's me, always ready to hit a peasant with his walking cane at yuletide...16:08
gmbPersonal pronouns are hard.16:08
czajkowskiless than a week and I shall be back home in ireland for xmas! this time with no snow interrupting my travels! Looking forward to it16:09
gmbFingers crossed the snow stays away for you.16:10
czajkowskihopefully, short trip as well, only home for 6 days, which'll keep the mothership off my back . then back to London16:11
bigjoolsczajkowski: it's going to snow 3" tonight, if you believe the met office16:14
czajkowskibigjools: nothing can be as bad as last year. hopefully...16:16
bigjoolsthat was fun16:17
czajkowskiI used other words, a lot more colourful and definately not CoC friendly to describe last years travels.16:18
czajkowskiSayting that my mum just emailed saying that had a slight snow fall last night, hoping it now melts16:18
bigjoolsczajkowski: I love working at home :)16:23
czajkowskibigjools: I'm sure it is handy, right now my view is of Millbank, London eye and Shell building.  Looks lovely at this hour of the evening16:26
bigjoolsI can see black16:27
djbobbydrakeseems like launchpad is going berserk this morning16:32
om26er_"Codehosting connectivity is erratic" >> does that have any relation with extremely slow download for bzr branch ??16:36
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lifelessgmb: (unused) heh, yeah.18:36
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to hardware failure | Translation statistics may be incorrect (bug 903532) | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is open source | This channel is logged
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dobeyok, wtf is up with this ~osfs team?21:45
dobeyspamming ~registry wasn't very bright was it21:47
Ampelbeindobey: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/18164821:48
dobeyah yeah, i see that now21:48
sinzuiAnd I was just contemplating a change to addMember to only send users invitations as is done with teams21:49
dobeyi was just pondering clicking delete ;)21:50
sinzuiI would have too to end this specific issue21:50
dobeybut i see gary's handling it21:50
* sinzui does not hesitate to stomp on any team that adds him without asking21:51
czajkowskiah that team is still doing it, thought it was a hoax yesterday21:54
dobeywell, not any more21:56
czajkowskidobey: indeed, thanks21:56
dobeythank gary_poster, not me :)21:56
jterracedo source builds have access to the network? i'm getting an error that it can't resolve a hostname22:52
dobeyi don't think so22:53
jterraceso my source build downloads things22:53
jterracei cant do that?22:53
dobeyi don't think so22:53
dobeywhy would a source build download things?22:54
jterracethere are a ton of dependencies22:54
jterraceand our build is scripted to download dependencies when building22:54
lifelessif you need dependencies when building a .deb package, you need them either included in the source (e.g. source v3 multi-tarball) or listed as build-dependencies (with packages available for them)22:56
dobeywhy aren't they packaged?22:57
lifelessthis is for auditability22:57
lifelessand reproducability22:57
jterracewell we have patches we have to apply to some of the dependencies22:57
dobeypackage them as well in your ppa, and add them to Build-Depends22:57
jterracewill just require a lot of refactoring of our build system22:58
dobeyjterrace: we (ubuntuone) do that as well; https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/nightlies has lots of things we've backported, for example. and some have patches that are also in ubuntu already22:58

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