
micahgbjsnider: thanks for the merge requests, could you repropose against the branches without .daily in them?01:32
bjsnidermicahg, done01:52
bjsnideris there anything i can do about the issue of adding precise?01:53
micahgbjsnider: chrisccoulson has to do that01:53
micahgI think he was waiting for the builds to pass, so since he fixed trunk, I'm guessing he might have enabled it01:53
micahgbjsnider: and thanks, I"ll look at the branches in a bit01:53
bjsnideri ran a stable pbuilder build and it failed after the fix, but for reasons that don't make sense, so i'm thinking it's just my pbuilder environment01:54
bjsniderstable branch i mean01:55
micahgheh, I have to look at stable later anyways since Chromium released and I need to get it working on Lucid-Precise01:55
micahgor rather Chrome releases01:55
micahgwhat error did you get01:55
bjsnideryou need to get chrome working?01:56
micahgno, chromium01:56
bjsniderthat's teh build failure01:56
micahgbut there's no upstream Chromium releases, only Chrome01:56
micahgwell, it could mean we're missing a build dep or something01:58
micahgor just a bug in that file01:58
bjsniderthat suggests irt.nexe is missing01:59
bjsniderbut get-orig-source should have pulled that in02:00
bjsnideri checked the tarball and it isn't there02:00
bjsniderbut the builds succeeded even after that commit, so i think this is just a quirk of my system02:00
bjsnideri think if the ppa build fails that's the time to worry about it02:01
micahgI have native client disabled on stable02:01
micahgit was breaking the build before02:01
chrisccoulsongrrrr, that stupid kde patch again03:41
chrisccoulsoni enable it for a single day and it's already broken03:41
chrisccoulsonoh well, at least it didn't break the precise builds :)03:42
micahgchrisccoulson: speaking of precise, can you enable it for chromium when you get a chance?04:02
micahgbjsnider: in the future, can you branch from the non-daily branches as well?04:13
* micahg will manually merge the patches this time04:13
micahgunless you're still around04:13
bjsnidersure i can04:13
micahgbjsnider: ok, you want to fix now or next time?04:13
bjsnidernext time04:14
micahgand please also add the new snapshot commit before the changes as well next time, I'll take care of it this time04:14
bjsniderwhat do you mean?04:16
micahgideally, it shows what version the changes are made at04:16
micahgfor build failures, stuff like this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.dev/revision/56504:17
micahgbefore you do the changes04:17
micahgthose commits don't exist in the non-.daily branches04:18
bjsnideryou mean you want me to add something like "* New upstream snapshot: 15.0.861.0~r97996"04:24
bjsniderwait, he's changing the changelog and i'm not04:24
bjsnideri don't get it04:24
micahgtake a look at this once LP updates it: https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.dev04:25
micahg568 says which revision failed, 569 is one fix, 570 is another04:27
micahgif we consistently fix after breakage, it makes merging into the next channel easier when the version is bumped04:28
micahgyou just pull all the fixes down04:28
bjsniderok, so you want me to add 568 in other words04:28
bjsniderno problem04:28
micahgbjsnider: BTW, it took me almost 5 months to get commit rights to the mozilla team bzr branches, even after that I still was learning more04:29
micahgnot saying it'll necessarily take that long, but there's a learning curve, but once you get what's going on, you can fly :)04:30
bjsniderlike i told you earlier i'm used to just acting unilaterally04:30
bjsniderbut i also have access to fta to ask about build failures and packaging issues04:31
micahgright, Ubuntu doesn't work too well like that in general, there are times to act unilaterally, but usually it's a coordinated effort amongst team members04:31
bjsniderhe's undoubtedly going to read this irc log at some point, so -- hi fta!04:31
bjsnideri should have known not to edit the daily branches because i run one of the bots for another project04:33
micahgheh, mistakes will be made, that's why we review branches initially04:39
micahgheck, mistakes will be made afterwards as well, that's why we have peer review04:39
chrisccoulsonlol @ https://twitter.com/#!/bhearsum/status/147328159996579840 ;)15:03
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chrisccoulsonbhearsum, if i download an official build of firefox 8.0.1 and then set app.update.desiredChannel to "beta", is it meant to update to the latest beta?16:14
chrisccoulsonor is there another method to switch channels?16:15
kbrosnanchannel switching is not supported16:15
chrisccoulsonoh, that's probably why it offers me a 5.0 beta then ;)16:15
chrisccoulsonwell, actually, it just fails. but the update response is for 5.016:15
bhearsumyou can't adjust the channel in the product16:16
bhearsumyou can do it by adjusting defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js though - be sure to shut down the browser before changing that16:16
bhearsumbut no, 8.0.1 _shouldn't_ give you an offer for any beta16:16
kbrosnanyou can change the pref in nightly/defaults/pref channel-prefs.js but it will result in unpredictable results16:16
bhearsumour release and beta streams are completely separate now16:17
chrisccoulsonok, thanks16:17
bhearsumkbrosnan: not really unpredictible16:17
bhearsummaybe non-obvious though16:17
kbrosnana bit impercise but mainly was saying that the switching was untested16:18
kbrosnanand when we did test it. it resulted in some odd states16:18
chrisccoulsonwhat i was trying to figure out is that if someone installs the release, switches to beta and then decides they want to go back to release, does test pilot remain enabled?16:19
kbrosnanwhere an aurora folder/icon/label was updateing on beta16:19
bhearsumah, unpredictible in terms of the state of the app afterwards16:19
bhearsumchrisccoulson: IIRC yes16:19
bhearsumthat's dependent on the channel name alone, i think16:19
chrisccoulsonjust for context, we currently install test pilot in our beta builds in the application directory, which means that it gets removed if someone decides they want to use a release build again16:20
chrisccoulsonthe reason for this is that we have all users of our development release using the beta16:21
chrisccoulsonand didn't want them all to permanently end up with test pilot16:22
bhearsumhmm, i might be confusing Test Pilot with Feedback16:22
chrisccoulsonbut i'm considering installing test pilot as a distribution addon like in the official builds, so that the addon manager can update it16:22
chrisccoulsonbut that means that anybody who runs the development version of ubuntu will end up with test pilot installed until they manually remove it16:23
bhearsumdistribution addon means it ends up in the profile, right?16:23
bhearsumhttp://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/app/profile/extensions/testpilot@labs.mozilla.com/modules/setup.js#189 makes me think that it will be disabled when the channel is switched16:28
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah, i just tried that. the feedback button disappears :)16:29
chrisccoulsonso that might be ok then. i don't think it would be the end of the world if people who are currently running precise end up with test pilot installed in their profile :)16:29
kbrosnanthe button disapears, afik test pilot test may still run if the study allows that version16:30
chrisccoulsonand it obviously doesn't matter for people who opted in to the beta on our stable releases either16:30
chrisccoulsonkbrosnan, i think that's probably ok. unless you can think of a reason why it shouldn't run :)16:30
kbrosnannope, just enumerating possibilities16:31
chrisccoulsonok, i'm going to switch it to being a distribution addon in ubuntu then, so that people don't keep reporting bugs about being pestered to install the latest version of test pilot, when they can't :)16:32
kbrosnanbtw damn cool that you have test pilot setup16:32
chrisccoulsonwe try to offer an experience that closely matches the upstream one, with the exception that it's delivered through our package manager instead :)16:32
bhearsumand that's why you guys are so awesome16:33
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks ;)16:33
alex_mayorgaIs the lack of about:crashes on firefox from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa intentional?16:55
chrisccoulsonalex_mayorga, yes, we don't submit crash symbols for those builds. we do that for release + beta though16:56
alex_mayorgachrisccoulson: what's the rationale?16:57
chrisccoulsonalex_mayorga, too much data ;)16:57
alex_mayorgachrisccoulson: so if I hope to help Mozilla I should switch to http://nightly.mozilla.org/ ?16:58
chrisccoulsonalex_mayorga, yes, you can do that for nightlies16:58
alex_mayorgachrisccoulson: what's the function of "Ubuntu Mozilla Daily Build" then?17:00
chrisccoulsonalex_mayorga, so we don't get any nasty surprises at beta :)17:00
chrisccoulsonof course, you can still run it if you wish, but without the crash reporter for the time being :(17:01
alex_mayorgawhat would it take to have about:crashes? perhaps that can be my 1st patch ever ;-)17:01
chrisccoulsonalex_mayorga, well, it's just a matter of turning on the crash reporter. but then the debug symbols have to go to mozilla17:02
chrisccoulsonwe do that for release and beta already, but the amount of data we'd be submitting would be crazy if we did it for nightly builds too17:03
chrisccoulson(1 build / release, 2 architectures / build for Firefox + Thunderbird, nearly every day)17:03
alex_mayorgaI see17:04
chrisccoulsonthat ends up being around 400MB (compressed) every day17:04
chrisccoulsonand those need to be stored somewhere ;)17:05
alex_mayorgahave there been talks with mozilla if they want that?17:08
chrisccoulsonno, but i'm not sure there are enough users of our nightly builds to justify it :)17:09
chrisccoulsonof couse, i could be wrong17:09
alex_mayorgaany way to obtain a "guesstimate"?17:12
chrisccoulsoni think launchpad has an API for counting downloads17:12
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure of a better way though17:13
bjsnidermicahg, we have an el problemo with the new chromium 18: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=10758519:37
bjsnideri think it might be fixed quickly though so we should sit on it19:38
bjsnidersomething is awry with this commit: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-browser.head/revision/84520:55
bjsniderafter that dbg packages stopped being created properly20:55
micahgI don't see anything getting installed there in debian/rules21:00
bjsnideri think i'll revert all of that and run it in pbuilder to see if a proper dbg package is created21:04
micahgwell, we don't want breakpad, the only thing that looks like it might help is the linux symbols stuff21:05
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