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mvopitti: looks like the software-center maverick-proposed SRU is now verified as well, when could that land in -updates? I ask mainly for the ISD team they need this fix for the payments stuff12:38
pittimvo: released13:09
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cjwatsonWhy does http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-mgr-p-tracking-bugs.html show "O release" in the "Found" column for bug 897714, which was reported on a Precise image, is tagged precise, and has no mention of oneiric anywhere?17:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 897714 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) (and 1 other project) "oem-config-remove-gtk crashed with SystemExit in _on_failure(): 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89771417:05
skaetcjwatson,  I'll dig into it a bit this afternoon and see if I can figure it out with bjf.17:40
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stgraberjust pushed a new edubuntu-meta, this should replace edubuntu-fonts in the process, so I'd appreciate it if an archive admin can approve the new binary package (edubuntu-fonts) and remove the old one (both binary and source) from the archive18:44
cjwatsonthe new binary should be accepted automatically18:46
cjwatsoncould you file a bug for removal of the old source, and subscribe ~ubuntu-archive?18:47
patrickmwskaet, rtg just pushed a new version of linux-firmware (1.64). it fixes an issue where netboot installs are failing (and its blocking boot speed testing)20:28
patrickmwskaet, we'll just need to make sure its been built before we respin the ISOs20:29
patrickmwskaet, by we I mean, I'm asking that they get respun :)20:29
skaetpatrickmw, I was wondering....    the daily images will be kicking off by the cron job in the next couple of hours.   Any reason we can't wait for those?20:30
slangasekpatrickmw: netboot != isos; what's the issue that was being fixed, exactly?20:31
patrickmwskaet, can we be more exact on how long?  teams are waiting for boot speed test results on those systems.20:31
patrickmwslangasek, ah ok.  bad wording20:31
slangasekwell, not just bad wording - if this is actually about netbooting, you need a different fix, unrelated to the ISOs :)20:32
slangasek"Add all rtl_nic firmware files to nic-firmware"20:32
slangasekpatrickmw: you're pxe booting, right?20:32
patrickmwslangasek, yes. but I'm using the daily image as my mirror20:33
slangasekpatrickmw: that's not the issue - you need a fix so that the firmware is *in* the image you're pxe booting20:34
slangaseknic-firmware is part of the pxe image, and you need to have the right version in it20:34
slangasekso what we need here is a respin of the debian-installer package20:34
patrickmwslangasek, let me get rtg involved.  he can explain it better than I20:34
* slangasek waves to tgardner 20:36
tgardnerpatrickmw, yo20:36
patrickmwtgardner, hey20:36
tgardnerslangasek, I added all of the rtl_nic file this time.20:36
slangasektgardner: yep, thanks :)  so I was just saying to patrickmw that what we need in order to get the nic-firmware where it's useful to him is a respin of the debian-installer package20:37
slangasekwhich I'll address as soon as I see that linux-firmware 1.64 is published20:37
tgardnerslangasek, ok, but it'll take a few minutes for the fresh upload to propagate.20:37
slangasekit will in fact take an hour from now20:38
slangaseknone of this requires changes to the ISO build schedule though; the only copy of nic-firmware that matters for the netboot case is the one in the pxe image itself, and that's all debian-installer20:39
tgardnerright, a turn of the publisher crank20:39
* skaet nods20:41
pgranerslangasek, we don't use netboot, we use the ISO and extract the kernel/initrd for the pxe setup via cobbler20:57
slangasekpgraner: from which ISO?20:58
pgranerslangasek, the daily20:58
slangasekthe daily alternate, desktop, or server?20:59
pgranerslangasek, alternate20:59
pgranerpatrickmw, correct me if I'm wrong20:59
slangasekpgraner: ok... that initrd is still generated via debian-installer, so the d-i respin is still needed21:00
slangasekgiven that we publish pxe images for the installer in the archive, maybe it would be better to use those?  Shortens the dependency chain21:00
pgranerslangasek, ok didn't realize those were there21:03
slangasek(or installer-amd64)21:04
tgardnerslangasek, how often to those get regenerated ?21:05
patrickmwslangasek, pgraner: I didn't either.  I can try using those and make sure we get the desired result.  The important that is that we install the package versions that would be on the ISO and not just latest version (althought that will be the case at times.)21:09
tgardnerthats a good reason for the ISO 'cause the archive image may skew wrt the ISO21:10
slangasektgardner: they get regenerated whenever the debian-installer package is uploaded - so each time you guys upload an ABI-changing kernel that triggers a d-i upload, plus on-demand respins (like this one)21:11
pgranerpatrickmw, Use the PXE images that slangasek referenced above then point the installer at the daily ISO21:12
slangasektgardner: the initrd image that's included on the ISO *also* comes from the archive; so unless you have a reason to test a specific older ISO that no longer has matching kernel bits in the archive, I think using the current pxe image would be easiest21:13
tgardnerslangasek, but the reason he's using the ISO is to chart boot speed. there may not be an ABI bump for multiple kernel versions, but the daily ISO will pick up the new kernel every day.21:13
slangasektgardner: not relevant - he's not charting the speed of the installer booting21:14
tgardnerbut he is charting the speed of the kernel on the ISO21:14
pgranertgardner, we boot, install, reboot, reboot & chart, copy results21:14
slangasekpxe boot the installer, do an automated install - which pulls the current kernel from the archive (which in this case is the ISO), boot that, chart21:14
slangasekthe only case where skew between the pxe-booted kernel and the kernel on the ISO can *possibly* hurt is if the pxe image itself doesn't have the drivers needed in order to find the hardware you're installing to21:15
slangasekso if there's been a kernel ABI update, d-i is respun, and the ISO is not yet respun, it'll fail because it can't find the disk drivers21:17
slangasekI think the easy answer there is to wait until the ISO is respun to match d-i, though?21:18
tgardnerI guess I don't see the advantage. He's gotta have the ISO anyways, why not just build the netboot from it. that way we _know_ there is no skew.21:18
slangasekit's no skin off my nose if he does21:19
slangasekit just makes a longer dependency chain when something needs fixing in the boot sequence21:19
tgardneryeah, its not really my problem either :) I'll let patrickmw deal with it.21:20
pgranerslangasek, tgardner, personally I don't care, but I need this working21:20
tgardnerpgraner, you should have it as soon as the publisher has run and the ISO is respun. couple of hours ?21:21
tgardnerpgraner, skaet: looks like linux-firmware is published21:22
pgranertgardner, I know I was saying that in frustration21:22
slangasektgardner: it's "published", not published; it has to be visible on the mirror before I pull the trigger on debian-installer21:23
* skaet nods21:25
slangasekdebian-installer uploaded21:53
cjwatsonregarding the discussion earlier, it indeed sounds like it makes absolutely no sense to use the image on the ISO.  It means you have to wait longer for fixes for no benefit23:23
LaneyRegarding ben: I think it'll make future merging easier if we keep configs and code separate23:51
cjwatsonfine by me23:53
LaneyI'm setting up a project and a vcs import of collab-maint/ben.git now23:53
Laneyhope to finish the merge tomorrow, at which point I'll need help re-cronning23:59

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