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uvirtbotNew bug: #904532 in nova (main) "Provide a script to automate cleanup of _base" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90453200:11
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animeloehi there03:24
animeloeim having issues with booting 10.04 setver03:25
animeloeit freezes after the init-bottom finishes03:26
animeloeim running the latest ubuntu 10.04 kernel and updates03:27
animeloeany ideas how i can get it working again.  also trying to use the last kernel doesnt work either03:29
GamingXHey guys. Can someone help in installing Eclipse-PDT on Ubuntu ? I tried installing it from the tutorial here, but I'm having some problems with it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipsePDT03:48
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kaushalAny clue about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2011-December/006024.html ?05:26
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VivekI have made a fresh install of Ubuntu Ubuntu 11.1008:47
VivekI have followed the following URL to install orchestra http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/09/oneiric-server-deploy-server-fleets-p1/08:48
VivekWhen I do a cobbler list: I am not able to view the oneiric-i386  or  oneiric-x86_64 in any of the distros:, profiles:, repos:,  the mgmtclasses is completely empty.08:50
VivekWhy is this happening ?08:50
VivekThe Host is Ubuntu 11.10 and I am running orchrestra on a host running in virtualbox.08:51
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drt24Vivek: you might need to run orchestra-$something to get it to initailise things properly09:22
VivekWhat is the $something ?09:23
VivekI am missing all oneric entries.09:24
drt24so if you do tab completion on orchestra- you should get a selection of different scripts to choose from I don't remember which the correct one was09:30
drt24potentially request isos or similar09:30
drt24(I don't have my VM with orchestra running at the moment)09:30
Vivekdrt24: orchesta-import-isos09:40
drt24ahh good :-)10:03
lynxmanmorning o/10:03
jamespagemorning all10:04
jamespagemorning lynxman10:04
lynxmanjamespage: morning jamespage :)10:06
jamespageDaviey, smoser, utlemming, lynxman (plus anyone else whos interested)10:11
caribouQuestion : when /boot is setup as a separate partition, is there a requirement for it to be ext2 ?10:11
jamespagethe minimal virtual install is around +50MB oversized in precise ATM10:11
lynxmancaribou: requirement is only put by grub, I think it supports XFS as well and other filesystems10:11
caribouthanks lynxman10:12
jamespagetwo versions of python is some of that; but we are also carrying multi-arch overhead - should/can this be disabled for the minimal-virtual install?10:12
lynxmancaribou: "GRUB supports all commonly used Unix file systems, VFAT and NTFS used by Windows, as well as Logical Block Address (LBA) mode. GRUB allows users to view the contents of files on any supported file system."10:12
caribouI'm working on a kdump patch to fix an issue when /boot is a separate partition10:13
cariboulynxman: thanks, means that the patch will need to be more generic10:13
lynxmanjamespage: I reckon so, but I think Daviey was doing some work on that10:14
jamespagelynxman, hmm - is Daviey around?  he might be on hols10:21
Davieyjamespage: o/10:24
jamespageDaviey: lynxman thought you might be looking at the minimal-virtual install size on amd64?10:26
lynxmanjamespage: he's never on holidays :)10:26
jamespageits about 50MB oversize - see above10:26
Davieyjamespage: I don't know that we can disable multi-arch for a specific usecase10:29
Davieywe might just have to lump it, unless there are other reasons for the expansion?10:30
jamespageDaviey: well its only 50MB so I can update the test case to make an allowance for amd64 architectures10:30
DavieyI did notice am64 iso recently ballooned, not clear why10:30
Daviey(amd64 iso is currently oversized)10:30
Daviey.. so we do need to fix that.10:30
jamespageDaviey: OK - so I'll update the test case to account for the multiarch increase10:30
jamespageit will still fail; so I'll raise a bug as well10:31
jamespageI have looked but can't see why it is so much larger10:31
DavieyI'd like to be certain that is the only reason for the bump10:31
jamespage+25MB for multiarch10:31
DavieyOut of interest, when was the last time anyone here used alien?10:32
BigRedSDaviey: three or four years ago I'd have thought. Back when it was relatively new, and most things were packaged for rpm10:36
DavieyBigRedS: right, we still ship it on the CD.. wonder if we still need to.10:41
sarthorwhere can i get help about openerp? I want to know can i install openerp on ubuntu-server as a server? will i be able to connected via my browser?11:01
cariboulynxman: looks like grub doesn't like XFS on /boot. my VM no longer boots :)11:05
lynxmancaribou: *doh*11:05
lynxmancaribou: it should supposedly work11:05
caribouwell, grub-rescue tells me "unknown filesystem"11:06
jamespageDaviey: bug 90468111:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 904681 in ubuntu "precise amd64 minimal-virtual install is oversized" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90468111:19
jamespageI've also annotated the jenkins job with a link to this bug11:19
Davieyjamespage: you are pretty good.. aren't you?11:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #904681 in ubuntu "precise amd64 minimal-virtual install is oversized" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90468111:39
Davieyjamespage: I'm /certain/ there is a deeper problem11:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #904694 in cloud-init (main) "Start/stop on EC2 does not reset private IPs/hostname" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90469411:41
lynxmanDaviey: the ath9k rom in ipxe is still broken, should I try to build a package skipping it? :)11:48
jamespageDaviey: agreed11:48
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sorenjamespage: You don't log what packages are installed in those images, do you?12:02
sorenjamespage: Like a package manifest of sorts?12:02
jamespagesoren: well we grab the d-i syslog12:02
sorenjamespage: i see the image size jumped 35 MB from 2011-11-29 to 2011-12-02.12:02
sorenIn VMBuilder, I used to run "dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package} ${Version}\n'" at the end to capture the manifest.12:03
sorenThat was really useful in tracking down exactly like this.12:03
jamespagesoren: that would be a good addition to the data captured12:03
sorenDaily archive snapshots would also be awesome.12:06
lynxmanSilly question but how can I change the Ubuntu install partition editor to create MBR partitions instead of GPT? I'm using old hardware12:19
zullynxman: maybe in expert mode12:27
lynxmanzul: hmm I'll try, thanks :)12:27
koolhead11hi all12:50
lynxmankoolhead11: hi o/12:50
koolhead11hello lynxman . how are things :d12:51
lynxmankoolhead11: busy :)12:52
koolhead11lynxman: awesome. i am reading OS. been a while i read hard copy of any book :P12:53
RoyKhttp://www.xkcd.com/989/ lol13:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #904739 in euca2ools "euca-import-keypair does not work to EC2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90473913:25
koolhead11hey RoyK i hate you man :P13:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #904748 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90474813:41
BigRedSIf I've an md array rebuilding, is there a way to ask it which device is being readded?13:44
Davieylynxman: how is it broken?13:50
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zulDaviey: hey did you see the security review that jdstrand did for keystone?14:17
Davieyzul: sure did14:42
zulDaviey: will put it on my list14:42
zulso its going to be properiatary (i cant spell that word)14:43
lynxmanDaviey: the same rom as before doesn't work14:49
lynxmanDaviey: ath9k rom is broken, and nobody knows on #ipxe14:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #861650 in glance "Glance client packaging uses non-required dependencies" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86165014:51
lynxmanDaviey: I think I'll just exclude ath9k rom or maybe use the old one14:53
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hallynkees: jjohansen: the seccomp2 stuff in ubuntu-precise kernel is supposed to be usable, right?17:25
* hallyn fixin' to have some fun with seccom2+lxc over break17:25
keeshallyn: I still haven't examined the execness, but the code is there in precise, yes.17:28
keeshallyn: I'll be excited to see what you come up with!17:28
hallynkees: cool, thanks.  First I'll actually play with the mini jail from google folks, so I'll verify with that whether the kernel is all right I  guess :)17:29
keeshallyn: yeah, minijail is cool17:32
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zuladam_g: can you have a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/771266/17:35
adam_gzul: is this to be the current delta between our branch and the ubuntu-openstack-packagers branch?17:38
zuladam_g: yeah plus my fixes to it17:38
adam_gzul: ah, looks good. i wanna check on "glance-manage db sync", im not sure if that command is still there.. even if it is, "glance-manage" wasn't functioning at all last night. im not sure if config files need updating or what17:42
zuli installed that package this morning and didnt have the same problem17:43
adam_ghmm ok17:43
smoseradam_g, have you installed precise packagess of current nova?17:48
smoseri was seeing db sync issues with nova on devstack yesterday (from git, not packaged)17:48
adam_gzul: is there a branch somewhere with that diff? ill give it a go17:48
zuladam_g: not yet gimme a sec17:48
adam_gsmoser: i haven't used anything that hasn't been in our archive this cycle. ill probably start working off milestone-proposed now17:48
adam_gsmoser: what was the issue? tables already exist?17:49
smoserso... if someone could veirfy that nova db sync works on precise from package, that'd be good.17:49
smoseradam_g, hold on. let me dig log.17:49
zuladam_g: lp:~zulcss/glance/ubuntu-merg17:49
zulsmoser: hmmm?17:49
adam_gsmoser: ive been using packaged nova without problems17:49
smoserbut what level are they at?17:50
smoserthis is recent in last week i think17:50
smosernow, clearly devstack does all that pip crap, so something else could be in the way. but i just hoped someone had seen it functionoing given recent nova on recent precise.17:51
smoserthat was tip of both yesterday morning.17:51
adam_gsmoser: ive seen that before a while ago, it was a bad migration config in nova's migrate repo17:51
smoseradam_g, well it woekd on oneiric17:51
smoser85% sure they were the same things17:52
adam_gsmoser: the same nova versions?17:52
smoserboth at tip of af54e79b7815c233c6e800bc79e428fe23f92eb717:53
adam_gsmoser: it might be related to mysql changes. i hit almost the exact same thing (if i remember correctly) only when mysql was configured using InnoDB instead of MyISAM17:55
smoseradam_g, i just launched another one in canonistack.17:55
smoseri just launch with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/771386/17:55
smoseras user-data on  my precise amis17:56
adam_gsmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/81623617:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 816236 in nova "Initial 'nova db sync' migration fails on mysql (if InnoDB was used since the beginning)" [High,Fix released]17:56
smoserif this reproduces now i'll open a bug, adam_g17:57
smoserand you can poke at the system too17:57
adam_gsmoser: at the surface it looks like the same thing, id look at the patch that fixed that bug and see if the same could be applied to the migration thats failing. it might be triggered by our mysql changes, but ideally those migrations should run on any compatable db backend, id think17:58
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adam_gzul: that package doesn't work. none of of the dependencies i added in lp:~gandelman-a/glance/fixdeps exist in that pkg branch?18:17
zuladam_g: shit gimme a sec18:18
zuli totally forgot about your branch in my branch18:18
zuladam_g: fixed18:21
adam_gzul: im curious to know why we're not doing all of this ontop of the upstream branch?18:23
zuladam_g: becuse i have pushed to the upstream branch18:24
zuli wanted someone to test it other than me before i pushed it18:24
zuls/pushed it/merge request/g18:24
zulbut after those changes we will be sync for glance at least18:25
* zul goes back to writing man pages18:25
adam_gzul: well i mean, why not rebase based on what is in the current upstream branch, add our changes and push back? that dependency change you just applied will be a merge conflict against the upstream change18:26
zuladam_g: thats the goal essentially18:27
adam_gzul: ah, im not tryin to bust your chops just trying to wrap my head around how this is supposed to work :)18:27
zuladam_g: sure sure, but yes we need to sync everything up18:28
adam_gzul: goin to #openstack-packaging18:28
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broderzul: what's your intent with the branches owned by ~openstack-ubuntu-packagers? my best interpretation of the intent is that changes should go there instead of the lp:ubuntu/* branches, but there's no Vcs-Bzr tag in the packaging to confirm that18:37
zulbroder: openstack-ubuntu-packagers is apart of the openstack project and thats where they keep their packaging, ubuntu packaing is kept in ubuntu-server-dev and the debian/control needs to be updated to reflect this18:39
EvilResistanceperhaps you all can help me...  i've got a system which tries to boot, but yells about a readonly filesystem and says it needs recovery (after which writing will become active again).  It dumps me into an initramfs prompt.  If I use a LiveCD to fsck the partition, will that fix the issue?18:40
EvilResistancenevermind fixed it18:47
EvilResistancerunning the fsck fixed the partition.18:47
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zuladam_g: is it ok for merging?19:09
adam_gzul: crap hold on19:19
webPragmatist /usr/sbin/service: 9: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution19:22
webPragmatistcan i reinstall the service binary somehow?19:22
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smoserwebPragmatist, sudo apt-get install --reinstall sysvinit-utils19:25
webPragmatistsmoser: what's up with this UUID=08f80e21-4bc5-4192-b77e-fe4c476c62b3 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       119:30
webPragmatistshould i restart?19:31
webPragmatist man this server is effed19:31
adam_gSpamapS: ping19:33
smoserwebPragmatist, i dont know what you mean.19:33
smoserthat looks sane to me.19:33
SpamapSadam_g: pong, sup?19:33
adam_gSpamapS: mysql on precise, did the default storage engine change?19:35
webPragmatistsmoser: the drive is mounted read-only ?19:36
webPragmatisti'm just confused… maybe it needs to run fsck?19:36
SpamapSadam_g: yes!19:36
SpamapSadam_g: 5.5 has InnoDB by default.19:36
SpamapSbecause MyISAM is doomed. :)19:37
smoserwebPragmatist, thats from fstab? its just telling you that if there are errors, it will be remounted read-only.19:37
smoserso, if it is RO, then there might have been issues on fscheck.19:37
adam_gSpamapS: ok, thats what i figured. thanks19:38
adam_gsmoser: ^^ thats why this is only turning up on precise19:38
SpamapSnova can't handle being innodb?19:40
smoseradam_g, so you tihnk that 022_ migrates from InnoDB -> InnoDB and that causes issues ?19:41
adam_gSpamapS: it can with special care during migrations.19:41
adam_gsmoser: probably, or a python-migrate not being able ot handle storage engines being swapped out from under it19:43
SpamapSalter table foo engine=InnoDB; when it already is InnoDB is exacty the same as doing 'optimize table foo'19:44
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webPragmatistsmoser: what should i do heh?20:24
sveinseI'm setting up RAID5 md on 4 disks. Is it recommended to put LVM on top of the md? I have no need for more than one partition in this md. And I doubt the server will grow as its full.20:31
SpamapSsveinse: LVM has other benefits20:49
SpamapSsveinse: like snapshots20:49
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zuladam_g Daviey: so that glance-manaage bug doesnt affect the milestone-proposed branch (just tested it) so we should be ok21:15
Davieysmoser: How did daily triage go?21:18
Nafallohah! nice answer :-P21:19
* Daviey does some21:21
DavieyAnyone fancy sponsoring, bug 903901 SRU?21:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 903901 in openldap "[Lucid] backport fix for ITS#6458" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90390121:28
smoseri'm looking at it Daviey21:29
smoseri hate the package importer failing21:29
DavieyI hate disease, poverty and lack of world peace; we all have things we don't like, eh? :)21:31
guntbertsays the young and healthy21:31
SpamapSzul: were you going to respond to kees question about SRU's ?21:32
zulSpamapS: i did21:32
SpamapSstupid sup..21:32
* SpamapS digs back through archived threads21:32
SpamapSzul: you  must have responded in private21:33
DavieyI didn't see the reponse, i don't thik21:33
Davieyoh, wait - i did21:34
SpamapSthe list didn't show it21:34
zulSpamapS: stuck in the moderation queue again i bet21:34
DavieyYep.. zul - you'll need to poke sabdfl, mdz, Keybuk, cjwatson or pitti.21:35
SpamapSOr join the ML21:35
DavieyHmm, not necessarily in that order.21:35
SpamapSits only moderated for non-subscribers isn't it?21:36
DavieyI assumed the subscribers was limited to the techboard, by design.21:36
DavieyBut i guess there is no reason for it to be.21:36
SpamapSnope, I'm subscribed21:36
zulso much to do so little time21:36
* Daviey sub's21:37
wmphttp://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/15/plasma-desktopLb1917.jpg - anyone know what is wrong?22:04
SpamapSwmp: "Root-NFS: no NFS server address"22:13
SpamapSwmp: that may be misleading, but basically it means the server wasn't able to mount the root partition22:14
wmpthis have all kernels, but only on this machne dont work22:14
SpamapSwmp: in grub, what does 'root=' show ?22:14
wmpSpamapS: wait ;)22:14
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adam_gzul: what release did you test?22:17
wmpSpamapS: http://wklej.org/id/648592/22:18
zuladam_g: you are using trunk (e3), release is (e2)22:21
zuladam_g: i updated my branch so you should be able to just pull it22:21
zuland rebuild yadda yadda22:21
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SpamapSwmp: hm, I don't really know how to read that.. but typically I'd expect an 'initrd' somewhere22:23
wmpSpamapS: i must change sda1 to hda122:29
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sanderltHeyo everybody! i need to get to (whole) bash terminal from gdm.. any suggestions?22:44
SpamapSsanderlt: ctrl-alt-f122:48
adam_gzul: that pkg seems to be cool excpet for registry23:00
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