
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
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* davidm waves 14:57
* GrueMaster yawns14:57
* davidm thinks it feels like a work day not a holiday day14:59
ahs3foople :)?  i like that.15:00
* mrjazzcat waves15:00
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs 15:01
ogra_do we give NCommander 5min ?15:01
* infinity twiddles ogra's thumbs.15:01
* ogra_ feels twisted 15:01
davidmogra_, give him another minute then start meeting please15:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Dec 15 15:02:23 2011 UTC.  The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:02
NCommandermorning/evening all15:03
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2011/2011121515:03
ogra_thats not what you sent ion the mail :P15:03
* infinity shifts in his chair.15:05
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs 15:05
NCommanderanyway, we have no action items from last week15:05
* janimo bites fingernails15:05
ogra_ooooh that excitement15:05
NCommander[link] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/ubuntu-arm.html15:05
ogra_we could look better there ...15:06
ogra_especially that doko guy :P15:06
ogra_but nothing fatal yet15:06
ogra_is anyone still missing specs ?15:06
NCommanderogra_: I think they are all there15:07
ogra_move ?15:07
NCommander[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)15:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
infinityOh, meh.  I still should break one of my work items out of image-build-pipeline into a proper spec.15:07
NCommanderI don't have much to report aside from the fact we had A1 images15:07
davidminfinity, can you do that this week?15:07
infinitydavidm: If by "this week" you mean "today", yeah, I suppose I have to. :P15:08
ogra_NCommander, well, thats quite a while ago15:08
ogra_we had meetings since :P15:08
infinityOh, as of this morning, netboot on amrhf should work again.15:08
infinityThat's vaguely server-related.:P15:08
ogra_and we have a shiny new eglibc15:08
infinityThe two relate. :)15:09
ogra_really ?!? :P15:09
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)15:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)
ppisatinot much to report, except that we got a new 3.2 kernel (3.2-rc5 + latest TI BSP), armel + amrhf of course15:10
* ogra_ swa a bunch of omap4 things passing by on the kernel ML15:10
ppisatiand the usual rounf of SRU kernels15:10
janimoac100 migrated to 3.0 but has issues (does not appear to boot on many models) so a fix and a new upload are to be expected soon15:10
ppisatiyep, this mroning15:10
ogra_janimo, a word on ac100 perhaps ?15:10
ogra_he beats me :)15:10
janimolong sentence :)15:10
ogra_you referred to toolchain in one of your comments yesterday15:11
ogra_did you try a native build instead of cross yet ?15:11
janimoogra_, in the comment I mentioned I also have hynix. The toolchain issues was brought up today on the mailing list15:11
janimoI need to see if that could be it15:11
ogra_since your cross built kernel seemed to have worked from the former checkout15:11
janimoogra_, no, I always built cross (<30 min vs a workday)15:11
ogra_ad that was built with the older cross toolchain15:11
janimoogra_, did anyone else report that deb working?15:12
janimobesides me15:12
ogra_havent seen anyone15:12
janimohmm, ok so much for community testing :)15:12
ogra_marvin24 did for the old build15:12
ogra_xranby and i tested the new build from the archive15:13
ogra_i actually havent tested the cross one15:13
janimoanyway it will get fixed, so far it only affects armhf users who explicitly update, I estimate that number to be 1 or 215:13
ogra_well, there are more than 2 testing the hf ac100 images15:13
ppisatiand is the armel version working fine?15:13
janimoanyway that's all from me on this topic :)15:13
ogra_but i agree, they wont explicitly update to the broken kernel15:13
* ogra_ has no armel precise install atm 15:14
janimoppisati, no, armel build was killed in time by infinity15:14
janimoas it would have probably lead to the same issues15:14
ppisatiah so we don't know15:14
ogra_its a brandnew checkout based on a new chromeos kernel ...15:14
ogra_so breakage is a bit expected anyway15:14
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
ogra_mvoe ?15:15
ogra_ah :)15:15
* ogra_ did a bunch of fixes this week ... 15:15
NCommanderI have slight lag tonight. internetbeing tempermental15:15
janimonot much here, just filed some bugs on packages that FTBFS due to builder timeout15:15
ogra_and a big bunch of give backs15:15
infinitydoko's going to announce today that we're using the armhf bootstrap as the first official archive rebuild.15:15
janimonow the number of armhf and armel FTBFS counts seem to be close to each other15:16
infinityIf people can jump in and get fixing, that would be lovely.15:16
ogra_the amount of packages that havent been built since maverick is quite big15:16
janimosounds fun15:16
ogra_janimo, err, they are 250 packages apart or so15:16
ogra_hf is way higher15:16
janimoinfinity, on the real archive as opposed to some staging ones (IIRC doko used to have such builds earlier)15:16
infinityMost of the armhf failures fall into a few broad categories.15:16
ogra_but thats beacuse of the old binaries we have around for el15:16
infinity1) Languages that haven't been ported yet (gnat, fpc, ocamlopt)15:17
janimovery popular languages I must say :)15:17
infinity2) New compiler strictness (format-security)15:17
ogra_there are also a lot of deprecated functions in libs15:17
infinity3) as-needed/linking issues (-lcurses, -lm)15:17
ogra_which only get hit on rebuilds15:17
infinityNumber 3 isn't arm-related at all, and will fail on all arches.  Hence using this as the "rebuild test".15:17
ogra_g_thread and othert glib stuff mainly15:18
ogra_and often moved headers too15:18
janimoyes, since glib 2.31 you need explicit link to gthread15:18
infinityAnd number 2 isn't arm-specific either, obviously. :P15:18
ogra_(czrses specifically here ... just needs a b-dep added in most cases)15:18
infinityAnyhoo.  Any help people can lend before we all run off for vacation would be lovely. ;)15:19
* ogra_ will do another round tomorrow15:19
* janimo wants an AI that fixes this repetitive boring work15:19
ogra_write one :)15:19
ogra_NCommander, move ?15:19
NCommanderI thought we had infinity for that AI15:19
NCommander[topic] ARM Hardfloat status (infinity)15:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Hardfloat status (infinity)
janimoogra_, it would pay off in the long term15:20
ogra_go then15:20
janimoNCommander, he is not A just I15:20
ogra_NCommander, i think we can strike that explicit category15:20
* janimo googles rimshot15:20
ogra_just move on and drop it off the list for next meeting15:20
infinityWe can probably remove armhf status from the agenda now, and just lump it in with everything else.15:20
* janimo hopes it is not NSFW15:20
ogra_new south f*ckin wales ?15:21
infinityjanimo: Some odd interpretations might be, but it generally refers to thwacking the rim of a snare drum to punctuate a joke.15:21
NCommandernot safe for work15:21
janimono, the windows XP filesystem acronym15:21
NCommanderthats NTFS15:21
ogra_move ?15:21
infinityYes. :P15:22
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
ogra_they all build !15:22
ogra_especially armhf15:22
infinityAnd work!15:22
ogra_apart from mx5 indeed15:22
infinityWell, as well as they've ever worked.15:22
ogra_still waiting for the kernel update15:22
davidmVery nice15:22
janimoTBD in the Linaro section I gues15:22
* ogra_ is stress testing userspace since yesterday 15:22
infinityStill have that dbus timeout that sometimes makes oem-config-remove-gtk shoot itself in the head.15:22
ogra_and its just awesome !15:22
infinityI should escalate that on my TODO.15:22
ogra_feels a lot snappier than el on the UI front15:23
ogra_sadly it still doesnt improve the IO15:23
infinityogra_: Yeah, I'm not sure how much of it is psychological and how much is real, but hf definitely feels snappier.15:23
ogra_infinity, before A2 is enough :)15:23
ogra_(read; aqt the sprint if you dont get to it earlier)15:23
janimohf = hyper fast15:23
infinityogra_: But in my case, I usually chalk it up to "I spent way too much time on this, so I have to fool myself into liking it".15:23
ogra_well, the hf isntall is the first one where i didnt feel the need to immediately replace FF with chromium15:24
ogra_it runs really smooth ... which it didnt on el on the ac10015:24
infinitySpeaking of, markos should be re-running his hf benchmarks with Ubuntu versus Ubuntu soon, for some more solid numbers.15:24
ogra_yeah, that would be good15:24
infinityBut, yeah.  Image status.  Everything we build works.  And (though I haven't tested it yet), netinst should work now too.15:25
infinityAt least, I fixed the bug that was making it not work. :P15:25
infinitySo, here's hoping.15:25
ogra_NCommander, move15:25
GrueMasternetinst is having trouble finding a kernel.15:25
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)15:25
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh)
* NCommander beats ogra_ 15:25
ogra_GrueMaster, pfft, whats a kernel ...15:25
ogra_largely overrated15:25
GrueMasterCurrently running netinstall on precise HF.  Can't find a suitable kernel.  Trying to preseed around it.15:26
ogra_what arch ?15:26
infinityomap or omap4?15:26
ogra_hmm that should be there15:26
infinityDid we bump ABI on ti-omap4 again?15:26
ogra_unless -meta got stuck in universe once again or so15:26
ppisatialmost every upload we bump it15:26
GrueMasterCould it be that netinstall is hardcoded to armel?15:27
ppisatithe last pull was from this morning, but it didn't enter the archive yet15:27
GrueMasterAnd not know about armhf?15:27
NCommanderprobably libd-i or base-installer need a stick15:27
ogra_iirc infinity foxed that15:27
ogra_(and fixed too)15:27
ogra_foxy infinity :)15:27
GrueMasterI'm running it again with linux-omap4 in the preseed for kernel override.  Should know if it works in ~10 minutes.15:28
NCommanderI'll poke it if it still ails15:28
ogra_who uses netinst anyway :P15:28
GrueMasterAutomation of released images back to Maverick now working.  SRU testing automation near fully complete.15:28
* ogra_ ducks from possible things GrueMaster could throw15:28
GrueMasterQRT tests have been fixed up and all failing issues resolved either in the kernels or (mainly) the tests.15:29
davidmNice work GrueMaster15:30
GrueMasterFound config issue on omap kernels where mmap_min_addr was incorrectly set.15:30
GrueMasternetinstall still fails armhf.  Diverting attention to NCommander to look into.15:30
GrueMaster(less than 10 minutes to fail - not bad).15:31
infinityI'm looking.15:31
infinityAre we done meetinging early?15:31
GrueMasterThe armhf install feels faster (to this point).15:31
GrueMasterI have nothing else.15:31
ogra_everything feels faster with armhf :)15:32
NCommander[topic] Linaro Updates (rsalveti)15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Updates (rsalveti)
* rsalveti waves15:32
rsalvetinot much from my side for this week15:32
rsalvetiwe're running to finish the release15:32
rsalvetiand get things in place15:32
rsalvetibut the cross toolchain seems to be fixed15:32
infinityrsalveti: When do we see armhf LEBs?15:33
rsalvetishould have a better idea and a better status next meeting :-)15:33
rsalvetiinfinity: once a builder is enabled at offspring15:33
janimorsalveti, cross toolchain fixed as in a bug corrected?15:33
rsalvetijanimo: cross toolchain was broken at precise15:33
janimohmm ok. I used 4.6.1 so far in precise and 4.6.2 since yesterday15:34
rsalvetiand for my previous action, anmar is talking with the vendors about getting the drivers available for armhf15:34
rsalvetijanimo: guess 4.6.2 is the one that got updated15:34
rsalvetiI think we have the bug numbers, can point you later15:34
rsalvetihrw should know better15:34
rsalvetihe merged a bunch of patches15:34
rsalvetibut it's still unable to look for multi-arch paths15:35
rsalvetithat bug is still in progress15:35
rsalvetibug 79996515:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 799965 in Linaro-Ubuntu "cross-compiler doesn't have /usr/include on the search path" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79996515:35
rsalvetionce this bug is fixed I believe it should be all in place for multi-arch to work properly15:35
rsalvetiwithout setting the paths and etc by hand15:35
ogra_any news about unity merging ?15:36
janimorsalveti, thanks. I only cross built the kernel so maybe was not an issue for me15:36
rsalvetiogra_: still blocked by DX team :-(15:36
rsalvetiwith the test definitions and such15:36
ogra_yep, k15:36
rsalvetiit's kind of the same state as we discussed last week15:37
ogra_yup, i didnt expect more ... but could have been that they asked for tests to be written or so15:37
rsalvetiand panda for us is kind of broken15:37
rsalvetisound doesn't work, video decoding is broken, perf is also broken15:37
rsalvetiand a few other issues15:37
ogra_on your oneiric builds ?15:37
rsalvetiogra_: both oneiric and precise15:38
rsalvetithe tilt-linux-linaro-3.1 kernel15:38
rsalvetithe same one that was used by ubuntu when merging to the omap 4 kernel15:38
ogra_right, but in precise15:38
ogra_wheer we expect such bugs :)15:38
rsalvetiwell, the kernel is broken :-)15:38
ogra_as long as oneiric works as released, all is fine15:39
rsalvetiso I'd avoid syncing with the LT kernel in the next few days15:39
ppisatiactually andy told me these were fixed15:39
ppisatiit was just a matter of ereversing some stuff (suspend & resume fix IIRC)15:39
ppisatithis for 3.215:39
rsalvetippisati: not atm15:39
ppisatidunno about 3.115:39
rsalveti3.2 is still a work in progresss15:39
rsalvetibut we should know better in the next few days15:39
rsalvetithat's all from my side, need to go back and do the release ;-)15:40
janimorsalveti, good luck with it15:40
rsalvetijanimo: thanks :-)15:40
ogra_NCommander, ?15:41
NCommander[topic] AOB15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
* ogra_ has something15:41
ogra_the nvidia tegra beta driver was uploaded to source NEW yesterday15:41
ogra_its armel only ... and precise15:41
davidmogra_, nice15:42
ogra_i only have precise armhf around atm, and would appreciate some testing once infinity let it out of the cage15:42
infinityWe're wikiing reports?15:42
* ogra_ sent his by mail 15:42
ogra_to davidm15:42
davidmI have them so easy to add15:42
NCommanderbeyond that I hav enothing15:43
* ogra_ is done too15:43
davidmOK we are winding down for the end of the year so15:43
NCommanderclosing in 315:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Dec 15 15:43:48 2011 UTC.15:43
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-12-15-15.02.moin.txt15:43
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czajkowskishall give it another min before I start so the others can join17:01
* dholbach nods17:02
dholbachpleia2, akgraner are already here, gwaihir, sabdfl, beuno, Yokozar hopefully get here soon (gwaihir said he might be late)17:03
czajkowskidholbach: shall I start so ?17:03
czajkowskipleia2: wont be here more than likely she mailed yesterday17:03
dholbachahh ok, must have missed that one17:03
czajkowskianyone here from the forums council ?17:04
sabdflhello, sorry to be late17:04
czajkowskiJoeb454: ping17:05
Gwaihirhello, just arrived too, sorry for being late17:05
* dholbach quickly reviews https://launchpad.net/~forum-council/+members#active17:05
czajkowskiok shall start and see how things go from there.17:05
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Dec 15 17:05:49 2011 UTC.  The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:05
czajkowski#meetingname Community Concil December 15 2011 Meeting17:06
meetingologyThe meeting name has been set to 'community_concil_december_15_2011_meeting'17:06
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda17:06
dholbach(from what I could see, Joeb454 seems to be the only person from the Forums Council around)17:06
czajkowski#meetingtopic Review action items from last meeting17:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Review action items from last meeting Meeting | Current topic:
czajkowskiThere doesn't seem to be any action items from the last meeting17:07
YokoZarHere, apologies17:07
czajkowski#meetingtopic Team Catch up – Ubuntu Forums Council17:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Team Catch up – Ubuntu Forums Council Meeting | Current topic:
dholbachno, at least none were noted down in the team report (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/TeamReports/11/December)17:07
czajkowskiI did mail the forums council re the catch up17:07
* pleia2 waves17:08
czajkowskiJoeb454: did ack my mail but haven;t heard from anyone since17:08
czajkowskiI'll email after the meeting and ask them to perhaps email us instead ?17:09
dholbachif nobody turns up during the meeting, we should re-add them17:09
dholbachmail would work too, I guess - although it's less interactive17:09
dholbachbut mailing definitely sounds good - thanks czajkowski :)17:09
czajkowskiaye it is, and it was lovely last time to hear from the edbuntu team tbh17:09
dholbachyeah, aggreed17:09
akgraneragree I like the idea of re-adding them17:09
czajkowskidholbach: I'll mail them and suggest either the next IRC meeting or the following one which will mean two catch ups in one meeting17:10
czajkowski#action czajkowski to mail the forums council and ask them to come again to the meeting17:10
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski to mail the forums council and ask them to come again to the meeting17:10
czajkowski#topic YokoZar Inactive mailing list culling17:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Team Catch up – Ubuntu Forums Council Meeting | Current topic: YokoZar Inactive mailing list culling
YokoZarSo, I sent the mail to the list with the list of mailing lists on it17:11
sabdfllet's play occam ;)17:11
dholbachthat's a lot of lists in a sentence17:11
YokoZarIndeed :)17:11
YokoZarI still haven't parsed the list entirely, but then again I never learned LISP17:12
sabdflat least that takes our list off that list17:12
YokoZarThere are a good chunk of 0 activity mailing lists, and probably quite a few minimal ones, and I want to know what the next step is.  I assume it's an uncontroversial close if no one's used it in a year or so17:13
dholbachYokoZar, is there a WIP overview?17:13
czajkowskiYokoZar: as long as you leave locoteams out of this cull please17:13
czajkowskias was agreed on the call17:13
YokoZarczajkowski: right, noted (and I wasn't on the call)17:14
dholbachmaybe we can script something where we check the wiki for references17:14
czajkowskias some locoteams go through slow inactive periods on ml but could be active elsewhere.17:14
akgranerShould we blog we are going todo this and let the community know17:14
YokoZarIt's probably less work to just go through it manually (and we'll need to anyway for all the candidate closes to see if what posts there are are legit or spam anyway)17:14
Gwaihiragree with akgraner, looking at the list there are also some translation teams mailing list in there17:15
YokoZardoes every translation team have a list?17:15
sabdflare we going to send a mail to each list that will get nuked?17:15
GwaihirYokoZar, every approved team, yes17:15
czajkowskiYokoZar: a lot would tbh17:15
czajkowskisabdfl: that would be the best solution to do so yes.17:15
dholbachmaybe a TODO overview on etherpad would be good to see which still need review?17:16
Gwaihirmight be worth to send an email to the general translators mailing list with a list of suspicious mailing lists17:16
dholbachI could look into writing a small script that looks if they're referenced from the wiki17:16
YokoZarIf you want to just take on the whole task of proposing ones for deletion I wouldn't mind that either17:16
akgranerI just pinged dpm to ask about translation teams mailing lists17:16
YokoZarStill there are a good lot of non-translation, non-loco team lists that could probably be axed (these I suspect fall outside of the wishful thinking hopefully used some day)17:18
czajkowskiok so moving forward how do we want to progress?17:18
akgranerLet's blog we are going to do this - then touch base with dpm on translations and email the mailing lists we want to nuke17:19
dholbachYokoZar, do you think you could share your current WIP somewhere? that'd help us organise the rest of the work - we could also review it in the next meeting17:19
YokoZardo we really need to mail a list that one one's posted to for 8 months?    But sure, dholbach, I'll post something on an etherpad somewhere and we can just sort of collaboratively make notes about it17:20
YokoZar*no one17:20
czajkowskiok so17:20
akgranerI think it's just due process, but I don't have my heart set on it17:21
czajkowski#action YokoZar to post to the list link to etherpad on work done so far17:21
meetingologyACTION: YokoZar to post to the list link to etherpad on work done so far17:21
YokoZarWhat comes after the decision though?17:21
YokoZarIE, we decide to get rid of kernel-bugs, who do we then contact?  RT ticket?17:21
beunoyeah, RTs17:21
czajkowskiteam ower and RT ticket17:21
YokoZarok then, noted17:22
czajkowskiIf we come up with the list of ml to be culled I'll create the RTs17:22
YokoZarIs pad.ubuntu.com good for this?  Or was it going to be mysteriously wiped soon17:22
akgranerI can blog about this process and get that posted on the Fridge and UWN17:22
czajkowski#action akgraner to blog process for UWN and Fridge17:23
meetingologyACTION: akgraner to blog process for UWN and Fridge17:23
akgranerYokoZar, good question17:23
dholbachYokoZar, let's hope it doesn't take us so long that we might run risk of it being wiped ;-)17:23
czajkowskiYokoZar: AlanBell may know the answer to that17:23
czajkowskior the loco council has one we can open up a public link to for working on17:24
czajkowskianything else ?17:24
AlanBellYokoZar: intending not to wipe it, and also not to be mysterious about not wiping it17:24
dholbachspeaking of AlanBell - I think I forgot where we stand with the Planet feed update17:24
* dholbach hugs AlanBell17:25
YokoZarAlanBell: All right, good to hear :)17:25
czajkowskiare we finished on this topic for now ?17:25
AlanBelldholbach: I have had some great feedback, I need to grab the config file and do a heap of updates to nick lines to bring them into line with LP nicks17:25
Gwaihirdholbach, thanks for bringing that up17:25
dholbachAlanBell, awesome17:26
dholbachthanks muchly17:26
GwaihirAlanBell, great!17:26
AlanBellalso will probably sort alphabetically and move to the bottom a set of feeds that are candidates for deletion (I won't do that though)17:26
sabdflthanks alan17:26
czajkowski#topic planet Ubuntu spring cleaning rss feeds17:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Team Catch up – Ubuntu Forums Council Meeting | Current topic: planet Ubuntu spring cleaning rss feeds
dholbachlet's disucss it at the next CC meeting again (likely January) and see where we stand17:27
dholbachfor a Spring cleaning we're quite early - I like that ;-)17:27
czajkowskiwe're on the ball :)17:27
czajkowskiright does anyone else have another other topic given our agenda is now empty17:28
* dholbach is all set17:28
akgranerMeeting on the 29th - will everyone be here or on holiday?17:29
czajkowski#action czajkowski post to the wiki and update the wiki agenda with logs17:29
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski post to the wiki and update the wiki agenda with logs17:29
Gwaihirakgraner, I'll be around17:29
pleia2I'll be around17:29
czajkowskiI'll be around17:29
akgranerok - I won't so was just curious17:29
dholbachI'll be on holidays :-D17:30
czajkowskishould we postpone it till the new year so ?17:30
czajkowskiand just have our catch up call next week as the final one of the year?17:30
pleia2I've got a lot going on even though I'll be around, I wouldn't object to postponing it17:31
akgraner+1 to postpone17:31
pleia2well, skip :)17:31
dholbachI'll definitely be there next week - on 29th no team catchup is planned, but if you hold the meeting I'll make sure I'll think of you ;-)17:31
czajkowskisabdfl: YokoZar beuno any objections to not having a meeting on the 29th and having our final catch up next week before xmas?17:32
czajkowskiso finally next chair for meeting in January17:33
czajkowski#agreed no meeting on the 29th December, next IRC meeting in January.17:33
czajkowski#agree no meeting on the 29th December, next IRC meeting in January.17:33
czajkowskione day I'll strangle the bot17:33
czajkowskiare we going in alpahbetical order for the chair ?17:33
dholbachif that's the 5th I won't be around :-/17:34
dholbach(I wouldn't mind doing the one afterwards though)17:34
akgranershould we just set something new for the first of the year and start off fresh?17:34
czajkowskiok akgraner you're chair so :)17:34
akgranerok  - i deserve that..put me down17:35
akgranerthen we set up alphabetical order then17:35
dholbachyou're all awesome :)17:35
czajkowski#action akgraner to chair january meeting17:35
meetingologyACTION: akgraner to chair january meeting17:35
czajkowskianyting else17:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Dec 15 17:36:14 2011 UTC.17:36
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-12-15-17.05.moin.txt17:36
czajkowskiThanks folks17:36
akgranerthanks czajkowski!17:36
dholbachthanks everyone17:36
Gwaihirthanks Laura! thanks everyone!17:36
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha

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