
k1ldont know which bot that is but it stopped working/logging at 08.12. http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2011/12/15:05
k1lseems like it was locobot_215:14
Tm_Trt@ubuntu.com isn't it?16:08
pangolinI thought locobot was deprecated16:09
pangolinisn't it ubuntulog now?16:09
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:09
pangolinyup new logs go to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/16:10
k1li know there were 2 bots in our channel but the old entrymsg points at the old logs. so i gonna change the msg16:11
EvilResistanceone of the GCs wouldnt happen to be around would they?21:13
Myrttitopyli jussi?21:14
=== JoeGazz84 is now known as Eyore
NafalloMyrtti: heh. closed! :-)22:00
k1lthe swedish offtopic?22:02
MyrttiNafallo: still registered tho?22:02
Myrttik1l: yeah22:02
ameliaMyrtti: yup, Nafallo owns it... it will continue to be registered... just not joinable22:03
Myrttithat's a relief22:03
amelianow we'll see what happends with their new channel #offtopic-ubuntu-se... *sighs*22:03
MyrttiI wish I didn't care, but I kinda do22:04
NafalloMyrtti: +mit mlocked + restricted on :-P22:04
Nafalloand apparently I managed to set a key :-)22:05
Myrttigood riddance22:05
ameliaMyrtti: same here22:06
Nafallognight Myrtti :-)22:08
ameliagnite Myrtti22:08
=== guampa|2 is now known as guampa

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