
dpmgood morning all07:46
sagacihi dpm07:47
dpmhey sagaci :)07:47
andrejzhello! does anyone happen to know where are the translations for timezones (when once chooses it's location) located (which package)?13:13
kelemengaborandrejz: you mean in the installer?13:17
andrejzthere is some error in the translations for kubuntu 11.1013:18
andrejzand i am looking thrgough translation project13:18
andrejzto find the package13:18
kelemengaborhm, maybe one of the iso-* domains13:19
andrejzbasically if you click on any of the ex-yugoslavia countries are named serbia13:24
andrejzfor some people that's quite sensitive13:24
kelemengaborandrejz: I can imagine :\13:25
andrejzdo we use launchpad version of translation project version13:25
kelemengaborplease file a bug about that, I have no idea how the map works13:26
kelemengaborfor the iso domains, I think the upstream is used13:26
kelemengaboryup, this says13:28
kelemengaborThese translations do not go into language-packs, since they are needed  before language-packs are even installed. Also, translations done in  Launchpad will not go into the iso-codes package as a patch. So, please  submit translations for your language back to upstream13:28
kelemengaborI have no idea why are these templates translatable here then, but that's my problem :(13:29
andrejzhm, what should report bug against ? the installer itself?13:31
andrejzhm, kubuntu 11.10 ships iso-code 3.27-1, but i cannot find that version in upstream to check it13:35
kelemengabormaybe here?13:37
kelemengaborhttp://translationproject.org/domain/iso_3166.html - or here?13:38
andrejzhm everything seemt to be ok13:50
andrejzbut still it looks like this - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1450316/velika-srbija.jpg13:51
andrejzwhich package should i report the bug against?13:53
kelemengaborandrejz: I think ubiquity is it13:58
kelemengaboror at least, its developers should know which :)13:59
dpmandrejz, kelemengabor, I didn't know we were loading translations for the timezones, at least in the Ubuntu installer (haven't tried the Kubuntu one). While we generally get translations from the iso-codes packages, I think Ubiquity gets the country names in those selectors from geonames.org, but I thought it got them in English14:20
dpmI think there are available translations in geonames.org, but Ubiquity is not yet using them14:20
dpmall this needs double-checking, I haven't been looking at Ubiquity for a while14:21
andrejzi just reported a bug against ubiquity about this14:22
andrejzit's strange14:27
andrejzbecause nowhere (neitehr iso condes or geonames.org) are translations for all ex-yugoslavia republics translated serbia14:27
kelemengaborhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/ubiquity/precise/view/head:/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-timezone.py says that the data are coming from http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com14:28
kelemengaborbut where gets this the data from?14:28
dpmI've just asked ev on #ubuntu-installer14:38
andrejzdpm any info?15:01
dpm<cjwatson> looks like iso-codes to me15:02
dpm iso-codes doesn't seem to have the offending translations as such though15:02
dpm and ubiquity.templates looks right15:02
dpm perplexing; I guess it must be a ubiquity code bug rather than a translation bug15:02
dpm I'm doing other things right now, though - please file a bug and tell me the number, and I'll milestone it to try to avoid forgetting about it15:02
dpmandrejz, could you tell me the bug number? ^^15:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 904770 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Slovenia is not on the list of countries in time zone window (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:03
andrejzimage is attached15:04
andrejzobviously Srbija = Serbia15:04
andrejzSrbija is displayed no matter on which ex_Yugoslavia republic one clicks15:06
andrejzSo I think it's something systematic in the installer or the way queries are made since i couldn't find one misreference in the po files (iso codes) - i checked the same version as in kubuntu 11.10 manifest15:07
dpmthanks andrejz15:11
andrejzi logged into ubuntu installer and can explain stuff to the developer15:12
dpmColin did say in his reply that right now he's working on something else, though :) ^^15:13
andrejzok, hopefully it will be fixed by alpha 215:42
andrejzthat is good enough for me15:42
artnayhmm. ubuntu-help and kubuntu's help seem to be translatable in ubuntu project (precise series) although they don't exist in ubuntu-docs nor kubuntu-docs17:48
artnayI thought the idea was to disable those in ubuntu project or at least have them hidden17:48
artnayalso, shouldn't rhythmbox have a higher priority? it's quite well "hidden" at the moment17:54
artnaydpm: ping17:54
kelemengaborartnay: yes, it was the idea that translating ubuntu-docs at two places only adds confusion, but that was my idea and dpm & others voted me down. so you can translate it there too :)18:00
kelemengaborand rb should have higher priority18:01
artnaykelemengabor: I hope the message sharing will work18:01
kelemengaborsure, it does18:01
dpmartnay, that's the idea: to use message sharing18:01
dpmit's strange that the upstream project doesn't have a precise series yet, if there have been precise uploads18:01
artnaydo you have any ETA when we can expect ubuntu-docs for precise to be available?18:02
artnaydpm: that's what I was thinking. it currently seems to be identical to oneiric18:03
dpmartnay, that's something the ubuntu-docs can much better answer than we. mdke, are you around? ^18:05
artnaydpm: do you know if more u1 products will be translatable this round? I was thinking the site itself, mobile clients etc.18:10
artnayalso ubuntu-sso would be nice to have translated18:10
kelemengaborartnay: and the Windows client would be nice too...18:13
artnaykelemengabor: oh, forgot that. true. translations would be something that dropbox doesn't offer.18:14
artnaynice to see gnome-online-accounts in precise18:15
dpmhm... I thought the Win client was translatable, at least that was the intention when it was starting to be developed18:17
kelemengabordpm: last time I checked, it was a PyQt application, with QtDesigner ui files, and with some .py source files having gettext calls, and an empty po/ dir18:18
kelemengaborso it was pretty much in a half-baked format18:19
dpmok, another thing to look into...18:19
zehriqueHi there! Can someone solve a question regarding Upstream translations? I'm a reviewer, member of pt_BR translation team.22:43
kelemengaborzehrique: go ahead22:45
zehriquekelemengabor, the "In upstream" translations have precedence over the current translation? I.E.: "Y" (Yes) in English -> "S" (Sim) in pt_BR; but there is an upstream translation defined as "Y". What happens with the pt_BR translation?22:51
kelemengaborno, always the current translation is used22:52
kelemengaborthis explains it in detail22:53
zehriqueHmm... There is a pt_BR user telling us that our translation is not being honored. What shoul we do? He filled a bug report a year ago.22:54
kelemengaborwhich bug exactly?22:55
zehriqueI will paste its link here. Just a moment.22:56
kelemengabormy experience is that LP works as it is written on the above wiki page22:56
zehriqueYes! Mine too.22:57
zehriqueThe BR is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/66532722:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 665327 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "bad-translation-on-do-release-upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete]22:57
kelemengaborso your translation takes precedence, with the exception that a previously untranslated strings newly imported upstream translation overwrites the LP-specific version22:58
zehriqueYes, I agree with you but it seems that we are having the same problem again.23:00
zehriqueHe changed the status to Incomplete. It should be Solved. I took a look at the code and everything seems OK.23:01
kelemengaborincomplete means: if you do not give any further information about this problem, we will forget it in two months. If you cannot reproduce it anymore, you should do nothing, if you can, tell us how.23:05
kelemengaborso nothing to worry about, if this is not a problem anymore :)23:05
zehriqueOK, kelemengabor. Thanks for your help! :)23:06
zehriqueI'll try to contact the user asking him if he can reproduce the bug again (or tell me how to try it by myself).23:08
kelemengaborzehrique: I think it can be checked by running the do-release-upgrade command23:10
kelemengaborit should ask you some question ending in "Continuar [sN]", what happens if you press s?23:11
zehriqueWell, I'm not currently using Ubuntu. I'm on Mac OS X, but I'll try it on Virtual Box.23:13
* zehrique feels ashamed :P23:13
kelemengabornevermind, I found it: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/update-manager/+pots/update-manager/hu/208/+translate and https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/update-manager/+pots/update-manager/hu/209/+translate23:15
kelemengaborhere, you can translate the short versions of y/n23:16
kelemengaborobviously, you have to replace hu by pt_BR :)23:16
kelemengaborso, here you should see an s for the translation of y,23:17
zehriqueYour translation is OK. But take a look at mine: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/update-manager/+pots/update-manager/pt_BR/208/+translate23:17
kelemengaborand this should match with the translation of string 206 and 21523:18
zehriqueSure. I'm opening my VM righ now just for testing.23:19
kelemengaboryour translation is okay too - don't worry about the one "In upstream", it is not used!23:19
zehriqueOK! But... lets see.23:20
kelemengaborhm, the bug was filed on 2010-10-22, and it was translated as "s" on 2010-10-23 - this should not be a problem on more recent versions, like Natty and Oneiric.23:23
kelemengaborcool. Do you have permission to set the bug to "Fix Released" ? :)23:26
zehriqueYes! I have!23:34
kelemengaborzehrique: so, please do the honors :)23:39

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