
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
toabctli try to build a simple hello world with C and glib but get "undefined reference to `g_printf'"06:56
toabctlhere's my example:http://paste.ubuntu.com/770862/06:56
dpmgood morning all!07:46
coolstarhow do i use gtk in an NPAPI plugin on ubuntu?08:38
rickspencer3hi coolstar08:46
rickspencer3what are you trying to do?08:46
rickspencer3load a gtk window into netscape?08:46
rickspencer3well, ff, I guess :/08:46
YokoZarIs didirocks on vacation?  I got some quickly questions09:20
dpmhi YokoZar, you can ask mterry when he's up later on, or perhaps rickspencer3 can also help you (although he seems to be offline right now)09:35
dpmhey jml :)09:35
jmlupdate-apt-xapian :(09:43
* jml → last minute Christmas shopping13:02
james_wjml, this isn't last minute!14:20
jmljames_w: well, not really14:22
jmljames_w: but Jolie's going to the States on the morning of the 18th.14:26
james_wah, pretty close then14:26
james_wjml, looks like you have to merge trunk in to your udd branch15:04
james_wshould be an easy conflict resolution though15:04
jmljames_w: done15:19
* jml upgrades to precise17:48
dpmgood luck!18:05
jmldpm: thanks.18:15

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