=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine [00:26] hey can anyone help me install ubuntu on my macbook pro? [00:27] have you checked the forums justin_ ? [00:27] yes [00:27] i have spent about 2 days trying to do this install [00:27] and i keep hitting dead ends [00:28] all i could really do is help with web search [00:28] never tried installing on a macbook pro [00:29] hmm well i keep getting the error "initramfs unable to find a medium containing a live file system" [00:31] sounds vaguely familiar [00:31] did a web search turn up anything justin_ ? [00:31] nothing helpful [00:31] how are you trying? [00:33] everything i have found in web searches is for older models of mac's, i tried to use boot camp to install it by switching the cd's after the drive is partitioned [00:33] also i have tried using different cd's [00:33] the only thing i could find about that error is that i may be using a bad cd [00:34] i think i saw that error when i upgraded to jaunty awhile back, had to reinstall [00:35] could've been another incident though... [00:36] hmh :S [00:36] i can't really think of anything to try, can you check the cd when you boot from it? [00:37] is there an option to do that? it's been awhile since i did an install of ubuntu [00:37] i know there's a memtest [00:38] i'm reading this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1885287&highlight=initramfs [00:40] what's the model number justin_ ? did you search by model number on the forums? [00:40] yes its 8.2 [00:41] sorry i was alttabed seildos [00:41] im trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on mbp 10.04 [00:41] justin_: are you aware of the risks involved in trying to install ubuntu? [00:41] yes, i might brick my laptop [00:42] if that happens i will bring it to the store and exchange it [00:42] :P [00:43] i have ubuntu 11.1 on my desktop, 10.04 server on my other desktop and ubuntu 10.04 on my other laptop [00:45] i'm not entirely sure what in the firmware would stop an ubuntu install [00:45] or even how bootcamp works [00:46] but, i'll give you an ear if you want to get your thought processes out in the open [00:46] not literally *holds on to ears* [00:47] i'm not sure if anyone here has a mac [00:49] i have made a post on the forums with info :P [00:49] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11538407#post11538407 [00:51] are you open to other distros or do you need ubuntu for some reason? [00:52] i would like to stick to ubuntu, i have been using it for a while and just like it [00:52] might shed some light to try fedora or slackware or something. reading about bootcamp, the problem may be in how ubuntu has to handle the os x partitions [00:52] just speculating :) [00:52] yes thats what it seems like [00:52] :( [00:52] but i cant figure out how to fix that :S [00:53] maybe if i fullon wipe the hard drive and install ubuntu :P [00:53] but i kinda want to keep mac and be able to duel boot [00:53] have you tried a newer version of ubuntu? [00:53] yes [00:53] same problem? [00:53] i have tried 11.1 and 10.04 and 9.04 [00:55] yes [00:55] exact same problem [00:55] sounds like the key is with bootcamp after reading wiki/Boot_Camp_(software) [00:55] oh? [00:56] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boot_Camp_(software) says users have installed linux with it [00:58] perhaps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boot_Camp_(software)#Limitations applies to your case justin_ [01:00] i shall try that [01:05] so now i have a boot camp partition and a blank partition and my mac partition [01:05] im going to restart and book from the cd in a sec [01:06] although, i have the bootcamp partition but i dont have windows installed [01:06] do you think that will make a difference ? [01:10] the moment of truth! [01:11] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [01:11] justin_: check the iso too [01:11] and the burn [01:11] i have 5 diferent copys [01:11] from 5 different iso downloads? [01:12] made from 5 different burners? [01:12] 2 diferent burners [01:12] made from 5 different brand CD-r's? [01:12] 3 diferent iso's [01:12] 2 diferent cds [01:12] 1 cd, i dvd [01:12] 1 cd, 1 dvd [01:12] i finally gave up on my mac i had [01:12] buttt [01:12] i ran xubuntu in virtualbox [01:13] ran great [01:13] yeah, i have it running in vbox but i want to duel boot [01:13] yeah [01:13] i got it installed [01:13] oh?? [01:13] it would run for like a week, and lock up [01:13] that was 10.04 [01:13] how did u get past the interfams error? [01:13] i heard it got better [01:13] justin_: didt have it [01:13] didnt* [01:14] oh. what mac did you have? [01:14] and early white one [01:14] 1,1? [01:14] aww [01:14] something early [01:14] ahh* [01:14] yeah with the newer ones it a pain in the ass [01:14] they partion the drives diferently [01:15] with the older one, i just gave up [01:15] shouldnt matter about the drives [01:15] you can take the hard drive out, and try and run the disc live [01:15] you *should* try and run the disc live [01:15] first [01:15] um, the recovery partion in lion is precived as a swap drive by ubuntu [01:16] and i have tried every boot option [01:16] im not sure if i really want to take the hd out because that would viod the warrenty [01:16] justin_: you'll need to do something [01:16] im just saying, run ubuntu live, and see [01:17] ok [01:17] you can run and install linux without swap [01:21] hmh [01:21] how? [01:26] justin_: sorry... got busy [01:26] you just dont make swap when installing [02:52] Hey. I am not getting a Internet connection from my router. is there a good way to see if I have a router problem, or if it is my school who is cutting me off? [02:53] philipballew: you can ping the router? [02:54] seidos, yeah. I even went to the ddwrt home page from the browser [02:55] well actually. pinging says it cant find the router [02:55] but i can visit the page in chrome. [02:56] I thought it was a router problem so i unpluged and re pluged the router [02:56] maybe you have icmp blocked or something [02:56] seidos, okay. I can ping the router [02:57] But all outside sites are gona. Maybe i am being attacked my the geds :) [02:57] philipballew: log on to the page and check if you have an external ip assigned to the router? [02:57] *feds [02:57] alright. lets see [03:00] * philipballew tries to remember where ip address is loacted in DDwrt [03:01] seidos, I dont have a host name or domain name [03:02] ill see if the actual port in the wall is bad [03:03] i'm sure the feds have bigger problems philipballew [03:04] well if you think you're being attacked philipballew, maybe you should review the security [03:05] lol true. my school may have kicked me off the domain [03:05] well, I plug my laptop into the cat 5 cord coming from the wall and i have accsess. time to maybe reset the router [03:24] seidos, thanks for the help. still dead. I believe its my desktop thats the problem. I will look into it [03:29] philipballew: weird. even bypassing router and you don't have internet? [03:31] seidos, yeah, it works there just fine. I think it might be a problem with either the the desktop and nm or the router is just messing up and what not [03:33] oh, well, then problem is the router. maybe reset to defaults philipballew [03:33] hum. alright. ill reset the router. [03:34] * philipballew still think ddwrt is the shiz-niz [03:35] DD-Wrt is good alternate firmware, and so is Tomato. I can confirm that dd-wrt shouldn't be the issue in itself [03:41] well, reseting the router worked. but now i lost my uptime [03:41] I was goin on 2 months [03:45] seidos, thanks for the tips. [03:53] glad it worked [03:56] maybe i should thank you for having a problem philipballew [03:57] now i feel somewhat useful [03:57] lol [03:57] you could try to do random acts of kindness and feel really good [03:57] but thanks! === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ === IAmNotThatGuy is now known as C0nfus3d === C0nfus3d is now known as IAmNotThatGuy === bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk === yofel_ is now known as yofel === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ [14:43] Hello. [15:08] hi, i have just installed ubuntu 11.10 on my desktop machine... for some reason i cant get access to my hotmail account.. i have tried with firefox and chrome.. none of them work... i havent changed the default settings... i can see the log in page.. but when ever i try to access the page will just take a looong time trying to open... finally it appears "problem loading page"... i have tried reloading... and nothing happens... and also i have tried i [15:08] also my pidgin account wont access msn [15:15] Anahi, strange... it seams you cant get a connection with the hotmail-server.... [15:15] try setting your pidgin settings from your msn account to 'web' or something like that and test if it works that way.... [15:18] also, try clearing your dns cache. open a terminal (ctrl-alt-t) and paste (ctrl-shift-v) this command: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" (without quotation marks) [15:28] i wil try... thank you... [15:30] :( it didnt work :( [15:31] Anahi: i would also just wait a while.. the hotmail system can be down temporarily, and for just some users [15:32] mmm the thing is i have tried several times at different hours in different days... and it is always the same result :( [15:32] Anahi: sure, but theres literally nothing thats going to block you about ubuntu [15:33] Anahi: can you remember any networking customizations you have done? [15:35] i have just installed ubuntu 11.10 in my desktop and havent changed the default settings.... the strange thing is that i have a desktop and a laptop... in my laptop i also have ubuntu 11.10 and right now i can access my hotmail account with it... the problem is with the desktop machine... [15:35] Anahi: right... i would double check your password and all the normal issues [15:35] make sure you dont have caps-lock [15:36] holstein: i already have double checked [15:36] Anahi: triple check then while i look around on the forums and launchpad [15:37] Anahi: can you access your router's config page? [15:37] 192.168.x.x or whatever? [15:37] i dont know how [15:38] Anahi: there is a suggestion to try disabling ipv6 [15:38] how can i do that? [15:38] Anahi: have you checked for and applied all available updates? [15:39] yep... i have [15:39] Anahi: open a terminal, and run... [15:39] ifconfig [15:39] hlstein: im really sorry to bother, but i really appreciate your help [15:40] hit the enter key... copy and paste that into http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [15:40] you can pm it to me if you feel it is sensitive [15:41] ready.. i have just pasted it [15:42] Anahi: ok... share the link with me, and i can look at it [15:43] ok, thanks http://paste.ubuntu.com/771236/ [15:43] Anahi: open an empty page in FF and go to [15:45] holstein: firefox tells me "unable to connect" [15:45] firefox cant establish a connection [15:45] Anahi: i have somethings i would like for you to try [15:45] sure [15:45] i am getting these suggestions from https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/42602 [15:46] this is going to be a temporary change that you can decide to make permanent if it works [15:46] ok [15:46] open a terminal and copy this and paste it in [15:46] echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_default_win_scale [15:47] report errors [15:47] echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_default_win_scale [15:47] bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_default_win_scale: No such file or directory [15:48] OK.. that got moved it seems... [15:48] yep :( [15:48] Anahi: *carefully* run this [15:49] gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf [15:49] the result should *not* be an empty file, correct? [15:50] correct [15:50] it opened up gedit [15:50] and asked for my pwd [15:50] OK... i say be careful becuase i dont want you to change much in there [15:51] ok [15:51] go to the bottom and copy paste this in... [15:51] on its own line [15:51] ok [15:51] in the gedit document right? [15:52] Anahi: yes... lets add 2 lines... heres the first one [15:52] #holstein and i added this [15:53] then, on its own line after that, add this... [15:53] net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 0 [15:53] Anahi: feel free to copy and paste that into a pastebin if you question what you have done [15:53] you can copy just a few lines there from the end... [15:54] ok.. the first thing is #holstein and i added this..... and then #net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 0 [15:55] right? [15:55] Anahi: the "#" indicates a comment, so you can tell what we have done, and undo it if necessary [15:55] Anahi: yeah, they are on seperate lines, correct? [15:55] correct [15:56] Anahi: cool... so, save that.. and you'll need to reboot to see if it works [15:56] ok [15:56] Anahi: again, im getting this from.. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/42602 [15:56] thanks... [15:56] can i come back [15:56] and, you can easily undo that if its not working... i'll be here for a bit though if you want to try and report [15:57] ok... [15:57] i wil do it quickly then [16:00] Anahi: any joy? [16:00] mmm just waiting [16:00] :( [16:00] no joy [16:00] yeah... try opening === bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk [16:01] :( [16:01] same result [16:02] Anahi: interesting... i would undo what we did, reboot, and bypass the router, and test, and go from there [16:02] not sure what that could be... [16:02] ok... how can i undo what we did? [16:02] Anahi: same [16:02] and how can i bypass the router? [16:03] you can open the terminal and hit the up arrow and you'll eventually see the command [16:03] the gksudo gedit command we ran [16:03] just delete those 2 lines [16:03] ohhh... thank you [16:03] Anahi: you plug right into the modem, bypassing the router, and test [16:04] or, just hang for a bit, and maybe someone else has an idea [16:04] anyways... good luck... [16:04] thank you [16:04] i really apreciate you taking your time [16:04] nice to meet you [16:43] \o [19:12] When you do /etc/init.d/networking restart, are the configurations taken from /etc/network/interfaces ? [19:24] Hello there is there anything that I could use to take a mp3 or a video file and get subtitles out of it or some sort of text file ? Say I had a recording of a song that I wrote and I would like to upload via mp3 then run some sorta software that would convert it to text [19:26] I don`t think Ubuntu has anything of that sort. What you need is a voice recognition software. Google is your best bet to finding one. [19:31] LemonAid: Yes, that's the config file it's taken from [19:34] Fond that out when i tested it and got an error. For a wlan interface on the line "wireless-key 'my-wireless-key'" i get an error-> argument invalid 'my-wireless-key'. Any ideas? Should that line not be there? And if so, where is the key stored? [19:35] I mean, where are the keys for all the wireless networks i configure stored? Separate file? [19:40] Is it something like this? http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch13_:_Linux_Wireless_Networking#WEP_Key_Configuration_for_Debian_.2F_Ubuntu [19:40] Hmm.. i found a file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, but nothing there.. [19:40] Let me check it out. [19:41] Yes, the wpa keys is what i`m looking for. Checking the link now. [19:45] Yeah, that`s the exact thing i`m getting an error on. The configuration file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf does not exist though. [19:46] Did you take a look at iwconfig? [19:48] Uh, what do you mean exactly? I only did iwconfig to see some settings. Is there a conf file ? [19:49] Because iwconfig is a script file if i`m not mistaking. [19:51] man iwconfig give you a good look at some features [19:51] Ah, you ment the manual for iwconfig. I`ll take a peak. [20:48] Unit193, i finally got it :) So the line should look like "wireless-key s:my-network-key". If the key is entered in ASCII it should have the "s:" prefix! I sitl don`t know where the networkmanager stores the network keys though (if it does), is it some sort of temporary file? [20:50] I'd have to look into it, and I may be able to do that tonight :P [21:21] I give up. I`m too tired right now. What i could find though, were fingers all pointing to a /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file, witch does not exist by default. [21:23] I think NetworkManager stores it in different locations depending on the desktop environment. If it's on KDE, it uses KWallet, if on GNOME, it saves it in GConf. [21:24] Let`s take a look then. [21:30] Hmm.. what i learned from this is that i need to learn more about GConf :) Thanx. [21:33] No problem.